person A: I knew my dad could help me find a new truck. I just believed in him person B: Well_comma_ it is a good thing you had so much faith in your father. person A: He always came through it seems person B: It is good you had someone so reliable in your life.
person A: Waking up super early reminds me of tournament days when I wrestled back in high school...the feeling of raw determination and hunger for victory mixed with dread_comma_ it's a pretty oxymoronic combination person B: I bet you were good at it person A: I was. Loved being one of the smallest guys out there...cuz I would give em hell usually facing guys twice my size person B: That is pretty impressive
person A: I was scared when we had a tornado warning. I thought it was coming straight for us person B: Oh wow. Have you ever been in a torando? person A: I have_comma_ they are not fun person B: People tend to say that...which makes me more curious and wanting to be in one haha
person A: Hi_comma_ my boss my fired me for no reason person B: I'm sorry_comma_ I think it's an opportunity to start a new job better person A: I agree_comma_ but it was unfair since I had the highest return in my department person B: that's right ... but you have to keep going ... I know that you will do well
person A: I literally youtubed a how to video on taking apart and repairing a washing machine... and I repaired it for 17 dollars! person B: ... I congratulate you ... it's good news! person A: I know right! I saved a lot of money which is always awesome! :) person B: that gives a lot of confidence ....
person A: In boxing I used to be scared to spar guys who were bigger because I would get my butt kicked. Then I learned about timing and proper technique and gained more confidence when I was able to hit them back person B: i believe this story please tell me ore person A: Well the first gym I trained at was pretty brutal...nobody held back punches_comma_ we would pretty much try to knock each other out person B: such a manly thing to do dont you agree ? person A: It was fun and now I'm a beast haha
person A: this woman was very pretty and she was begging at the side of the road_comma_ i wanted to take her home with me person B: So...what did you do person A: i chose not to because i do not know how safe it might be to do such a thing person B: smart
person A: I cant wait for work to finish today. I am headed out to a concert to have some fun! person B: That sounds like a blast. Who are you going to see? person A: Its just a bunch of locals! Its going to be rad. person B: That is fun_comma_ is it an inside thing or outside? person A: Its an outdoor event here in the city.
person A: My neighbor just bought this fancy car_comma_ i think its an Audi. Probably cost him 70K but he works at a call center_comma_ i dont know how he can afford that on $10 p/h person B: whaaat that is insane! Alright he must be doing something really LEGAL right? lol person A: No people in my area just want to out impress each other even if it means no food for their kids person B: some people really are like that though. I am not one of those people tho.
person A: I am really feeling at peace today with life. Its a good feeling to feel good right? person B: I agree but you do not need much in life to be happy if you are a content person person A: Very true_comma_ but its hard to remain so when you have so much bad happening for years in a row. Yesterday changed a lot in my life for me. I am grateful. person B: i am happy for you
person A: my neighbor just installed a 40k pool_comma_ i think its a waste of money person B: Maybe_comma_ but maybe not. I bet it would be a lot of fun to have such a nice pool if you had the money for it. person A: i thought about it but the maintainance cost is at least 4k a year for that size person B: I mean I would never be able to afford that but if they can then it is nothing for them to do the routine care.
person A: I wont forget the day I found out I passed my final exam_comma_ and my dad was promising to take me out on a vacation. person B: did he ? person A: He sure did_comma_ he always kept his promises. person B: you have a great dad person A: Thanks! :)
person A: Im so on the edge of my seat. My house went under contract yesterday_comma_ and today I find out the closing date. person B: wow i closed 2 weeks ago person A: amazing! great feeling right? god i cant wait. person B: it truly is
person A: i dont steal but i stole beer from a store once person B: were you drunk? person A: no sober_comma_ i was just broke person B: lol well atleast you are honest!
person A: I let my friend take my car to work today. person B: hope he takes care of it person A: He better_comma_ I am counting on him. lol person B: you are a good friend_comma_ i would never let my friend borrow mine
person A: this bum was pooping on the matress he was sleeping on_comma_ i was flabbergasted person B: that literally makes no sense like i get it you are homeless but no reason to be dirty! ugh person A: he must have been high person B: probably so either way still disgusting
person A: I had tried chatting up this cute German girl at a hostel I used to live at but she just kept ignoring me. I thought she hated me until she just opened up one night...and let me get to second base...mind blown I've just accepted I'll never understand women person B: Well_comma_ go ahead_comma_ know that women are an art_comma_ that you get many attempts person A: Yes the thrill lies in their offense if you're a woman person B: quiet_comma_ we're like that ... you're right
person A: i maxed out all my cards last christmas season_comma_ i am so dissapointed by myself person B: You're not alone I've got a bunch of debt to pay off person A: Its a part of life no matter how you tried to avoid it person B: For now I just sweep it under the rug and pretend like it doesn't exist. So after that point my life is pretty much perfect
person A: I sometimes look back at my old_comma_ deadbeat childish self...and am so glad that I decided to man up and start making something of myself sooner than later person B: i am so proud of you_comma_ keep it up person A: lol thanks. I couldn't go back to the way I was...I'd probably beat the crap out of that guy person B: you are probably older now as well
person A: I lied to my dad when I was younger and I hope my child doesnt do the same. person B: Sometimes you've gotta live with regrets. Accept it as part of your past life and move on person A: I am trying to but its hard because i was not an easy child. person B: Same I've put my parents through a lot. But now I'm trying to be the best version of myself so I can eventually pay them back
person A: I go to bed every night expecting to wake up a better version of myself than the day before. person B: that is a very positive way to think i wish i could think like you person A: Anybody can do it_comma_ it's really easy. Just gotta count your blessings person B: ill try my best and see where it gets me
person A: I am so upset with how my rent continues to increase! person B: I know_comma_ it's awful! How much did your rent go up? person A: another 95 dollars. it has went up 3 times in 6 months. person B: Wow...You need to find a new place to live because that's completely unreasonable.
person A: I couldnt sleep for a month when I first moved into my apartment. It was full of cockroaches. person B: That's gross! Did you complain to your landlord? person A: I did and it took them a month to get it fixed but they came out three times a week thats how bad it was! person B: Wow_comma_ that's pretty bad. I would complain to someone higher up_comma_ because that's just disgusting!
person A: I never want to lose my unquenchable lust for success...I love it because it drives me_comma_ compelling me to act creatively without fear and I never want to lose it person B: you sound so motivated_comma_ that's really great! I believe in you person A: Thanks I appreciate it...but really it should motivate you to believe in yourself person B: It does motivate me too!
person A: Do you remember those old coca cola christmas ad with the 18 wheeler. They remind me of my childhood. person B: I do remember that and I think there is a lot of nostalgia there person A: There sure is. I want to find a model of that truck for my child to play with. person B: I love things that remind me of my childhood_comma_ it is even more fun to share it with our kids
person A: I received a wonderful surprise one day person B: Really! What was it? person A: I got a key in the mail and took the key to a local lumber store and got to unlock a box with a prize person B: That sounds amazing! What was in the box??? person A: it was such a blessing there was money inside
person A: I am terrified of death. person B: I think most people are really. Anything specific about it? person A: just the thought of no longer being alive_comma_ and everything coming to an end. person B: Yeah_comma_ that's a scary thought. I try to think about what I can leave behind_comma_ and hope there's something past death.
person A: Yesterday at work_comma_ my boss recognized me for work that my coworker actually did. I feel bad that I took credit for it. person B: Oh_comma_ that's awful. What will you do to make it right? person A: I think I should just fee up to my boss and coworker. Hopefully that makes me feel better. person B: Yeah_comma_ I think that's a good idea. I hope it all turns out for good.
person A: When I was pregnant with my second child_comma_ I had a really difficult pregnancy. My midwife wasn't sure either of us would make it. person B: Oh no! It seems as though everything turned our OK_comma_ right? I am sure you were strong! person A: Yes_comma_ in the end we both survived. He was a beautiful healthy boy and was born on a beautiful sunny afternoon. person B: That is great! It was all worth it in the end.
person A: i was driving down the road when this car was speeding towards me_comma_ nearly hit me head on person B: Oh my! I am glad to hear you managed to avoid the collision. person A: people will never learn not to speed person B: Young people never appreciate the danger of speeding.
person A: I am nervous about going to the dentist's office today. person B: what are you getting done person A: Wisdom teeth being removed. person B: ouch _comma_ gargle some whiskey
person A: my wife is going overseas with our baby and i'm so nervous!!! person B: give her an unlocked phone person A: she doesn't need it_comma_ her phone will work everywhere person B: is she being billed for data though ?
person A: i cant even park where i want the neighbors keep stealing my parking spaces person B: that's not nice of them. is that parking lot assigned to you? person A: its not technically but they know me i have lived here for years person B: they should be nicer! i'm sorry they are so inconsiderate
person A: I surprise myself everyday because my unbreakable focus on self betterment continues to reward me in unexpected ways". person B: Wow_comma_ you're so well spoken. person A: Appreciate it. person B: so how do you better yourself?
person A: Well no softball tournament for me this weekend! Not enough interest I guess. person B: Maybe there is rain in the forecast person A: Its always hard finding enough teams to sign up for tournaments on the weekend. person B: Probably a lot are on vacation _comma_especially now.
person A: Got some plant fertilizer and it burned my spearmint plant. So I took it back to Walmart. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Did they replace the plant as well? person A: Some of the stems are dead but not all of it. Waiting to see if it survives. It smells great. person B: I hope it comes back. Fertilizer is always an experimental thing. Plants are so finicky. person A: waiting to see if it s urvives. I tried to put a lot of water on it.
person A: remember those old AOL disc that they use to spam us with in the mail ? i saw one at a fleamarket person B: Oh wow! I remember my parents getting them so much. Why would someone need that now? person A: i guess its just for nostalgia and to collect. person B: Possibly_comma_ but I doubt it could be worth anything. I would have thrown it out.
person A: I was going through my childhood photo albums the other day. person B: did you cry ? person A: Yes_comma_ because I missed so many memories person B: i love the old days as well
person A: this pretty girl was on the train and i accidentally farted loud infront of her person B: Oh my_comma_ that must have been super embarrassing. Did you get red faced? person A: no i pretended it wasnt me but she knew person B: Did you ask for her number afterwards?
person A: my sister gave me $400 but i know she's always broke_comma_ i wonder why person B: That seemed nice of her_comma_ maybe she felt bad about something? person A: or maybe she wants me to sign for a car for her with my credit_comma_ uh oh person B: Oh so she gave you money to kind of persuade you to do it?
person A: my neighbors were so loud last night i didn't get enough sleep and now i feel so cranky!! person B: uhhh i know how you feel!! we have some young neighbors downstairs and sometimes they have late night parties in their apartment person A: that's so annoying and inconsiderate! person B: tell me about it. i even talked to them several times but they don't care
person A: I saw a wolf or coyote in my yard a while back and I think it killed a little beaver that lived in the creek for years behind my house. person B: That must have been amazing to see! Did you try to scare it away or just watch it? Be careful since it sounds like it may be dangerous. person A: No I didn't see it happen_comma_ there was a piece of a dead animal that looked like the beaver in my yard_comma_ just the mouth and eyes were left. ugh.. person B: Wow! Definitely be careful then! person A: Yeah_comma_ thanks_comma_ He left a deer lower part of its leg in my yard also. I hope somebody shoots him_comma_ hate to say but they kill pets too
person A: My friend just purchased a new BMW after getting a large bonus! I want his cor so bad it hurts! person B: That was some bonus. If you go to I think South carolina_comma_ they have a factory somewhere there and they are cheaper I think person A: That is good to know! Maybe I could afford one then and not sit here wanting it so bad! person B: A friend got one used down there near Spartanburg.
person A: sometimes i steal the candy and eat it that i buy for my 1 year old person B: Aw_comma_ well I'm sure a child that young doesn't really need it. person A: i know but i don't even leave one i eat it all like a greed person B: Well maybe you can practice and get better at it for when your baby is older.
person A: I felt very confident when I aced my job interview for my current job person B: Thats good. One should always appreciate family. person A: Yeah_comma_ and i am really close with my brothers which helps a ton person B: I see_comma_ healthy relationships should be cherished!
person A: He was_comma_ but I am livid with him_comma_ since he destroyed my car. person B: That is fair_comma_ I would be as well person A: Right? I worked hard for that car person B: I undertstand that_comma_ I would be very upset as well
person A: i have an old cart a 1990 corolla that made it all the way from Key west to Texas person B: That is cool though_comma_ does it still run fine? person A: yes it has 350k miles person B: Wow_comma_ that is a good run though_comma_ great job keeping it running!
person A: I am hopeful that my new degree will land me a better job person B: it will person A: That would be great_comma_ I could deal with making more money person B: sure
person A: I was devestated when my grandmother passed away_comma_ I still am not over that person B: Sorry to hear that. I have lost all my grandparents so I know the feeling. person A: Wow that is even worse_comma_ I cannot even fathom that_comma_ I am so sorry person B: Yeah_comma_ it takes a long time to get over . And it's never easy.
person A: A mommy deer got hit by a car in front of my house and her two babies keep hanging around looking for her. I'm afraid they're going to go in the road like she did and get killed. Ugh. person B: That is so sad_comma_ humans made a huge impact on animals lives in that sense person A: Oh I know_comma_ I see dead animals way too much. It's terrible. I hope they make it _comma_ they seem to be eating on their own at least. person B: It makes me feel sick as well_comma_ I hit a bird once and almost cried person A: Say a prayer for all the poor little animals.
person A: I am content right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends person B: That's great. It seems that everything is going well for you. person A: thank you_comma_ I wish the same for you! person B: Thanks. I guess you are quite happy about everything.
person A: I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon person B: wow i am happy for you person A: thank you_comma_ it is a few months away still person B: around christmas right
person A: first time home owner here_comma_ so proud person B: I am aspriing to be one_comma_ congrats! person A: are you a homeowner person B: not yet_comma_ I am still young
person A: I get sentimental about my brothers_comma_ they are very important to me person B: I know how you feel. I have siblings as well. They are quite important and give life meaning. person A: they really do_comma_ I am so happy to hae them person B: That is a great attitude and outlook to have!
person A: My 15 year old cat just passed away. I feel so empty and down in the dumps without him. person B: I am so sorry to hear that! person A: I can't get over bad I feel. person B: I unsderstand that entirely
person A: Before I met my girlfriend and friends I was very lonely_comma_ that was not a fun time person B: I've been there_comma_ it can really suck to be lonely. It sounds like you're doing better though :) person A: I am_comma_ I am so happy that is the case person B: I'm glad to hear it. It's great to have found someone.
person A: people who speed scare me person B: why is that? person A: they tend to be yo0ung and careless person B: Weren't we are like that...
person A: I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon person B: That will be a ton of fun to play! I rememeber when the first one came out_comma_ what a blast. Now I have to go get a switch! person A: You definitely should_comma_ they are a great system to own_comma_ I LOVE mine person B: What is your favorite game?
person A: I remember when my first child was born. I was overcome with pride and happiness! person B: I would imagine_comma_ that is a huge event! My favorite game was Zelda by the way person A: Now that my kids are older I should get the Nintendo Switch and teach them to play. They would love that. person B: You should_comma_ there are tons of age appropriate games like Mario Kart and Splatoon!
person A: I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon person B: Sounds interesting. I'd love to check that out! person A: You should_comma_ it is worth a look! person B: It's a Mario-type game_comma_ isn't it?
person A: Lebron should have never signed with LA. His home is here with us_comma_ his biggest fans since he was a kid_comma_ and his family. person B: Lebron is preparing for life after basketball therefore he picked LA_comma_ he achieved what he wanted person A: He is taking away from his legendary status by switching back and forth between teams. person B: He doesn't have anything else to prove to anyone
person A: My kids are pretty awesome person B: Mine too. How many do you have? person A: a 1 yr old and 12 person B: awww_comma_ a 1 year old. I miss when my daughter was that young.
person A: I accidentally bumped into a guy at the mall and he dropped his phone and the screen cracked. I felt really bad. person B: maybe he was not watching where HE was going person A: Maybe not_comma_ I know he was looking at his phone. He was really upset_comma_ though and was yelling at me. Luckily he had insurance on it_comma_ but I still felt bad. person B: at least he didnt hit you
person A: neighbor cat is nasty person B: Thaqt is too bad. I like cats_comma_ but not the mean ones_comma_ only the sweet ones. What does the cat do that is so bad? person A: not this one person B: Yeah_comma_ I wonder what has made it so mean.
person A: Hi_comma_ I do not have any friends in my new city. person B: hi_comma_ that's sad. have you tried looking for facebook events? like local events. i bet you can meet people there person A: I have but no one wants to meet me. I sit in my room by myself on weekends. person B: You can always talk to me. i'm here for you
person A: Hi_comma_ i promised myself I would never drink again but I drank yesterday. person B: It is a interesting and relaxing way to end a evening. Ive been there before. person A: I feel really bad about it though. person B: Sorry to hear that.All we can do is learn from it_comma_really.
person A: Hi_comma_ my dog urinated on my work documents yesterday. person B: Oh my gosh_comma_ how terrible. Did you have them saved on your computer? person A: No I typed them out on a typewriter_comma_ I shouted at my dog for his behavior. person B: I guess you had to redo it all again?
person A: Hi I was on the train yesterday and accidentally farted in front of a pretty girl person B: That is terrible_comma_ is it someone you like? or did you not even know her? I don't know which is worse. person A: No she was a stranger_comma_ She covered her nose and I got super red-faced. person B: Can you laugh about it now that you look back at it_comma_ or has not enough time passed yet?
person A: I heard someone bumping around the downstairs of my house last night after I had gone to bed and it scared me half to death. person B: Oh my_comma_ did you find out who it was? person A: Yes_comma_ I grabbed a baseball bat and went down the stairs_comma_ but it was just my dog knocking over the trash can. person B: You must have been quite relived that it was just your dog!
person A: I lost my job a couple of months ago and yesterday i finally got a full time job!! such a relive person B: That is a relief Ive been in a similiar situation. I know its hard to bring yourself out of a hole_comma_ I can barely see the light at the end of the tunnell person A: i'm so glad you understand me! we were struggling financially person B: Im struggling myself_comma_ with 5 kids and 1 big kid (my husband) I feel like I should just buy a farm to be able to keep up. LOL
person A: I hate to let people into my personal life but I got into an argument with my husband last night. It was aweful. I felt so small. person B: i'm sorry to hear that. i hate when my wife and i argue. are you feeling any better? did you have a chance to talk to your husband after that? person A: He woke this morning not saying anything_comma_ but I know its got to be on his mind. Mostly we just keep to ourselves until one of us speaks about something off the conversation then we slowly ease back into being the same. Im feeling a little better. I know he doesnt mean the things he says. person B: i hope everything will go back to normal asap and i hope he will apologize for making you feel small person A: Awwwwe thank you for listening. Sometimes it just feels better to get it out. Im sure I will be alright. Got my big girl panties on here. LOL. Besides_comma_ after being together 13 years. Were bound to argue at some point in time.
person A: Hi_comma_ I lost a bet with friend and had to live in a haunted house for a month! person B: Holy cow_comma_ why did you take that bet? person A: Because a lot of money was on the line. I was terrified for one month! person B: What was the bet about?
person A: I am happy to have my girlfriend of almost 3 years_comma_ she is amazing! person B: Good for you_comma_ healthy relationships are the best part about life! person A: That is for sure_comma_ it feels great to have someone on your side all the time person B: I agree_comma_ going through life alone would be boring!
person A: my body is great i worked hard towards it person B: That is awesome_comma_ I am trying my best these days person A: its rock hard person B: That is good_comma_ that takes a lot of work!
person A: Before I met my girlfriend and friends I was very lonely_comma_ that was not a fun time person B: did you drink a lot back then >: person A: I have never been an alcoholic_comma_ but I never drank that much person B: i am glad you are in a better place now
person A: I am content right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends person B: That's awesome! It sounds like your life is going pretty smoothly :) Any big plans? person A: Not anything huge_comma_ just saving to move out right now person B: Oh awesome! Did you buy a house?
person A: yesterday after work i decided to walk to the store to get groceries and it started rained on me and i was very wet by the time i went got to the store ". person B: When you feel rain ... sometimes you feel its magic ... ask the children person A: i agree . but i think that will only work if i willingly go under the rain. person B: you're right ... then the umbrella always at hand person A: it was just unfortunate that i did not check the weather before going out person B: of everything_comma_ there is always something to learn person A: this is very true . for sure i will always check before stepping out person B: good luck with your learning
person A: I felt confident when I finished my job interview for my current job person B: did y0u get it ? person A: I did_comma_ and I like the job a lot too person B: awesome does it pay well ?
person A: i always stole my moms money when i wasyounger person B: How young were you? person A: 12 person B: That is not bad then_comma_ that is being a kid
person A: I am happy right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ a good job_comma_ and a good group of friends person B: sounds like your life is perfect. that's amazing. i'm happy for you person A: Thank you_comma_ I appreciate that! person B: where do you work?
person A: my son took his first steps yesterday. he is not a baby anymore! that made me cry happy tears person B: That is amazing_comma_ that is a huge life event! person A: it is. i feel like he was just born and now look at him walking all by himself person B: That is crazy how time flies like that! Next thing you know he will have a girlfriend
person A: I get sentimental about my brothers_comma_ they are very important to me person B: Blood is blood. person A: That is true_comma_ it is thicker than water person B: That is correct. It painful to see your loved ones been hurt
person A: I was so full with joy person B: Why is that? person A: Getting a good after some time of searching and interviewing around person B: Wow_comma_ congrats_comma_ I know that is not a fun process at all_comma_ so great job! person A: Thanks
person A: I am hopeful that my new degree will help me get a better paying job person B: Indeed. That is the whole purpose of getting a degree and education. Isn't it? person A: I suppose so_comma_ it will be great to see it pay off though person B: Well_comma_ it can also depend of your communication skills and how you can entice employers
person A: I have received an e-mail response from a company inviting me for an interview. I am so thrilled for hearing back from them person B: That is great_comma_ is it far from home? person A: It is only 10 miles driving. I hope I can just go and nail the whole interview_comma_ leaving the whole crew impressed with my skills person B: That is not bad at all_comma_ best of luck with that!
person A: I am happy right now_comma_ I have a girlfriend_comma_ friends and a good job person B: That is a lot to be thankful for! You must be feeling really good! person A: I sure am_comma_ life is good at the moment person B: That is a great place to be. Count your blessings!
person A: I was digging through my parents attic yesterday and found my old Nintendo system! That sure brought back some good memories! person B: Really person A: I was so happy just seeing it and remembered all the good times I had playing it with my friends growing up. person B: Which system was it? My message got cut short_comma_ but I love nintendo_comma_ the switch is amazing!
person A: I felt confident when I killed my job interview recently person B: i bet you did and i'm sure you got the job person A: I did_comma_ and i really enjoy my current job! person B: what do you do
person A: i am so excited going to belize in dec on a cruise person B: How far away is that? I have never heard of it! person A: the carribean person B: Oh_comma_ that should be awesome_comma_ have a great time!
person A: Hey my girlfriend of 5 years dumped me last week. person B: Oh man_comma_ so sorry dude. Hope your coping. person A: Thanks_comma_ I am trying. I am just very upset person B: Why did she break up with you? Was it a long term relationship?
person A: Looking back at my younger days_comma_ things seem a lot more freer then. person B: I agree_comma_ I often reminisce about my childhood. person A: I guess I'm in a midlife crisis now and looking back to when I was more happier and realised it was when I was younger. person B: You just have to stay positive dude_comma_ happiness is a relative concept.
person A: i think its an audi but my neighbor has an expensive car person B: Audis are nice cars. What color is it? Does it look newer? person A: Its a blue R8 person B: Oh_comma_ nice. Do you have a car?
person A: I am starting to help my cousin out in his garage. It's hard for him to find time to show me secretarial type things_comma_ so I've just jumped in and been doing it. I'm doing pretty well so far. person B: that is very thoughtful of you person A: It's a family business. Our papaw started this garage in the 50s and it's the highest rated one in this city_comma_ so we stay busy. It's my dream to be a part of it. person B: you are very ambitious person A: Thanks. Have to be to succeed_comma_ right?
person A: Hello friend_comma_ I am feeling very nervous! person B: about what may I ask? person A: well you know we are going on a trip soon but we have to rely on someone else for our transportation_comma_ so I am nervous about trusting that person to not leave us hanging. person B: Is the person someone you know well_comma_ a long time friend_comma_ a family member? person A: My brother_comma_ but he is not very trustworthy. Guess I am just very nervous about the whole thing person B: I would talk to your brother and let him know how concerned you are and ask him for reassurance
person A: My birthday was a few days ago and my friends planned a party for me. I had no idea! person B: That's so nice of them! Was it a surprise party? person A: Indeed it was! I haven't had one since I was a kid person B: Hahaha We take those things for granted! Happy belated birthday!
person A: I was prepared for Irma last year but it caught my neighborhood by surprise person B: I can imagine it caught many people off guard. I hope everyone came out ok in the end. person A: yes just minor damage person B: That's good. The only thing that matters in the end is our lives and health.
person A: I am finally getting paid enough at work to start saving for my retirement. My future is finally looking good! person B: its never too late person A: That is quite true. I hope most people realize that. person B: i for one have not start saving yet
person A: I was driving on the freeway the other day and there was a car ahead of me that was swerving bad. This really bugs me but I had no where to go on the road other then to slow down and fall back to get away from that car. person B: According to my knowledge and understanding_comma_ I believe that you did something really prudent person A: Thank you. I really couldnt get too far away from the car but fortunately after several minutes of this we passed a state trooper who then pulled them over. I really wish people didnt drive so dangerously. person B: Moderation in driving is important to avoid dangerous situations
person A: I thought I would beat my brother at all the sports games on Nintendo Wii...until he kicked my butt at boxing_comma_ soccer_comma_ tennis_comma_ and volleyball. I hadn't expected that person B: oh my that must be embarresing person A: It was for a little bit. But then we switched to Gamecube and I kicked his butt at Super Smash Bros person B: well that sounds more pleasant
person A: My local deli never has any corona light beers person B: Is that your brewski of choice person A: yes it makes me feel nice and not too tipsy person B: Always been a fan of Corona though lately I've been chugging Hurricanes and Keystones