person A: Hey_comma_ have you ever been in a car wreck? person B: I've been in a fender bender not a total wreck. person A: I was in one about 2 years ago. No one was hurt_comma_ but it totaled both of our cars. person B: Man_comma_ how was your insurance policy for that?
person A: Have you everr been in a fist fight with anyone? person B: Yes_comma_ Several times in my life. Mostly me and my older brother when we were younger. person A: I got in a fist fight with my step father once. It wasn't a fun experience as you can imagine. person B: What started the fist fight in the first place?
person A: Have you ever played and old video game called Everquest? person B: I haven't heard of it person A: It came out in 1999. I used to play it when i was a teen. I installed it the other day and had a good time playing. person B: Everything old makes a come back!
person A: Have you ever eaten at Hardee's? person B: One of my favorite places to eat. I love the swirled ice cream cones. person A: I like it too_comma_ but I'm not a big fan of their new sliders. They're so tiny_comma_ and just one of them cost almost 2 dollars! person B: Over priced food is no fun. I like dollar menus.
person A: Have you ever had a sleep paralysis dream? person B: Yep! Not really that fun to have since you see things at times. person A: Yeah_comma_ in mine I saw a smoke looking shadow over me with red eyes staring at me. I've never been more scared in my life. person B: Man that is scary! Granted i like to hear things about that.
person A: Have you ever rode on a roller coaster? person B: Yes when I was young I did all the time_comma_ but I think after I turned 18 I got this weird fear of being so high up in the air. What about you? person A: I hate riding them_comma_ but i used to machine components for their drive chain when I was a machinist. person B: Wow thats really cool! You must be happy to know about that stuff its interesting!
person A: A while back my friend's boyfriend tried to get me to have an intimate relationship with him. He knew I had been married a very long time_comma_ as well as he was in a relationship with my friend. I turned him down flat_comma_ as I love my husband very much. person B: What a creep. I hope that you told on him. person A: Yes_comma_ I let him know that was wrong and disgusting. I couldn't believe he did it! person B: Some people are like that. Did you tell your husband? person A: Yes_comma_ as I am honest with him. But_comma_ I didn't want trouble.
person A: I'm going overseas and I think I packed everything i need! person B: Where are you headed ? person A: Going to Kazakhstan. That's where i was born. My parents still live there and i miss them so much person B: Great_comma_ I hope you have a nice trip. How long will you be staying?
person A: Hi_comma_ My girlfriend was recently let go of her job_comma_ but she put so much work in to finding a new job and got one with better pay! person B: That's great! It was meant to happen then person A: Yes I agree_comma_ she was so happy when she found out the job was hers person B: I would have been too. I've never been fired. I always quit person A: She wasn't really fired_comma_ her position was no more. Schools don't have much room left for Home Ec teachers. Sad person B: I remember taking Home Ec. I loved that class person A: Yeah she has a passion for teaching. These kids will be great to work with.
person A: So about a year ago now_comma_ my girlfriend decided to surprise me with a puppy! person B: Oh wow_comma_ puppies are nice. What kind of puppy did you get? person A: Yes_comma_ so nice!! It was the best thing that could've happened! It's a German Shepherd! person B: Thats a nice breed of dog. I just went on a camping trip with a relative who has one_comma_ they are very loyal and smart of course. Was he/she your first pet?
person A: There was this one time I was fairly drunk at a bar and this attractive girl was trying to make moves on me_comma_ but I did my best to ignore it all.. Having a girlfriend and all. person B: that's good! you should be proud of yourself person A: I was very proud definitely when I woke up the next morning and knew no mistakes were made! person B: that's great! i hate when people cheat
person A: There was this one time my girlfriend and I had plans to meet a Longhorn steakhouse for a date.. She ended up keeping me waiting inside 30 extra minutes! I was pretty frustrated. person B: I can only imagine having to wait at the table alone_comma_ wondering if she'd show up. At least_comma_ it sounds like_comma_ she finally arrived. Did she specify a reason for being so late? person A: Yes_comma_ she actually had a legit reason so I couldn't be too mad at her.. She definitely made it up to me! person B: That's good. I can somewhat relate. I think the longest I've waited on someone was a colleague who was supposed to meet us at happy hour_comma_ and ended up getting delayed by our boss for 45 minutes. We were glad she made it out_comma_ but I did feel worse for her than for all of us.
person A: I'm just so happy it's finally Friday! person B: Ahhh! Me too_comma_ there is so much that can be done on the weekends! person A: i just want to sleep in and then watch movies all day long... but i'm a mom so i don't sleep in. ever person B: I understand that! I have a bunch of pet snakes that wake me up thru the night!
person A: I had to cancel a trip to see my brother after it started snowing heavily. person B: Actually that has happened to me_comma_ during Thanksgiving person A: Yes_comma_ when the snow builds up on the road I get nervous_comma_ and during this trip I couldn't even see where the road was and where the ditch began. person B: Im from NC mountains_comma_ it can be tricking driving when the snow is latying fast person A: It sure can. When I decided that I wasn't comfortable driving in such deep snow I literally turned around and went home. person B: That is a smart idea. Sometimes I would have no choice_comma_ but to keep going_comma_ bacsue of having to drive to work.No matter what the weather is.
person A: When my parents got divorced when I was a kid_comma_ it was one of the hardest things for me. person B: I understand your pain. My parents are also separated. person A: It does definitely get easier over time I suppose.. Now that I see my life I guess it was for the best. person B: It just makes you mature faster. Just look at it like blessing in disguise.
person A: Just the other day my girlfriend and I were getting ready for the beach_comma_ but right before we left it started to pour rain. person B: That sucks. Did you end up coming up with an alternate plan? person A: Well_comma_ when looking outside you could see a clear patch in the distance... So we kinda just hoped for the best to wait it out.. We finally did get to go! person B: That's good to hear. How was the beach?
person A: There was one day after work that my girlfriend was planning a surprise party with a bunch of friends and family. person B: That would take away from her time with you. Was it for you? person A: Yes_comma_ the party was for me! I was so shocked and had no clue it was coming. person B: That would be a really nice surprise then!
person A: There was this one time I stole a shirt from my friend_comma_ and I feel pretty guilty about it. person B: why'd you steal it person A: Because I really liked it_comma_ and didn't think he'd care. person B: oh yea what kind of shirt was it
person A: My girlfriend recently went on a business trip for a week_comma_ I was very lonely during this experience. person B: What did you do to pass the time? person A: I mainly just played video games and watched tv. person B: I love video games.
person A: I moved to a new apartment and they didn't accept my dog breed_comma_ so I had to give her up. :( person B: That sucks_comma_ why didn't you find a new apartment? person A: Because here in my area in Florida_comma_ there isn't too many options for me. person B: Maybe you should leave Florida.
person A: My mom doesn't have a ton of money_comma_ but last christmas she made sure to get me some awesome things! person B: Oh thats nice_comma_ what was she able to get for you? person A: She got me a brand new laptop I had been wanting for gaming! person B: thats awesome of her to be able to get you something you really wanted
person A: I went on this ride at the beach called the Slingshot.. It shoots you super high up in the air.. It was so teriffying_comma_ I had so much faith in the ride I wouldn't die! person B: Omg_comma_ I have seen one of those! person A: It was seriously so scary_comma_ I almost pooped myself! person B: I believe that!
person A: There was this time I went to the bar with my girlfriend and once I came out of the restroom_comma_ I saw her talking to some guy! person B: What did you do? person A: Well I get super jealous and angry of course.. But in the end it was just a work friend.. Oops! person B: Did she get mad at you?
person A: My dog randomly got up on my couch last week_comma_ and just started peeing.. Like what!?!?!??!?! person B: haha that sucks! did you take him/her out to pee recently? person A: Not since lunch_comma_ so it's actually been about 4 hours.. I hate living on the top floor! person B: What did you have for lunch?
person A: I finally graduated college last year_comma_ it felt like it took SO long! person B: That is amazing_comma_ good work. person A: Yes_comma_ I am so proud of myself for finally accomplishing it! person B: How long did it take you?
person A: My girlfriend saw me kissing another girl_comma_ who was kissing ME at the bar.. I was very drunk.. person B: Oh wow. Did she break up with you? person A: No.. I realized the mistake I made and took action so it never would happen again. person B: Don't sweat it man. There is plenty of fish in the sea anyways.
person A: There was this one time I was driving down the road_comma_ and this guy on a sports bike popped a wheelie.. It was so sick! person B: Nice_comma_ I wish I could do a wheelie! person A: I know! I do too.. I think I need to learn to ride a sports bike first.. Hehe oops! person B: Yeah_comma_ I tried skateboarding in my childhood but was too scared to break something_comma_ lol.
person A: When i was younger_comma_ I came back to the house with my family to find our family pet dead. person B: Oh no_comma_ I'm so sorry to hear that. Did you ever figure out what happened? person A: He was very old_comma_ so I guess we were all expecting it.. He lived a good life! person B: Oh_comma_ well that's a somewhat happy ending I suppose.
person A: My dog chewed a hole in my carpet 2 weeks ago.. I was very disgusted to say the least! person B: Haha I'm sorry! My dog is chill now but he ate a hole in the wall when he was a puppy lol person A: Oh dang_comma_ I guess I can't complain too much then_comma_ that's brutal! person B: Yeah lol what breed is yours? Mine is a golden so he loves eating stuff. Now it's thankfully just actual food.
person A: I have to go to confession at the church... i was a little mean to my mom_comma_ sometimes its difficult to be always nice person B: Yea_comma_ I am like that_comma_ too. Did you apologize? person A: Well yes when i shouted and i inmeaditelly apologize but i feel really bad person B: It happens. Like you said_comma_ we can't all be perfect.
person A: We walked_comma_ we ate ice cream_comma_ we rode a bike_comma_ we laughed a lot_comma_ we enjoyed the outdoors_comma_ we were exhausted person B: Who did you do all those things with? Sounds like a wonderful day! person A: I had time that I did not share with the children and that was something that was pending in my soul person B: They must have been really happy. person A: Sometimes one gives priority to work
person A: The world is very beautiful person B: There are so many spectacular views on this planet person A: Exactly. Look at the beautiful scenery around you. Nature at its very best. I am surprised people don't notice person B: It's a shame that people are letting these marvels pass them by. person A: People are getting busy everyday with other stuff and they forget to breathe fresh air. Leads to s stressful life
person A: I can remember feeling so disillusioned when someone who I really admired as a visionary turned out to be a real jerk on a day-to-day basis. person B: That can really make you lose your faith in wanting to trust people person A: Well_comma_ it definitely makes you a little more realistic when you may be tempted to put someone on a pedestal. Not really fair to them *or* to yourself_comma_ is it? person B: No not really because we are all human and make mistakes.
person A: As a kid_comma_ I was SO frightened any time there was a tornado warning. Not sure if it was the Wizard of Oz effect or what -- I just remember being frozen with fear. person B: Oh_comma_ wow! My son was terrified of tornadoes because of that darn movie_comma_ and we don't really even get tornadoes where we live! Did you ever live through a tornado? person A: That's the thing -- NO! I mean_comma_ there were some that were kind of close -- but NOTHING like what so many folks have to deal with. I just remember wanting a basement sooooo badly -- not something that's common where I grew up! person B: Aw_comma_ poor little thing! How did you overcome this? Or_comma_ are you still afraid of them? person A: My mom said the best thing once when I was babysitting and a tornado warning went off and I didn't want my own fear to affect the little boy I was with -- she was on the phone and just said "You have big plans for the future_comma_ right? Nothing is going to get in the way of that." For some reason_comma_ it worked a charm ;-) person B: Your mom sounds awesome! Wow_comma_ what a cool thing to say!
person A: I feel so bad when I think back to times that I got angry and yelled at my kids for no real good reason -- just a combination of the day's events and feeling irritated_comma_ really. person B: We get carried away with our emotions sometimes. Did you explain it to them? person A: Yes! THAT I feel good about! Making a point to use it as an opportunity to talk. I've definitely used it when it comes to the way others might act -- emphasizing that it's not about *them*_comma_ it's really about the person and where they're at. person B: I'm glad you're not too prideful to admit your mistakes to your kids and used it as a teaching opportunity. person A: I do look at that as a strength_comma_ in anyone. Being able to say "I'm sorry" and "I made a mistake."
person A: I was SO excited the first time we were going to make an overseas move! I looked so forward to what I knew would be a life-changing adventure! person B: That is pretty awesome_comma_ I know if I ever got the chance it would change my life as well. person A: I highly_comma_ highly recommend it. Not always easy -- culture shock *is* a thing! -- but such a great way to enhance one's perspective. person B: I understand that_comma_ as long as I could understand the language I think I would be great anywhere.
person A: i would fear my gift person B: tell me more about this person A: my partner gave me a an i phone it is very memorable and pleasure to me person B: if its an older iphone i would treasure it person A: yes but its a valuable gift to me person B: everyone values things differently person A: yeah but this gift is definitely different for me
person A: I have such an amazing husband! He works so hard so i could stay home with our baby person B: What does he do for work? person A: he is an armed guard person B: Oh wow_comma_ that is a dangerous job.
person A: I have a pretty bad vision so i'm so scared to drive at night person B: have you had it tested ? person A: yes_comma_ i even have glasses but because of astigmatism i don't see good at night even when i have glasses on person B: so you have like tunnel vision where ?
person A: It seems like today everyone in the grocery store was in such a rush. Hurrying around! person B: Yeah_comma_ that can be annoying especially in Walmart since so many people go there. It stresses you out when you don't need it to. person A: Yes! They cut in front_comma_ and bump into you. Plus being rude while they do it person B: Yeah_comma_ everyone just seems miserable_comma_ so it kind of drags you down_comma_ too. But it's a necessary evil.
person A: I'm so sleep deprived and my baby wanted to play in the middle of the night and i just yelled at him :( i feel so terrible person B: that is why I am scared to have kids_comma_ that sounds terrible person A: i love being a mother but sleep deprivation is so horrible person B: that seems to be the case_comma_ you win some you lose some I guess
person A: I love being around them and it's great to see them each year. person B: Who would that be? person A: O I'm sorry_comma_ my niece and nephews_comma_ only seem in the summer. Do you get company during the summer? person B: I love seeing mine too. I know how happy that must make you feel. Mine are local.
person A: My kids are going into 7th and 8th grade in a couple weeks. They really are growing up well person B: thats good to hear. my kids will returning to school soon as well. I cant wait! person A: My oldest daughter has some learning disabilities so I'm really proud of how she is doing. They're both growing up so fast person B: thats cool
person A: i paid all my bills today_comma_ i feel so relived and good person B: Every little accomplishment counts! What bills did you have to pay? person A: rent and electricity. we've been struggling financially so it's such a relieve to pay bills person B: Sorry to hear that. Well_comma_ at least this will be a weight off your shoulders.
person A: I studied so hard for my bar exam so that I could become a lawyer. I prepared for almost 3 months straight! person B: wow_comma_ you're so determined! Did you pass your exam? person A: I did pass! It was a rough 3 months_comma_ but once I got there_comma_ I felt like I was ready. person B: yay! congrats! that's really awesome. you should be proud of yourself
person A: I was about to book a flight for my baby and i and i was so surprised to find out i didn't need to pay for my baby'sticket person B: That's really exciting! I would be so happy about that. person A: i know! now i can spend the rest of the money on something cool person B: That's what I would do too. Do you have something in mind?
person A: my husband called me a punk today for no reason. and then when i told him he hurt my feelings he didn't even understand why person B: Forget him. Get yourself a real man. person A: no.. i love him. but he can be such a punk sometimes person B: If he really loved you_comma_ he would pay attention to your every need. Kick him to the curb.
person A: When I was younger_comma_ I got my driver's license. I was sooo scared to drive_comma_ because i didn't want to get into an accident. person B: Be positive. Don't deviate your mind while driving. Concentrate completely on driving. You can. person A: I tried to tell myself that_comma_ but my dad got into a really bad accident once_comma_ and it has scared me ever since. person B: Sorry to hear this. Hope you'll get out from this fear and become a good driver.
person A: I recently started learning to propagate my tomato plants by planting clipped off branches. person B: Sounds cool. person A: Yea_comma_ i put them in a glass of water for a week or two and they grow their own roots_comma_ wasn't expecting much. person B: Do you cook a lot with tomatoes person A: I do yes! and since the method i used is working_comma_ i have tons of tomatoes! person B: Good for you!
person A: Around town it seems like traffic has been horrible lately. Driving around town is just crazy. person B: People just don't seem to pay attention when they are in a hurry. person A: Yes_comma_ exactly! They are always speeding or cutting you off. And of course no blinker use! person B: That's the part that bothers me the most. When they just cut in front of you with no warning.
person A: A few years ago_comma_ I became friends with someone through an online video game. Eventually we trusted each other_comma_ so we met up in person! person B: I know a lot of people in real life through that kind of stuff. Has been pretty great for me after 11 years. How is it for you so far. person A: I'd say it's going pretty well_comma_ we eventually got married! How did you meet your friends? person B: Well we met through going to conventions and i even visited some myself. Really great bunch of people and i see places.
person A: OKay. I care for everyone person B: well you sound like a good person person A: Thanks_comma_ I hope I am. You sound like one too person B: why thank you! person A: because you gave me a compliment_comma_ which I feel is a genuine one
person A: I recently had a one night stand with a woman from my past. It caught both of us off guard person B: Oh wow. That's crazy. person A: Yes_comma_ it was a very interesting time. I wish to continue talking to her despite living in different locations person B: I'm glad you made amends then and no drama.
person A: My wife was able to get a job with Microsoft without going to a four-year college! person B: That's pretty amazing. She must be skillful regardless. person A: She really is. It just shows that you don't need to have a four-year degree in order to be successful. person B: Yea_comma_ experience and skills matter a lot more.
person A: I walked my dog outside_comma_ and she still pooped in the house! Ugh. person B: I am familiar with that. That is frustrating. person A: Yeah...Even though I take her outside_comma_ 10 minutes later_comma_ she'll poop or pee in the house. Why!? person B: I ask myself the same thing. Sometimes I think they get mad at something we do.
person A: I think being with my husband makes me a better person person B: That is good. Do you have strong feeling for each other? person A: Definetly_comma_ he's my best friend forever. person B: That is cute
person A: I really don't like when things happen when noone is home. person B: Things? Like what kind of things? person A: Like stuff falling off shelfes because a dog runs into them! Hah_comma_ crazy I know. person B: I know what you mean! I'm literally doing the same thing right now_comma_ babysitting my neighbor's dogs in her big two-story house_comma_ all alone. Makes me feel like someone's watching me...
person A: I really love my life right now. person B: Thats really good to hear. Whats going on? person A: Nothing really! I just love that I can work at home and have time to clean or cook whenever I want. person B: I work from home too. Its so nice to be able to do laundry and things on my breaks. Im so productive around the house person A: Right? And no having to interact with others unless we choose too. person B: and I can stay in my PJs all day long!
person A: So i just got home and all of my friends were there for a birthday party i have no clue! can you imagine my reaction? person B: Yeah_comma_ of course I can! That sounds heartless. Maybe that shows you who your friends truly are_comma_ and you should maybe look elsewhere... Could be a wake-up call. person A: Well the party was for me_comma_ hahaha they really got me on that one! person B: Oh_comma_ I misunderstood! I thought you meant you weren't invited to one that you later found out about. Hah! Then I guess the wake-up call is you have really good friends! So_comma_ you like surprise parties then? I never did.
person A: Its not fun being reminded of things you've forgotten. person B: What kinds of things are you talking about? person A: Owed money to my mother in law for something_comma_ $15_comma_ she reminded me in a less then nice way. person B: That's not very fair_comma_ a kind reminder could've gone a long way. person A: Exactly_comma_ especially since she owes me a lot more of something being paid over time.
person A: I went to San Antonio the other day_comma_ was great to see that city. person B: I have been there many times. person A: O really? What's your favorite thing there? person B: I love going to the Spurs games.
person A: I just got back from my graduation! can you imagine after 5 years i graduated with the highest score of my college in the past 20 years! person B: Wow that is a long time ago. person A: Yes! i studied so hard_comma_ can you imagine how i feel? i cannot believe it! person B: Yes_comma_ where did you go to college?
person A: I hate the sight of someone throwing up. My nephew did that the other and day and man. person B: That is so disgusting. I hate seeing that! person A: Yea_comma_ he had eaten to much sugar and well_comma_ it didn't end well person B: Sugar will do that to kids every time. Just don't let them on a roller coaster to make it even worse.
person A: I came home from work and step barefoot on one of my sons legos_comma_ i was so pissed! person B: That sounds really painful! You should pick them up. person A: Yes_comma_ i was so mad i always tell them to pick the toys up. person B: They must not listen very well.
person A: My mother in law got to eat Qdoba today_comma_ one of my favorite places I haven't had in awhile person B: Qdoba is the BOMB! Although_comma_ I think I prefer Chipotle slightly more. person A: No way. queso all the way! They don't have one near by but she was traveling and the airport up north did. person B: Yeah_comma_ but Chipotle has queso now! But_comma_ yeah_comma_ it isn't as good as Qdoba queso.
person A: Yesterday i watch on tv a kid who could speak 4 different languages at age 3_comma_ i was in shook! person B: Wow! How is that even possible? person A: Well they are called wonder kids! i was in wonder_comma_ i also read about one who just graduated from college at age 11 person B: I wonder if they ever feel like they don't get a childhood?
person A: My husband is quite impressive to me. person B: Sounds like you are lucky. person A: Yea_comma_ he's become the best manager in his market in just 3 years. person B: That is great!
person A: This afternoon i went to my sons soccer game and he scored three goals! happiest dad ever! person B: I figure your son is pretty happy as well. person A: Yes! i love him so dad_comma_ but i feel like my own achievement since i teach him how to play_comma_ he dedicated the three goals to me! person B: couldn't ask for a better day
person A: I was doing a presentation for work_comma_ and tried to tell a story about something kind of related to break the ice. No one laughed or even really cracked a smile_comma_ so it put me off for the rest of the presentation. person B: That is no fun_comma_ you always hope that first one hits so they are more receptive the rest of the time person A: Yeah_comma_ and I really thought it was a decent story. Nothing ground breaking_comma_ but at least should have gotten a chuckle. person B: Well there is always next time!
person A: My wife went to Germany to attend a language course at the end of June. I've been mostly spending time with my dogs while she's been gone since we recently moved and I don't really know anyone outside of work. person B: you should take the dogs to a dog park after work and meet people! person A: That's a good idea. I don't know where there's a dog park near me_comma_ I should look into that. person B: Definitely. I think even Waze app will tell you in you search 'around me'.
person A: Something I did not expect from a neighbor_comma_ this morning he gave me some beautiful flowers person B: Wow_comma_ that is sweet of him_comma_ does he have a crush on you? person A: It was a nice gesture on his part. But I do not know person B: Huh_comma_ well maybe he is starting his campaign lol person A: But beyond that. Small gestures make others' lives happier
person A: My neighbor has a really annoying little dog that she always brings outside when she's smoking. It barks constantly at everything and she doesn't try to keep it quiet. person B: What type of dog is it? person A: A Pomeranian. I don't have anything against that type of dog specifically_comma_ but this one is just terrible. person B: I get that_comma_ some are just not well trained at all
person A: This morning my husband received a call_comma_ he got nervous_comma_ I think it was a woman ... difficult person B: Oh? That's not good. Do you think he has lots of secrets? person A: I think so ... I'm a little worried_comma_ because of the situation person B: I'm sorry :( I do hope things can be worked out person A: Thank you for your solidarity
person A: I have a great picture from my wedding where my friends and I are in a circle having a shot_comma_ makes me want to go hang out with them again. person B: I assume you don't get to see them often? person A: Yeah_comma_ we moved away a few months after the wedding for my wife to go to Graduate school. person B: That's too bad. I bet you miss them.
person A: Yesterday_comma_ a difficult day_comma_ the anniversary of the death of my mother person B: Sorry to hear about the bad news. person A: Thank you for your solidarity person B: How long ago did she die? person A: seven years .... I miss her
person A: I went for an interview for a job I really wanted and ended up waiting a long time before I heard anything. I managed to keep my spirits up for a good long while. person B: I hope you got it. person A: I did actually! It's a good job_comma_ especially since the market where I am isn't great for my field. person B: Congrats! You deserve it for keeping your faith!
person A: My daughter is angry with me_comma_ she says she does not need me_comma_ because I scolded her person B: How old is she? person A: She is 9 years old but she is a very focused girl person B: Well_comma_ you know she'll get over it_comma_ but it does hurt. person A: that's right ... but I think I've surpassed
person A: Hello_comma_ tomorrow I have the cooking test and I feel safe. I am sure that I will approve with an excellent rating person B: oh_comma_ how nice. What are your plans in that regard for the future? person A: have my own restaurant person B: What a dream come true for you that'll be. person A: with work_comma_ effort and clarity in the goal ... I will surely arrive
person A: I'm so happy i made enough money yesterday to pay my bills! person B: Oh man_comma_ bills. That's awesome! person A: yes_comma_ such a relieve! person B: Does anyone help you with the bills?
person A: Sometimes we have angels_comma_ called friends_comma_ I'm happy because God sent me mine person B: awh thats so sweet how long have you two known one another? person A: We are 12 years old_comma_ but we have had difficult moments_comma_ but we have overcome it person B: sounds like a great friendship! person A: That's right ... I'm happy
person A: my son behaved badly with his friend_comma_ I treat him badly_comma_ I had to punish him person B: Oh no. How old is he? person A: He is 12 years old_comma_ but he must understand that friendship is something sacred person B: Friendship is special. Did he do something to his friend? person A: he hit him and said a bad word
person A: When my brother got out of college he had a job and a car and was doing so fucking great for himself. Everything was lined up and he was ready to take off in the world. The moment I graduated college I have nothing that I can do. I took the same degree but that 5 year gap has led me to have nothing compared to him. It was so fucking annoying person B: Man_comma_ that's gotta be a horrible feeling. I think it would help if you try not to compare yourself to others. person A: I do my best but sometimes that's super hard. I guess that's just one of those things everyone got to deal with. person B: I hope things turn out better for you. Keep fighting. person A: You too_comma_ thank you!
person A: I went to a job interview a few days ago_comma_ and I feel like I totally rocked it! person B: Oh man_comma_ that's awesome. I hope you get it! person A: Thanks a bunch! It pays much better than my current job_comma_ so I really hope I do_comma_ but I think I got it in the bag. person B: Glad you rocked that interview. Sounds like it's gonna be a sweet gig.
person A: I went through some of my old stuff yesterday_comma_ and I found my security blanket that I used when I was a kid! person B: Awww I bet that brought back memories. person A: It really did. It kinda made me sad_comma_ because it was all tattered and dirty. I ended up washing it. person B: What will you do with it now?
person A: You know_comma_ I see all the back to school shopping and I think parents have their priorities mixed up. person B: How so? person A: Parents are more worried about appearances than learning. It's about school supplies not new Jordans or under armor. person B: That's pretty much teaching their kids to worry about appearances than learning_comma_ too. That's too bad.
person A: I found a poor stray kitten on the side of the road_comma_ and I nursed him back to full health. Poor thing. person B: Did you name it? person A: I did! His name is Alphy. person B: That's cute. I bet he's happy.
person A: It's hard as a parent_comma_ when your kids are teenagers and have to handle their own problems person B: You kinda want to hold their hand_comma_ but you know it's best they solve some problems on their own. You can't be with them all the time. person A: I know_comma_ they mommy in me wants to just jump in and fix it all like I used to person B: It is truely for the best. Try not to worry.
person A: My wife called me this morning and told me she scored a new job with Microsoft! person B: that's amazing! She must be excited. person A: She is so excited. She's even making more than I am. person B: Must be nice to have more income coming into the family.
person A: I felt bad my dogs ears have been bothering him. We had to finally take him to the vet yesterday. person B: Is he going to be okay? person A: Yeah_comma_ it was ear mites and he got medicine for it. You can tell he isn't feeling good from side effects so I've been babying him. person B: Well I bet he appreciates that. We all want to be babied sometimes.
person A: I bought a chocolate bar for my wife at the store_comma_ and I was going to give it to her_comma_ but I ended up eating it...I feel bad. person B: Lol. Did you tell her? You can just buy another one. person A: lol I didn't tell her...Should i? person B: Just buy another one and don't eat it. lol
person A: Don't you hate it when you get in trouble for something you didn't do? My boss got mad at me for someone else's mistake. person B: That's sucks. Does the culprit know? person A: Yeah_comma_ that's the worst part. They warned me that I was going to get yelled at because of something they did. person B: That is unacceptable. What are you going to do?
person A: I'm taking a vacation and going on a cruise to Alaska next week! person B: That sounds so fun! person A: I've never been_comma_ so it's going to be an amazing experience. I'm a little nervous that I'll get seasick. person B: Take some medication with you just in case.
person A: Hello_comma_ I think I will not forget the beauty of her hair_comma_ the sweetness of her lips and the clarity of her eyes person B: So...what happened to her person A: she died ... my mother person B: In real life? Or are you making this up person A: It is true...
person A: Hello_comma_ I never imagined the violence that can unleash a dog attacking a bird ... I was impressed person B: I've never imagined something like that before. Where did you see this? person A: in a big dog ... in the park person B: That's nuts. Did the owner do anything? person A: I did not have the strength to control it
person A: My poor neighboor is suffeing a lot without her husband person B: I suffer a lot too when my wife is gone. What happened to him? person A: He passed away from cancer. person B: Ah_comma_ the evil cancer. Took my grandmother as well. I am sure he's off in a better place now.
person A: I enjoyed my day the other day_comma_ found out something good! Newphew may come to live with us for ayear. person B: Nice! How old is your nephew? person A: 11_comma_ he wants to see us for more then 2 weeks a year. person B: That's good. Gotta build and maintain those family bonds. I should be doing the same once my nephew gets older.
person A: I lost something of my mother in laws the other day_comma_ I feel so bad. person B: That sucks. Can you make it up to her somehow? person A: I'll have to buy her another piece of tupperwear_comma_ it seems silly but it's expensive stuff! person B: At least those things come in sets_comma_ so you can keep part of it? person A: I may do that!
person A: I was waiting to see if i was going to receive an award person B: It is a work award or something? person A: Its an award due to achieving my work I have worked hard for person B: I am sure you are going to get it. person A: I appreciate that. Thank you
person A: Wow! Congrats on your new job! I can understand why you are apprehensive_comma_ but it sounds like a good opportunity. person B: Why Thank you! person A: No problem! Everything will work out in the end. No need to worry. person B: THanks for being so understanding! I feel a little better now.
person A: I felt sooooo nervous going to my last job interview! Nerves must occur in proportion to how badly you *want* something! person B: I know what you mean. Did you get the job? person A: I did! The company does something that I actually like -- a panel interview vs a series of one-on-ones. Have you ever had an interview like that? person B: I have not. What is it? person A: It just means you're in a room with several representatives from different parts of the company. To me_comma_ that helps it feel more like a conversation -- and it's more time efficient too!