person A: I spent an evening recently with my Mom looking through old pictures person B: Must've felt really nostalgic. person A: It was interesting how seeing the pictures can take you back to that moment in time. person B: Do you get to see your mom often?
person A: My friend just got a job paying 20k more than me. I've got more experience person B: That sucks. If it makes you feel even slightly better_comma_ the dumbest_comma_ most imcompent coworker I have makes more than me... because you know.. nepotism. person A: Oh I'm glad someone understands. person B: Yeah_comma_ its infuriating.
person A: My sister had a miscarriage :( person B: Oh no. I'm so sorry. person A: Yeah_comma_ it sucks. They've been trying for years. person B: I hope time will heal_comma_ and they don't lose hope. person A: I think they're going to try one more time... we'll see.
person A: I cheated on my girlfriend. person B: Why did you cheat on her? person A: Heard she cheated on me_comma_ but I should have broken up first. person B: Sometimes_comma_ it feels good to get revenge
person A: Got a raise at my job. Now making 20k more. person B: How did you get the raise? person A: I got promoted. person B: What did you do that got you the promotion?
person A: I like to encourage my peers person B: thats great it always nice to be encourage. Really like it when my co workers do it person A: I do too. I could not wait for the announcement. They are so well deserving. person B: glad to hear it. person A: I tried to put in a good word for them. She had no idea she was even nominated. person B: you are such a nice person. Hopefully you helped. person A: SHe ended up getting the job and it really lifted her spirits!
person A: got pulled over last night for going 25mph over the speed limit. person B: That is a bummer. On the bright side you probably won't do that again! person A: that's for sure was so nervous i would lose my license. But he lowered it down to 5 mph now all i have to do is pay a fine. person B: That is awesome! It is nice to know people can be fair!
person A: My friend's at the hospital after a pretty bad car accident. We finally got news she's woken up after being asleep for 6 days. person B: Sounds terrible_comma_ how did she get in the accident? person A: Some drunk driver hit her. person B: What did she say after waking up?
person A: Went to a restaurant and saw people eating live squid. person B: that's awkward where was it? person A: It was at a Korean restaurant we were trying out. Never going there again. person B: from what you have told i cant go there what else did you see
person A: hello there am not feeling good today person B: Are you sick? What happened? person A: i got flu not good for me person B: That's terrible. I hope you get some rest. person A: yeah thank lol
person A: Went back to my old town. Met a lot of my friens from childhood person B: That sounds like a happy homecoming! Or was it bittersweet? person A: A bit of both. I miss them and glad we got to catch up. person B: That's a great feeling. Knowing you *can* go home again ;-) Hopefully they can come visit you_comma_ too!
person A: My friend adopted a really elderly dog. I'm so proud of her. person B: Oh that's nice! Most people don't adopt older dogs person A: Yea_comma_ they don't. They're probably afraid of loss and of course_comma_ the medical bills. person B: Mostly medical. But_comma_ also that you most likely won't have long to make a bond_comma_ play_comma_ etc. It would be mostly care
person A: I accidentally left a very important document at my house that I needed at work. It made me look foolish in front of my boss when I didn't have it :( person B: Oh no. Did you explain it to him? person A: I did. He laughed it off_comma_ but it makes people believe you aren't up to the task. So_comma_ it's not a good thing person B: You'll be more careful next time. Everyone makes mistakes.
person A: I had to leave my dog at the vet for a week since I've been traveling. It's weird not having him with me person B: Why do you usually bring him along? person A: He's my little traveling companion that keeps me company as I normally make very short trips. This one was far away_comma_ though_comma_ so I couldn't person B: How far away was it?
person A: I can no longer stand christmas_comma_ because once when i was thirteen I had been told I would be getting a playstation. Christmas came and I never got it. person B: Oh man! I'm so sorry! Is there any part of the season you can still enjoy? person A: Not christmas no_comma_ New years is still decent for me. Everytime I think of christmas my mind just goes red. person B: Do your parents feel terrible about that? (Not that you want them to....I just imagine they'd be pretty devastated to know that's why a holiday was ruined for you.) On the other hand -- I LOVE New Years! person A: I have never told them about how I feel about that christmas day.
person A: I am mad at my friend Eric because he lied to me person B: Why did he lie? person A: He asked for money and he lied about the reason person B: What did he say for the reason?
person A: MY WIFE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE person B: Why is she the love of your life? person A: Because she completes me all the way. person B: How does she complete you?
person A: I watched IT when I was only six years old. person B: Were you scared? person A: It was the worst experience of my life. I still can not watch movies like that. person B: What movies do you enjoy instead? person A: I love comedy shows.
person A: my girlfriend planned a surprise party i was not aware of person B: That is nice of her_comma_ did you have fun? person A: yeah much person B: Who was all there? person A: her friends and work mate
person A: I went to a haunted house and was scared of the ghosts. person B: oooh really do ghosts exist person A: I believe the do. person B: i used to but nowadays i don't what else person A: I believe they do.
person A: I thought the Falcons would win_comma_ man was I wrong. person B: Who won instead? person A: The Eagles_comma_ I was so mad. person B: Did you bet on the game?
person A: I graduated from college last year_comma_ I was so happy. person B: That is amazing! I went to college for a few years_comma_ never ended up graduating. person A: I had to study hard to do it. person B: I studied hard for a while_comma_ but in the end it was just too much fun to party every weekend.
person A: When my wife buys food_comma_ I eat all of the cookies before she can get any of them. person B: That isn't nice. person A: It is not_comma_ and I feel bad about it every single time. person B: You should not do that anymore. person A: I know but the cookies draw me into them.
person A: I failed my test last week. I am disappointed. person B: Can you retake it? person A: I wish I could but the teacher won't let me. person B: That's too bad. All you can do is try harder next time.
person A: I was returning an item at a store and the person in front of me had a whole cart of items to return and was taking forever person B: Did you say something? person A: I was returning an item at a store and the person in front of me had a whole cart of items to return and was taking forever person B: Did you say anything to the clerk? person A: No. I think I was more bothered by the fact that they did not open up another line. person B: Did you say something to the clerk?
person A: There was a fire at my house luckily I had a fire extinguisher. person B: Was there damage? person A: No. I caught it early enough. person B: Was there anyone else around?
person A: I was putting together a puzzle and was certain that I could do it person B: Did it turn out ok? person A: I had no trouble doing it and it was really fun. person B: What was the puzzle of?
person A: I farted in front of the school last week. person B: hahaha i can see hoe students laughed at you person A: Yes_comma_ the school went crazy. person B: ahw that was good
person A: 3 person B: What about 3? person A: i thought so it done in asia person B: I have never been to Asia.
person A: My roommate went to Paris. I was at the house all alone. person B: something wrong with your meal or what person A: No_comma_ my meals were fine. I just had to eat alone. person B: can you kick an innocent dog for nothing
person A: 3 kicks on an innocent dog person B: That isn't very nice. person A: 4 person B: What about 4?
person A: I saw a shark in the water last week. person B: Were you afraid or thrilled or both? person A: I was afraid. person B: Were you in the water?
person A: My father died after an illness and I felt as if I could not go on person B: That is terrible news. person A: It was overwhelming. person B: How did you do it?
person A: My brother won the lottery last month. person B: That is wonderful! I actually won the lottery once myself and it changed my life for a bit. person A: He didn't give me a dollar. person B: oh no! That is terrible. I didn't give anyone any money either.
person A: When I go to church_comma_ I know that the lord is taking care of me. person B: That must be a good feeling. person A: It is_comma_ the bond between us is unbreakable. person B: I use to go to church when I was little. person A: You should try again_comma_ you will find a friend in the lord.
person A: My brother was bothering me on the road trip last week. person B: Was it something that you could ignore? person A: It was impossible to ignore. person B: What did you do?
person A: My dog died. She was 20 years old. person B: That sucks. I am sorry for your loss. person A: She was always there for me. person B: Maybe you should get a new one.
person A: I won the lottery last week_comma_ I was so happy. person B: Happiness comes and goes. it could change at any time. person A: That is true but hopefully the money last a long time. person B: As long as you take care of it_comma_ and use it the right way it will last you forever.
person A: My wife and I will always be married to each other. person B: Oh_comma_ that does not seem very nice. person A: That is great news. person B: Yes_comma_ she and I have a bond that will be unbreakable.
person A: I thought I may of got the promotion_comma_ but I didn't. person B: Why did you think that? person A: I was the most qualified for the job. person B: What makes you qualified?
person A: Last week_comma_ I can't believe I forgot it was my best friend's birthday. I felt like I betrayed our friendship. person B: Oh no! I did that last month. I still feel bad. Get them a gift to say sorry. person A: Definitely. I tried to make it up by shooting him a text message but I still feel bad. person B: Give him a call too. It is a bit more personal.
person A: Last week_comma_ I had to wait in line forever for food at the mall. There was a lot of people around me and it made me very nervous! person B: I always try and order my food and get it delivered. person A: I wish I could order food online at the mall while shopping but unfortunately_comma_ I don't think that's an option? person B: There a bunch of apps that let you buy food online_comma_ you should check it out!
person A: Once a year_comma_ we make sure our cellar is stocked with food and water. person B: That is a great idea for when emergencies happen! person A: It truly is_comma_ we just want to be ready for anything! person B: Yes_comma_ that is a smart plan. Knowing that we cannot foresee the future_comma_ it is a good idea to be prepared. person A: I agree with you. I just want to keep my family safe.
person A: My best friend moved away. I was not happy. person B: Oh no_comma_ where to? That is hard. person A: Yes_comma_ and he may never come back. person B: Oh no_comma_ where to? That is hard.
person A: I went to the beach even thou I hate the water. person B: Well_comma_ at least there is sand! person A: Yes but I didn't want to be close to the water. person B: Why is that? Are you scared of something in the water?
person A: I honestly didn't expect free movie tickets when I tried buying my tickets yesterday_comma_ it kind of caught me off guard. person B: I was pleased and shocked at the same time_comma_ I will take it! person A: That is cool. I have never got free tickets to anything.
person A: Yesterday during the storm_comma_ a tree branch fell on our roof and I am lost for words. person B: Oh no! I'm so sorry! person A: Yeah_comma_ it didn't look so bad to be honest but I think we have to reshingle our roof. person B: That is not fun. Hopefully it will not be too hard.
person A: I play video games_comma_ and I always expect to win. person B: I expect that too_comma_ but it is not always the case. person A: I just have to think ahead and make sure it's something that I achieve. person B: Yes_comma_ you do. You can do it! person A: That is what I tell my self every time I try.
person A: I got a promotion last month_comma_ thank god. person B: That's great to hear. Did you have to wait a long time to get it? person A: I got a promotion last month_comma_ thank god. person B: Oh_comma_ well I am very happy for you. I bet you were celebrating when you heard the good news! person A: Yes I was there for two years.
person A: I applied for a job that really interested me. I found out what kind of candidate they wanted and made sure to prepare very well for the interview. person B: After the interview was over I though it went very well. I am so confident I will get the job any day now! person A: Hopefully you get it.
person A: My friend's went on vacation for a week and I got to watch their super adorable puppy for a week! person B: That's awesome! I love dog sitting no matter the occasion! person A: Yea_comma_ they're fun even when they're jerks lol. He's a little Jack Russell so he's got quite the energy person B: That sounds like a good way to have fun and get some exercise!
person A: I had been losing pretty bad on this video game Dirt Rally. But recently_comma_ with some extra practice_comma_ I'm starting to hit the leader boards! person B: Awesome! I've never been able to sit that long_comma_ so getting really good at video games is hard for me person A: Well_comma_ no matter what you're doing_comma_ it's always great to keep practicing and get better. I feel like I can take on anyone now! person B: That's neat. I wish I had your motivation for...well...everything else in life.
person A: Hey_comma_ I have some good news. person B: What is that? person A: I think my house might finally be sold! ahhh person B: Nice_comma_ how much did you get for it?
person A: I was at home and last minute my dad took me to the Yankees game. person B: That is so thoughtful of him_comma_ did you guys catch a ball? person A: No_comma_ but it was still fun. person B: I am sure it was! :)
person A: i would rather starve than eat mcdonalds person B: tell me more about this person A: i am a wendy's guy_comma_ i find their food much more satisfying person B: but i would less satisfied person A: oh thats for sure
person A: My son sits around all weekend and eats everything. person B: Tell him to get out and do something! That must be frustrating. person A: Well_comma_ he pays rent but he definitely uses up more resources than he pays for. person B: Its hard being a parent... but i am sure you are doing it right! person A: Well_comma_ I try. I moved to Alabama after the divorce and the kids hate it here.
person A: I made an authentic peruvian dish the other day. it was awesome! person B: I love peruvian food! What did you make? person A: I made lomo saltado ( i hope i spelled that right lol ) it turned out great. i love south american food person B: That green sauce with the cilantro and the jalepenos is the best! What is lomo? person A: Its steak strips_comma_ with ajis onions peppers tomatoes.. almost like a stir fry but better! person B: Yum! I have all the ingredients for the chicken_comma_ I might make that now instead of the bbq chicken_comma_ thanks for the idea.
person A: i was at this major store and the lady ahd like 4 items on the belt _comma_ and i wanted to put mines on but she would not move hers person B: Oh wow_comma_ sorry to hear_comma_ that was really rude of her. person A: that was very stupid of her _comma_ it seemed kind of racist to me person B: Some people can take things so far. I hate it when they do that. person A: that store is notorious for rude shoppers though person B: I am the type of person that gets what I have to buy and get out of the store.
person A: I was so excited when my oldest daughter came home from college to visit. person B: proud parent right _comma_ do you miss her during the year ? person A: Yes_comma_ I sure do. She is so smart. Taking courses for graphic arts while working a job with her major. person B: one day my child will make me proud like that person A: We have five two in college and two in high school and one in pre school. They all make us proud. Children are such great blessings. person B: thats a lot of kids_comma_ god bless
person A: Hey_comma_ how's it going? person B: Going good...what's up with you. person A: Nothing much. Just thinking about the time when I was still in college and had exams_comma_ and how hard that was. Sitting there wishing I was going to get an A at the end of it person B: So how did you do? Did the hard work pay off for you? person A: I didn't get an A_comma_ but I ended up getting good enough grades to pass. So_comma_ I guess that's something
person A: I was driving through flood waters and my car stalled out. person B: Holy cow. I hate when that happens. It happens a lot here since I live near the ocean. How did it end up? person A: I was sitting in water nearly up to the windows and someone in a big truck came and pulled me out. person B: Wow_comma_ how lucky. How did you end up thanking that person?
person A: I am so ready to move! person B: Where are you moving to? person A: I am moving to California! I have everything ready to go! person B: I love California.
person A: My team_comma_ the Yankees won last night. person B: Cool who were they up against? person A: They played the Kansas City Royals. person B: Nice!
person A: So_comma_ I lied to my girlfriend about how much education I had person B: why would you do that person A: Well because she's a little older and I felt like I was lagging behind her in life person B: I am not sure I get it person A: Well_comma_ basically she had already graduated and had a good job_comma_ and I was someone who hadn't completed college yet. But I wanted her to stay with me and not break up_comma_ so I lied
person A: My first day of my senior year impressed me when I met the new science teacher. He was cool and made it easy for everyone person B: I love it when teachers are down to earth and easy to get along with. What did you like most about him? person A: he was witty and nice person B: That's pretty cool. Do you guys still keep in touch? person A: I wish_comma_ but no person B: Sorry to hear that. I hope you've had good teachers since then.
person A: I really miss my family and friends. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Did something happen to make you miss them? person A: Yeah I live in a new state. person B: Oh no! That is hard_comma_ I have the same issue. How far away did you move?
person A: I have to shop after work and I can be really spacy_comma_ one time I left my purse in the shopping cart with all my cards and phone in it. person B: Omg! I am the same way... i always end up putting my list down while shopping. Where are you going? person A: I was at the store. I drove off but luckily_comma_ when I came back_comma_ someone had turned it in_comma_ with everything in it. person B: Thats so kind of them!
person A: I made a big error in the last inning and cost my team the game. person B: oh man_comma_ i'm sorry to hear that! We all make mistakes though_comma_ so it's okay. don't be hard on yourslef person A: It was an easy play. I should of had it. person B: it's okay though_comma_ i'm sure you learned from your mistake
person A: so i was broke and did not have money_comma_ went to the foodbank to get free food person B: i know how you feel. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. I just got food stamps so i can buy food for me and my son person A: i wish i qualified for that person B: I encourage you to apply for it no matter what
person A: Just got finished jogging and I'm feeling really tired_comma_ but I have a sense of achievement_comma_ too person B: Its a good time to jog right now in the morning. good for you! person A: Yeah_comma_ if I don't do it in the morning_comma_ it gets too hot. Thanks! Do you jog? person B: I know it does I am right in FL! I dont jog_comma_ I work out but running isnt my thing. person A: Yeah_comma_ it can be monotonous. What do you do to work out?
person A: I am taking a risk.. i hope nothing bad happens. person B: What kind of risk are you taking? person A: I decided to let a family move into one of my empty homes because they were in a poor situation. person B: Yikes_comma_ that's stressful. How big is the family?
person A: My dog passed away and I cried. person B: I am so sorry. You must be heartbroken. person A: Yes he was my best friend. person B: How long was he part of your life?
person A: I was approached by a man that I did not know while walking in the park person B: What did you do? person A: He wanted money. I told him I didn't have any and kept walking. I think my dog might have scared him off. person B: Did the dog bark at him?
person A: I am not in the best mood today. I wish it turned out differently. person B: That sounds terrible. Sorry to hear that. What exactly happened? person A: My friend did something behind my back against me. person B: That's the worst_comma_ when you personally know someone that treated you badly. I hope things turn out better for you.
person A: Found out my roommate got a cat while I was gone_comma_ which was a little shocking person B: oh no.. are you upset? person A: I was at first. But now it's okay. The cat is actually kind of nice and affectionate. person B: awh thats good it turned out well afterall
person A: I was scared and worried when it came to going to a new high school my sophomore year. I was not sure how it would go person B: Yeah_comma_ I think most people feel that way_comma_ but it's still a valid feeling. How did it end up? person A: It was okay eventually person B: that's great to hear! Did you have any cool teachers or make any new friends? person A: At first no_comma_ but it did get better
person A: I walked into the wrong class on the first day of college person B: I bet that was a little scary person A: It wasn't as much scary as it was embarrassing and silly. I was too nervous to get up and leave_comma_ so I just stayed in the wrong class the whole time... person B: Oh well_comma_ I am sure most people forgot about it quickly person A: Oh yeah_comma_ I never saw them again. I basically just missed the first class of my actual class_comma_ no big deal.
person A: After having to retake the class twice_comma_ my son finally passed his swimming test and can move on to the next level! person B: Thats awesome! Im glad you persisted because that is so important these days_comma_ not being able to swim is a real danger! person A: It is and he had some struggles at first but I'm glad he stuck to it as well! He could have easily given up and put up a fight about continuing to attend class! person B: Yes_comma_ sounds like your doing a great job with the little guy!
person A: My dog was running around in my yard the other day_comma_ and she came inside and was being really mean to everyone. Upon closer look she had a splinter in her paw from wood that my other dog chewed up on the porch that I had not cleaned up yet. I felt bad. person B: Oh no_comma_ did it take you a long time to figure out what the issue was? person A: Well not really she kept putting her paw up and not wanting to walk on it_comma_ I think it took longer to get her to let me see it. person B: Dogs can be a little squeamish when it comes to that sort of thing. I wouldn't feel bad_comma_ it could happen to anyone!
person A: I had a baby last month_comma_ so happy. person B: I know you are over the moon. What did you have? person A: It was a boy_comma_ I named him after me. person B: Enjoy every minute with him. Time goes fast when they are little.
person A: I was reading the news and came across a story about children being killed in a fire. It hurt my heart to think about it person B: That is horrible_comma_ so sad. person A: This kind of tragedy is even worse when it could have been avoided. person B: Yes_comma_ fire prevention shouldn't be that hard.
person A: I bought a dream house and i'm so happy person B: Wow! I'm so envious! How long ago did you buy it? person A: Just 2 months ago! I worked so hard to save up for this house. i didn't wanna settle for the second best person B: Makes sense. when you know what you want_comma_ you should go for it. Well_comma_ I'm happy for you. I'm far away from being able to do that.
person A: Seeing pictures from my summer vacation a month ago with my long distance girlfriend_comma_ makes me feel both happy and sad person B: I bet you had a wonderful time together person A: We really did. We did a lot of physical activity_comma_ hiking_comma_ and we did have one or two fights_comma_ but I miss that time person B: how fun! Where did you guys go? person A: We went to Colorado and hiked the base of the rocky mountains
person A: I was excited when I was accepted into graduate school person B: I bet person A: it was a weight off my back more so person B: That is good to hear_comma_ less weight the better
person A: I failed a test early on in high school. I was real ashamed at how I did person B: why would you do that person A: Wow_comma_ I am sorry to hear that_comma_ that must have not been fun...
person A: I am so super scared of big storms. person B: The loud roars also make my dog shake and run to the basement person A: Well the basement is the safest place. I freak out over thunder_comma_ too. person B: My dog never used to do that_comma_ it was only just recently that he started doing that.
person A: The lady accused me of being at fault for not honking my horn! person B: Oh no_comma_ was anoyone hurt? person A: Thankfully no person B: That is good news_comma_ I hope your car is ok. person A: I have to get an estimate soon but it is still driveable.
person A: I was impressed when my best friend graduated as valedictorian of our class person B: You must have been so proud of their hard work. person A: I was_comma_ they tried their hardest and earned it person B: Was it a large graduating class?
person A: I had a flat tire while driving on the interstate. A nice man stopped to help me person B: Wow_comma_ I am glad you got help_comma_ that could have been a lot worse person A: You are so right. I offered to pay but he would not take it. person B: That is so sweet of him_comma_ those are the people we need more of in the world
person A: Riding a big roller coaster for the first time while having a fear of heights_comma_ I was kind of worried how I would do person B: how was the experience? person A: It was great in the end. A little nerve-wracking doing it_comma_ but eventually after it was over_comma_ I had a lot of adrenaline and pride in doing it person B: It was good you got over the fear_comma_ do you ride roller coasters more now? person A: I do_comma_ yeah! I'm still nervous about them_comma_ but it usually ends up being okay.
person A: I was almost in a nasty car crash earlier person B: Oh my gosh_comma_ that's terrible. How did that happen person A: A truck was in the middle of the road on a tight country road person B: That's one of my worst fears when I drive to my girlfriend's parents' house. So everything ended up being okay_comma_ though?
person A: I believe I did rather well on my Law School Admissions Test. person B: what do you think your score was? person A: I am hoping for at least in the 150 range. person B: Ah thats a good score. When i took the LSATs about 15-16 years ago I received a 156 i believe. Where do you hope to go to school? person A: I am hoping to go to Mitchell Hamline in Minnesota or Syracuse person B: Good luck! person A: Thank you_comma_ I should hear something in the next two weeks
person A: I was shocked when Lebron left the cavs again! person B: I too was surprised. To leave the team again sort of upset me. person A: Yea_comma_ I didnt think he had it in him but I guess you can blame the cavs owner for that as well. person B: He is a legend in the making
person A: I get nostalgic when I think about times with my parents in the past. A lot of different get togethers make me feel that way person B: I feel the same way. The times you spend with family should be cherished forever. person A: Yeah_comma_ its times like that make me who I am today I feel like person B: I agree_comma_ be grateful for those in your life because they help you become a better person.
person A: I won the lottery_comma_ I never have to work again. person B: Congratulations? How much did you win? person A: 5 million dollars_comma_ yahooo. person B: Wow. Now you can spoil yourself
person A: Lebron needs to stay in Cleveland person B: He already left for the Lakers. person A: But his home is in Cleveland person B: He technically is from Akron not Cleveland. person A: I know but now I am afraid he will never return
person A: My husband hasn't planned a date for the two of us since we were married. Usually he looks for my input. I just found out that he is taking me somewhere special for the weekend. I can't wait! person B: That is sweet of him_comma_ marriage can be tough at first_comma_ so at least he is trying person A: It can be_comma_ I also think life gets in the way sometimes. Things aren't always picture perfect as we hope. person B: That is true_comma_ marriage is great in a vaccuum_comma_ but life pops the bag sometimes
person A: I was confident when I won honor society preisdent in high school_comma_ I beat a really popular girl person B: Was it a long campaign? person A: A few days_comma_ but it felt like forever at the time person B: I bet it did
person A: It felt good when Lebron left the Cavs for the Lakers person B: Why is that? person A: Cause the cavs owner is an awful owner. The way he threw Lebron under the bus and talks trash about him. person B: Lebron isnt a saint though
person A: I felt confident when I was able to study all night for a science test. I just knew I was going to do well person B: how did you do? person A: I did well_comma_ not perfect but good enough person B: were you able to retake it?