person A: My husband just found out he will start getting a monthly bonus! This was unexpected and great news person B: That is so exciting. A little extra cash can always help. person A: It sure does. It came as a shock_comma_ but a pleasant one. person B: Yes_comma_ that would be a great surprise. It can also take a lot of stress off of you.
person A: I just went today to visit my son in his new house. person B: how was it person A: It was great! He has saved for so long to buy it. person B: thats cool
person A: So tonight we are suppose to go eat out as a family but I cant get a single one of my family members to agree on a place. So frustrating! person B: You should make a wheel you can spin to decide. I did that once. person A: That's actually not a bad idea. Wish I had come up with that earlier. It seems everyone wants something different. person B: Yes you put all the places on it and spin.. person A: Im going to have to sue that for next week. I think this week they can all go make PB&J since they want to be difficult. person B: Put that on there too! person A: I guess that way the wallet wins every once and awhile too! lol
person A: I'm so happy that it is Friday! person B: Oh me too! Do you have a monday to Friday type job? person A: Somewhat_comma_ I work 4 10 hour shifts and have a random off day during the week. Yesterday was my off day. What about you? person B: Oh that is a pretty good schedule. I am a teacher so I'm off right now. It's wonderful.
person A: feels disappointed because my friend fights with me person B: Maybe its time for a new friend. person A: no i can't because i love him a lot person B: ask him to stop being a jerk?
person A: I have Lupus and it is getting worse. I asked my doctor for a chance to try a new diet I found that is suppose to help me with it. person B: Oh dear_comma_ that must be difficult. Are there medications to take that will help? person A: yes_comma_ but they are quite powerful which I am trying to avoid. I am already on one and I am hoping that through this diet I can get off b/c the next steps won't be fun person B: Oh_comma_ I'm really sorry. That is for sure a challenge.
person A: Some time ago_comma_ there was a terrible tornado that came through my city. It destroyed many homes_comma_ a school and some people died. I was so fearful and petrified it would come by our home and destroy it_comma_ or harm my familY! person B: I'm glad you were safe. Tornados are not a fun thing to experience. person A: No_comma_ they are so awful! They can destroy so much. person B: Have you only had to deal with one?
person A: My husband took me to get a new wedding band recently person B: Well_comma_ that's very nice. I'm sure you were looking forward to that shopping trip. person A: I didn't know ahead of time! Mine had broken a bit and he saved up to get me a new one. person B: That's was so thoughtful and sweet! Seems like you are a lucky wife!
person A: I love the holidays. Driving around looking at decoration is my favorite. person B: That is a lot of fun. What is your favorite holiday to drive around in? person A: Christmas. It makes me miss my moms decor. person B: Im sorry it makes you miss your moms decor. At least you have those memories to hang onto.
person A: I have a wonderful sister-in-law. who is always there for me when I need her person B: That must be comforting! It is good to have people in your life that are supportive. person A: I feel so lucky to have her as a sister-in-law and a friend. She is always there to offer a supporting ear and encouraging word. person B: Don't ever take her for granted! Make sure she knows you are thankful!
person A: A few weeks ago_comma_ we finally got a chance to get back to the beach for our vacation. But_comma_ it rained several days_comma_ so we didn't get to spend as much time at the beach as we wanted_comma_ which sucked. We were really looking forward to it. person B: Oh_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. Do you not live close to a beach? person A: Oh_comma_ no_comma_ it was about a 7 hour drive! My daughter was quite young when we went and didn't remember the first trip and she's a teenager now. So_comma_ a long time since we first went. person B: That must suck not living close to a beach. Hopefully you get to go back real soon.
person A: My husband just a promotion at work he was really wanting person B: Hah_comma_ seems we both had some luck. Good for him! person A: I know..ha ha! He worked so hard for this and I am so proud of him. person B: You guys should go out and celebrate!
person A: We took a vacation recently and had to leave my daughter's teenage boyfriend a key to our house so he could take care of the pets. He's a good young man_comma_ so we didn't feel uncomfortable anything would come up missing. person B: Lucky! I would not trust anyone in my house! person A: We didn't have much choice_comma_ as we had an outdoor dog and indoor cat_comma_ so if we didn't_comma_ we'd come back to not having pets. But_comma_ I wouldn't just let anybody_comma_ that's for sure! person B: I am happy for you!
person A: My mother-in-law once told a secret of mine that she promised she would never tell person B: Oh no! That's my greatest fear that people will tell my secrets person A: I know it really hurt me and I had to work on trusting her again with other things person B: Aw_comma_ perhaps she just slipped up? It does happen even to the best of us
person A: One night when my children and I came home_comma_ I saw a shadow inside! I was so fearful and afraid! person B: Oh that can be scary. I don't watch horror movies because I know that I'll do just that! person A: It was so scary! Luckily_comma_ it was actually my shadow! The light made my shadow show up_comma_ but it first appeared to be an intruder! person B: Well I'm glad you were ok! Sometimes it's not just a shadow
person A: Last weekend_comma_ my family and I enjoyed a nice meal together_comma_ and then watched a movie. It was a relaxing time at home_comma_ just enjoying each other's company. person B: That's the best kind of day. person A: Yes_comma_ it was drama free and a relaxing time. person B: Must have been so nice_comma_ what movie did you watch?
person A: My dog_comma_ riley had to be put to sleep due to congestive heart failure person B: I am so sorry to hear about Riley_comma_ I know he was an important part of the family. How is everyone holding up after the news? person A: It was one of the hardest things I had to go through but I know that Riley is not suffering anymore so that helps person B: Yes that is true. You know there is peace in another place. He will always be remembered.
person A: I didn't tell my friend when her boyfriend hit on me. She was in a bad spot and needed him for financial support_comma_ and that's why I didn't tell her. But_comma_ I still felt so bad about it. person B: I can empathize with you there. Do you think there might be another way to let her know? person A: Well_comma_ she had custody of her handicapped grandchild and no job_comma_ plus she was very much in love with him. I thought it would just make things worse for her. person B: Well money is not everything_comma_ one day it will come out and then the timing will likely be worse.
person A: I am trying a new diet to treat my Lupus. person B: Really! Good for you! Are you excited to start or nervous? person A: I am nervous b/c so much rides on if this works or not. If it doesn't than I have to take some really powerful meds that i would rather not take person B: It's OK to be nervous_comma_ but don't let it stop you! No risk_comma_ no reward!
person A: There's a coworker that will not follow instructions on work assignments_comma_ so she makes many mistakes. It's so frustrating and aggravating_comma_ since it causes others more work. person B: That sucks_comma_ I work with people like that and it's just more work for other people person A: Exactly! You try nicely to explain it to her over and over_comma_ but she won't listen. Such a nuisance! person B: That's horrible_comma_ you should tell the boss and get her fired
person A: My mother picked my daughter up for school to take in the morning_comma_ and found her cat dead. It was so hard for my daughter and made us all very upset. person B: I bet it was. Death is never an easy thing to deal with_comma_ especially for a child. person A: Yes_comma_ she was only about 9_comma_ and loved her cat so much. It broke my heart to see her so upset! person B: I hope she will be alright! I remember how devastated I was when my last dog passed away and I was an adult. A kids emotions seem to amplify everything!
person A: I decided to play the lottery the other day and won. person B: You are lucky! person A: Not normally_comma_ so I was quite surprised. person B: how much did you win? person A: $1000. It was enough to help me catch up on my bills. So I was happy. person B: I have never won that much. Congratulations person A: Thank you_comma_ that was the first time I have ever won anything like that. I almost passed out.
person A: I have a bad experience at the supermarket the other day. person B: Oh no! What happened? person A: Someone backed into my new car. person B: Oh geez_comma_ thats terrible! Did they run from the scene? Hopefully they left some information. I was in a hit and run about 4 months after I bought my new car and I felt sick that it was already hit. person A: Yes_comma_ they ran! I was so mad when I got to the car and saw it.
person A: Many years ago_comma_ we were at a friend's house and one of her friend's was there and she was drunk. My husband was very insistent on helping her_comma_ but I felt he was being a bit to 'helpful'. It made me a bit angry! person B: Wow. Do think he had bad intentions? person A: Well_comma_ she was attractive and at the time_comma_ I thought he was thinking that too. But_comma_ I know now he was just trying to help her get to a safe place_comma_ since she was falling down. But_comma_ it was hard to see it at that time lol person B: I understand.
person A: I had a bad morning when I went to check my mail. person B: Oh man...I hate checking the could be something crappy person A: Especially when you find your mailbox laying in about 10 pieces after someone knocked it down last night. person B: Oh god- Do you live in the country? person A: Not really. I live in town_comma_ but it's a small town. person B: Then the person might be caught_comma_ do you have a camera? That is really crappy of someone! I have seen people put metal or wood pallets next to their mailboxes because of people doing stuff like this person A: That's a good idea. I might do that. We don't have a camera because we don't normally have any troubles. person B: It's a good idea to have one just in case. Murders_comma_ robberies etc happen even in small/nice towns. Just for your safety
person A: My aunt came to visit today_comma_ we went out for mexican food! person B: That sounds nice. Did you have a good time? person A: Yes_comma_ kind of upset she was only able to stay in town for a few hours_comma_ she is on a road trip! person B: That is a shame. At least she made a stopover!
person A: I have a big exam for college coming up_comma_ I have been studying day and night. person B: What's the exam on? person A: It is for my molecular biology class_comma_ I feel pretty good that I am going to Ace it. person B: I wish you good luck!
person A: I went and saw a hockey game today_comma_ It was really exciting. person B: That's really cool! Was it your first game ever? person A: No_comma_ I use to play growing up. I haven't been to a game since graduating highschool. person B: Well I think it really cool that you were able to get back into something that you used to do when you were younger!
person A: I was on a run today_comma_ and saw a loose dog but couldn't catch it before it ran off! person B: That's so interesting because I saw someone post the same thing on a neighborhood app just today. Is that you? ha ha. person A: Maybe if you live in Central Texas...haha! But I was so worried about that small dog getting hit! person B: Ha ha_comma_ guess you weren't the one. That would've been crazy! I hope its okay! I'm sure someone will try to grab it.
person A: I got some bad news today_comma_ my dad passed away. person B: oh my goodness thats terrible_comma_ i am so sorry! person A: Thank you_comma_ I am a mess. It is still hasn't hit me that he passed away. person B: i can imagine! my dad is my best friend i would be devasted
person A: Its so quiet in my house_comma_ my husband is out of town for work. person B: Hey I like alone time! Just gotta find some cool stuff to do! person A: True_comma_ I'm trying but keep hearing creepy noises. Guess I need to turn the TV up louder haha person B: oh no!! The ghosts are coming!! Yeah turn the TV up LOUD :D
person A: I got some great news today! My husband got a better paying job offer! person B: Holy cow that's awesome!!! What are you going to do with all that extra moneys?? person A: Not sure yet_comma_ but itll help us life more comforatbly! We move to his hometown in November when he gets out of Army! person B: That's pretty cool! Congrats!!
person A: My daughter is in highschool but took a college course this summer and got an A! person B: I am so amazed by her! person A: That is very good. You should be proud of her.
person A: I ate way too many sweets today! person B: theres always tomorrow! person A: Thanks! Being on a diet is hard_comma_ espically with family in town! person B: you can do it!
person A: I was running today and felt like this car was following me.. person B: That's really creepy. person A: Yes it was_comma_ I think I need to start carrying pepper spray or something person B: Also some kind of sound alert. You think you could scream for help during those times_comma_ but a lot of people actually don't.
person A: Im watching the show The Bold Type_comma_ my favourtie characters dad died :( person B: is that a good show? i have never heard of it person A: Yes_comma_ it's a great girly drama! Reminds me of Sex in the City but Modern. person B: nice! what channel?
person A: It's been a great night! I'm just relaxing with a cold drink and my favourite show! person B: That does sound like a great night! I think I'm overdue for one of those myself! person A: Yes defenitly_comma_ It dosen't get better then this! My daughter has been fast asleep since 8pm. person B: That's great. It's nice when we get some peaceful time for ourselves.
person A: My family is moving from Texas to Arkansas in a few months_comma_ Im worried for the change. person B: That is a big change! Are you moving due to a job or something like that? person A: My husband is getting out of the Army and moving back to his hometown where he has a few job offers! Big changes coming.. person B: Yes_comma_ that is definitely a big change. I hope you settle in quickly though - change like that can be a drastic lifestyle upheaval_comma_ but it could also be the best thing ever!
person A: I recently moved into a new home. person B: Nice. Do you like your new neighborhood? person A: Yes_comma_ there are a lot of kids that our daughter can play with. person B: That is great. Why did you move? person A: We had been saving for 4 years to buy a bigger house. We had outgrown our other home.
person A: I had a doctors appointment today. person B: I'm not a fan of doctors most of the time - how did it go? person A: I was so mad because I had to wait a hour after my appointment time before they called me back. person B: I cannot stand that - they should not schedule people so close together if they can't handle that pace. person A: I agree! Everyone was so annoyed because we were all waiting forever.
person A: I had just moved in to my new apartment_comma_ and every night this skinny little tabby came begging for food at my door. person B: Aww - did you feed the cat? person A: At first I tried to resist_comma_ but I ended up adopting him! person B: That's how we have our cat also - how funny! They are just irrestible at some point aren't they?
person A: I received a wrong number call last night at 2 in the morning. person B: Ugh! I'm assuming that it woke you up? person A: Yes! It was so aggravating. They would not believe me when I kept telling them it was the wrong number. person B: Oh my goodness!! How irritating! I hope they didn't call back? person A: She did twice before she finally believe me that there was no Bret there.
person A: I recently found out that I am having baby number 4. person B: No way! Congrats! I'm having twins sometime this coming week person A: Wow! That is great. We were thrilled because we didn't know if we were going to have anymore and nature just decided for us. person B: That's nice! Kids are great person A: Yes they are. They make life worth living.
person A: Halloween is quite a big holiday where I live. People get really in to their costumes! person B: I've always loved Halloween! Some people get crazy creative! person A: It's peoples creativity that makes it so entertaining. Last year I went as a plague doctor_comma_ and everyone agreed it was terrifying! person B: That's awesome! Now that I have kids_comma_ I have even more of an excuse to go out and check out what creative ideas people have every year.
person A: Last year we lost our home of 20 years to a house fire. person B: Oh no! I can't even imagine that - was everyone ok? person A: Yes_comma_ thankfully everybody was safe. Nobody was even home when it happened. person B: I'm so glad that everyone was ok. But I know that was devastating - did you rebuild? person A: No_comma_ we just bought another house closer to town. It was sad losing everything that we had.
person A: When me and my friend got lost in the desert_comma_ I thought we were done for. person B: scary! how long were you lost for? person A: Only a couple of hours. We flagged down an old Chevy truck and the man driving got us sorted out. person B: oh good... I was imagining days
person A: I went tonight to meet my daughters teacher. person B: Do you think she will be a good teacher for your daughter? person A: Yes_comma_ I think she will be a great teacher. She showed us her plan for the year and I think it was great. person B: A good teacher makes a huge difference in how well the child learns and how much influence the parents are allowed to have - I hope your daughter has a great year. person A: Thanks so much. I completely agree.
person A: I just finished watching the Saw movie. person B: I just cannot watch horror movies!! Did you like it? person A: I hated it! I didn't want to watch it but my husband did. The gore is just too much! person B: Oh I am right there with you! The last scary movie I watched made it where I couldn't sleep that night. person A: Yep! I feel kind of sick to my stomach now from watching it.
person A: I recently went down memory lane was looked at all my high school yearbooks. person B: Oh yeah? Do you still look awesome like you did back then? person A: Well.... maybe not as awesome. lol But I do try to keep in shape. It was good seeing all my old friends. person B: Yeah I bet. Do you still keep in touch with any of them? person A: I do a lot of them but some have moved away and we just lost touch. person B: Yeah. Maybe you should hit them up on FB for a reunion? person A: That's a good idea! person B: I bet you all would live it up and have a blast!
person A: I had this guy flag me down today after leaving the store. person B: What did he want? It's kinda scary when that happens_comma_ you never know what they want. person A: I was scared at first and then he hollered and pointed to the top of my car and I had left my purse on it. Boy_comma_ did my face get red. person B: Well a good samaritan after all! I'm sure you were embarrassed_comma_ but also glad that you didn't lose your purse!
person A: My daughter just bought her first car on her own. person B: Nice! What kind of car is it? person A: It's a 2008 Mustang. She worked the last two summers to buy it. person B: Well deserved! I hope she enjoys it to the fullest! person A: She is super excited to start school now and show it off.
person A: I'm leaving tomorrow to go on vacation! person B: Hey that's awesome! Where ya goin? person A: We are going to Daytona and Orlando for 10 days. person B: Holy cow that's awesome! That's gonna be a fun 10 days! person A: I sure hope so! We've been planning this trip for a year. person B: Cool! Have fun and be safe!!
person A: My husband and I have a fun weekend trip planned soon. We are going to go to the casino for the weekend_comma_ just the two of us. We are really looking forward to it. person B: That's a nice getaway person A: Yes_comma_ it's been awhile since we had just some time for us. Plus_comma_ we love Blackjack! person B: Have fun!!!!
person A: I have a very good friend and her live-in boyfriend of 5 years hit on me! I'm married_comma_ and he didn't care. He sickens me! person B: yikes that is pretty horrible person A: Yes_comma_ I was really surprised and I find it terrible behavior. person B: just seems so inappropriate and disgusting
person A: We went on a vacation a few weeks ago_comma_ and it really made me think back to our last vacation. It was with my father_comma_ the last one before he passed away. person B: Oh wow_comma_ I hope you cherished your time with him. person A: I did_comma_ but of course_comma_ wished I had more time. He passed away unexpectedly_comma_ so I was going over that vacation in my mind too. I miss him. person B: Sorry that that happened to you_comma_ I hope you're doing well.
person A: I was pleasantly shocked the other day when I won on a lottery ticket! I hardly ever win and I won $200! person B: What did you do with the money/ person A: I just tucked it back for a rainy day. But_comma_ I may splurge with it this weekend_comma_ since it was unexpected. person B: That is smart. How often do you play the lottery/
person A: My husband sure did surprise me with his handiness and hard work around the house last week. He was able to accomplish so much work in a few days! person B: k person A: Ok
person A: I was the first person to receive a pretigious award at my college after years of the award being on offer. person B: That is great. Where is the award displayed? person A: At the department office back at the school. person B: Cool. Will you leave it there forever?
person A: One of my coworkers really ticked me off one day. She decided she would delegate some work to me by slamming on my desk and demanding I do it. She had some nerve! person B: Did you get mad at her? person A: Yes_comma_ she doesn't have the right to do that. I have been that many years longer than her_comma_ and it was her work! I let her know it too. person B: Hopefully she won't do it again.
person A: One year my cousin wasn't going to get her young son anything for Christmas. It broke my heart so my husband and I bought his Santa gifts that year. person B: That was very nice of you. person A: The little guy deserved a Christmas and we really loved him. person B: That is showing the Christmas spirit.
person A: When I went to the fair last year_comma_ I tripped on a large cord they had going across the walkway. It was a long_comma_ running fall! I wanted to hide! person B: Did you hurt yourself? person A: Scuffed knees_comma_ but mainly my pride. I was also in front an attractive guy I knew so it was even worse. person B: He probably forgot about it already.
person A: My husband and I are at a point in our lives_comma_ we are able to save_comma_ afford all that we need and save for retirement. I'm so appreciate we can_comma_ as I know many aren't able to do that. person B: You must of been hard working. person A: Yes_comma_ we have been working hard_comma_ as well as not always getting all the extras we would like at times. But_comma_ it's worth having some financial freedom! person B: That is great news. Congrats.
person A: One day at work while I was pregnant_comma_ I fell! Luckily_comma_ the baby and I weren't hurt_comma_ but I wanted to waddle away so fast! person B: Oh no! I bet that was embarassing :( person A: Yes_comma_ it really was quite so! person B: I'm glad you're okay. Did you have the baby yet??
person A: There are times I feel a bit alone and down. My husband has to travel out of town for work quite often. person B: Do you not have friends? person A: Well_comma_ yes_comma_ of course. But_comma_ that isn't quite the same_comma_ is it. person B: True_comma_ but better than nothing.
person A: My children recently started school again and it made me feel a bit apprehensive. They are growing up so quick_comma_ and I know it won't be long before they sadly move out of the house :( person B: oh man well at least its a good thing to see them grow person A: For sure! But_comma_ it flies by before you know it. I get my nerves on edge when I think about them all moved out of the house. person B: thats fair enough
person A: Despite working until a few hours before_comma_ I scored highly on the ACT the first time I took it back in high school years ago. person B: Wow that's impressive! person A: Thanks. I thought I'd do poorly because I was tired. person B: That's what I thought when I did it but I got a 34.
person A: Not that long ago_comma_ my husband planned a secret trip for us! I didn't have a clue he was doing it and was pleasantly shocked. It was so much fun! person B: Where did he take you to? person A: We just took a weekend trip to Tunica_comma_ MS. We stayed at a really nice casino hotel and just played some Blackjack_comma_ enjoyed good food and each other's company! person B: I love Tunica. Did you win at blackjack?
person A: I lied to my mother one day about where I was going. It made me feel pretty bad and have a bad conscience. person B: Oh no. hy did you do it? person A: She didn't want me going with that friend_comma_ but I wanted to go_comma_ so I lied to her. I was much younger then. person B: Did she find out?
person A: I won a free trip to Florida. It's not the best vacation_comma_ but I'll take it for free. person B: Why wasn't it good? Florida sounds like an ideal destination. person A: I've been to Florida many times before so it wears on you. person B: I know what you mean but hey like you said_comma_ it was free.
person A: I won a lottery for a small amount of money. person B: Awesome_comma_ are you a millionaire now? person A: No_comma_ I wish. It was only a few hundred dollars. person B: At least you won something though. I've never won anything from the lottery.
person A: A good friend of mine moved away recently and we lost contact. I really wish we would still speak. person B: I know how that feels. Maybe try reaching out. person A: That's a good idea. Maybe I'll try that soon. person B: SOmetimes you have to be the bigger person
person A: Someone was speeding on the road and I got into an accident with them. My car was totalled because of their carelessness. person B: Dang that's really annoying. Is your insurance going to cover it? person A: Yes_comma_ but not as much as the car was worth and it wasn't an enjoyable situation. person B: Yeah dealing with an accident is one of the most aggravating things.
person A: I let a friend watch my dog for a week while I was out of town. I would've been devastated if anything happened to him. person B: trust your god feeling_comma_ everything will be alright person A: I hope so. I've only had my dog for a short time and this is my first time away from him. person B: Did you buy all the essential items the dog will need?
person A: I have been feeling great about life recently. My relationships have been going very well person B: Nice! Are you married? person A: I am not_comma_ but I have a person I am very fond of. Are you? person B: I am forever alone. However_comma_ I hope you continue to have great relationships and a great life!
person A: I got a surprise gift in the mail yesterday. person B: Wow! What was it? person A: A gorgeous vase. It's so pretty. I have no idea who sent it. person B: I'd like to see this vase. Do you like flowers? person A: Yes_comma_ I love flowers. I can't wait to fill it up.
person A: My sister broke my vase. I was pretty enraged! person B: what did you do ? person A: I scolded her but then told her it was okay_comma_ but it's not the biggest deal! person B: yea thats true
person A: I'm am upset today because my daughter who lives really far away called and said her baby was admitted to the hospital. person B: oh no.. what happeneed person A: He was premature so he's been having some breathing issues. I hate not being there. person B: ah i hope it all turns out well for you all
person A: I'm so taken by the talents of contestants on the show Face Off -- have you ever seen it? person B: I have_comma_ thats a very cool show person A: Their abilities to both imagine and create their characters is incredible! person B: They are very talented on there
person A: A lot people know Toys-R-Us has completely shut down not long ago. person B: yea i remember it seeing go away a few months back_comma_ sad. person A: Yeah_comma_ a lot of my friends and I got to thinking of all our memories there. Really makes you think back. person B: yea those were the gold ole days
person A: I feel so bad_comma_ I forgot my sisters birthday... person B: Oh no_comma_ I am sure you can make it up to her person A: Yes I plan on it_comma_ its just been stressful time at home with a toddler_comma_ it slipped my mind person B: Well you have busy_comma_ it happens
person A: I love my husband so much I could never cheat on him. person B: Love is a great thing_comma_ I am happy for you person A: Yea_comma_ I wouldnt want to hurt him_comma_ i cant understand anyone who does. person B: Yeah_comma_ people can be unpredictable sometimes
person A: It can be really tough when your husband and teenagers have electronics. person B: you need to take them away! person A: I do for family time but sometimes I can sit in a full room and still feel no one is there person B: yea i just take them away and let them cry it out.
person A: Tomorrow is my husbands Birthday! person B: That is great! Do you have anything fun planned for him person A: Yes_comma_ we are going out for a nice dinner. We haven't been on a date in months! person B: That sounds like a good birthday. I hope you guys have fun
person A: I love the holidays_comma_ that make think back to being a kid. person B: Ah same here. If only we had more holidays in a year! person A: Yea_comma_ that would really be great. Or maybe we'd get bored. person B: I guess we'll never though unless something monumental happens_comma_ and we get another holiday.
person A: There is a big storm going on in my town right now! person B: O? Same here. I love storms. person A: I don't_comma_ it makes me nervous with the strong winds and rain! person B: Be careful and don't go outside then.
person A: My favorite game has an expansion on Monday_comma_ I can't wait. person B: Nice! What game? person A: World of Warcraft_comma_ It's been my favorite for years. person B: Oh cool_comma_ I've heard of it but never played_comma_ I'm not too good with games.
person A: I just got a promotion at my job! person B: I am happy for you. What kind of work person A: I work in Human Resources for a big company_comma_ I wasn't expecting the promotion! Feel Blessed :) person B: That sounds like a nice job
person A: I really like every shelf in my house to be arranged just so. person B: I feel you! Do you have everything facing the right way? person A: I do_comma_ everything is in it's place. It thoroughly bothers me when someone puts random stuff on them_comma_ like cups or papers. person B: Oh well_comma_ it happens though_comma_ don't be too hard on people!
person A: I just found out my husband is cheating on me.. person B: That's terrible. Do you know how long it's been going on? person A: A few months_comma_ I'm not sure what my next move is. Staying in a hotel for a few days to think. person B: I'm so sorry to hear that. What did he say?
person A: My daughter is finally fully potty trained! person B: Good for her! She must be quite proud of herself. person A: Yes_comma_ I am very happy as well! No more buying diapers haha person B: Oh gosh. Diapers are really expensive. I forget all about that.
person A: So_comma_ my new puppy is adorable though maybe not as amazing yet as yours. person B: Oh they're all amazing in their own ways! person A: She's so cute and fun_comma_ i love her already. person B: What breed is she?
person A: I started doing more research on salaries for the degree I'll have in 6 months. person B: Nice. How much do you expect to make? person A: It seems to be about 60_comma_000 per year just out of college. I am eager to see if the statistics are correct. person B: That's a pretty good sum of money. I hope you start there as well!
person A: I know it's silly_comma_ but my friend got something I wanted in a game the other day_comma_ bit sad. person B: We're all human so having a feeling like that is understandable. person A: I guess_comma_ little things at times right? person B: Yea_comma_ I'm always surprised at how much I sweat the little things.
person A: I watched The Lion King today with my daughter_comma_ reminded me of my childhood. person B: thats a good movie_comma_ cant wait for the live action version coming out person A: Yes! I'm excited for that as well. I watched the movie with my mom when it first came out! person B: thats awesome
person A: 5 person B: 8 person A: Opps. Ok_comma_ i mean that I was sad the other day because a friend is moving. person B: Is it far away_ person A: not to far_comma_ but it's still sad to see her go. person B: Well you can still hang out since its not far
person A: I have been having a rough week! person B: Are you glad its over? person A: Yes but I am afraid I might loose my job.. person B: I am sorry_comma_ any backup options?
person A: I hate how our country is right now. person B: Why do you say that person A: People just can't seem to get along_comma_ makes me sad. person B: That is very true sadly
person A: I spent all weekend alone_comma_ wish my family lived closer. person B: i know what you mean. my family is 800 miles away person A: My family is over 2_comma_000 miles away in Alaska_comma_ its tough! person B: i feel for you. it really makes life tough when you can't just take a drive down the road and see them.
person A: My husband woke up with his face swollen and a terrible toothache person B: That's horrible. Did he get to go to the dentist yet? person A: Not yet_comma_ but I was his bedside nurse all day. Anything he needed I was sure to get. person B: That's very kind of you to be there for him like that.
person A: Ah_comma_ it's been rough. My dog passed away two nights ago. person B: Oh no that's awful. I am sorry for your loss! person A: Thank you_comma_ she was 12 years old so I knew it was coming but still shook up about it. person B: Yes_comma_ we can never be truly ready to lose our babies like that. I have been through it several times. At least they are happy and pain free now.