person A: The other day my baby had to get some of her shots. person B: I hate shots for babies. Why do they have to get so many?!?!?! person A: I know it seems like every other month its another shot! I felt terrible for her. person B: You can tell they are mad at you too for letting it happen. I hate ir
person A: I love pizza. I ordered on yesterday with all of my favorite toppings. person B: yum sounds good whats your fav toppings? person A: Everything but black olives. When I got the pizza home. It had black olives on it!!!! person B: :o uhhh oh you had to pick them off person A: Yes. Luckily it was completely covered. I was pretty upset still.
person A: I really think I might get a promotion at work person B: Cool. I hope you get it. Is it a lot more pay? person A: Yeah it is much better and also better hours. thank you! person B: I've never gotten a promotion at any job. But I've never wanted more responsibility
person A: It's almost time for school again. I am so excited. person B: Awesome. Are you going to s chool or your children? person A: Both. I take classes online so I need them out of the house again lol person B: Right i work from home so i feel you person A: They love school too so it works for all of us.
person A: Hey_comma_ I was planning a party and asked my friend to get some stuff for it_comma_ I knew I could count on him though. person B: Did he come through? person A: Oh yeah_comma_ he always comes through_comma_ he's very reliable and a good friend. person B: That's great I have a couple of friends like that
person A: It is not cool to play loud music at 3 am during the week person B: That would certainly make me upset too_comma_ was it your neighbors? person A: Their guests playing music from their car. Sor rude person B: Very annoying_comma_ I would consider getting the police to pay a visit even. person A: They just moved here. I will let them know when I meet them officially. I cant take it
person A: My friend who never say no to me. Such a great companion she is! She asked me for a help. At the time I was out of town_comma_ so I was unable to do a favor person B: She probably understood. person A: I hope she did. person B: If she is a really good friend then she did. Dont worry about it.
person A: Me and my ex broke up a year ago and I'm starting to miss him person B: Sorry to hear that. Is there any chance you two can patch up again? person A: No. I think I am just lonely because I don't like him lol person B: Oh_comma_ then try to keep busy yourself so you don't feel alone. person A: That's what I do. I'll go on a few dates sooner or later.
person A: I have no idea what to do_comma_ my daughter has been complaining about bullies. I've had meetings with her teachers but the bullying hasn't stopped! person B: That is a shame. I hear that is happening a lot in schools today. person A: It's frustrating_comma_ we expect schools to protect our children and yet they don't take any action! person B: They don't have time for all that. They are trying to teach.
person A: I am so upset. I just found out I didn't get the job I wanted. person B: Did something go wrong with the interview? person A: Well I did sort of freeze up a little. But I really wanted that job. person B: Competition is tough these days. For whatever reason_comma_ that job wasn't meant to be and you'll find your perfect fit soon.
person A: I order some chicken the other day and it was still pink on the inside. person B: That's really annoying. Did you send it back to the kitchen? person A: I had it delivered. I complained though. I almost went to the hospital. person B: I think you'll probably be fine but_comma_ that dosen't mean your lunch isn't ruined. person A: That's true. I won't order there again. person B: Are you going to re-order from some where else? person A: I am only going to order chicken in person now lol person B: You could always just go the sushi route from now on. You can't udner cook it.
person A: I got a new job! person B: Congratulations person A: Yeah_comma_ I've been wating to get out of the place i'm at now for... about a year now. person B: That's great. Some people aren't so lucky. They die at a job they hate person A: Yikes. Not me baby. I'm off to greener pastures person B: That's awesome. I hope you love it person A: Its right up my alley_comma_ and the pay and benefits are better too.
person A: I stepped in gum someone spit on the side walk today. person B: Were you able to get it off of your shoe? person A: Only some of it. person B: Keep working at it_comma_ you'll get it all. Try ice on it to harden the gum first. person A: That's a good idea. My biggest problem was trying to get most of it off with nothing on me. I had to drive home and didnt' want gum all over my truck
person A: I'm a bit unhappy with Summer being almost over. person B: Its really hot where I live. I'm ready for it to be over. Its 100f out side right now and very humit. person A: Yeah_comma_ that's too hot. I can see your point. person B: I guess its different if you live where it gets cold during the winter.
person A: I feel horrible. I cheated on my husband last night. person B: You continues a series on Netflix I hope and not the other thing person A: I feel awful I shouldn't have done it. person B: You shouldn't have. What happened?
person A: My daugher is starting junior high soon. person B: Thats nice. She's becoming a teenager full force! person A: She sure is! Junior High wasn't easy for me though and she is just like me. I'm a but scared. person B: I am sure she will be fine. We all made it through. person A: We did. She is pretty strong.
person A: I had to take a trip away from home for three weeks. It made me so nervous I couldn't sleep. person B: Why were you nervous? person A: I was going to be away from my family. person B: Oh I see. How did it go? person A: It went well and I was happy to see them when I came back home. person B: I bet you were.
person A: I'm about to uber some lunch for myself. I keep trying to get my lazy children up but they are going to miss out person B: That just means more food for you. That sounds like a win to me. person A: They will be upset when they see the bag_comma_ but summer doesn;t mean sleep all day. person B: Tell them the next time they need to get up if they want good food_comma_ too. person A: That's right
person A: I got in my car to go to a baseball game. I was really excited to see some of my favorite players. When I got there_comma_ heavy rain started to come down. Eventually they cancelled the game. person B: That has been happening a lot lately. Everyone in the US seems to be getting wet. person A: It makes me so angry! All I wanted to do was relax and enjoy the game. person B: Im so sorry you got rained out. Do you at least get a refund?
person A: Last night I was getting ready for bed and I saw a ghost in my bedroom. person B: Whoa_comma_ that's scary! Did you freak out? person A: Of course I did! It scared me to death! person B: I can imagine. Did it look like a stereotypical ghost_comma_ like Casper?
person A: This was the first birthday this year I had without my grandma. person B: Oh no_comma_ I'm so sorry to hear that_comma_ were you close? person A: Yes. She called me every year at midnight on my birthday. person B: Oh that's so sweet_comma_ I wish I kept in touch with my family too person A: You should if it isn't too much. Family is important
person A: I had my birthday party recently_comma_ it was great person B: Cool. Was it an all nighter? person A: No_comma_ but everyone was drinking so it went pretty late person B: That's my kind of party. person A: We played a lot of different board games_comma_ it was a hoot
person A: I uber food fom McDonalds often. I have never gotten a bad order yet. WEird huh person B: that's really good! Have you been driving distracted when you uber? person A: I don't drive. I order the food lol. person B: oh okay sorry_comma_ i was just a little distracted about my car accident the other day. person A: Sorry to hear that person B: this semi pushed us off the road I'm still a little freaked out about it person A: I would be too. Glad you're okay
person A: thank you so much_comma_ nothing happened to us thankfully my oil pan was broken though person B: Well that's nothing compared to what could have happened. person A: yeah for sure we got very lucky with that. It was just oil everywhere but nothing caught fire. person B: Who else was in the car person A: it was my girlfriend and I_comma_ and our dog in the backseat
person A: After working with my boss for years and years_comma_ we had our first heartfelt conversation the other day. I'm glad she is here for me in a time of need. person B: What happened? person A: She opened up her arms and heart to me after my husband left me. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. That's awful. How long were you together?
person A: I got pulled over for speeding today and the cop let me off with a warning. person B: You must not have been speeding too much! person A: I think I was just lucky. That's the first time its ever happened. person B: Were you nervous being pulled over? I've never been pulled over myself. person A: No_comma_ I dosen't bother me. I'm usually more annoyed than anything.
person A: a few months back I was interviewing for a job an was totally confident going in. person B: That's great_comma_ how did the interview end up going? person A: it went better than expected. I went in preparing for tons of questions not knowing what would be asked and I was able to answer them with ease. person B: That's always great_comma_ better be be over prepared. So_comma_ did you get the job offer? person A: I always try to prepare for anything they can throw at me. Yes I did get offered the job and i did accept it.
person A: The other day I was getting my mail and my neighbors little grandson accidentally let the little devil chihuahua out! I dont think I have ever run so fast in my life! person B: Oh no! They are terrifying little dogs aren't they? person A: Yes! Their bites hurt so bad and they are so flipping fast! person B: They're really loud too actually_comma_ they bark a whole lot more than other dogs
person A: I'm really scared of going in for interviews_comma_ I always get too nervous and clam up person B: Oh I totally hear you there. You cant just like be yourself_comma_ and not that being yourself is bad or anything person A: Yeah_comma_ trying to impress someone in such a short time_comma_ I just can't represent myself very well I guess person B: Yeah me either. Once people get to know me its fine but usually people dont like me when they first meet me. idk!
person A: My friends left me to go to the theme park. I feel really left out. person B: You still consider them your friends after that? person A: I've been friends with them for a long time_comma_ but I don't know they never even told me. person B: That's messed up.
person A: usps "lost my mail"! I mean i got ALL my mail but not the letter that had a gift card in it!! hh person B: Wow_comma_ that's absurd.. Of course it's the ONE that's impotrant. person A: exactly! And there is no way to track it because my friend who sent it didn't get a tracking number person B: That's always so awful.. It's too bad it wasn't something you bought with a credit card and could just dispute it..
person A: On a whim_comma_ I decided to buy a $1 lottery ticket_comma_ and to my surprise_comma_ I won $2 from that ticket. It was a small win_comma_ but I was very happy about it. person B: I can see why you'd be happy about it_comma_ I mean you doubled up even with it being a small amount! Where did you buy it? person A: I happened to stop at a gas station_comma_ and was planning to only purchase gas. However_comma_ I was thirsty_comma_ so I actually went into the convenience store and saw the lottery sign_comma_ which motivated me to buy a ticket. person B: Wow_comma_ I mean everything happens for a reason.. That's great! person A: Thank you!
person A: I came home and i noticed the door was unlocked when my wife was supposed to be at work. So i go upstairs and there they were having sex. person B: oh gosh_comma_ that's horrible. i can't imagine how you feel. i would be so heartbroken person A: It wasnt that big of a deal i guess. I guess i had it coming all these years. It just sucks that the love of your life doesnt love you anymore! person B: you don't deserve it! nobody deserves it
person A: I am never late_comma_ but the other day_comma_ my alarm did not go off_comma_ so I had to rush getting ready for work. person B: it happens. i hate being late person A: Oh I wasn't late this time_comma_ but I realized after I got there_comma_ that I still had on my pajama pants. person B: oh gosh lol that's so funny.
person A: People say i'm so naive but i'm not i just really trust people person B: I am a pretty trusting person also. person A: I just don't see why i shouldn't trust people if they never broke my trust person B: It's okay to trust_comma_ but always be cautious too.
person A: I lost my dog a few days ago. It was really sudden person B: That really sucks! Have you put up any posters to help you find him? person A: I did_comma_ but I haven't found him yet. He usually gets caught up in things so it wouldn't surprise me if he went quite far and lost his way back person B: Well I hope you find him. Hopefully nothing bad happened to him.
person A: On Black Friday_comma_ I was in line at a store and it was taking forever. I had to use the restroom so bad. person B: Oh yeah those lines can be super long. What did you do? person A: The person behind me offered to hold my place and watch my stuff_comma_ but they didn't. person B: Oh no that is terrible. What happened to all your things?
person A: My AC went out yesterday. person B: Oh no_comma_ that's horrible.. July is not the time for that! Do you have someone ready to come out and fix it yet? person A: Someone is coming out this afternoon. person B: That's good to hear_comma_ how hot is it where you are? person A: 100f outside right now. How about you?
person A: Hello_comma_ last week I walked into a breakroom and I saw a big pizza laying there for anyone to grab up_comma_ however I chose not to take a slice and remain faithful to my diet. person B: Oh man_comma_ good for you! I would have caved for sure. Pizza is my life person A: Mine too_comma_ but you know_comma_ you start with one and the next thing you know_comma_ half the pizza is gone. Its better to keep the eye on the prize person B: So true. I always eat it all. I really can't control myself so better not to even start. Good on you person A: Thanks for the kind words. I try to stick to my goals every once in a while but you know we all have our cheat days.
person A: I bought a new car a few days ago. It's quite sleek and fun to drive around person B: Wow thats awesome_comma_ what kind of car did you get? person A: I got the new 2018 Honda Accord LX. Not the flashiest_comma_ but it works and it works well person B: That was a good choice_comma_ did you consider any other makes/models ?
person A: my son will have his 18 months shots soon. i'm a little nervous about it. i hate seeing him getting shots person B: Don't blame you there i remember by kid getting his first shots. He was so upset and wouldnt stop crying. person A: that's so sad. and i'm so scared he will have fever afterwards person B: I got lucky there he was fine after we got him away from the doctors office and got him his very treat.
person A: Just found out i am having a baby_comma_ My Wife and some of our friends through me a party. Greatest day of my life. person B: Yay!!! Congrats! That's so exciting_comma_ i'm really happy for you person A: Thanks so much. So excitng and nervous at the same time. Hopefully i will be a great dad and give him everything he needs. person B: You will! I believe in you. Just go with a flow and take one day at a time. Your baby will love you so much
person A: hi person B: You should read the instructions before you start.. You need to work off the prompts.. But hello_comma_ person A: did you go ot college person B: Yes. I did go to college_comma_ but I did not complete it. person A: I went to college a couple of years ago and graduated overall it was a good experience for me
person A: Ugh. On Monday_comma_ I was writing an email_comma_ and my computer crashed. It took forever to reboot. person B: I hate when that happens! person A: I know! Luckily_comma_ the email was saved in my drafts_comma_ but my computer was still slow afterwards. person B: I'm happy for you. I have been in that situation before.
person A: I had to go to the bar alone_comma_ it was very sad. person B: Well_comma_ even going by yourself you can always have a good time_comma_ especially with alcohol involved! Did you end up having fun? person A: I did not_comma_ I had no one to talk to. person B: That's when you drink more and talk to everyone around you and make a good time for yourself!
person A: I am terrified of clowns. I shouldn't of gone to the circus. person B: Uh oh.. Definitely not where you wanna go if you don't like clowns! Were you afraid while you were there? person A: Yes_comma_ I was shaking the whole time. person B: That's terrible! Did you make it through the entire show?
person A: I was disheartened to learn the tv show colony wont be coming back person B: Awh man_comma_ that stinks.. I never watched it before.. I'm assuming you really liked it? person A: I just got into the show and it was getting interesting. Always seems to happen. person B: Yep why is it always with the good tv shows that it happens!? person A: You got that right.
person A: I knew I was going to get the promotion. person B: Congrats! Hard work really does pay off. person A: Yes_comma_ I had worked hard for three years. person B: I can only imagine how excited you must of been when you got the promotion.
person A: I do not like the dark._comma_ person B: There are a bunch of people who really don't! I don't get really why people are afraid of it_comma_ though. person A: It is just the fact I can not see. person B: Yeah_comma_ I guess I can see why that would frighten some people.. Nightlights work wonders!
person A: I was shocked when the Eagles won the Super Bowl. person B: Yes_comma_ I think everyone was shocked! The real question is_comma_ were you happy? person A: I was very happy. person B: That's awesome.. Hopefully they win again in the future!
person A: My wife went out of town and I was alone for a whole week. person B: Did you enjoy it? person A: I watched tv and played video games the entire time. person B: I bet that was fun and relaxing
person A: I was deep in sleep last night and I woke up to this super loud bang near my house_comma_ it was quite scary. person B: That sounds definitely terrifying! Did you figure out what it was? person A: I think it was someone shooting firecrackers for some strange reason. person B: Hmm.. I guess it is still July so it makes SOME sense at least! Did you ever confront them?
person A: I never knew what the confidence is. I never felt it before. Until I studied really well for an exam. When I went in the exam hall_comma_ I felt confident the first time in my life. person B: That is great. person A: Yes_comma_ and the most awesome thing_comma_ although I was little nervous_comma_ I confidently gave the exam and secured an A Grade in it. person B: That is great_comma_ your studying paid off. person A: Yes indeed! Now I will study in a similar way to be more confident
person A: I was so happy when my son went to college. person B: In what college did he go? person A: He went to Harvard. person B: Oh_comma_ that's awesome! I am glad he made it!
person A: Have you ever felt lonely in your life? I felt once_comma_ when I went to Texas. person B: I suppose I have. Why did you go to Texas? person A: My boss sent me there! On a work trip person B: Oh no! Were you all by yourself?
person A: I was playing with my toddler and there was this HUGE spider on his play tent. This spider was seriously so big. person B: ohh! that is frighting. Didn't you scare? person A: I was so scared_comma_ like crap I cant let this giant thing stay loose_comma_ one of my cats or dogs or my kid may eat it or something. But I didnt want to get near it either! person B: Yeah! I am glad he didn't bite you or something!
person A: I feel ready for my trip_comma_ tomorrow. Everything is ready. person B: Cool. Where are you going? person A: I am going to Mexico. Have you been there? person B: I've been to Cozumel. It was lots of fun
person A: School is about to start again! I am so excited. person B: It is nice. School can be very exciting. person A: My kids are ready too. We are going school shopping tomorrow person B: Are they happy to go back to school? person A: Yes. They all love school. That is the real blessing.
person A: Summers were so much fun when I was kid. person B: Why were they fun person A: Because we always took trips and it was safe for us to play outside alone. Not like now person B: Yeah_comma_ its not safe at all person A: I don't let my kids play outside unless I'm out there also.
person A: I got really joyful when my dad got me my first vehicle. It was just a happy feeling person B: Yeah. I know that feeling._comma_ although I had to buy my own. person A: Its a good feeling to get a vehicle whenever person B: I know. What kind of car was it
person A: I was very grateful when my dad got me my first glove. It was for baseball and just very glad he got it for me person B: Parents can be awesome sometimes. Do you still play baseball? person A: Not in a long time_comma_ I just watch it person B: Who's your favorite team?
person A: Just got back from a job interview. I was able to answer all the questions and the recruiter seem impressed. person B: Thats a great way to start person A: Yep. It is! person B: good luck going forward
person A: I like to look at my kids baby pictures for hours on end. person B: Why would you do that person A: Because they were sweet when they were babies. person B: I guess we all were though person A: Now I have two toddlers and a teeneager. I can feel my gray hairs growing.
person A: I was devastated when my aunt passed away. She helped raise me so it was tough person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Losing family is always tough person A: Yeah_comma_ I got used to that unfortunately person B: I recently lost my grandmother. I thought I wouldn't get through it at all.
person A: I left my wallet home and went grocery shopping the other day. person B: What did you get person A: I had to go home and then go back to store. person B: I understand_comma_ time is important
person A: I was proud when my brother finished college. He deserved all of it person B: That's awesome. Was he the first in your family? person A: He was the first to finish person B: Did he get a god job? person A: he did
person A: I worked so hard on a project_comma_ and someone stole it and presented it as their own. person B: Wao_comma_ how did you felt? did you work hard in that project? person A: I really did. I'm furious! person B: IWhat was your project about? it was for school or something?
person A: I went with my sister and cousins. The experience was frightening but exciting at the sametime. person B: Where did you guys go? person A: To a haunted house. person B: That's cool! I thought they'd only be around for Halloween. person A: Yes it was during last halloween.
person A: I applied for a promotion. I hope I get it. person B: I hope you get it also! What type of position is it? person A: It's a supervisor position. I'll be making 10k more. It'll help out a lot with the bills. person B: That's great! how soon until you hear back?
person A: I lost my job and was in danger of losing my home to foreclosure. My family loaned me money and saved me from that. person B: Well ... I put myself in your place and I admire you because it is something very emotionally tense person A: thank you. I appreciate that. person B: Now you must take the corrective so that it does not happen to you anymore
person A: I was late for work today. It wasn't my fault. person B: Oh no. What happened?! person A: my uber was super late. I was written up too. person B: I haven't tried uber for important places. Not I know to be weary. So sorry to hear that. person A: It's my only one though. I'm alsways on time for work.
person A: My department just got shut down. person B: Oh no. Did you lose your job then? person A: Not yet. We're supposed to go in for a meeting first. I'm terrified. person B: Maybe they can put you in a different department.
person A: School about to start. We have been ready for weeks. person B: Oh wow. Are you a parent? person A: Yes. Of three super students. They couldn't wait for summer break to be over. person B: You must be proud. person A: I am. They are nothing like me as a student lol
person A: I finally paid off the car. person B: That's great! person A: I know. Just gotta pay off the house_comma_ and no debt. person B: That is a real blessing. Being debt free is gonna be sweet!
person A: I was cheated on at one time_comma_ but I stayed true to him and myself . We worked through it and are good now. person B: I'm glad to hear that. If you can get through that_comma_ you can get through anything together. person A: We have been through worse. He was a drug addict for years_comma_ but now has 4 years clean. person B: What matters is that you both learned from it. person A: Yes we have. We are happier now than ever.
person A: y friend just dumped his girlfriend for a prostitute. person B: Oh wow. That is not something you hear everyday! person A: yea. Not many people would make a stupid decision like that. person B: Your friend must really like the woman.
person A: My best friend just left for Europe. She'll be gone for 4 years person B: I'm sure you are going to miss her. person A: I am. It'll probably will take time to adjust to not being able to hang out with her. person B: Will you be able to communicate through social media?
person A: My nephew told me once of something really stupid that he would do if the situation arose person B: What situation? person A: He would drink bleach. That really made my blood boil. person B: Oh wow. Kid is crazy!
person A: I failed my final exam. Now I'll lose my scholarship. person B: Oh man_comma_ that must be a horrible feeling. person A: It is. I don't know how to pay for school now. All my work money goes to rent. person B: There is always next year champ. Im sure you'll try harder next time.
person A: I ordered a hamburger from a restaurant and it was raw in the middle. person B: That's so bad. You must be feeling bad person A: I took it back and they had the nerve to ask me if I wanted another one person B: I am surprised at their behavior. Did you ask for a refund?
person A: Paid off all my debt. Took 10 years. person B: That is quite an achievement! How did you do it? person A: Worked whatever I could and saved a lot. person B: I bet their were struggles and you learned a lot. Do you have any tips for me?
person A: I took my daughter camping in Catalina last weekend. I could hardly contain my excitement planning her first camping experience. person B: That's exciting! How old is she? person A: She turned 2 and a half on Sunday! person B: Oh my god. She's so little. I hope she'll enjoy it. person A: She loved it. She tells everyone all about the fox in our tent that she thinks looks like our dog.
person A: My neighbor's house burn down. We can't find where the cats went. person B: Oh no_comma_ that's awful. When did this happen? person A: Last week. The cats are nowhere to be found. We even called the shelter. person B: I hope the worst didn't happen to them_comma_ that's so sad.
person A: The other day I was cleaning out my closet and found a ring I thought I had lost! It used to belong to my grandfather and it made me so happy to find it again_comma_ I miss him. person B: Wow that's really nice. Are you going to wear it? person A: I am_comma_ it'll remind me of the great memories I have of him. person B: It must've been a great guy.
person A: I won a 500 gift card for answering a question at the site on a vendor we use at work today! person B: Wow nice! What are you going to do with it? person A: I haven't decided yet. I should have it next week though. Not a bad phone call to get on a friday. person B: It is a lot of money. Take your time deciding on what to do with it. person A: I'm probably going to buy a new fishing rod and reel... not sure what to do with the rest.
person A: My friend lost her cat on Monday. We called the shelter_comma_ and they say they might have a cat that matches our description. person B: That's good news. Is her cat microchipped? person A: No_comma_ unfortunately not. We hope that's her. person B: How long has the cat been missing?
person A: When I moved into my house I was living by myself for the first time person B: I bet that was scary! Did you like it? person A: It felt really strange to be by myself. But I got used to it. person B: Were you ever scared?
person A: You won't believe this_comma_ a guy in a box truck cut me off earlier and ran me off the road! person B: Are you ok? person A: I am okay but I was terrified_comma_ I thought we were going to collide and I was worried about getting hurt! person B: Is your vehicle damaged?
person A: I found $20 on the side walk today person B: Did you try to find who it belonged to? person A: There was no one around and it wasn't in an area with any buildings next to it. How could i? person B: I understand_comma_ I hope you do something special with it then! It's always exciting to get a little extra cash_comma_ even only $20. person A: Hey_comma_ that'll buy me a nice steak at the grocery store.
person A: I put in vacation request since January for next week. And now they're telling me they're too busy to let me go. person B: Oh no! Are they even allowed to do that? person A: I don't think I have a choice. Otherwise_comma_ I lose my job. person B: That really sucks. I hate how employers expect us to work to death.
person A: So_comma_ I got done with a game and I had a bat that sort of fell loose in the back of my car. It could have been bad since I didn't have the back on it_comma_ but luckily someone stopped me before I got on the highway! person B: Oh wow. Glad that person helped you out there. person A: Me too. It could have led to a very_comma_ very bad accident for someone else. person B: Glad to hear there's still some good people out there.
person A: I moved to another state and my family was left behind person B: Was that difficult? And is it your extended family_comma_ or your immediate family? person A: It was hard. I had never been away from them before that. person B: I know that can be really tough. Sometimes_comma_ though_comma_ it can strengthen communication -- hopefully they've been able to visit?
person A: I was home alone and someone was in the carport looking in a window person B: That sounds kind of suspicious. person A: I felt like I was going into panic mode. person B: Oh no. Did anything happen?
person A: I get hit on by a lot of girls_comma_ but I'm happy with the one I got. person B: How do you respond to the girls who are hitting on you? person A: Tell them I've got a girlfriend_comma_ but they still come on pretty strong. person B: Seems like you might be enjoying the attention.
person A: I got a job offer but_comma_ i'm not sure if I should take it. person B: How come? person A: Similar pay_comma_ possibly more room for advancement but_comma_ I don't know anyone that works there. So I could be moving over to a place with similar pay benefits and stepping into some sort of fresh hell person B: That's definitely concern. Is there no more room for advancement at your current job? person A: Not unless we have an ebola outbreak or people start getting cancer.
person A: I haven't heard from my girlfriend in 2 weeks. Wonder what's going on? person B: I hate to say it but_comma_ I think that ship has sailed. She's either dead or not your girlfriend anymore. person A: I was afraid of that. person B: Women_comma_ amirite?
person A: The church bought us meals after my husband broke his back in a car accident. person B: Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that and glad people at your church are there for you. person A: They were really great and so was the food. My kids didn't want them to stop bringing it. person B: hahaha must be some really great cookers. How many kids do you have? person A: I have 4 kids. It was a really tough time because I was also trying to work full time.
person A: Been waiting to hear back from my wife. She's at the doctor getting checked_comma_ and we've been trying for a baby for a long time. person B: That is so tough. I always feel bad when people have a hard time conceiving because it was so easy for me. person A: We're trying and remain hopeful. How many kids do you have? person B: I have 4 kids. I wish you all the best of luck and will pray for you. Kids are so much fun. Mine are all almost grown now.
person A: My son is a high school baseball player. Last summer we started working on his recruiting process. I'll never forget taking him to his first recruiting camp -- I knew he had talent and was so hopeful that all would go well. person B: That sounds very exciting -- if nervewracking! How did it go for him? (And you ;-)) person A: I thought I'd die of nerves_comma_ but it went great! He is a pitcher and had a rough warm-up in the bullpen_comma_ so I was worried. But when it was his turn to take the mound_comma_ it went great! person B: That is the *best* feeling seeing hard work pay off! You much have been so happy for and proud of him! person A: So happy and proud -- I cried behind my sunglasses! And it all ultimately wound up with several scholarship offers! So we are now headed into senior year_comma_ and he has accepted an offer for a school he loves!
person A: I'm sitting my friend's house while she's on vacation. While mowing her lawn_comma_ a rock hit her window. I feel so bad. person B: Oh no what kind of damage was done? person A: The crack is pretty significant. Air gets in the house. Possibly rain. person B: Did you tell her? She may want you to go ahead and get it fixed.