174 values
Two seats were available on the Airport Commission, and both incumbents Arthur D. Gasbarro and Neil Planzer, who was appointed an interim commissioner in April, reapplied, along with newcomer Anthony Bouscaren.
Gasbarro and Bouscaren were unanimously appointed to the two open seats.
In Jesus the Kingdom has not only "come near"; it has come (ephthasen, Mat.12:28; cf., 11:11ff; Lk.17:21).
The preterist loves to emphasize the nearness of the Kingdom in the teaching of Jesus.
i would like to be the kind of writer who follows a routine.
I lack the self-discipline to do so, and/or circumstances conspire to thwart my best attempts.
The hero will steal the skin of one of the women and only agree to give it back should she agree to follow/marry him.
The bathers will be women from the start and the hero steals actual clothes rather than skin."
In looking at this necklace around my neck, it just looked like a necklace my grandmother would have worn years ago.
It's just not my style.
Her death inspired Berlin's song "When I Lost You", which became one of his earliest hits.
A year before Dorothy Berlin's death, Irving Berlin, E. Ray Goetz, and Ted Snyder co-wrote a song called "There's a Girl in Havana".
These people, like the rest of us, get plenty of DNA damage but no cancer.
When people eat red meat, a cocktail of other chemical changes are induced some of which are required for DNA damage to become cancerous.
As such, these employees know best how day-to-day operations are impacted by an ERP solution.
Some organizations are only making ERP a top-down initiative.
You could never call them bosom buddies, although they were always impeccably--although often with a touch of humour in their voices--over-polite to each other.
I got the impression that it was some kind of joke, or game the two women were playing.
Further, the more complicated an application, the more robust the error-handling should be.
Every kind of error is covered by one of the several types that can be thrown by MySQL for Python.
Preliminary tests with Apache would seem to indicate that the.
Without a functioning heart, he relied on a roomful of machines to keep him alive.
Another heart became available only five days later.
Despite his criticism, however, he repeatedly expressed his admiration for the concerto to Dvorák.
If he hadn't liked the work, he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of making corrections.
Germany's northernmost low mountain range fascinates with undulating hills in the forelands, deeply indented valleys, plateaus and woods up to the Brocken summit (1.141 m).
There is a unique geological variety and a rich cultural history.
I was able to cover my tracks a little because I did get out of hand, but luckily I had a chance to redeem myself in the eyes of the jury.
When's confession?
Status data produced from data monitoring means 89 is provided to speech message generating means 91 by way of bus 92.
speech message generating means 91 converts received status data into an appropriate speech message which is provided to switching computer 76.
We also teach Year 6.
I have bought an excellent scheme of work.
That's a great thing.
I'm hoping for a system like Steam to become dominant, but one less restricted.
In swerving, the motorcyclist lost control of his motorcycle and ended up wiping out and injured.
Another truck hit the motorcycle, but the rider had already been separated from his bike at the time.
But to get the deal done, with the amount of debt 3G put on the company, Mr. Buffett was ultimately the best option.
By structuring Mr. Buffett's piece of the financing equation as preferred equity, Burger King will avoid carrying the $3 billion as debt on its balance sheet.
the groups were then to use the money from these fish resources to create jobs, income, and social services.
The CDQ groups have done a spectacular job.
After the formula ingredients are blended, batch samples are taken to perform assays a second time.
After packaging, Ethical Nutrients performs a final quality check-more rigorous than the industry norm and beyond what is required by Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Dietary Supplements.
It almost seemed as if God was a little impatient this year (no disrespect intended--just an observation).
The lessons and worship time messages build up to an evangelical message and an invitation to make a decision to follow Jesus towards the end of camp.
In fact there were other guests in the same boat.
I only had to wait 15 minutes and o make up for it, the hotel bumped me to a better room type which was great.
If a magazine has a circulation of 200 000 readers, not all of them are prospects for your product.
10% of them are real prospects.
To do that does not even require a knowledge of Greek, only access to Miss Hapgood's compendium of Orthodox services, or Mother Mary's and Bishop Kallistos's Festal Menaion.
an orthodox psalter contains the text of the odes used at matins.
Neither side is an abstract nothing; rather, it is a concrete (determinate) something.
their mutual opposition implies their respective position, i.e., their positive status as existent.
Sometimes the system would be able to capture 100 pips, other times 20, other times 50.
you find that the "ideal" condition for the system is fairly rare and when it appears it seems that it is failing to achieve its true potential.
tag ups are for the benefit of the team members, not the scrum master; penalties for missing daily meetings should be handled in the same fashion as any other tardiness would.
i don't see anything special here.
I'm really glad to have the opportunity to do that.
I think they work, and it's nice when people like you notice and comment on things like that.
There were also Poles, Croats, Bosnians, Serbians, Italians, Czechs, Ruthenes, Slovenes, Slovaks and Romanians.
Fifteen different languages were spoken in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Every quarter, a copy is sent to each parish.
Your parish life must be weak because you do not have a relationship with your parish priest to ask him for a copy.
Metal in general didn't get the respect and it's still kind of that way today.
That's always been metal's thing, to kind of have it's own force and not be very popular.
But I was pretty sure angels would sing.
I hit upon the website of a monastery that fit the bill.
It is perhaps unfortunate that you became pregnant with an IUD, but it is 100% your doctor who screwed up back in June.
I am appalled that he blew you off and didn't give you a pregnancy test.
this suit is designed to bankrupt the company and send out a warning signal to the remaining two giants not to mess with the obama administration.
The law suit will strike yet another Obama blow against the rule of law and anything remotely resembling laissez-faire capitalism in the United States.
Therefore a desired durability cannot be imparted to the resultant photoreceptor.
It is important not to form aggregates of the filler used, i.e., to prepare a coating liquid in which the filler is well dispersed.
in the foo corps, we have divisions available for rent.
You pay roughly 1/7th of POS fuel costs for your own division to store ships, loot etc in a LSAA.
Check your most recent transactions or use the word suggestion or voice dictation feature to create new entries without having to get your iPhone out of your pocket!
Use the Glance view to quickly check selected account balances and account history graphs.
Seeing Oskar's frozen hands, the boy gives Oskar his warm mittens and in return, Oskar gives him his Superman comic.
Oskar experiences eight blessings (one for each night of Hanukkah) as he journeys up Broadway to 103rd Street.
Three simple reasons--protecting freedom, protecting our future, protecting innocent lives--any one is reason enough why Iraq's unprincipled, unprovoked aggression must not go unchallenged.
As 10 United Nations Security Council resolutions made clear, they are a compelling case for your mission.
I probably overestimated our team last year as far as saying we had a chance if we were in a position to win the conference.
We had one guy drafted, Cory Boyd.
The Zias probably need a split against Kingsville to cement a berth in the tournament.
The Pioneers (21-32, 7-13 South) don't play as well every weekend as they did against Eastern.
By 1999, the most recent year of data available, only 36 percent of babies born in the West were circumcised.
Some of the change has been a social movement brought forth by groups, such as Mothers Against Circumcision and Intact.
it is found that decay of the diffraction peak intensities from multilayer coverage grating during surface heating cannot be explained as one-dimensional diffusion process.
The diffraction signal follows Xe desorption, as deduced from simultaneous linear diffraction and desorption measurements.
In addition, when asked about circumstances in which they would have considered HD for their own child, parents' answers were similar to those depicted in the vignettes.
Uncontrolled pain was the top factor identified by parents who used both survey strategies.
Customers may register land based telephones, cellular telephones, pagers, televisions and personal computers to receive alerts.
these devices may be used to signal receipt of an alert, at which time the customer may check the supervisory module 40 or the receiver module 30 for further information.
AFGE has always represented the employees at WIC and Teledyne as part of its exclusively recognized unit and wishes to continue representing them.
Both parties favor the clarification sought.
Some have tried and most have failed, like the old Acclaim running a contest to have people name their baby "Turok" or buy advertising space on real people's tombstones for Shadowman.
As has been proven with games like BMX XXX, games perform better based upon the quality, not the controversy, of their content.
Is it like:.
yes - it's.
Jack Klein is a young theoretical physicist turned Wall Street wizard, using chaos theory to beat markets and questioning why he left the life of the mind.
Jack finds the fluke that brought him stardom sets in motion a crisis that could destroy both him and the global economy.
.. and a third app allows you to sync files, Dropbox -style.
Solid would also add "multiprocessor support" to the list, but I don't see why SolidDB would be ahead of serious alternatives in that respect.
I don't think SolidDB will do much to hold MySQL 5.0 back in industrial-strengthness.
You should get an iPad if you want access to Apples extensive collection of apps that will give you a ton of power in your tablet.
You should purchase a Kindle Fire for access to Amazon's Amazon Prime for media content like Movies, TV, and Music.
And since "time" and "cause and effect" are aspects of this universe, it doesn't make sense to ask what happened "before" the Universe or what "caused" it.
The fact that you love your family manifests itself in observable facts about the real world, something that religious statements usually lack.
I don't care how good he is: that's just a recipe for creating an egomaniac, and also for inducing Brock to stifle whatever urge he might have to improve himself.
he will have become too big an asset/liability to give up on or cut.
Boricuas everywhere are laughing their asses off today about how badly this dumbass motherfucker tanked in their town.
The Catholic Church's stranglehold on that country has just been loosened by X degrees.
regardless of whether this is a correct view or not, the system gained popularity and is now used throughout most of the world.
The years have historically been calculated by the belief in Jesus as it was understood five centuries after he died.
Every decision that an appellate court makes governs the future decisions of trial courts.
The lower courts must follow the rules that the appellate court states in its written decisions.
Of course the game is beautiful, but it seemed extremely slow paced for me.
That the game would show that you have 8 enemies surrounding you, instead of hitting you at once, one or two hit you at a time.
He discovered that the main wooden beams for the new room were not even on the concrete foundation; they were off to the side.
The concrete person poured the foundation supports in the wrong place.
We cannot discuss food packaging without discussing the effects of packaging waste on the environment.
Recycling is a sound approach.
The person selected as the school's next leader had little knowledge of, or relationship with, NYC's Arab communities and no experience leading a school.
The school was in disarray.
Reduce the heat and simmer until it becomes thick and syrupy, about 45 minutes.
Season your pork chops.
greenberg was sidelined for the rest of the series, and mickey cochrane was left to decide who could replace greenberg.
Cochrane decided to play first base himself and have backup catcher Ray Hayworth take over at catcher.
You are right about the fact that too many people concentrate all their time and effort in a new relationship.
It's hard to go back to your old friends that you have put on the backburner!
That itself is a remarkable feat not often attained by $10,000 buy-in events.
Hundreds more will be turning out to make it even bigger.
The Bulgarian Port of Nikopol is first going to use an older ferry boat to be provided by Bulgarian River Shipping, Jsc, which will be making the distance in 15 minutes.
A brand new ferry boat will be purchased.
Processor 48 does so by calling Copy AVPair 106, which copies one AVPair at a time and will be described in detail later.
During step 182, processor 48 determines whether this causes the graph data structure of the selected subtree to be nogood.
Here's part one to get you going:.
In most cases, whoever makes the actual work gets the copyright.
If it were true, it would be outrageous.
However, this commonly repeated claim is false.
Granted, that paper was The Sun and he's long since become popular again.
Kleiver is depicted as having an Australian accent.
This car was originally believed to be the one that won a Grand Prix race in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the last race held in Europe until after the war.
it was not.
Virginia Held and James Sterba represent the loyal opposition in this book.
most critics are sympathetic to many of the currents in cognitive science and moral psychology.
the outdoor entrance to the facility leads into a cathedral-ceiling atrium, which will eventually house several bits of signage, trophies and other memorabilia from michigan's basketball history.
The men's 1989 NCAA Championship trophy rests inside the atrium, as does the game ball.
Or do all Druids get Wild Shape along with their other powers and a class feature?
Are class features and the Druid's features the same?
I'm not quite sure how I feel about it or if I plan to tune in.
I tend to shy away from vampire stories that aren't Twilight-related; I don't...Continue.
The fact that the effect of Sildenafil citrate as follows: it inhibits the employment of special human proteins - phosphodiesterase.
Taking the drug can dramatically decrease blood pressure, strong headache, disturbed color vision ...
The procedure that called alloca.
This space.
Over the past several years, it's always something else that replaces the level of work you're ramping up on, be it Sarbanes-Oxley, executive compensation or whatever the next thing will be.'
In the world of the corporate secretary, the next things are coming along more regularly than bullet trains in Japan.
Editing software is readily available and much more intuitive than it used to be.
Amateurs with a little money, and some practice and good planning, can produce the videos they need for their training and eLearning programs.
Nuts and seeds are great little nuggets of nutrients, but adding them in moderation is best because they can be high in fat.
A little goes a long way in terms of flavor, and when nuts and seeds are lightly toasted, they become flavor giants!
Other folk say the Tea Party is racist.
When is it appropriate to label someone or some group as racist?
He was 149 for 224 on the season and totaled 1,829 yards.
He tossed 13 touchdowns with only 1 interception, plus he ran another one in for a score.
We also have on board Jamal Sims, the choreographer of all the Step Up movies, so he couldn't be more perfect for this film.
I think they are just going to make brilliant pieces of animation.
He pretends to be possessed by the vengeful spirit of Dio as a prank on Jotaro, and barely saves his skin from his angry grandson by stating his personal interests.
That he collects comic books, that he knows Bo Derek starred in Tarzan, and that Music/WeirdAlYankovic sang "Eat It".
Most banks will lend up to the cheap germany tickets of Germany.
When you have a memorial to honor their dead.
Some believe the "UFO debate" is effectively over--UFOs are extra-terrestrial, with "disclosure" of their presence merely awaiting official verification.
Ironically, in the same era that other commentators have declared "the death of the UFO".
It doesn't seem like a great system.
One of the most important things you want in your court is consistency and stability.
I have accumulated quite a stash of barely used baby carriers.
It's new inventory that got tried at a babywearing meeting or two.
Police also have boarded up Castro's home to preserve the crime scene.
The prosecutor handling the case says he plans to charge Castro for, quote, "each and every act of sexual violence that he carried out."
When a 10 T magnetic field was applied at the center of a superconducting magnet, a cucumber shoot germinating in a horizontal bore leaned towards the field center.
The root grew in the direction opposite the shoot.
Near Newberg, the Métis people generally lived in small cabins on home sites scattered throughout the present-day communities of Champoeg and St. Paul.
Other locations hosting these families included what we know today as Charbonneau, Gervais, St. Louis and everything to the city limits of Keizer.
Steven's just like, "Eh, it happens," which is hilarious.
Is it just me or did we totally miss his reaction to finding out his girlfriend had lied about literally every detail about herself?
Yet, I feel intimated by the big boys and girls that have so many images.
I will give away images from my scans for artists or others that can afford them.
i think about you, wonder what is happening around you, you do the same.
You accused me of ruining it all, when now I'm starting to wonder if it was "you," who is the scared one.
One study in the U.K. reported that birds prefer weed seeds over grain seed and berries.
all these processes make it appear that horses are introducing weeds on the trails when, in fact, there are a myriad of processes responsible for observed vegetation composition along trails.
As a Canadian, I have to do some travelling for work in the US.
I discovered that I would be out quite late in a not-so-nice area.
Truthfully, the beating on Tate's face was grisly.
Tate would get her coaching spot against Rousey and the rematch she so wanted as Zingano was forced to bow out with an injury.
Once more Paul extended his wiry frame full length and Luke began to massage the upper body and chest of the aging apostle.
He obeyed, taking up parchment and writing implement lying nearby.

Dataset Card for "discoveryhard"

    title = "Mining Discourse Markers for Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning",
    author = "Sileo, Damien  and
      Van De Cruys, Tim  and
      Pradel, Camille  and
      Muller, Philippe",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North {A}merican Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)",
    month = jun,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Minneapolis, Minnesota",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "3477--3486",
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