174 values
So we went to Hard Rock.
On a Sunday night in shoulder season, we had to wait 15 minutes for a table.
The relative motion of the sensor 102 and the magnet 104 causes the magnetic field to change in the vicinity of the sensor 102.
The changing field causes a rotation of the quiescent magnetization vector 112 in the plane 116 of the magnetic material 106 as indicated by arrow 114.
The game's reception was lukewarm at best, receiving 68% average score on GameRankings.
The game did not sell particularly well, not even when it landed on Xbox 360-rich Western shores a couple of months later.
Starting out, most users zap 1 session a day for the first 2 or 3 days.
Users may zap from 1 to 3 sessions a day for 2 to 6 weeks.
I hope no one ever talks the small fella out of that lovely belief; I hope no one takes him and makes him sceptical and cynical.
This morning, as I was missing that bone-deep sweetness of my old Pidge, Red the Mare decided to channel some profound gentleness of her own.
On this basis, its respiratory system could not have been reptilian, as its tidal volume would not have been able to replace its dead-space volume.
The mammalian system would only provide a fraction of new air on each breath.
the only mitigations were that the cold was of less severity than is usual in the place, and that there was not an entire want of food and shelter.
Courage and fidelity never gave out.
and unless the mayan prophecy comes true next month, that's exactly what will happen come january.
I will throw out the disclaimer...Continue reading.
Toward the end of protecting beneficiaries from harm and ensuring that entities which commit wrongs are held accountable, information about nursing home ownership will be made more transparent.
To prevent inappropriate relationships which could compromise patient care, there will be new transparency requirements for the relationships between pharmaceutical companies and both physicians and pharmacy benefit managers.
The server sends its certificate to the client, and the client verifies that the server's certificate was signed by a trusted CA.
The server requests a client certificate and the client responds by sending the client certificate to the server.
The information from this browser support guide is now incorporated into the paid version of this guide.
And very importantly, style sheets can be a little tricky to understand at first.
However, the banks also saw, on the whole, a slight decrease in net income.
Net income at the Alaska-based banks at the end of the 2013 first quarter was $13.7 million compared to $11.6 million for 2014 first quarter.
He has said, and I agree, that there really won't be any more teachers who make it that long.
Many people who are close to that milestone will make it; but very few - if any - teachers at my experience level (let alone less experienced ones) will.
how to make the script work even if evernote is not currently running.
If Evernote wasn't running in the background, this macro didn't work.
Further, a pair of compression coil springs 37 (referred to as "means for biasing" in the claims) are provided.
The insertion unit cover 29 is biased in the opening direction "O", i.e.
If your own spouse has negative things to say about you, why would anyone else speak highly of you?
Most the negative things we would say are only temporary irritations.
I also took a fluffy powder brush, lightly brushed over the whole compact and then brushed all over the face.
It does not make me look too tanned.
also, be aware of the tingling; as soon as you feel it, treat it.
When you're not able to prevent a sore, which will certainly happen, put it in perspective.
8 to 11 according to the conventional technique are denoted by the same reference symbols.
Reference symbol 37 denotes a large-diameter adjustment screw.
The news source noted that VA CIO Roger Baker holds a monthly gathering of reporters to announce any data breaches the department has experienced.
These reports have become "boring," due to the lack of major breaches.
More than a quarter of Americans report they consume soyfoods or soy beverages at least once a week.
Consumers report less fat/low fat as a nutritional benefit of soybean oil (8 percent in 2011, 15 percent in 2012).
If you read off of a laptop, we'll be more concerned that you're about to drop it (see: making the audience comfortable).
You'll have to worry about power issues.
How will he survive?
At the weirdest circumstances, he met someone whom everyone thought was just a myth.
The project finishes in May 2014.
We will have created the beginning of an open source data set of species of plants, specific stimuli and the corresponding electrical signals.
This is the employer's responsibility.
The Department was surprised to hear that any employer.
Maybe give it a shot for NOLA?
I'm just sad I'm not going to NOLA, so I can't meet up with you or baby.
thus one concludes that at such a distance the cluster will appear in the night sky quite impressive, but without dramatic consequences.
In the centre of a dense cluster the stellar density can be as high as 104 stars for cubic parsec.
Such income tax installments are then added as values and dates to the event list.
The net income for the given fiscal year is calculated as follows:.
We do not draw firm conclusions, but rather anticipate learning from discussion among Workshop participants.
Whether shale plays can be understood as common-pool resources is not just an academic quibble.
For precisely this reason, by law, federal grand jury proceedings are secret to protect the reputations of those who are investigated but never prosecuted.
Department of Justice policy has been even more sensitive to these interests.
Hence, in our study we use this as a measure for e-business use.
Both e-business use and e-presence gauge e-business development in a country.
Almost half of the people in The Bottom have had malaria or dengue fever, according to resident Yadira Castellon, who recently suffered dengue's constant burning for fifteen days.
They can't afford the medications doctors at the free clinics prescribe.
[1] The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) twin satellites observe time variations in Earth's gravity field which yield valuable information about changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS).
The drought monitors lacked objective information on deep soil moisture and groundwater conditions, which are useful indicators of drought.
If I'm not explaining it well enough, reading this might help.
Let me know if there is anything I can help clarify.
congress has the power to make laws that replace existing laws - and to do so by a simple majority.
Many of the current legal protections against sex discrimination can be removed by the margin of a single vote.
Multiple cultures and landscapes emerged through the light of the overexposed horizon in flashes of contradiction: fertile and arid, dark and blinding, restrictive and generous - spaces ripe with inconsistency.
The city's form revealed itself around me, incomplete and genuine.
Probably, this is a more valuable measure to investigate whether pelvic floor function is associated with patient's general health status.
Since patients and controls had different characteristics, we adjusted for the documented prognostic factors in the multiple regression analysis.
Note that not all states require character input.
Blocks 110 and 112 are indicated as optionally executed by dashed lines.
I suppose it depends on what you consider "history" to be-the big, world changing events, or people just getting on and quietly living their lives as best they could.
To my mind, both are history-but for younger kids, I certainly put the emphasis on the latter, as a prelude to the former.
A very strong record, it showed great promise for the young artist.
It was at this juncture that Badi Assad chose to drop out of the scene and take some time for herself.
GM is in the midst of a US $5.25bn investment programme which will run through 2016 and include the introduction of 23 new Opel-Vauxhall models.
The Detroit giant intends to be in the black in its European operations for the first time since 1999.
Using all-fields with his immense power.
He's been so poor, it would be hard for him not to be better the remainder of the season.
By comparison the CO content of natural air, away from all civilization, is 0.012 ppm.
The range of concentrations of carbon monoxide which must be measured extends far below 50 ppm which in Germany is the maximum permissible work station concentration.
Pumpkins and candy for all, I say!
Members of this band have come together from all over the musical spectrum...bands including Eve's Plum, King Chango, Black 47, and Dexy's Midnight Runners.
This is not an exhaustive list.
I can't recommend you try this yourself.
He locked in on Jordan Reed but overthrew the tight end.
Josh Morgan was wide open on the right side of the field and Pierre Garçon was even wider open near the end zone.
All sampling locations are recorded using a global positioning system (GPS) unit and mapped using ArcView GIS (ESRI 1992-2002).
The sampling protocol also includes photographic documentation and cursory examination of tree increment cores to deduce stand age and history.
I would say one of the most the way I see it.
It has a unique art style that stands out.
So any discussion of our fleet must start with the fact that we could beat any conceivable combination of enemies at sea.
Prior to Pearl Harbor, our fleet had a half dozen carriers and a dozen battleships plus some cruisers and lots of destroyers in the surface fleet.
Our results indicated that integrating functional biomolecular association networks or detailed GO annotation could significantly improve a drug's ADR prediction.
Comprehensive functional biomolecular association networks are shown to be useful for increasing specificity, while detailed gene annotation information are shown to be useful for increasing sensitivity.
the formula for determining sprinkler run time and number of days per week is: evaporation divided by sprinkler precipitation rate equals sprinkler run time.
Few people have the time or the interest to go through the calculations and timer adjustments every week to keep pace with changing weather.
Many of his main characters have severe defects of the sort that authors writing in a more heroic idiom tend to airbrush.
mr. martin brings this off without indulging in a maudlin and manipulative political correctness, as does the wonderfully cast peter dinklage, who plays tyrion on hbo.
HP's Adaptive Management Platform combines parts of its HP OpenView management software suite with its Utility Data Center (UDC) technology, which comprises its virtualisation products.
The platform will allow customers to manage their servers and storage systems as if they are part of a single, large computer.
However, certain database operation are the same, such as connect and disconnect to and from a database.
you need an abstract class which contains such common operations and a concrete one that extends the base abstract class.
Any application should be able to run inside the main core/shell.
I am using windows address book.
Sergio Leone produced it and directed some of it, so there are a few familiar trappings, particularly Ennio Morricone's score.
It's probably his worst.
Take note, during the 1860, divorce is not favored in Ireland.
Better check for death records also in case the name changed.
consider how that same money could have been spent.
With men concentrating their attention, not on "unimaginably stupid wars," but on problems of health and disease, would not these, at least, have been reduced?
It is another gem from the pen of south Wiltshire's celebrated angler and author.
The excellent fishing enjoyed by anglers over the last few weeks, continues with some huge carp and tench coming out of lakes in the Ringwood area.
This is an homage to what typically happens to people "kicked off the force" in Cop dramas.
He says it's due to his "crappy kidney", which Kyle winds up getting.
It would be showing the world that you have nothing better to do.
i was ashamed so i guess it was a blessing that the crown prep was so unpleasant and painful that it took my mind off it.
Since Hughes seems to be a compulsive tinkerer when it comes to mechanics and pitch types, we've ridden this rollercoaster enough times to accept that a truly significant climb isn't coming.
The Yankees have come to the same conclusion.
(Or maybe by helping us find a bank that will handle your business!)
Limitation on our order-payment options, we can only accept checks or money orders drawn on U.S. funds.
free must happen on both code paths.
If the fork fails, you still haven't freed.
I still have a little but nowhere near as before.
I couldn't wait to get off the bike because I was so uncomfortable on it, but this weeks rides have been very pleasant.
If you cannot come out in an airplane full of COMPLETE STRANGERS then you probably should not be writing about it in a book.
If this is true then why would he simply not just tell her that he was sitting with his partner in the first place!?!
In 1997, Judy Cuevas switched to Avon and also took on a nom de plume, the more elegant, high salon sounding "Judith Ivory."
Avon did have to retool her image to increase her sales numbers.
It worked in reverse when Lexus created the LX 450 from the Land Cruiser; the question is does it work?
It's just as successful this way.
Spain has seen one and a half million abortions since 1985.
Abortion was explained as an "exceptional need"; today, it has become the general rule.
But I noticed her in Gregg Araki's Kaboom where she goes all grunty and nakedy.
her upcoming slate is full of awesomeness.
For the next 12 months, Stacia will be devoted to you, developing new ways to foster productive dialogue with and among our readers.
She's here to increase the sense of community between our readers, the Colorlines reporters and the newsmakers we cover.
the asked price minus the bid price--referred to as the bid-ask spread--reflects the gross profit margin of the bond dealers who handle trades in this bond.
For obvious reasons, the asked price always exceeds the bid price.
Many of us thought that it was because this particular aircraft was a recent addition to the fleet.
There are now two planes painted in that all-white livery, the second one being one of AeroRepublica's traditional MDs.
Signaled QoS for the Internet has not become a reality.
QoS has been part of the circuit switched.
The product was designed by Jeff Vierling, an ultra-endurance athlete himself, in an effort to make a product that will taste good AND sustain you all day.
For Tailwind, taste and nutrition should not be mutually exclusive.
If they were sincere, would they so altruistically [send other youths] to the virgins and the shady gardens, while depriving their own children of these pleasures?
These deluded youths do not understand that they are instruments in the [hands] of criminals who use them to achieve their goals.
The 12 separate cities of before have been combined to form one virtual super-city.
Users are now able to upload custom-content.
if this period elapses without a busy signal being received from the number, then it is assumed that the current value for the capacity is either correct or is too low.
This value is incremented.
sure, i owe a monthly mower payment, but it's not breaking the bank, so to speak.
I can afford all of what I have, even if I walked away and kept all my equipment.
5a, the second time 5b, and the third time 5c.
Gtr.2 plays Fig.6 three times.
This is a valid question considering that many aircraft have been shot down over Ukraine recently and it was known that pro-Russian forces had recently seized advanced SAMs.
MH17 was flying where it was supposed to, which indicates a larger failure.
Further, our analysis questions the implied linearity of the traditional concept of the productivist/post-productivist transition.
A relative assessment of the shift towards post-productivism would circumvent discursive problems related to definitions and meanings of specific post-productivist concepts and indicators.
Illegal immigration tends to strike on people's fears more than anything.
Most people don't think about where their food is coming from.
when she returned to her life, she had a strange, unexplained knowledge about the spiritual realm, and it disturbed her.
she lost interest in everything around her- what was the point in saving lives, anyway, if everything she had seen had been true?
I understand the only thing you want is to blend in and feel "normal"!
I am a grown up who should feel confident about myself.
After firing at 650 °C to remove organic additives, the sensing properties of the samples were analyzed at 380 °C in a sensor test bench.
lean measurements periods and rich desorption periods were periodically applied.
If creation arises on its own, then what need is there for a creator?
Ironically naturalism arose not from atheism, but from the exact opposite: theism.
It was said that heating would in time alter the bouquet of fine wines, giving them dryness and too great age.
The bouquet seems to be heightened with the lapse of time, more positively than with wines not heated.
Since 2007, a considerable portion of the Lavaux (Bas-Lavaux) has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but several territories that are technically part of the region fall outside this protection.
The Lavaux is so beloved domestically and romanticized abroad that the splendors of the area don't currently face much in the way of ecological or touristic threats.
I was in on 2 records that were set.
Both of those managers got the Air Kings.
She was involved in the design and production of women's clothing before she worked at NASA.
she'd design patterns then make dresses.
More generally, for example, if Iran, because of sanctions, cannot get parts for machines in hospitals or electric-power generation, water purification, and waste-treatment plants, average Iranians suffer significantly.
More general economic sanctions, despite the harm to the Iranian population, are worth it because they will put pressure on Iran to miraculously give up its nuclear program.
But I believe the onus falls on the company storing the data, not the cloud provider, to keep that data safe and to notify the users.
A good SLA will cover breach notification from the provider to the client, but I susppose there can be loopholes.
So, if you examine to the deep forest of Kerinci, you may at the end found some villager or tribe member who witnessed uhang pandak once or twice.
The witnesses saw them as:.
Statistically there is just too much noise...too many players, too many variables.
I think it is more likely the order of chaos.
the final chapters provide an excellent explanation of the history and philosophy of technology - tough subjects that are rarely considered, least of all in such an approachable manner.
Morozov closes with what he calls a cyber-realist manifesto to guide thinking going forward.
first, mr. remely announced that the board has been successful in negotiating a drastic reduction in the architect's previously quoted cost for attending the anticipated advisory board meetings.
He suggested that those costs have been reduced from any amount in excess of $200,000 to something well below $20,000.
Kuljeet shot with me for just four episodes.
I was away for a while because I was in Bangkok (with Hiten) to celebrate my wedding anniversary.
Put differently, how can the church focus on evangelism in its gathering when its principle tasks appear to be worship and edification?
How can one invite the unbeliever to participate in worship as an unbeliever?
This level is high when compared with many world regions, GMAC said.
GMAT testing among citizens of East and Southeast Asia witnessed its largest one-year growth ever in 2012.