person A: I know I'm not a perfect parent but some just aren't good at it or don't care. person B: There are some bad parents out there_comma_ that's for sure. Is it hard to be a parent? person A: It is when it comes to all the unexpected stuff. Went to the mall today and lady was letting her toddler run all over the mall smelling like a dirty litter box. It smelled horrible. person B: Lol_comma_ that is terrible. She should have changed his diaper before leaving the house what the heck...
person A: I always feel like no one hears me. Like When I speak it falls on deaf ears. person B: That sucks. Maybe it's time to get new friends? person A: Well_comma_ for the most part it's my family. My husband_comma_ kids and pets. I know they're not deaf and it's frustrating! person B: Don't worry_comma_ it will get better. I know you deserve better
person A: My daughter is a teenager now so we don't spend as much time together as we used to. person B: I know exactly what you mean. My sister is entering her teenage years. I feel like it's all I can do to just not be annoying to her_comma_ so I can't even imagine what it's like for a mom. person A: Yeah_comma_ luckily we had a fun girls evening out today. We went out to eat and did a bunch of shopping. person B: That's good! All it takes is a good day once in a while to keep things on track until they get older. My mom just tries to be as patient and considerate with my sister so that she still feels motivated to communicate with her.
person A: I'm really looking forward to this trip I have planned next week. person B: Where are you going? person A: I'm going to visit the national parks in california... well the ones not on fire. person B: I've never been to California.
person A: I was bathing my dog in the backyard this weekend_comma_ and she got loose. She then went and rolled in the dirt getting extra filthy. person B: That must of been terrible. person A: It WAS. Since she was wet_comma_ the dirt got stuck inside her fur. She was even harder to clean the second time around. person B: Did anyone help you?
person A: Been having a good day_comma_ relaxing on my couch watching Netflix. I got a nice cup of hot chocolate and my cat curled up in my lap. person B: You're making me want to do the same thing. That sounds great! person A: Yeah_comma_ it's been a great day. Thinking about moving to the bed and going to sleep next. person B: Nothing like relaxing and getting your body ready for a night of good sleep!
person A: I had a job interview yesterday. I was really nervous before it started. person B: Was it on the phone or in person? person A: It was in person. We mostly interviewed in a conference room_comma_ then we took a lab tour afterwards. person B: How did you do?
person A: i am very faithful person B: What are you referring to? person A: yes my behavior refereed to people person B: That is nce
person A: thank you person B: thank you for what? person A: nothing person B: okay
person A: thank you person B: you're welcome_comma_ but for what? person A: nothing person B: ok then lol
person A: i am going to garden person B: Cool. Thats a fun hobby. person A: thank you person B: Well habe fun I guess.
person A: It was bad and ontop of it they refused to admit their mistake person B: Oh no_comma_ what happened? person A: placed an order online and the appliance place didnt have it_comma_ so they gave me something else without telling me person B: Oh_comma_ that's odd! I'm sorry they didn't tell you what was going on. person A: Thanks for hearing me out. I filed a complaint at the council. I hope they listen person B: No problem! I hope so too. Good luck with that!
person A: I really was distraught person B: really? person A: yes. Makes me value human-human interaction a lot more. I had to go to the grocery store to feel ok person B: ok
person A: it made me proud he was my rep person B: Who was your rep? person A: the president represented us at this association person B: Aha. What was the association? person A: International Ceramic trading
person A: It has been very quiet in here since she went on vacation. No one to talk to. person B: Did you got bored? person A: I kept myself occupied with movies and video games. But it wasn't the same as having real company. person B: I understand.
person A: I can't wait to travel south to get my favorite take out. Can't find it here. person B: That is a very long drive! How long will it take to get there? person A: About an hour. But it'll be worth it. person B: It must be very good_comma_ if you're willing to go that far!
person A: I'm quite happy with where I live. I have 3 swimming pools to use anytime I want and also a gym. person B: Wow_comma_ you're very lucky. Do you share the facilities with other people? person A: Yes but there's hardly anyone else who uses them because they only come for 2 weeks out of the year for a vacation. I'm here permanently. person B: Which part of the country are you in? Are you by the beach?
person A: I have never been so shocked than when my husband threw me a birthday party without me knowing. person B: Was it fun? person A: It was so much fun. I thought is was going to be another normal day. Wake up_comma_ go to work_comma_ etc. but I was wrong about that! person B: Was it recently? Happy Birthday person A: Yes_comma_ last week. Thank you!
person A: It was a long 3 weeks but I'm so happy it's over and she's back now person B: Oh goodness_comma_ what happened for the past 3 weeks? person A: She went to visit her family person B: Oh_comma_ I was thinking something bad happened.
person A: It was a very hard experience in my soul to lose my mother person B: Sorry to hear this! I can understand your pain. person A: Thank you for your solidarity person B: Take care of yourself and your family. person A: thanks
person A: We knew she was pregnant_comma_ but didn't know the gender yet. Imagine my shock when I saw the ultrasound for the gender! person B: I am sure it will be fine_comma_ do you have a preference person A: Well it's a boy. Which is what I have been wanting since we met person B: I am happy for you then
person A: Even though there are plenty of flirts around_comma_ I remain loyal to my wife. person B: That is good_comma_ it is very important to be loyal in a healthy relationship! person A: It is the most important thing to me. I have told her since day one_comma_ which was 5 years ago now. person B: Good for you! I wish more people were like this_comma_ unlike my ex!
person A: My friend got a new truck_comma_ I'm really envious of him. person B: You should channel that envy into motivation! person A: I agree_comma_ if I work hard I could buy that truck. person B: Exactly_comma_ be positive and you can buy one for yourself! person A: I should_comma_ I just need the drive to get out there and do it. I need to stop wasting money.
person A: Hello_comma_ I feel that today is going to be a wonderful day .... I will enjoy it person B: That is a great attitude to have! It is great to have an optimistic approach to life. person A: If I really like to be positive_comma_ despite the difficulties person B: I feel the same way. We are a glass half full kind of people! person A: so it is ... a big hug
person A: I have been looking after my wife this week. She has the flu person B: oh poor thing_comma_ is she at least getting better? person A: It seems so. Sleeping all day today lol person B: haha that must be nice too though_comma_ you get your own alone time for the most part!
person A: This morning and I saw a tree_comma_ I never detailed it_comma_ but this time I saw it beautiful ... I realized God exists person B: I see_comma_ you must have felt hopeful person A: I gave thanks in spite of the difficulties person B: Good_comma_ one should always be positive person A: thank you for your comments
person A: Today I realized that my daughter sings wonderful_comma_ I enjoy it a lot ... I was impressed person B: thats adorable how old is she? person A: she is 9 years old ... she is a nice girl person B: she sounds like it person A: that's right ... thanks for your comment
person A: Hi_comma_ I feel bad because I've realized that I do not love my husband_comma_ but I do not have the courage to tell him person B: That's a pretty heavy realization...better tell him now that regret it later person A: You're right person B: Best of luck to you person A: thanks
person A: I'm looking for a new job_comma_ and I'm feeling pretty good about my options. person B: what are your options? person A: There's a lot of openings for tech jobs lately_comma_ especially technical support. person B: oh yeah thats always going to be up and coming for sure
person A: My wife just went out of town for school for 2 months. I don't really know anyone here_comma_ so I don't know what I'm going to do while she's gone. person B: It is an excellent opportunity_comma_ to know other people and places_comma_ to open up to the possibility_comma_ I assure you that it will go to you very well person A: I'm sure it is great for her_comma_ but it makes me feel a little unsure of what to do with myself. person B: You do the same thing ... the opportunity is for both
person A: Hello_comma_ I made a serious mistake. I made a comment without bad intentions of the elders. I related them to the dinosaurs_comma_ and my father heard it ... he looked me in the eyes ... and he told me that you too could be one of them ... I felt bad person B: That sounds like it's rough_comma_ did your father accept your apology? person A: yes_comma_ but I feel like a cockroach person B: Well_comma_ I'm sure he understands_comma_ and you shouldn't feel too bad_comma_ as long as you apologized you're fine. person A: thanks
person A: I'm supposed to be on a diet_comma_ but I couldn't help myself and I ate three chocolate bars. person B: it happens we have to reward ourselves sometimes. dark chocolate is actually good for you! person A: But I'm supposed to be on a diet! I can't lose weight if I have no self control :( person B: hey it was just one day! you got this... work extra hard for the next 5 days!
person A: my husband lost his job a couple of months ago and yesterday he finally got a new job!! person B: That's awesome person A: He is such a hard working man! He works so much so i could stay home with our baby person B: I'm sure your supportiveness inspires him to work as hard as he does
person A: I was trying to take a nap the other day and my neighbor wouldn't shut her tiny barky dog up. person B: I totally feel you on that. I swear my neighbors have to be the loudest at night slamming their car doors and yelling outside right in front of my bedroom window. person A: Ugh_comma_ that's the worst. Thankfully we're on the second floor so we don't have to deal with car noise too much. person B: My bedroom is first floor_comma_ and literally maybe 4 feet from the parking lot. Lucky me. Lucky you tho too with animals. lol
person A: I lost my favorite hoodie somewhere. I'm so upset. Like how could i lose a hoodie? it's so big_comma_ did i just leave it somewhere? person B: Did you retrace your steps person A: I've been to so many places on that day it would be really hard to do it person B: I used to lose stuff all the time. Then I learned to relax and actively imagine all the places I'd been to. It worked for me then_comma_ found a G-shock watch a pair of nikes and my wallet
person A: I'm going to see my parents in 3 weeks!! I didn't see them since 2014! I'm so excited person B: that's great! I bet they are equally excited if not more :) are you travelling alone? person A: no_comma_ with my little baby. they've never met my son_comma_ they can't wait person B: oh i bet! you guys will have such a wonderful time together
person A: My wife had been out of the country for 2 months for school. I left early to get to the airport to get her when she came back because I was excited to see her. person B: I would be too_comma_ that is a long time! person A: Yeah_comma_ it's especially long since we only recently moved and I don't really know anyone outside of work. person B: Wow that would make for a lonely timeframe
person A: I wish my neighbors were more considerate. They woke me up at 4am recently. person B: Wow did youcall someone about that? person A: No point. Their smoke alarm went off and management don't care anyway. person B: Wow_comma_ that sucks_comma_ that is why I wanna live all alone! person A: Me too! I really don't appreciate their lack of manners - it's as if they own the whole complex!
person A: my friend came over yea=sterday and we were sitting on the couch chit chatting and when i got up i accidentally farted. so embarrasing person B: Oh my_comma_ did they notice you farted? person A: she did_comma_ she didn't say anything but i know she heard it person B: Must have rather awkward. Remember_comma_ farting is just natural and I am sure she understands that.
person A: My girlfriend went on a week trip with her friends_comma_ and left me alone to fend for myself. person B: I am sorry_comma_ how have you been passing the time person A: Mostly been playing video games_comma_ but it's so boring without her. person B: I love video games_comma_ you should buy a switch!
person A: Hello ... I give thanks for the good things and the things that do not_comma_ the good things make me feel good and the satisfaction and the bad things are internal growth person B: that is a very optimistic way to look at life . i should actually look at life that way too instead of getting overwhelmed when things do not go my way person A: For me it was a hard learning ... but after many blows ... I assimilated it person B: how long have you looked at life this way? is it sustainable ? person A: for a year ... you assimilate it when you realize that you are responsible ... neither the people nor the circumstances are responsible person B: this is completely true. it involves totally re conditioning the mind . person A: condition the mind and spirit person B: i would totally attempt it
person A: I lost my mother to breast cancer several years ago and I am still grieving the loss. person B: I am so very sorry. Have you had time to talk about it person A: yes_comma_ I talk about it but it really does not help much. I pray a lot and that gives me some comfort person B: that's good prayer can comfort_comma_ maybe you should talk to your pastor person A: I dont have a pastor_comma_ or a church I can go to. I meditate and I pray and I watch preachers on Sunday morning tv. All of those do help some.
person A: I had plans to move from Florida to California_comma_ but I'm starting to get cold feet... person B: Ooh_comma_ that's a big jump. I was considering the same thing_comma_ but I' one state above :) person A: Ohh! Did you change your mind? I'm trying to convince myself that it's going to be better for me to make the move. person B: I put it on hold until I fly up there this year to check things out. It's quite a big decision_comma_ and I would recommend going there for a while just to see what it's like
person A: today I think today is a day to learn_comma_ to hug_comma_ to smile_comma_ to make someone happy person B: Yes_comma_ realistically I wish it were possible to do that everyday but general stresses of life get in the way person A: that's right ... but I dedicate an hour to do that_comma_ to my children I kiss them_comma_ my neighbor smiled at him and from life I try to learn something person B: Maybe thats a good idea_comma_ to try and set aside a small amount of time a day to do it instead of trying to do it all the time along with everything else going on. Good idea! person A: It makes me feel good that my reflection serves you ... I send you a smile
person A: I'm so lonely. I mean... i have no friends_comma_ no husband_comma_ no kids. i wish i had at least somebody in my life person B: Do you have any hobbies that may help you to meet people? person A: not really. i love playing video games and watch tv. i'm socially awkward person B: Same here. Try to take advantage of your gaming and be more outgoing during gametime.
person A: My wife has been out of the country for almost 2 months. I can't wait to go pick her up at the airport! person B: You must be ver person A: I'm assuming you got cut off somehow :P I'm very happy she's coming back. person B: *very excited. (oops). Where did she go? person A: Germany for a language immersion course.
person A: I am so thrilled to be able to go on a short but long overdue vacation person B: where are you going person A: A short weekend trip to the ozarks for a float trip on spring fed white water. person B: that sounds like fun_comma_ where in the ozakrs? person A: Down close to the border line of arkansas and the ozarks. It is around the current river
person A: I was planning my wedding and trying to get a caterer. The one we were looking at was completely ignoring every time my wife tried to communicate with them_comma_ to the point where I told them off and went with someone else. person B: Sounds like you made the right decision. What a bunch of A-holes person A: Yeah_comma_ it was weird_comma_ the caterer was a woman so I can't imagine it was like a sexism thing_comma_ but she responded to me almost instantly every time. person B: Hm maybe she liked you ha
person A: I got a free pizza from Domino's but felt bad about how it happened. person B: Free pizza is good! How did you get it? person A: The pizza took forever to get delivered so I asked if it was free. The delivery girl_comma_ who was brand new_comma_ didn't know so she just didn't charge me. person B: That is awesome! person A: Well_comma_ I like free pizza for sure. But I still felt a bit concerned that they might take the cost of it out of her paycheck.
person A: how was your day? person B: It was fine how about you? person A: yeah good. whats your name? person B: I'm not sure I feel comfortable telling you as we just met. person A: oh its fine nice to chat with you unknown friend
person A: hello how was your day? person B: My day was great so far! How about you? person A: yeah fine great day person B: That is good to hear! I'm am sure you are grateful to experience such a good day! person A: yeah nice to talk to you.
person A: I wore wrong pair of socks to the college. But_comma_ no was there to spot it. But_comma_ when we have to go in for a church we have to first remove the shoes. At_comma_ that time friend of mine spotted with with wrong pair of shoes. They made a fun of me. That was very awkward situation. person B: Oh that sucks :( Maybe organize the socks better? person A: My room was messy as there was a party last night in my house and friends were enjoying in whole house. That is the reason. person B: Ah. Well_comma_ chalk it up to one of those funny but awkward moments of life then! person A: ohh
person A: I went for a job interview_comma_ and it seemed to go pretty well. person B: That's great! When will you find out? person A: It should be a couple weeks_comma_ assuming they go at the pace they said they would. person B: Good luck! I hope you get it.
person A: I moved far away from my hometown for the first time so my wife could go to grad school. It's hard to be away from my friends. person B: I know how it feels to be homesick_comma_ but you have to put your wife first. person A: Yeah_comma_ definitely_comma_ that's why I went ahead with the move. I'm just not very good at meeting people_comma_ so it can be tough. person B: You and your wife should go out to events and try to meet new people.
person A: I took my wife to the airport for her trip out of the country for 2 months. I felt really bad on the way home. person B: Ohh man_comma_ that is a long time to be alone. What are you going to do while she is gone? person A: Mostly work and hang out with the dogs. We just moved recently and I don't really know anyone outside of work. person B: I'm sorry. Where did she go? person A: Germany for a language course.
person A: I almost got in a fight in a drive-thru lineup. person B: What happened? Did someone bump on your car? person A: No_comma_ the person cut in front of some other people. I confronted him about it and we got into a shouting match. person B: Be carefull _comma_ you don't know the cray people that is out there. person A: Yes_comma_ afterwards I regretted the confrontation. I thought I could have easily been shot.
person A: I got on a stranger's boat by accident at the marina. person B: That must have been awkward. person A: Fortunately the owner didn't see me before I got off_comma_ but I sure felt stupid about it. person B: Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us. person A: Indeed. And next time I'll be sure to double-check whose it is before I come aboard.
person A: I was looking at old pictures from my first "adult" apartment_comma_ and thinking about all the times I spent there with friends and roommates. person B: Nostalgia can be wonderful_comma_ can't it? person A: It can_comma_ but it can also hurt sometimes. It's probably just nostalgia hardcore_comma_ but sometimes I wish I could go back to that time. person B: I feel the same when listening to 90s alternative music
person A: Last night was crazy. I couldn't relax even though I really wanted to. I was in a house full of people screaming and yelling. person B: What was going on!? person A: My friend and her mom were fighting about money_comma_ and my friend's daughters were wanting attention. person B: sounds like a lot of drama ugh i hope you get some rest tonight person A: I hope so too. I plan on going back to my place just to get away from all of this.
person A: I had a job interview today and i think it really well. person B: that's really good you feel pretty secure about it then? person A: The interviewer told me that I was his favorite interview so far. And I think my qualifications are a really good match for the company. person B: oh wow then that is really good! For someone to say that! You should be very proud of yourself.
person A: I saw a picture of a dog on reddit that looked a lot like mine so I called out the person saying it was a picture of my dog_comma_ but it turned out I was wrong. Whoops. person B: Thar was an embarasing moment for sure person A: Yeah_comma_ I don't like calling people out in general_comma_ don't know what made me think to do it this time. person B: Maybe you are felling lonely these days?
person A: I'm surprised the police are going to let they get away with it. person B: Did you have an enemy or someone as a suspect? person A: I think the mailman might be mad at me because I keep ordering heavy items. person B: Weird reaction. I feel like he should just do his job and not key your car.
person A: My test results come back today. I do hope everythings ok. person B: What are you worrying about? person A: I had an abnormal ekg and they did a stress test on my heart to make sure everything's alright. person B: Well_comma_ I hope it's alright_comma_ heart problems is not something you should take lightly. person A: Absolutely! I'm just over-worrying because I've always been so healthy. Just a little stressed out.
person A: I went back to my home where I grew up and a flood of good memories came bavk to me. I had so many fun times with my best friends when I was a child. person B: What is your favorite memory with your friends? person A: Playing outside in the summer time. Many fun summer times. Swimming holes_comma_ icecream_comma_ catching fireflies. person B: That sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you got to go back to revisit. person A: Me too!
person A: My parents gave me a car for graduating from college. It makes my life so much easier. person B: You deserved for graduating. person A: Thanks_comma_ now all I got to do is get a real career. I couldn't have done it with out them. person B: Just keep working hard and make them proud.
person A: The more problems I have to deal with_comma_ the more faith_comma_ and faithful I become. I am stronger in my faith when bad things happen in my life and around me. person B: I'm glad to hear you have something you can lean on in hard times. I'm personally an Atheist but I can respect someone with faith. person A: I was told once by a dear departed friend that "what ever floats a persons boat it good because it keeps people sane as long as no one is being hurt. person B: I absolutely agree. As long as you aren't hurting anyone_comma_ do whatever you please! person A: yeh to that
person A: I had a job interview yesterday that I thought went really well_comma_ but it didn't. They just emailed me back and told me that I didn't get the job. person B: Oh man_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that! It doesn't necessarily mean it went bad_comma_ though. Maybe they just had a more qualified candidate? person A: I'm just pretty embarrassed_comma_ I was so confident. This whole job hunting adventure has been a complete nightmare. person B: Keep your head up! Job hunting is usually stressful for most people. You got this!
person A: I can understand why you might be jealous of your coworker. I would try to keep your head up. person B: I'm not jealous of my co-worker though? What makes you think i'm jealous? person A: You said that you were envious of his promotion. It is understandable though. person B: I didn't say that. person A: Okay_comma_ I am glad to hear that you are no longer feeling jealous.
person A: I just got a puppy_comma_ but I have to leave him at home while I go to work. I feel so bad. person B: That would be sad_comma_ do you keep him in a cage? person A: Fortunately_comma_ no. I let him run around the house_comma_ but I feel like he gets bored_comma_ so I keep the TV on for him. person B: That's nice_comma_ what does he enjoy watching?
person A: Stealing is wrong. I would also be ashamed of my actions. person B: Absolutely. Although the world isn't so black and white. Sometimes a person may have to steal to survive. Is it really wrong then? person A: If that is the case_comma_ I can understand why they had to do it. In circumstances where someone is stealing solely for unneeded person gain_comma_ then it is most definitely wrong. person B: I agree. Stealing someone else's possession when it wasn't necessary for your survival is despicable! I hate a thief!
person A: My dog disappeared while I was away at college. person B: That's so sad_comma_ I'm so sorry you had to go through that. How did it happen? person A: My mother was walking her in a park and the dog fell down a cliff. She was never found or recovered. person B: My goodness_comma_ that sounds like a tragedy. I'm sure she was a great dog friend of yours. person A: Yes_comma_ I loved her a lot. It took a long time to get over but it was quite a long time ago at this point.
person A: I'm looking forward to my niece arriving from Washington. I haven't seen her in 2 years! person B: Do you have some big plans for the visit? person A: Probably not_comma_ because she is 6 months pregnant. Her husband is in the military and is away_comma_ so she will be here when she has her baby. person B: Uh oh_comma_ have you ever delivered a baby before? person A: Oh no! And I don't plan on it! I'll leave that to the doctors! person B: Oh right_comma_ I am a doctor. person A: Oh cool! What kind of doctor? person B: I am a baby delivering doctor!
person A: Oh wow_comma_ you must be very proud of her. That is quite an accomplishment. person B: What was the accomplishment again? person A: My mother just graduated from nursing school in her 50's. She put in a lot of effort_comma_ and she proved to herself and others that she could do it. person B: Wow_comma_ that's amazing. What made her want to go back to school?
person A: I saw a homeless guy the other day on my way home_comma_ and it made me reflect on my own life. person B: What about this homeless person had you reevaluating things? person A: Lately_comma_ I've been thinking how miserable I am at my job. As terrible as it sounds_comma_ when I saw him_comma_ I thought life could be much worse. person B: What's been bothering you at work? Are you not being fulfilled enough?
person A: A violent windstorm blew through my town and uprooted a tree in my yard. person B: Oh no! I hope it didn't fall on anything or anyone! person A: No_comma_ it missed everything but the lawn. And then my neighbor was nice enough to bring over his chainsaw and help me cut it up for disposal. person B: Oh thats really nice! Its important to help each other out when things like that happen!
person A: I used to know someone who got incredibly famous. person B: Who??? Male or female.Actor or singer? person A: She's a female singer. It sort of burns me up because I feel like she doesn't deserve it and she's rather manipulative. person B: Please tell me who she is!!!!! person A: Sorry_comma_ I won't do that. But pick the female singer you dislike the most and pretend it's her.
person A: Years ago I used to have such a good time. I had money to spend_comma_ time to do the things I love. How I long for those times again! person B: I know exactly how you feel_comma_ I've been slipping back into paycheck to paycheck living recently. It was so much better when I had the money to pay for everything. person A: Didn't the sun always shine back then_comma_ when we were happy and young and had money?! person B: Hahaha yes_comma_ you are so right. Then again_comma_ I'm a Christian so I am also comforted when I remember that we have a real_comma_ more important and awesome life to look forward to one day. person A: That's true. I still like to look fondly upon the past_comma_ but the future will be bright_comma_ too.
person A: Someone broke into my apartment last week. I was not home at the time_comma_ but now I worry that they will come back. person B: Wow_comma_ that's terrible. Was anything stolen or damaged? person A: Yes_comma_ my TV was stolen. They also clogged every toilet in my apartment. I think they have just eaten Thai food. person B: What a story_comma_ it's just unbelievable how these robbers have absolutely no morals.
person A: I woke up this morning_comma_ and my mailbox had been smashed in. I think the neighborhood teens had smashed it with a bat. person B: That is is awful.Did you call the cops person A: I did_comma_ they are investigating currently. I hope they find the hoodlums. person B: You should install security cameras outside your house.
person A: I did not get the job that I had interviewed for. I thought the interview went well_comma_ but I guess not. person B: That's rough man. Got any back up interviews lined up? person A: Not as of now. I have applied to a couple of other jobs. person B: I hope that you hear back from them soon. It ain't going to be rough forever - someone has got to recognize your worth eventually!
person A: Last week_comma_ my pants fell down in gym class. The elastic strap holding them up broke. person B: Oh no_comma_ that is terrible! What happened? What did you do! person A: I ran out of the gym crying_comma_ and the whole class pointed and laughed. person B: I am so sorry that happened to you!
person A: I love my cat_comma_ but she is driving me crazy constantly rubbing up against my face. I have so much cat hair in my nose. person B: Yuck_comma_ sounds like an unpleasant feeling. How do you even get hair up there! person A: She keeps walking across my chest and rubs on my face as she walks across. I know she's being sweet but it tickles. person B: Well_comma_ at least she loves you. Maybe shoving all her hair up your nose is her way of telling you that.
person A: I am going on a vacation this Thursday! I am very excited! person B: Oh really?! Where you headed too? person A: We are heading to Somalia! We had some business dealings to attend to_comma_ and we will be seeing the ocean as well! person B: Wow! Thats on the east side of Africa isn't it?
person A: I clogged up the toilet at a female friend's house by accident. I didn't tell them. person B: Did you have a severe diarreia or something? person A: Yes_comma_ it is a legitimate medical condition. I have irritable bowl syndrome. person B: I am sure your friend will forgive you.
person A: I won a prize at an event in my college and felt very happy_comma_ proud person B: Oh cool! How did you win it? person A: It was for a chess competition. person B: Oh cool! I love chess! What did you win? person A: They gave a cash money of 200$. Isn't that cool? Have you won any?
person A: I have a coworker that will not stop talking. He mostly talks about himself person B: Wow that's annoying_comma_ my husband is always telling me about his co-workers being the same way. person A: Yes_comma_ it is quite frustrating. I don't mind listening to people_comma_ but I would like them to ask how I am doing from time to time. person B: Yeah I see what you mean. Hopefully he might realize eventually.
person A: I have been waiting on a package my friend sent me to arrive at my house. I heard a knock at the door but it was a package or my roommate. person B: Sometimes it is uncomfortable to have to wait for something or someone. person A: Yeah it is. I just thought that's what it would be_comma_ so it dashed my hopes when it wasn't. I just got keep waiting_comma_ I guess. person B: Well_comma_ a wise man said that having patience was a virtue_comma_ I think you're becoming a more virtuous person by waiting.
person A: I fell walking up the stair today. There was a large group around_comma_ and people laughed at me. person B: I think you should always focus on your strength then it won't matter who is there and what they say person A: That is good advice. I feel better about this. person B: Also having at least one friend in such meetings would help. Next time go with someone you know
person A: I was delighted the other day when I got to see a friend that I had not seen in 20 years. person B: That's great_comma_ how wonderful! I hope y'all had a good time. person A: It was like we just started where we left off over 20 years ago. It was like we just seen each last week_comma_ not 20 years ago. person B: How great_comma_ I'm glad to hear that.
person A: I just saw the craziest thing! A baby was riding a dog like a horse outside! person B: How old was the child? person A: She couldn't have been older than one! person B: Wow_comma_ that's awfully young for that kind of thing.
person A: I was doing some freelance website work for a friend of mine and I did a lot of work for it. Sadly_comma_ it didn't do as well as we had expected it to do_comma_ even though I put my best work and most effort into it. person B: Oh that's not good. It is hard to put all your effort in and have it go nowhere person A: It is. We're in the process of revamping and coming up with some new and different ideas so hopefully we can do some revisions and get better results. person B: Sometimes revamping leads to more amazing results than you could have orginially anticipated person A: That's what I'm hoping for. It's kinda fun when you have to reach into your bag of tricks to see if anything new is there!
person A: I'm worried that if my Aunt doesn't answer her phone_comma_ I won't be able to give her the keys so she can babysit for me this weekend. person B: Oh no! Are you going away this weekend? person A: Yes_comma_ I am going on a business trip by my son has an important tennis match this weekend. I don't know what I'll do if my Aunt doesn't answer soon. person B: Hopefully_comma_ she answers soon. Maybe she's taking a nap or is in the shower.
person A: I am always suffering due to lack of money and I wish I could be rich someday person B: I am in the same boat_comma_ but I think that I can still be very happy and very content with the little bit of money or lack of I have. person A: That's good to know. No wonder we are here doing these tasks person B: How funny! I know how you feel though. I have always been poor. person A: ME TOO. MY Parents have always suffered and so have I. It is so unfair person B: Happiness is within and I seek that all the time. Even rich people are sad and unhappy. person A: That is so true. But to lead a happy life_comma_ money is necessary to some extent.
person A: I was really down after I found out that I was not going to be able to move. person B: Why? How did that happen? person A: Becaue I am stuck at a mine site and no one will buy me out. No one wants to live at a mine site with land collapsing everywhere. person B: That's so sad. I feel sorry for you. person A: I feel sorry for me too! person B: Yeah. Do you have back up plans for this issue?
person A: They are very helpful and I always will be faithful to them person B: That's nice_comma_ I'm glad you feel that way. person A: Yes_comma_ what about you? Do you feel likewise? person B: I do feel that way_comma_ I try to always have a Christian attitude. person A: Do you follow any particular denomination?
person A: I'm so happy to be able to spend time with my best friend. I was not feeling good and she came over and cheered me up person B: That's nice of her! It's always good to have friends to fall on person A: yes_comma_ and she also helped me out and paid one of my bills when i was struggling with money person B: Oh_comma_ that's even better. That's truly a friend you can rely on. You're very fortunate.
person A: I saw this kid on a skateboard the other day. I thought he was gonna wipe out hard_comma_ but he pulled off some kind of multi-flip jump thing that really shocked me. person B: Skateboarders have some serious skills! I can barely walk a straight line. person A: I know_comma_ right?! I tried skateboarding once when I was a kid_comma_ made it to being able to kind of not fall over in a straight line_comma_ never managed to do anything else. person B: We all have different talents. Mine do not lie in those kind of stunts either lol!
person A: I always say i hate when other moms shame each other but guess what? i do the same thing! person B: Maybe you could try to better that? person A: I definitely should! I should be nicer to other moms and don't judge them person B: You could start a trend.
person A: I love my baby so much! he is teething right now and i don't even know how to help him :( person B: He will make it person A: I know he will_comma_ i just wish i could help him. I gave him Tylenol but he was still pretty cranky person B: It will help eventually
person A: I was walking my dogs the other day and a guy came out with his dog off leash. The dog ran up and freaked out both my dogs. person B: That must have been scary. It could have gone really badly. person A: Yeah_comma_ I was really worried. My bigger dog got really protective of the smaller one_comma_ but thankfully they didn't actually get into a fight. person B: I hope the owner knows better next time.