person A: I got all A's last semester. person B: Well done. Did you study very hard for it or are you just very smart? person A: Haha_comma_ I want to say I'm smart but I did study a lot! person B: Well done_comma_ good effort.
person A: Guilt just comes over me at times. person B: Oh no_comma_ I'm sorry_comma_ why? person A: When I don't fulfil my promises. person B: You should make sure to keep to your word to help_comma_ then.
person A: MY daughter acts just like I did when I was 13 person B: I guess children could have that tendency_comma_ how fun person A: I know exactly what stories from my youth would entertain her. person B: That is amaziing! person A: Yeah. It also makes her a terrible liar lol
person A: I was content when I found out that I had passed a class in college person B: Cool. Congratulations person A: THank you so much_comma_ it was a great feeling person B: I still have two years left. I hope to have that feeling too.
person A: The other day I went walking in the woods alone when I heard some noise behind some bushes. person B: Oh no sounds scary. What happened next? person A: Yes I was really scared_comma_ but it turnes out it was just some squirrels. person B: That goodness for that! There is nothing worse than hearing noises like that when you are alone walking.
person A: I felt grossed out when i found out people eat bugs person B: haha. Ye like its normal to them. Nasty person A: Yes it is just normal to them person B: hey_comma_ eating dogs are normal to some! sick
person A: I can't believe I forgot my uncles birthday this year. person B: Oh_comma_ that's not good. Did he say anything? person A: I called him pretty late. Ge's my fav so I usually do something cool with him. Not this year though. person B: How come? Direction of life swaying you away from your family? person A: No. I didn't sync my calendar in my phone
person A: I feel depressed. person B: oh no why? person A: I might have to live on my own without wife and child. That is_comma_ if she plans to kick me out of the house eventually. person B: That sucks. I couldn't be without my kids. Maybe you should go to counseling.
person A: I was so happy when I finshed high school person B: I bet you were. Who isn't? person A: That is so true person B: I couldn't wait to not wake up early. Then I got a job lol
person A: I used to consider myself a foodie. person B: I consider myself a foodie now. Im skinny_comma_ but I love food person A: I would try anything until I had escargot on a cruise and it was awful person B: oh noo person A: oh yes. don't do it. lol
person A: I love dogs as they are so caring. person B: Me too. They really are a man or womans best friend. Do you have dogs? person A: I have 2 and I love them to death. person B: I have a little pug. She is always so pleased to see me and loyal. Are your dogs the same?
person A: I felt alone when my friends left me person B: Its really devastating. But what really happened person A: they didnt like the guy I was dating at the time person B: Wow_comma_ but its your personal life
person A: I was terrified when I saw a snake person B: Oh yeah? When was this? person A: When I was little_comma_ I still hate snakes person B: That's too bad. I actually own a ball python_comma_ she's pretty cute.
person A: I feel so unreal in a 'wow' moment. person B: is that good or bad? person A: Good. It has been nearly a year since we have adopted a kid_comma_ and she grew up so much. person B: OH wow. That's awesome. I want to adopt too. Maybe foster.
person A: My ex is the worse when it comes to payments. person B: Oh? What did he or she do? person A: He is supposed to bring 200 dollars by today and just text me to say he doesn't even have half. He does that all the time. person B: What are the payments for? person A: child support. glad I never count on him
person A: Hello_comma_ my friend. I just received my promotion results back and it turns out I was not selected - which is a colossal bummer. person B: That's great_comma_ congratulations person A: Actually_comma_ it's not great_comma_ if you read what I said. How are you my friend if you don't even read what I say? Perhaps I will pick it up next year. person B: Omg_comma_ i'm so sorry. I just realized my eyes focused on promotion results. I think there is a silver lining in every situation person A: It's okay! I think you're right. Even thought the results were less than ideal_comma_ it will fuel my determination to try and get it next year!
person A: Would you eat such meal? person B: What meal do you speak of? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Midnight snack? person A: it was lunch and there was a big fly starring at me dead. Luckily I was attentive enough person B: That is awful!!! What happened to the fly? Did you manage to shoo it away or end its poor_comma_ miserable life?
person A: I was so sad when the truck I wanted was sold person B: Oh no_comma_ that is not cool person A: no it was sad_comma_ i had been working to get the money up for it person B: I understand how you feel_comma_ such thing have happened to me before
person A: I felt trusting when I wnet to the docts person B: What happened there? person A: They examined me and gave me prescription person B: Are you doing okay? anything serioius?
person A: My next birthday is going to be epic! person B: that sounds like a lot of fun person A: Yeah I'm inviting all of my good friends on a cruise. no kids person B: wow be safe
person A: When my dad passed away_comma_ it was just really sad. It happened so sudden that I was not prepared. person B: Sorry to hear about your loss. Sometimes its better for it to be sudden rather than wait 6 months for the cancer to destroy you person A: I guess so. It made me a better person_comma_ but it did suck at the time. person B: everything passes with time person A: Indeed it does_comma_ good or bad. person B: so decide wisely how it is spent :)
person A: I was anticipating when I applied to colleg person B: When are you going to find out your acceptance? person A: I already did_comma_ I was accepted! person B: Oh_comma_ congratulations! Which college?
person A: Boy_comma_ I feel envious of my wife. person B: Oh now why is that person A: She gets to work whenever she wants_comma_ and spends time with our daughter whenever she wants. I need to find a real job_comma_ and not the dead-end labor job that I'm currently stuck in. person B: oh wow
person A: I was so happy when my brother was born. Even if there is a huge age gap person B: Wow_comma_ now you have a brother_comma_ that is good to know person A: yes person B: So_comma_ how cute is he?
person A: Wish me luck! person B: Hello my friend! I will gladly wish you all the luck in the world_comma_ if you would only tell me what I am wishing it for! person A: Good luck for my examination that is coming up in 2 days time person B: Ah_comma_ I see! Do you feel prepared for the examination? Did you spend a lot of time hitting the books?
person A: Have you ever been in a situation where you had food on your face and you walked around for awhile without anyone telling you? This just happened to me yesterday and I was so embarrassed! person B: Of course I have_comma_ it's really hard person A: Yeah_comma_ I was mortified when the person told me about it - especially when we were talking for about 5 minutes. person B: Was it in the morning? Did you rush home immediately? How did you manage? person A: It was around lunch time. Naw_comma_ it wasn't that bad_comma_ but I did have to seek intensive counseling afterwards. I'm sure our hunter gatherer ancestors understand my distress. I nearly died!
person A: I was very impressed when my brother came home from college. He was more mature and looked like a grown up. person B: college changes you. Sometimes for the worse. Glad to hear about your brother person A: Yeah it does. He actually lost weight which was good for him. person B: probably boosted his self confidence too person A: Yeah he had way more confidence.
person A: I'm worried about what could happen in the future with all these climate changes. person B: Yes_comma_ I agree it's a big concern. Do you live in an area of the world directly affected? person A: Yes_comma_ according to some people the place I live could be underwater in a few years if things continue like this. person B: That's really scary! I'll try to keep spreading the word for people to be more eco-conscious.
person A: I was very unsure about my first day of high school. I was just not sure how it was going to go for me. person B: How did it go? person A: It was fine. I had nothing to worry about and it was a good experience for me. person B: Thats good. It doesnt always work out that well. person A: I know_comma_ I guess I was lucky person B: you and me both
person A: I find myself of people with nice cars lately. person B: That is good_comma_ do you like nice cars? person A: I forgot tosay jealous. oops. my car quit and i have to catch rides everywhere nic cars upset me now. person B: I am sorry about your car trouble_comma_ good luck with that. person A: thanks
person A: I feel quite satisfied with my life. I've seen everything and done everything what there is in life. person B: You must be really happy_comma_ I bet you have a beautiful wife and lots of money in the bank :) person A: Actually_comma_ we're not rich. But she is beautiful to me_comma_ yes. I just want to sit back and enjoy life in the countryside far away from cities that perpetuates the poverty. person B: That is what matters_comma_ to have a supportive and lovely wife
person A: Loneliness is very bad_comma_ I miss my partner person B: I understand. I have been lonely most of my life. But_comma_ it gives it back and it makes up the loneliness part. person A: Is there any chance for us to break free from loneliness? person B: I have a solution for that_comma_ but I wouldn't advocate you doing it. person A: tell me about it
person A: After the hurricane last year my town was really damaged and it caused a lot of problems person B: I can only imagine the destruction and how horrible it is to deal with that! person A: yes_comma_ my town was flooded from the surge_comma_ and the winds ripped alot of roofs off person B: I am very sorry to hear that. I hope for your sake that things are getting back to normal and the destruction is being taken care of.
person A: I am in a very fulfilling relationship. My partner and I mesh so well together it brings me great joy! person B: thats great_comma_ I feel there is someone out there for everyone person A: I feel the same and I finally found mine (after many fails lol)! person B: I hear you there _comma_ I have also_comma_ but now I am in the best relationship ever!!! person A: Well aren't we some lucky ducks! It sounds like we both deserve it!
person A: I love when my kids are asleep person B: Oh really? Why is that? Because you don't have to deal with their antics while they're knocked out? person A: Exactly. Somebody gets it. They ar just so sweet and quiet then lol person B: I can imagine. Fortunately_comma_ I don't have any kids yet_comma_ so I do not know the pain of dealing with a bunch of crazy kids! Although_comma_ it must be very rewarding. person A: its not. just kidding
person A: Have you ever stubbed your toe before? I did this morning when I got out of the shower and it felt like my life flashed before my eyes. person B: It is one the worst pains. You would think we'd keep our toes more protected person A: I know!!!! I am defintiely never wearing sandals again. I discovered that my feet are far too fragile. person B: Stepping on legos are just as bad. and they are my kids' favorite toys!
person A: So_comma_ here I was home from work. My new husband and dad were remodeling tour trailor's bathroom. I went to change to help. A little green lizard was on my shirt. In an INSTANT this yucky thing JUMPED on my head. I screamed so bad my dad said "I think you better go check on your wife." person B: That sounds so frightening! Was your husband helpful? person A: No! He just sat there laughing as I screamed for him to find that lizard. Reptiles are gross to me. person B: I agree! I would have been screaming_comma_ too! (And I would have been annoyed at my husband for laughing!)
person A: I was devastated when my aunt died alone. She had a heart attack and no one was there for her. person B: I'm so sorry_comma_ how sad. Do you wish you had been with her to say goodbye. person A: I really do. I used to go to her house a lot_comma_ and I could have been there then too. person B: Of course I can understand it_comma_ but at least she probably didn't suffer and is now in heaven.
person A: I was in the mall yesterday_comma_ here in the small town where I moved las month_comma_ when I met a school frien I hadn't seen in years. person B: That is always nice. Were they excited to see you? person A: Yes we were both excited_comma_ and the most amazing thing is that we were buying the same shirt in the same store. person B: That is awesome. Life can be random like that sometimes.
person A: Did you ever purhase gas for under $1? person B: Never. I don't remember a time when it was that cheap anywhere in the world person A: I remeber my mom taking us to school once and getting gas for 98 cents. person B: Good memory. We all have to change with the times.
person A: i have not had beer in a year since I promised my wife i wouldn't person B: I don't even take beer person A: Amazing_comma_ do you take other types of alcohol? I haven't tasted any other as well person B: Nooo_comma_ the first time I took it_comma_ I misbehaved
person A: I've bought everything that I need for the house: foods_comma_ ammos_comma_ and other essentials that would last me months to come. person B: Wow you sound really prepared for something. person A: Yes_comma_ for the event of collapse of the government. person B: Oh no_comma_ is the end coming? person A: Who knows. Pretty much about the only thing they teach you in Boy Scouts_comma_ but they don't tell you "why" upon its inception in 1930s.
person A: I was pretty anxious on my first day of work. It was like a new world I was entering. person B: I can imagine_comma_ and how did things go? person A: It went well. I was nervous but I got through it. person B: Great_comma_ it is true that new places and situations can be exciting but scary at the same time person A: That is very true
person A: I can't believe that my friends are travelling to Russia to watch the soccer World Cup final! person B: Oh wow_comma_ that has to be a bucket list item for sure. person A: They won tickets in some contest_comma_ I wish it has been me! person B: That would have been fun_comma_ maybe next year
person A: Have you ever spilled a bowl of cereal? I did today and I was absolutely so mad! I flew into a blinding rage and started flailing about so bad that I nearly killed myself! person B: Wow_comma_ why did you involve your self in spilling a bowl of cereal? person A: I had a bout of butterfingers this morning and couldn't hold onto my bowl! I was so angry that I couldn't eat my cheerios before heading off to work! person B: That's very serious. What are you going to do about the bowl now?
person A: I am the best because I was the first in my class person B: Cool. guess now you can be president. person A: Of course with my grade I can be predident person B: I want to Secretary of Treasury. Is that still a thing?
person A: I ave the worst internet service now person B: Really person A: Its really fast_comma_ but it cuts off a couple of times a day and we only have a couple of providers in this area. person B: Network do disappoint
person A: I was scared when I had to go to the doctor for a lump on my side. I was really expecting the worst. person B: Omg. I know exactly how you feel. I had a lump on my back but got it removed. Turned out to be just fatty tissue. Size of a tennis ball ! person A: It was pretty much the same_comma_ just a fatty tumor person B: Good deal. I think it was stress related.
person A: My son won a scholarship so I won't have to spend money on fees. I am grateful person B: Wow that's nice_comma_ he must be very intelligent person A: Yes he is_comma_ I am also grateful for having such a wonderful wife that teaches and helps him after school person B: Awww that's nice_comma_ just take care of them person A: Thanks alot
person A: Happy Friday! Isn't it the worst just waiting for the work day to go by so you can get to your weekend? person B: Happy Friday indeed! yes I can't wait to finish work for today even when i am just beginning. person A: I totally understand. Well_comma_ the best we can do is power through. Only 8 hours left for me_comma_ at least! person B: Yeah_comma_ I have to. And do you have plans for the weekend?
person A: Yesterday we went hiking to the mountain and I didn't tell a friend we were going even when I knew she likes to come with us. person B: Oh wow. Did your friend do something to upset you or something like that? Or were you just wanting some alone time? person A: No_comma_ it was just because last time she was very slow and we had to wait for her_comma_ but of course I now feel bad about it. person B: Well everyone has their pace. Maybe the next time you go you can invite her but take more time. It's fun_comma_ either way!
person A: There isnt a better home cook in the world than myself. person B: Really? What sort of cooking do you like to do? person A: Steak and potatoes aremy favorite. But I make the best spaghetti. Never even had a lesson person B: I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out. person A: That gets expensive person B: Yeah that's very true. But it is much easier than learning to cook myself.
person A: I just had a brand new coworker start at my job. I've loved helping him learn the ropes! person B: Cool. Most people dont like training. person A: Yeah I find it interesting to get to meet somebody new. Although it does get tiring too. person B: I bet he appreciates you being nice though. person A: I do think so. He seems to like me as well.
person A: My aunt surprised me for my 18th birthday. She showed up from out of state and really made my day. person B: That was nice of her. I like pulling surprises on people too. person A: They are always nice to do that too. person B: Hope you had a good birthday. person A: Thank you_comma_ thats very nice.
person A: Do you usually take your trash out to the road every week? It is quite an awful experience_comma_ in my opinion. I feel very disgusted hauling that big ole bin to the road. person B: I live in an apartment so I take mine out to the dumpster every few weeks. I feel your pain though. Growing up I had to take ours down our steep driveway every week. person A: I know! It's physically exhausting. And when the flies start swarming_comma_ I get terrified and feel like I am going to come down with the bubonic plague. person B: It is daunting. I think I still have nightmares about it. I feel dirty just thinking about it right now.
person A: I was very happy because my result was out person B: Must have been a good result. Was it for a job_comma_ school_comma_ or for medical results? person A: Yes I made excellent result person B: I am sure your family was proud of you_comma_ as well!
person A: We had a house fire last year that destroyed everything _comma_ it was very tough on my family person B: I am so sorry to hear that_comma_ it must have been heartbreaking. How did your family cope? person A: My family was strong through it all but my kids lost all their favorite possessions_comma_ but no one was hurt and thats all that really matters person B: Well that's good to hear. Possessions can be replaced but your family is all that really matters in the end!
person A: Ever since I started riding my motorcycle_comma_ traffic has been an interesting affair. Sometimes I think drivers are mad or confused at me_comma_ but they really just want to talk about the bike! person B: I bet that is an experience you are still trying to get used to person A: Oh_comma_ for sure. I always try to ride defensively and so I don't cause offense to others_comma_ but it can really be random sometimes. person B: I see a lot of cars that do not watch out for motorcycles_comma_ be careful out there
person A: I was proud when my brother got his degree. He was the first in our family to do that so it was nice. person B: Thats awesome. I wish everyone could go to college if they wanted person A: Yeah that would be nice to have the opportunity person B: yeah. if only
person A: Paying rent is starting to make me mad. person B: Money issues are always hard. person A: Its not that. My apartment is crappy and Id rather be paying for a home person B: Well_comma_ you should look into that person A: I am. I want a bigger family and we cant fit in here. lol
person A: I had an accident and my new car got bashed_comma_ i'm not happy about that :( person B: Oh no! I hope you are ok. person A: Luckily insurance paid but my time was wasted person B: Things happen we cant do anything about it_comma_ I hope this accidently wont affect you in the long term
person A: I hope it turned out that everything was OK person B: Everything was in the end_comma_ but at first not so much. person A: That is great to know. person B: Yeah_comma_ it was a nice learning experience.
person A: I was ashamed when I got in trouble with the law. I was more ashamed of what my dad was going to think. person B: It must have been embarrassing. Hope it ended well for you. person A: I am here now thankfully_comma_ it was a learning experience for sure. person B: I'm happy for you.
person A: I tripped my first day of high school in front of people. It was a tad bit embarrassing for me then and there. person B: Oh no! Did they react by laughing_comma_ helping_comma_ or ignoring? person A: Most of them did not see it_comma_ but the ones who did were laughing and point. person B: I can see where that would be embarrassing. I hope your pride wasn't hurt too much... or you physically!
person A: Finding out that I was pregnant really floored my husband and I both. person B: News that big would be a shock to anyone! How did you both handle it? person A: A few moments of silence then we decided it as time to get it together. person B: I'm glad you both found the courage to face it head on. Nice job! person A: Thanks. Parenting is super scary_comma_ but also incredibly rewarding.
person A: I don't have children myself_comma_ but being a guardian for my dog is rewarding too. person B: Most definitely!. Dogs are important members of a family. person A: I agree. I guess it doesn't really matter what or who we provide for - as long as we're all happy and doing our best! person B: Indeed. My son called our dog his cousin for a little while...weird I know.
person A: The other day I ordered chinese after craving it forever_comma_ and it ended up being gross! Ugh. person B: Oh_comma_ that is frustrating! I love Chinese food. What did you order? person A: Me too! I was pretty bummed about it though. I ordered the general tso meal_comma_ and krab rangoons. person B: Crab rangoon is one of my favorites. I would be bummed too. I think I know what I am having for dinner tonight.
person A: Have you ever been to one of those paint parties where you bring your own wine? person B: Yes! They are super fun. Have you? person A: Yes. I went to one last week. I was surprised at how good all of our paintings turned out. person B: I always am as well because I am not an artist by any means. person A: I made some geat friends too. We are going to do it again.
person A: The other day my daughter got her 4th DTAP vaccine and she had a bad reaction to it. person B: Oh no! Is everything okay now? person A: Yes thankfully_comma_ but I couldnt even sleep last night. I was so worried. ugh person B: I know that's tough. It's scary when your kids go through something like that. It never leaves you when its time to do it all over again.
person A: Hi_comma_ yesterday_comma_ I was very positively suprissed by the work done by a coworker. person B: Thats good news! What did they do to surprise you? person A: He is realised a full project on his own and have used all IT best pratices for this project in very short period of time. He is very skilled. person B: Amazing_comma_ Im happy for you. :)
person A: Weve been struggling lately_comma_ but my wife finally has an interview tomorrow. person B: Why were you struggling? person A: because we are only on one income and its not enough for our family person B: I understand. It is impossible to live with only one income for family. I am happy she have an interview.
person A: I was naive with the interest rate on my credit card and have let it get out of control_comma_ it is unsettling to me. person B: Being in debt is so stressful and I'm sure that just adds to it. person A: It does_comma_ and the worst of all is I'm scared to tell my partner about it. person B: I don't blame you. I have been in that position with a credit card I forgot to pay when we moved and they didn't have the correct forwarding address. Stress on top of stress. :( person A: How did you end up getting out from it?
person A: My junior year of college starts in August. I am studying criminal justice. person B: I would have loved to study criminal justice person A: I have switched my major three times_comma_ but I think I'm sticking with this one. I ready to graduate. person B: I hear you. I love true crime_comma_ so I think that would be such a fun thing to study person A: True crime is awesome. I love watching different shows about the same case. There is always new information and different perspectives.
person A: My friend ended up in the hospital after an accident a few weeks ago_comma_ there was a period of time they didn't know if he'd make it. person B: Oh no_comma_ what a sad and scary situation. How are they now? person A: He is okay now_comma_ just dealing with a head injury and some broken bones. But yes_comma_ it was very scary. I didn't sleep for days. person B: I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I'm glad he is doing better!
person A: Hey_comma_ so I was driving down the street the other day_comma_ and this random car came flying out of nowhere from a side-street and almost hit me_comma_ I was quite angry. person B: People drive more and more badly. Did you take the plate number? person A: I didn't get the chance this guy was going so fast_comma_ probably like 70 on a residential street! person B: I understand. I am happy that nothing bad happened to you.
person A: Hi_comma_ I feel bad after my reaction to brother joke. Now_comma_ he is angry against me. person B: Oh no that's unfortunate_comma_ did you make fun of him or something? person A: I told him that he is stupid. I shouldn't have said that even something joke very bad person B: Oh_comma_ well sometimes we say things we don't mean. If you apologize he'll probably accept it and be fine again.
person A: MY friend just got engaged the other day. person B: Ohh thats great news_comma_ Congratulate him on my behalf. person A: Well its a she lol_comma_ I was happy but kind of envious at the same time because I don't even have a boyfriend. I dont think I'll ever get married. person B: No one dies along_comma_ I am sure there might be a person in this world that is made for you _comma_ this is just not the right time to meet that guy. Just wait and it will come in front you when you really need it. person A: Thanks. I guess I'll go to the weeding now. Just kidding. person B: Yup! enjoy the life at its fullest without worring
person A: I ordered a pizza the other day and it was delicious. person B: It sounds good just reading those words_comma_ what kind was it? person A: It was pepperoni_comma_ sausage_comma_ green and red peppers_comma_ and jalepenos. I ate it all before my kids got up. I felt bad person B: Well pizza for breakfast every once and a while won't kill you_comma_ it sounds delicious. person A: I ordered one for them for dinner. just boring cheese. They were happy.
person A: So I bought a lottery ticket on a whim and won $250_comma_ talk about a lucky day! person B: Wow! Was it a scratcher or did you have to pick numbers? person A: I had to pick the numbers and I went random_comma_ I felt pretty good the rest of the day after that. person B: Wow. Lucky you. You should try it again.
person A: I'm going on vacation in 3 hours! Super stoked! person B: Cool! Where are you going? person A: Japan. My work is financing some of it. person B: Wow! Have you been there before? They have an amazing culture
person A: I had to go to child support court last month. What a waste. person B: Wait. What happened? person A: Nothing. The other party didn't show up so I missed work for nothing. person B: That's good_comma_ no? Don't you win then? person A: He has a warrant_comma_ but Im used to him not paying so no lol
person A: Hi_comma_ I went on vacation to Mexico. There is very frequently electricty outage. It is bothering me a lot. person B: OH no. I didn't have that problem in MExico person A: You were lucky. When did you went? Which city did you go to? person B: It was two years ago. I cant remember where. We stayed on the beach all day.
person A: MY daughter is going to eigth grade this year and wants to try out for lacrosse person B: Nice_comma_ I don't know this sport. What are the rules? person A: It's kind of like soccer but they use some weird stick. She has never liked sports so I was surprised person B: I am happy that she is trying something. Sport is important for kids.
person A: Working in another country for a year. Going to save up to marry my girlfriend person B: I have always wanted to work abroad. What work are you doing there? person A: marketing actually. person B: Cool. And congrats on your future engagement!
person A: so a couple weeks ago i went out partying with some friends and while we were drinking my friend went out to do drugs to feel better but since i was his bestfriend i didnt like to see him throw his life away like that and mentioned that we were already drinking he didnt need to get higher but he refused so i started yelling to chill out and he shoved me to the ground. i felt he chose the drugs over friends person B: I can see why you feel that way. Sometimes addicts aren't in full control of their decisions_comma_ though. person A: yeah but there is always a time and a place and if i invite my bestfriend to have a good night and he decides to do his own thing it annoys me_comma_ as i hate seeing him like that and after that i felt the night was just ruined. person B: I think you have a right to be mad over that. person A: do know anything i can do to stop him
person A: I went to my mom's for dinner two nights ago and she didn't even cook the chicken all the way through. I nearly threw up at the table. person B: wow! i would have felt some type of way to. what did you do after person A: I can't yell at her for it_comma_ she is getting up in age and is trying her best. I gently reminded her that chicken needs to be cooked to 165 degrees and if she doesn't have a meat tempature checker_comma_ I'd get one for her person B: yea or be there next time she makes dinner and give her tips eating raw chicken is very bad
person A: Just moved to a new city_comma_ new work_comma_ and I've got no friends. person B: Have you tried making any? person A: I have_comma_ but it's pretty tough with my schedule. person B: maybe try going out to concerts or clubs or sporting events_comma_ somewhere you can find people with common interests
person A: My neighbors always have company. People are constantly parking in fron of my apartent. person B: Oh no. Is there a lot of parking available? person A: It a small complex_comma_ and visitor parking is far. That's where they should park though. Its annoying person B: I agree. I had an apartment with limited parking and people that didn't live there always parked there anyway.
person A: Do you have kids? My daughter will be 14 soon. I don't want her to grow up. person B: None that I know of! I feel you.. if I ever had a daughter I'd be overprotective and stressing person A: She is so smart and outgoing. I know she is going to want to leave the state for college. Nooooo person B: Nope lock her in the basement person A: I think I will
person A: I want dry_comma_ breezy_comma_ and sunny weather the whole week dang it person B: Where can you get that kind of weather. person A: 45 min from where I live...South Padre Island_comma_ white sand gorgeous girls and cheap liquor person B: You had me at cheap liquor
person A: My best friend has alwas been there for me. person B: That's cool. It's good to have loyal friends person A: Our friends have even grown up together and we met at a job that we both hated. She is like my sister. person B: What are some personality traits you both have in common person A: We like kids_comma_ drinking and video games. Typical women lol
person A: I'm mad I only hit 335 on the bench today and not my regular 350...I need to start eating healthier person B: That's important. There's always tomorrow though. person A: True. Do you like to work out person B: I wish. I bought a spin bike in January and have used it once. I have to quit smoking.
person A: I was at the club yesterday and my brother left me. I knew he was coming back though. He just wanted a taco person B: This happens many times_comma_ they just don't care of us person A: What do you mean by that person B: our siblings_comma_ leaving us all alone in a party or a club.
person A: I was listening to this random music playlist on Youtube and then this song that I hadn't heard since I was a kid_comma_ that I had completely forgotten about_comma_ came on and brought back all these childhood memories. person B: What was the song? person A: It was this song by the band "Cake" that my parents used to play all of the time in the car. I can't remember the name though. person B: Is it short skir't long jacket. I love that song. person A: No haha but I do remember that song as well! I think it was something about an opera singer.
person A: Everything always reaks in my apartment and the maintenence team sucks. person B: Oh no that's so gross! Do you know what person A: I have lived here so long and every new team is th same. person B: My landlord has the same issue. person A: I hope to move next year. Time for a house. person B: Yes same for me just have to fix up the credit score a bit more ha. person A: ME too lol
person A: I was pregnant and I went in to labor in the middle of the night unexpectedly. I didn't have reliable transportation and the taxi company was closed so I had to call a friend who I hadn't seen in a long time and luckily she was able to take me. person B: Wow that sounds pretty stressful person A: It was_comma_ I had a quick labor and I didn't have time to get an epidural once I got there. It was my least favorite birth of all of my kids_comma_ the next one was better though. person B: Did he / she turn out fine without complications? person A: He was okay_comma_ he was a 10 pound baby and very healthy and now he's a happy smart 3 year old!
person A: I love that feeling of finishing a bomb workout at the gym...then catch 5 cute girls staring and shyly look away and their boyfriends giving me salty looks person B: Wow is that really something that happens? person A: Yup every time. person B: I don't think I believe you. person A: Haters gonna hate
person A: I ran out of funds for college and they want me to get a private loan. person B: Well_comma_ is that something you can do? person A: I don't want too much debt. person B: Right_comma_ well is there any other way? person A: I think that's my only option now. person B: Look carefully before you sign.
person A: My family has been very nice lately. person B: That's cool. Was it not like that before? person A: It's off an on for some reason. I can never tell why. person B: My family is like that too.
person A: My brother was coming back from a trip. I was expecting from him to bring to me a gift. person B: He didn't bring you anything? person A: Nothing_comma_ I was so supprised by that. person B: That's strange. I always try to buy gifts for my family when I go on a trip.