person A: A month ago I had to move out of my house with only 2 weeks notice. person B: Wow! That must have been hectic. Did you have a lot of stuff? person A: It was very hectic and I was very stressed. I had a lot_comma_ but most of it had to be left behind when I moved in with my friend. person B: That's crazy. The silver lining to moving for me is being able to get rid of all my junk.
person A: I worked very hard on my part on the assigned project and my supervisor praised me yesterday in front of others in the meeting person B: That's great to hear! I am sure you deserved it since you put so much effort in the project. person A: Indeed. I felt very appreciated for the work I did and was truly grateful person B: It is good your supervisor takes notice of your hard work. Nothing is more annoying than not getting recognition for effort.
person A: I am such a sugar addict. I ate most of my kids' Halloween candies. I blamed it on their friends instead. person B: That is amusing to hear. I hope your kids did not cry for their candies person A: Well they were upset but I let them pick some more candies out at the store. It was wrong of me to eat their candies. person B: It was wrong of course. I hope you kids would never find out that it was their parent who ate all of their candies
person A: I cant wait for next weekend. I am going to Disney World here in Florida. person B: That sounds super fun_comma_ I love florida and orlando its quite awesome. person A: Yes it is. I live in Orlando_comma_ but rarely go to the attractions so its long overdue. person B: Yea thats fair_comma_ I could imagine if they are so near by you wouldnt care about them.
person A: I left the light on in my car the other day and it killed the battery person B: That happens to me all the time because I drive a large van with a lot of extras. It is such a pain! person A: Yea it makes me want to just walk back inside and go back to sleep and ignore everything person B: Maybe we both need to buy one of those chargers that you can keep in your car so you don't have to ask for a jump.
person A: I recently interviewed a job_comma_ but then the company threw a wrench in my plans. person B: Oh damn_comma_ that's not good. What happened? person A: They decided to cancel the position outright. They didn't hire anyone! person B: What the heck_comma_ that's so bizarre. Sorry to hear that it didn't work out.
person A: I'm not too excited to go back to college_comma_ but the living facility that I'm living in this year is much_comma_ much better. person B: What makes your new living facility nicer? person A: Well the freshman dorms are old and small_comma_ whereas the one that I'm living in this year is brand new and closer to an apartment. person B: That is awesome. Having more space is always a plus.
person A: How believable do you think this is when you run into your old school mate outside the country person B: i think that would be very unbelievable to run into someone out the country especially from school. Has that ever happened to you? person A: Of course yes_comma_ that is what i just said happened to me. It really caught me unaware person B: wow that is awesome where you good friends with them or you just saw them in the halls alot?
person A: My boyfriend and I went to the beach the other evening to celebrate our six year anniversary. It was secluded and looked gorgeous. He proposed to me and I was soooo elated. person B: Wow_comma_ thats amazing! How did ya'll initially meet? person A: We met in high school when he moved in with a friend that was my neighbor. We became friends just goofing around on the bus and then we got jobs at a neighborhood diner together and messaging each other every night and then eventually we just started spending every single evening with each other since. person B: High school sweethearts_comma_ that's so special. Do you ever regret committing yourself to one person so soon? person A: No not at all_comma_ I feel so so lucky that I met him so young. I've grown up so much and become such a better person because he motivates me to do so_comma_ and I am so lucky to get every year I can to spend with him. person B: Your outlook on love is really refreshing. I wish you two the best with your new futures. person A: Thank you very much_comma_ I'm wishing/praying the best for you too.
person A: How can people be stupid enough to step on your toes without apologizing person B: That is a disgrace. Some people just do not get it! person A: I feel like punching him in the face. He was so rude and stupid person B: That is understandable. When did this incident occur?
person A: Man_comma_ my friend has it so good in some regards. I have never been able to afford a car and he has had three free cars already. person B: Free? How on earth do you get free cars? person A: His grandfather bought him one and his parents bought him two of them! person B: He must have a rich family. I guess you don't?
person A: My mother is trying to get a good job and we are praying she gets it. person B: Damn_comma_ hopefully she gets it then. Why is she looking for a new one? person A: Just how they treat her is a bit disrespectful and it pays worse person B: Man that does sound a lot worse. Well good luck to her then.
person A: My mother is looking for a better job_comma_ since not only are her two current jobs really bad but we also need more household income. person B: Oh wow im the same_comma_ i hope she gets it_comma_ its really stressful person A: I know_comma_ especially since the job she applied for pays more than her two current jobs combined. person B: yea its a really big deal if it goes through_comma_ I hope you guys succeed.
person A: My daughter scored the winning goal at her last soccer game. I was so happy that all her hard work paid off! person B: That's great. Does she practice a lot? person A: Yes_comma_ she practices almost every day after school with her friends and also with her team. She says she will be a professional player one day! person B: You must be very proud. I hope she's successful.
person A: I was really hungry yesterday and opened the fridge and happened to have all the ingredients to my favorite sandwich. person B: I bet you were thrilled. There's nothing like a hearty sandwich to conquer one's hunger! person A: I was ecstatic. You're absolutely right_comma_ especially when it's hot. person B: I tend to pile my sandwich as high as I can and still fit it in my mouth. I am like the Scooby Doo of sandwich doctors.
person A: Ignored my friends message on one of my social media sites that just wanted support from me after finding out her mom had cancer. person B: That's unfortunate to hear. It seems like everyone lost that day. person A: Yes_comma_ indeed. Something that still bothers me to this day. person B: I am sorry. Hopefully you can make it up to your friend.
person A: I am so nervous. I have to take a really important exam next week. person B: what is your exam on? person A: Its a teaching exam so that I can teach special needs students. person B: o wow that sounds very tough but i'm sure you have it as long as you been reviewing the material
person A: I had an emergency and needed cash. I am glad that that my friend agreed to lend me person B: I've been in the same predicament. My lease was coming up and I needed a deposit for a new apartment and my friend was able to help me out. person A: I felt very grateful and the trust that I had in him even quadrupled. I hope more people would be like this person B: I agree. If more people were compassionate like that then maybe the world wouldn't be as messed up.
person A: My holiday trip has cancelled. I was feeling low for it. person B: That is bad news and hard to deal with. person A: yeah. Waiting for the next holiday. person B: I sure hope you have a wonderful next Holiday trip very soon. person A: thank you! have a nice day
person A: While camping alone_comma_ I awoke to sound of growling outside my tent. It sounded like a big old mean wolf who wanted to eat me. person B: oh no! did you go out and examine what it is? person A: I carefully unzipped the tent slowly and shined my flashlight out. person B: It's interesting! What did happen next? person A: It was actually a tiny stray dog that I still have 5 years later. person B: Lol. Hope you had a good camping night! person A: Yes_comma_ it turned out well and little Wolfie is happy too.
person A: I had to clean out my son's closet yesterday. I found a box of old newborn sized clothes_comma_ some I had forgotten about and it totally sent me down memory lane. person B: That sounds like a mixed bag of emotions. person A: Oh yeah it made me want a new baby haha. It's definitely bittersweet watching babies grow up_comma_ it's so exciting to see them learning and growing but at the same time it passes so fast and you miss that little fresh baby. person B: Exactly what I was thinking. Better cherish the time that you have with him until he goes off to college_comma_ but know that he'll always appreciate you. person A: You're totally correct. (:
person A: I drank some of my mother's rum a few years back and I still feel bad about it_comma_ especially since she found out and scolded me for it. person B: Oh no! That stuff is no good_comma_ did you have fun or was it more of a mistake? Haha. person A: I had fun_comma_ but at the same time stealing it from my mom was not my best moment haha. person B: Oh yeah but we all make those mistakes as kids_comma_ it's good you've matured since then! Haha.
person A: My daughter is growing so fast. She cleaned the house before i get home yesteday person B: That's great. My mom had three boys_comma_ so I'll be lucky to have a daughter. person A: Did you do house chores as young boys person B: It was more shared with the whole family. But later my dad hired a maid.
person A: I was shocked to see that I passed my history class with so little effort and studying person B: You must be really good with reading comprehension and remembering facts. Congratulations. person A: I wouldnt say as much as the fact that ive had american history like 4 times before because of highschool and middle school person B: So you've retained all of that info and recalled it from memory during the test. I was never a good history student.
person A: I was really annoyed today. I walked outside to get something from my car and a friend was just hanging out in my driveway with some people I didn't even know. person B: This is how you deal with such people_comma_put him off. Reprimand such bad behaviors. person A: You are probably right_comma_ however I didn't. I just joined in the conversation for a few minutes and then they left. person B: You joined the group_comma_don't complain next time lol
person A: I think everyday how fortunate I am to have a house_comma_ car_comma_ food_comma_ water and air to breathe. There are so many people in the world who don't even have clean water to drink person B: You are so right. Even some of the worst conditions in my home country are better than most. person A: Yes it is good to not take the things we have for granted. person B: I agree. We need to cherish the things we do have in this world.
person A: Late last night I swore I heard some footsteps coming from my kitchen. I live alone and was convinced someone was in the house. person B: It could've been a ghost or maybe a robber? person A: I grabbed my mace and tip-toed downstairs. I jumped in the kitchen and realized I had left my TV on. Oops! person B: That's awesome that you have a mace. Are you king arthur by any chance?
person A: I go for a run every morning through these woods by my house and I ran right by a deer without realizing it. person B: That's great exercise. Are you a fan of sports? person A: Not much of one. It scared me to death because it let out a loud sound right as I passed person B: Deer can be pretty ridiculous. I am glad you are okay.
person A: I can't believe that I was 18 when I bought my first car. I remember being in the dealership and they handed me the keys. person B: That's crazy_comma_ I couldn't imagine buying a car at 18. What kind of job did you have that you were able to do that? person A: My dad has his own firm so I worked in the mail room and I also did stock trading on the side. person B: That's a pretty great setup so soon in live. You're very fortunate. person A: That is what people say but I really worked hard and that car was a reward to myself. person B: Yeah for sure. Luck only gets you so far_comma_ the rest is up to you. person A: That is so true. I can remember the smell of the interior of the car too and how my heart swelled up. person B: You definitley had something to be proud of. Not many 18 year olds can say they did that
person A: Last semester_comma_ I was mortified about the fact that I had to go in front of the class and present about net neutrality. It went super well though. person B: Why were you mortified? I don't know too much about net neutrality. person A: Because I hate public speaking and I thought I would bomb it_comma_ but I did super well and memorized it all! person B: Oh yes I am sure you did great_comma_ public speaking is a good skill too have.
person A: Although I was running late I was still made it to the Black Friday sale and was able to get in the front of the line still to get the tv I really wanted! person B: Why do you have to stress so much to get black Friday sales person A: Oh I wasn't stressed. It was amazing to get the tv for a great price when I was really short on cash that year. person B: Okay. I think you need to find a better source of income so that you will not have to wait for black friday to get what you want
person A: I wish i was held accountable for the office since i committed it. But my coworker was and i am depressed about it person B: Sorry to hear that. Have you talked with your coworker or boss about it? person A: No i have not. I do not know how to do this person B: Well_comma_ maybe just ask for a meeting with your boss and go from there.
person A: I was reading the news the other day and I saw something so sad_comma_ about some Christians being persecuted in Nigeria. I guess something like 6_comma_000 families have been massacred by extremists. It made me feel awful and sick. person B: The news can be so sad. That is horrible that that occurred! person A: I know it made me feel really terrible_comma_ I wanted to do something to help but all I could do is spread the news and encourage people to pray. person B: People need to step up and start helping others. I will pray too person A: Agreed_comma_ and I am glad to hear it. Hopefully it'll improve soon.
person A: Im happy that the next year of uni is starting person B: Oh! It's excellence. Hope you enjoy your next year person A: Yea i cant wait_comma_ its nice being around a lot of people_comma_ my normal city is pretty boring person B: yeah! you're right. Once you've moved there_comma_ you started to love your city too!
person A: I'm awaiting eagerly to meet my friend. She is coming to my home. person B: Thats awesome_comma_ i recently reconnected with my friend_comma_ its really awesome when it happens person A: yeah! We're best friends in our college. We're meeting now after 4 years. person B: Yea it is one of the best feelings person A: Thank you! have a nice day
person A: I ate the last one of my wife's favorite cookies. person B: hahah yea i have done that more than once. person A: She was not happy after she told me to save her some. I could not resist. person B: what flavor was the cookie? person A: White chocolate macadamia.
person A: It is a wicked act for a mother to spank her son and he fell on his face person B: Was it someone you saw in public? person A: Oh yes_comma_ i saw her at the park. I cannot believe someone can do that to her son person B: Hitting kids is kind of going out of style. People do timeout more now.
person A: Sincererity is key to frendship person B: Absolutely_comma_ i can't imagine being betrayed by a friend. person A: Yes_comma_even me_comma_that is why i love being sincere person B: The best virtue in life.
person A: I was so glad when I got my first computer. I had been asking my parents for years and finally got my very own. person B: That's great. I just built my first computer actually. person A: Awesome_comma_ that is so fun to do. I spent all day figuring out how to program my Commodore. It was a treat when I figured out how to load some games. person B: I'm not sure what a commodore is. I don't really program much either _comma_ but I'm interested. I play a ton of pc games though.
person A: I am so proud of my husband. He just got a huge promotion at his work this week! person B: Wow getting a promotion is always an awesome thing. You guys must be so happy! Will you guys be celebrating this success? person A: Well we did go out to dinner last night to celebrate. We can't do too much because he has to keep going to work every day. person B: Fair enough_comma_ that is very reasonable. Maybe you guys can celebrate on the weekend when you guys don't have work.
person A: One night when I was crossing a road_comma_ a car didn't see me and almost hit me! I was so scared. person B: I hate when that happens. I wish more people would be more cautious when they drive! person A: Yea I was shaking for such a long time after that. Next time I will try to be more cautious and make sure the driver sees me. person B: Yes.. it is best to be a defensive driver and keep yourself as safe as possible since there are so many crazy drivers out there!
person A: I thought my friend would never find a girlfriend_comma_ but he really proved me wrong recently and it makes me pretty proud. person B: That is greta. Is she really nice? person A: I haven't met her and technically she isn't his girlfriend yet_comma_ but they seem really into each other and they are going on a date soon! person B: Ok_comma_ so it is early days. When is the date? person A: I think it is tomorrow! person B: Well let me know how it all goe!
person A: I cannot forget my 25th birthday even if I tried. What an AWESOME day it was! person B: That sounds crazy! What happened? person A: You would never believe it but my friends pretended to be kidnappers and nabbed me_comma_ so you could imagine how petrified I was_comma_ only to be taken to a room and hear surprise!! person B: That sounds like it would give me a heart attack. person A: Oh My God_comma_ you have no idea_comma_ I was petrified and my mind was going a mile a minute. I was crying.
person A: I had never had tea thinking it was going to be awful but I recently had some and liked it a lot. person B: I am sure that was quite a delightful experience_comma_ especially since you were not expecting to enjoy it. Was it regular tea or flavored? person A: Just regular green tea. It was iced and not hot though_comma_ since it's the summer person B: You had an invigorating tea_comma_ delicious! Would you have it again or was this a one time encounter with tea?
person A: I give my neighbor my house key so that i do not lose it. Can you do that as well? person B: No I don't know my neighbor that well but my best friend lives close so she has my spare key person A: That is good. Do you think it can be wrong for me to do that person B: If you trust your neighbour it is fine
person A: I became a great cook. I learnt lot of dishes person B: Nice_comma_ like which ones to be specific? person A: I am very good at teri yaki chicken person B: I love delicious foods more so teri yaki_comma_ so yummy.
person A: I was once a little scared that I was gonna die since I was in the passenger seat with someone who was very high driving the car. I didn't know a whole lot about drugs at the time. person B: I'm glad you made it out alive. I wonder what drugs they were on. Some drugs actually make you more careful. person A: He smoked some pot_comma_ so it really wasn't a big deal but I didn't know that at the time. person B: Good thing he wasn't drunk or he very well could have gotten in an accident. Alcohol really impairs motor skills.
person A: I wonder how my ex got such a pretty girlfriend. He doesn't look that great. person B: Damn_comma_ what would you rate both of them? I know it might be a little childish but it helps me picture it haha. person A: Well I would rate his girl as a 9 and him as a 6.5. Seriously_comma_ he drives a beat up jalopi and still lives with his mom. I just don't get it. person B: Wow he really dated up this time around_comma_ lucky him I suppose.
person A: I am become so angry and bitter. My brother is having it all while i am at a spot without making any progress person B: That's really tough. I can imagine how frustrated you are. Just know that going through trials and struggling is always good for your character and you will end up that much better of a person for getting through it. You can't be too concerned with other's lives_comma_ you just have to try not to compare. person A: I am trying my best_comma_ but he lives so close to me and i can see all the progress and my mother do the comparison too. Everyone does it person B: Oh well that's too bad but their behavior is not right or fair_comma_ and they will deal with the consequences of that themselves. Forgiving them is good for you and for them. Just try your best to let go_comma_ I know it's tough- but people everywhere are way more successful then you and way less successful and you don't compare yourself to them I hope so why focus on one random guy just because he's your brother.
person A: I was getting my email hacked and wanted to lose my temper and send the hacker insulting_comma_ threatening emails. I felt compelled instead_comma_ by my faith_comma_ to remain patient. I ended up getting my email back in the end! person B: That is good. You finally conquer it all with your patient. person A: Yeah_comma_ it might not be good to assume that but I couldn't help but feel that things worked out because I managed to keep my faith/patience that the situation would be okay. person B: I will advice though_comma_ in some cases you have to report this to the security agencies person A: Oh yeah_comma_ we are planning on reporting the hacker to the people that handle international fraud/scams.
person A: I felt destroyed when I failed one of my college courses last year person B: Sorry to hear that. Was it a difficult course? person A: It was only calc 1 so i was quite embarrassed_comma_ I passed easily next year person B: That is good if you could pass it.
person A: I have a friend that I know since I am kid. He is always there for me. He is one of the few person that I can trust for anything. person B: I know what you mean_comma_ childhood friends are so important and treasured person A: It is very important to have someone that you count on in your life. person B: I agree_comma_ it feels great to have someone stick around for so long
person A: My nephew hit the ball really far in his baseball game the other day. person B: Good for him! Sounds like he's a real slugger! person A: Not sure if it was skill or luck but it was a great hit either way. person B: Did they end up winning the game? person A: Yes they won and we all went to Dairy Queen after. person B: Yum! I used to love Oreo Blizzards. There was a rusty hairpin in my burger from there when I was a kid. I almost swallowed it.
person A: When shopping_comma_ I found a pants that I liked_comma_ but my partner insisted on getting different one. We argued and people were staring at us person B: Don't you pick out your own clothes? person A: I do_comma_ but my partner wanted to accompany me this one time and she turned to a stubborn mode person B: People care about the dumbest things.
person A: I am counting the days until I go on vacation. I can't wait! I am going to Europe for a month. person B: wow that is awesome are you staying at a friends house? person A: No. I am staying at a hotel in Rome. I don't know anyone there. person B: wow are you looking forward to seeing the coliseum ? person A: Yes! I can't wait
person A: Me and some friends went to the movies one time and one of them started to panic in the theater. It really scared me until I realized why. person B: sorry about that. what was happening person A: Turns out my friend ate a huge edible and it got him way too high so we had to leave until he calmed down. person B: thats sad. glad you were around to help him
person A: I will make it in the exam person B: which exam are you taking? person A: Entrance exam person B: Entrance to what?
person A: My 2 nephews were eating ice cream and the younger one dropped his in the dirt. The older one gave his own ice cream to the younger one. person B: Awwww. That is so sweet. It is nice to see when young people are actually being nice to each other! person A: Yes but then my older nephew realized he had no ice cream so he picked up the one out of the dirt and ate it. person B: OMG LOL. Well maybe that wasn't so nice! Ewwww. person A: It made for a great memory.
person A: I am so proud of my son. He just graduated college last month! person B: That is outstanding news. You must be a great parent to raise a son who got through college. person A: Yes I am so happy for him! He finished in just 3 years too! person B: Great that he finished early!
person A: In freshman year of college_comma_ me and some friends got invited to this really sketchy party and we were really hesitant about going. person B: Interesting_comma_ sounds like a metal band concert I went to where people were a bit goth. Did you go? person A: Yeah_comma_ it was a house party and it was a great time despite my original thoughts. person B: College was an odd time_comma_ people the same age you didn't know that well.
person A: I knew that there is a lot of studying entailed when you are in law school. I was up all night studying for the Bar. person B: Law seems difficult it seems.. person A: You know_comma_ it is more tedious than it is difficult because you have to do a lot of reading and memorizing. I cannot remember not going a day without studying. person B: You should also have a sharp memory to remember_comma_ what ever you have studied.. person A: That is kind of you to say_comma_ but I don't think it is having a sharp memory_comma_ I think it is the fact that I dedicate a lot of time to reviewing and rereading all the material. I find that I retain more that way as opposed to cramming.
person A: I am so chuffed to see Croatia in this year Football world cup person B: You seem to be an avid soccer fan. Is Croatia your favorite team? person A: Soccer is my passion. Nothing likecroatia is my fav team_comma_ they were the underdogs this world cup. so am happy about they made it person B: Oh I get it_comma_ that is pretty cool. I like a good underdog story. So this World cup should be very exciting!
person A: I was out walking with the kids yesterday and these loose dogs who are always running around the neighborhood came up and ran up to attack us. I was so scared that they were going to bite one of the kids_comma_ I just stomped at them and yelled loudly and luckily they were scared off and left. person B: That is really brave of you_comma_ thanks for doing something about it person A: Oh thanks_comma_ I just didn't want them to bite my kids! They had bit my ankle once before and even though they weren't huge dogs it really hurt. person B: Yea and it can be bad for infections too_comma_ scary stuff
person A: i almost got swept away in a storm last year_comma_ was scary stuff person B: Oh no_comma_ were you okay? person A: Yea barely made inside in time_comma_ was scaring me to death person B: Wow I'm glad you were okay! I'd be so scared too.
person A: This is just a very good day for me. I never thought my brother will pay me back what he owed me_comma_ but he did when i needed the money most person B: aaawwww_comma_ thats very impressive of him. it must be a lucky day for you person A: Oh yeah. I was considering getting a loan when i got my account credited. I will have to call him now and thank him person B: wow. thats good. it is good you were patient too for him to pay back
person A: I didn't expect my wife to buy me a new car for my birthday. person B: Wow! that must have been the best surprise for a birthday. You are so loved. person A: Yes_comma_ I was very touched by her gift to me. person B: You are so lucky to have her.
person A: Last week someone broke in my house and robbed us. Now I am scared to even live here! person B: That's intense. I am sorry to hear that but stay positive! person A: But its so scary to be here now I am afraid it will happen again. person B: I hope that it does not. Is it a bad part of town? person A: No.. I thought it was a nice neighborhood. Maybe I was wrong.
person A: It was so creepy when I saw a black cat following me on my walk. I was scared it was a shapeshifter. person B: Like from harry potter? person A: Yeah_comma_ I thought maybe it was Dumbledore but when I got home and turned around it was gone. I later saw it eating some mice in the yard. person B: Dumbledore is one of my favorite characters of a ll time
person A: I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:558_conv:1117,2,prepared,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,64,That sounds like a fun trip. I love camping.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:558_conv:1117,3,prepared,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,184,Yep as long as the weather is nice_comma_ it's fun. It's too hot right now though,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:558_conv:1117,4,prepared,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,64,I'm glad the weather seems to be holding up. I live in Florida and it is always hot.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,1,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,181,I pray not to be afraid to pass my exams,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,2,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,64,I think you will be fine. Just stay confident!,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,3,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,181,Yes_comma_i will surely do that,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,4,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,64,Please do and you will do great!,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,1,proud,2,160,I was so mad today. I was at the mall and someone stole my parking spot!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,2,proud,2,182,That is infuriating to hear! People are just so entitled to things these days_comma_ truly no decency. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,3,proud,2,160,I know right. He just whipped right in my space after I had been waiting patiently for a few minutes.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,4,proud,2,182,I hate when that happens. Something that you do but someone else takes credit for. I would've yelled at the person!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,1,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day_comma_ my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,182,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day_comma_ my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,2,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day_comma_ my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,160,I hate when that happens. It makes you wonder if they are really your friend or not.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,3,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day_comma_ my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,182,Yea right. I was so upset that I considered ending the friendship with them.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,4,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day_comma_ my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,160,I know how you feel. Try not to get too mad_comma_ maybe he had a good reason and didn't want to share it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,1,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,167,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,2,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,64,I have never been to Chicago. I heard deep dish pizza is incredible!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,3,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,167,Yes_comma_ if you ever get the chance it is a great weekend getaway for foodies.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,4,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,64,That's great to hear_comma_ because I love food and pizza.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,1,afraid,when going into the haunted house,185,I feel anxious going to them.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,2,afraid,when going into the haunted house,64,I am sorry about that. Where are you going?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,3,afraid,when going into the haunted house,185,To halloween horror nights. Have you ever been?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,4,afraid,when going into the haunted house,64,I have not! Is that at a theme park?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,5,afraid,when going into the haunted house,185,Yes it is at Universal studios in orlando florida,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,1,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights_comma_ but I was still excitied about the prospect.,184,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights_comma_ but I was still excitied about the prospect.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,2,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights_comma_ but I was still excitied about the prospect.,64,Skydiving sounds like a lot of fun. I need to go!,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,3,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights_comma_ but I was still excitied about the prospect.,184,It's really great_comma_ biggest thrill of my life.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,4,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights_comma_ but I was still excitied about the prospect.,64,I want to go so bad. People that are afraid of heights are missing out!,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,1,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath_comma_ fed them some soup and fruit_comma_ gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,152,I had to take care of my 3 year old_comma_ he had the flu. I fed him some healthy food_comma_ gave him a warm bath and tucked him in to bed with fresh clean jammies. It was sweet.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,2,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath_comma_ fed them some soup and fruit_comma_ gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,178,wow. what an experience. He must have felt loved from the care you gave him,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,3,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath_comma_ fed them some soup and fruit_comma_ gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,152,I sure hope so! He was really fussy while he was sick_comma_ I felt bad.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,4,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath_comma_ fed them some soup and fruit_comma_ gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,178,sorry about that. I hope he is doing well now,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,1,afraid,I was so terrified last night,181,I had terrifying dreams,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,2,afraid,I was so terrified last night,158,Don't we all,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,3,afraid,I was so terrified last night,181,It happens at times,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,4,afraid,I was so terrified last night,158,A lot of times I wake up and am relieved it was only a dream.,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,1,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,174,A few years ago I saw my life flash before my eyes.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,2,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,185,oh wow what happened?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,3,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,174,My friends and I were sitting at one of our houses. All of a sudden gunshots start reigning throughout the neighborhood.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,4,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,185,that is crazy_comma_ did you call the cops?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,5,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,174,Yes_comma_ but it took us a few minutes to do so because we were so shocked.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,1,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,185,I let my friend cut my hair_comma_ with no training,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,2,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,174,How did that wind up going for you?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,3,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,185,not to well i ended up cutting the rest myself to make the haircut better,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,4,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,174,Oh my gosh_comma_ that is terrible! I hope you were able to salvage it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,1,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,160,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,2,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,108,I'm sorry to hear that it bothers you in a negative way. I love being alone_comma_ I'm an introvert.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,3,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,160,Lucky you. I am very social so it is hard for me sometimes. Hopefully I won't have to deal with it forever.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,4,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,108,No_comma_ you won't.Enjoy your peace while you have it. You can always go out or join an interest group.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1140,1,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,180,I grew these beautiful flowers in my garden and I had them for three years tending to them carefully. Can you believe our new landscaper mowed them over with his lawn mower.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,2,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,184,Oh no_comma_ that's terrible! You should fire that landscaper and plant new flowers.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,3,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,180,That is exactly how I felt. It took me so much time to get them exactly the way I wanted them.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,4,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,184,Well you can always get more flowers_comma_ so it'll be okay!,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,5,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,180,You are so kind_comma_ but it is just not the same_comma_ and I think if this was to happen again I will pull what is remaining of my hair out.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1141,1,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,184,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1141,2,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,180,Oh my_comma_ that must be very lonely. Don't you get home sick?,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1141,3,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,184,I do_comma_ but the pay is good and I need the money.,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1141,4,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,180,I totally understand_comma_ and I know you must feel sad sometimes. Would you get to see them soon?,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1142,1,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,185,I studied college at university of south Florida. I was very happy when I graduated.,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1142,2,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,181,Oh_comma_congrats!thats great,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1142,3,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,185,thank you are you in college?,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1142,4,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,181,Not yet_comma_about to,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1143,1,faithful,I trust people a lot,181,My trust for people has no limit,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1143,2,faithful,I trust people a lot,185,that is good right? that means you give everyone a chance?,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1143,3,faithful,I trust people a lot,181,Yes_comma_and am being appreciated for that,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1143,4,faithful,I trust people a lot,185,that is good the world needs more people like you,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,1,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,186,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,2,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,178,what was the reaction of the people around you,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,3,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,186,Amazement! I throw them over the water and when they come back_comma_ it draws a crowd. I've met a lot of tourist that way.,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,4,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,178,wow_comma_ thats interesting. boomerangs are easy to throw though. everyone should be doing it,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,5,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,186,You're the first to say that. Most people can't throw them and when I try to teach them_comma_ I usually loose one to the sea!,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,1,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging_comma_ that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,187,I remember the particular time when I was a madly raging_comma_ that I smashed a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. ,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,2,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging_comma_ that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,158,I bet you wore shoes on the street for a while.,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,3,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging_comma_ that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,187,Aye. I did it because I lost a $500 bet. ,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,4,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging_comma_ that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,158,That's too bad.,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,1,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,160,I am so elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,2,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,184,That sounds fun. What kind of job is it?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,3,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,160,Its a teaching job at a high school.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,4,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,184,Oh that's fun_comma_ teachers are some of the most underpaid people in the world.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,1,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,184,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,2,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,160,Oh my! I hope you learned your lesson and never stole from a friend again.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,3,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,184,I sure haven't_comma_ I was just a silly kid_comma_ but for some reason it's always stuck with me.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,4,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,160,I can imagine. I hope you gave them back!,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,1,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,152,Someone was trying to break into my door one night. I had to sit with my kids in their bedroom_comma_ calling 911 while my husband guarded the door with a knife and pepper spray.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,2,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,6,What?that is so scary/ What happened after that?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,3,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,152,Well_comma_ the police showed up but the guy fled. Our door was all scratched up and looked like he had been kicking it too. It makes me anxious thinking whoever it is could be anywhere in our small town.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,4,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,6,Sorry about that_comma_you might think of moving to somewhere more safe.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,1,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,166,How can someone brush your car without waiting to appologize,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,2,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,178,ooh_comma_ sorry about that. That is so rude,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,3,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,166,i wish i can locate him and make him pay for what he did. but i will prefer to brush his face with a punch ,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,4,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,178,Please do not do that. just forgive him and hope that it does not happen again,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:578_conv:1156,1,surprised,For my 30th birthday my friends threw me an unexpected party that was a lot of fun.,184,For my 30th birthday my friends threw me an unexpected party that was a lot of fun.
person A: Woo_comma_i wish i was there_comma_congrats person B: Yeah it was a lot of fun. Suprise parties are great way to make your friends happy. person A: Yea_comma_i love surprises_comma_especially from loved ones
person A: Some stories terrifies me person B: Well then avoid the stories that scare you. person A: Yes_comma_but we are in the world person B: Well there's no reason to waste your time reading scary stories.
person A: I never know my girl friend is so noticed in the society until she won the most beautiful girl in her city person B: Oh wow. so she's kind of famous it seems person A: oh yeah. I am so proud of her. She will be proceeding to compete at the state level person B: that's amazing. My mother was also a beauty contest winner when she was 18.
person A: i hate when people are unfaithful to there relationship person B: Did your girlfriend cheat on you? person A: yes a long time ago she did person B: But most people are still faithful in their relationship
person A: There was a wild or ferril cat that hung around my house for months. I fed him and took hi to the vet to be neutered. Instead of releasing him_comma_ I kept him. person B: Now_comma_ that is what happens when you are a cat lover. person A: Yeah_comma_ tell me bout it. I had adopted his sister a few months before_comma_ so now I have 5. person B: You are so kind. I'm never good with pets. person A: Well_comma_ I didn't plan it_comma_ but when I got involved in feeding him and then taking him to the vet_comma_ I kinda felt like parent....LOL
person A: I just had a baby last month. My husband and I were planning to spend the first few weeks alone just settling in but our grandmother from out of state surprised us at the hospital planning to stay with us to help out. person B: Congratulation for the baby. Is a good or bad suprise that our grandmother is coming? person A: It was a good thing ultimately but a bit of a stressful surprise because we had not prepared to have guests. It was still really nice of her and she did help make us some yummy food and help me get rest. person B: I understand. It is always good to have someone that you can count on.
person A: I have a coworker always disturbing me during working to talk to me about subject that I am not interesting in. person B: Oh that's frustrating_comma_ have you told them how you felt? person A: No_comma_ I am too shy to do that. This coworker start endless conversation and keep talking and talking. It is delaying me in work. person B: Oh that's too bad_comma_ I wonder if you could find a way to politely say something so you can focus.
person A: I am waiting for a gift my girlfriend sent to me from overseas. I just want to see what i got person B: Oh_comma_ that's awesome. You feeling nervous about that? person A: of course yes. I know it must be something big. She is such a good giver person B: What if it's opposite? person A: No it cannot be. She will not send something bad over a long distance person B: You never know these days
person A: I didn't feel great one time when I showed up at court drunk. I was ashamed of myself person B: Oh really_comma_ what was the judge's reaction to that person A: I was thrown down in a jail for the contempt of court. I panicked at every minute hoping not to be caught_comma_ and eventually later one of court dates it finally happened person B: I am sorry. But i hope you have learnt your lesson this way person A: Yes_comma_ I indeed did. Mostly because I went to rehab center.
person A: I was in a neighbors house when they weren't there (I had a key) which was not uncommon. I heard voices and felt like there was a ghost in the house. person B: Really_comma_ so what was your reaction then? person A: The neighbor had told me of ghosts_comma_ so I jumpted out of my seat and went outside in the rain to wait for my neighbor. person B: Wow_comma_ that's terrifying you know person A: Yeah_comma_ they said_comma_ "Are you ready" about three times before I bolted out the door.
person A: I am so stress. Tomorrow_comma_ I will have my final exams. person B: Awww_comma_ you need to take a nap_comma_ for you to focus and read person A: Yes_comma_ I know. I need to relax but I can't. I am so afraid to fail even if I am well prepared. person B: Are you always scared of the exam hall?
person A: Last year in my first year of college my roommate left so i had little human contact the entire year person B: How convenient that was! My daughter would love that! person A: It was nice having no roommate but it got a bit lonely after a while_comma_ wouldve been nice to have more friends on campus person B: I can understand that. Is it better for you this year? person A: I didnt have a roommate this year either but I had more people there that I knew so it was better
person A: My cousin was telling me about the family all heading out for the annual family lake trip. I was feeling so envious because I can't go this time. person B: ooh_comma_ sorry about that_comma_ why cant you join the person A: I haven't been having a good relationship with my mom for a few years now so I'm not really "welcome". person B: sorry to hear that. Why dont you try to make things work with your mother's relationnship person A: I have reached out but she is mad at me for having a baby young_comma_ so she ignores me. I am waiting on her.
person A: Ye_comma_ peole are so greedy of what they dont have person B: Yeah_comma_ it's true.... What happened?? person A: Some people can kill just because of greed person B: I had similar situation with my friend last year
person A: When i lost my money I felt lost person B: I surely feel your pain. What happened? person A: I engaged in a business that later turned out to be a scam person B: That's not good. Sometimes it's difficult to determine what is legit and what is not.
person A: I met Elton John at one of his concerts because I brought him flowers to the stage. Not an easy task. person B: Who is he to you? person A: An entertainer and a mentor. person B: Wow_comma_ when did you first meet him person A: 1984_comma_ I had won front row seats from a radio station_comma_ so I had access to the stage.
person A: My friend got a scholarship last year that he was barely able to get_comma_ it was quite a large amount of money. person B: Nice. What scholarship? person A: It was the national merit_comma_ I felt bad because i felt jealous before i felt happy for him. person B: That's natural. Just don't tell him lol. You'll be alright buddy. person A: Yea haha_comma_ its all about putting that jealousy to self improvement while still rooting for them.
person A: That is correct. person B: Sorry_comma_ what is correct person A: Your imagination about my experience. person B: Yeah... So tell me more person A: Okay. My girlfriend came to me one day and guess what she told me?
person A: By mistake_comma_ my wife during dinner yesterday said to your friend that we hiking the same day that we were suppose to go with them visit a city. person B: Uh oh_comma_ how did they react to that person A: They didn't say anything. I was embarrassed. I told to my wife that she was wrong about the date but my wife was insisting. She didn't notice what she was doing. person B: Ouch! That's too bad. I would have been cringing!
person A: I was so apprehensive to check my mail today_comma_ but my heart erupted when I realized that I had 5 acceptance letters to medical school! person B: Wow_comma_ you must be very brilliant person A: Awww_comma_ you are very sweet to say that. I don't think I am_comma_ I just applied to quite a number of schools and kept my fingers crossed. person B: For them to really give you that_comma_ that means you got sharp brain person A: Thank you for the kind words. I can't tell how much of a dream this is for me.
person A: I lost 40 pounds by eating right and going to the gym. Some people were surprised at my results. person B: That's awesome! What type of foods did you mostly eat? person A: Before I ate anything I wanted_comma_ but when I made a change_comma_ I threw out all pasta and sweets. I ate only chicken salad and green beans. person B: Those sound like much healthier choices. Congratulations! How long did it take to achieve your goal? person A: About 2 years. Now that's not just losing weight_comma_ but also building muscle.
person A: One night I just got done reading some really scary stories and what made it worse is that my door opened seemingly on its own not long after! person B: Hahahaha_comma_ it's really scary to read scary stories at night.. I had that experience person A: Everyone must have at least once in their life. I checked to see what opened the door and it was just my cat pushing it open haha. person B: Hahaha_comma_ you thought it was a ghost right?? person A: Oh absolutely!
person A: i worked for two months and expected nothing_comma_ but i wasn't disturbed_comma_ i had passion for what i was doing person B: I wonder what was the work you were doing so passionately? person A: Making clothes for a company person B: That's interesting. You must be very talented
person A: I saw the announcement for fallout 76 last month and was shocked and sad to see it wasnt an rpg singleplayer game. person B: Really_comma_i missed that. tell me more! person A: Its a multiplayer online survival building game which sounds cool but isnt what I hoped for. person B: I see you enjoy gambling.
person A: Like getting my report ready person B: What's your report on? person A: On financial analysis person B: Where subject are you studying?
person A: I was not happy when the car pissed on my new rug. person B: Oh no. can you wash it? person A: Yes but I can never get the smell out. person B: That is worrying_comma_ you might have to throw it out? person A: I probably will throw it out.
person A: I was really confident one time that I was not the one that lost my mom's glasses to the point that we argued about it all day_comma_ but then I remembered that I knew exactly where they were... person B: Where were they? person A: They were in my bedside cabinet for some reason haha. person B: I'm glad you found them.
person A: The other day my cat vomited on my best shoes and it really made me mad. person B: Wow_comma_ that cat must have loved that shoe_comma_ he wanted it person A: Yea they seem to know what you care about and try and ruin it. person B: That is true_comma_ especially when you don't give them attention
person A: I really didn't have much faith in my friend when he wanted to get a better ACT score_comma_ especially since he started out with a 22. person B: Has he put in a lot of effort in studying and trying to improve? person A: He did before_comma_ and he really surprised me since he ended up getting a 28 on it. person B: Show's working hard is really important with ACT. How did you do in yours? person A: I got a 33 after a good few times!
person A: I built a sandcastle which looked just like the Parthenon and it took me less than 20 minutes person B: No way that sounds pretty extreme_comma_ did you really? person A: Yes. I patted myself on the back for that for sure. person B: Haha well that's cool_comma_ did it last long? person A: Ah no. All it took was a couple of laps from the ocean to dissolve it.
person A: Me and my spouse agreed that we're gonna move back home to Texas next year. I am so excited. person B: Wow_comma_ that is a big decision. Are you well prepared for the move? person A: I think so_comma_ I think it will be fun. person B: Moving can be both adventurous and a big headache. You have to make big decisions about discarding many old possessions and selling your house if you have one.