person A: We are getting our son to go back to college in a few days and it really made me stop and think back to him when he was smaller_comma_ and how time flies by so fast! person B: IT does go fast. I was just changing my daughters diaper and now she is in junior high! person A: I know_comma_ that's about how I felt too! I think back to when he was much smaller and how adorable he was when he would call me mommy then! person B: I miss being called mommy. One day you'll be called grandma
person A: The last time I went to the fair_comma_ I tripped and fell. There were so many people around that saw me hit the ground. You can imagine how I felt! person B: that is embarassing_comma_ but were you at least okay? person A: I scuffed my knees a bit_comma_ but I was okay. I was also with a person that I really liked_comma_ so that made it even worse. But_comma_ I jumped up super quick lol person B: Well maybe they found that endearing in a way!
person A: i stold some spare change from my parents person B: How old were you when you did it? person A: maybe like 19_comma_ but i felt bad after so i invited them to dinner person B: That was nice to repay them back with dinner person A: Yeah i told them as well
person A: My sister passed away several years ago. I really had a hard time with the grief and couldn't really relate to anyone that tried to help me with it. person B: i'm sorry to hear that. i know exactly what you are going through. My brother tragically passed away 2.5 years ago. He was only 32 person A: Yes_comma_ I'm sure you can relate as well. Ironically_comma_ that was the same age that my sister passed away. She took her own life_comma_ which my mother and I found her_comma_ and it was very hard for us all. But_comma_ I couldn't burden my parents with my pain_comma_ I felt. person B: I know how hard it was for you. My parents and my brother lived in a different country so i couldn't even go there at that time to be with them. I felt heartbroken and alone
person A: Having a good job is something to thank person B: To thank whom? person A: to life God to that higher energy person B: Is that who got you the job? person A: Nobody ... that's why I'm grateful person B: What job do you have? person A: I'm an administrative assistant for a construction company person B: Are you in a union?
person A: I was devastated when I lost my phone person B: did you find it ? person A: I did but it took a while person B: well thats good
person A: I was surprised when my family threw me a surprise party person B: how old did you turn ? person A: I turned 34 person B: congrats
person A: i didn't see my parents since 2014! I miss them so much. it's so sad that i live in a different country person B: When will you be able to visit? person A: actually in 2 weeks! I'm so excited about it. I'm going there with my son! They've never met him person B: Oh boy_comma_ that must be amazing for him
person A: I was annoyed when my favorite show wasn't on person B: what did you end up watching instead person A: I ended up watching Impractical Jokers person B: thats cool
person A: I love when I need to show someone how to do something and everything goes off without a hitch. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ that's always nice. Sometimes they just don't get it_comma_ though. person A: Fortunately it's usually just not having the best answer for what they ask. I've learned and prepared a lot more this time. person B: Wow_comma_ you sound pretty confident! You must really know what you're talking about. person A: I tend to know a thing or two on occasion.
person A: I am taking a long overdue and much needed vacation this week. I wish i didnt have to fly. person B: I am afraid to fly too. person A: I usually do pretty good on short flights. Longer ones make me a little nervous. person B: I know right_comma_ planes make me nervous. person A: I hate turbulence too.
person A: I didnt think to invite my sister to a party I recently helped put on. person B: Uh oh. I bet she wasn't happy when she found out. person A: No she wasnt. In all fairness it was a group of people I never would have thought she would have wanted to hang out with. person B: Yeah_comma_ I can understand that.... But it probably would have been best to invite her anyway_comma_ just in case. person A: you are right. Guess I know better for next time.
person A: My sunday was great. All my chores were done ahead of time. It was a rare and welcomed day. person B: that is awesome. sundays are usually my veg out days. person A: I wish I could more often_comma_ but it rarely happens. Especially during the summer. My yard grows like literal weeds. person B: mine is going crazy with mosquitos person A: ouch! I would not have had a relaxing sunday if my yard was that way. person B: i tried to trim my tomato leaves yesterday but i got bit up so bad i ran back inside
person A: My husband has to travel a lot for work. It can be hard on a marriage_comma_ but after almost 23 years of marriage_comma_ I have faith he is loyal and faithful when he does. person B: What does your husband do for work? person A: He is an iron worker_comma_ so he has to go state to state at times to build very large buildings. person B: My uncle use to be an iron worker_comma_ so I know exactly what you are talking about.
person A: I've been married almost 23 years_comma_ but many years ago_comma_ my husband was acting a bit too "chivalrous" to a female acquaintance of ours. He said he was only being nice_comma_ but I felt he was being a bit 'too nice'_comma_ which made me feel a bit upset. person B: That is VERY understandable. Emotional affair is still a betrayal. person A: Well_comma_ we really didn't know her very well and she actually just came to one of our friends house while we were there_comma_ and she was intoxicated. He was trying to help her get up and situated_comma_ but he was very insistent about it_comma_ even when she didn't want help. It looked bad to others. person B: Well it's nice he is kind but yes that is a little strange. Women can usually take that as something and try to get with your man.
person A: My niece is super talented lately. person B: What is her best talent? person A: Art_comma_ she was accepted into a special program for high school. person B: Does she draw or paint? How any students are in this program? person A: Mostly drawing. And she's in advanced level classes in most subjects.
person A: One day my 10 year old daughter came home crying after she got off the bus. A teenage boy purposely tripped her as she was getting off and she got hurt. Needless to say_comma_ I was very_comma_ very upset! person B: That is terrible. I don't know why teenage boys can be so mean. What did you end up doing? person A: I actually knew his father_comma_ so I called and spoke to him about it. I let him know that if it happened again_comma_ I couldn't promise her big brother wouldn't take it in his own hands to defend her_comma_ as he wasn't okay with anyone bullying her. person B: That's good that she has a big brother that can defend her against the bigger kids. It is just terrible that a teenage boy would act that way to a 10 year old. No excuse for that. I hope you don't have to deal with it again_comma_ though.
person A: I really dont like my husbands job right now. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ what is his job? person A: Retail_comma_ but he's working nights at a store really far away and it sucks person B: Hopefully they will give him a better shift. person A: We are hoping with in a few months.
person A: Each year my husband usually gets a bonus this month or next. It's not promised_comma_ but it has happened for several years now. I am really wishing it will be this year too! person B: Hey that's awesome!!! What are you planning to buy with it? person A: Well_comma_ we have college tuition_comma_ just got back from an expensive beach vacation_comma_ etc. So_comma_ if anything replenish some savings_comma_ right! person B: That's an awesome_comma_ very adult thing to do! Congrats!
person A: I hate watching movies that are full of gore! I just saw one today and so gross! person B: I don't like them either. It makes me sick. person A: Yes_comma_ I was just flipping through the channels and happened upon a man cutting his own leg off. yuck! person B: Oh my gosh! That is disgusting!
person A: My husband usually gets a substantial bonus this time of the year_comma_ but there's no guarantee. It's difficult waiting_comma_ and not knowing! person B: What does your husband do for a job? person A: My husband usually gets a substantial bonus this time of the year_comma_ but there's no guarantee. It's difficult waiting_comma_ and not knowing! person B: You already told me that. Is he in sales or something similar? person A: He is a welder and iron worker_comma_ so he works very hard all year long and does extensive amounts of travel. He has earned it!
person A: I've been married a long time_comma_ but my husband is gone quite a bit for work. I feel a bit by myself at times because of this :( person B: that is no good! you need someone to be there and take care of you. person A: Luckily_comma_ my children still live at home_comma_ but it's not quite the same. Plus_comma_ it won't be too long before they are ready to move out person B: I have never been married_comma_ so i cant imagine_comma_ but I would want to be with my spouse every moment of every day.
person A: My youngest child started high school this year. It really made me think back to her starting kindergarten_comma_ and how time really goes by. I can just see her learning to read! person B: It is so hard and so rewarding to see them grow up. person A: Yes_comma_ it really is bittersweet. But_comma_ the older they get_comma_ the easier it is to think back to the younger days! person B: I bet. I really want to hold on to mine forever_comma_ but I know that they need to grow up. I hope you are still able to make memories with yours even as they are getting older.
person A: I was so scared when i heard a gunshot sound while i was walking through the streets the other day person B: That is pretty scary. Did you find out where it came from? person A: No_comma_ i felt it would be better if i dont go looking for it. i managed to get the hell out of there person B: Smart move. You don't want to get involved in a gunfight. Glad you made it out safely.
person A: I feel so sad whenever thoughts about my dad come to me_comma_ he passed away last year person B: So sorry to hear that.. May i ask how did it happen? person A: He had terminal stage brain cancer.. we did all we could_comma_ but.. person B: How sad.. Feel better knowing that he is in a better place now buddy
person A: i felt really good about myself when i got a new job at a reputed firm person B: Wow. Congratulations! Is your new job near home?
person A: i was so angry when i found out my girlfriend kissed a friend of mine person B: Oh_comma_ that's awful. What did you do? I would've dumped her and beat that dude's face in. person A: i have not confronted them. still thinking about it person B: Well_comma_ I gave you the solution right there_comma_ buckaroo. All ya gotta do is execute.
person A: I went to the beach last week person B: Oh nice. did you have a good time? person A: yeah. so much memories of me and family spending time in beach came to me person B: Aww_comma_ that is really sweet to hear
person A: I was so furious when i found out a coworker badmouthed me to my boss person B: I don't have a normal job anymore but that would frustrate me as well. person A: Yeah. i outperform this person_comma_ and he started throwing shade on me out of pure jealousy person B: What a disgusting person. I'm just being honest.
person A: I went to see Hamilton last month in NYC person B: Oh the broadway musical? I heard really good reviews of it person A: It was such a stunning show. Lin manuel should get a grammy for this person B: Oh yeah_comma_ he is such a true genius of our times_comma_ he deserves it
person A: I was so ashamed when i threw up in public the other day person B: Oh.. Were you sick? person A: Yeah_comma_ i felt like i was coming down with something. i rushed to get a cab_comma_ but i couldn't help it person B: Don't feel bad about it buddy_comma_ this happens to all of us sometime. Feel better
person A: My girlfriend asked me to meet her parents next week person B: Oh dang. How do you think that is going to go down? person A: I am not sure to be honest. i am feeling so nervous about it person B: I'm sure everything will be fine. Just gotta be yourself!
person A: i felt betrayed when my girlfriend kissed another guy at a party person B: Oh no.. That should have sucked for you. what did you do? person A: Nothing. She was drunk_comma_ so i let it go. I still feel disappointed person B: As you should. It will pass away_comma_ dont worry
person A: I was really upset when my daughter went into labor and I couldn't be there. person B: I'm so sorry but what a joyous occasion. person A: She lives in another state and wasn't due for several more months. Everyone is fine now though_comma_ so it has turned out to be very joyous. person B: So happy for you. Is this your first grandchild?
person A: I was in total shock the night my fiance proposed to me at a concert. person B: That sounds like a great place to propose! How did it go? person A: They started playing one of our special songs and the next think I knew he was down on one knee. I said yes_comma_ of course! person B: That's so heartwarming! I hope your relationship works out very well!
person A: I admire my boss because he does not act like a boss. He acts more like a friend and he is so down to earth. person B: That is nice to have a friendly boss. person A: He is not just friendly_comma_ he is a good leader and knows how to treat his workers. person B: I envy you. That is cool.
person A: I remember when I was a kid and in the summertime I used to catch fireflies and place them in a jar by my bedside at night. person B: Really? person A: The fireflies would blink in the jar all night long. person B: Yes I did that too
person A: I'm so tired this morning_comma_ I went to bed early_comma_ but it seems when I go to bed early I wake up more tired. It aggravates me! person B: This happened to me also. person A: I hate it! I feel more energized when I get 4 hours of sleep than I do when I get 8! person B: Did you try to exercise?
person A: I'm in contract to buy my first house_comma_ fingers crossed closing goes well and I close next Friday! person B: That is so exciting!! buying a house can be such a great experience. person A: I'm definitely excited. The house just now got built and I saw it for the first time last Monday. person B: Oh so it is brand new. I bet you cant wait to move in.
person A: My Mother and I made plans to hang out and do lunch this past week. person B: Really? person A: Unfortunately she was unable to make it because her diabetes is wreking her health. person B: So sorry about that
person A: I am feeling bad because my grandchild wants me to play all the time but I have to work a lot. person B: I know how you feel. I'm working right now :( person A: She doesn't understand why I always have so many other things to do_comma_ but she would literally play 24/7 if I had the time. person B: Can you blame her? I mean_comma_ if i didn't have bills that's what I'd be doing.
person A: My four year old daughter came to me beaming with pride and showing me a drawing she did of me. person B: Isn't that the best! My 3 year old the same thing! I couldn't be happier or more proud! person A: I was really surpised. I expected a stick figure_comma_ but she drew a lot of features including my beard and mustache. person B: She may be a natural artist!
person A: I had to run some errands. While gone I instructed my older daughters to complete some math assignments. person B: I see.. did they complete them? person A: When I returned I found them playing video games_comma_ the math work was not even attempted. I tunred their stuff off and we did it together. person B: Well_comma_ we were kids once too.. We can understand their point of view as well. Glad you got to spend quality time with them though
person A: A recruiter contacted me the other day about potential job openings_comma_ so I'm hoping I may have a job soon! person B: Thats really cool! i hope you get one very soon buddy person A: Me too. I've been dying to get out of my current job_comma_ but having a recruiter makes me feel at ease. person B: Yeah_comma_ i can understand how that can be frustrating. Dont worry_comma_ things will fall in its place soon enough
person A: I found a box of old photos in my closet yesterday. person B: awh memories_comma_ what were they of? person A: A lot of them where photos of my sister and I when we were toddlers. It was a good trip down memory lane. person B: so cute_comma_ i love those memories i bet it was beautiful.
person A: I was disgusted when my dad left me person B: Why did he leave you? person A: I'm not sure. I guess he just didn't want anything to do with me. person B: That's awful and there has to be another reason for it. I can't stand fathers who behave that way_comma_ despicable.
person A: I have been rehearsing for a job interview for a couple of weeks now_comma_ and I am so ready! person B: Congratulations on getting an interview. Good job in prepping for it_comma_ I'm sure you'll do well. person A: I don't normally prepare for interviews_comma_ but I really want this job_comma_ so I put in a lot of practice. person B: What kind of job is it?
person A: I went to the fride and was surprised to find what I thought was an ice cream cake. person B: Oh! Was the ice cream cake for you? person A: It turned out to not even be an ice cream cake. It was some kind of pinapple cake. I still had a piece but it was disappointing. person B: Awww that is kind of disappointing. Ice cream cake sounds tastier than pineapple cake.
person A: I was surprised when my wife left me person B: Oh im so sorry to hear that.. how long were you married? person A: We were married for 10 years person B: It must have felt unbelievably hurtful for you.. I hope you find someone very soon..
person A: I was annoyed when my family missed my birthday person B: I can understand that. I don't get nearly as many birthday wishes as I used to. I guess it happens as we get older. person A: Yeah that's very true. Doesn't mean we aren't important though person B: I agree. I think they think we don't care about our birthday so they don't care either. But they are wrong.
person A: Interestingly_comma_ I also had a job interview recently_comma_ although I've already heard back and I got it! person B: Oh! I am so happy for you. Congratulations. What was the job? person A: A lab manager for a Physics department at a University. person B: That sounds very interesting. I'm sure you will do great.
person A: I had a terrifying experience what using the restroom yesterday. person B: What happened?? person A: As I was sitting on the toilet I kept hearing a scratching noise. When I turned to look a huge waterbug had climbed up the tub wall next to me. person B: Holy moly! That would have scared me too! Did you kill it?
person A: When I was younger_comma_ my dad got into a motor cycle accident. It made me not want to learn how to drive for almost 2 years. person B: That is understandable. Such an experience can be tramatic. Did you eventually learn? person A: I did learn_comma_ but it took a long time to overcome my fear. I'm glad I eventually did! person B: My wife had a similar experience_comma_ she still doesn't drive. Good for you for overcoming it.
person A: I had to replace my toilet the other day. It was a new experience_comma_ and not altogether pleasant. person B: That sounds miserable! Did you do it yourself? person A: Yeah. It wasn't terribly hard_comma_ but it definitely took watching a few videos to feel confident. person B: At least you saved money doing it yourself!
person A: In college I was in a class with an older woman who stole my ideas for a paper. person B: Oh wow! that stinks. Im sorry person A: It's ok. I'm basically over it now_comma_ but it was really angering then. person B: I bet it was. At least its over now
person A: I was grateful when I married my wife person B: I bet. I was the same way. How did you guys meet? person A: We met at a store person B: Nice. That's a relatively unique way to meet. What store?
person A: When I was in college an older woman in a class of mine stole my ideas for a paper. person B: I would be furious. What did you do? person A: Well_comma_ ranted about it to my girlfriend for a while then talked to the professor to make it clear what she did. person B: What was the outcome? Did the professor believe you?
person A: My family and I are close to aquiring a new home. person B: That's awesome! What kind of house is it? person A: IIt is an older home in need of some repairs. We can't wait to get started on renovations. person B: That's gonna be a lot of fun_comma_ but a lot of work. Good luck!
person A: I was excited when I bought my car person B: that is exciting! what kind of car? person A: It was a mustang. I saved up enough money and purchased it outright person B: wow_comma_ that is impressive. i've always liked mustangs. what color?
person A: I was fast asleep this morning when my cat pounced on me and jolted me awake. person B: I've had pets to do that too. person A: It came out of nowhere. I almost fell out of bed! person B: Well_comma_ I guess it really loves you.
person A: I'm feeling a little down right now. The weather is perfect_comma_ but I miss not going to the beach with my husband and dog and catching the sunset. Those were great times! person B: I bet! Im sorry you are feeling down. person A: Yeah_comma_ we would take a bottle of wine with us_comma_ watch the surfers and just kick back. Wish those days would return. person B: Times like that would be so awesome! I hope they come back for you person A: Maybe one day. That was when I lived in Northern California - the best place on the planet_comma_ imho!
person A: I am confident that I will win that spelling bee tomorrow person B: A spelling bee - what fun! I'm sure you will win - I bet you've worked hard toward your goal. person A: I have. I've studied for 3 week now person B: That's a lot of studying. Well_comma_ the best of luck to you_comma_ though I know you won't need it after all that hard work!
person A: I've been trying lately to potty train my youngest daughter. person B: How is it going? person A: It's been a challenge. Yesterday she got on the toilet herself though. She said she didn't want to be a baby anymore. person B: Thats one way to get them. being a "big girl" is such an accomplishment
person A: My wife has been out of the country for school for a while. Dropping her off at the airport was really hard. person B: Do you guys get to talk a lot? person A: Yeah_comma_ we talk by text all the time and call every day. It's still hard though_comma_ we haven't been apart longer than a couple days since we met. person B: Getting through it can only make your relationshipi stronger though
person A: I was sad when my dog died person B: Im sorry to hear that. person A: Its ok. It's just been rough without him. I miss him person B: Was he sick before?
person A: My wife is coming home after being out of the country for 2 months. I can't wait! person B: You must be really excited! person A: I am! We've never been apart this long_comma_ so it's been tough. person B: Are you planning something special when she comes home?
person A: I was afraid when I watched a horror film person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ they frighten me as well. person A: Some have pop ups and they are creepy person B: Yes_comma_ those scare me to death when they come out of nowhere.
person A: I'm going on vacation for the first time in several years! person B: Great_comma_ where will you be going? person A: I'm taking a cruise to Alaska. I'm soooo excited. person B: Well_comma_ that will be fantastic. Hope you have a good time.
person A: My wife is coming back into the country at the end of the weeks after 2 months away. I can't wait! person B: Cool beans. Where was she? person A: Germany for a language course. person B: Did you get to visit? Germany is quite beautiful.
person A: I was prepared for tonights big dinner person B: Where is it gonna be at? person A: It's going to be at my house. We are going to have a lot of food person B: Is someone important coming voer?
person A: I was terrified when I watched that horror movie person B: which one was it person A: It was Scream person B: it wasn't that scary to me
person A: I was digging through some old stuff I had and I found letters that my wife wrote me when we were still dating. They were so sweet. person B: Aww. Thats nnice person A: Yeah! It gave me all of the feels. I read through them and pretty much fell in love with her all over again. person B: No one writes letters anymore... its kind of sad
person A: I managed to spook myself really bad once watching too many horror movies and being in a house alone by the woods. person B: That would definitely creep me out. person A: Yeah. I kept thinking trees were people or things standing out in the woods. person B: I have done that before lol
person A: I'm so proud of my wife person B: i bet she's a wonderful woman person A: She really is person B: hold on to her
person A: I was angry when my son destroyed my car person B: oh no is it completely destroyed not salvagable ? person A: no not salvagable. i had to buy a new one. person B: so sorry to hear about this disaster person A: its okay. gave me an opportunity for a new adventure
person A: I'm starting a new job next week_comma_ and while I am excited_comma_ I am also very nervous! person B: Congratulations! Don't be too nervous! You must have done something right to get the job in the first place! person A: That's true_comma_ but the uncertainty always makes me feel a bit nervous. person B: That is natural. I'm sure you will do great!
person A: I had to go out of town and leave my dogs with a friend_comma_ I was worried about them. person B: Did everything go okay? person A: Yeah. They annoyed my friend some_comma_ but overall it was fine. person B: Well that's good.
person A: My wife has been in Germany for 2 months. I can't wait till she gets home. person B: Wow_comma_ i bet you miss her so much. My wife is going overseas with our son and they will be gone for 1 month! I know i will be miserable without them person A: It sucks_comma_ but it's best to keep busy with whatever you can. Videogames helped a lot :P person B: I will play PubG after work to keep me busy lol
person A: My wife has been out of the country for 2 months. She's coming back soon_comma_ but it's been tough without her. person B: Well it will be over soon person A: I'm looking forward to it :) person B: I bet you are. I definitely woudl be
person A: I'm planning on moving to a new city_comma_ but I'm starting to get cold feet. person B: What has you so nervous? person A: I'm just unsure about the what if I'm miserable there? person B: Have you considered taking a weekend trip there to see how you like it?
person A: One of the things I had to do when I started my job was be in charge of moving a department. When we were doing it_comma_ one of my coworkers bailed on me. person B: Did it leave you to do it alone_comma_ or were there others ? person A: There were others_comma_ but we needed all the help we could get. person B: I see how that would be frustrating.
person A: Everybody say a quiet place movie was boring but i still decided to watch it and i was pretty impressed! That movie was so amazing_comma_ I feel like i was holding my breath the whole time person B: I've heard about this movie but i've never had a chance to watch it person A: omg_comma_ you should! It's a one of a kind movie. I don't wanna spoil it_comma_ it's about aliens person B: Aliens? I didn't think it was about aliens_comma_ i thought it's about ghosts and stuff
person A: it sure must be nice to be able to get all the cool stuff_comma_ and do whatever you want and not have to work for any of it. person B: Well I wouldn't know lol person A: Yeah me either. I have some friends that get to experience it. Fortunately they are sharing so that is nice. person B: I don't have any sharing friends either lol. You're lucky
person A: I was disgusted when I noticed the food on the table person B: What kind of food? person A: It was brussel sprouts and Liver person B: Oh_comma_ disgusting.
person A: I have a lab mix and he is so well behaved and listens to commands so well. I'm glad I got him as a puppy. person B: Did you start training him when he was young? person A: oh yea. Basically started the day we got him. That definitely helped. person B: That's awesome. I love a well trained dog. person A: Yes. I couldnt' handle a dog I have to keep shut up when people come over and stuff. person B: I know lots of bad dog parents. I've got a well trained dog too so_comma_ I understand.
person A: My friend just recently moved to California...It makes me sad because I have always wanted to live there. person B: Oh thats good for your friend_comma_ but it sounds like you really would like to live there! I can imagine feeling jealous person A: Yeah...I really am. I've wanted to live there since I was a little girl. Someday I will! person B: You will get there! I would just be happy and supportive of your friend and visit often!
person A: When I was planning my wedding_comma_ the caterer we were trying to go with kept blowing us off and dodging communication. person B: Oh no_comma_ did you find a backup caterer person A: Yeah_comma_ we dropped them with enough time to find someone else_comma_ but it was unnecessary stress we didn't need. person B: Of course_comma_ the wedding can be the most stressful event of your life
person A: It is so frustrating having to deal with difficult customers that don't want to pay their bills/ person B: i like to call them deadbeats person A: Normally I would agree. It only seems to be a few here and there. Most of the time I dont have problems. person B: what do you collect for ? credit cards or utilities ? person A: We are a retail outfit. So we have some big customers that pay on established terms.
person A: I'm going overseas in 2 weeks! I will be on vacaion for 1 months and I just CAN NOT wait@ person B: Oh I just did that recently. I just got back from 2 months. It will be a fantastic time. person A: Where did you go? person B: I went to Thailand and Vietnam. Dont worry about anything. Traveling was so easy and people are nice everywhere.
person A: I just about had a figurative heart attack the other night. person B: What happened? person A: I woke up in the wee hours and thought I saw a person standing in the corner of my room. It was just some clothes hanging on a door. person B: Oh wow_comma_ I would of been terrified!
person A: I'm very annoyed because my friend didn't give me my money back person B: Was it a large amount? person A: Yes! it was to cover his rent and he was supposed to pay me back person B: That's rough. I'm sorry that must put you in a real bind.
person A: I typically procrastinate when needing to pack for a trip. But this time I got my butt in gear and it's all done several days early. person B: Congradulations on being prepared. person A: Thanks. I usually get somewhere and realize I forgot a bunch of stuff I need cause I packed in a rush 30 minutes before leaving. person B: It reallyi s the best way to do things. That way even if you forget something you've got time to remember and remedy the situation person A: Fortunately_comma_ my wife usually comes to the rescue on me. person B: Haha_comma_ sometimes wifes are nice to have around.
person A: My wife was working yesterday_comma_ but she ended up taking the rest of the day off to spend time with me! I was shocked. person B: That sounds lovely. Did yall make it a special day to remember? person A: We did! We went out for lunch and hung out on the beach. It was very relaxing and a nice change. person B: That sounds fantastic. Im sure you guys will remember that day for a while. What a nice surprise.
person A: I went to a restaurant my wife really likes with some friends while she was at work. It's not a big thing_comma_ but I felt a little bad about it :P person B: why you should feel bad.. i am not getting you my friend person A: Not like really bad_comma_ just kind of bad that I went somewhere my wife likes when she couldn't go. It's not a big deal_comma_ but I feel bad when I do things like that. person B: oh.. you must be sweet then.. your wife is lucky
person A: That horror movie made me terrified person B: What movie was it ? person A: Scream person B: The worst a movie has gotten me was Event Horizon.
person A: I really want to have another baby. Baby fever is real lol I don't want to be all crazy about it_comma_ don't wanna track ovulation and do all this but i really wanna get pregnant asap person B: wow lol I didn't know you can track ovulation. Good luck with getting pregannt person A: thank you :) oh yeah_comma_ you can track ovulation_comma_ measure basal body temperature_comma_ etc. I'm not gonna go into details person B: please don't lol i'm a man_comma_ I appreciate what you women go through when you're pregnant or on your period but i'm okay with not knowing details
person A: My mom bought be a book online. It should be here today I'm just waiting on the delivery man. person B: Its the worse having to wait for something you really want. person A: Yes it is. She wanted two options so I wouldn't know which she'd pick. She picked the right one so now it's just a waiting game. person B: Oh nice. Make a nice lunch to keep yourself busy. The delivery will be there in no time if you keep yourself busy.
person A: It is nice to have in-laws that are accepting and loving. So many people don't have a good relationship with their in-laws. person B: Yes I agree. I did have a good relationship with my m other in law but recently it changed. person A: Aw I'm sorry. Mine is only a few years old but it's been smooth sailing so far. person B: Mine has been around 7 years and it's been a little rocky.
person A: I have been trying to get my oldest son to be more responsible. I started out small by asking him to adopt a good sleep schedule. After several weeks he still hasn't. person B: Oh no. Is he responsible with school or a job? person A: He does well enough in school. I think that might make him think he doesn't need any disciple in everyday life. Make me worry a bit. person B: I understand_comma_ he will learn though once he gets a job and has to pay bills that he will want to go to sleep at a decent time!
person A: My wife usually sniffs out anything going on_comma_ but I was able to successfully plan a surprise party for her without her knowing. person B: Did you have a bunch of people show up there at the party? person A: Yes. Friends_comma_ family_comma_ cake_comma_ all of it. Even one friend from out of town she hasnt seen in years. person B: That's a great job! Well done! person A: Thank you. Probably wont be able to do it again_comma_ but happy it worked this time.