person A: I just recently finished potty training my dog_comma_ that was quite the nightmare with sooo many puddles needing cleaned up. person B: Oh man! I hear you. I rescue animals and it is VERY hard to potty train them! person A: I can imagine a rescue_comma_ generally being a little bit older than a fresh 8 week old someone would get_comma_ can be much harder.. It's a painful process for sure! person B: For sure! It is much like potty training a kid. Actually I think dogs are easier then kids lol!
person A: My dog started looking really sick and in pain_comma_ but I didn't have the money to take him to an emergency vet_comma_ so I had to ask my parents for a loan until I got paid. person B: THat is stressful. Are they ok? person A: Yeah_comma_ he's fine now. It was some kind of stomach thing_comma_ but he got medicine and rest and is good now. person B: That is really good to hear
person A: I was sitting on my back deck drinking a cup of coffee and just felt so wholesome and happy with life. It was great . You ever have any of those moments? person B: I certainly do. Lucky to be healthy and able person A: I always try to look for the small things. I got to see a hummingbird today and that was great. Anything small in your life make a big impact? person B: Good question. I am thankful to be able to park my car in my garage! person A: Oh I can agree with that completely!
person A: I interviewed for a job a while back that I was waiting on hearing about. I felt like it went well. person B: I hope you get the job! What was the position you applied for? person A: A lab manager at a university. I've got my fingers crossed! person B: That sounds like it pays nice?
person A: Have you ever had to file for disability? person B: No. Why do you ask? person A: I've had to recently. Its been really tough. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. How far along in the process are you?
person A: Do your kids ever do anything cute that turns annoying? person B: I actually do not have any kids right now person A: My kids love to tell me what they are doing in their video games. It was cute at first_comma_ but you can only listen to someone talk about Stardew Valley for so long. person B: I heard that was a really fun game though!
person A: I've had to help take care of others before as well. person B: Seems like we all have. Some people shirk having to though. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm not so lucky. My wifes been sick and I've been taking care of her recently. person B: Oh no.I hope she gets better.
person A: I failed my driving test twice_comma_ but I was really encouraged and did better the next time. person B: Well that's good_comma_ sometimes it's our failures that really show us what we're made of. person A: I agree_comma_ I practiced and practiced and I was pleased when I passed my third time. Persistence is key. person B: Congratulations. I am in my twenties and still can't drive so hopefully I will get my license next year.
person A: I once went a restaurant_comma_ and I saw rats running around in the back kitchen! person B: Did you say anything to someone? person A: I reported it! I was shocked and grossed out_comma_ how can a place like that operate!? person B: a Burger King near me got shut down for that!
person A: Do any of your kids play any sports? person B: No_comma_ I do not have kids. Yours? person A: My daughter skateboards. She went down the big ramp the other day. It was so cool. person B: I bet you were really proud!
person A: I was so late for work one day_comma_ I walked out and forgot to put on my pants! person B: Wow. Thats hard to believe lol. person A: I was so concerned about getting to work I forgot to throw them on_comma_ I was so in shock_comma_ even the neighbors saw. It was bad. person B: Yeah_comma_ it sounds that way.
person A: I had to wait in line for 15 minutes at the store today. There was only one poor cashier working. person B: That must of been a pain! I hate waiting in lines for cashiers_comma_ they are so slow sometimes. person A: The cashier couldn't help it. The store should hire more people. person B: Stores should really open more checkouts when it is busy_comma_ especially during rush our!
person A: I was so excited when I got my new puppy_comma_ it was awesome! person B: Man_comma_ I'm so jealous of you. I love that new puppy stage_comma_ as tumultuous as it can be. There's just so much emotion and "new feelings" going on as you watch it grow. person A: I agree with you_comma_ the joy of adding a new member to the family is a wave of emotions_comma_ positive ones of course! person B: Yeah_comma_ but then there's also those late nights where you have to take them out because they're not used to holding their pee/poop in. And also them peeing and pooping in the house as they learn not to do that to begin with. They just have unlimited energy_comma_ so it's hard to keep up sometimes_comma_ but also fun!
person A: Those were simpler times_comma_ I wish I could go back and relive those days! person B: What were simpler times? person A: Childhood when you did not have so much to worry about. person B: Ah_comma_ I see. Had a great childhood_comma_ hu? person A: It was great_comma_ so much time running around outside without a care in the world.
person A: I felt like I was on the top of the world when I won the science fair in middle school. No better feeling than that for a small child. person B: Congrats! That would be really exciting. What was your project? person A: My project was to show what farm poop produced the most gas when it decomposed. I put the poop in a bottle with a balloon on top. Whatever balloon grew the largest_comma_ was the one that released the most gas. person B: That's a very interesting topic. I would have loved to have seen that!
person A: I'm sleep training my toddler_comma_ he never slept in his crib before. He is crying and it makes me feel so bad person B: I know what that's like. I have three kids. person A: how did you cope with all the crying? We've been co sleeping since birth and it's breaking my heart to hear him cry person B: They never slept in the crib lol. I won't even make my son get a haircut because he cries so much when the clippers get close. I'm the wrong one to come to for advice lol
person A: I just got back from my vacation. We stayed at a beachfront condo and spent time there_comma_ it was so much fun! We really had a blast! person B: That sounds heavenly person A: It was! We hadn't been able to go on a vacation for a couple of years_comma_ due to personal reasons_comma_ so you can imagine how we felt when we went! person B: I envy you. Have fun!
person A: As I look at my 21 year old son_comma_ I often reflect on when he was smaller. Time really flies! person B: Time sure does fly and change is inevitable person A: Yes_comma_ that's true. I still can imagine when he was waking up Christmas morning to see what Santa brought when he was 5. person B: Thinking about past events can be very nostalgic
person A: I want to go on a vacation next month but now I cant. person B: what happened? person A: Mys husbands job sucks and they had to cancel his vacation because they arnt staffed right. person B: time to find a new job it sounds like! good luck
person A: My son is in his last year of college! We are so excited and looking forward to graduation time! person B: Awesome! What is he in college for? person A: He's going to be an Aerospace Engineer! We are very proud of him and how dedicated he is to achieving his dream. person B: Holy goodness! That is really specialized. You should be very proud! :)
person A: We took our son to the doctor and luckily he is getting better! person B: That is very good to hear_comma_ hopefully things truly turn around for him. person A: I hope so. Do you have any kids? person B: Not yet_comma_ i just have one dog.
person A: I went to the flea market last weekend! person B: Oh that's neat! Did you find anything good? person A: Well_comma_ kinda... I got a bunch of old Beanie Babies_comma_ haha. person B: Oh I remember when those came out and everyone thought they were going to be worth millions someday! person A: I know! They were 25 cents each... it was crazy. They had the coolest store there with all sorts of old stuff from the 80s and 90s.
person A: I came home the other day to find that my daughter had made all the beds in the house! She is 6. person B: Wow_comma_ that's incredible. I don't even make my own bed. person A: haha me either most days! I was really proud of her and then she said she wanted more chore money! lol person B: Of course... haha. Why doesn't anyone pay adults to make their beds?
person A: My aggressive pet rat attacked the baby rat and left her a horrible gash on her abdomen! person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds very disgusting. person A: It looked so horrible. I thought for sure the baby was as good as dead. person B: I hope the baby rat is okay. person A: She's great. I gave her some medicine and she healed miraculously. It was almost unbelievable!
person A: My mother became ill a while back and had to be put into the hospital. I was so concerned_comma_ but she became better after a few days. Such a huge relief! person B: I'm so sorry but great to hear she is better now! person A: Thanks_comma_ she is. She had a blood clot in her leg and we didn't know it_comma_ so it could have been much_comma_ much worse. I can't even express how glad I was when she was better! person B: Well I'm glad to hear it's resolved.
person A: I fed a stray cat that was hanging out in my yard yesterday. person B: Oh that's nice_comma_ I love doing that. Did the cat seem happy? person A: The cat appeared very relaxed_comma_ but I could tell it was very pensive about my presence. It took some time to develop some sort of trust. person B: Well how nice_comma_ that must have been fun.
person A: One time I was camping out in the woods in California with some friends. I ended up getting lost on my way back to the camping spot in the middle of the night. person B: Wow that must have been scary! person A: If that wasn't frightening enough_comma_ I ended up getting chased by a stranger while I was looking for my camp mates! person B: How long were you lost for?
person A: I didn't force her into anything. She seemed to know what she was doing anyway person B: Wow back up there friend_comma_ what are you talking about? person A: I wish it never happened now. person B: Context_comma_ what the heck are you talking about? person A: she was 8 person B: Seriously what the hell are you talking about??
person A: A little while ago_comma_ my friend went on another beach vacation. It was her 3rd one for the year. My family and I hadn't been on vacation for several years_comma_ due to issues beyond our control_comma_ so I begrudged her trip a bit. person B: Being jealous of another person is a perfectly fine response. Despite this_comma_ you never know what is going on behind the scenes_comma_ she may have taken out huge loans just to fund her trips. person A: Yes_comma_ true_comma_ I know they tend to let bills go for things like that_comma_ which I don't do. person B: I bet you would go on many vacations if you did the same as her. Instead_comma_ you are being a responsible person and doing what is best for your future.
person A: I am so happy it's a boy person B: You just had a baby?! I didn't even know you were expecting! person A: He'll be here in about 3 months person B: I'm so happy for you! Have you decided on a name yet?
person A: Hey_comma_ I just started the keto diet! person B: Good for you! I have heard many great things about keto. How are you finding it? person A: It's good so far. I was overwhelmed at first_comma_ but I rented some books from the library and got a Kindle Unlimited subscription to find some recipes and info. person B: Props to you for researching the diet without understanding how it works. Some people are just looking for ways to lose weight fast_comma_ but putting in effort goes a long way. person A: Thank you_comma_ I wanted to be completely ready_comma_ so I compiled meal plans and grocery lists first.
person A: Imagine my surprise after 6 months of trying. Now we also know it's a boy person B: You must be over the moon happy. person A: I am. Especially when we saw the ultrasound. Takes after his dad if you know what I mean haha person B: Very funny. Have you decided on a name yet?
person A: I just had my Sweet 16 party... person B: Happy belated Birthday! Did it turn out the way you had hoped? person A: Well_comma_ about that... my dad KNEW I wanted a pink car for my birthday. But... person B: What did you get instead? person A: A BLUE one! I'm so devastated. I don't know what to do.
person A: I recently enrolled back in my university after dropping out 6 years ago. person B: Really? That is a good move person A: I was scared about it at first_comma_ but so far I have all A's. I must say_comma_ I'm proud of myself! person B: You have As because you have high interest in studying
person A: Over the past year I've been on a weight loss journey of over 100 pounds. person B: Wow_comma_ that is truly incredible! What is your secret? person A: As well as exercise and diet_comma_ by far the most important thing is strong will and determination. person B: That is so true! You are a true weight loss warrior I think!
person A: I never liked milk growing up_comma_ because my family drank skim. person B: Do you like it now? person A: Well_comma_ first I tried whole milk_comma_ and that was gross. But I just tried 2% milk_comma_ and I like it! person B: I like 2% as well. It's perfect for cereal and chocolate milk! person A: I agree! I'm so happy I can enjoy it now. person B: Have you tried 1%? person A: No_comma_ but I am satisfied with my choice. person B: That's great. 2% is much more healthful than whole milk.
person A: I just got back from our vacation_comma_ but the drive there was so nerve wracking. There was heavy rain and traffic_comma_ and some nighttime driving. Had me on edge person B: so very bad ya person A: Yes_comma_ well_comma_ it was just one of those things I know_comma_ but still was very tiring and can get to you after that drive. person B: ok
person A: Recently_comma_ I received the news about my ex boyfriend's relapse. person B: Oh no! :( How are you taking it? person A: It's definitely a hard situation to take in. He had stopped using when we started dating and was off it for 2 years until we broke up. It's very discouraging. person B: Dang. Please don't blame yourself.
person A: On my recent vacation to Florida_comma_ there was a very long delay at the toll booths of at least 45 minutes. This was after 7 hours of driving! It was such a hassle! person B: Thats pretty long_comma_ how did you manage? person A: I wanted to pull my hair out lol. But_comma_ knew once we were past it_comma_ there was the beautiful ocean on the other side...finally! person B: Yea_comma_ something calming helps during fraustrating moments_comma_ but at least you know how the route is now
person A: Robby got me flowers today. person B: Nice! Who's Robby? Is that your husband? person A: Yes_comma_ how could you forget? It was a nice surprise_comma_ but then he said.. "happy anniversary." person B: Aha! Was it actually your anniversary today? Happy Anniversary! person A: Thanks_comma_ but I'm so embarrassed that I forgot!! D;
person A: dad caught me kissing my half aunt person B: Oh_comma_ wow... um_comma_ that's crazy. Why did you do that? person A: I was attracted to her. She was older. The worst part was getting hit upside the head in front of her person B: I would imagine! I'd do the same thing if I was your dad_comma_ haha.
person A: Me found cave. person B: You sound like a caveman person A: Me am caveman. In cave was paint of cave wife. Wife hunt big mammoth. person B: Why you no hunt and send wife instead. person A: Me miss BC. Me miss wife.
person A: One of the scariest_comma_ yet happiest experiences in my life was finding out that I was going to have a baby. person B: Oh I can relate to that especially if you are not prepared for it_comma_ it can get really scary person A: Oh_comma_ we were totally unprepared. In fact_comma_ my partner and I were working out of state in a compromising environment. We had to double on back home to get our lives set up for the big change! person B: You guys will be alright trust me I experienced same with my partner and now we are fine. Our kid is a teenager now. I am happy for you guys
person A: When I was pregnant_comma_ I felt ill until it was over. The doctors were worried that something was wrong with the baby. person B: Oh no! I'm not sure how all that works_comma_ but I thought that was fairly normal for a pregnat woman person A: Usually the sickness stops within the first few months_comma_ so the fact that I fell ill so much was worrisome. Despite it all_comma_ I had a healthy_comma_ bouncing baby boy. I never have felt more grateful in my life. person B: Well I'm glad for you! And for him! A new life is exciting
person A: When my dog passed away_comma_ I felt so helpless. She was old and suffering and I felt angry that there was nothing I could do other than put her down. person B: That's so sad. You did your best. How old was she? person A: She was 14. I got her when she was a puppy. Even though the situation was rough_comma_ I'm grateful for all the years we did get to spend together. person B: That's really good_comma_ though. It sounds like you gave her a great life.
person A: I had to sit in the front while she was in the back with him person B: Was he with you or just someone you wanted to be with? person A: I wanted her. But he had the money. And that's what she wanted person B: In that case_comma_ you are better off without her.
person A: My son is in college and about to return for his Junior year. We have made sure to put back ample saving to take care of his financial needs. person B: Oh_comma_ wow_comma_ I wish my parents had done that! It would have saved me from the mountain of debt I have now person A: We felt it was best to make sure to get ready in advance and help as much as we can. But_comma_ I know all parents aren't able to do that_comma_ or feel they shouldn't_comma_ so I can see both sides! person B: Well_comma_ I've always been of the mindset that (if they can) they should help the first 2 years as that's usually the break-in period. After that_comma_ the child should be able to manage
person A: After a long few months of being a hermit_comma_ I went out the other day to the shelter to play with some pups! person B: I bet that felt good to get out and experience that! person A: It was definitely exciting for me! I haven't been able to play with a dog since my own passed away. person B: Oh I am sorry to hear that. I also enjoy dogs. They are one of life's great joys in my opinion.
person A: I've been feeling a bit blue and overwhelmed lately. person B: You should take a vacation that will help you relax and see new stuff person A: I could definitely use one! However_comma_ I have a newborn so I'll have to wait a little while before we can go on some adventures! person B: Oh ok. In that case let someone very close like your mother come around to help you out. Having someone to talk to helps in times like this
person A: These days my skin has never looked better. My diet is good_comma_ my family life is good_comma_ I've got good grades. Life is good! person B: That's awesome. Are you using any special types of lotion? person A: Nope! I believe it is mostly due to diet and lots of water. It's amazing how much the little changes can impact. person B: I'll have to do the same! I wish my skin looked better than it does.
person A: I flew all the way to New York City to buy a designer dress for the prom. person B: You must be wealthy. I would love to visit NYC person A: I am_comma_ thanks_comma_ but I wouldn't go there... Becky STILL managed to get the same dress as me! I am so mad! person B: OMG! I know how you feel
person A: I just love playing retro games. Takes me back person B: Oh_comma_ me too! I love digging out my N64 and SNES from time to time. person A: Oh yeah? Cool. I like the old Sega Mega Drive games. The music is just classic on those games person B: Yes_comma_ that Yamaha sound chip was magical. We call it the Genesis over here.
person A: One night_comma_ I was home alone_comma_ when suddenly_comma_ I heard a loud BANG! person B: Oh goodness_comma_ what was it? person A: It was a ghost! I ran into the kitchen to investigate_comma_ and I saw what looked like a white dress flapping out the window. person B: Wow_comma_ that must have been a terrible experience.
person A: Recently my daughter was voted 'Most Artistic' by her peers! She is so talented and we feel lucky to be her parents. person B: so very nice.your doughter. person A: Yes_comma_ she has a natural talent_comma_ but really puts much practice and time into it. person B: whove very nice ya and super talent.
person A: what does that mean? person B: What does what mean exactly? person A: this has obviously gone all wrong somewhere person B: Well whatever went wrong_comma_ I hope it can be fixed somehow. person A: 5
person A: A year ago_comma_ I found an injured baby kitten in the road while driving. person B: Oh no! Did you take the kitten to an animal hospital or care for it yourself? person A: I cared for it myself. Now she's my beloved cat_comma_ Muffin. person B: Awe_comma_ that's a sweet story! The kitten got a happy ending!
person A: I'm proud that she traveled across the world all by herself. 2 big suitcases and all person B: That's great! Who did the travelling? person A: Wife. And she was 6 months pregnant to boot! person B: She must be a strong woman.
person A: There was a storm the other day_comma_ close to our home. There was a tornado warning near it_comma_ so I was afraid and nervous! person B: Oh no. I hope you got somewhere safe while it was going on. person A: Yes_comma_ it luckily passed our home_comma_ but you just never know! person B: That's good at least. Living in an area with tornados is so scary!
person A: My brother recently proposed to his girlfriend_comma_ I'm really happy for him. :) person B: Oh that is fantastic! I bet your brother was pretty happy too. person A: Yeah_comma_ he gave her my grandmothers rings_comma_ since they were nice and we had them available. He's 23 so he's trying to save money_comma_ but still wanted her to have something nice. person B: That is very sweet. I think they will have a happy and lasting marriage.
person A: I can't wait to get a new car soon person B: That's exciting! What kind are you looking for? person A: I want a compact SUV_comma_ like maybe something like a Toyota RAV4 person B: Ah. Hopefully something with good gas mileage!
person A: not yet ready for the baby_comma_ need fix up his room person B: OK _comma_have you done the need full? person A: Not really. Haven't even started. Got 3 months to go. Yikes! person B: OK get started already. A stich in time saves nine !
person A: I couldn't buy my brother his gift from an online retailer that starts with an A_comma_ because apparently they don't ship to Canada from their .com website. :( person B: Oh I think I can guess which retailer you're talking about. I've had so many problems with them over the years person A: Yeah_comma_ it's horrible. I mean_comma_ what's so difficult about shipping to Canada? You can pay for other people to ship the item to you from their address_comma_ you'd think it would be just as simple for a big company like that. person B: I know. Canada isn't even overseas in the literal sense_comma_ it's just over the border!
person A: she took me for $1600 in just 2 weeks. What a trap person B: Unbelievable. You must be very angry with her (whoever she is). person A: It's been 7 years and I'm still not over it person B: Neither would I_comma_ I dislike such greedy people
person A: Sat here by myself for 10 days straight. Car was in the shop being repaired person B: Wow that must have been frustrating. I hope it didn't cost too much. person A: It did actually. Made me so mad. Now I have to save up again person B: I know how that is. At least you have your car back!
person A: For 8 months we were led to believe we would move in to our own place. Lies person B: I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds very rough. What happened to it? person A: Instead her stupid grandma moved in to it! person B: Oh jeez that's really awful. Can you get it back?
person A: At the time I didn't think it was bad. But after she told me she didn't actually like it_comma_ that made me think differently person B: What didn't she like? person A: Well she had never done it before_comma_ so I thought it was special person B: Well that makes sense.
person A: I'm very proud of her for traveling alone at 6 months pregnant person B: Congrats you have a baby on the way person A: Yes. It's a boy person B: How many kids do you want in total?
person A: My child got sick and I had just made arrangements to go out of town on business. person B: Oh no. How did you handle having two such big priorities come up? person A: I had to tell my boss I couldn't go and I was so stressed about that. It turned out the weather was bad and all flights go canceled so no one could go. person B: Oh_comma_ sorry to hear. I am sure your child was glad you were home. Is she or he feeling better now?
person A: I wish I had money. Then she'd sit with me instead of him person B: Sit where? person A: In the club person B: The club isn't a great place to find the right kind of girl anyways.
person A: I don't feel bad. It's not like I made her do it. She wanted to person B: What happened! person A: She knew what she was doing. I don't care how old she was. She knew person B: This somehow seems inappropriate.
person A: I know I will save the money I need for the baby person B: What is your plan to accomplish that? person A: Just to keep on working as much as I can everyday person B: Just don't over do_comma_ you have to enjoy being a parent_comma_ that's a key to happy kids.
person A: I wish I never did it now. I thought it wasn't going to come out person B: Did you spill something? person A: Kinda. I thought it was a secret person B: Was it liquid ?
person A: it was brutal person B: What was brutal? person A: i didnt shower for a few days and had an important meeting. I could tell that they could smell me. I became a tomato. person B: Really? No shower for few days? person A: yes. homeless for a bit person B: ok. I understand
person A: i feel really bad about cheating on my girlfriend with a mutual friend.. i cant even look her in the eye person B: i would feel terrible to thats really bad_comma_ you should just tell her and change! person A: it was a one time thing.. if i tell her that would break her person B: The truth can set us free_comma_ probably better for her and you both.
person A: i was heartbroken when my dad passed away.. still not over it. person B: Sorry to hear that... they say time heals everything but i disagree its been 9 years for me and it still feels like yesterday. How long for you? person A: 5 years.. person B: Im really sorry for your loss! I hope that someday it gets better for the both of us.
person A: i was proud to see my kid winning in painting competition.. she seems like a born artist person B: Oh I love seeing kids achieve things! Adorable. Good for her! :) person A: yeah.. me and my partner are so proud of her person B: I am sure_comma_ I would be too of my daughter. You sound like an awesome parent.
person A: i have always felt really guilty about lying to my parents person B: oh.. well i understand. but that was a long time ago right? person A: yeah_comma_ but still.. that feeling never went away person B: come clean to them about any major lies_comma_ you'll feel better :)
person A: i never get anxious about knowing that i am fully prepared before i go somewhere person B: haha.. i feel you. my mom feels the same way person A: well_comma_ i guess women are more detail oriented person B: Amen sister! women always keep things in check
person A: i feel like my girlfriend and i are soulmates.. i can never cheat on her person B: thats really good of you. she is a lucky gal person A: yeah well.. this one time this model-like girl was so close to seducing me_comma_ i escaped from there right awat person B: haha.. i guess she was not as good as your girl huh?
person A: my dog passed away earlier this year person B: Oh no_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. Are you considering getting a new dog? person A: yeah.. but its too soon i feel person B: I understand_comma_ mine just turned 15 and I'm not looking forward to that day.
person A: some guy drove past me so fast last week.. i was furious person B: Jeez people just always have to be in a hurry to get no where right. person A: yeah.. i barely escaped! person B: people are just selfish and only consider their own lives!
person A: 1 person B: What was that? person A: soory it was mistakenly typed. person B: It's okay. person A: how was your day?
person A: I'm taking the California Bar exam to become an attorney in February and I'm sooo nervous! person B: That is pretty cool! What made you want to become a lawyer? person A: I played a video game when I was younger_comma_ called Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney_comma_ and it made me want to become one! person B: Great! I know it can be a tough job_comma_ I am sure you will do fine_comma_ keep studying!
person A: once i had been hurt by girl friend and it hurts me more than anything in my life person B: That sucks. person A: yeah that really sucks. person B: Well there are plenty more girls out there
person A: I fell down at work_comma_ and my khaki pants ripped open. person B: Oh no. Did you leave? person A: I didn't. Luckily I had a spare pair of sweatpants in my trunk. I did end up looking rather odd with a suit jacket and sweatpants. person B: Like you had a different kind of accident lol
person A: My grandpa is coming to visit!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2772_conv:5545,2,joyful,My grandpa is coming to visit!,11,That sounds like you are excited for sure! When is he coming and what are yall going to do? ,5|5|5_5|5|5,,You are so right.|I know how you feel. My oldest is in her sophomore year of college. |Oh my_comma_ so close! But you can try better next time.|Ahhh! Me too_comma_ there is so much that can be done on the weekends!|oh no.. what happeneed|That's nice to hear. It's always a good thing in a marriage to show each other support through thick and thin.|I hope so too_comma_ best of luck with that!|It was nice of you to step up and help out.|That's very faithful of you_comma_ and the right thing to do I'd say. |Good think you're prepared ๐Ÿ‘|Oh man_comma_ you gotta super clean it_comma_ have the professionals do it even |Nostalgia can stir emotions. You'll find something to love about life again.|I've never imagined something like that before. Where did you see this?|Oh wow haha that's not good|And who was right in this case? Dis anyone turned it in?|Is that a bad sign? Perhaps the plant is not getting enough nutrition or sunlight?|I would be too_comma_ that is a long time!|That is quite impressive! You must be very proud of your work!|people change over time_comma_ is she thinking of coming back ?|lol. don't do the crime if can't face the Bat ;)|Cool! Have fun and be safe!!|Hahahaha_comma_ that's so funny|Yeah i can imagine but a little worm wont hurt ya|Wow_comma_ did you ever get them in trouble?|that is really cool i hope you get the job|It's pretty hard to deal with. One of my friend's buddies died in a car crash as well.|I am glad that you are okay!|it happens to the best of us_comma_ and i totally understand where your coming from _comma_ spend some time with your friends or loved ones |That's so sweet! We have blue healers_comma_ they just make the world better.|You got too_comma_ my cats dont do that thankfully.|It's going to help your family out so much I bet everyone is so proud of you_comma_ congrats you deserve it.|Oh poor thing. I hope she is doing better now. Losing a pet is extremely hard!|Nice_comma_ I am jealous of your friendship!|Yeah I have lol. What's your brothers name?|Great_comma_ where did you go?|Well_comma_ I hope you got over that issue and ended up making lots of friends yourself.|For sure! I bet it was nice to have the hosue a little more quiet too.|The wiring was probably old and not up to code anymore.|Yeah. Back when the only buttons on a controller were Start_comma_ Select_comma_ A and B!|This is TRUE! I am glad to be at home with these guys right now. Have a great day! |on to the next one_comma_ as they say!|i believe you|Yea for sure_comma_ I definitely learned that sometimes life just works in a funny way. When's the last time you have been really disappointed? |That would be horrific. Do you know someone that this happened to?|Definitely not! Music is a great idea though; I listen to music on all bus rides and car rides.|That sounds so fun! |Oh_comma_will u be going to pay him a visit?|They both sound like great plans! Tubing would be a great way to keep her happy while you fish haha!|That sounds horrible. I would not have been able to sleep after that.|Good for you! I wish more people were like this_comma_ unlike my ex! |I have never been married_comma_ so i cant imagine_comma_ but I would want to be with my spouse every moment of every day.|That sounds like you are excited for sure! When is he coming and what are yall going to do? |i can imagine_comma_ that's gross as hell|Congratulations! Waiting for results can be very stressful - everything's out of your hands and all you can do is wait.|I think you should always focus on your strength then it won't matter who is there and what they say|That must suck not living close to a beach. Hopefully you get to go back real soon.|How sad to lose a dog you love! Ta least she/he died of old age_comma_ she must be in doggy heaven.|I was just going to say the same thing! I'm like Stay away!" |My goodness_comma_ well I guess that happens to all of us at least once.|Can you blame her? I mean_comma_ if i didn't have bills that's what I'd be doing.|Better luck next time! I love to scratch!|Haha good! I'm glad that one went well.|i like paprika in my mac and cheese|Oh that sucks :( Maybe organize the socks better?|Oh no! I hope it didn't fall on anything or anyone!|That's great_comma_ man! Did you study hard for it?|It sounds like a great experience!|Yes! and new opportunties for my family. We need the fresh start on life. I don't like living in Texas.|I'm so glad you made it through|That sucks. Maybe it's time to get new friends?|that is so sweet_comma_ i think that is why she got better_comma_ your caring ways|Oh_comma_ that's not right. I have a rescue dog_comma_ she had a litter of puppies at a puppy mill before she was a year. |oh my goodness thats terrible_comma_ i am so sorry!|That's awesome! What kind of house is it?|I can imagine. When I was in the hospital with my 3 year old they lost all his vitals as well. Kids like to keep us on our toes from the start!|Just buy another one and don't eat it. lol|I completely understand think of it as maybe they are not meant to be apart of your life_comma_ you will find some good friends just be patient. |What was the boy kid's problem?|Well I hope one day your parents are more accepting!|Sounds good_comma_ when she got back I hope you schooled her on Halo ?|Oh well that's a plu!|I'm so very sorry for your loss_comma_ I can only imagine that pain. I had to put my girl down 3 years ago and I promise that it does get easier.|That is frightening! especially if you didn't know whether it was a harmful spider or not! What did you do?|im sorry_comma_ thats awful. its a shame his parents arent being more supportive|Why did she break up with you?|Kindness is infectious.|Do you have any advice on what kind of tape?|Yikes that sounds scary but overall good for the end results. How do you feel about it? |Oh really? What was it they served?|How fun! I wonder how they knew.|When did you get separated? By the way_comma_ that is terrible to hear.|I'll have to do the same! I wish my skin looked better than it does.|Yeah me too. I like that though_comma_ I like earning my way. |Exhaust all options_comma_ social media is a big way to stay connected|Sick. I hope it's as fun as it looks!|That's a long time to kind of hang in limbo. I am sorry you had to endure that for a month.|Same here. Try to take advantage of your gaming and be more outgoing during gametime.|Why did he get called back in?|Well_comma_ that's very nice. I'm sure you were looking forward to that shopping trip.|OUCH. New car is cheaper than replacing the engine? person B: He is coming next week! We are going to play Bingo at the local American Legion every night! person A: Honestly that sounds pretty fun to me I havent been to bingo in years. I love listening to the older people arguing when someone wins.
person A: I ate a gas station burrito for lunch. It was not very appetizing. Actually_comma_ it was absolutely horrible.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2773_conv:5546,2,disgusted,I ate a gas station burrito for lunch. It was not very appetizing. Actually_comma_ it was absolutely horrible.,238,yea i hear ya,5|5|5_5|5|5,,Yeah as a child it's hard to see other kids with a bunch of friends when you don't have that many.|well you are really lucky to have an empty airport|what do you all have planned|Hey that's awesome! Where ya goin?|Oh I just did that recently. I just got back from 2 months. It will be a fantastic time.|Oh! Gotcha! I've never played the switch but I heard it's an exciting console!|I bet that was the ride of your life.|Ah_comma_ I see. Had a great childhood_comma_ hu?|Sorry that that happened to you_comma_ I hope you're doing well.|yea i hear ya|How'd that go?|I understand being fascinated by them they can be very intriguing. Maybe you should stop watching as many though. |That is terrible and a little odd!|I am sorry_comma_ maybe she will share?|wow lol I didn't know you can track ovulation. Good luck with getting pregannt|That is insane! I've never heard of anything like that before. You all should start protesting!|Thats horrible! You should tell them as that is their property. What if someone did that to your stuff?|tHat is insane_comma_ I usually give myself like 2 or 3 days.|you're welcome_comma_ but for what?|Do you have a good chance with her. Have you talked to her about it?|Did you have a good workout?|Nice_comma_ I guess the only times I was nervous to take a test was when I wasn't prepared_comma_ but there's only so much preparation you can do until you just have to trust your brain or whatever|Dragon tongue beans! I've never heard of them! What do they look like?|Is it far away_|Oh really_comma_ that sounds nice. I miss childhood.|Oh wow! That must have been terrifying! Were they able to help her?|That's awesome_comma_ have you ever tried surfing?|I bet you are_comma_ that's some pretty good foresight right there! Did you have to use it this past winter?|How did you place in the competition?|Oh really? I thought summer ended after July. You learn something new everyday lol|Oh no_comma_ what happened?|i'm glad you feel good today!|Aren't you the luckiest? |That's cool. For what class|That's what I was thinking.|Yes_comma_ you are correct. You can always hope" for the best_comma_ but also "plan" for the worst. Being prepared is a comfortable feeling.|Seems like we all have. Some people shirk having to though.|I used to struggle with the same problem_comma_ it can be overwhelming|creepy. Were you able to fall asleep after watching it?|Woo hoo! That is awesome! Congrats! When will you find out/|Oh dear. I am so sorry to hear. It is possible for you to get a second job?|Oh dear_comma_ that must be difficult. Are there medications to take that will help?|How fun! yes I am sure they will have a great time!|So what did you do?|That's so sweet! We have blue healers_comma_ they just make the world better.|that is so sad i hope your pet gets better|That is incredible! I swear some things in life are determined by fate. I'm glad you were able to get a car.|They are bad now too_comma_ they are so annoying|Lovely. What did you do together?|That is sure to make you feel the nostalgic?|goodness_comma_ i would be so upset_comma_ that is a terrible experience!|I believe that!|I bet I would have been scared|That sounds pretty exciting.|don't be. i'm sure you raised him right. he will be starting his new adventure|Phew_comma_ so they got most of the attention.|I am sure they have forgotten about it|I feel you_comma_ it would be really scary. How did it turn out?|oh that's great. You must be the luckiest granddad in the whole world|Wow_comma_ please make it real.|Dont worry_comma_ anyone would have felt the same way. If it makes you feel better remember that we were all babies once.|aww. I understand you. That feeling is priceless.|That is awesome_comma_ what degree are you working towards?|I wish I had a grandma.. did she send you anything extra?|Well_comma_ they would probably be the same if they were in your shoes|Haha good! I'm glad that one went well.|I can imagine! Is he doing okay?|Was the weather good?|Being jealous of another person is a perfectly fine response. Despite this_comma_ you never know what is going on behind the scenes_comma_ she may have taken out huge loans just to fund her trips.|What made you nervous about it?|That is bizarre_comma_ have you had this seen about?|Congratulations. Are you going on a hollywood|Well_comma_ I hope you have some really good earphones - or that they quiet down - it's a big egotistical to think that no one around you cares when you are that loud.|Why didn't you say anything?|Oh_comma_ no! That's so terrible!|Oh wow! I would be very angry as well! Unless it was some kind of emergency or extenuating circumstance|Congrats_comma_ that must have been a very stressful time leading up the the birth.|My sister got married at Laguna niguel|What a great idea_comma_ where did that come from?|That is great! Can you call him and see if we could all celebrate together?|Sheesh that is brutal_comma_ did you smack him?|Wow_comma_ I hope you have a really nice trip.|That is an amazing feeling. |I have 3- I bet you can't wait to take him fishing.|Yeah_comma_ everyone just seems miserable_comma_ so it kind of drags you down_comma_ too. But it's a necessary evil.|Is she always a flake? Maybe time for a new friend?|Yep! Not really that fun to have since you see things at times.|What?!?! thats amazing! starting a family I imagine can be surreal |i'm glad you didn't |Were they a close friend? And did you pay them with pizza?|Wow. Talking about cleaning up.|Well_comma_ she'll be back soon and you'll have loads of catching up to do. I bet the dogs missed her too!|yep thats one of the things that make it so nice|Well_comma_ often people just give up and relegate themselves to just sitting in a chair and watching TV. Even if you have to force yourself_comma_ at least you are forcing yourself. At some point hopefully you will see progress and feel it getting easier. Once that happens_comma_ motivation starts to become real easy to get.|You do? thats good_comma_ friends can be terrible people to lend too.|Keep your diet clean and you'll keep improving.|I see. I hope for all the best for you and him.|He must be a great speaker.|I've had pets to do that too.|Thar was an embarasing moment for sure person B: Yes_comma_ and now my tummy has the rumblies. My workplace bathroom is a one-seater right next to my work crush's desk. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it. person A: hope you feel better
person A: how was your day? person B: it was fine. How about you? person A: yeah its an another good day person B: Nothing special... person A: oh how was the climate there/ person B: Too hot for anything
person A: I managed to accidently flash a dozen people person B: how did it turn out person A: it was windy and the wind caught my shirt. I was like "oops! person B: seems plausible person A: Yes. Luckily people around me thought it was amusing and not offensive
person A: i have always more trust on my girlfriend person B: as you should person A: yeah i do. i love her a lot person B: thats cool person A: what about you?
person A: I have a big exam coming up! My nerves are getting to me. person B: ohh good luck! person A: Thanks! It is my final exam for a summer class studying Database Design. I actually should be taking it right now. person B: thats cool
person A: I get to go the the zoo tomorrow! They opened an exhibit showcasing two of my favorite animal_comma_ the sloth! person B: Oh thats great_comma_ what are the animals? person A: They have sloths_comma_ hippos_comma_ elephants_comma_ bears! person B: Oh wow_comma_ I love hippos and I don't know what sloth look like will let google help me out :)
person A: I had a guest over that used my restroom_comma_ and they obviously have some sort of digestive issue! They didn't event tell me about it! person B: That is terrible. person A: Yes it is. Do you think I should confront them? person B: Maybe? Is it that big of a deal to you?
person A: i have been more happy person B: Meaning you have been happier before or you are more happy now than you have been? person A: happier now beacuse i have been built a new house person B: Oh wow_comma_ that's great! I would be very happy too!
person A: Back to school time is always stressful because of how much everything costs now. person B: oh its hurts a little person A: I was able to cover most of it but luckily I had a little help covering the rest of what my kids needed. Even a little help is a big deal person B: wow thats great
person A: i have watched races in tv person B: Me too! Have you ever been to one of them races? person A: nope iam a street racer person B: Oh cool_comma_ do you live in the city?
person A: i feels happy person B: That is awesome! Is there a particular reason you are so happy? person A: because i built a new house person B: That is something to be happy about! Congratulations!
person A: i have been more happy that i have bought a car person B: That is an exciting purchase! What kind did you get? person A: audi q7 person B: That is a nice car! I know you are enjoying that!
person A: My wife bought me a new watch for my birthday! She is such a sweetheart. person B: That was such a nice thing to do! She seems very caring! person A: She is! It was a watch that I had been wanting for a long time. I have used the same G-Shock watch for 6 years (which I love)_comma_ but I wanted the upgraded version. person B: That is so nice that she made note that you had been wanting it for so long!
person A: I just graduated from college! I feel so accomplished. person B: That is SO exciting! I remember how that felt! person A: I am very excited about it! Although I am a bit nervous about what is to come. I still need to find a job. person B: That will come! The hardest part is over now!