person A: A month ago_comma_ I was surprised by a visit by my parents for my birthday. They helped paint my house! person B: The visit would be the best gift ever and the paint job a huge bonus. person A: I know_comma_ I haven't seen them for an eternity and the house looks awesome! I was so stunned that they came all the way down. person B: How far did they have to travel?
person A: I am about to enter the workforce again soon. Hopefully person B: What job are you going to get? person A: I haven't started looking yet. The kids are all going to be in school now and I can work outside the home though. person B: What did you use to do for work? person A: I was a pharmac technician but I think I want to do something different.
person A: President Trump annoys me. person B: I think he annoys most people. person A: I just wish he didn't tweet. person B: His tweets are rude and ill informed and he never apologizes for anything.
person A: So_comma_ last night I was enjoying myself watching a movie. I ordered pizza and it didn't come on time. It was an hour late! person B: I bet you were starving! Did they say why they were so late? person A: Oh_comma_ they said they were over-saturated with orders_comma_ but come on! An hour is way too long. person B: Did you get it free? I would be so annoyed!
person A: I couldn't find my debit card all week and I've finally given up. I think I have to get it replaced. person B: Aw man_comma_ I've been there before. Has anyone tried using it? person A: No_comma_ I kept track of the transaction on my mobile app. I'm pretty sure I lost it. person B: That really sucks. Fortunate to hear that no one misused it though. They are typically pretty fast at sending you a new one.
person A: I recently began my own online business. I'm hopeful that my dried starfish kiosk will take off soon. person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds unique. What exactly do you sell? person A: I sell dried starfish that I find on the local beach! I figure there must be a niche for it somewhere_comma_ since I enjoy collecting them so much. person B: Oh! Well duh_comma_ silly me. I thought it was food or something. Do you sell other things too?
person A: My car was broken into last night. I lost my laptop_comma_ loose change I had in the cupholders_comma_ my GPS_comma_ and they yanked my radio set out. person B: Did you call the police? person A: I did but they only took a report and that's about it. This is so upsetting. person B: They will find who did it.
person A: I am helping my father as he has gotten older. person B: Is he unable to take care of himself now? person A: Yes_comma_ he can hardly walk now. person B: How caring of you.
person A: I went to the bowling alley yesterday all alone - my friends ditched me. person B: That sucks_comma_ did you still have fun? person A: No_comma_ not really. I went anyway_comma_ because I wanted to have a good time. It was rather lonely. person B: What did you bowl?
person A: Hillary Clinton annoys me person B: She annoys me as well! She seemed pretty fraudulent in the last election. person A: Yes_comma_ she should be in jail. person B: Yes_comma_ especially for all those emails they found on her private server. Despicable.
person A: I took my last final exam for the semester yesterday. I think I did smashing on it. person B: That is awesome! What subject was it in? person A: It was statistics_comma_ which I find somewhat challenging. I studied my but of though and felt like I aced it. person B: I sure hope that you did. Statistics is tough!
person A: Man_comma_ my last partner put me through the ringer. There were so many trials and tribulations person B: I hear that_comma_ my friend. It ain't exactly easy living with mine_comma_ but ya gotta do it for love. person A: Sometimes love just isn't enough though. person B: It has to be enough - that's the whole reason why we seek out a soulmate. I do hope things get better.
person A: Man_comma_ I really enjoy playing card games. I used to play in tournaments and compete_comma_ but that was a long time ago. person B: I love card games also. person A: Nice_comma_ have you ever won any tournaments? person B: Yes I have won a few poker tournaments. person A: Awesome_comma_ I bet you felt great! There just isn't a feeling like winning a tournament and making money playing a game you love
person A: I am sick that I send Obama money for his campaign. person B: Oh man_comma_ why are you even still sending him money? person A: This wasn't recent this was 8 years ago. person B: Ahhh_comma_ so you're upset at your past self? We all make mistakes_comma_ man_comma_ it's good. What we think is good for us sometimes turns out to not be_comma_ but hindsight is twenty twenty.
person A: I went to traffic court the other day and was promised that I would get off with a warning_comma_ but I ended up with a $300 fine. I was so mad! person B: So much for them being up front for you. Man $300 for what thats a lot. person A: It was a ton. I was going 5 over in a construction zone_comma_ but no one was around where I was. So aggravating! person B: Yea construction zones are crazy_comma_ so often nooones there!
person A: I placed a sports bet last Saturday. I knew I was going to be right and get paid out! person B: That would be exciting! What do you plan to do with your winnings? person A: Place even more bets! person B: That could lead to a gambling problem! I always run away with my winnings.
person A: I almost got into a car accident yesterday. Have you ever been in one before? person B: Yes_comma_ I hate that so much. The sound of screeching and crushing metal is traumatizing. person A: Even though I didn't hear any of that_comma_ I still felt pretty traumatized - my heart was beating so fast. Were you hurt in yours? person B: Unfortunately_comma_ yes. I had to get a few staples in my head but my car was totaled...
person A: I did my homework ahead of time. I knew I would not have any free time over the busy weekend. person B: Smart move - it's always a swell idea to get ahead of work so that we can do the things we want to do in life. person A: I agree. I used to procrastinate a lot but I've learned that it's not a good habit. person B: Yup_comma_ I used to procrastinate all the time_comma_ but I think I am getting better at doing things ahead of time. And it feels so much better to get trivial things out of the way.
person A: I wish I could of said goodbye before my friend died. person B: Aw man_comma_ that has to be rough. Were you guys really close? person A: Yes we had been friends since birth. person B: That's even more saddening. Did you get to say somewhat of a goodbye to him at their funeral?
person A: My dog peed all over the fresh_comma_ funky socks that I just purchased. person B: Did you return the socks? person A: No_comma_ unfortunately the store wouldn't take them back. As punishment_comma_ I am forcing my dog to wear the socks. person B: That is mean.
person A: I am so happy it is almost August. person B: Me too but it is still one more month of heat coming but it also means September is on the way. person A: I am so happy it is almost August. person B: Why do you say that? person A: I love the heat_comma_ the hotter the better. person B: I don't like 100+ degree days myself!
person A: I wish I had kept my Maxima instead of buying an SUV. person B: I like driving closer to the ground. person A: Can you trade in the SUV? person B: I could sure but I will be starting over on payments_comma_ I might look into it. person A: Then why would you buy can SUV? person B: At the time it was a change and I like the ride of it_comma_ but I did not realize I would miss the sedan as much as I did.
person A: I am so scared of waterbugs. person B: What do you have against the ole waterbug? person A: They are bugs_comma_ huge_comma_ and they fly. One crawled over my foot at my grandmas house over the weekend. person B: That is terrifying indeed! I hoped you swatted that beast with the biggest fly swatter available. person A: I ran in the house.
person A: Tomorrow is a fine day for me - I start my new job. person B: Congratulations. Are you excited? person A: I'm quite anxious_comma_ to be honest. Completely new experience_comma_ completely new people. Hopefully I'll fit in. person B: You'll do fine. I look at new things as adventures.
person A: No one showed up for my birthday party. I was so alone and sad. person B: That would be depressing_comma_ did you plan it yourself or did someone plan it for you? person A: Well_comma_ both sort of. I expected at least one person_comma_ ya know? Not a single soul to be found. person B: Maybe if you post to social media_comma_ a bunch of random strangers will show up.
person A: My son failed his physics exam yesterday. person B: Ouch_comma_ was it an unfair test or did he not study? person A: Naw_comma_ he's somewhat lazy like myself when I was a young lad_comma_ but still_comma_ it was rather disappointing. person B: Yea_comma_ hope he can make it up the rest of the year.
person A: Last night was trash night and I forgot to take out the rank kitchen trash. person B: Ewww_comma_ throw that away ASAP. person A: Well_comma_ I would love to_comma_ but I lost my can last night in the storm. I feel so bad_comma_ because my wife can't stand the smell. person B: Throw it in your neighbor's trash can. I'm sure they would understand?
person A: I was so hungry and broke. My mother loaned me some money for food and I am VERY thankful. person B: What a nice gesture! What did you get to eat after not eating for so long? person A: I got a juicy triple stack cheeseburger and some fries from a local mom n pop store. It was delicious!!! person B: What kind of toppings did it have on it?
person A: Today_comma_ I ran over some roadkill on my way home from work. It was rather disgusting. person B: Oh no! What was it? person A: It was a dead possum. It was in one piece before I ran it over...but I didn't see anything behind me when I passed it. My tires must've grinded that poor little guy into smithereens. person B: Yikes! I hope you didn't have any car damage.
person A: oh man I fell down a flight of stairs at the LSU game last weekend. I was mortified because everyone laughed. person B: I hate it when people laugh at me_comma_ it's so humiliating! person A: Its the worst. I didn't want to come out of the bathroom afterwards. person B: Oh god_comma_ that's the worst part. The shame afterwards....
person A: I always let drivers perpendicular to me cut in when there is a line behind me. Show some love_comma_ right? person B: Yea man_comma_ that's good karma! person A: Free karma in my eyes plus I always try to imagine if I was them. I would be so happy if a stranger let me cut in! person B: Me too. Its always the worst when you are trying to get into the carpool line.
person A: I am happy I can retire. I worked for 40 years person B: That's awesome. I hope ro retire one day. person A: I am happy I can retire. I worked for 40 years. person B: What are you going to do now?
person A: I haven't even started my new diet. person B: What diet do you want to do? person A: It's something a family told me about. Small portions of healthy food and exercise. person B: Make sure you drink water also. person A: Lots of water and no soda. yikes
person A: I went to an EDM concert that had artists that I used to listen to. It was a blast from the past! person B: I have never heard of an EDM_comma_ what is that? person A: Electronic Dance Music. It's where all the hipster millennials gather to party and listen to trippy music haha person B: Lol- sounds like fun! Nothing better than nice hippies!
person A: I felt very proud of my mom when she put herself aside to be a caregiver for others. person B: What does a caregiver do? person A: They take care of others. Its like being a nurse to others in ways they need but in your own home person B: Oh_comma_ I see. Your mom is an angel! person A: She is! She is like Mother teresa. An example to us all.
person A: I miss my father so much person B: What happened to him? person A: He died a year ago and I still miss him.We were really closed. person B: So sorry to hear that. I hope that the pain fades with time.
person A: I had been hoping and praying to get my teeth fixed for as long as I can remember. I thought I had saved up enough money but it turns out it's going to cost way more than I had hoped. person B: Oh what a disapointment_comma_ well you can keep saving_comma_ does it hurts too much? person A: That's where I am fortunate_comma_ I'm in no pain. It's more cosmetic than anything else so I guess I shouldn't be so disappointed over it. person B: Oh ok i get it_comma_ well you just will have to save longer_comma_ thanks God its painless!
person A: My dog died last week. I've been so depressed without her. person B: I am sorry to hear that. person A: Thank you_comma_ she was pretty old so our family sort of expected it but she left so quick. person B: I hope you had fun with her.
person A: I do not like watching horror movies. person B: Same_comma_ I need someone else to watch horror movies with me. person A: I do not waste my time on that. person B: Hahaha_comma_ you are very adamant I see.
person A: I was at home waiting patiently because my boyfriend said he had gotten something for me. He came home with a small puppy and a bouquet of flowers and I was not expecting that! person B: That is so sweet. I want a puppy. and a boyfriend. person A: oh it's pretty alright we broke up but it was such a nice treat! person B: Why did you break up? person A: the dog was very crazy_comma_ not what I expected
person A: I dislike customer service agents with bad attitudes. person B: oh I do too_comma_ they must have been having a bad day person A: I dont care. Customer service is your only job. person B: yeah I guess so what did they do to you?
person A: I saw my friend projectile vomit on the rollercoaster. The smell still haunts me... person B: Oh lord_comma_ you might make me vomit right now! person A: My bad! But I can't get that picture out of my head. The yellow juice was so powerful and the smell was even worse!!!! person B: You totally aren't sorry. You are being super gross! lol. TMI
person A: I thought I would be homeless once and I was having a major panic attack. I was minutes from being homeless. person B: That sucks. I've been nearly broke too several times but thank god for family_comma_ right? person A: For sure. I did not have any family down there though. I begged and had enough to not be homeless. It was a miracle. person B: What happened if you don't mind me asking? person A: I lived in a hotel. Had an abusive husband who would do things to make us homeless behind my back. I was able to get help from a friend- I eventually had enough miracles to get the heck out of there and away from him.
person A: Whenever I see Jeeps on the road_comma_ I get so envious! Such beautiful cars... person B: They are really nice cars! Have you driven one? person A: No_comma_ but I've been in my friend's Jeep and it feels like you're in a tank haha. person B: They are nice looking cars and I have heard are great to off road in!
person A: Can you believe that for the third time in the past two weeks my lunch has been stolen at work. I am so heated right now. person B: That's not cool. Did you put your name on it? person A: Yes and dated it. I have been trying to save money and eat healthy but every time it is stolen I have to go out and buy lunch. I swear I am going to go off if it happens again. person B: I'm so sorry that happened to you_comma_ better luck next time.
person A: I wet my pants in class today. I wish I could have gone home early. person B: Oh no. Why do you think that happened? person A: I started drinking a gallon of water everyday. I couldn't hold it anymore. person B: Maybe you should slow down and only drink a bit at a time. person A: I will thanks for that piece of advice.
person A: I miss being a kid. Those were the good old days. person B: I feel you on that_comma_ man. I get nostalgic all the time. What do you miss the most? person A: Not having to pay bills. That is the worst. person B: Haha_comma_ yea_comma_ no one ever tells you how bad it really is. We get charged for every little thing. person A: I never knew how much a vacation cost until I took my three kids on one.
person A: Man_comma_ speaking of being a kid. You ever do something you thought was fun_comma_ but end up causing someone to get hurt? person B: When I was younger_comma_ but yes person A: I used to enjoy slap boxing in middle school_comma_ but I stopped because one time my friend was backing up to block my attacks_comma_ and there was a girl lying down behind him. He didn't know and ended up stepping on her face; she started crying and I just felt terrible about it. person B: Was she okay? Couldnt have been that bad person A: She was_comma_ but still_comma_ we were kids_comma_ it had to have hurt. Anyway_comma_ thanks for listening_comma_ man! person B: Woman lol person A: Sorry_comma_ lol_comma_ either way_comma_ thanks. You have a great day or night or whatever it is!
person A: When I was at the store today someone always tries to cut me off and step around me so they are in my personal space and even hitting/shoving me to reach items. Versus asking me. person B: Yeah_comma_ I hate that. Sometimes people will leave their carts right in the middle_comma_ blocking everyone while they walk off grabbing what they need. So annoying. person A: Oh thats strange. I haven't seen that. I just don't like it when people have no couth and don't even say 'sorry" or excuse me- Especially when they are touching me. geez! person B: I guess they have never heard of a personal bubble. person A: They never heard of decency
person A: I am excited for the upcoming UFC event this weekend_comma_ I already ordered the PPV and am so ready! person B: I am not someone who likes that but I person A: Yeah_comma_ it's a love it or hate it type of sport. To each his own I guess. person B: I'm sorry it submitted early. But I'd love to hear why it excites you? person A: The realness of it. Nothing is more instinctual in our DNA than fighting! person B: true! Thank you- It is very real
person A: Last week I got a flat tire on my way to work. person B: Ouch_comma_ did it make you late to work? person A: I was on time! Luckily_comma_ someone stopped and helped me change the tire. person B: That's great to know there are still good people in this world.
person A: So last week when I was visiting my parents I took ride past my old high school. That brought back so many good memories. person B: I bet! Could you see yourself walking around? person A: Well_comma_ the entrance looked like it was added on to but the football stadium was the exact same. person B: I bet that brought back a lot of memories!
person A: I will always cheer for the New York Jets. person B: Why? Are you from New York? person A: Yes. Born and raised. person B: Nice_comma_ do you play football too?
person A: I was in awe of the skills of my teammate. He is true gamer indeed. person B: What kind of gamer? person A: Video games. person B: I love video games.
person A: So this guy was hanging out of a parking lot in traffic while we had a green light- No he wouldn't back up his car or GO- When we beeped at him to back up- he had the nerve to yell derogatory things and beep back as if he was doing nothing wrong person B: That was very mean of him. person A: Well he tried to cut everyone off and it's just wreckless. So many people die. I really hate it when bad drivers think they are not lol person B: Did you call the police? person A: The police don't really do anything here. It's like the wild wild west. Almost no one ever gets in trouble that is why they constantly drive 20 over and cut you off at the last second etc.
person A: I know my father will always have my back. person B: That is great! Always nice to see a good dad for once person A: Yes_comma_ he always is there for me. person B: Can you give me an example?
person A: I can't believe how great the Braves are playing. person B: What's the Braves? person A: The Atlanta Braves. The pro baseball team in Atlanta. person B: Okay cool_comma_ I'm not that big into sports.
person A: I walked across the stage at graduation. All of my family and friends were there. person B: They must of been so proud. person A: I had three bouquets of flowers waiting for me. I was shocked. person B: Who gave them to you? person A: My mom and my grandparents. person B: Who got them for you? person A: I got cards form uncles and aunts too.
person A: I am ready for the last day of work. person B: Are you quitting your job? person A: No I am retiring. person B: That will be a nice change of pace! Do you have plans for retirement?
person A: I really hate when my kids just throw their dishes in the sink and don't rinse them off. person B: I hate that too. Have you ever noticed that's what they do in movies? person A: Yes_comma_ it is so hard to get the food off when they do that. person B: I have seen them leave whole foods in movies. gross person A: It is really gross and I don't have a dish washer so I have to really scrub at that food. It drives me crazy.
person A: Do you think there will ever be peace in the world. person B: I wish there would be_comma_ but I very much doubt that there will. person A: I want it to be better for my kids though. All kids really person B: I do to_comma_ but there are so many unhappy people in the world and they seem to think they have to make everyone else around them unhappy.
person A: I am so ready for the first Monday Night Football game. person B: Oh nice_comma_ I don't really watch football. person A: I love it_comma_ I watch it every Monday. person B: I haven't really watched it on TV but my family watches it sometimes.
person A: I drew an art piece once and it got torn after I put a lot of work into it. person B: Did you fix it? person A: I had to restart_comma_ it was torn beyond repair. person B: How many hours did you put into it. person A: 8
person A: I wish I was a musician. person B: I sadly have no musical skill. Do you think you will ever become a musician? person A: No_comma_ I have no music skills either. person B: What part of being a musician appeals to you?
person A: I often feel a lot of anxiety about making enough money and saving up enough money in case anything happens. And many things usually do happen. i almost panic at times with worry person B: Life can be tough sometimes. It almost seems like you spend more time preparing for the unexpected than living life in the present. It's cruel sometimes person A: That can be true I guess! But you do have to save up because at least in my life- those things happen a lot. Hope for the best_comma_ prepare for the worst>? Yes I try to live everyday happy even during work :) person B: It's always good to have happiness even in times of worry and panic. So_comma_ I'm glad you still have some optimism!
person A: My former 'friend' took my car for a day or two without even telling me! person B: Wow! Did you report him to the police? person A: Well_comma_ I reported the missing car and_comma_ by extension_comma_ him I suppose since they found him in it. I'm still decising how far I want to go on it...but it was so unexpected person B: Sounds like that person has boundary issues. My ex's brother did that bother and I quickly nipped that behavior in the bud. Good on you for stopping that. Is he in too drugs or something or just entitled?
person A: I can not believe Prince died. person B: Omg. I was devastated I grew up listening to him. person A: I loved his movie_comma_ Purple Rain. person B: I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.
person A: There is a raffle at my church on Sunday. person B: What can you win? person A: Its for a 75 inch Samsung TV. I want it so bad. person B: How much is a ticket? person A: They were $10. I bought 10
person A: I was so upset when Michael Jackson died. person B: It was really sad. He was a really good artist. person A: Yes_comma_ I saw him in concert once. person B: That would be awesome. I bet it was a really great concert.
person A: My son should have graduated from high school in 2017_comma_ but he didn't. person B: Why did he not graduate? person A: He just didn't have the motivation to do what was needed. He did finally graduate this year though. person B: Did he go to college? person A: He just got his diploma in the mail a few days ago. He is not going to college. He is just going to find a job and work.
person A: I have a huge presentation at work this week. I have never done this before and I am not sure if I am prepared yet. person B: Oh no_comma_ well I'm sure you'll do okay if you just prepare really thoroughly. person A: I still have a few days to prepare. It will be in front of a new potential client. I really hope it goes well. person B: I hope so too_comma_ good luck!
person A: My son spilled water on my laptop. I was so upset_comma_ because I lost all of the photos I had stored on it. person B: Thats a bummer. Maybe you can take it to a repair shop. person A: I can person B: Im sure they can figure something out. They might be able to remove the harddrive to recover the photos.
person A: My dog is missing! She has been gone for almost a week. person B: Oh my god! Have you posted everywhere and checked shelters? person A: Yes we have. I feel so bad. We have only had her for a few months. She was a rescue dog. person B: Oh no! Did she have a microchip?
person A: Someone I live with is mentally disabled and doesn't know how to say sometimes weird men come and talk to him and they swear..and smoke on my property and throw their buts on trash my property and it makes me very angry person B: That must be so frustrating. person A: It is such a lack of respect to go on anyone's property and behave that way. person B: Yes it is. I would be furious!
person A: My grandmother passed away last thanksgiving. It is tought without her. person B: Im very sorry to hear that. hopefully it will get better with time. person A: It will. She was an awesome lady. person B: Im sure she is in a better place. Looking down on you. person A: I;m gonna make her proud.
person A: My one year evaluation at work is coming up next month. If I score well I may get a promotion. person B: I hope you do well. What do you think? person A: I think it will go well. My boss has been giving me really positive feedback lately. person B: Does the job come with more pay? person A: It does. I really hope I get it. person B: Good luck to you!
person A: I have people who litter on my property constantly and throw their beer bottles and food trash- Not just kids..but older men. Drives me nuts person B: Do you ever try to call the police? person A: We are in a town where police do not even come for gun shots. They definitely would not come for that lol person B: Well do you try to catch them lol? Thats insane We have a dog poop problem at my apartments person A: I am setting up a camera soon but no I have never caught them. I just see teens and men walking a lot. Clearly men would have the beer lol. If I caught them I would shoot them with a paintball gun. person B: I would just throw the bottles back at them
person A: I really hate when I do work at work and I see non of my coworkers working. person B: Oh yes_comma_ I bet the bosses love them too right? That happens a lot. Very unfair person A: Yes the bosses love them. They get all the praise. person B: Oh geez- work on your side hustle and get out of there. I did a long time ago. Hate those jobs! person A: Yes I hate them I have so many side hustles
person A: Im so happy my children were born healthy. person B: You are very lucky. I have 4 children and I have been lucky also to have healthy children. person A: That's good. I can't imagine what some parents have to go through. No child deserves to be sick. person B: I know what you mean. I am always so sad when I see all of these sick children on tv. person A: Hopefully we can cure some of these things so no child has to go through it. person B: I would be so happy if they could find a cure for cancer. person A: I think every one in the world would be. one day...
person A: My daughter is such a hard worker. She goes to high school and works full time. person B: Wow. Can she handle all of that? person A: She is doing great. She also makes really good grades and is on the National Honor Society. person B: Thats awesome. She will do great in college.
person A: I was so excited and happy after my wood glue and toothpick trick worked_comma_ and it held the screw! person B: That sounds awesome! person A: Yes it was_comma_ and so far the screw is holding up. :-) person B: I'm glad that worked out for you_comma_ it could have gone in a completely different way. person A: Absolutely_comma_ my first two attempts did not work so well so this was a super pleasant surprise! person B: Yay you! I hope your next project turns out just as good.
person A: My mom said I had to get rid of our family dog because she was allergic. I cried for a week it was unbearable_comma_ I resented her. person B: Oh no that is so sad to hear! I have one dog and two cats_comma_ so I totally understand what you are going through... person A: My dog's name was Cookie. person B: Aww what a cute name. Hopefully you an your Mom made up_comma_ and maybe you got/can get another pet. person A: I'm sooo upset with my mom. I don't think at this point I can forgive her. person B: Oh no! I know it stinks but maybe one day you can forgive her- I hope... person A: I hope so too!
person A: I was late for work the other day because of my husband! person B: Oh no_comma_ I hope it was for a good reason person A: Nope! He accidentally took my car keys with him to work and when I called him to ask_comma_ he said he had an important meeting and could not bring them right away. person B: Oh man! It's hard when those accidents happen.
person A: I am trying out a new Fodmaps diet because of all my health issues and I am excited about it! person B: That's great! I hope it goes well for you! person A: Me too! I have tried everything else. person B: Good luck!
person A: So I got all the way to the gym the other day and realized I did not pack my gym shoes. I had to drive home in rush hour to go get them. I was ticked. person B: Dang_comma_ I would have been so upset too. person A: I would have just stayed home but I was meeting friends after on the same side of town. I had to cut my workout short. Not ideal. person B: It would have sucked more if it was raining. Hopefully you have some good vibes come your way.
person A: I just broke up with my boyfriend of 8 years. I am beyond distraught. person B: I bet. You guys were together for so long. Is this for the best? person A: I hope so. I wish he would have broken up with me sooner. person B: Well I am sorry to hear that. If you need anyone to talk to let me know. person A: Thank you. I just wished he would have told me sooner now I'm second guessing our relationship.
person A: i had good vibes all through out my final day in college i was so ready to graduate person B: was? that almost makes it sound like you didnt graduate or something went wrong_comma_ did you graduate? person A: yes lol i did graduate just thinking in past tense. did you go to college person B: Nope_comma_ unfortunately not_comma_ i was hoping to at one point but it never worked out. What did you study? person A: what was major were you interested in ? I went for business management person B: medicine and/or nursing_comma_ initially also liked psychiatry but then realised that its history is full of abuse and horror_comma_ some of which still is ongoing so i didnt want to participate in that. What can one use a business management degree for? Do you literally become a manager in some business or how does that work?
person A: I applied for a job online and I didn't get approved. person B: Oh no_comma_ Im so sorry! They probably already filled the position and it didnt have to do with you personally! person A: You know_comma_ I didn't think about that. You have a good point. person B: Yeah! People tend to be lazy and not take down the posting once they have filled the position and the automated emails will send a canned response instead. person A: They should take down the posting if the job is taken.
person A: Since last year hurricane Irma hit my area pretty hard. Before the peak of hurricane season this year I have already gotten extra tanks for my grill_comma_ a small generator and a weather radio just in case. person B: Sorry to hear that. Did you have trouble getting the extra precautions? person A: Last year_comma_ yes it was too late_comma_ there was no gas left in town or bottled water and certainly no generators when everyone was looking around a week before it hit here. I wont find myself in that predicament again! person B: Well_comma_ I hope everything turns out okay for you.
person A: Have you ever experienced a hurricane or natural disaster? person B: i have person A: Which one? person B: Irma last year person A: Same here!
person A: always wanted that tire but never had money to buy it _comma_ finally got it person B: How much was it? person A: 690$ for four person B: Wow_comma_ that's a lot_comma_ what type of vehicle? person A: Its a newer model Pilot_comma_ wanted some big tires
person A: I saw the baby ducks again in the creek behind by house and luckily they are all still there. So cute. person B: how many of them were tehre person A: 12_comma_ so cute to watch the mother count them all the time to see if they are all still there. person B: What color were they ? person A: brown. The fathers don't hang around after the babies are born.
person A: i gave him $34 to get me the Angel Soft toiletpaper 2 huge packs and he used the money to change his oil in the car person B: Well_comma_ transportation is very important. take some old clothing and cut it up if you have to . person A: I would not mind but my kids would person B: Tissue is so expensive_comma_ it's unbelievable
person A: I find queuing at the supermarket very frustrating person B: I do as well_comma_ how long does it take you to do it? person A: Not really very long_comma_ but it's the other people who annoy me! person B: that makes sense_comma_ but I guess everyone needs food! person A: Yeah - but they could at least have their money ready by the time they reach the till.
person A: I was angry when the Eagles lost the superbowl in 2004. I was young but I was still mad person B: Yeah? Who were they playing against? person A: They were playing the Patriots_comma_ it was a very close game person B: I think I remember watching it. How old were you then?
person A: I get sentimental thinking about all the great times I had as a child on my street growing up person B: It's a boon for everyone. Great life period is childhood. person A: Yeah_comma_ that is for sure_comma_ I had a lot of great times there_comma_ so many memories person B: Yeah_comma_ whenever I miss my childhood I try to spend the time with the kids. So we can feel better.
person A: The football fever ended finally. But I expect a win from Croatia. person B: I know_comma_ but now we have another kind of football season coming up soon person A: Yeah_comma_ I just waiting for that curiously. person B: Me too_comma_ I am so excited_comma_ since the Eagles just won last year!
person A: I've been unhappy with my work today. person B: Why is that? person A: My tasks have been frustrating and tedious. person B: That happens sometimes. Maybe you should take a break
person A: We just got a new restaurant in the neighborhood. person B: what kind of food do they serve? person A: I live in the south so it a soul food restaurant. person B: I do too_comma_ TN_comma_ but I can't think of a soul food place here. person A: I live in Memphis. wow person B: cookeville person A: howdy neighbor lol
person A: MY son woke up at the crack of dawn this morning person B: Its summer vacation. I hope you got enough sleep or it might be a long day for you. person A: He is so spoiled. He just couldnt lay in the bed with me. He had to roll around and pull my hair and things so I would get up too. He is 3 person B: Oh ok I see. Im sure he will want a nap later. Hopefully that gives you time to recharge a little. person A: That would be unusual_comma_ but I hope so too!