person A: I let my daughter_comma_ who just got her driver's license_comma_ take my brand new sports car to work today. person B: oh_comma_ i bet you are nervous. I'm sure she will be okay but i would be so nervus person A: Nah_comma_ she is actually a pretty good driver. I am confident that she will take care of it today. person B: That's great! i see you trust her so much_comma_ you have wonderful relationship with her
person A: Hello_comma_ yesterday was my birthday and my wife completely forgot! person B: It's alright maybe it's a working day and she has a surprise for you on saturday person A: Yea maybe_comma_ but I am still upset. She did not even wish my happy birthday! person B: Did you check everywhere in the room? maybe she has a surprise gift hidden somewhere for you to find out
person A: I think I didn't pay the cab driver and he told me he need the money so badly. I feel so bad_comma_ what do I do? person B: I think you should call the cab company and try to locate the driver! person A: He works for himself not with a compapny :( I think the only way is to pray for him. I am willing to give him triple the amount if i can see him person B: Yes I will pray as well. But try not to let it bite your conscience. person A: ok_comma_ thanks buddy
person A: I am anxious about moving_comma_ I have lived in this house almost my whole life person B: but that's so exciting! you will have so many good moments in your new house person A: I hope so_comma_ but my known life is still here person B: I understand. is your new house far from the old one?
person A: i found a dead bug in the kitchen today_comma_ it looked so nasty! makes me wanna burn the whole house person B: I understand that_comma_ I hate bugs_comma_ even alive ones person A: me too! I know they won't hurt me but for some reason i'm terrified of them person B: I get that_comma_ I am the same way
person A: I get sentimental about my brothers_comma_ they are very important to me person B: That is very sweet. I assume you guys are close. person A: Very much_comma_ we do everything together pretty much person B: That is great that you have that kind of relationship.
person A: Last week we had a huge storm. A tornado blew through the neighborhood with barely enough time to take cover. person B: Was your house okay? person A: We had some damage_comma_ but we were all safe. Luckily I had already cleared a safe space in the basement with all the supplies we would need. person B: Good_comma_ being safe is all you can ask for!
person A: I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon person B: My boyfriend just bought a Nintendo Switch last week. It was expensive! person A: That is a great choice_comma_ I love mine so so much person B: I will have to ask him about the Super Smash Bro's game. Most likely he's looking forward to it as well!
person A: I found a lost kitten and I took it to my house and cleaned it up and adopted it. person B: He was dirty and I had to bathe him very thoroughly. person A: That is very sweet of you_comma_ I am sure it is much better!
person A: I am content right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends,5|5|5_4|5|3, hit:1894_conv:3788,2,joyful,I am content right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends,271,i am so happy for you,5|5|5_4|5|3, hit:1894_conv:3788,3,joyful,I am content right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends,10,Thank you_comma_ I appreciate that!,5|5|5_4|5|3, hit:1894_conv:3788,4,joyful,I am content right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends,271,do well my friend,5|5|5_4|5|3, hit:1894_conv:3789,1,disappointed,i did not get the house i wanted_comma_ someone outbid me,271,someone outbid me on the house i wanted,4|5|3_5|5|5, hit:1894_conv:3789,2,disappointed,i did not get the house i wanted_comma_ someone outbid me,10,By how much?,4|5|3_5|5|5, hit:1894_conv:3789,3,disappointed,i did not get the house i wanted_comma_ someone outbid me,271,4500_comma_ it was not worth the extra for me,4|5|3_5|5|5, hit:1894_conv:3789,4,disappointed,i did not get the house i wanted_comma_ someone outbid me,10,I get that_comma_ that is a lot of money,4|5|3_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3790,1,caring,My friend ran away from her adopted parents. i'm so worried about her,52,my friend ran away from her adopted parents. she told me nobody ever knew that they were very abusive. i feel so bad for her_comma_ i wanna help her but i don't know how,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3790,2,caring,My friend ran away from her adopted parents. i'm so worried about her,99,Oh that is such a tragic thing to hear. I'm so sorry. Where did she go when she ran away?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3790,3,caring,My friend ran away from her adopted parents. i'm so worried about her,52,she went to a different state_comma_ i know she lives with her friend right now_comma_ so at least she is safe,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3790,4,caring,My friend ran away from her adopted parents. i'm so worried about her,99,I am thankful for that! I'm glad she got out_comma_ I hope her future becomes bright.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3791,1,prepared,I recently studied for a big exam at college. Because of my hard work_comma_ I was able to pass with flying colors!,99,I recently studied for a big exam at college. Because of my hard work_comma_ I was able to pass with flying colors!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3791,2,prepared,I recently studied for a big exam at college. Because of my hard work_comma_ I was able to pass with flying colors!,52,awesome! Congrats! You make me feel so proud for you,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3791,3,prepared,I recently studied for a big exam at college. Because of my hard work_comma_ I was able to pass with flying colors!,99,Aww thanks! I am hoping to get my degree within the next 2 years!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1895_conv:3791,4,prepared,I recently studied for a big exam at college. Because of my hard work_comma_ I was able to pass with flying colors!,52,I'm sure you will_comma_ you sound like a very motivated and determined person,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1896_conv:3792,1,grateful,I am grateful for my family_comma_ they mean the world to me,10,I am grateful for my family_comma_ they mean the world to me
person A: Blood's thicker than water_comma_ whether you like it or not person B: That is true_comma_ I appreciate them for sure though person A: tell me why
person A: My friend's usually pretty good at holding liquor down and makes fun of me when I get tipsy off one mixed drink...but she's a lightweight when it comes to beer which is pretty unexpected..and I always have the last laugh person B: That sounds fun though_comma_ I am a lightweight_comma_ after about 5 drinks I am about out of it person A: haha nice...what do you usually sip on person B: I like Vodka_comma_ but mixed with stuff to kill the taste_comma_ I hate beer though_comma_ it is nasty to me
person A: My sister talked me into going on a wild new roller coaster. I hate roller coasters! person B: you should go person A: Oh I did! And it was just as bad as I imagined. I almost got sick. person B: it could have been worse you know
person A: The warrirors are so good_comma_ they won their second ring in a row person B: That is great! I bet they are thrilled! Is that you favorite team? person A: no not really _comma_ i just admire their talent person B: They are pretty talented.
person A: I am all alone as well. Everyone is gone for their summer vacations. person B: That sucks. It's the same for me_comma_ only it's because we recently moved and I don't know anyone outside of work yet. person A: Wife and kids went to see family and my friends went hunting without me. person B: Ouch. Were you too busy to go with them?
person A: I get sentimental about my brothers_comma_ they are very important to me person B: are they alive or gone ? person A: they are here_comma_ hopefully for my whole life person B: yes they will believe in it
person A: Robin williams was my hero i am so sad he's gone person B: I know that was the case for many_comma_ I am sorry that impacted you person A: i use to follow him since i was a kid person B: Many people did_comma_ he was a likeable fellow!
person A: Once I was at summer camp minding my own business when someone ran up behind me and pulled my pants down. I was humiliated. person B: That has happened to me_comma_kids are brutal person A: I know_comma_ it is hard growing up_comma_ and I think it's even harder nowadays. person B: That is for sure_comma_ with online bullying existing now too
person A: Before I met my girlfriend and friends I was very lonely_comma_ that was not a fun time person B: That makes me sad to hear. Do you have lot's of friends now? person A: Not a lot but I have a good group of a few friends_comma_ so that is nice person B: I think it is better to a few really good friends than a lot of acquaintances.
person A: I am grateful for my life right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends person B: Glad you're doing well person A: thank you_comma_ I appreicate it person B: What are three traits that got you to where you are now
person A: Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a Millenial because honestly I can't stand 70% of people in my generation..they just make me sick person B: Nice talking to ya person A: I understand that_comma_ we are not a great generation
person A: I was susprised when Nintendo announced the new super smash bros a few months ago person B: I love nintendo and that series person A: Me too_comma_ especially pokemon person B: what system do you have
person A: My dad had a lot of alcohol and i stole some from him person B: How old were you? person A: 22 person B: Ah okay_comma_ that makes sense_comma_ at least it was sort of legal!
person A: I was running late for work last week and evidently did not finish getting dressed. person B: oh my thats pretty funny person A: Yeah after I noticed everyone giving me weird looks_comma_ I saw that I still had my pajama pants on. person B: hahaha you are funny
person A: I always stole my dad liquor when i was younger person B: Oh wow that was brave. Did you get caught? person A: No but i got drunk many times in the bushes behind my house person B: That was pretty risky. Did you get sick?
person A: i've watched a lunar eclipse the other day. i didn't expect it to look that awesome person B: I saw one for the first time ever too! Where did you see it at? person A: Russia_comma_ i travelled there for business and it looked amazing!! what about you? person B: I was in the US when I saw it thought it has been a while since it happened.
person A: I recently got in trouble for missing a lot of work. My supervisor had a talk with me and has decided to give me another chance to improve. person B: Well that's good news. person A: Yes I was appreciative of him doing that for me for sure. person B: What kind of work do you do
person A: I'm pretty self-assured in my capabilities. But sometimes I fear the worst for the majority of my generation who would have no idea how to raise a family_comma_ profit from their own sweat and hard work_comma_ have an organic conversation_comma_ or let alone survive a World War 3. person B: Well you shouldn't fear things we have no control over anyway. I'm sorry you feel anxiety over this. person A: Haha I don't consciously stress over it. I was prompted to. I just feel like Millenials should raise the bar in life a little bit. person B: I guess I can agree with that. I don't like it when people criticize millenialls too much though. Baby boomers didn't do that great either. person A: I'm a Millenial and I KNOW we can do better.
person A: I am so pissed off at my co-worker person B: Why? What happened?? person A: He got the promotion I had my eye on. person B: That stinks. Are there any other possibilities for advancement coming up?
person A: I found some of my kids artwork from when they were little and it made me miss having them around all the time. person B: I know the feeling.I miss my 2 boys also person A: It is hard when they move away. person B: I imagine_comma_ but i am sure the family will be reunited soon.
person A: These people would hit your car and not even leave a not and say sorry or leave their insurance info person B: Why do you think people would be that irresponsible? person A: because they are losers person B: Not all people would be that way_comma_ and I think for the most part most people would take responsibility for their actions.
person A: My dog decided to chew more than a few pieces of furniture while I was at work :( person B: Uh oh. Did he ruin some furniture? person A: Yup. I have to replace many items since he chewed them to bits. Crazy dog. person B: That is too bad. I bet you were not happy.
person A: My brother is so spoiled! My parents get him the coolest birthday presents! person B: My brother did too! He's the oldest so he got all the good stuff :( person A: All I ever get is a card. The obviously like him better. person B: Aw :( I bet other people appreciate you a lot!
person A: I've got thick skin and can trade crass_comma_ classless_comma_ and politically disturbing jokes all day...but if someone insults my family with malice I go livid and deny all responsibility for whatever happens next person B: I hear you. Jokes are one thing_comma_ family is another. person A: A name carries honor and I'm willing to kill for it person B: I dunno if I'd go quite that far_comma_ but you do you :P
person A: My power went out for 3 days last month_comma_ but I had gone out and gotten a generator right before. person B: I bet you were glad you made that purchase! person A: I couldn't have been happier. I am normally not the type to plan in advance_comma_ but this time it really worked out for me. person B: That was very lucky timing.
person A: I am so sick of being late for school everyday. It is all because of my sister! person B: It is so frustrating when someone else's issues affect your life. What does she do to make you late? person A: She takes forever getting ready! I would rather take the bus. person B: That might be a good solution for you. Let her catch all the flack for her tardiness.
person A: My supervisor belittled me in front of all of my coworkers in a meeting. person B: That is absolutely horrible! Was this recent? person A: Yes it was. I was furious and hurt. Leaders should not do that to their employees. person B: I agree. You should bring that up to HR.
person A: I had to speak at a meeting at work and spent a week drafting up my speech. Because of this I performed well. person B: Seems like this speech was very important to you_comma_ why? person A: Because it was a speech to our client about why they should stay with us. person B: Ah-ah_comma_ than it makes a lot of sense.
person A: I'm looking to get my EP out on iTunes by mid-September...I'm sure people will like it_comma_ fingers crossed hoping I get some good exposure person B: That's awesome! Are you excited? person A: Yes very. Sitting on about 7 songs now and lyrics just come to me every day person B: How long did it take you to make it? person A: About 2.5 weeks...but I'm still writing_comma_ wish me luck!
person A: My daughter was sick the other day and I couldn't afford to miss work. person B: That's an unfortunate predicament to be in. What did you end up doing? person A: I sent her to daycare even though I probably shouldn't have. I would get fired if I stayed home though. person B: That's a tough decision for sure_comma_ but you definitely can't get fired for something like that_comma_ and kids are exposed to germs all the time.
person A: I was recently looking through old pictures and it made me feel weird. Like a longing for the past. person B: I get nostalgia all the time. Were they family pictures person A: Yes_comma_ and pictures of old friends. person B: Cool. Do you still keep in touch with those friends
person A: Back then I was a big chicken and couldn't approach women_comma_ let alone get numbers. But I discovered that the easiest way to overcome that irrational fear is to level with them like a friend_comma_ instead of seeing them as a prize to be won / objectified. person B: That is a good approach! Has it been successful? person A: Very person B: That is great to hear! I am happy for you!
person A: My best friend called me up crying the other day. Her boyfriend is cheating on her. person B: its really more disapponted and hurts a lot. person A: Yes it definitely does. I feel for her. person B: dont feel everything goes good
person A: I was watching Back to the Future yesterday with my family. Man_comma_ it brought back some good memories of growing up in the 80's. person B: yeah that good person A: It was a great feeling to think about my old friends and our shared experiences! We loved these types of movies! person B: iam always happy to think about it. my childhood memory was a great part of our life
person A: I booked a vacation next week! I'm looking forward to going person B: Nice! Where at person A: Orlando! I haven't been there for many years person B: Cool traveling what are your plans so far
person A: Even though I'm no longer Catholic I still put my faith in a Supreme_comma_ Higher Power because with all the dumb choices I've made in life it's a miracle I'm still here. person B: Ah_comma_ I've made plenty of dumb choices in my life too. Honestly_comma_ I think it's part of being young person A: Yes well I'm glad I got it out of my system person B: That's good :) But you are the wiser for it
person A: It was miraculous that Philadelphia beat out New England in the Super Bowl! person B: I know. The game was full of intrigue. They truly deserved the win person A: I am now a huge Carson Wentz fan! person B: You should definitely get a tattoo of his name on your chest
person A: Last week_comma_ my partner's mom passed away. It was truly hard for her to comprehend all the mixed feelings at that moment person B: I am so sorry to hear that. Losing a loved one is definitely one of the hardest things in life. person A: I know. I wish I could help my partner_comma_ but i think time is the only heal to emotional wounds person B: Maybe they just need some time to let the emotions settle a bit.
person A: Hi_comma_ at march break I went to Disney World with my family. person B: sounds fun how long were you there person A: We were there for a week. A lot of the roller coasters made me nervous though. person B: aw what was your favorite things to do while there
person A: okay so back in may of last year I graduated college person B: Congratulations. What did you get your degree in? person A: i majored in business management it i've always been into running a business or entrepreneur person B: Good luck with any future business ventures.
person A: My grandmother died when I was 10 and I was devastated. person B: I am very sorry for your loss. person A: Thank you. It was a long time ago but I still think about her a lot. She had a big impact on my life. person B: A loss is never easy especially one in the family.
person A: I felt great after winning a video game tournament. person B: That is so cool_comma_ what kind of video game was it? person A: It was a fighting game for the Gamecube. person B: That is so amazing. Are you a professional gamer? person A: I am. I wish there were more tournaments though. person B: I wish I was that good at gaming. What a fun way to make a living!
person A: My sister graduated college and I'm really proud of her! person B: that is a great news_comma_ congratulate him from my side too. what is the major? person A: Her major was marketing so she's going into the business world. She's had a rough journey. person B: If the journey is tough then you are in the right path. So_comma_ she is heading in right way. Great.
person A: I just had the most amazing lunch ever. I am so thankful to have cooking skills. person B: Nice! What did you whip up today person A: I made a nice juicy steak with a twice baked loaded potatoe and a fresh lime side salad. person B: I LOVE steak..just had some steak_comma_ brisket and fajitas yesterday
person A: My old elementary school principal saved me from drowning when I was in 1st grade. I'm eternally thankful for her and hope she's doing well wherever she is now person B: thats an amazing memory to have_comma_ have you since visited her or sent her a card? person A: That's a great idea but I don't know where she lives person B: I would call the school and see if they can disclose that or maybe they can accept the card from you to give to her!
person A: I had been studying so hard for a test and was very confident going in. person B: How did it go? person A: I did not pass. It was horrible! person B: Oh no! I'm so sorry! I hope you could pull your grade up!
person A: I enjoy going to my Grandmother's house and helping out with chores and cleaning. If feels so good to help her out and make her comfortable. person B: What a nice person you are! I bet she appreciates you person A: I hope so. I feel a strong sense of obligation to her since she was always there for me growing up. Do it is the least I could do for her. person B: You have a good set of morals. That's becoming more uncommon lately. So_comma_ good on you!
person A: My brother moved to California a few days ago. It was stressful for him_comma_ but he's always been good at thinking things through person B: I am sure the stress will be worth it in the end. Just keep encouraging him! person A: I will! I bet he will make lots of friends too. He's very outgoing and approachable person B: Those are good traits to have. Good for him!
person A: It is my wish to not live from paycheck to paycheck person B: It is a great desire that you can achieve_comma_ just rely on your abilities to independently do what you know. person A: You are right person B: I wish you can achieve success in your projects.
person A: I think all my colleagues understood my ideas very well person B: Did you present? person A: I made a successful presentation in my work. person B: That is great!
person A: I have lived by myself for the past 10 years. It was always just me and my dog. person B: Is it something you enjoy? person A: Well_comma_ my dog just passed away so now it's just me. I am having a hard time getting used to it. person B: I know we are all different but maybe getting another puppy would help?
person A: My car caught on fire! It was crazy and left me feeling unexplainable. person B: Oh that is so scary! I bet you were terrified! person A: i was in complete shock person B: Were you unharmed though?
person A: I used to scare girls away by being overly enthusiastic. it's funny how now that I'm a more apathetic person girls find me attractive. Human beings are weird person B: Lol _comma_ I think my son has done that _comma_ he use to embrasse me when I would go to the store when he was little by crying a lot person A: as a mother do you get embarrassed if your son is too clingy in public? person B: No any more he is a lot older and does pretty good on his own _comma_ but the thing is he is always close by if we in the store together .Yes I do believe that the human are weird
person A: He was bad about this because of his grandparents they would always get him something and it made it hard for me to make him understand you done always get what you want person B: I'm guessing you're talking about your son? person A: Yes _comma_ when he was about 3 or 4 they would take care of him when I work nights _comma_ they were always buying something for him .I tried my best to tell them not to it just makes it hard on me to explain to him why I won't buy him toys . person B: Parenting is hard_comma_ respect to you and your patience
person A: I told my neighbor multiple times to stop their dog from barking. They leave it outside the entire day and most of the night! person B: That is awful! I hate people who leave their dogs out all day. That's no life for a dog to live at all. person A: Seriously! Tell me about it.. im not mad at the dog im mad at them! poor thing. even in the rain! person B: That is terrible. I don't know why people like that bother getting a pet.
person A: My daughter said mommy for the first time the other day! person B: that is so beautiful! how old is she? person A: She is 2. My heart was beaming I was so happy! person B: i bet it was omg thats so adorable
person A: My kids daycare was on lock-down the other day because of a shooting nearby! I was terrified! person B: that is so scary.... you must have been terrified your baby too! How are you doing today? person A: I am better now since it is over. I had never felt quite like that before. person B: I cant even begin to imagine honestly im sorry you had to experience that
person A: My job laid me off during my maternity leave. person B: That is horrible! How could they justify doing that? You must have been disgusted with them! person A: I am honestly_comma_ and just so scary not knowing how you will support your newborn child. It was a nightmare. person B: I can imagine. I hope it all works out for the best and that you are able to come away from this as a stronger person.
person A: My sister just got a huge promotion and her husband bought her a new house. person B: Congrats. They must be excited. person A: Eh_comma_ I don't care. I'm bitter about it person B: I am sorry to hear that. Why are you upset about this?
person A: I had to sit with a dying dog at the rescue today. It was sad but I felt like he deserved to be loved on before he passed away person B: That is terribly sad. I volunteer at our local shelter. I just love dogs. person A: Yeah its hard_comma_ but its worth it. The next week I met another neglected dog that looked like my childhood dog. He now has an amazing home. person B: That is so happy to hear! It's the nice things like that that make it worth it to volunteer. person A: Yes it does. I hope you have a great day
person A: My brother got to argue a legal case in front of the supreme court. I was very proud. person B: Wow_comma_ I bet that was a really big deal! What was it about? person A: It had to do with an injury and who was at fault_comma_ and if a big company should be held responsible. It was a very big deal for him. person B: I hope he did well.
person A: I am astonish by Trump person B: I think a lot of people are. What in particular astonishes you? person A: His unpredictability.Every day is a new surprise. person B: Yes_comma_ he's definitely unpredictable and capricious. Is there anything about him you do like?
person A: My first time watching "The Sixth Sense" was when I was 10-years-old and I was nervous before going to bed or being in the bathroom with no lights...because I thought the poisoned girl with the puke mouth would pop out somewhere person B: Oh wow that must have kept you awake for a while! person A: Yup sweatin bullets haha person B: She scared me too_comma_ I hope you're not scarred for life!
person A: I found some pictures of me when I was a teenager with some of my friends at a party and sat for ages going through them person B: I know that feeling. It's a trip when I look through family albums person A: Its so nice I should take more pictures nowadays so I can keep remembering how happy I am person B: Do you still keep in touch with the homies
person A: Family is out of town for the week and I don't know what to do with myself. person B: I would enjoy the peace and quiet! Kick back_comma_ relax_comma_ and do whatever you want. person A: Its just not the same without them around. I miss them. person B: Well in that case I hope they come home soon. My family is just annoying mostly.
person A: Have you heard anything from the bank? person B: I have not_comma_ I was hoping they called you instead. person A: I can never get in there during the week because of work_comma_ so I have to go in early on Saturday. person B: That sounds like good planning to me.
person A: I miss my high-school days person B: I do too. I don't like to think about it because I start to feel weird. person A: I miss how popular I was_comma_ being the quarterback of the football team. person B: That is awesome. Things change a lot out of high school.
person A: I have a vacation coming up! person B: Great.Did you decided were to go on your vacations? person A: I am going to Colorado for a few weeks! I am stoked! person B: I have been there before.Your are gonna have a lot of fun.
person A: My friend says she didnt tell anyone my secret_comma_ but idk how i feel about that. person B: what exactly were you referring to person A: i think she might have lied to me but im not sure person B: oh try to politely get the truth by speaking in a diplomatic manner by not hurting her ego
person A: I went to my nieces softball competition and was blown away by how good she is. person B: That's great! How old is she? person A: She is 16. I had no idea she was so talented. I'm so happy to be her aunt! person B: If she is really good she could get a scholarship.
person A: I felt really bad when I got my girlfriend sick. person B: Why did she get sick? What was wrong? person A: I didn't tell her I was feeling sick and I think she caught it from me. person B: Oh no_comma_ I'm sorry! I hope she is feeling better_comma_ and you are too!
person A: I am astonished at the Russians person B: Yeah me too. They are unbelievable. person A: The way they interfered in the last Presidential elections is mind boglin person B: Yeah it is hard to imagine how they pulled that off.
person A: I am going to New York to visit my best friend in a couple weeks/ person B: Great. I hope you have a lot of fun. person A: I haven't seen her in almost 5 years. I can't wait! person B: 5 years is a long time.You have a lot to catch-up.
person A: The father had no money to pay his fees so I helped him now he bought me a car person B: Wow_comma_ how did he get so much money if he didn't have money to pay his fees_comma_ and what were the fees for? person A: oh he graduated and he is now working with Google_comma_ he bought me a car after 1 year of work person B: What a great job to get.
person A: I remember the first I got pooped on while changing my kids diapers. person B: It must have been an overwhelming experience_comma_ how old are the kids now? person A: They are 14 and 12. It was pretty gross_comma_ but you have to deal with a lot of gross things when they are babies and just remember that you can take a shower to wash it off. Luckily they have cute little faces to help you forget about the gross things. person B: Sweet_comma_ we all miss those memories of them growing back. Mine are adults now
person A: I felt kind of irked when my friend kept bugging me for help. person B: Why did you feel irritated? person A: I agreed to help him move but he kept asking about it even though I said yyes. person B: Oh that sounds super annoying! Sorry for that!
person A: I heard in the news earlier today about a dog that was left locked in a crate on the ocean during rising tide. person B: That is so sad! That poor dog. person A: I was sickened_comma_ but thankfully someone found it and rescued it! person B: Oh it survived! What a lucky dog.
person A: I broke up with my partner of 2 years about two month ago. I think loneliness is the worst that could happen to a human being person B: Oh_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. The only thing that helps is time unfortunately. person A: Indeed. I think time is the only heal to emotional wounds person B: After some time passes though_comma_ you'll wonder why you were so sad.
person A: My husband takes it out on me when he gets woken up and it makes me so mad. person B: I think he should exercise more self-restraint when it comes to your relationship person A: I agree_comma_ but he doesn't think he is doing anything wrong. person B: That is very dangerous attitude to have. I would be very cautious as it may bring much unintended social consequences person A: Yes_comma_ it already has in the past. I do the best I can.
person A: I felt so good when my friends put together a party for me. person B: do you act surprised ? person A: Well it wasnt so much of a surprise more planned than anything but still very thoughtful! person B: did you drink a lot ?
person A: my neighbor just bought an epensive mercedes_comma_ he likes to show it off person B: How does he go about showing it off? person A: he plays loud music and looks my way with the windows open person B: that sounds really childish of him lol
person A: I felt very bad about myself when i forgot my partner birthday this year. She was very disappointed in me for being careless person B: Did you apologize_comma_ and do something nice to make up for it? person A: I bought her an expensive diamond ring just to make up for my silly mistake person B: Wow! Well_comma_ everyone makes mistakes_comma_ and if you apologized and bought her a ring_comma_ that should about cover it_comma_ lol.
person A: We sold our house a year ago and moved to a new one. We are very thankful for all the help our families provided. person B: You should be proud of the fact you have a new home to build a lifetime of memories in. person A: Thanks_comma_ we are. It was quite the process to get it ready_comma_ which is why we are happy to have our family helping us finish some things. person B: You all have reason to celebrate. You should throw a huge party to thank them.
person A: I recently stopped smoking after having done so for 30 years. person B: Wow! Congrats! I've heard that's very difficult to do. person A: It was hard the first few times but this time it was oddly very easy. I think i have finally quit for good. person B: Good for you. Do you feel any different health wise?
person A: i really think im going to get the job! person B: Oh yeah? What job did you apply for? person A: A sales position right downtown. omg i cant wait to start person B: That's great! I really hope you do get it_comma_ you sound very excited.
person A: I got an item for a birthday gift from my shopping wishlist and I am excited even thought it's been 3 months person B: Cool what did you get? person A: I got a wrist watch that cost over 1000 dollars person B: Nice_comma_ what brand was it? person A: breguet person B: I've only heard a little about them but they're a good brand! Did you get it yet or are you still waiting?
person A: Last night I was laying with my husband and daughter and I felt so relaxed! person B: That sounds like fun! I love family time! person A: I love it too! I felt so at east. Life is about the small things! person B: Yes it sure is! We must appreciate the things that money cant buy too!
person A: I went to a birthday party for one of my friends kids_comma_ and a small boy asked me to get him a cookie from the table_comma_ so I got it for him. Little did I know_comma_ the boy was allergic to nuts! person B: Oh that is so scary! What happened after? person A: His mouth kind of got red and his face swelled a little and he was really itchy around the face and neck. I felt so bad_comma_ I didn't think to ask or to check for allergies! person B: Oh no. I hope everything worked out okay!
person A: We sold our house last year and received above asking price_comma_ which was unexpected person B: Nice! Did you use that extra to do anything special? person A: Honestly_comma_ we paid off debt and a couple furnishings. The new house is very peaceful by comparison person B: That's probably the best choice. I was thinking you could use it to spruce up a new place a bit_comma_ which it sounds like you did :)
person A: My 6th birthday party was unexpected. My mom had picked me up from school and said I needed to finish homework before I could open my present. So I went to my room but when I turned on the lights all my friends from school were there hiding and shouted "SURPRISE". We ditched homework and played games the rest of the night. person B: That sounds like a really fun and joyful surprise. Young birthdays are amazing. person A: Definitely. Aside from my 21st my birthdays have been a lot more low key since then lol person B: Yeah_comma_ after 21 they really are pointless. Most of my birthdays_comma_ I enjoy a good dose of work all day_comma_ lol.