person A: i hate when ash from my cigarette drops in my work pants person B: oof that sucks really bad person A: yeah_comma_ i haave to wait till i get home to get the stain off_comma_ it is really embarrasing person B: yea i can imagine it is
person A: When katrina hit texas my family lost like half of their belongings person B: That sucks_comma_ are you going to leave Texas or stay? person A: Well when it hit we left but now we are ok and we recovered well person B: How much did the damage cost you?
person A: i cant stand people that dont flush the toilet person B: I do not even have a toilet. person A: Oh_comma_ so where do you go to do your personal buisness person B: I use the woods!
person A: I guess i will be the next team leader person B: Really? Is that a promotion? person A: Yes. I was expecting that very much. person B: Good for you.
person A: My kids and I went to Six Flags and they wanted me to ride the roller coaster but I had so many reservations about getting on it. person B: Were you afraid of heights and high speeds? person A: The high speeds. It had been so long since i had been on one. I finally did get on and we had a blast! person B: I am glad you did. Rollercoasters are thrilling and should not be missed out on!
person A: When I turned 40 last year_comma_ my kids planned a birthday party for me that I had no idea about. person B: oh wow! that sounds very special!!! person A: It really was and just what I need as I wasn't really happy about turning that corner into my 40's. person B: im glad your family did that for you
person A: A few weeks ago we were at a wedding. Everyone was dancing and having fun and all of a sudden my 3 year old niece started to choke on a carrot. So scary! person B: Oh wow! That must have been terrifying! Were they able to help her? person A: Yes_comma_ someone was able to do the Heimlich maneuver and she was ok right after that. It was quite the panic for a few minutes though. person B: I could imagine. It must have been amazing to see her rescued though!
person A: So an online payment distributor company won't instantly verify my bank account even though the login info is correct. Feels bad man. person B: That sucks. Did they give you any reason why they won't verify it? person A: Nope. I even double checked the login info and signed into my bank's website no problem. I feel a bit let down. person B: Well_comma_ I hope they can get you taken care of soon. I know I hate it when I can't get to my money I have online.
person A: Today is my off day and I wanted to sleep in_comma_ yet here I am awake early. person B: I am the same.. woke up at 6 for no reason person A: It sucks. I guess my body doesn't want me to sleep in any more. person B: LOL i hate that
person A: I was dog sitting at my dad's house last week and I heard strange noises in his house. person B: What happened? person A: I don't know_comma_ it was very odd. I would go in the kitchen and the sink would be running a little bit even though I didn't turn it on. Kind of spooky. person B: I understand those kind of situation could scarry.
person A: Last semester_comma_ I had to give a class presentation. My stomach was full of butterflies from the nerves. person B: how did it go? person A: All things considered_comma_ pretty well. I definitely had some anxiety about it though. Presentations are my least favorite thing in the world. person B: i hate those as well
person A: My aunt recently passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. person B: I am so sorry to hear that. person A: Thanks. It's been especially hard because she was almost like a mother to me. person B: I truly hope you can recover from this major loss in your life.
person A: So I asked out a girl in my class and she said yes. Was a big morale boost. person B: im glad to hear that! person A: Thanks! We are getting coffee this weekend. Hopefully something comes of it! person B: good luck to you! i wish you the best
person A: I always carry a multi-tool and a small 4-1 screwdriver on me. I feel like I can fix almost anything with that. person B: i think you had good skills with tools person A: I'd like to think so. I just like to be ready for anything. person B: thats cool of you
person A: I'm starting a new position at my job soon. person B: Oh that's great. What are you going to be doing? person A: I'll be managing consumer relations at a law firm. I'm really looking forward to it! person B: Oh wow_comma_ that sounds like a tough job_comma_ but I bet you will be good at it.
person A: My car is on it's last legs. I think I see a new car in my future very soon. person B: Oh_comma_ I'm sorry. What are you thinking of getting? person A: I would love to get an X-Terra! I'm a big fan of the SUV platform. person B: Nissans are very nice and rugged.
person A: After dropping out of college 6 years ago_comma_ I decided to go back this year. person B: That is a great move! I did the same thing. person A: I have high hopes for myself_comma_ as I have all A's so far. I hope I can keep up the momentum! person B: Good job_comma_ keep up the good work!
person A: I just had a delicious breakfast and now I'm casually relaxing in my room. Life is good! person B: What was for breakfast? person A: Pancakes and sausage! How can you go wrong? person B: You can't! Sounds like a wonderful morning!
person A: So I have been saving money for about a month now and should have enough for any kind of emergency that may happen. Feels good man. person B: That's awesome_comma_ it's not easy to do that so kudos to you! person A: Thanks so much! It definitely relieves some stress knowing that I have a safety cushion. Hoping I don't have any emergencies though! person B: I'll keep my fingers crossed that you won
person A: Having a baby 3 months ago really changed my view on life for the better. person B: Oh awesome! Congrats!!!! How has it changed life for you? person A: I was a heavy drinker_comma_ and looking back now_comma_ I know I was in a downward spiral_comma_ I just couldn't tell at the time. Now I'm pursuing my education and have become much more healthy and responsible. person B: That's really fantastic! I'm glad to hear you turned your life around.
person A: My husband and I are going a cruise with a couple that we have been friends with for a long time_comma_ person B: That sounds so great. Who was the one to come up with this plan? person A: We kind of all came up with it together. They booked it and we just pay them a certain amount of money each week_comma_ until our part is paid for. person B: I see. I wish I had a partner and we could go to such places together too. Maybe some day hopefully person A: I hope you can too. If its ok_comma_ I would like to pray for you_comma_ just to maybe help you find someone special.
person A: I am so proud of my sister person B: What did she do? person A: She bought me a car person B: Wow! That was really nice of her! What was the occasion? You guys must be very close. person A: We are basically best friends. It is my birthday and she worked really hard to get a car for me person B: That is so awesome! I am sure you appreciate her for it. It's good that you have a great relationship with her.
person A: I am sad that my parents didn't attend my birthday person B: Do they live in a different state than you? person A: No_comma_ they just are not wanting to come to it person B: Sorry to hear that. Remember those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind
person A: Last week at the end of the week I got home from work and was pretty tired. I ended up just sitting on the couch with my wife and dogs watching tv. It was nice. person B: Souds like you were content. person A: Quite a lot_comma_ actually. It was a nice way to spend the evening. person B: I feel you. Sometimes its nice to veg out and just watch tv.
person A: I was going to a wedding outside of my city_comma_ and had arranged to have my dogs watched while I was gone_comma_ but the person backed out really soon before I had to leave. person B: Oh no! That's awful! I watch animals for a few different people and I would never do that. That's very unprofessional. Did they have an emergency? person A: Something like that_comma_ they were vague. It was through a company so I couldn't really get much out of them. Luckily a friend stepped up and watched them for me. person B: That's ridiculous. I was going to see who might have helped you. I'm so glad your friend helped. Hope you had a great time!
person A: I was tired last night and my wife was out of town_comma_ so I went to bed early. I ended up lying with my dogs in bed for a while watching TV before falling asleep. person B: What kind of dogs do you have? person A: A wire haired dacshund and a shephard mix thing person B: Do you like to watch tv with you doggies?
person A: My wife has been out of the country for school for a month and a half. She gets back in a couple weeks_comma_ and it's getting tougher to wait. person B: Do you talk with her on the phone? person A: I do_comma_ every night. It's still hard going from having someone around every day to never_comma_ but I'll get through. person B: Will you throw her a comeback party?
person A: My dad was cleaning out his attic when he found a box of my old stuff from childhood person B: Oh_comma_ that's cool. Did you find any good memories in there? person A: I did! He found my favorite childhood book of mine and I just sat there thinking about all the memories person B: Nice! It sounds like a really good bonding experience.
person A: My wife is out of the country for school_comma_ and the other day she was having a really bad day. I couldn't really do anything to help_comma_ and it made me feel bad. person B: I'm so sorry. I know you must've felt helpless but coming from a wife's perspective; I would know my husband couldn't be right next to me but his words and love make all the difference. person A: Thanks_comma_ that's actually really helpful. It's been tough being apart for so long_comma_ we haven't been apart more than a couple days since we started dating. person B: I totally feel you. My husband as gone for work so much for a couple years. It will just be a season of life and then you'll be back together! Communicating even more than ever and encouraging each other can help so much. You're doing great! I hope you're together soon!
person A: I almost got into a fight the other day at a store. person B: So who annoyed you? person A: A guy budged in front of some other people_comma_ I confronted him about it_comma_ and we got into an extremely heated exchange. person B: So did it result in a brawl? person A: No_comma_ the guy eventually backed off and left_comma_ albeit not before he flipped me off a few times and called me numerous names.
person A: For a while my husband was really sick with the flu person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he's feeling better now. person A: He is but I just felt so much love for him because there wasn't anything he could do person B: He's lucky to have you there.
person A: When people make me wait_comma_ i get really anxious person B: I can understand that. Do you try to find ways to fill your time while you're waiting? person A: Not really_comma_ i just look at the clock and wait for the time to come and when they dont arrive in time i start getting anxious person B: Yeah_comma_ waiting for someone can be a real pain.
person A: I love dogs very much they are always great companions person B: I also love dogs. person A: I got a puppy not to long ago and love him with all my heart person B: Puppy's are the best. I love puppies!
person A: My cat broke her leg not too long ago and had to have surgery one it person B: how much did you pay for the surgery? person A: I was lucky cause I know my vet personally so I only paid 175 usd I was so scared for her person B: uhmnnn! scared of your cat or the vet?
person A: there was a shooting in a gas station near me i was really devastated person B: Holy hell_comma_ that must have been scary! Did you see it happen? person A: im not sure but there was 2 victims i was devastated person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I really hope you are able to get over this and feel at ease again!
person A: I was sad when my dog died person B: I'm so sorry! That can be a devastating time. I have been there before. How long did you have your dog? person A: I had him for 10 years. It's just so hard because he was my whole world person B: I completely understand. Something that helped me was to have pictures up and also have a little remembrance each year with some other family that loved him as much as I did. Just take it a day at a time.
person A: I am so lonely because I am all by myself person B: Aw_comma_ I'm sorry_comma_ well I'm here to talk to you! person A: I appreciate that. It's just tough because I go daily without talking to anyone. It's nice to talk to someone person B: I feel you. I've been in that position_comma_ and it can get dark. But there's always people online to talk to!
person A: i was really jelous when i say my neighboor had a new 2018 Bmw convertible person B: That car is quite expensive_comma_ I wish I could afford one too. person A: yeah it is i wish i could have a car like that person B: Work hard and maybe you could afford it.
person A: I am sad that my friends dont visit me person B: That's sad_comma_ why don't you go visit them? person A: I don't have a car and they live far away person B: That's a bummer_comma_ hopefully you can still talk to them over the phone or online!
person A: I am disgusted that my food didn't come out the way I wanted it person B: that is not good_comma_ what was wrong with your food? person A: It was burnt and not appealing person B: did you ask for a refund when you realized the problem?
person A: when i was young i hit a car on the parking lot and did not say anything' person B: Why didn't you say anything? person A: i did not see any marks on the other car and was running late person B: Well then I dont blame you. I would have done the same thing
person A: My sister is so caring_comma_ she took care of me when I was sick person B: That's very nice of her_comma_ family is one of the best things we have in this world. person A: That is so true. I am so very thankful person B: As you should be_comma_ some people don't have anyone to lean on in their lives.
person A: I heard this god awful howling the other night at like 2am right outside my window person B: that sounds spooky person A: It was! I was so scared to be honest with you! The worst part is that I don't own a dog either person B: oh no i hope you stay safe
person A: I was surprised when my mom bought me a car person B: Nice! That's a very nice surprise. What kind of car? person A: Its a ford mustang person B: Wow_comma_ she went all out_comma_ hope you drive safely and have fun with it!
person A: I am very ashamed in my family person B: I am really sorry to hear that. Why are you ashamed? person A: Because they never invite me to go places_comma_ and they never call me person B: That is really too bad. Did you all have a fight?
person A: I am disgusted because of my friends pulling pranks on me person B: That's not nice of them_comma_ are they meaning to be rude? person A: I dont know. They have been my friends for so long but these pranks are just making me mad person B: You should let them know you aren't ok with them doing that. If they are real friends_comma_ they will stop.
person A: I was afraid when I got out of the movie theater person B: How come? what happened? person A: I was watching a horror film and then I had to walk home alone in the dark person B: Ohhhh. Yea I would be scared too then. That sounds terrifying.
person A: I am very faithful that my family will make it home in time person B: That's good_comma_ where are they? person A: They are in Cuba person B: Wow_comma_ did they go there on vacation?
person A: I am terrified that my wife is going to leave me person B: Why would she leave you? person A: Because she is talking to other men behind my back person B: oh no_comma_ i'm so sorry to hear that. I know your heart is broken. Did you try to talk to her about it?
person A: I am sad that I won't get to see the movie I want to see person B: What movie did you want to see? person A: I wanted to see the First Purge person B: Why won't you be able to watch it? person A: Because I didn't have a ride to the movies
person A: We just got back from the beach two weeks ago. It was such a lovely vacation. We loved relaxing on the beach and just taking it easy. person B: Oh yeah that sounds very relaxing! I hope it was good weather for you all! person A: It was very nice. There was a day or two of rain_comma_ but mostly perfect weather! person B: That's great! Im glad you had a good time_comma_ its always nice to have a refresher to get away from everything for a little bit!
person A: My husband and I are going on our very first cruise in December. person B: Oh boy! Where are you headed? person A: To the Caribbean Islands. We are going with another couple that we have been friends with for a very long time. person B: Congratulations! I hope everything goes well! person A: Thanks_comma_ me too.
person A: The other night I was just craving candy. I ate up all that we had! person B: Oh_comma_ wow. Its like that sometimes. You have to give into your sweet tooth. person A: Sometimes you just have to! It felt so great then but I hated it the next morning! person B: Ugh_comma_ I hate the regret that comes with giving into food cravings. Don't be too hard on yourself. It was just one time.
person A: My husbands cancer free now! person B: how awesome. my husband is 7 years cancer free person A: Congrats! We are hoping right now that nothing comes back but It's so happy person B: it's amazing news. congrats to you both. enjoy your time together
person A: I'm so frustrated with my husband. He dismantled the bathroom to do repairs and still hasn't completed them six months later! person B: Six months! I would be so mad! What are you going to do about it? person A: He promised he would complete it within a month and since it's been so long_comma_ I called a contractor today! person B: Good call! I would have done the same thing!
person A: I've got a job interview set up for next week and I'm really nervous! person B: i think you will nail it_comma_ are you prepared person A: I hope so! I bought a couple books on preparing for interviews and I've done a couple mock interviews with a friend. person B: good then you will do well!
person A: My parents always argue and it pisses me off! person B: i bet_comma_ have you told them how u feel about it? person A: I have but they rarely listen. They act like children and it can get frustrating. What can you do? person B: i guess just walk away is all
person A: Sometimes life just gives you lemons. At an old job of mine_comma_ I had what will probably remain the worst performance review of my life. person B: Well you can get better person A: I'm not sure it was really about my performance at all. I was surprised by the presence of my only adversary there_comma_ and informed that a large part of my position would be dissolved_comma_ and I would be answering phones. person B: You will do better next time_comma_ I promise
person A: That's must be a relief for you. I am assuming you have children? person B: I do not have those person A: So I guess that sending anyone off to school is not a big deal to you? Do you attend school? person B: I do not attend school person A: Do you have something you are looking forward to?
person A: My father passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. It was totally unexpected and really was very traumatic and hurtful to me. He was still quite young and my family and I had no idea he had a life threatening health issue. person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ I hope you had some time together before hand person A: I was pretty close to my father and always lived close by. But_comma_ you always wish you had more time. But_comma_ the last words I said to him was that I loved him_comma_ and I'm grateful for that. person B: That is good at least_comma_ you had some closure at the worst
person A: Once when I was younger I went to a friends 16th birthday and had a crazy experiene happen person B: What happened? person A: we were walking in the front door and it had a glass door apparently but I didn't see it. It was a very clean door. LOL. Later on that night I won a door prize. which was pretty funny] person B: What did you win?
person A: My daughter caught me in a bad mood the other day and was being a bit argumentative. I lost my temper_comma_ yelled and really hurt her feelings. I felt bad that it happened. person B: Oh that sucks. Those are the types of situations where you can't help it_comma_ but you know you did wrong the second after it's over. person A: Yes_comma_ I was already not in a good mood_comma_ and then it seemed like she just pushed the right button. But_comma_ I knew I shouldn't have done it as soon as I saw the look in her eyes_comma_ I felt very bad. person B: Well_comma_ there aren't any rules against apologizing to your kids?
person A: You never know what someone else is going through_comma_ and looks can be deceiving. Like this old man that seemed like any other drunk. person B: Yeah you can judge someone like that person A: It was hard to tell honestly_comma_ but it turned out the guy was lost and diabetic. He had lost track of his friends and had no way to get home_comma_ so I hailed him a cab and paid the driver $20. person B: Thats a nice gesture from you
person A: We hadn't been to the beach and years and really wanting to go back for vacation. We were able to a few weeks ago and it was awesome. I was thrilled! person B: Oh man_comma_ the beach always sounds nice person A: It's was great. The weather was perfect most of the time_comma_ and we were able to relax and enjoy it so much. We were really hyped to go! person B: That sounds like it was lovely
person A: The last time I went to the fair_comma_ I tripped over a big cord. This led to me having one of those running falls_comma_ that seem to last forever! I wanted to disappear at that moment! person B: I am sure not many people noticed person A: Oh no_comma_ there were tons of people that noticed lol. I can laugh now_comma_ but not at that moment. person B: I can imagine_comma_ sorry
person A: I lost a puppy recently and I'm still broken up about it. person B: I am so sorry I have been there so many times person A: it's never going to be ok_comma_ but it will be a little less painful in time. person B: I am sorry you had to go through that person A: I'm sorry youve been there too._comma_
person A: It's not fun when a 4 year old does something he shouldnt. person B: What did they do person A: Took a small toy_comma_ put it in his pocket. took it back to the store and made him return it. person B: Oh well_comma_ he will learn person A: Yea_comma_ he seems to get it now.
person A: As a mom I sometimes sneak a sweet treat when I make it out alone. person B: You do what you want_comma_ you earn it! person A: Still feel bad when I got an ice cream the other day person B: Why?
person A: I've had a rough week! The house has been a mess from my dogs and toddler. My husband hasn't been helping out much_comma_ its fustrating! person B: Why is he not helping? person A: I'm not sure! He has been busy with work but also has been going out with friends a lot :( person B: Oh_comma_ well work can be tough too sometimes
person A: My niece made me proud today_comma_ graduated from her nursing school. person B: I bet you are proud person A: YEa_comma_ she's over come a lot for it. person B: I am sure she did
person A: Since it was my birthday today_comma_ when I came home there was a big pink cake and flowers waiting for me :) person B: that is sweet_comma_ who from? person A: My husband! I did not see it coming at all_comma_ thought we were going to wait till the weekend to celebrate. person B: Wow_comma_ how sweet of him_comma_ you are both lucky!
person A: We had to clean out our storage building because of roof damage. I found an old box of pictures! person B: What of? person A: My family and all kinds of old memories_comma_ birthdays_comma_ festivals_comma_ swimming_comma_ and other stuff person B: Oh_comma_ that is awesome_comma_ I love those trips down the old memory lane
person A: It's so hot and our AC just broke. We had to open the windows to be able to sleep! person B: Oh wow_comma_ talk about bad timing person A: The icing on the sweaty cake was that a giant horse fly kept buzzing around the room and the moment you got comfy would land on you person B: Oh no_comma_ I hate flies
person A: I'm so excited! My family and I are moving to a new state at the end of this year! person B: I'm ready for a new start for my family and a better paying job! person A: That is nice. Having a better paying job is always good. person B: Yes! and new opportunties for my family. We need the fresh start on life. I don't like living in Texas.
person A: I've got back in to running this week_comma_ I missed it! It's a great stress reliever! person B: Wow_comma_ I don't know how you runners do it. I can't stand running. How many miles do you run per day on average? person A: I love to run_comma_ did Track and Field in High School! Right now I'm only running 3 miles till I build my stamina back up! What do you do for excersise? person B: I usually jog in the backyard_comma_ but not really running. I'm too fat to run.
person A: You won't believe the day I've had! I got to sleep in this morning_comma_ I haven't done that in months! person B: Its always nice to get some sleep person A: Yes_comma_ my husband even cooked dinner for me today_comma_ and helped clean the house! He has been very helpful today. person B: Oh wow_comma_ that was nice of him
person A: This has been a great week! Well actually a great year for my family. person B: I am glad for you. I hope it continues person A: Thank you_comma_ my husband got two great job offers! person B: Oh nice_comma_ its good to have options
person A: My daughter is growing up so fast! person B: How old is she? person A: She is 4 and in Pre-school! She is doing so well learning how to share and also knows her colors! person B: Wow_comma_ they do grow up fast_comma_ appreciate the time you get!
person A: I live in Central Texas_comma_ it rained and lightening stuck a house here and caused it to burn down! person B: Oh no_comma_ that sounds scary person A: Yes_comma_ I hope the family is okay! No word yet if anyone got hurt. person B: I hope they are
person A: my baby is sleeping_comma_ my house is clean... it's just so nice and peaceful right now person B: That is not something to take for granted_comma_ enjoy yourself! person A: i just hope tonight won't be that night when my baby wakes up every 30 minutes person B: I hope so too_comma_ best of luck with that!
person A: I feel like a failure_comma_ Im suppose to be on a diet but ate too much today! person B: You can always start tomorrow person A: Thanks_comma_ I keep telling myself to stick with it but its hard! person B: It can be hard_comma_ but you can do it
person A: I'm thinking about quitting my day job! person B: Why is that? person A: My boss has been unreasonable and a pain. He dosen't understand how much time I put into the company! person B: I get that_comma_ best of luck friend!
person A: Tuesday I got to take my kids to the beach for the first time. person B: Did you have a good time? person A: We had a blast! I could barely contain myself on the trip there! person B: They'll always have good memories of the beach.
person A: My new dog is doing so great_comma_ she was potty trained in a week! person B: What kind of dog person A: She is a Jack Russell_comma_ she loves to cuddle in my lap. person B: She does sound adorable
person A: i moved to a new house recently and miss my old one person B: How long did you live in your old one? person A: 10 years_comma_ i hope i get to feel the same way i did in my old house person B: It'll take some getting used to.
person A: i feel like i am the best player on my soccer team person B: Sounds like you practice a lot to get good. person A: yeah i do i am always the one that steps up in the game person B: Are you the captain?
person A: I've been having anxiety attacks lately. Everything is great and suddenly i start thinking about something bad happening and i have a full blown anxiety attack over something that didn't even happen person B: Is this a common occurrence? person A: no_comma_ it just started happening. I would say it started a couple of months ago. i will see a doctor in 2 weeks person B: That's good. I hope it's controllable.
person A: We recently went on vacation and it made me feel reminiscent. It made me think of the last vacation I was able to spend with my father before he unexpectedly passed away. person B: I'm so sorry for your loss. person A: Thank you. I don't think it matters how old you are when a parent passes away_comma_ it's very painful. The vacation did bring back great memories with him though. person B: He sounds like a great guy. I'm glad you have fond memories of him.
person A: my friend can literally eat junk food all day long and stay skinny! She doesn't even work out. and here i am_comma_ eating healthy_comma_ working out and still loking fat person B: She may be skinny_comma_ but it doesn't mean she's healthy. person A: that's true too! But i just wish i looked like her person B: Yea_comma_ I totally understand that. She won the genetic lottery there.
person A: It was my birthday and My friend sent me a birthday card with a gift card in a mail... i never got it_comma_ somebody stole it! and we actually have a cluster mailbox so only i can open it. it means that usps worker stole it person B: Have you tried speaking with the post office? person A: i did_comma_ the lady told me they can't do anything about it because it didn't have a tracking number. person B: That's ridiculous_comma_ they should have to do something.
person A: My cat was playing last nigh and brought it to me. person B: That sounds like fun. what did it bring to you? person A: Well_comma_ it wasn't one of his toys like I thought. It was a dead mouse person B: Eww... that's pretty gross. I had a cat once that would bring me dead birds too. I think that means they like you!
person A: my son just used a potty for the first time! he is only 16 months. i'm so proud of him person B: Watch out! Next thing you turn around_comma_ and he's driving. person A: I know! they grow up so fast! I feel like i just gave a birth to him and look at him now person B: I hope you got some photos.
person A: Sometimes things don't work out like you planned. It can be a real let down though. person B: What happened? person A: I got two tickets for a friend and I for a concert. The day of the show_comma_ it poured and no one got a refund. person B: That is bad. You should have got refunded.
person A: My family went on a road trip this week and had to stop at a gas station for the bathroom. person B: How'd that go? person A: Well the bathroom seemed cleaned but the roaches told me otherwise. person B: Oh god_comma_ roaches. Did you guys use the bathroom anyway?
person A: It sounds crazy to say_comma_ but even though I was hit by a car on my bicycle_comma_ it could have been much worse. person B: Are you okay? person A: I'm quite fine now (my knee has a plate and six screws). I am just glad that the driver stopped and called an ambulance! person B: oh my gosh_comma_ a plate! That kinda sounds serious. person A: It might be_comma_ but considering I'm 29 with an artificial hip as well_comma_ I've gotten used to being half metal.
person A: Last semester was probably the largest challenge of my life. I go to school for electrical engineering_comma_ and I took 6 courses. person B: that is a lot.. most i ever took at one time was 5 classes and i cried at least twice that semester. person A: Oh my gosh then you know! I have to say though_comma_ it all came out in the wash - 4 As and 2 Bs! person B: Damn that is impressive congrats.. I took 1 class last semester and got an A lol
person A: Waiting for something to come in the mail can send me in to a tizzy. It's even worse when it's parts I need to finish a computer repair job. person B: That's true. Did you finish the job? person A: I did get it done in the end. It was a nail biter since the client was leaving the day after the parts came. person B: That's really great. It's nice when everything works out in the end.
person A: Have you ever lost control of your bowels as an adult? person B: Oh_comma_ all the time. I've got to change my Depens three times a day. person A: Phew! I'm glad I am not the only one. Although for me_comma_ it happened in the middle of dinner at a small Vietnamese restaurant_comma_ and an employee walked in on me cleaning my pants in the sink! person B: Oh wow. I just would've blamed it on whoever I was with.
person A: I went to a heavy metal music festival in Las Vegas a few years ago! I had fun_comma_ but to be honest it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster. person B: Oh_comma_ I don't know why concerts make me feel a bit sentimental person A: I think it's because everybody can relate when it comes to live music. My girlfriend broke up with me the second day_comma_ but we had to stay in the same room. person B: That must have been horrible! I'm so sorry you went thru that
person A: You know how sometimes things don't go as planned_comma_ but it feels like they turn out better in the end? person B: Yes_comma_ some people call it fate. person A: You could call it that! I was supposed to go to a social event_comma_ but it got rained out and I ended up watching the rain for hours with my girlfriend. person B: That sounds so romantic!