O my Beloved!
They have committed what no man before them hath committed,
and have thereby deserved Thy wrath and the scourge of Thine anger.
hold on them by the power of Thy sovereignty,
and set over them such as
will have no mercy upon them,
unless they return unto Thee,
and enter
beneath the shadow of Thy loving-kindness,
and are forgiven by Thee.
hast from everlasting been supreme over all things,
and wilt unto
everlasting remain the same.
art the Almighty,
the Most
the Equitable,
the All-Wise.
Glorified art Thou,
O Lord my God!
Look Thou upon this wronged one,
hath been sorely afflicted by the oppressors among Thy creatures and the
infidels among Thine enemies,
though he himself hath refused to breathe a
single breath but by Thy leave and at Thy bidding.
I lay asleep on my
O my God,
when lo,
the gentle winds of Thy grace and Thy
loving-kindness passed over me,
and wakened me through the power of Thy
sovereignty and Thy gifts,
and bade me arise before Thy servants,
speak forth Thy praise,
and glorify Thy word.
Thereupon most of Thy people
reviled me.
I swear by Thy glory,
O my God!
I never thought that they
would show forth such deeds,
aware as I am that Thou hast Thyself
announced this Revelation unto them in the Scrolls of Thy commandment and
the Tablets of Thy decree,
and hast covenanted with them concerning this
youth in every word sent down by Thee unto Thy creatures and Thy people.
I am bewildered,
O my God,
and know not how to act toward them.
Every time I hold my peace,
and cease to extol Thy wondrous virtues,
Spirit impelleth me to cry out before all who are in Thy heaven and on Thy
and every time I am still,
the breaths wafted from the right hand
of Thy will and purpose pass over me,
and stir me up,
and I find myself to
be as a leaf which lieth at the mercy of the winds of Thy decree,
and is
carried away whithersoever Thou dost permit or command it.
Every man of
insight who considereth what hath been revealed by me,
will be persuaded
that Thy Cause is not in my hands,
but in Thy hands,
and will recognize
that the reins of power are held not in my grasp but in Thy grasp,
and are
subject to Thy sovereign might.
And yet,
Thou seest,
O my God,
how the
inhabitants of Thy realm have arrayed themselves against me,
and inflict
upon me every moment of my life what causeth the realities of Thy chosen
ones and trusted ones to tremble.
I entreat Thee,
O my God,
by Thy Name through which Thou hast