person A: I am joyful that I am with my wife person B: How you been together long? person A: We have been together for 10 years person B: Awesome. I've got you beat by 1 year. You know I just read the average couple from the time to meet to the time the ends things is 6 years. If you make it past that it will probably last for every.
person A: I felt pretty luck the other day! I won $100 on a scratch off ticket! I never win! person B: You are pretty lucky! person A: Not usually_comma_ I never win. so_comma_ it was very unexpected. person B: Maybe I should buy some. I never win either. Its about time
person A: My sister was given $1_comma_000 by my grandma as a graduation present. She did not give me a penny. person B: I am sorry_comma_ maybe she will share? person A: Perhaps_comma_ I just don't understand why I was left out. Seems unfair. person B: That is infair
person A: We went on our vacation about a week ago to the beach and it rained several days while we were there. We wanted to go to the beach every day! person B: I hate when that happens! Especially when you have been waiting for the beach! person A: Yes_comma_ and when you pay a fortune to get beachfront! But_comma_ we still had a good time_comma_ just wished we could have had less rain! person B: That's what matters most_comma_ that you had a good time and made memories!
person A: I was given the opportunity to work at a new job that I was hoping to get! I never thought it would be possible! person B: Congratulations! I'm sure you earned it! person A: Thank you! I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity. person B: You're welcome. I wish you the best in the new position.
person A: I fell down in a mud puddle today while walking to lunch. I was covered in mud for the rest of the work day. person B: Oh no! That is awful_comma_ that can mess with your mood. person A: No kidding! It was hard to keep a good attitude for the rest of the day. person B: I can understand that!
person A: My husband works nights a lot right now. person B: I bet that is a rough schedule. person A: It really is_comma_ i hate being alone at night. person B: Does he get any nights off? person A: A few_comma_ but he still has to sleep all day_comma_ makes doing things hard.
person A: I'm anxious (if excited!) about an upcoming move -- we've lived overseas before_comma_ but this is such a different state and climate_comma_ I'm not sure what to expect! person B: It sounds like a great chance to start over fresh! Where are you moving to? person A: Alaska! We've got some transition time_comma_ but I've been doing deep research on Anchorage -- and the more I see_comma_ the more I like! person B: Oh wow! How exciting! I can't wait to come visit you there so you can show me the sights!
person A: I hate that people hit on others they know are married. person B: Ugh_comma_ why do people do that? It's annoying. person A: Right? Happens to my husband all the time and it's just frustrating. person B: Do you smack the women who do it? person A: No_comma_ since it's his associates at work!!
person A: i cannot wait for the next star wars movie to come out person B: Yeah_comma_ they are so good! George Lucas is a genius! person A: he is_comma_ i really like the new ones but always will like the old ones better person B: Yeah me too. I prefer the first three. They are very different from the others.
person A: i hate when i fart in public it is so embarrasing person B: You're unable to hold them in? person A: i can hold them but some of them are just accidental and it is the worst_comma_ depends on what i eat haha person B: I'm sorry_comma_ that must be pretty rough on you!
person A: My husband recently got me a great gift. He got me a beautiful 14 kt diamond ring! I had no idea he was. person B: Wow that is awesome person A: Yes_comma_ it was so sweet and unexpected. We've been married almost 23 years so I guess I deserve it lol person B: That is a long time
person A: i hate that people dont care and they just throw their trash on the street person B: do you pick up after them or tell them anything? person A: if im walking i pick up as much as i can person B: thats good of you
person A: i am extremely afraid of going near hiights person B: Oh i can relate i am also afraid of that person A: Yeah last year i went to disneyland and got on the elevator game and i almost cried hahaha person B: haha . I remember a time i was in vegas i was scared to go on this really high ride
person A: The last job interview I went on also went well_comma_ but it took a long time to hear back from them. person B: i hope you get that call soon! person A: Oh_comma_ I did eventually_comma_ it just took like a month. I ended up getting the job! person B: wow thats great_comma_ congrats!
person A: i cant wait for my disneyland vacation next summer person B: oh nice_comma_ how long are you going for ? person A: i think me and my family is going there for 1 week it is going to be wonderfull person B: that sounds like a great time.
person A: i am getting my new car next week and cant wait for it. person B: I understand that! what kind of car is it? person A: it is a 2017 bmw_comma_ i traded in my old car to get an awesome deal person B: Thats pretty fancy! Does it have all the bells and whistles?
person A: My in-laws are helping us pay for school clothes for our kids this year. person B: That is great! I know my sister has had help with that a lot too! It can get expensive. You know they have new clothes from target at goodwill a lot_comma_ that helps with spending person A: Yeah_comma_ it helps take some of the burden off of us. I will have to check out Goodwill and see if I can find anything. person B: it's like $5 for new clothes_comma_ good quality a lot. Great! Yes it is a lot to buy clothes for ever growing kids person A: Wow_comma_ those prices are great. I'll be going by there for sure. Yeah_comma_ the best part about them helping_comma_ is that they do it_comma_ not expecting anything in return. They just all of us and want to help. person B: THAT is the spirit of a true giver and the only one I would take a gift from! Great in laws! person A: Yes_comma_ they are great.
person A: I was in a college class once with an older woman. She took a paper idea I had talked about and presented it as her own_comma_ stealing all the work I had done. person B: That is despicable. Did you report her to the teacher? person A: I did. There wasn't much she could do_comma_ but at least I could still do the same paper without having to redo a bunch of work. person B: She could drop her from the class and give her an F!
person A: i really hate when people make me wait for no reason person B: Me too! Who did this to you? person A: my girlfriend allways makes me wait_comma_ it makes me really anxious ahhahah person B: I understand that! When I am ready to go- I just want to hurry up and go. I hate sitting around waiting too. Maybe you should make her wait and see if she likes it. Lesson
person A: One of my best friends is moving far away and i dont know when i will be able to see him again person B: That's so sad! Can you email them? person A: yeah i can call him and email him_comma_ it is just that i dont know when we will see eachother again person B: Can you see him before he goes?
person A: I think having goals is important. My mother in law has managed to lose weight and walked daily. person B: Hey_comma_ that's pretty good. Do you have any goals set for yourself? person A: Very similar ones_comma_ but I like focusing on others success person B: Well I hope yours work out as well. Focusing on the goals of others probably gives you a lot of inspiration. person A: It really does_comma_ hope any you have works out!
person A: i hate to see people mistreating animals i cant stand it person B: Oh I know! I could kill people like that. person A: i know right_comma_ it is really sad some people cant understand they suffer as well as you and me person B: And they don't have a voice of their own.
person A: the day i gratuaded from college is my favorite day person B: Congratulations! What made it so great? person A: the fact that it took so much work and time person B: Ah_comma_ well you earned it!
person A: i cant wait for my new tv that i ordered online and will recive this weekend person B: oh.. congrats.. you must be happy then person A: yeah it is twice the size as the tv that i have at the moment person B: wow then... do you have any special plans to celebrate ?
person A: I have an older friend who I try to help out. She lost her husband a couple years ago. person B: Thats very admirable of you. How do you help her? person A: We go out to lunch regularly. She is depressed and I try and get her out of the house to do things. person B: We need more people like you in the world. Theres always someone out there who needs a helping hand and could use a friend. person A: Thanks. Yes she had some mental issues around the time he died but is doing better now.
person A: We need to come together as a country and be united and solve our issues_comma_ no matter your views. person B: I totally agree. People are too divided by their political views these days. person A: Exactly_comma_ let's comprimise and decide on things before it's to late! person B: Everyone is always fighting over these things_comma_ it's a sad thing to see.
person A: I spent my first Christmas away from home in a computer lab_comma_ working by myself. person B: Oh! pity about you. person A: Yes_comma_ it wasn't very fun. But I had to do it because my project for work was due the next day. person B: Hope you had good time after your work!
person A: I miss my dog Kat person B: I am so sorry to hear that. person A: Yes she was a wonderful black lab who died last year. She was a great dog person B: I hope you find a new puppy love soon. person A: Thanks. I do miss coming home to her. My cat is just not the same.
person A: It's great to see my husband doing so well. person B: I am glad to hear that! What is happening with him? person A: He's become the top manager in his division in just two years. person B: That is awesome! I hope he got a good raise
person A: Hello_comma_ I am very upset about the abuse of some people with their pets ... it is unacceptable person B: I can't imagine why people would do that. Animals are helpless. person A: I feel that pain ... as if I had been hit person B: You're very empathetic then! I hate seeing animals suffer as well. person A: it's something since I was born ... I'm like that
person A: That reminds me of the time I went to LA for vacation with my family. I wanted to meet people so I went hiking in the mountains but it soon became dark. person B: Hiking is probably a tough environment to meet people! LA is real nice_comma_ but I hear the people there aren't/ person A: Yea it probably wasn't the smartest decision but at the end I meat a nice group. They eventually helped me from that situation also. person B: That's cool! Did you end up keeping up with them after you left?
person A: I really miss my puppy_comma_ we got her a statue for the backyard to remember her always. person B: Thats sweet to have such a memory of her. Did she pass away then? person A: Yes_comma_ she was very old. It was a great tribute to her life. person B: Im so sorry_comma_ pets are like children
person A: my son is teething and he is so cranky! I gave him tylenol and got some teething toys. I don person B: Teething is a hard period for babies and moms person A: it is! his molars are coming so he is inconsolable! Doesn't sleep good_comma_ doesn't want to eat. poor little boy person B: Poor baby. I remember my kids teething too. It was horrible
person A: i was trying to sleep train my son but i failed. i didn't it's gonna be that hard. I think we will be co sleeping till he goes to college person B: Ha ha_comma_ I'm sure he'll get the the hang of it eventually. It takes some children longer than others to get used to. person A: I hope so_comma_ i miss sleeping in a comfortable position without baby feet in my face person B: I'm not looking forward to it when I have a kid! I can't function without a good 8 hours of sleep.
person A: I have been seeing pictures of friends of mine traveling around Italy. person B: How does that make you feel ? person A: I wish I were with them. I love Italy person B: I've never left the US. I've never been north of Kentucky. person A: Oh wow! You are missing out. I love traveling and seeing the world. person B: I've spent my life turning my home into where I want to be_comma_ instead of where I want to leave. person A: That is true but there is something to be said about seeing other cultures
person A: My friend bought me lunch today person B: That was nice. What did you have? person A: I had a nice burger and fries person B: That sounds good. I bet it was fun to hangout and eat with your friend. person A: Yes I was appreciative that she wanted to buy me lunch
person A: I hate when people pull in front of you_comma_ especially when it's clear behidn you. person B: It is very annoying! I hate it too person A: Had to slam my brakes. I don't get people at all. person B: Some people should not be allowed to drive! We were rear ended 2 times last months! Can you believe that person A: yes_comma_ sadly I easily can.
person A: I know i'm an adult but I'm very scared of the dark. i have a good imagination so i always see something creepy person B: That;s ok_comma_ everyone has some kinda fears that make little sense to others. person A: That's why i can't sleep alone or if i'm alone i always keep the light on person B: Hey_comma_ I can't sleep without socks. It's no big deal.
person A: I like to help at the animal shelter walking the dogs. They get a chance to get out of their cages and be with a nice human like me. person B: That is really nice of you! I am sure they appreciate it person A: They do. They get to smell the grass_comma_ they play they get their exercise_comma_ they get to have fun_comma_ they get to be a dog! person B: They get to enjoy themselves and have a good time! :)
person A: Last night at like midnight the power cut out completely on my street person B: Oh no_comma_ did you have candles and flashlights available? person A: We luckily had candles around! I was so worried cause it was so fast it was like someone cut our power person B: Good thing_comma_ you have to be prepared for those situations
person A: A while back my cat knocked over and broke my mothers urn. person B: Oh I am so sorry. Cats can be very mischievous sometimes. person A: I was so mad for the longest time but I've gotten around to not being so made about it person B: Yea I feel you. At the end of the day you cant blame the cat. It didnt do this on purpose.
person A: I made a bowl of cereal for breakfast and when i started eating i realized milk was spoiled!! I started gagging. it was so gross! person B: Man I'm sorry to hear that...I've wasted a good protein shake doing that once person A: don't you hate that? gosh_comma_ i didn't eat anything the whole day because i don't have an appetite anymore person B: Oh well I was starving...I just rinsed it out with some mouthwash and ordered a big pizza lol
person A: I was so calm and happy the other night just listening to rain hitting the kitchen windows person B: I use to live in an older house that had a tin roof_comma_ and I'd always love hearing the rain beat on it! Helped me sleep like a baby_comma_. person A: It was the single most calming thing! I love the sound of rain on a tin roof too! person B: I wonder if that's a common thing? It's very relaxing.
person A: i got in a car accident 2 months ago and now i get so anxious every time i need to drive somewhere person B: I'm sorry for that. Have you tried going to therapy? person A: not yet. i'm so broke i can't even afford it. I had to buy a new car and my premiums went up person B: I'm so sorry but you'll get there in time.
person A: Though the odds are against you_comma_ I understand why people gamble. I remember a particular time I was playing video poker at a local dive bar. person B: I've never gambled. What happened when you were playing video poker? And is it fun? person A: Well_comma_ take this with a grain of salt_comma_ but it CAN be a blast. I put in $5 like I usually do_comma_ and on the first deal_comma_ I hit $1000. I went nuts_comma_ cashing out immediately and started shoving $20 bills in to everyone's hands and pockets! person B: Wow_comma_ check out Mr. Moneybags over here! That must have been a real thrill though.
person A: I honestly think New Orleans is one of the most exciting places to live in the US. You never know what you are going to find around the corner. person B: Yes_comma_ it does seem like a fun place. I would love to go to the Mardi Gras. person A: Mardi Gras is great_comma_ but stuff happens every day. One time I was showing some friends around from out of town_comma_ and we heard some voices on the other side of a fence. We ducked through a hole_comma_ and found a bar with a full band playing - complete with couples swing dancing! person B: That sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I would have seen it!
person A: I hate when you go out on a limb for someone and they turn around and burn you for it. You know what I mean? person B: I'd say that'd be a real disappointment to say the least. person A: You can say that again. One time_comma_ I loaned a friend a bike to get to work and back. A couple weeks later I heard he stopped going to work and had pawned the bike for drug money. person B: End of friendship.
person A: 1 person B: I am not quite sure what you mean by that? person A: sorry that was sent by an mistake person B: That's OK_comma_ It happens to the best of us!
person A: I don't think I am a judgmental person_comma_ but we all have our limits. I stayed on my girlfriend's friend's homestead for a day_comma_ and I can still smell it. person B: oh that little unfair person A: Trust me_comma_ this place was out of control. They had the pig pen and the chicken coup within a stones throw of the main house. To top it off_comma_ they had running clean water_comma_ but no toilet indoors! person B: oh enjoy dude
person A: I just finished working on a presentation that I'm supposed to give tomorrow. person B: Congrats! How do you feel about it? And what is the presentation on? person A: I feel pretty good about it. I've spent the last two weeks crunching numbers about our holiday projections. person B: It's good that you worked hard on it. I hope you get a raise or a bonus for your labor! person A: I'll find out at Christmas. Considering all the numbers I looked at_comma_ the possibility looks good!
person A: Sometimes you know your friends better than even their long term roommates know them. Have you ever been in that situation? person B: I think so. Sometimes our friends show us sides of them that they rarely show other people. person A: That's definitely true! I am thinking of one person in particular to be honest. We waited all night at her house for her to join us so we could make this party. She never showed! person B: Did you make the party anyway?
person A: Not too long ago_comma_ my mother unexpectedly paid off a high monthly payment and interest loan! I couldn't believe it! person B: Wow. That is a blessing person A: Yes_comma_ I didn't have a clue she was going to do it and it was very much appreciated it.She's always so great thought_comma_ I am blessed. person B: I am going to always take care of my kids like that
person A: I broke a finger the other day and couldn't do any dishes! It was terrible person B: I hate doing dishes any way person A: I was super lucky though because my husband just went up and did them all for me! person B: That's sweet
person A: So I managed to get all my school shopping done this week so the kids have all their things ready to go for tomorrow! person B: Cool I just finished today person A: I got an early start this year. Most years I start late and they're out of stuff I need by the time I get around to it. person B: Yeah we had a hard time today lol person A: And then the stores get so crowded after a certain point! person B: I am going to do like you next year for sure! person A: I think next year I'm going to start early but just do everything online. All the stores in town were absolute messes today!
person A: I was having a bad day the other day and everything just kept going wrong person B: That happens sometimes person A: The worst part of the day though was when I dropped my last cookie I was really looking forward to person B: I probably wouldve cried
person A: I fought off hordes of people shopping for school stuff all at the same time and I won! I got everything on their lists! person B: Was it like black friday? lol person A: YES. *chuckle!* School starts tomorrow here and it was absolutely insane. The worst part was_comma_ usually I go to the store regularly before 10A because there's less people in there and I can just kinda stroll through the aisles. Oh no_comma_ not today. It was just about elbow to elbow! person B: Stick to your routine next time person A: I have to grocery shop on Thursday and hopefully the furor will have died down. But I was in the checkout line and I swore that next year_comma_ I'm ordering stuff online and having it all shipped and just keeping my happy self at home! person B: I hear ya! I am definitely shopping online person A: Especially since I was just browsing and a lot of online places have deals better than the ones in store! person B: plus you can usually get some kind of cash back. I love deals
person A: The other day I was getting a glass out the cabinet and There sat a spider person B: Ew_comma_ I hate spiders. We are in the process of getting them out of our garage. person A: I hate the little things too! It was IN the glass at that! person B: Oh no_comma_ throw it away!!!!
person A: It's not that I am adverse to avant garde theater_comma_ but this "play" I went to recently was a little too much. person B: How was it too much? person A: Well_comma_ to their credit_comma_ they had advertised it as being quite interactive. A little contact is OK_comma_ but they wanted me to eat "mystery candy" from a box while blindfolded! person B: That sounds very strange
person A: Around this time of the year_comma_ my husband usually always gets a large bonus_comma_ but it's not a promise. It's not easy waiting to see if he will! person B: How big is the bonus usually? person A: It all depends_comma_ but always has been thousands. So_comma_ the waiting drives us nuts! person B: Wow_comma_ well I hope you guys get it this year then!
person A: When my friend told me to give him my last $400_comma_ I thought he was crazy. But in the end_comma_ I am glad I did. person B: Why did you do that? person A: He has these crackpot schemes but they always work out. We turned that $400 in to $2000 a piece selling posters at a music festival! person B: Wow_comma_ good for you guys!
person A: Not all of my high-school memories are fond ones. Like the time I drank too much and passed out at a party. person B: How old were you? person A: I was about 16 at the time. The thing is_comma_ I passed out right in front of the entrance to the house. Everyone coming and going had to step over me! person B: That is young_comma_ I wish someone had helped you!
person A: I don't know how you are with Calc_comma_ but I can get pretty anxious before an exam. person B: Math has never been my strong suit. I'm more of a history type of person. person A: Me neither! That's why I was amazed when this girl said she had made a study guide and would e-mail us all a copy. I ended up with a B! person B: That was very altruistic of her!
person A: My cat kept doing her best to wake me up last night person B: Why she is doing that? person A: She was trying to wake me up to get me to play with her! person B: Ah ok I undestand.
person A: I never thought I would be where I am today. If you would have told me I would go back to school at 27_comma_ I would have thought you were crazy. person B: why did you go back? person A: I had always wanted to be an electrical engineer_comma_ but had settled for life in the service industry (not knocking it). I re-taught myself basic algebra_comma_ and was accepted to a state university two years ago! person B: good for you_comma_ best of luck!!
person A: i was so stressed when i found out that i did not get accepted in my dream college person B: Oh no. Did you have a good backup plan ? person A: yeah i got into another college that was not as good haha person B: Maybe you can transfer after a bit ?
person A: My boyfriend cancelled our date last week to go to the movies with his female best friend... person B: How did that make you feel? person A: Annoyed. I feel like he chooses her over me a lot. I hate feeling like I have to compete with her. person B: I understand! I would feel the same way.
person A: i cant believe the growth video games are having this past couple of years person B: What do you mean by that? I'm not a gamer really person A: gaming has blown up this past couple of years person B: Oh you're right_comma_ it has. I hear about it more and more
person A: I love roller coasters_comma_ but I hate that my favorite amusement parks close during the winter. person B: I hate that most parks close during the winter too. Do you have any indoor type amusement parks near you? person A: Not that I'm aware of. :( When February rolls around_comma_ all I can think about is how much I miss them and how I can't wait to go back. person B: I feel you. You will just have to go as often as possible during the other months to make up for the winter time without!
person A: I'm excited to graduate college and start my career soon! I have a feeling that my life will get much better once I do. person B: Ooh_comma_ congratulations! I'll be graduating soon too. What's your major? person A: I'm an Engineering major_comma_ electrical engineering specifically. And yourself? person B: That's very cool. My dad's an electrical engineer_comma_ actually. I'm a cybersecurity major myself.
person A: i really am thankful for everything that i have and had person B: What is your most prized posession? person A: it is actually a little medal my dad gave me when i was little person B: Why is that? person A: he gave it to me beafore he went to the army_comma_ and when he came back i showed it to him and it was really emotional
person A: My little brother has gotten really good at bowling recently and it kind of floors me! person B: Oh wow_comma_ maybe he can get a scholarship! I know some colleges now offer bowling athletic programs. person A: Perhaps! He's joining the high school bowling team so that may help his chances as well. Do you like to bowl yourself? person B: You must be very proud of him! Yes_comma_ I love to bowl with my family but I'm not very good at it!
person A: I keep hearing strange noises in my house. My husband is out of town and I'm all alone. There has been reports of break ins on my street. person B: That is scary. Do you have means of defending yourself?\ person A: No I don't_comma_ I do have two dogs! They keep growling at the noises to! person B: Maybe you can call a neighbor or something to see if they see anything suspicious outside your house! Don't hesitate to call the police if you feel you should!
person A: So I suck hard at bowling_comma_ but tonight I tried to be pro and putting spin on the ball. I ended up just throwing it down the lane instead. person B: Ha ha! I have done that_comma_ too. So embarrassing. person A: Yeah_comma_ my face was bright red when the ball almost went into the other lane! Thankfully there was somebody that sucked even worse than me in my party. person B: Phew_comma_ so they got most of the attention.
person A: I have a very good friend and her boyfriend made sexual advances towards me. I never did tell my friend_comma_ for various reasons_comma_ but I feel really guilty and bad about it@! person B: It can be hard in those situation I know you don't want to loose a friend in the end. person A: Yes_comma_ and there were financial and personal reasons of her own that is why I didn't tell her. Plus_comma_ I really hated to hurt her_comma_ but I guess I should have told her. person B: Yes you should but when you feel comfortable don't feel guilty you are the victim he is a sad case you got this.
person A: I still live and work in the place where I grew up_comma_ but all of my friends have moved away. person B: Aw_comma_ that has to be tough not to see your friends. Do they visit often? person A: No_comma_ everyone's so busy with their lives and work that it's hard to arrange. Most of the people here my age do drugs or stay out all night_comma_ so I keep to myself at home_comma_ alone. person B: How awful! You're much better off staying at home. I hope you find new friends soon!
person A: So college is starting up soon and I'm worried I won't be able to deal with the workload again. person B: School can be tough. How many credits are you taking on? person A: I wanna say 14 credit hours for engineering classes. I have a part time job too I work 20 hours a week at. person B: Engineering is already tough. If you can get through this_comma_ I'd say you'll be very successful in life.
person A: So college is starting up soon and I feel more ready than ever to do well this year! person B: oh you're gonna be awesome i bet! person A: Thanks_comma_ I'm going to try! Last semester wasn't bad but I procrastinated more than I should have. person B: yeah that always happens_comma_ don't be hard on yourself as long you do great
person A: So I just had an amazing dinner and am now relaxing in my room. I feel very at ease. person B: Nice. What was dinner? person A: Surprisingly enough_comma_ a pizza from the bowling alley. I never said that I was picky! person B: I haven't met a pizza I didn't like yet.
person A: my son is teething really bad and he is so inconsolable that breaks my heart. i can't wait till these molars cut thru person B: I remember my kids going through that. Do you have teething rings for him? person A: I do but he doesn't like them. he can barely eat his mouth hurts so bad person B: Poor boy. I hope he gets through it soon.
person A: I think I will be very busy Monday night playing my new game. person B: What is the game about you must love games it will take up your whole night. person A: World of warcraft. I'v got a deeper reason then it being a game- it's how i meet my husband. person B: Really that is a cool story to tell when asked how you 2 met did ya'll play online together a lot?
person A: I come home from work and my parents always seem to be arguing. It's very frustrating. person B: Oh that's not good. Do they argue about small things? person A: Yes they do. They act like children and I am essentially the most mature/responsible one in the house. person B: Yikes_comma_ that shouldn't be. I think you've really stepped up in this situation. Hopefully they can see that and change their ways.
person A: I think storms are wonderful_comma_ except when the power goes out. person B: I love storms too but yeah_comma_ that's a nuisance. person A: It was extra loud and my husband was at work_comma_ bit scary. person B: Yikes! Lightning didn't strike real close by_comma_ did it? person A: O it sure seemed like it did_comma_ dogs were scared too.
person A: College is starting soon and I'm feeling like I'll be able to stay on top of homework this semester! person B: That is good. Will it be a difficult semester? person A: It probably will be_comma_ as I'm studying engineering. I feel confident that I won't procrastinate as much this time though! person B: That is good. I am sometime a procrastinator.
person A: I recently heard a music artist for the first time in a long time that brought me back to my childhood. person B: Awww_comma_ what fun. That must have been so nostalgic for you! I wish I was back in childhood again sometimes. person A: It sure was! I enjoy reliving the memories_comma_ things were often simpler and more carefree back then. person B: I saw a toy that they are bringing back from a couple decades ago when I was a kid and wow_comma_ it was so neat to see!
person A: So I consider myself a decent bowler but my brother came out of nowhere_comma_ he's actually really skilled. I'm kind of shocked actually. person B: Wow. Sibling's got skills. person A: For sure. I am here doing the traditional bowling style and he is spinning the ball across the lane getting strikes often. He makes me look bad! person B: How long has he been bowling?
person A: I am so nervous to start my new job tommorrow. person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ I am sure you will be fine. What kind of job is it? person A: it's a desk job. Its my first time in a place like this. person B: Well_comma_ it shouldn't be too bad. If you couldn't do the work I'm sure they wouldn't have hired you.
person A: So I had a customer sign the wrong form today. I feel kind of bad because I'll have to have them sign the right thing next time and I'll look incompetent. person B: That's a bummer. At least you will be more attentive next time? person A: For sure_comma_ that is a silver lining. Mistakes happen I suppose_comma_ can't expect to be perfect! person B: Indeed. If everyone got worked up over things like that_comma_ we'd all be out of jobs.
person A: So I went on a road trip to Utah a few months ago after my friends backed out. It was awesome but I did miss them. person B: That sounds incredible. Did you visit the Great Salt Lake? person A: No I didn't get around to that area! I did visit Arches and Canyonlands national parks though. Even though I was by myself_comma_ would do again! person B: Man_comma_ I definitely have to go there. Sounds like a great place for sightseeing.
person A: So my brother got my dream vehicle as his first car. I am feeling a certain way about this! person B: Oh my god_comma_ Do you think he got it just because you like it so much? person A: I don't think so actually_comma_ I haven't let him know that I love that type in particular so much haha. I am definitely wishing it was mine though! person B: That is hilarious_comma_ In a cruel kind of way.
person A: So I want to buy a new vehicle but I'm nervous about pulling the trigger on it. person B: Ohh_comma_ I feel you. I felt the same way_comma_ when I was planning to buy a new car. person A: Yep. Like_comma_ my current car is dying_comma_ but I almost literally want to drive it until it no longer runs at all. person B: Yeah. I believe you are emotionally attached to it!
person A: PEople are crazy now a days. I watched people try to take a gas can from my yard! person B: Wow why would they even do that? person A: It was during a power outage during a hurricane_comma_ still made me mad. person B: Sheesh_comma_ people will take anything that's not nailed down these days.
person A: So my car wouldn't start today after work. I kind of hate my car! person B: That's terrible to hear. Is it old? person A: Oh yes_comma_ very old. It's a 2002 and while I've had it for 6 years now_comma_ I'm finally starting to grow tired of it. person B: Are you thinking of getting a new car?
person A: I hate giving big presentations and being the center of attention. person B: Me too. Its nerve wrecking person A: I know! Like_comma_ mentally_comma_ I don't care_comma_ but my body just responds by making my legs shake_comma_ my heart pound_comma_ and speaking too quickly. person B: Maybe you should take some classes to help you with that
person A: I had to dogsit for my dad about a week ago. I had to clean up dog poop at least 10 times_comma_ it was awful. person B: Ohh_comma_ cleaning dog poop is always been annoying_comma_ yet petting the dog is always amusing. person A: Oh yes. I wish I could say petting the dogs counteracted having to clean up after them_comma_ but I would be lying. person B: Ha ha. I feel sorry for you though. No one likes to clean the dog poop!
person A: So I was listening to rap in my car with the windows down. The people in the car next to me were just staring at me. It was kinda awkward. person B: That has happened to me several times person A: Yeah_comma_ not gonna lie my face turned a bit red and I rolled the windows up slightly. Thankfully they are very tinted so they probably didn't notice my shame. person B: Lol. They probably just laughed about it over dinner
person A: I was really worried about how I'd afford textbooks this semester. person B: Were you able to get them? person A: Yes_comma_ everything's taken care of_comma_ thanks to my boyfriend-- he surprised me with all of the books I needed! person B: That was so sweet of him! You're lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend
person A: i was really glad i finished my service for the military person B: Thanks you for your service person A: it is a pleasure i am really proud i did this for my country person B: Which branch?
person A: i did not expect my car to be soo good for the price i paid person B: I have never had that feeling. person A: yeah it was a used car i was not expecting much but it turned out really well person B: Well thats good. Probaby saved a bunch of coins
person A: i don't like to see my parents smoke it makes me really sad person B: I would also cry with you! person A: yeah but it has turned into a normal thing now person B: I cry at least a day!