guided Thy lovers to the living waters of Thy grace and Thy favors,
attracted them that long for Thee to the Paradise of Thy nearness and Thy
to open the eyes of Thy people that they may recognize in this
Revelation the manifestation of Thy transcendent unity,
and the dawning of
the lights of Thy countenance and Thy beauty.
Cleanse them,
O my
from all idle fancies and vain imaginations,
that they may inhale the
fragrances of sanctity from the robe of Thy Revelation and Thy
that haply they may cease to inflict upon me what will
deprive their souls of the fragrances of the manifold tokens of Thy mercy,
that are wafted in the days of Him Who is the Manifestation of Thyself,
and the Day-Spring of Thy Cause,
and that they may not perpetrate what
will call down Thy wrath and anger.
Thou well knowest,
O my God,
that I was regarded as one of the people of
the Bay谩n,
and consorted with them with love and fellowship,
and summoned
them to Thee in the daytime and in the night season,
through the wonders
of Thy Revelation and Thine inspiration,
and sustained at their hands what
the inmates of the cities of Thine invention are powerless to recount.
swear by Thy might,
O my Beloved!
Every morning I waken to find that I am
made a target for the darts of their envy,
and every night,
when I lie
down to rest,
I discover that I have fallen a victim to the spears of
their hate.
Though Thou hast made known unto me the secrets of their
and hast set me above them,
I have refused to uncover their deeds,
and have dealt patiently with them,
mindful of the time which Thou hast
And when Thy promise came to pass,
and the set time was fulfilled,
Thou didst lift,
to an imperceptible degree,
the veil of concealment,
all the inmates of the kingdoms of Thy Revelation and of Thy creation
shook and trembled,
except those who were created by Thee,
through the
fire of Thy love,
and the breath of Thine eagerness,
and the water of Thy
and the clay of Thy grace.
These are they who are
glorified by the Concourse on high and the denizens of the Cities of
I give praise to Thee,
O my God,
that Thou hast preserved them
that have acknowledged Thy unity,
and hast destroyed them that have joined
partners with Thee,
and hast divided the one from the other through yet
another word that hath proceeded out of the mouth of Thy will,
and flowed
down from the pen of Thy purpose.
Thereby have Thy servants,
who were
created through the word of Thy commandment,
and were begotten by Thy
caviled at me,
and so fiercely opposed me that they repudiated Thee,
and have rejected Thy signs,
and have risen up against Thee.