person A: I was sad to see Lebron go to the Lakers person B: That sucks to hear. I don't know too much about basketball_comma_ to be honest. Was it really a big deal? person A: yea he is the best player in the world. person B: I hear a lot of people say that_comma_ he must be real good. What team would you prefer to see him on?
person A: I was excited my first day of college. I was excited to start my next chapter person B: So_comma_ you are not anymore? person A: It was a long time ago person B: Did you graduate?
person A: President Trump annoys the hell out of me. person B: Why does he do that person A: Because he is a total jackass. person B: I guess thats a reason
person A: I am incredibly lucky to have a stranger return my new phone when I lost it on the bus. person B: That is extremely lucky. It's nice to know there are still good people in the world. person A: For sure. I had already written off finding my phone but this random person sure surprised me! person B: Wow. That sure saved you a lot of money on replacing a phone_comma_ too!
person A: I hate being alone_comma_ but my wife and kids have gone on vacation with her family this summer. person B: Oh no really_comma_ that really sucks to hear. Why were you not able to go? person A: I had to stay home and work. person B: It is sad that you can not go_comma_ but you are making a good sacrifice to make sure your family will be able to survive. Also you could use the alone time to do stuff you are not able to do with them around!
person A: i feel lost without my dog! person B: I am sorry_comma_ they are sweet animals person A: yea my dog ricky! from the secret life of pets person B: That is adorable
person A: I felt real bad when my mom got sick bad. I had to take care of her person B: oh i hope she got better person A: She did eventualy person B: well thats great news!
person A: So my first day of college my girlfriend decided to break up with me. This is after 3 years of dating. person B: Why did she break up? person A: Said she didn't love me anymore. For 2 weeks i didn't do any homework didn't even go to class half the time for those weeks. person B: Did she give you a reason why she didn't love you anymore? person A: Nope just said that. I expect she found someone else.
person A: I heard a storm was coming and I got really scared! person B: That's bad. I feel sorry for you person A: I am glad it wasnt as bad as they predicted person B: Oh god. Thanks. I feel care for you.
person A: I felt alone one summer. All of my friends were away it seemed person B: I felt the same way. person A: Its not a good feeling person B: Are they coming back soon?
person A: I have to pay out of pocket for school now. Its gonna take forever person B: That is never a good thing to do person A: I can only take a few classes since I work and have kids. Its really sad person B: You will get through it person A: Im not gonna quit. I never do that.
person A: My girlfriend said she was going to catch up with her ex boyfriend over coffee. I am sure that nothing shady will go on between them. person B: Surely not_comma_ do you trust her. person A: At first I was scared_comma_ but she has done nothing to make me worry about her in the past. person B: Then I wouldn't be worried_comma_ you can't live your life that way. If someone wants to cheat_comma_ they will find a way.
person A: The day my son was born was one of the best days of my life. person B: Congratulations! It must've been a very happy day for you and your family. person A: Thank you! It was a feeling like no other. person B: I could imagine. I one day hope to experience that feeling.
person A: I was happy when i found my dog! person B: Oh? How did you find him? person A: He came back on his own! person B: Oh he must be a good boy then or girl.
person A: I made a pizza the other day. Let it cool off but when i came back it was gone. person B: what happened to it? person A: Ends up my brother stole it. Was so mad he did that. i even would of shared it. person B: that stinks person A: You ever have that happen to you?
person A: I am so happy eith the way things are going right now. person B: Why are you happy person A: Everything is working out. Im working_comma_ in school_comma_ kids are healthy. Its just going well. person B: That is nice to hear person A: Its a good feeling. I have to go knock on wood now.
person A: It really hurt when my dad died randomly. It was the hardest thing I have been through person B: I'm so sorry to hear that. person A: Yeah it was tough person B: I lost my grandmother last year. It is a rough thing to go through.
person A: My grandmother_comma_ who raised me_comma_ just passed away unexpectedly. I don't know how to process this! person B: I am very sorry to hear about your loss. take you were very close. person A: We were very close. She live with me growing up with my mom and is like a second mother. We talked everyday. person B: I am sure she is in a better place now.
person A: I am sue I will get a promotion at work. person B: That is great to hear! Part of being successful is being confident_comma_ and you sure sound confident! person A: I WORK VERY HARD FOR THAT PROMOTION.I DESERVED IT person B: Try to be confident but not overly entitled. There is a fine line between the two. Congrats though if you get the job!
person A: I got pretty scared when I wrecked my truck. I was not sure I would be okay person B: Wow that must have been a terrifying experience. Are you ok now? person A: I am okay. I hurt my knee but I healed person B: That is good that you escaped your accident with a minor injury. Please take care of yourself in the future!
person A: Next week I will be going on a road trip with my girlfriend. I can't wait! person B: I am sure that will be fun person A: Yes_comma_ this is the first time going on vacation with her. person B: I bet you have a lot of good times
person A: I was thankful when i found my dog! person B: I could imagine! How do you lose your dog? person A: He dug a hole under the fence and got out person B: Oh_comma_ wow! Those dogs are smart! What did you change to make sure it doesn't happen again?
person A: A good friend of mine ended up moving a few states away. We haven't been face to face in over three years. person B: wow im sorry to hear that. you still stay in contact? person A: Yeah_comma_ we talk daily on FaceBook. Really that's the biggest benefit to social media these days. person B: thats good person A: I'm hoping he can get a chance to come visit soon_comma_ social media can't replace face to face contact/
person A: I was mad when my friend skipped my moms funeral. It was just a sad time person B: Wow what did they say about skipping it? person A: He said he was sick_comma_ but that was not true person B: probably won't forgive him for a long time.
person A: I didn't have enough money to pay my rent last week. person B: I bet that was stressful person A: Yeah but luckily my parents gave me the 60 bucks i needed and i paid them back the next week. person B: I am sure they did not mind doing that
person A: I was upset when i saw my dog had gotten out person B: How'd he get out? person A: kids left the gate open i guess person B: Oh man_comma_ I hope you weren't too hard on the kids.
person A: I just got a new piece of workout equipment in the mail. Can't wait to try it out. person B: wow thats awesome person A: Yeah. It's a special type of bar that allows you to do different movements that you can't do with a regular barbell. person B: sounds like you will be using that often person A: Oh I plan on it! It will boost my progress into overdrive!
person A: The final season of game of thrones is coming soon person B: Yes_comma_ but I will be sad when it ends. person A: I know. Im excited and sad at the same time. person B: I can't wait to find out the end of the series. person A: Me either. It is the best show I've ever watched.
person A: I am devastated. person B: Why? person A: My grandmother just died. person B: I'm sorry to hear that.
person A: I miss hanging out with my parents. It makes me miss being with family person B: That's sad_comma_ did you move away from your parents? person A: Well they passed away person B: I'm sorry to hear that. That would be hard.
person A: I was happy when my dog returned! person B: Did he just come back to you? person A: Yea he found his way back home! person B: That is pretty great! My dog takes forever at time because he's playing with the neighbors dogs.
person A: When i was younger i would steal 20 bucks from my mothers purse at times. person B: oh no_comma_ did you ever get caught person A: I did and i felt really bad because she got mad at me. person B: did you learn your lesson?
person A: My dog escaped my yard last week and got pretty far_comma_ I was worried! person B: I bet you were_comma_ poor pup person A: Luckily a very kind man from my community brought her bag_comma_ I'm so thankful. person B: That is good to hear
person A: I was so scared when a tornado touched down close to my house. I was just sad and scared person B: Oh my gosh! Did you run and hide? person A: I hid in the bathroom person B: I don't live in an area that is known for tornadoes but they still scare me. I'm glad you're ok!
person A: I hope my dog returns home! person B: Oh gosh I hope so too! person A: Only time will tell! person B: I guess you got to just wait and see.
person A: My brother got married back in April! person B: wow thats cool! person A: I was a bridesmaid_comma_ and at the ceremony we danced all night long! person B: i bet that night was fun!
person A: A long time ago i had a argument with my sister. person B: Did it get resolved person A: Not really because our big brother came up to us to just tell us our grandma is dead downstairs. person B: Well that sucks_comma_ sorry person A: Yeah but it also shut us up hard.
person A: I got happy when my brother came home from college. It made me think I could go to college one day too person B: Well you should always think that. It's not hard once you get into the groove of it. person A: Yeah_comma_ it gave me some good thoughts person B: Hopefully you do go to college. I had fun but was stressful.
person A: So this guy tried to hit on me at a work event I was attending. I have a boyfriend so of course I turned him down. person B: I guess guys tend to do that person A: They do_comma_ they can be way too forward. person B: Forward isnt always good
person A: I was scared the first time walking on ice on the pond. I did not want to fall in person B: How old were you? That can be dangerous_comma_ you hear stories of people falling in all the time. person A: I was just a kid person B: I'd be scared too!
person A: i was upset to see my dog gone when i returned home person B: I am sorry to hear that. Have you tried looking for him. person A: if he wants to be with us he will find his way back home person B: What kind of dog do you have?
person A: Watching the MLB All-star game a couple weeks ago brought back fond memories of when I used to play baseball. person B: what position did you play person A: Primarily catcher_comma_ pitcher and 3rd base. person B: wow thats awesome
person A: My sister really gets on my nerves. She was supposed to do me a favor person B: because of my illness i got some frustration too person A: Well she took a load of laundry and is returning it after two days unwahed person B: family is much needed thing during these time. take care of your health
person A: I asked my dad to play basketball with me yesterday. I forgot that he used to play at a very high level and beat me badly! person B: Wow_comma_ I sure beat he beat your butt_comma_ I bet you thought you had it in the bag_comma_ rigtht? person A: I definitely thought I was going to win_comma_ but he sure proved me wrong! person B: Hahaha that just goes to show ya_comma_ age is just a umber!'
person A: Yeah_comma_ some times those things do happen_comma_ and you0\=i just have to have trust you know> person B: For sure. Trust is a key driver in having a good relationship with anyone. If you can't trust people then you will feel like you are alone a lot. person A: Yes_comma_ trust is essential_comma_ if you cant trust somebody then what are they good or honest? person B: I agree with that. You should be able to trust people until they prove that they are untrustworthy.
person A: I think I eat too much fast food. person B: how often do you eat it? person A: Seems like almost every day now that I can have it delivered. person B: oh wow person A: I know. I feel terrible
person A: I was upset when my dog ricky went missing person B: Oh no. What happened? person A: he dug a hole and got out person B: Dogs can be bad. Did he come home?
person A: I was struggling in a college course once. person B: We've all been there. How did you do? person A: I was given some extra credit work by the professor. He ended up giving me enough to pass. person B: That was nice. That doesnt always happen.
person A: I alwaus try to donate to charity when I can person B: Yeah that does make you feel good. But make sure it's a good charity. person A: I like that you can donate change at registers. Every little bit counts. person B: I like those too especially when i don't want change anymore. person A: I do it as often as I can
person A: I was riding passenger in a car that actually rolled over! person B: Well dang! Are you feeling alright? person A: Yeah_comma_ just bumps and bruises but I saw my life flash before my eyes! person B: I had an experience like that before - one that I never want to live again. How is the driver?
person A: Today at dinner_comma_ another man was checking out my girlfriend. person B: Oh goodness_comma_ I bet that made you jealous! person A: It did! I wanted to turn over the table and punch the man in the face! person B: Wow! I'm glad it didn't escalate to that point!
person A: So_comma_ I opened up my lunchbox today and had a grilled cheese sandwich. person B: I bet that tasted good person A: It really didn't. It was a lousy sandwich that my mom made me. person B: Oh well_comma_ at least it was something
person A: I felt accomplished when my graduated from high school. I felt felt achieved person B: It was a huge achievement when I graduated too. Did you get good grades? person A: I did that last year when it mattered person B: Nice. Did you go onto to university? person A: I did eventually
person A: I opened up my toybox today to get out my favorite toy. It wasn't in there! person B: what do you think happened to it? person A: I'm not sure! Maybe my brother stole it. He does seem to like my toys better than his own. person B: that stinks
person A: I was upset when my dog ricky went missing person B: Well that sounds really sad. How long was he missing for? person A: about two years person B: Did you ever find him?
person A: I was scared when they said a big storm was coming! person B: Oh man! I hate big storms too. Was it as bad as a hurricane? person A: nah it was a windstorm. it ended up being fine person B: Well that's good. Did you lose any shingles from your roof?
person A: Last night at dinner_comma_ I saw a man staring very intently at my girlfriend. person B: did you say something? person A: You bet I did! I stood up and told him to go get his own significant other. I was so mad I almost flipped the table person B: wow thats cool
person A: I got really happy when my brother got married. He deserved the happiness person B: That's an awesome experience. How was the wedding? person A: It was hot but fun person B: Did they have an awesome catering service? I am looking one for my wedding that is coming up
person A: I began my new job today! I'm hoping I do really well there. person B: How do you like it so far person A: It's not bad. The work is easy and I think I perform well. I do hope I get a raise soon. person B: I am sure you will
person A: Did you ever believe that there were monsters under your bed? person B: Yes. And in the closet too person A: I always had my mom leave the hallway light on. I was so frightened to go to sleep! person B: MY cousins used to play scary tricks on me. I hated that.
person A: ONe of my old coworkers just got engaged. person B: That's awesome! Were you invited to the wedding? person A: Not yet but I I cant believe it. person B: Do you know your co-worker very well? What do you think you'll get them for a gift? person A: I am going to get her a gift card. She has a lot of things already.
person A: I was shocked but happy when my aunt came to my birthday. She lived far away person B: How far away does she live? person A: 6 hours or so person B: Wow that is pretty cool of her to do.
person A: So i fixed this guys computer once_comma_ but even myself doubted i could fix it. person B: I bet you were proud person A: I was more just amazed that what i did worked. person B: That is great to hear
person A: My coworker is always coming over to my desk and talking for long periods of time. It causes me to get behind sometimes. person B: why dont you tell them to stop? person A: I try to but don't want him to think I am being rude. I might have to though if it keeps taking me away from work. person B: yea i coud understand that
person A: I was happy to see my dog returned home person B: That is great news! Was he lost? person A: yea he got out from the backyard person B: That has definitely got to be a relief that he is back! That is the best case scenario. Hopefully_comma_ he never gets away again. Make sure to check your fence!
person A: My dog took a big_comma_ fat_comma_ juicy poop on the carpet last night. person B: oh wow. did you clean it up person A: I did! I was so mad at her that I made her stay in her room the rest of the night. person B: wow that stinks
person A: was happy to see my dog ricky return home person B: What happened to him? Did he run away? person A: he got out from the backyard person B: Oh wow. Did you put posters up all over the neighborhood to find him?
person A: Went back to school at 40. Finally got a degree. person B: oh wow congrats person A: Thanks a lot! I'm so glad I finally did it. person B: i wish i could go back to get another degree. thats great that you were able to do that
person A: was happy to see my dog return home! person B: Thank god! Was your dog missing? person A: yea he got out.. dang dog person B: haha dogs always want to go out and play.
person A: So_comma_ my promotion results came out at work today. I wasn't very pleased. person B: Oh no. What happened? person A: I wasn't selected for the new job. Somebody better qualified than me snatched that promotion from my bare and deserving hands! person B: Hopefully_comma_ another position opens up! I'm so sorry to hear that.
person A: Went to a restaurant where people were eating live squids person B: That sounds so gross! Did you try any yourself? person A: Oh definitely not. I can't eat something alive and basically crawling across the table afraid! person B: Likewise! I even too terrified to try sushi. It just looks so slimy.
person A: My dog yakked all over the carpet last night. person B: Wow_comma_ that is very annoying. What will you do clean the carpet? person A: I don't know! It's sooooo disgusting. I'm thinking about hiring a maid to clean it up. person B: That is good idea.
person A: I miss having a summer holiday like when I was a kid. When I was a kid_comma_ during summer_comma_ I was meeting my cousins and we had a lot of fun. person B: Summer was so much fun! What did you usually do with your cousins? person A: We play soccer_comma_ went to the beach_comma_ biking. a lot of stuff. We didn't stop moving and making our parents worry person B: I used to be an outdoorsy person myself. Did you guys ever go to the pool?
person A: My neighbor keeps making noise at 2 in the morning. person B: I'm so sorry! Have you complained at all? person A: Yea_comma_ I have. Doesn't seem to affect them. person B: That's unfortunate. I hope that something changes soon. It is detrimental to your health!
person A: I miss the good old days when my kids were just babies. person B: haha so what are they like now? person A: The are evil little busy bodies who think money grows on trees. person B: I hope you taught them that it doesn't! person A: Im trying. But they are also kids and don't care about facts lol
person A: I have severe social anxiety and don't have any friends. person B: I'll be your friend person A: why thank you_comma_ kinda stranger! person B: I used to have a had time making friends when I was younger.
person A: So_comma_ I got home from work yesterday and I found out that my girlfriend threw me a surprise birthday party! person B: Thats great! How old are you. person A: I turned 28! I was so excited for the party_comma_ even though I think I'm too old for them. person B: You're never too old to have fun! Don't ever think that. Always stay a kid at heart
person A: I just rescued a dog this week and she was so abused. Just a baby. person B: Awwwww that's so sad to here. Where did you rescue her from? person A: She was running around the neighborhood and my neighbor was going to kick her so I had to take her person B: I would have done the same thing! Who does that guy think he is? I would've tried kicking him back. person A: I hear you! He doesn't mess with me though. She is so pretty was starved and overbred. I am so happy she is no longer being abused.
person A: I was devastated to find out my cousin was killed in a tragic car accident. person B: Oh that's really bad! person A: Yeah. To make things worse_comma_ he was one day away from receiving his PHD. Really devastated everyone who knew him. person B: That is just sad. People in education dying really sucks. person A: It just goes to show how fragile life is. Makes you appreciate what you have.
person A: So when i was younger i had family over and also my girfriend. person B: That's cool. What did you guys all do? person A: Well i ended up making out with my girlfriend on the couch when i though everyone was in the dining room. person B: I bed it was exciting just because of the idea of getting caught! person A: Well i got caught and i felt bad and awkward. person B: Oh wow! Wasn't expecting that. But kissing your girlfriend is hardly something to be shamed of.
person A: There's been noise at my door every night at the same time. I check and there isn't anything. person B: Maybe someone is playing a trick on you person A: That's what I'm thinking. I want to catch them! person B: Set a trap. Or maybe just a camera
person A: I promised myself I would exercise more. person B: How's it going with that? person A: Terrible. I have literally done nothing. person B: hahaha I've been that way too. person A: I bought an exercise bike and have used it once in 6 months.
person A: Yesterday was an awful day for me...I got fired from my job. person B: Oh no! I'm so sorry! person A: Thanks for your condolences. I'm doing alright_comma_ trying to get over it. Have you ever been fired before? person B: No but I've had my hours so reduced that it wasn't working going to work due to everything going to union dues and transportation.
person A: I was in a group chat last night and forgot to turn off the cam_comma_ when I left the chatroom. person B: Oh_comma_ that's never any good. Did the group see you do anything embarrassing? person A: Probably undress_comma_ snore and fart. person B: Well_comma_ that does sure sound like a show. I bet they shared a bunch of laughs over those wretched and foul farts.
person A: So_comma_ last night I tried throwing a salad in the oven_comma_ thinking I was Gordon Ramsey. person B: hm never tried baked salad. How'd it go_comma_ Ramsey? person A: It went how'd you think cooking a salad in the oven would go. The lettuce was scorched and the tomatoes tasted like dog poop. Absolutely disappointing. person B: Well_comma_ you get experience points on that. Hopefully_comma_ the next dish is better.
person A: Went to Texas_comma_ and it was raining pretty hard the whole time I was there. person B: It's been raining hard here in Virginia too. Did you get whisked away in a flash flood? person A: Nah_comma_ not that bad. Just couldn't go anywhere. person B: Some days trapped inside the house aren't always bad. At least you don't have to think too hard on what to do.
person A: I have been working on a new business lately and I am so excited about it everyday! person B: That is good! What work do you do there? person A: I am working on selling stuff online. It requires a lot of research person B: Must find some cool things while doing it. person A: For sure! Except I can't get much of it as I need to save my money for business lol
person A: So my father cheated on my mom once. person B: That's horrible. Did they divorce? person A: No they figured there problems out. But i was really annoyed at him for it. person B: Of course! betrayal is horrifying to go through. I hope he became a better man for it?
person A: I couldnt believe my co workers took the time to throw a party for me without me being aware. person B: That's so sweet. person A: It really made me feel special. I was just not expecting it. It really made my day go a lot better. person B: Was it for your birthday? person A: Yes and I was supposed to have the day off_comma_ but it got really busy and I had to work. person B: I hope I work with nice people like that one day.
person A: I don't listen to any new music anymore person B: There is so much different kinds it can be daunting sometimes on where to find the good stuff. person A: I listen to the same things I listened to in high school and that was 15 years agi person B: Oh wow. I would suggest using Spotify and then make a radio playlist on your favorites artists. That is how I find newer but similar music. person A: I do that with Pandora but i hardly ever like anything new person B: Sometimes it takes a while to really hone into your preferences.
person A: So_comma_ last night I thought I was Martha Stewart and tried out a new recipe I crafted - pepperoni cheesecake person B: A+ for creativity. person A: Oh_comma_ believe me_comma_ I thought so as well. Turns out_comma_ pepperoni was never meant for cheesecake. I promptly threw it in the trash with disappointment. person B: Never ventured_comma_ nothing gained and all.
person A: My friend lost her job_comma_ but she won one of those scratch off tickets for $5_comma_000. person B: Seems like things turned out for the better. What is she going to do with the winnings? person A: She's going to pay bills until she gets a new job. person B: Sounds like the responsible thing to do. Hopefully she gets a new one soon and her luck continues.
person A: My online friend appiled to come to America. We're waiting for some good news. person B: How exciting! Where is your friend originally from? person A: She's in Ghana. person B: So awesome! Has she ever been to America before?
person A: So_comma_ went for a jog around the block yesterday. I was quite pleased to find a couple of elderly women were checking me out! person B: That is good stuff. I bet that made you feel good! person A: It did! Something about old women thinking I am attractive gives me a huge confidence boost. Maybe it's because I love my grandma so much. person B: You are so much fun! Jogging gives off a pretty good feeling too!
person A: It irritates me when my roommate doesn't clean up after himself person B: I hate that too! Do you make him clean it up? person A: I say something and he just gets all grumbly and then it's uncomforatable. person B: That's a tough situation to be in. I would just take all his belongings to the dump and be done with it. Maybe he can stay there too.
person A: I love being independent. person B: Yea_comma_ you can do whatever you want. person A: The best thing is not having to explain anything to anyone. I love it person B: That's for sure. How long have you had your independence? person A: Two years since I broke up with my ex. We had agreed that he would be the only one working back then
person A: Went to Hawaii for vacation. Kinda felt like it was a waste of money. person B: Really? Why? person A: I felt bored the entire time I was there_comma_ and anything I did there could be done at home. person B: I don't like vacations that make you feel like you are still at home. Where do you live?
person A: I once had people pass right by a little chihuahua on a hot day when they needed help person B: Awwwww_comma_ poor little doggie. Did you end up helping the poor thing? person A: Yes! He was in front of a grocery hot! and so many passed by and he was asking for help. He got a great home! person B: That's good! Small dogs like that make excellent companions. Do you plan on keeping him? person A: No I adopted him out to people I knew- he wasn't happy with all my already rescued animals. He is very happy now :)
person A: So_comma_ last year my parents got me a shotgun for Christmas. I was so stoked! person B: Wow_comma_ that's interesting. What do you do with it? person A: I take it up to my cabin in Michigan and hunt a bunch of small woodland critters! I like to think of myself as the hunter from Bambi. person B: Oh no- Well I am the opposite. I rescue bambi and small critters :)
person A: My friend's mom isn't doing too well. person B: That's too bad to hear. What's wrong with her? person A: She fell suddenly_comma_ had to get surgery and now she hasn't woken up from it. person B: That's incredibly awful. At least the surgery fixed the injury (I assume). Did the doctors say when she is going to wake up?