person A: I'm taking my wife out this coming weekend to dance. person B: That sound amazing. Dancing is very bonding. person A: We haven't been able to go out in quite a long time. Family and life stuff just gets in the way sometimes. person B: Well_comma_ a night out dancing will go a long way towards reconnecting with the love of your life. I am happy for you!
person A: My dog passed away couple months back.. i was heartbroken person B: im sorry to hear that.. what happened? person A: She got run by a truck.. I felt guilty and blue person B: oh.. wow.. sorry that it happened.
person A: I always get sad thinking about my dad. person B: Oh sorry_comma_ did he pass away? person A: Yeah.. he did. He had cancer. person B: Oh my god.. my hearty condolences.
person A: I went to the beach other day person B: That is really cool . Did you have a good time? person A: I sure did! the ocean and the breeze gives me such a sense of joy and calm person B: It feels so good just to hear you say that
person A: I was so happy that i got to see Hamilton the other day person B: Oh wow_comma_ the broadway show? person A: Yeah_comma_ the same. Lin Manuel is a genius to say the least! person B: Oh yea_comma_ he is too good at what he does. I heart stunning review for the show as well
person A: I went to visit my family the other day person B: how did it turn out person A: It was such a joyful experience. They always warm my heart person B: oh congrats on that.. always nice to see family
person A: A dog chased me through a street the other day person B: did he catch you? person A: No i somehow managed to escape.. it was so scary person B: wow thats good
person A: I feel so caring of my little sister person B: thats good person A: Yeah.. I always look out for her no matter what the problem is person B: as you should
person A: I was really nervous when i went to meet my girl's parents person B: I feel you_comma_ it would be really scary. How did it turn out? person A: It turned out well actually_comma_ we had a nice time person B: so happy for you!
person A: A dog chased me through our street last night person B: Damn! was it a stray dog? person A: I think so.. it looked like that. I was shivering when i finally managed to escape person B: Dear god.. I hope you are alright my friend!
person A: I really envy people who can sing person B: Oh really? I believe you wanted to be a singer yourself huh? person A: Yeah.. i did. i never got the chance to pursue that person B: Well_comma_ it is never too late my friend.. pursue your dreams :)
person A: I had to leave the house for a bit_comma_ before I left I gave my kids instructions on what I wanted them to do around the house. person B: Did they follow your instructions_comma_ or did they do their own thing? person A: I figured they would just goof off. However; when I returned all chores were comples. I was pretty impressed. person B: Wow! I didn't expect that answer from you! That must have been a great surprise!
person A: i found a bunch of dead mice the other day person B: Oh god.. thats so gross person A: it was! i felt sick seeing that person B: I would have thrown up right then and there
person A: how sweet. bless you! person B: i was beet red when I realized what had happened. person A: 5 person B: Thank you_comma_ your so kind person A: 5
person A: My Mother came into town unannounced. She hardly ever does that. person B: Is she staying with you ? person A: No. Thankfully it was just a visit. She took us all to dinner_comma_ it was nice. person B: Sounds like everything went better than expected.
person A: i was so furious when i found out that my best friend and girl friend had made out person B: Oh dear me.. So sorry to hear that! what did you do? person A: I have not confronted them. I am still thinking over it. person B: I really hope things work out for you my friend
person A: A big brown roach crawled across the floor in my direction last night. person B: Disgusting. Was it the flying variety? person A: Yes_comma_ but this one didn't fly. He just decided to go under the chair I was sitting in. person B: Gross. We have those here too. Typically you only see them during the summer.
person A: My bills and mortgage payment is coming up soon. I not sure if I can cover them all. person B: good for you! that is how it is supposed to be person A: I am working hard to make sure I can cover them. Hope fully this month of work is better than last month. person B: I wish you the very best on that my friend
person A: I made sure everything was set and proper before i went abroad person B: i feel like is should be prepared person A: 5
person A: When I got my first car I thought I'd finally be able to have a cool social life. But I was dissapointed quickly. person B: oh sorry to hear that.. why didn't it work out? person A: I spent my first night out at a Whataburger_comma_ eating alone. person B: Aw.. i feel you my friend. Hopefully things get better soon enough
person A: i felt so guilty after lying to my girlfriend person B: What did you lie about_comma_ and why? person A: I kissed a mutual friend of ours. I lied when she checked up on me. It was a one time thing_comma_ i did not wanted to hurt her. person B: Best advice. Never confess it.
person A: I once lied about kissing the most popular girl at my school. and my friend found out about it person B: Damn! Every kid tells such innocent lies.. I bet your were embarassed person A: I was_comma_ so very much! I avoided my friends for a whole week thenafter person B: Aww.. Your story is both cute_comma_ funny and innocent
person A: My four year old daughter came up and told me she thought I needed a big hug and kiss. person B: Did you give her one of each? person A: She jumped in my lap and peppered my cheek with kisses. It was pretty cute. person B: aweeee that is pretty cute.
person A: I felt so very nervous after i agreed to meet my girlfriend's parents person B: Shoot.. I bet it was scary.. How did you handle it? person A: Well_comma_ i lost a few pounds on the weeks leading upto it. But the actual meeting went well person B: So glad to hear that buddy. Wishing you are your girl all the very best
person A: I have always wanted to join a college faculty. I went to school to study philosophy for that reason. person B: Have you been applying to try to get a position? person A: Unfortunately not. In the end I ran out of money and had to leave that dream behind. person B: That's unfortunate. What are you doing now?
person A: I feel so sad this time of the year. My dad passed away this time last year person B: Thankfully they just were checking up on my speed person A: I'm sorry? Are you still talking about the cops? person B: Sorry_comma_ something wrong with the chat interface
person A: I feel heartbroken whenever i see a picture of my dog person B: Sorry to hear that! person A: It is ok.. She passed away few months ago
person A: My son and I went to the track yesterday to run. person B: Oh no.. Did he pass away? person A: No_comma_ but he did end up puking all over the parking lot afterwards. person B: Hope you feel better
person A: That is really cool. i bet it felt nice watching those person B: Uhm.. yeah_comma_ sure. I concur! person A: I envy people who can dance really well person B: Oh yeah_comma_ me too. They have such cool attitude
person A: I was stunned with fear to find a rattlesnake right where i was about to step into last week person B: holy cow! Thats terrifying. What did you do? person A: I stood there speechless for a moment_comma_ turned back and ran for my life! person B: Hahaha.. I am sorry_comma_ i know it was really scary_comma_ but to think about it now_comma_ it is really funny as well
person A: Needing some extra money_comma_ I used the spare change in my car to buy a scratch off ticket. person B: Nice.. what type of ticket.. Monopoly? Price is Right? Scrabble? Bingo? person A: It was Blackjack. I didn't win anything though. person B: Better luck next time! I love to scratch!
person A: I once ate a piece of cake_comma_ it was old. After the first bite I noticed spots of mold on it. person B: That sounds gross_comma_ did you get sick from it? person A: No I spit it out and listerined my mouth. person B: Smart move_comma_ at least you noticed it and it wasn't hidden under icing or anything
person A: I was heartbroken when my mom told me that my childhood dog had died person B: Oh god.. sorry.. How are you holding up? person A: I'm coping with it. So many memories with her person B: Sorry buddy.. hopefully she is at a better place
person A: my brother passed away 2 years ago and i'm still so heartbroken. it still hurts so much person B: losing a loved one is never easy _comma_ especially a brother im sorry for your loss person A: thank you. I'm sure it will get easier with time. It was just so tragic_comma_ he was so young person B: I cant imagine the pain you went through_comma_ i have 7 brothers and the taught of losing one of them scares me
person A: I am so angry to see so much fake news floating around in the media person B: I hear ya. Both sides are infected with this issue. person A: Very true! Why does news have to be so hyped up? person B: Well_comma_ they are looking for more viewers. It is not news anymore_comma_ it is entertainment.
person A: My little girl loves to wake up at night and ask for chocolate milk. person B: That is nice. They are good at that age. I have a 20-year-old_comma_ and he is currently ignoring me. person A: I have an 18 year old doing the same. What my 4 year old doesn't know is I giver her the sugar free version. person B: I understand that. I tried to give him a new table for his apartment_comma_ and he blatantly ignored me. I was like_comma_ well I don't have to give it to you.
person A: I lost a good job a few years back person B: That blows dude _comma_ i bet it was not your fault person A: The company got bought by someone else and we all got laid off. Lost my family home and all. But things are slowly improving. person B: So they just cleaned house ? Damn that bad _comma_ i would assume they would have kept some workers
person A: So i used to shop in walmart and i thought it was the cheapest place to shop at but yesterday i went grocery shopping at aldi's and i was so surprised to see how much cheaper it is to shop there person B: I thought walmart was pretty cheap. I've never been to aldi's person A: you should give it a try! They have their own brands which are super cheap and the quality is great person B: I may need to see if I have one near by.
person A: I am really looking forward to the new season of the Lakers person B: I know right? everyone is_comma_ with Lebron James coming in person A: Hell yeah! i am sure we are going to perform really well this season person B: So true. Lakers going to do well this time around.
person A: I always feel sad when i think about my dad_comma_ he passed away few years back person B: Oh god.. so sorry to hear that. May i ask how did it happen? person A: He had lung cancer.. person B: Sorry.. Hopefully he is at a better place now.
person A: My friends are saying my girlfriend is cheating behind my back_comma_ but i trust her person B: Aww_comma_ such a nice boyfriend in this day and age! She is so lucky. person A: May be. But i have known her all my life_comma_ she would die before going behind my back person B: I assure you she is a keeper. Marry her buddy!
person A: I have a lot of stuff coming up due this month. I also have a lot of purchasing goals as well. I am confident I will be able to meet all of them. person B: Good_comma_ I hope you make the ends meet person A: That's the plan_comma_ I've signed up for a bunch of double shifts. Fingers crossed. person B: I wish you the best of luck_comma_ you will be fine!
person A: I was so thrilled to get to see Hamilton_comma_ i was really looking forward to it person B: Who is hamilton? person A: It is the broadway show_comma_ by Lin manuel miranda person B: Oh okay_comma_ did you see it in NYC?
person A: My dog started walking again after an accident she had person B: That is good to hear. I am sorry to hear she was hurt. What happened? person A: She fell down from the first floor.. person B: Ouch. What kind of dog?
person A: I used to be a member of a very cool dance crew. I miss those days person B: I'm not a very good dancer. What kind of dancing did you do? person A: mostly hip hop. We were travelling and battling with other teams. It was really fun person B: Oh wow_comma_ that does sound fun
person A: i wan to participate in a bodybuilding contest! I'm sure i will win it! person B: Well_comma_ if you are willing to try steroids_comma_ then you might have a chance of winning. Without it_comma_ it is impossible to even participate person A: That's not true! I'm actually vegan and I don't make steroids and I looks pretty amazing. I don't need to use none to participate or win person B: Well in those contests_comma_ you have to be really pumped and by just fruits and vegetables_comma_ it is very unlikely
person A: I felt so proud when my son got good grades in school last month person B: For work_comma_ when i got a new job person A: Oh alright then_comma_ feel good
person A: i feel alone whenever i think about my dad_comma_ he passed away last year person B: I'm so sorry. You have my deepest condolences. Its hard to not feel isolation with the death of someone you are close to. I can tell you it does get better and you are not alone. He lives on in you. person A: yeah.. i know.. memories still haunt though.. person B: Take joy and pride in the memories you have of him. They are your personal family movies in your mind. Cherish them because not everyone gets them with their parents. Its good to find support and counseling too if you need it. Take care of yourself.
person A: I was really nervous when my girl asked me to meet her parents person B: Yeah_comma_ i know that feeling. how did you handle it? person A: I was really close to running away_comma_ but i somehow managed to pull it off person B: Good for you buddy :) happy for ya
person A: my friend bought a big house and i'm happy for her but at the same time i'm a little bit jealous person B: Big houses are a pain in the neck to keep clean. person A: true_comma_ but there is so much space for her kid to run and play at and I live in a tiny apartment with my son person B: It does have its benefits.
person A: I was so mad when i found out my cousin asked out my girlfriend once person B: damn_comma_ thats sick and rough.. He knew you guys were together? person A: Sort of_comma_ yes. He did it anyways. I yelled at him. person B: Can't say he did not deserve that..
person A: I feel happy when I am outside in nature person B: That's wonderful! I do too. I don't take it for granted because I've been battling Lupus for 13 years and in bed a lot. Its an amazing world we have! What is on of your favorite things to do outside? person A: I love to garden. Organic gardening_comma_ I plant peppers_comma_ cucumbers_comma_ tomatoes and a bunch of other goodies. person B: Sounds wonderful! I really want to take up gardening. It would go with my new lifestyle I've adopted of eating plant based. Do you have tips for a beginner? person A: Just get outside and started playing / digging in the dirt_comma_ You will soon catch on to what works for you.
person A: i was so in awe when i saw hamilton person B: The rap version? Doesn't sound all that appealing to me. Was it that good? person A: It was really awesome dude_comma_ the full show covers it all up person B: Maybe i'll have to check it out
person A: I took my daughter out to the skate park today. person B: how did that go person A: Awesome! She went down the big ramp today for the first time. It was so cool. person B: oh thats awesome.. congrats
person A: It really bothers me when people come into where we live at night and ride their dirt bikes person B: Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement person A: There is many paths leading to faith person B: for faith there is no path it is an individual human's thought person A: It takes a path to find ones faith
person A: Are you a parent. person B: I am not_comma_ I am still young person A: When you become one_comma_ you will never forget the day it happens. You'll weep of happiness. person B: I hope so_comma_ I am still not sure if I want kids
person A: I think i have anxiety attacks! I didn't even know that anxiety causes some physical pain. like the other day i felt like somebody was chocking me person B: I have anxiety attacks too_comma_ you feel like you cant catch your breath and you are light headed. person A: yes! And i felt like that for 3 days on and off! person B: that is crazy_comma_ Its only usually a few minutes for me before I can talk myself down.
person A: We planned our honeymoon and booked a flight but I was so nervous about flying. person B: Don't worry. It will be okay. Flights are always safe person A: I found that out_comma_ after many sleepless nights. Now we fly all the time and I love it. I feel kind of silly. person B: Its natural. Do not sweat it.
person A: My sister recently paid off her house. I felt so envious of her as I've been trying to pay mine down. person B: That will be *such* a wonderful feeling when you do. I know it's hard when you see someone reach the "finish line" first -- are you able to turn that envy into inspiration? person A: I really am trying hard to- that's such a great suggestion. I know I'm making good progress to my goal_comma_ and I genuinely am pleased she did it! person B: See? That's terrific! And she's got to love that you can celebrate her victories too -- even more inspiration to support yours!
person A: I used to be soooooo territorial of my boyfriend (now husband of decades!) when were dating. person B: I'm like that too_comma_ so I can totally relate. Were you able to talk to him about how you felt? person A: Yes_comma_ but when we were younger -- he didn't really understand. And truly_comma_ it was more about my own insecurities than about him_comma_ you know? As I grew more into myself_comma_ the jealousy loosened its hold. person B: I've felt the same way. As I have aged and become more comfortable and secure in my marriage and in myself_comma_ those other insecurities and fears dropped off. Good for you for conquering that challenge!
person A: My daughter and her family were on their way from ohio to visit us. person B: Oh_comma_ that must be exciting! I bet you were busy making preparations. person A: I prepared for weeks. I could not wait for them to get here. It had been almost a whole year since I had seen them and they have a new baby. person B: That sounds like it was a lot to take in! Congrats to them!
person A: I cosigned a loan with my son_comma_ expecting he would make the payments and he has let me down by being late every month. person B: wow.. what do you plan to do ? person A: I've helped me create a repayment plan where I have paid the loan payments and he can catch back up by paying me. I just really feel frustrated because he has the money_comma_ but he wastes it. person B: yea i can understand that
person A: I was anticipating a great weight loss after my first week on my diet! person B: Oh really? How did it go? person A: I lost 7 pounds! I am SO thrilled because it was challenging to follow the plan all week long. person B: Great job! I'm so happy for you! Losing weight is hard!
person A: I have felt some of the best moments of pure happiness seeing someone I love getting something they've worked hard for -- like my daughter's acceptance into her college and major of choice! person B: That sounds exciting! Congratulations to her. I bet there was a lot of celebration to be had for such an achievement! person A: Absolutely! Of course_comma_ now the real work begins ;-) But her *knowing* that it was her hard work paid off in such a gratifying way -- ah_comma_ so happy for her! person B: I bet! But at least now_comma_ like you said_comma_ she can see what hard work can achieve. Hopefully the path continues in the best way possible and she can get everything you both hope(d) for!
person A: I was disappointed when I realized someone close to me was not who I thought they were. person B: Did that person betrayed you in any way? person A: Well_comma_ in a sense. But to be fair_comma_ I may have had my own "vision" of who they were and held them to that standard -- not really seeing them for who they were. I have to accept some responsibility for that_comma_ you know? person B: Don't be so hard on yourself for being a frien and trust another people. person A: I've definitely worked through that! Happily_comma_ it hasn't affected my ability to trust -- just inspired me to be more truthful with myself and others ;-)
person A: I recently met up with a friend I had not seen in a while. I want to see him again soon and I think I will! person B: I love reuniting with old friends_comma_ helps me remember and appreciate the good times. person A: I agree. We went to high school and middle school together. person B: I bet that was a long time ago!
person A: In college I studied very hard for an upcoming exam that I was very interested in getting a very high score. I was confident that I did so. person B: I'm sure you studied hard and should be proud of that! I'm positive you nailed it. person A: I was very excited with my result. I am very competitive. Sometimes I wish I were not so competitive. person B: Being competitive isn't a bad thing unless you let it get in the way of your personal life. person A: You are completely right. It is very important to not lose sight of what is important in life.
person A: A have a friend that is going to be visiting me this week! I cannot wait! person B: How did you meet your friend?! person A: She was a very close college friend and now she lives a few hours south. person B: College and high school friends are always close to the heart. I'm glad she lives fairly close!
person A: I am currently dealing with epilepsy unfortunately_comma_ and the doctors have not found a treatment yet. person B: That is unfortunate. I hope that it is able to be treated well. person A: Thanks. I have to go to a Monitoring Unit in two weeks where they will induce seizures to see if they can pinpoint their location. Not going to be fun. person B: I hope it goes as smooth as possible. Hang in there. person A: Thanks again. I have lots of support so I am fortunate
person A: I've felt so incredibly sad whenever we've had to say goodbye to any of our dogs. person B: Wait_comma_ were they leaving to go somewhere or like dying? Either one is a little sad to be honest. person A: I know -- I needed to just come out and say "when we had to put them down". Always age or illness related -- but man_comma_ SO tough. person B: It's like losing a family member :(
person A: My friend has been on the couch for a few weeks. He is getting under my skin now. person B: What happened to him? Are you guys roommates? person A: No_comma_ he is a friend that recently got fired and needs some help. person B: That is very bad. Unemployed individual can be very frustrating to deal with
person A: I have been trying to lose weight in a group and while i made it to 4 lbs_comma_ my friends made it to 15. :( person B: How did they lose so much weight compared to you? person A: i guess they worked harder but person B: Maybe it has something to do with your diet ?
person A: I went on a road trip with some friends. We had a wonderful time hanging out on the beach and camping_comma_ too! person B: Getting out of town and way from all of everday life's struggles always sounds like a great time. Did you leave you cell phone at home while you weer away to 'really' get away from everything for a minute? person A: Yes_comma_ sometimes I leave it away and that makes me appreciate everything else more. person B: That sounds like a really relaxing time_comma_ I'm jealous.
person A: We paid 600$ for a cruise_comma_ but they canceled it with not refunds one week before. so mad person B: No refunds for a cancel 1 week before? That sounds like a total scam! I would be furious. Did you ever find a way to get your money back? Because that does not sound legal! person A: we are currently pursuing a case against them. they are a local travel company_comma_ so they dont know what they're in for person B: I hope that you win your money back and then some_comma_ you really deserve it after all of that upset!
person A: I had a wonderful experience with a friend a few years ago. I wonder if I will see her again any time soon. person B: Lovely. What did you do together? person A: We went to the beach and had some fun in the sun and also ate dinner with some other mutual friends. person B: Sounds like a great time. What has brought that memory back up again>
person A: I live alone. Sometimes it can be hard with nobody around. person B: That must feel lonely. You should go out and try to meet some people! person A: I think that's a great idea. I will try to go out this weekend. person B: Good deal! Hopefully then you won't feel so alone!
person A: I saw a huge spider in my car yesterday. I scared me so! person B: That is frightening! especially if you didn't know whether it was a harmful spider or not! What did you do? person A: I stopped the car and got out and ushered it out of the car. person B: Oh_comma_ so you were able to get that spider away from you! Good job_comma_ hopefully that won't have to happen to you again!
person A: I hope that this summer I can go to Florida with my family person B: Wait_comma_ summers already over? Next summer? person A: Summer is not over until Labor Day! We still have the whole month of August!! person B: Oh really? I thought summer ended after July. You learn something new everyday lol person A: Summer can be over in July for teachers sometimes. Are you a teacher?
person A: My roommate eats my food sometimes. This makes me so angry! person B: You should get a mini fridge and put it in your room_comma_ with a lock on it. person A: I think that's a great idea. I know where to get those fridges for cheap. person B: Yea man go for it_comma_ don't procrastinate.
person A: I recently lost my sister to breast cancer. She was very young and has left three little girls. I have been devastated. person B: Wow_comma_ that truly is devastating. I wish your family can make it through these hard times :( person A: My parents health has deteriorated rapidly_comma_ and they refuse to go get counseling. It's very sad for me to see. person B: If my sister died to breast cancer_comma_ I would be so depressed to the point of my health deteriorating too. :( person A: It's why I think getting a counselor is so important. No one should be expected to go through this on their own.
person A: I was recently rejected by a person that I enjoyed. You can't always get what you want. person B: Amen to that.Life is so unfair it's not even funny. person A: Life is not fair_comma_ but it is also amazing in that we are here to begin with person B: Life is so complex.We had no idea of the design of that
person A: I'm a little anxious about an upcoming move. It's to a *very* different state with a *very* different climate and way of life! person B: What is the state and do you like change? person A: We've been great with change_comma_ including a few overseas moves under our belts. But this is to Anchorage! I've read a lot_comma_ and there's a lot to be excited about -- but man_comma_ those looooong winters! person B: Oh that is all the way into the cold and wet wild! Do you have or will you think of getting sled dogs? person A: Ha! Not likely in the city....but hey...who knows! I WILL use the opportunity to finally learn how to cross country ski. person B: lol_comma_ right. You will have great fun!
person A: The economy has been doing well. The future looks bright. person B: I agree! Things look really good going forward. person A: Hopefully prosperity will carry over into the next few generations. person B: I hope so as well_comma_ especially for my kids sake!
person A: My sister unfortunately will not seek help for her alcohol problems_comma_ and she will not even admit to them. I am extremely sad apprehensive about what might happen to her. person B: Im sorry to hear that _comma_ i hope she can find a way stop this before she spirals out of control person A: I have been trying to get my family and her friends to have an intervention_comma_ but they have not agreed to it. She really needs one. person B: She really does need an intervention _comma_ and family and friends would help greatly _comma_ i hope she can get her life back together
person A: It was still so unexpected when my husband and I -- who were open to getting pregnant -- found out that we actually were! person B: Oh my god_comma_ that's excellent! Congrats! person A: Oh_comma_ that was nearly 20 years ago ;-) But I'll always remember that Chicago day_comma_ Halloween_comma_ visiting the Shedd Aquarium with friends. person B: Oh_comma_ lol. Did you get to see any sharks at the aquarium? person A: The thing I most remember were the beluga whales. So beautiful_comma_ in their own weird way -- and a baby beluga had just been born. It seemed provident! person B: Oh cool_comma_ yes that is very interesting. So how big were those whales in feet and the baby too?
person A: The horror film I saw last night can cause nightmares. It was so scary! person B: I know how you feel! What did you watch? person A: I ended up watching The Ring! It was ridiculousness. person B: It is a pretty good horror.
person A: My daughter was accepted into Harvard. She starts in the fall. person B: That is very impressive. She going to make sooo much money person A: She worked so hard and it's really expensive so I hope so! person B: Any employer would hire someone who went to Harvard in a heartbeat. You are a lucky parent!
person A: My friend purchased a new car. The ride is sweet! person B: Nice what kind of car is it they purchased? person A: They ended up getting a Honda Prelude. person B: Ok that is a nice car what color is it??
person A: I graduated college recently. I'm so glad! person B: That is excellent_comma_ what did you major in? person A: I majored in environmental engineering! person B: Oh cool. Do you want to work as a scientist?
person A: I cheated on my girlfriend recently. I feel horrible about myself right now. person B: Sorry to hear about that. I wonder if there's any way to fix this situation. What do you plan to do? person A: I plan on coming clean at some point_comma_ but I'm not sure how to break the news. person B: Coming clean is a great way to start. It's hard since you know she'll be hurt. Were you having trouble in the relationship before?
person A: I can not wait until some of my family come in to town. They will be coming in to town in two weeks. person B: When is the last time you seen them? person A: I saw them last summer which seems so long ago. I am very excited to see them because I am very close to them. person B: That's awesome I hope yall have a good time!
person A: I often get nostalgic when I think back to my high school years. I had some very good friends. person B: Do you still talk with any of your older friends? person A: Yes_comma_ I talk with several of them. I wish I had time to keep up with and talk to more though. person B: Do you have little time from working or other things?
person A: I saw a horror film last night! It was such a scary experience! person B: Yikes what was it about? person A: A young girl would come out of the TV if you watched a video. person B: creepy. Were you able to fall asleep after watching it?
person A: I am not really a sentimental person but I always feel so special when my husband takes me back to the place we spent our anniversary person B: That's great. I bet it is a very special place for you two. person A: Yes_comma_ it is a very private Bed and Breakfast and we try to go back as often as we can. person B: Sounds like a nice little place. I am glad you two have that spot to share.
person A: I was devastated when I recently had to my chihuahua Riley to sleep. She had Congestive Heart Failure. person B: at least Riley passed in their sleep. Hopefully they didn't suffer. i'm sorry you lost a loved one. person A: Thank you. She was my constant companion. I loved her so much person B: i have a big doofy mutt who is a 75 lb lap dog in his heart. i know the feeling
person A: I can not believe that Donald Trump became President. It just goes to show you that anyone can become President in the United States. person B: I absolutely agree. I really hope he doesn't win in 2020. person A: We shall see. I truly believe that he has done some much damage to our country in so many different ways. person B: He's like an angry child trying to make everything about himself!
person A: Once I was suppose to go visit my sister and nieces who I hadn't seen in forever but I ended up breaking my heal and big toe and wasn't able to go. I was so upset! person B: Dang_comma_ that sucks. MAybe they can visit you instead? person A: Yeah_comma_ hopefully so. It isn't healing correctly is the problem or else I would just go in my cast. person B: Ah_comma_ gotcha. Well I hope you heal fast!
person A: Over the summer my family went to Alabama to visit family and I felt a lot of emotions person B: I guess you don't live in Alabama? Was it overall a good trip....or challenging? Or both! person A: No_comma_ I do not live in Alabama. We drove and trip was overall very good as sometimes it can be challenging when driving such a long distance person B: Well_comma_ if the drive was the most challenging it sounds like a good trip! Too often it's family dynamics that are *more* challenging -- and not so easily taken care of. ;-)
person A: I was recently working on a project where unfortunately_comma_ my teammate really didn't pull their weight. person B: That is the worst!! I know that you must have been very frustrated with your teammate. person A: Yep. Especially when you feel that you get dinged for the overall project. And at the same time_comma_ you don't want to complain about it_comma_ because it makes *you* look bad! person B: There have been a number of times where this has happened to me too. I hope that doesn't happen to you too much in the future!! :)
person A: I found out yesterday that I have a nest of yellow jacket bees in my front yard. They can be so aggressive. person B: I hate bees and wasps so much. Maybe you should call pest control? person A: I will be able to take control of it myself as I have done so in the past. It still makes it difficult because I can not mow the grass until it gets taken care of. person B: That sucks_comma_ I hope you get it figured out!