{ "en": "control cards and so on.", "ja": "お見せします。" }
{ "en": "i remember.", "ja": "彼女はここにいるはずだ。" }
{ "en": "that's the same fellow what give us a prospecting permit? a what?", "ja": "許可証をくれたのと同じ奴か?" }
{ "en": "if you think that it is the same with a byte even after the investigation", "ja": "捜査のついでに、バイトでも、しようかな~と思ったら" }
{ "en": "i told marty about them, you know, down the line.", "ja": "マーティには話した。" }
{ "en": "to fly on helicopters with microphones", "ja": "かつての戦友に向けて" }
{ "en": "or you do microprism arrays", "ja": "ランニングシューズの反射テープのような" }
{ "en": "what is the purpose of teme ...?", "ja": "テメエの目的は、なんだ...?" }
{ "en": "and saved by another.", "ja": "サムが私の命を救った。" }
{ "en": "nothing's set in stone.", "ja": "まだ何も決まってないから。" }
{ "en": "you know where you hope this train will take you but you can't know for sure.", "ja": "望めば連れて行ってくれるけど、それがどこかはわからない!" }
{ "en": "i'll lead them away and come right back.", "ja": "奴らを撒いて戻ってくるわ。" }
{ "en": "is a small story", "ja": "特に最初の1年間は小規模でした" }
{ "en": "jane made a lot of red john connections here.", "ja": "ジェーンは、あそこに大量の、レッド・ジョン関連の情報を、持ってました。" }
{ "en": "close your arm around him tighter.", "ja": "もっと、しっかり、脇、締めて。" }
{ "en": "i'd be happy if it was you", "ja": "むしろ、お前だったら、喜ばしいんだけどな" }
{ "en": "it will expand, evolve, influence perhaps the entire world.", "ja": "拡大し、進化しようとする、回りを、巻き込む、たぶん、全世界だ。" }
{ "en": "this is... a curse slot.", "ja": "これはカースロット。" }
{ "en": "let go of me!", "ja": "行こ" }
{ "en": "to raising the animals we'll eat.", "ja": "食品対象動物を育てるために占めているし。" }
{ "en": "well, if he can't control himself, our operation on haqqani's fucked.", "ja": "もし彼が、自分をコントロールできないのなら、ハッカニの作戦は終わりよ。" }
{ "en": "it could bring the arabic language back to being number one.", "ja": "アラビア語が世界の第1言語に、返り咲くことができるかもしれません。" }
{ "en": "five minutes to curtain!", "ja": "開演五分前" }
{ "en": "then he isn't. right.", "ja": "他に被害者について。" }
{ "en": "yes, yes.", "ja": "それは結構..." }
{ "en": "you mixed up your knife and your toothbrush.", "ja": "ナイフと歯ブラシ間違えてるよ。" }
{ "en": "this sea is one that i know very well.", "ja": "この海、よく知っている海だ。" }
{ "en": "and what i don't understand is... how could you?", "ja": "わしには理解できないのだ、どうしてお前に出来たのか?" }
{ "en": "i gave your watch to my brother.", "ja": "おまえの時計は兄貴にやったよ。" }
{ "en": "deru goods carried in the mouth with a smile at people who are here.", "ja": "でも、ここにいる人たちが、笑顔で口に運んでる物。" }
{ "en": "we find our viewers are more interested in urban crime creeping into the suburbs.", "ja": "郊外に忍び寄る、都市犯罪が良いの。" }
{ "en": "and you don't need to worry.", "ja": "それに、心配しなくても、クリスマスっぽいもんなら➡。" }
{ "en": "easy bet. easy bet. they make this kick, you win.", "ja": "彼らはいつもキックをする、君は負けるはずがない。" }
{ "en": "go around the back. the keys are under the bronze princess flowerpot, second in the back row!", "ja": "鍵は、裏手回って、奥から2番目の、ブロンズヒメの、鉢の下。" }
{ "en": "and if you don't believe that, jack, if you can't believe that...", "ja": "もし信じないなら...、信じられないというなら…" }
{ "en": "that novel was perverted", "ja": "見たろう?あの小説を" }
{ "en": "maybe you can tell me how he managed to split your happy little family in half.", "ja": "どうやってヤツが幸せな仲間たちを、真っ二つにしたのか教えてくれよ。" }
{ "en": "have you got a bead on him, parameters?", "ja": "誰かに狙いを定めたのか?、容疑者を絞り込んだのかな?" }
{ "en": "let's go!", "ja": "行こっ!" }
{ "en": "you should see this.", "ja": "見てくれ。" }
{ "en": "i want to share all my love with you ...", "ja": "全ての愛を君と分かち合いたいんだ…" }
{ "en": "abu nazir gives money to sabbaq, sabbaq hands money to you, you deposit the money in a swiss bank and use it to pay your bills.", "ja": "アブ、ナジールがサバクにカネを渡す、それをサバクが貴方に、それを貴方がスイスの銀行に預金。" }
{ "en": "gave him this medicine which put him to sleep to so he wouldn't have an alibi", "ja": "この薬を彼に与え、眠らせてアリバイをなくさせ" }
{ "en": "as long as it's only seven.", "ja": "たった7つじゃないですか。" }
{ "en": "it just, you know, hurts when i breathe, that's all.", "ja": "力を入れると痛むんだ。" }
{ "en": "because this slide sort of tells the story the way science magazine thinks of it.", "ja": "サイエンスマガジン誌の見方が表れています。" }
{ "en": "he's got the card on him.", "ja": "カードを持ってる。" }
{ "en": "wait, wait. please.", "ja": "wait、wait、please、待つ待つplease。" }
{ "en": "i borrowed this camera from hiroshi.", "ja": "ヒロシに借りといたデジカメが。" }
{ "en": "i laid out the braddock file in consult room 2.", "ja": "ブラドックのファイルは、第2診察室に、準備してあります。" }
{ "en": "and is one kilometer away from the original temple", "ja": "1kmほど離れた所に、秀吉の命によって再建されました" }
{ "en": "hey, little fellow, are you showing us the way or just getting us more lost?", "ja": "道案內をしてくれてるのか,、迷いこませる氣なのか.?" }
{ "en": "what is a whitopia?", "ja": "ホワイトピア(白人理想郷)って何でしょう?" }
{ "en": "thanks for the ticket.", "ja": "チケット、ありがとう。" }
{ "en": "how true, how true.", "ja": "ねえホント、ホント。" }
{ "en": "i don't even want to ask.", "ja": "なにしてるの?" }
{ "en": "no! no, no, no. she's all gone.", "ja": "いや、もう安心。" }
{ "en": "and we did.", "ja": "だから、やりました。" }
{ "en": "i'm going to take sai to the hospital.", "ja": "あの木の野郎、九尾のチャクラを吸ってやがる!" }
{ "en": "your cell phone.", "ja": "電話はどこ?" }
{ "en": "hey, we should get going.", "ja": "おい、もう行った方がいい。" }
{ "en": "you have the nyoibou, do you not?", "ja": "ほえるな。、貴様ら、どうせ、負け犬だ。" }
{ "en": "we work to promote healthy vibrant societies", "ja": "私たちは、社会の活力を高め" }
{ "en": "the bagura army wants the code crown, even if it means killing all of the digimon who live here!", "ja": "バグラ軍のやつら、島のデジモンたちを、皆殺しにしてでも" }
{ "en": "first of all why did you even take off your clothes?!", "ja": "大体、何で服を脱ぐの!?" }
{ "en": "and they support them around the diagnosis", "ja": "薬の正しい服用の仕方" }
{ "en": "which is usually having vaginal intercourse", "ja": "通常それは膣性交で、—" }
{ "en": "your kid tried to hang himself and my kid needs help?", "ja": "息子が首つったからって、俺の子が異常だって?" }
{ "en": "you'll stay in touch, dr. oldman.", "ja": "連絡のとれる所にいてください、オールドマン先生。" }
{ "en": "his name is raymond reddington.", "ja": "名前は、レイモンド・レディントン。" }
{ "en": "lock that transmision.", "ja": "通信装置無効にしろ。" }
{ "en": "and never join us to drink.", "ja": "違う違う。、旦那と、けんかしてん。" }
{ "en": "that may even be why your father and i met by chance.", "ja": "パパとママは、そのために、出会ったのかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "it is enlightened selfinterest for us to work with other countries.", "ja": "他国と協力することは、賢明な自己の利益の為の行為でもあり。" }
{ "en": "very far away from any sunlight, deep in the ocean", "ja": "太陽の光が届かない、深い海では" }
{ "en": "only prettier.", "ja": "ちと可愛いが。" }
{ "en": "my father. it was a tough person like a demon when it comes to shogi.", "ja": "私の父よ。、将棋の事になると、鬼のように厳しい人だった。" }
{ "en": "i'm flying up to san francisco for a meeting.", "ja": "サンフランシスコで、会議があるんだ。" }
{ "en": "we are rather different. and she's still so young.", "ja": "私たちは似てないのよ、それに妹はまだ若いわ。" }
{ "en": "killian?", "ja": "キリアン?" }
{ "en": "can a person like me... really do something?", "ja": "私なんかでも、本当に何かできるの?" }
{ "en": "you know you don't know him, right?", "ja": "彼を知らないでしょ?" }
{ "en": "wow. scootch in.", "ja": "お邪魔するよ。" }
{ "en": "recieved.", "ja": "その通りです。" }
{ "en": "'cause i'm about to think of the perfect death for you", "ja": "私は、あなたの完璧な、死に方を考えている" }
{ "en": "push it further.", "ja": "「もっと押せ」。" }
{ "en": "and then he had to clarify that he wasn't talking about them.", "ja": "フェルミはこう説明しました。" }
{ "en": "and on the back it says, to judy, the girl with the bill bailey voice.", "ja": "後ろ側には、「ビル、ベイリーの声をした少女、ジュディーへ。" }
{ "en": "are you coming to dougami?", "ja": "堂上に...、いらっしゃるんですか?" }
{ "en": "this battle is a necessary fight.", "ja": "この戦いは、必要な戦いなんすよ。" }
{ "en": "i liked that poster.", "ja": "俺はそのポスターが好きだ。" }
{ "en": "so i suspect that cilly must be the name of his amore.", "ja": "\"シリー\"、きっと恋人の名前よ。" }
{ "en": "and he's the one with the actionable intelligence.", "ja": "彼自身が情報を握ってるのかも。" }
{ "en": "just because you live and go to the same school together", "ja": "キム・タンと一緒に住む理由より、説明は簡単だ" }
{ "en": "is he the person who attacked you?", "ja": "襲った人では?" }
{ "en": "are you certain this is your code?", "ja": "本当にあなたのコードだと?" }
{ "en": "we will go to the real estate agent. in fact, i have not yet decided where to live.", "ja": "これから、不動産屋に。、実は、まだ、住む場所、決まってなくて。" }
{ "en": "and accumulate wealth for all sorts of reasons.", "ja": "蓄えるという事を前提とするものです。" }
{ "en": "she actually went and spoke to an engineering department in afghanistan", "ja": "彼女はアフガニスタン政府の技術部門に行き" }
{ "en": "um, well, i actually", "ja": "アー、その..." }