person A: I got my paycheck and there was more money than I was expecting person B: That is great_comma_ did you spend it on anything cool? person A: No_comma_ I decided to save it. person B: That is smart as well_comma_ future you will appreciate that!
person A: Before I met my girlfriend I felt lonely very often_comma_ I am glad that is better now person B: I am happy that you have someone to share your life with. person A: Thank you_comma_ I appreciate it_comma_ I am glad things are going well for a change person B: Keep the faith that it will continue.
person A: I will be starting Law School in January. person B: That's seriously impressive. Sounds like a lot of work_comma_ though. Hope it all works out. Are you nervous? person A: I am. It is a goal I have had but have never made the jump until now. person B: Well_comma_ you sound confident. And applying and getting in is one of the toughest steps_comma_ so I'm sure you'll do fine. person A: Thank you for the vote of confidence. It will be tough but I am up for the challenge_comma_ I think.
person A: I got all As in my first college semester_comma_ and it made me feel really good about myself person B: Wow. That is great. Not everyone can say that. person A: No_comma_ but I do think they made it a little easy to get As in some classes_comma_ especially the general education courses. I got an A in biology and definitely don't remember much from it person B: Most struggle in their first year. That is amazing that you did so well. person A: I appreciate it. I'm a little bit of an older student_comma_ so I didn't have much to worry about in the way of feeling overwhelmed person B: I am an older student too so I hope things go well for me in school.
person A: Asked a relative to care for our pet while we were gone and the dog ended up missing. person B: Oh no_comma_ did the relative say what happened? That sounds fishy. person A: That he got out and he was unable to find him. Things are known to go missing when my brother in law is around. We should have known better. person B: It's an easy mistake to make_comma_ we're supposed to trust family_comma_ you know?
person A: In a few weeks I'm going on my first ever trip to Disney World! It's taken me 30 years to get there and I can't wait. person B: Thats great. I love taking the kids to Disneyworld. What do you want to see most? person A: The castle! That's what I've always dreamt about_comma_ walking down Main Street and getting the first glimpse of that castle. person B: Yea you wont be disappointed. Its wonderful there.
person A: My last year of high school I worked really hard and got A's all year long person B: I am sure you were happy person A: It wasn't easy. I was working too but I did it. person B: All that hard work was worth it I am sure
person A: I was not sure I wanted to accept a new job offer. I did not know anyone at this job person B: Making a change can be hard. Did you take the offer? person A: I did not_comma_ I was not sure enough person B: It's always best to do nothing if your not sure.
person A: I procrastinated on turning in a paper for a college class_comma_ and she ended up giving me a D for the course overall person B: were you able to do any extra credit to bring up the grade? person A: I had some that I did_comma_ yeah_comma_ during the year. And she counted it towards the overall grade_comma_ but I don't feel like it counted for as much as it should have. person B: That stinks. There's always next time! person A: I guess. I did end up passing and being able to move on_comma_ so there's that.
person A: I was disgusted the way the cavs owner treated Lebron during his two stints with the team person B: Oh_comma_ very interesting. I'm not a fan of the owner either. Why do you feel that way_comma_ though? person A: I think owners should be professional because everyone is watching. You treat your star like that? how do you treat the little average joe on the team. person B: That's a fair point. But Lebron James is different_comma_ and probably seeks to try to really control the team he is on_comma_ so that can be difficult too
person A: My best friend for years and I got into a fight_comma_ I said some things I regret out of anger_comma_ she won't forgive me. This is awful. person B: how long have you two known eachother? person A: 15 years_comma_ it's so very bad. person B: I think you just need to give it time. Hopefully she will come around.
person A: I was hoping to get a new pet this year! person B: What were you thinking? Have you been thinking it over for a long time? person A: No_comma_ we gave one of our bearded dragons away to a relative who is a teacher_comma_ however its too much for her and she wants to give him back person B: Was she keeping him in her classroom? I can see how that can be a lot of work.
person A: I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of 2.5 years person B: That's nice. Hard to find nowadays. person A: That is for sure_comma_ you see so many bad stories around the enws and people person B: I know. I wish things were better!
person A: I miss being a kid. person B: I do too honestly_comma_ I used to play all these fun games with our neighbors late summer nights_comma_ it was amazing_comma_ but I took it for granted person A: I am tired of paying bills lol. person B: I hear you there_comma_ that is the worst part! person A: Things should be cheaper
person A: I get nostalgic thinking about all the games I used to lpay with my friends on our street person B: I remember those games too. What kinds did you play? My favorite was flashlight tag. person A: Ball tag_comma_ ghost in the graveyard_comma_ kick the can_comma_ all the best games haha person B: Ghost in the graveyard was a blast! I can't believe I forgot that one. It sounds like we both had great childhoods.
person A: All of my friends have these great jobs and they get to travel to awesome places so often. It's not fair_comma_ having to watch them jetset and have a blast while I'm stuck working all the time. person B: I get that_comma_ I am not sure how some of these people can afford the places they go! person A: It's ridiculous_comma_ everyone has to be so showy. person B: Yeah_comma_ that is not me at all_comma_ I barely post anything to people online
person A: i was surprised when my parents gave me a car as my graduation present from college person B: How exciting for you. What kind of car is it? person A: It was a ford focus_comma_ it was actually a car I had and was in the process of paying off_comma_ and they just gave it to me! person B: That was so generous of them.
person A: I told something to someone that I had promised to keep a secret. person B: That is not nice! People do that all the time as long as the person they tell is closer to them person A: I felt bad afterwards for what had happened. I am a very nice person. person B: Everyone believes that of course_comma_ but I believe you_comma_ people make mistakes
person A: School is about to start. We are ready. person B: Ugh I remember those days! All the shopping_comma_ making sure to look good for the first day! good times person A: Yep. My daughter is so excited. I am glad summer is over. person B: Me too_comma_ I am looking forward to winter and christmas_comma_ much better in my opinion! person A: I like spring because the weather is so nice.
person A: I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of 2.5 years person B: congratulations. marry her person A: I am thinking about it_comma_ we are still young person B: then maybe you should cheat.
person A: Lately_comma_ my neighbors want to sit around and gossip about the family across the street. They love to talk bad about them even though it's clear this family is struggling. I'm sick of it person B: I am sure you are_comma_ that sounds bad person A: It's awful! How are people okay with being so cruel? person B: There are just bad people out there
person A: I really went into care mode when my dad got sick. I just made sure he was going to be okay person B: That takes a lot of strength to be able to do that. A lot of people would just break down instead of trying to help however they can. person A: I just knew what I needed to do to help person B: Good for you_comma_ I'm sure your dad is so very thankful for you.
person A: MY electriv bill is through the roof this month. person B: Yikes_comma_ did anything out of the ordinary happen? person A: We went on two vacations so I thought it would have been lower. person B: That is weird_comma_ sorry to hear that_comma_ paying more money is never fun at all
person A: I was impressed when my friend was our valedictorian in high school person B: Wow that's awesome. person A: Yeah_comma_ I was proud of them_comma_ I was surprised when i heard the enws person B: Why so surprised>
person A: Sometimes I get annoyed by my parents_comma_ there seems to be such a generational gap between us sometimes person B: I know exactly what you mean. person A: I guess everyone feels like that to an extent_comma_ it is unavoidable person B: It makes it hard to communicate though.
person A: I miss my ex. person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ how did it end between you? person A: He kept gambling away our bill money so I had to let him go. person B: That makes sense_comma_ sometimes things are just not meant to be
person A: I tried to paint my house one color and it turned out another color. person B: that is no good_comma_ I am sorry that happened to you person A: Thanks_comma_ yeah its a bummer person B: It happens I suppose_comma_ maybe there is some sort of refund policy where you bought it from
person A: I was disgusted when I saw a fight in high school that ended with someone cracking their skull open a bit person B: WOW! Why do people have to be violent... ugh person A: I do not know_comma_ I do not hate anyone enough to do that to them person B: right me either. its too bad but glad you are thinking right!
person A: Excited when the Lakers got Lebron. person B: Oh no. Not another Lebron story. person A: yes of course_comma_ all day! person B: I know. He is a great player though.
person A: I though my new neighbors was nice but I was wrong. person B: thats nice. person A: She is terrible. Thats not nice at all. person B: sorry to hear that. person A: She is so loud and the police are there all the time.
person A: I'm planning a trip next month and I am super excited. person B: Where are you headed to? person A: I'm going home to California_comma_ I plan on meeting with my best friend. person B: Oh_comma_ well that sounds like it will be a ton of fun_comma_ I hope all goes well!
person A: I was embarassed when I was in school and my pants fell down in front of everyone person B: Oh no! How old were you at the time? person A: I was in kindergarden I believe_comma_ so still pretty young person B: That's like a bad dream scenario. Better to be a little kid though_comma_ even if kids are mean.
person A: Somebody said something about me that was not true person B: Please don't care about those people. Try to be true to yourself. World will recognize you one day. person A: That is so true. People like that are not worth the time of day. person B: Exactly. You're right. Ignore them.
person A: My wife forgot to wish me on our anniversary. person B: Have you been married a long time? person A: yeah_comma_ It's our 2nd anniversary. person B: I know that had to hurt. But forgive her and let her make it up to you. person A: Yeah_comma_ it's her situation. I understand. But hurts a little.
person A: I was so scared when my dad used to scare me as a kid person B: Dads can be strange like that sometimes. Was he trying to be malicious about it_comma_ or just having fun? person A: I guess he was just having fun_comma_ but I was not having as much person B: What did he used to do?
person A: I wish I could go back to the first date my girlfriend and I had person B: Why did things end between you? person A: Oh_comma_ they didn't end. I just miss that time_comma_ since everything felt new and alive and different person B: Oh_comma_ yeah I understand that_comma_ it is the same way with my girlfriend now
person A: I miss being a kid and all the stupidity that came with it_comma_ I wish I was young again person B: I was just saying the same thing. person A: Yeah_comma_ it is no fun growing up_comma_ but I mainly miss all of my friends from back then person B: I'm only 34 and a lot of my old friend are dead.
person A: I am sfraid of who will move in next door to me. person B: Was your previous neighbor good at least? person A: no. I never have decent neighbors so I'm expecting the worst. person B: Ah_comma_ well at least you can only meet or exceed expectations! person A: Yeah I guess. I should just move.
person A: Hi_comma_ the first time went on a date made me feel very awkward person B: Why did it make you feel awkward? person A: WEll_comma_ I didn't want to let my family know as my brother would annoy me about it. So the only clean clothes I had were like a tracksuit person B: Oh_comma_ well I am sure the date was just happy you were there! person A: Not exactly. The next day at school her friends were asking why I had dressed that way.
person A: Before I met my girlfriend and friend group_comma_ I was so lonely all the time person B: That's a shame - I'm glad that you've got friends now though. Why was that? person A: I was still finding myself and aI was very shy person B: I thikn lots of people are shy until they find where they belong.
person A: When my son was born i felt joyful and happy! person B: i bet you did_comma_ did you want a boy instead of a girl? person A: It didnt matter as long as they were healthy. person B: That is a good mindset_comma_ I wish you the best of luck with that!
person A: I felt guilty when I broke the window in our house person B: how did it happen? person A: I threw a football through it person B: how_comma_ did you get into trouble?
person A: I was upset when the spurs traded away Khawi Leonard person B: I understand that_comma_ he seemed to seal his own fate there_comma_ but still sad person A: yea_comma_ they should have forced him to play a little to see what would happen. maybe he would change his mind person B: Potentially_comma_ he seemed a bit deadset_comma_ but we do not know too much all in all
person A: I was disappointed when I saw how much the Eagles tickets cost for their opener_comma_ I really wanted to go person B: how much do they run? person A: about 350_comma_ and I wanted to bring my girlfriend_comma_ so all in all about 740 with fees person B: damn.. how times have changed..
person A: I was looking forward to one of my favorite shows coming back on and it was cancelled. person B: Was it Roseanne? person A: That wasn't it but that was another one that I was glad came back and then was sorry to see go.l person B: Me too. What show are you talking about?
person A: I don't live in a good neighborhood. I feel bad for the kids who grow up here. person B: That can be a hard situation to deal with. Any chance of moving? person A: Hopefully I will be getting a house next year. person B: Good for you. Just hang on best you can until your in a better place.
person A: My long distance girlfriend surprised me when she flew in to visit me this past weekend person B: Aww_comma_ that is so sweet! I'm sure you were very happy person A: I was ecstatic. It was before school has started_comma_ so I had a lot of free time. Couldn't have been planned better. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ definitely! She seems like a very good girlfriend to do that for you. Sounds like y'all have a good future ahead.
person A: I felt guilty when I broke our house window with a football person B: Oh no... maybe you can get it fixed asap so no one will be upset? person A: It is fixed now_comma_ but at the time it was a big deal person B: I am sure it was glad its fixed
person A: Today I came across an old diary that I wrote in when I was younger. person B: How does it hold up now? person A: Its holding up pretty good! :) looks brand new still lol person B: well that is good_comma_ that seems rare!
person A: Tomorrow the results will be announced. Awaiting eagerly! person B: The results for what? person A: It's competitive exam and the last level. one step to go to get a government job. person B: Well_comma_ best of luck_comma_ I am sure you did awesome! person A: Yeah_comma_ Thank you so much.
person A: I miss being a kid_comma_ all the games I played with neighbors_comma_ just great times person B: Childhood is a boon and it never be taken again. But everyone wishes to do so. person A: That is for sure_comma_ I just miss those days a lot person B: Me too. Try to spend time with kids. We can get into their life for sometime.
person A: Sometimes even though I have a girlfriend_comma_ I wonder what it'd be like to be with someone else person B: well theres only one way to find out! person A: I don't think I'd be willing to leave her. She's great. But sometimes you get that "grass is greener" feeling person B: yea_comma_ everyone probably does at one point or another.
person A: I got mad when I lost my dog person B: Oh no! I would have too. Did you find him? person A: no_comma_ he dug a hole and ran away. person B: Oh... Interesting. A hole under the fence? I'm sorry to hear that.
person A: My brother graduated college and has already gotten a job_comma_ I feel pretty happy for him person B: thats amazing.. im happy for him too.. i bet you are proud person A: Yeah_comma_ I am. I felt a little jealous_comma_ since he graduated before me. But that's okay. I want him to do well_comma_ especially since he has a family. person B: thats to be expected but you seem like a caring person
person A: A few weeks ago there was a fire in our electrical panel. person B: Wow_comma_ that's terrifying.get really big? Did it person A: luckily no! it stayed in just 1 room on one wall person B: That is crazy lucky. Well_comma_ I'm glad everything ended up okay.
person A: I was excited when my parents got me a car as a graduation gift person B: Oh that sounds very exciting! What kind of car? person A: it was an 05 ford focus! person B: That is so awesome! Happy for you!
person A: I was at a party once and saw someone throw up all over someone else. person B: That is nasty_comma_ did it get on anyone else? that would not be fun person A: It got all over many people. It was gross. person B: That is so nasty_comma_ I am glad I was not there
person A: I was excited when my parents got me a car as a graduation gift person B: wow ! that's really awesome. What kind of car did you get? person A: I was disgusted when I saw someone bleeding during a fight_comma_ their head had been cracked person B: what? that's absolutely horrble
person A: I am really in shock person B: Shock? Uh oh_comma_ what happened? Is everything okay? person A: Yes its actually great! I got into college. person B: Ohhh... That makes more sense. Well_comma_ congratulations. That's a defining point in people's lives. I hope you have a great experience.
person A: had to leave my long distance girlfriend to go back home_comma_ after I had spent a month of time with her person B: im sorry.. distance sucks. luckily you guys have skype! person A: Yeah_comma_ we use it all the time. It's annoying to deal with sometimes_comma_ though. And it stinks to only be able to talk and not be able to hang out in person. person B: I know because sometimes technology doesnt work the way we want it too.. i hope you get to be together again soon.
person A: Every year n=on my friends's birthday_comma_ I take her out for dinner and drinks. Her birthday was last week. person B: how did it go? person A: I totally forgot that it was her birthday. I felt so bad. person B: how did you make up for it?
person A: I was upset when my dog ran away person B: Did you find him? person A: No i did not person B: How long has it been? I am so sorry. That must be so difficult.
person A: My brother's dog pooped upstairs_comma_ and I didn't see it_comma_ and ended up stepping in it... person B: No!!! gross... did you flip? person A: No_comma_ I had my brother clean it up. But it got on my shoe_comma_ which wasn't nice to deal with. person B: i am sure it wasnt
person A: I know its probably too soon to tell but I am afraid my daughter is going to be a difficult teenager! person B: Hah... I have a teenage sister. I can agree. But they can have their good moments. I hope for the best for you. person A: Thanks! Thats nice of you. person B: With the way you sound_comma_ I'm sure you'll have the patience and the wisdom to raise her the right way through the teenage years anyway.
person A: I just received my certification to teach english as a second language! person B: Congrats!!! Do you already have a job lined up? person A: Yes. I will be teaching children from Asia. person B: thats so awesome good for you person A: Thank you. The test was not that easy despite speaking and comprehending English quite well.
person A: Man I really wish I could take a break from work like my wife. person B: Don't we all! Work is often times one of the most stressful things in life. person A: you hit the nail on the head there! its rewarding and stressing at the same time ugh! person B: Where do you suppose you would like to take a break at?
person A: I can't believe Matt Ryan got 30 million. person B: That's a large amount of money! person A: Yes highest paid in the league. person B: He is a Superbowl caliber QB_comma_ so I guess he deserves it.
person A: I am so impatient for tuesday. person B: What happens Tuesday? person A: My house might be sold! person B: Nice_comma_ how much will you get?
person A: If my plans work out_comma_ I'll be moving to France in the winter. person B: that is so cool! omg beautiful.. what part of france? person A: Paris. person B: beautiful_comma_ congrats!
person A: I trusted my brother in law with my dog and messed up. person B: what happened? person A: he went missing. person B: im sorry :( how long has he been missing for?
person A: I just wont ever forget the way I felt when I lost my father. person B: im sorry to hear that. how long ago was it? person A: it was 10 years ago but it never feels any less person B: I can only imagine. i hope it has gotten a little easier for you?
person A: One time my car ran out of gas on the side of the road and a friend helped me by getting gas for me. person B: Oh wow_comma_ that was nice of your friend_comma_ that is not a fun situation to be in person A: Yeah I felt bad for him because we were both late for work that day. person B: Well that is a true friend right there then!
person A: I was disgusted when I saw someone get their head cracked open during a fight person B: That's nuts_comma_ do you know if they are ok? person A: No idea_comma_ I think they were okay_comma_ but I did not know them personally person B: Ah ok. That's crazy though. Hope they are ok.
person A: My cat has been missing for a week. I have looked everywhere. person B: Have you called animal control? What about putting up flyers? person A: Yes. I am so worried She is 23 years old. I got her when I was little. person B: Maybe someone found her and took her in.
person A: I was at a retail store and encountered a lost child. person B: Were you able to help? How scary for that child! person A: Yes. I calmed the child down and found a supervisor to help reunite them with their parents. person B: That's good. I am glad it was a happy ending.
person A: My friend told me she didnt have enough money for rent and that she needed to borrow some money. person B: I know you're not asking for advice but... DONT. Just dont. person A: I know... but I already did.. hoping for the best :/ person B: ahhhhhh! I see this on Judge Judy everyday!
person A: My dog got into some grapes the other day when my toddler had hid them in a toy and the dog found them. I know grapes are not good for dogs! It made me so nervous! person B: My anxiety would have been having anxiety - so I feel you... hows the dog doing today? person A: She's okay_comma_ I think she will be fine_comma_ I just dont know how many grapes is too much! Shes eaten an entire package of oreos before so I dont know :( person B: Awh.. if shes okay today she will be fine!
person A: I have to take a foreign language class for college_comma_ and I'm not sure how well I'll do person B: I bet you'll be fine if you work hard enough. What language is it? person A: It's Spanish. I took some in high school_comma_ but that was a long time ago.I just don't want to have to speak it in front of others... person B: I feel that way sometimes but it's the best way to learn_comma_ and it only gets easier!
person A: I just found out my cat is very sick and there's nothing we can do to save him. I've had him for 17 years_comma_ I don't know what to do with myself. person B: That is so sad.. im sorry! ugh... i hope you can find peace. person A: I hope so too_comma_ I'm going to miss Pants so much. person B: what a cute name... i am sure you will.. again im sorry!
person A: I feel so bad about what I did. person B: What happened? person A: I lied to my dad. person B: At least you feel bad about it?
person A: Recently_comma_ I just received an unexpected bonus at work. It was given to me for working extra hard on a project! person B: how_comma_ how are you going to spend it? or are you a saver? person A: I am a saver. I plan to put it in my emergency fund just in case! person B: thats a good choice
person A: I saw a spider and i got scared person B: Eek! I hate spiders! Did you kill it? person A: i tried but he got away. person B: Oh no! That's too bad. Now you will have to keep an eye out for it!
person A: I had to teach an inservice class at work. I went over all of my notes very carefully person B: Did it go well for you then? person A: Quite well. I was ready for any question that was asked of me. person B: It's great when it works out that way_comma_ I hate presenting.
person A: I have to take this long road trip soon_comma_ my car is making this weird noise and I'm not sure if I should still go on it. I'm worried it might break down on me. person B: You should take it somewhere then person A: I don't have the money for it but this person is counting on me for this trip_comma_ I'm stuck in a hard place. person B: You need to save up then
person A: I was grateful when my dad helped me buy a car. He was there the entire time person B: Did he give you tips for getting the best deal? person A: He did_comma_ he helped me a lot that way person B: That's really sweet_comma_ I'm happy for you
person A: I am happy I survived the weekend. person B: I feel that_comma_ sometimes I feel lucky to survive single days! person A: I usually enjoy the weekends_comma_ but not this one. person B: Why this one in particular?
person A: I was very happy when I got accepted into graduate school person B: That is great_comma_ which one? person A: It is a school in Delaware that is pretty good_comma_ I did not expect to get in person B: When do you start?
person A: I was anxious when I applied for grad school_comma_ I did not know if I would get in person B: So what happened? person A: I got in_comma_ I was so excited! person B: Congratulations!
person A: I have three kids. They are great and so am i person B: I am glad to hear that_comma_ it seems like a lot of work person A: IT is but when parenting is natural to you_comma_ its fun and rewarding. person B: that is wht i have heard_comma_ i hope it is that way for me person A: It will be. Believe in yourself/
person A: I was ashamed when I failed my first test in college_comma_ I thought I was doing well person B: It can happen.Were you better prepared for the next one? person A: I was_comma_ I am doing well_comma_ but at the time I was so scared person B: It can be a hard lesson to learn but will make you a better student.
person A: My cousin bought a really pretty shirt that I had been wanting person B: My cousin bought a really pretty shirt that I had been wanting person A: that is not fun_comma_ does that mean you cannot get it now? person B: No I can but I didn't want her to have it and not me. person A: that is no fun_comma_ does that mean you cannot buy it now? person B: No I can but I didn't want her to have it and not me.
person A: Everything seems to be going wrong_comma_ one thing after the other. I feel like I could break down but I have to trust that everything will work out the way it's supposed to. person B: I understand.. i wish life could be eaiser! Im sorry.. whats going on? person A: A lot of things_comma_ my mom is sick and needs financial help but I can barely afford my rent after my hours were cut. I don't know if I'm going to be able to afford clothes for my daughter for school_comma_ all sorts of things. person B: sounds like a lot of stress... i hope things change for you VERY soon!
person A: I am not feeling in a good mood today. person B: Oh no_comma_ I hope you feel better soon. Do you want to talk about it? person A: thanks im just upset because i had to put my dog to sleep person B: I'm so sorry. Have you tried reading Rainbow Bridge_comma_ that could provide some comfort.
person A: I wish I was Dwayne Johnson. person B: wouldnt that be cool and your bestfriend would be kevin person A: You mean Kevin Hart? person B: yup
person A: I am amazed that my daughter actually remembered my birthday last month. person B: Why is that? person A: because she doesnt even remember how to take out the trash or clean up person B: What did she do for your birthday?
person A: I am so mad I have to go back to school. person B: I understand that completely_comma_ I still have a bit of time to wait person A: I should of graduated already. person B: I get that_comma_ sometimes it is not in the cards though
person A: I was anxious when I applied for graduate school person B: Did you get in? person A: I did_comma_ I was very lucky! person B: When do you start?
person A: I trusted my dad when he wanted to help me get a new car. I just knew he would do whatever it took to help person B: That is nice of him_comma_ that is a good dad right there! person A: Yeah he was a great one person B: oh_comma_ I am sorry to hear that he passed away...
person A: I am grateful for my parents_comma_ they help me out with so much person B: How do they help person A: Just by giving me somewhere to live and helping out wtih bills person B: They sound like good people
person A: I am so happy its summertime. person B: Me too_comma_ I dislike heat but I love the leisure person A: I like the fact its light out longer. person B: Me too_comma_ that made summer great as a kid!