person A: I am thinking about going back to school_comma_ but haven't decided yet. person B: I think that would be a very wise idea. person A: I just don't know if I can handle the workload. person B: Are you working a full time job?
person A: I have been feeling down since my great grandmother passed. person B: I am sorry to hear that. I know that would be hard. person A: My family is supportive but I still feel bad. person B: I hope things get better for you.
person A: My neighbors are so loud and inconsiderate. person B: Did you try to reason with them? person A: i really did but they dont care it just caused more problems :/ person B: You should report them to the authorities
person A: My son got a scholarship into a university that I couldn't when I was his age_comma_ i'm happy person B: thats so awesome....... what uni is it? person A: Stanford :) person B: impressive my god! you really must be so proud...
person A: I feel so at peace_comma_ and in a good mood today but very stable and relaxed. Yano? person B: Yeah I love that feeling_comma_ you need to cherish it! person A: I am really I am taking it for as long as I can because it doesnt happen often. lol person B: That's good_comma_ try to figure out what caused it!
person A: I was eating lunch at work and spilled some juice all over my pants. person B: god.... did you have any extra clothes or able to change? person A: Nope so I just left work early haha. person B: sounds like a good reason to leave maybe i should spill juice on myself too lol
person A: My boyfriend took me out to my favorite restaurant to celebrate my promotion at work! person B: Cool congrats_comma_ what did you eat? person A: It was Mexican food! I was not expecting him to just take me out for the promotion_comma_ it wasn't that big of a deal to me! I was happy person B: Well a promotion is always good. Did you have a burrito?
person A: When I was eight my parents got me a dog for Christmas. person B: A dog is an awesome gift for a little kid. I bet you were super excited. person A: To this day I remember it as the best Christmas of my life. person B: I bet! Maybe I should get my kids a dog for Christmas_comma_ I know it would be a great choice for them.
person A: I have done everything I can to stop my girlfriend from eating junking food. I am looking forward to her trimming down person B: Trimming down on the junk food? person A: on her weight. I tried to help her stop eating junk food by getting healthy alternatives and cooking for us and I also registered us with a gym person B: Oh okay I see. I understand_comma_ being healthy is important. I hope you are being sensitive to her feelings though_comma_ weight can be a touchy subject!
person A: My fiance gave our toddler juice boxes when I told him not to_comma_ simply because I knew he would make a mess. He gave him juice boxes anyway_comma_ and this morning I had to figure out how to clean up a sticky walls and tables and half of all his toys! person B: Your husband is just being a good daddy hahaha you will miss the experience when the kid grows up person A: Well he's very inconsiderate when I am the one that has to clean up the mess. He could have just put it in a sippy cup instead. person B: Then talk with him_comma_ try to reason with him
person A: I had to be at home by myself for 2 days last week while my husband worked out of town. person B: That sucks_comma_ but being lonely can sometimes help you discover new hobbies. person A: It was horrible and boring_comma_ but I'm hoping to take up a hobby soon so I can have something to do when he's away. person B: Yes_comma_ your happiness doesn't depend on nobody else.
person A: My sister got to go with my mom on vacation and i couldnt go. person B: That's no fair! Where you left out on purpose? person A: Im a little "ah" about it - i dont understand why they couldnt just wait for me to get a day off to go with them. person B: Yeah I would be upset about that too.
person A: I was amazed at the orchestra I saw last week. person B: what orchestra was it or where was it? person A: It was a classical orchestra at a theater in town. person B: sounds very cool id love to go listen someday
person A: I took a flight last week and there was awful turbulence. person B: Turbulence always scares me lol. In reality the plane is very safe though. person A: It was super scary for me. I'm generally afraid of planes_comma_ even though I know they are the safest form of travel. person B: How often do you fly? The more you do it the easier it gets. person A: I fly a few times per year. I live in Florida_comma_ but I grew up in Indiana and my family and friends still live there_comma_ so I have to fly to visit them. person B: Cool I lived in Palm Beach County for 2 years. I fly to the Philippines every few years and it takes over 12 hours!
person A: I was dumped a few days ago after 4 years so I'm glad I have a close group of friends who helped me get through it person B: That is so sad. It sucks to end any relationship. person A: Indeed it does. Even more so when they don't give you a good reason other than 'I need more excitement in my life' person B: That seems like a pretty crazy reason to throw away four years. I am sorry that happened to you.
person A: I'm generally a calm driver. But what really agitates me--to the point of wanting to throw something at the other driver--is someone on the right side merging at full speed onto the main road I'm driving on_comma_ towards the furthest lane possible...with NO SIGNAL person B: I feel your pain. It's crazy how reckless some drivers can be. I was always taught the importance of using my signals. person A: Yes glad someone can relate. A lot of crazy drivers down here in Texas haha person B: Honestly in Florida I see similar behaviors among some drivers. I'm not sure if they are rushing or just don't care.
person A: A while ago_comma_ I needed a place to stay for the weekend while my parents took a trip. I was lucky enough that my friend offered me to stay at his home with his family for the duration. person B: That's cool I your parents not trust you in their own house? lol person A: They do_comma_ my cooking skills were just lacking and my friend was aware of the situation and very helpful. I find it hard to ask for assistance at times but I'm comfortable with Bill because I've known him for years. person B: Gotcha. Well glad it worked out for ya
person A: Last week on my birthday_comma_ I came home to a dark house. person B: someone forget to pay the bill? person A: Nope. It was dark because my friends were all there hiding and waiting to greet me. person B: that is a very good story
person A: I wont ever forget the day my daughter said "mommy" the first time. person B: I bet. That's so sweet. person A: it was memorable for sure person B: Were you able to record the moment?
person A: My wife forgot to pay the car insurance_comma_ and i ended up getting pulled over! person B: That's unfortunate_comma_ did you end up with a ticket? person A: yup! of course they have to get their money_comma_ and more money out of my pocket ugh person B: Ouch_comma_ I hope it wasn't too expensive.
person A: I can't wait for the releash of the new Super Smash Brothers game. person B: I havent played video games in years I really need to buy a system but I dont even know where to begin now adays lol person A: Release* sorry. I'd suggest buying a Nintendo Wii maybe_comma_ lots of good games on there. person B: I liked it better when it said releash I figured you had a lisp. ( lol joking ) I will check into it! thanks
person A: I was at the grocery store yesterday and did something I am not proud of. The cashier gave me too much money back and when I realized it I didn't say anything and kept it. person B: Did you need the money for something specific? person A: No_comma_ I think I was just being greedy. I should not have done it. person B: Were you able to sleep last night?
person A: I was out shopping the other day and I tripped on my shoe laces. person B: Did you get hurt? person A: No_comma_ just my feelings. person B: Glad to hear that.
person A: I had to get my foot looked at by the doctor_comma_ always makes me nervous going there. person B: I always get nervous too... never know what they will find right ! Whats wrong? person A: I thought it was infected_comma_ turns out it wasn't fortunately. person B: jeez thank god! ugh glad you are okay
person A: I am feeling so impatient this year for christmas since we are in our new home. person B: I can understand_comma_ the holidays are exciting_comma_ almost there though. person A: yeah they really are especially in our new house_comma_ i cant wait! person B: I hope it's worth the wait!
person A: I take care of my grandmother who lives with me and my family. person B: That is nice of you. Family is great to have when you get older. person A: Yes_comma_ it is a very rewarding as she is the reason why we all exist. person B: Yes it is. I am glad you are there for your grandmother!
person A: I accidentally gave my dog something he was allergic too and he broke into hives. person B: Oh no_comma_ that is really sad. You should research your dog's allergies so that it does not happen with other foods. person A: I have taken him to the vet so hopefully we can take care of it ! person B: That is great! I hope your dog gets better fast.
person A: I had good news to tell my parents_comma_ but my brother decided to interrupt me and tell them his amazing news first. person B: Oh I bet that was super frustrating! How did you react? person A: I felt it was intentional he can be a jerk sometimes. person B: Younger siblings tend to be that way sometimes.
person A: I'm leaving for my vacation soon. I have everything all packed and ready to go. person B: Great where are you going? person A: Going to see family. I just don't want to leave anything behind that I might need on the trip. person B: I agree_comma_ it's better to overpack than underpack.
person A: I was very sad when my grandmother passed away. person B: I am so sorry to hear that! Don't worry. I know it is hard but every day will get better. person A: It does get better_comma_ but it was just so sudden. person B: Just be strong. She is in a better place now.
person A: I am finally going on my dream vacation to Tahiti! I can hardly wait! person B: How exciting! Why did you choose Tahiti? person A: It just seems so exotic and far away. I feel like I will love it there! person B: The photos of Tahitian beaches I've seen are beautiful! Will you be visiting a beach?
person A: When I was younger I was playing basketball and I accidentally hit my sister as she was walking by. person B: Oh no! Was she okay_comma_ or did she cry? person A: Yeah she was fine. I made sure to apologize several times after. person B: That is good_comma_ I'm glad she was okay. I once got hit in the face with one_comma_ so I know it can sting.
person A: hey man_comma_ I feel so ashamed lately person B: I am sorry to hear that. Can I ask why? person A: well the thing is I am not doing so well_comma_ and my mom is helping me financially. She has the means to do so but I am just very ashamed about it you know person B: I don't think you should feel ashamed at all. Parent's are there to help you until you are able to manage on your own.
person A: I have been studying for the last two weeks in preparation for my final exam. person B: and how do you feel about it? Are you ready? person A: I feel that I am ready. I have reviewed everything multiple times. person B: Then that's good! I am glad you feel confident_comma_ that will help!
person A: I always make a list before I go food shopping_comma_ never want to forget anything. person B: That is a great idea! I need to do that as well_comma_ seems I always forget something! person A: It's helped so much_comma_ never have to drive back to get one more thing anymore! person B: That is great! I'm happy for you!
person A: My supervisor yelled at me in front of all my coworkers! person B: Oh no_comma_ I hope it wasn't unwarranted! person A: It actually was and it make me feel stupid and put on the spot. person B: It's definitely a difficult position to be in_comma_ I hope your coworkers were understanding.
person A: I recently suffered a miscarriage. person B: Omg_comma_ how many months were you pregnant before this happened? person A: 6 unfortunately. It was the worst thing I've ever been through. person B: i'm so sorry to hear about this
person A: had a one night stand during my last official trip. I am scared to tell my wife that a baby was birth out of the one night stand_comma_ what do i do? person B: Oh that is a tough one! You have to tell her no matter what! Just suck it up and break it to her! person A: I'm scared she will leave me. This is because I don't have a child with her yet person B: I know you are scared_comma_ but this was a choice you made_comma_ now you have to deal with the consequences.
person A: When I see petite_comma_ skinny dogs I remember Roxxie_comma_ my auntie's beautiful Italian Greyhound who died from a tumor who was really smart and could do a bunch of tricks. person B: We will always have fond memories that come to our minds. I am sorry to hear that but also happy you can have the memoru. person A: It's ok I appreciate it. I know she's in a better place :) person B: Yes she is!
person A: I felt so down when i failed the test at school and didnt win person B: What was the prize you didn't win? person A: a golden medal and my name in the gym wall person B: Oh well I'm sure there's always next year! Was it a fitness test or what
person A: I am happy with my current position at work even though everyone is struggling to get posted for an international assignment I won't person B: It is good you are happy with your current position. What do you do? person A: I am a Data Engineer with a popular search engineer company :) I am happy because I want my family close to me person B: That is awesome! I'm happy for you!
person A: I recently got my hair done and I've been getting so many compliments! person B: Wow_comma_ it must be a very recent and trendy hair style person A: It is_comma_ and it fits my face well! It has really boosted my self esteem! person B: You husband must be very happy with the style
person A: I am so embarrassed at Trump. person B: I understand a lot of people have issues with him. What makes you embarrassed? person A: Absolutely everything.He has no manners. person B: Well in his business dealings in the past it probably served him well to be blunt and agressive. I can see how that would bother some people
person A: The other day I came home from work and found that my garage had been broken into! They stole about 3 or 4 thousand dollars worth of equipment. person B: I am sorry to hear that.Is the poilice helping you. person A: They are but they do not have anything as of yet. Needless to say this was a very unexpected thing to come home to person B: You should install security cameras around your house. person A: I have thought about it in the past. After the unforseen event I might look into it harder
person A: I was sick recently and my mother made me some chicken noodle soup_comma_ so glad I have someone like her around. person B: That is so nice. Moms are the best. You are lucky to have a good one! person A: I know_comma_ make sure to cherish the people you have in your life! person B: I definitely will! My mom is sick _comma_ so I plan on spending all the time with her I can!
person A: I recently found out I am getting a pay raise at work! person B: That's so good for you! Are you going to save more money now? person A: I am going to try. This has really raised my morale at work! person B: I can imagine! I hope you're able to save a lot and have good financial security.
person A: Hey dude. I feel so grossed out right now. person B: Do I even wanna hear it? Okay tell me... what happened? :o person A: you do..... I was very hungry last night so I reached for some chocolate on my table. As I was wrapping themI was so excited!!!! Well_comma_ I put them in my mouth and immediately realized they had ants in them! person B: So you had chocolate covered ants! I bet thats pricey somewhere in another country! ha ha
person A: I told my daughter I would take her to the pool last weekend_comma_ and never did. :/ person B: oh man did you forget? person A: No I just have been so busy but i feel really bad about it person B: well hopefully she understands too_comma_ you seem pretty guilty about it.
person A: Last year when the hurricane came_comma_ we spent weeks gathering supplies and boarding up the house. person B: That's sounds like a very smart and effective safety precaution. Was it enough to adequately defend your family? person A: It was! I was thankful we did so much in anticipation for the hurricane! person B: Did you end up feeling like you had stronger defenses than the hurricane had strength when it reached your area? I mean in an overprotected kind of way.
person A: A couple years ago_comma_ my friend died from an overdose. We were not super close but it was fun hanging out and I felt very shocked when I heard the news. person B: That is really sad. Many people I grew up with have passed from overdose. It's tragic. person A: I agree_comma_ I thought the war on drugs was meant to combat or maybe even make ground against this. I don't think it is working. person B: I don't believe it is either. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
person A: Recently I bought a keyboard that I was looking forward to buying for a long time. My old one kept double-tapping on certain letters. I was so happy when it arrived_comma_ I took it out of the box and I have had so much fun using it since then. person B: That is great. Did you buy anything else? person A: No_comma_ I only bought the keyboard. A few months before that though_comma_ I bought a nice mouse. person B: So you have relatively new computer essentials. Sounds like you are set for the next while. person A: Yup_comma_ I won't need anything else related to computers for a while
person A: I went to a circus recently and was thought it was going to be boring_comma_ but it was very fun! person B: That sounds cool_comma_ what did the circus consist of? Did they have elephants? person A: No exotic animals were at the circus which I why I thought it would be boring. But there were a lot of acrobatics and terrifying stunts by people! person B: Cool! I haven't been to a circus in years. I think I should go again soon.
person A: I feel so wonderful and blessed to have an amazing girlfriend. She is very understanding_comma_ like one time i was sick and she made me soup from scratch and a tea to help my throat. person B: That's pretty cool. It always helps to have someone helping you when you're sick. person A: yeah she is simply amazing you know. I have never had that person B: I had a girlfriend who was really caring. Baked me a birthday cake_comma_ made me a scarf_comma_ and bought me clothes...but I messed it up and we're no long together but you live and you learn
person A: My mom's restaurant pics on Facebook give me a mixed feeling of nostalgia_comma_ guilt_comma_ and fond memories. My brother and I are usually part of their weekend restaurant excursions but we are both out of state doing our own thing person B: oh man_comma_ do you miss it? How about your brother? person A: I miss my family_comma_ not so much the Midwest weather they have to deal with's freezing up there person B: oh yeah that's way too cold! I'm sorry you feel a bit homesick. Remember you are away because you are bettering yourself
person A: I confronted a cashier the other day about over charging me but it turns out that I was wrong. person B: Ouch! That had to feel embarrassing! Did you apologize? person A: I did profusely! person B: That's good. That shows your true character.
person A: I can't believe my luck! I won $250 on a $1 scratch off ticket. I really needed that money too! person B: Wow! That never happens! You must have been so excited! person A: Man_comma_ was I! I had to keep looking at it to make sure it was real! person B: I would have bought more tickets hoping I was having good luck after that!
person A: I lost my friend in a car accident. It has been very sad news. person B: That's sucks. You must have been devastated when you got the news. person A: Yes I was. I felt so numb when I first got the news_comma_ but slowly learned to cope with it. person B: You'll get over it. They're probably up in heaven watching over you now.
person A: I am so mad at the republicans. person B: I am too actually. I don't care for them at all! person A: The fact they want to allow the online printing of the 3d guns is just disgusting. person B: They're obsessed with guns_comma_ what do you expect?
person A: My doctor recently talked me through a very complicated and scary procedure. person B: Are you ok? How is your recovery? person A: It is going well. I have never had so much faith in a doctor_comma_ his words really put me at ease. person B: You are lucky to have a top-notch doctor helping you.
person A: Last weekend I was dragged to a live piano performance at a local concert hall. I came away thinking it might have been one of the best live shows I have ever seen! person B: That's great_comma_ from the sound of it_comma_ your probably thought it was going to be boring_comma_ huh? person A: I did_comma_ but I was so enthralled by the entire thing. The pianist was amazing! person B: That must have been very entertaining to watch then. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. person A: I would surely go to more concerts if they were like that!
person A: I never finished school. I had problems with my mental health and just stopped showing up to class. It was very hard for me. person B: Oh no_comma_ are you feeling any better now? Or are you still having problems? person A: Well this was four years ago. I am barely starting to feel better now_comma_ I am in the beginning steps of going to vocational school person B: Oh_comma_ well that sounds like a step in the right direction at least. I hear vocational school is great for many different kind of jobs_comma_ usually more physical.
person A: I recently invested pretty heavily into cryptocurrency. I'm anxiously awaiting to see if it pays off! person B: That is very risky and volatile! With no risk_comma_ there is no reward! I am rooting for you! person A: Thanks for the kind words. Yeah_comma_ it is a bit risky. I did invest heavily_comma_ but not so much so that it burdens my finances. person B: That is a good position to be in. There have been millionaires made in crytocurrency. person A: Oh man_comma_ if only I knew about it before the HUGE boom it had! I always feel regret when reading this bitcoin millionaire stories.
person A: I just found out that my supervisor approved a pay increase for me starting next week! It was completely unexpected and I am elated! person B: Oh wow! What's better than a raise? A raise you didn't even expect! person A: That's what I am saying! It was a great windfall! person B: Is it a pretty substantial increase?
person A: My niece got her license last week! person B: That's great. I bet she's never home now. person A: She's not! I can't believe it_comma_ I'm so happy with how grown up she is now. person B: I know_comma_ time fly's by so fast. Congrats to her. Just tell her to be careful on the road.
person A: I am so happy for my daughter. person B: I am happy to hear that! Any specific reasons? person A: She got accepted at Harvard. I am so proud of her her. person B: Wow that is a huge achievement! Any parent would be proud.
person A: I tried to make a new dish last night for dinner_comma_ but when it tasted to gross I had to throw it out. person B: That could happen to anyone.Don't feel so bad. person A: Yea I will still try new dishes. I just can't get the terrible taste out of my mouth! person B: Keep trying and you will see improvments.
person A: I was really happy and appreciative person B: what about friend? person A: Yes a friend too person B: but what about?
person A: I am going on a road trip so later today I have to buy stuff for sandwiches_comma_ waters_comma_ snacks_comma_ I have even made a list. I think I am really ready for this. person B: That's good launch you gat tere person A: yeah I think so too_comma_ I am not very well off so I won't be able to buy food a lot so that's what I will be eating person B: ok that is cool
person A: The other day I was at work and my friend wouldn't help do any of the work! the entire day she just sat there and talked_comma_ I was so mad at her. I practically did all the work that day person B: Oh man_comma_ that sucks. You may need to say something to her. person A: I did_comma_ and she said that she was going to change. i just hope that she wasn't just saying something to get rid of me person B: Hopefully. Maybe she was having a bad day.
person A: I invited my mom out to dinner the other night_comma_ because we haven't seen other in a while. I was all willing to pay_comma_ since I invited her_comma_ but she stole the check and paid for it instead. person B: Wow! That must've been a surprise person A: It was! I thanked her and said that I could get it next time we went out. person B: She must've really enjoyed the time. Where did you guys go out to eat? Was it nice? person A: We went to "Cowboy Mexican" place near us called La Hacinda Ranch. They have really good veggie fajitas and the atmosphere is really nice. person B: Sounds cool! There isn't anything like that around here.
person A: Last weekend_comma_ I won $2500 playing roulette at the casino! person B: Wow that is a lot of money! Congrats! person A: Thanks! I still don't know what to spend the money on. person B: If all else fails_comma_ save it!
person A: I recently flew for the first time on an airplane! person B: Wow! That must have been exciting. Were you nervous? person A: My anxiety was through the roof_comma_ it was terrible! person B: Oh_comma_ that sucks! Did you relax a bit after take off or were you anxious the whole time?
person A: i felt bad after my partner discovered that i was cheating him person B: Well_comma_ you should.You did a nasty thing. person A: i came to discover later after heartbreaking him person B: That really does not make a lot of sense. person A: why
person A: I just can't wait for this weekend person B: what about it? person A: My family and I are going camping in the mountains. person B: really? that seems to be an amazing event
person A: That is so awesome! Did it take a while for your baby to learn that? person B: I'm not sure. What baby is it? person A: It's the baby that you described above. It's your baby_comma_ right? person B: Yeah_comma_ that's my baby. It learned to roll over after about 5 months.
person A: I was on the phone with my bank about some overdraft charges that were charged because of their error. I am still angry about it. person B: That's horrible! I hope it wasn't a lot of money! person A: It was about $350 in fees. I was able to get them all reversed but it took about a month. So irritating! person B: That's happened to me before. I hate trying to get things like that settled.
person A: I witnessed a man rob an old woman walking across the street. Boils my friggin' blood! person B: Oh my God that's terrible! So sad. I'd be mad too. What did you do? person A: I would have chased that punk down if I was close enough_comma_ but I saw it from a distance. person B: Did the police come? I hope she got her stuff back person A: They did_comma_ and I explained in as much detail as I could remember what he looked like. Hopefully they catch him. person B: No kidding. I would hate for that to happen to anyone else. person A: I felt so bad for her. She seemed really shook up. person B: I bet. The world can be so scary! I'm glad she was okay
person A: My sister is so lucky adn sso good at design_comma_ she has the prettiest nursery set up for her daughter! My kids were lucky to have a matching crib bed set lol person B: That's cool! It's nice to have someone close that is talented like that and can help with those things. person A: Yes_comma_ she's just so naturally good at it. I'm not crafty but she is. Always has been. Her daughter is going to have a gorgeous room as long as she's under her roof person B: I always wish I was good at design. I've tried_comma_ but I'm pretty garbage_comma_ haha! person A: Yeah me too. When I was growing up_comma_ my room was just covered in posters and hippie stuff. Not much artistic expression. My house now isn't much better. Just a few pics of the kids. boring
person A: Next week Madden 19 comes out_comma_ I look forward to it every year! person B: I used to play Madden a lot so I understand the excitement. It is a fun game person A: I agree_comma_ it also means football season is around the corner which is my happiest time of the year. What about you? person B: I do enjoy football_comma_ it means that fall is right around the corner and I love the weather person A: Yes thankfully that means summer is going to someday end. It has been brutally hot where I am. person B: Me too_comma_ god bless air conditioning person A: Yes whoever invented air conditioning deserves a Nobel peace prize_comma_ he or she has probably prevented a million fights and a million deaths lol. person B: True_comma_ heat makes me angry
person A: I was looking through my attic this weekend for stuff to donate to the local shelter and I came across a box with all of my old baseball gear. It really brought back memories person B: I used to collect too when I was a kid_comma_ I still have some but they are probably worth nothing other than nostalgia. person A: Oh I don't mean cards_comma_ I mean gear like old jerseys_comma_ batting gloves_comma_ and stuff I used when I played person B: Oh oh I got you neat! So stuff you used to play in as a kid. That is nice of you_comma_ sports equipment can be expensive person A: Yes it can. I think I will donate some of the stuff. But I am keeping my old jerseys and ball glove. Too many good times come to mind to get rid of it person B: Oh sure_comma_ I played football in high school and still have my letter jacket and one really messed up jersey. I dont think I would ever get rid of them person A: Sometimes I want to travel back in time to those simple days
person A: I miss my college days_comma_ it was pure fun. person B: College in general tends to be a lot of fun. Anything in particular? person A: Just the parties and the amount of sex I had person B: Sounds like a grand old time.
person A: I am irritated at people who smoke near me at work. It turns one into a second hand smoker person B: Why can't you just move away when they smoke? person A: oh no_comma_ I can't be doing that everyday_comma_ I will just have to join the board so that I can influence a policy against them person B: That seems like a rather complicated situation than.
person A: My best friend at work recently left the job to start her nursing career. person B: Have you heard how she's doing at her new job? person A: She's doing well. I was so emotional with her leaving. I feel a lot of sentiment about it. person B: Yeah_comma_ that sounds hard. :/ I'm sorry you're missing her.
person A: The other night_comma_ the sky got really dark and it started raining really heavy and hailing. person B: Oh that sounds ominous! person A: It was! I wasn't expecting a storm. The power went out. person B: That sounds scary! I hope it all ended okay!
person A: Right before going into work_comma_ I spilled my drink all over my pants. Looks like I peed! person B: Oh man I hate when that happens...did you dry it off or change to a new pair? person A: I didn't have a new pair on me_comma_ so I had to work the first few hours and do my best to hide it! person B: Dang that sucks. You should check out the brand Mizzen and Main_comma_ I heard it on a Tim Ferriss podcast once...dress shirts and pants that wick away moisture like underarmour person A: Oh wow_comma_ I didn't even know those existed! I need them due to how clumsy I am!
person A: Growing up poor helped me appreciate the simpler things in life. I was enthusiastic and content with the littlest things_comma_ like trips to McDonald's after Sunday Mass followed by walks on the beach and window shopping at the mall. Some people may cherish an affluent childhood but I feel like I'm at an advantage fiscally_comma_ psychologically_comma_ and spiritually because I can never take any small thing for granted person B: I can absolutely see where you're coming from! Growing up my parents were neither wealthy nor very poor_comma_ but I feel like I had a great childhood. person A: That's cool. Would you say these days you're living a minimalistic or lavish lifestyle person B: I live pretty minimalist. I have the things I need to enjoy life_comma_ like a home gym and a gaming computer while being able to afford living essentials. It doesn't take much for me to be happy.
person A: I just started my own business_comma_ here's to hoping it goes well! person B: How fun! That must have been scary to do that! person A: It's always a huge risk_comma_ but it's something I've been wanting to do for a long time. What's life without risk? person B: That is true! I bet it is taking a lot of time_comma_ you must be exhausted!
person A: Hey there bud_comma_ how's it goig? person B: Not very good. My insurance might not cover the damages. person A: Damages? That sucks. What happened? person B: Someone scratched my car and slashed my tires. person A: Dang. Tough to trust people these days. Makes me thankful for my best friend that I've always been able to trust.
person A: I always make a list before i buy groceries_comma_ never forget anything that way. person B: That is impressive.You must have a super memory. person A: Well I mean I write it down on a list_comma_ that way I never forget anything haha. person B: I know.I was just being sarcastic with you.
person A: I miss my grandparents so much it hurts. person B: I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ do you have positive memories that you can remember them with at least? person A: yes_comma_ they live in a farm just outside were I live.We used to go there 2 times a month on weekends. person B: Oh well it's good they're still around.
person A: Someone made a huge mess in the microwave in the break room and didn't clean it up. person B: oh_comma_ sorry to hear this. you just want to make it up clean soon person A: I want whoever made the mess to clean it up. person B: you have to find the person who did this.then you should made the mess to clean it up
person A: I feel like if there's one thing equal to if not greater than sex it's seeing all my bills paid_comma_ debt nonexistent_comma_ income far greater than expenses and a nice fat check from tax returns at the end of the year. person B: I agree_comma_ man. Almost nothing feels as good as financial security. person A: Exactly. Good lovin don't pay the bills person B: But good lovin' can be a bill.. if you know what I mean.
person A: Hurricane season is right around the corner. Time to get prepared. person B: What do you do to get prepared? person A: Make sure we have an escape route planned in case we have to evacuate. Make sure we have loads of bottled water_comma_ canned foods and things like that. person B: Sounds like somebody's thinking ahead! Do you listen to a lot of Alex Jones
person A: i promised my wife that i will stop drinking but it seems hard to stop_comma_ i feel so bad person B: Maybe you could try AA meetings or suggest to your wife that she can go to Al Anon meetings. It's a good first start. person A: thanks alot person B: It worked for me and my husband. We were going through the same type of thing for about a year.
person A: My husband's socks and underwear are all over the house! person B: Talk to him wisely person A: I'm not sure what you mean by "wisely." I could tell him_comma_ "Hey_comma_ I don't want to pick up after you_comma_" but I'm not sure that would go over well. person B: Oh I mean talk to him in the way that he will understand. With love so that he reasons with you
person A: I have to give a speech at work tomorrow and I'm so nervous! person B: I would be too! Have you had time to prepare? person A: Oh yeah_comma_ I always start early! person B: That's good. I'm sure you will do good!
person A: When I was younger_comma_ I used to always watch my dad's softball games. Recently_comma_ he played in a game with his old buddies. It brought back so many memories of the old days. person B: Ah_comma_ I have so many fond memories of playing ball in the yard with my dad! person A: They are some of the best memories. I'll cherish them forever. person B: That's fantastic :) Nostalgia is an amazing thing
person A: My brother got into his first choice college! It was quite surprising person B: That's amazing! I bet he was elated. person A: He was! I couldn't be more happy or him. He's always wanted to go there and most of his friends are as well person B: You'll have to congratulate him for me. What a great accomplishment.
person A: I just got a job interview! person B: You must be so happy? What was the job you got a interview for? person A: It's a nanny position watching two twin babies. person B: Is the nanny job close to where you live?
person A: I'm considering leaving my wife for my nanny because she seems more interested in my than my wife person B: Thing very carrefully before making this important decision. person A: My wife is carried away with her career_comma_ she does not even care about my meals or my health_comma_ we only see on sundays person B: She is probably working hard to provide a better life for the family.