of those of Thy loved ones that are wholly devoted to Thee are powerless
to fathom.
I swear by Thy glory,
O Beloved of my soul!
I am bewildered when I
contemplate the tokens of Thy handiwork,
and the evidences of Thy might,
and find myself completely unable to unravel the mystery of the least of
Thy signs,
how much more to apprehend Thine own Self.
I beseech Thee,
O my God,
by Thy Name through which Thou hast caused all such
as love Thee to soar in the atmosphere of Thy will,
and hast guided all
them that yearn after Thee into the Paradise of Thy nearness and Thy
to waft from the heaven of Thy loving-kindness the fragrance of
certainty upon the needy among Thy loved ones,
in these days when the
tempests of trials have compassed them on every side,
and so grievously
assailed them that the souls of men have been troubled and the foundations
of all beings have trembled at what hath been sent down unto them from the
heaven of Thine irrevocable Purpose.
They were so shaken that the lamp of
their love for Thee and of their remembrance of Thee was ready to be
extinguished in the recess of their hearts.
Powerful art Thou to do what
pleaseth Thee.
in truth,
art the Ever-Forgiving,
the Most Generous.
Thou givest ear,
O my God and my Master,
to the sighing of them that are
dear to Thee,
and hearest from all sides their cry,
by reason of what hath
befallen them at the hands of those whose hearts have been deprived of the
sweet savors of Thy love.
There is none either to befriend or to succor
nor can anything deter their enemies from harming them.
they do what they wish,
and deal with them as they please.
O my Lord,
the wonders of Thine aid to Thy loved ones,
who have sought no helper except Thee,
and have turned to none save
and whose eyes have expectantly awaited to behold the wonders of
Thy favors and Thy gifts.
Have pity,
upon them,
O my God,
the incomparable tokens of Thy mercy,
and shelter them within the
stronghold of Thy protection and Thy loving-kindness.
Thou art the One,
my Lord,
Who from everlasting hath been the Refuge of the fearful,
and the
Haven of the needy.
Withhold not,
I beseech Thee,
from these feeble
creatures the matchless tokens of Thy bounteousness and generosity,
leave them not to the mercy of them whose essence hath been solely created
of the fire of Thy wrath and of Thine anger,
and who have never discovered
the fragrance of compassion and equity,
and who have been so deluded by
the deceitfulness of the world that they have denied Thy proof,
and joined
partners with Thee,
and repudiated Thy signs,
and shed the blood of those
who are dear to Thee,
and have been trusted by Thee.
I swear by Thy might,