person A: My son won his last baseball game and he is going to the state championship! person B: That is great news! What does he play? person A: He plays first base! Best first baseman in the whole state of Alaska. person B: Is there a big baseball following in Alaska?
person A: I was cleaning out my closet and noticed some old photos I took of my very first car. Man_comma_ it makes me miss the days when life was simple person B: Those were the days_comma_ my friend. What kind of car did you have? person A: I had an old Ford Taurus. It was not much_comma_ but to me it was the best car ever! person B: Ford makes some pretty nifty cars! I have a Ford Focus myself. Not much_comma_ but it has killer gas mileage.
person A: I ate ten Big Macs last night because I was so hungry and depressed. I resented myself afterwards. person B: OMG_comma_ i don't think i could eat that many burgers in a week if I tried. What was bothering you so much that it lead to you eating so many burgers? person A: I was so bothered because the 30 chalupas that I ate at Taco Bell for lunch were very unsatisfying. I had to haze myself further to get rid of the feeling of remorse. It didn't work out too well. person B: Im sorry you felt that way_comma_ I hope you start feeling better. Maybe go for a walk and get some fresh air.
person A: The other day I saw a man take a dog from the street_comma_ I've been seeing that dog for a while and in a couple of days I see this dog on the streets again_comma_ poor little thing. I thought it'd have a better life. person B: That's sad_comma_ I wonder why the dog can't find a home! person A: I don't know but it's a sweetheart_comma_ I'd take it myself if only I didn't have one already. person B: Maybe the poor dog doesn't get along with other dogs.
person A: My grandfather passed a year ago today thanks to medical malpractice. person B: Oh no_comma_ I am so sorry to hear that. That must be so hard. How have you been coping? person A: One step at a time basically_comma_ I hate he couldn't get a good doctor but that was "the best the VA could do" person B: Oh wow_comma_ that is so sad. Have you contacted an attorney? person A: No_comma_ they covered their butts really well with paperwork. It wasn't worth it sadly.
person A: I won first place at the egg swallowing contest at my school the other day! person B: What haha that's a real thing??? person A: It is! It is quite the competition here in Alaska. We don't have much to do_comma_ so we try to humor ourselves with the simpler things in life. person B: Wow that's cool well good job winning!
person A: I was shopping at the store the other day and I bumped into a rack and spilled wine bottles everywhere. Everyone was staring. person B: Oh geez_comma_ that sounds pretty embarrassing. Did any of the bottles break? person A: No luckily haha but it made me blush for sure. person B: That's a shame. If they did_comma_ you could've reversed the situation and summoned everybody over to throw down and have a supremo wine fest.
person A: I was almost hit by a car while I was walking in a crosswalk and I cursed the lady out. Then I saw a little kid in the car and instantly regretted what I just said. person B: You should feel bad for just cursing at a lady. person A: I know. It was not my proudest moment. person B: Did you at least apologized?
person A: I am so happy with my life right now. person B: That must be a great feeling! Good for you! You should be proud that things are going well and not take it for granted. person A: Nice advice _comma_ thanks.I will make sure I follow the advice. person B: Good deal! I am happy to help!
person A: I am expecting a big recession on the horizon person B: Yes_comma_ I am as well. Do you have any investments that could be affected? person A: We all do.When the recession comes_comma_ it will affect the economy as a whole. person B: I understand that_comma_ but do you have a personal investment portfolio that will be directly affected?
person A: I was hiking in the Outback of Australia the other day. I managed to swallow a dozen ostrich eggs on my adventure. person B: Oh wow_comma_ do they taste good? person A: They do! I felt somewhat bad for all the little ostriches inside...but they tasted so delicious. person B: Are they expensive or did you just find them in the wild?
person A: Sorry to cut that short_comma_ but I have to send an email to a company I really want to work for today and I don't want to mess it up. person B: Sure_comma_ go ahead. Is it an important one? person A: Yeah it would be for my first internship and it could really make my life much easier if I get it. person B: That's great. Have yo sent it yet? Congratulations_comma_ by the way. Wish you good luck ! person A: No I haven't but I need to. I will once we finish this conversation. person B: OK sure. Go ahead
person A: My husband's grandma came to visit_comma_ we did all sorts of fun activities at the beach and aquarium. person B: Oh wow! that sounds like fun. What was your favorite part of the visit? person A: Just getting to see her with our kids_comma_ bonding. Oh and she is Thai and cooked some delicious food. person B: I love Thai food_comma_ what a treat! I am glad that you had such a wonderful time.
person A: You know what's great? Finding pictures of my kids as babies and going through those and remembering all the great times. person B: Aww_comma_ did you find a lot? person A: Sometimes I do_comma_ sometimes I don't! But the few I find always mean so much to me! person B: I love finding old videos too!
person A: It is uncomfortable for the internet service to fail when I am doing something important on the PC. person B: Yeah it sure is. Especially when you are streaming or talking to someone in the moment. person A: Exactly_comma_ it causes a little impotence not knowing how to solve it. person B: Completely frustrating. I usually end up calling customer service and complaining until it's fixed if it happens repeatedly. person A: Thank God in most cases they solve it quickly.
person A: Last week my daughter had a big soccer game against a team that was better than hers. person B: did your daughter's team win? person A: It was tied up until the final minute then my daughter scored the winning goal! I was screaming so loud I think she got embarassed_comma_ haha! person B: Lol_comma_ that must have been a very proud moment for you as a parent
person A: My husband's sister was living with us. She was acting rude so we had to kick her out. person B: Oh no that is terrible. Are you guys still talking now? person A: No not at all it's a little tense. person B: Well that is not good. What did she do that was so bad? person A: She wanted to try to use all of the money she had saved up (only a few hundred after two months) to go visit a friend in California even though she was supposed to be saving up for her own place or school_comma_ and when we said no she started insulting us.
person A: Last week_comma_ I had to give a speech. I was very nervous so I practiced over and over. When the time came_comma_ I was ready and it went awesome person B: I would be scared too_comma_ but I'm happy it turned out well. person A: Yeah_comma_ I was really nervous. But everyone thought it was a great speech and we went to the bar for drinks after. person B: That is the best feeling.
person A: After spending so much on my brother's tuition fees overseas_comma_ he still ended up becoming a musician without popularity person B: Oh no_comma_ that is too bad. I am sorry for your unneeded expenditures. person A: I just take it that I did something for God_comma_ I hope he rewards me person B: That is a good attitude to have. I am proud of your maturity.
person A: My kids are doing everything but listening today! I guess the boredom that comes with summer break is getting to them. person B: Yeah_comma_ kids get crazy when they are bored. Get them to read a book! person A: I tried_comma_ they don't even want to do that! So frustrating. person B: You might need to lay down the law and ground them!
person A: My dad knew that I have recently hit a rough patch with my finances and gave me 2 grand. I can't thank him enough. person B: How kind of him! I bet that is going to help you out a lot! person A: It really is going to help a lot. I feel so blessed! person B: Dads are the best_comma_ what would we do without them?
person A: My boss just gave me an all expense paid ticket to paris to enjoy my annual leave and im happy person B: Wow how amazing! You must be so excited. person A: Yes I am_comma_ I have been working for 3 years in a row without a holiday :) person B: Wow enjoy it_comma_ you deserve it!
person A: I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw a scorpion. I covered it with a bowl but when I woke up it was gone from the bowl. person B: Omg_comma_ you should have killed it person A: I was too afraid of the poison haha. person B: I think you should fumigate your home
person A: When I was younger_comma_ I had social anxiety. Speeches would give me terrible anxiety person B: Have you been able to get over your fear? person A: Slowly. Therapy and medication have helped a lot. person B: That is good to hear. You might consider joining some groups. Toastmasters might be a good one to look into.
person A: I was on the phone with my aunt. I am so awkward and bad at speaking so I was nervous. person B: Was your aunt nice to you? person A: She was but we had a few awkward pauses. person B: Sometimes it is difficult to talk to relatives. Take a deep breath and treat her like a long time friend.
person A: There was a traffic jam because people were slowing to look at a wreck on the other side of the highway person B: Oh no_comma_ I hate when that happens. People always feel a need to look and it causes the other lanes to be at a standstill as well. How long did you have to wait? person A: It added a lovely 20 minutes to my drive home person B: Adding time to your commute from work to home is the worst. I mean you've put in a full day_comma_ you just want to get home! person A: I know!
person A: My daughter had a little chihuahua pup that we rescued and she had an autoimmune disease. We had a rough first year_comma_ but then it seemed things were good. person B: So_comma_ the pup is healthy and situated now? person A: Well_comma_ we made it 6 years and then she got pancreatitis. She recovered from that but then we noticed her being really sleepy. Turns out her body had started destroying her red blood cells_comma_ we tried for a few weeks to help her_comma_ but ultimately there was nothing more we could do. I still think about her daily. person B: I'm sorry to hear that RIP doggo. I have a rescue that's middle aged now.
person A: I get to fly up and go see my girlfriend in Boston soon! person B: How exciting! Has it been a long time since you've seen her? person A: About two months! However while it is sappy_comma_ more than a day without seeing her feels like eternity. person B: I'm jealous! That's so sweet and I hope you have a great time!
person A: I broke my ankle right before my wedding! This is a nightmare! person B: Oh no! What did you do? person A: I tripped down my steps carrying the laundry. I wish I would've been more careful_comma_ this is the worst. I can't walk down the aisle! person B: how about a hobble down the isle? I'm sure it will still be just as beautiful walking down the isle or not.
person A: I survived cancer and I'm thankful person B: That would be difficult_comma_ so glad you survived. person A: Yes now I take things easy and appreciate every chance to do good person B: Hopefully you have a strong family support.
person A: my boss asked me a question that I had an answer to but I did n ot want to get anyone in trouble so I said I didn't know anything about the situation. person B: maybe it was best to avoid drama at work person A: maybe_comma_ but what drama did I avoid. Not getting a co-worker in possible trouble or not being honet with my boss? person B: not getting your coworker in trouble and causing a conflict
person A: I have never cheated on my boyfriend person B: Has your boyfriend ever cheated on you? person A: Nope! It's important to have trust in a relationship. person B: I agree. Trust is the basis for any good relationship.
person A: I had to train a new employee at work today. person B: How did that go? person A: She wasn't the type of person that listened very well. In fact_comma_ she decided to go smoke a cigarette during our training session. person B: The cigarette break is not a good sign at all. person A: That was exactly what I thought.
person A: I am so happy that I have finally gotten a head start on being organized to teach this year person B: This is so good_comma_ well done person A: Thank you. There is so much to do when you are teaching multiple grades person B: How long have you been on this?
person A: The quality of television the make these days compared to when I was growing up is very good person B: I think there are a lot more choices now than there was years ago person A: yes now you have LED and OLED person B: I still remember the old tube tvs
person A: My husband and I were about to go away for our first vacation together. I was so excited. person B: That is nice. Where are you going? person A: We went to Lake Powell in Utah to rent a house boat. person B: That is a good idea.
person A: I am so scary that my manager doesn't keep his promise for my promotion. person B: I am sure he will! person A: I don't know. I have a bad feeling about it. person B: No_comma_ no reason to he will do it.
person A: My daughter's daycare teacher just called me and told me how she's been so sweet to the new boy in her class who was very nervous on his first day. I couldn't feel more joy. person B: That's awesome. Good parenting pays off. person A: It does but she also has a sweet and kind nature about her. person B: always a plus. That makes things easier
person A: I get to go fishing on friday! person B: Nice_comma_ how excited are you for it? person A: aboout a 8 out of 10 person B: I'd be that excited too_comma_ I love to fish. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm glad I live near the coast. Otherwise it would be tough to go.
person A: I did not have enough money for rent_comma_ but I had some freelance work that I could do and I was confident I could make the money in time. person B: You are a hard working person_comma_ you will be fine person A: Thank you_comma_ that's encouraging. person B: Like they say_comma_ hard-work never killed anyone
person A: I stop taking people serious after i realize that my wife of 5 years had a baby without telling me person B: Oh my god that's crazy_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. person A: It's alright_comma_ I think it's good to do proper background check and make sure one is 100% sure before jumping into dealings with people these days person B: I hope nothing like that ever happens again.
person A: I do not know if I will get a positive or negative review. I do not ever look forward to these things! person B: What type of review are you looking for? person A: It is my annual review for work. My performance review. person B: Oh that would be nerve wracking! Good Luck!
person A: Last week I felt so abandoned when my family went to town all day without me. person B: I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ I've felt similar before. person A: Yeah_comma_ I was pretty miserable until they got home_comma_ but then I felt much better. person B: Did they every tell you why they left without you?
person A: The other day after hockey I found out my cat died_comma_ pretty miserable. person B: I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost my cat recently too. person A: His name was Sylvestre_comma_ what was your cats name? person B: That's a great name. :) My cat's name was Midnight. I had him it seemed forever. How long did you have yours person A: I had him for just 2 years_comma_ he was a baby :(
person A: I've a bit nervous. I've got a blind date tomorrow. person B: oh wow really? You shouldn't be! You should be excited person A: Maybe a little of both. I've had some bad blind date experiences person B: did they go okay? Are you anxious about tomorrow then? person A: I'm about 75/25 with 75 being not that great or just like bad matches... like "what in the hell made x person think we'd be a match" type stuff
person A: it's the anniversary of my grandmother's death today person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I've lost both of mine_comma_ I know how you feel. person A: yeah it sucks_comma_ I was with her for all through her cancer and last days. person B: The downward spiral is neveer pleasent to see.
person A: For my 16th birthday I received a brand new car! It was a red convertible. person B: Oh wow! I never got a car for mine! Did you take good care of it? person A: I crashed it but it was a good little car. person B: Oh no! A lot of kids that age seem to do that with cars they get_comma_ yet parents keep buying them new. person A: I wish I had taken better care of the car. I had some great memories with it.
person A: It's going to be a very challenging school year for my daughters. person B: Oh no_comma_ why is that? person A: They're musicians and the school band is switching a lot of things around. person B: What instruments do your daughters play?
person A: hi there? person B: Hi friend_comma_ how are you? person A: did you see my post above about allergy? person B: Not yet_comma_ I think you should talk to me about it. person A: I had severe allergy in couples of month. I tried a new diet and it was helpful in relieving my allergy. I felt happy. person B: To feel joy is the maximum_comma_ whatever the cause_comma_ I think it is a beautiful emotion. person A: I felt life is better afterward person B: Feel joy and feel peace_comma_ are the best combination of emotions to be happy in life.
person A: Feeling happy in my work and being able to enjoy it makes my life better. person B: Good for you. what makes you so happy? person A: I think I should strive to feel good things by doing what takes more time in the day. person B: Good point. Any example to share? person A: I try to meet daily goals as a challenge and that makes me happy.
person A: I was bummed out this mothers day because my mom disowned me and won't speak to me. person B: Oh wow_comma_ I am so sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened? person A: Well she was upset at me for running away and having a baby as a teen. person B: Oh_comma_ well I'm sure she was worried_comma_ but disowning you doesn't help! And now she won't know your child. That's very sad.
person A: I had to get ready for a job interview last week and I did a lot of homework! person B: I'm sure it was hard but worth it! person A: Yes_comma_ I did a lot of research about the company online. I felt like I really did well with every question they asked me! person B: That's great I hope you get it! person A: Thanks_comma_ I do too! It made a difference to really focus on getting ready beforehand.
person A: when I was a teenager my mother always tried to get me to be ready for being sexually active_comma_ and I knew what to do and where to go to get birth control. person B: I bet that was an awkward conversation. Did you feel embarassed? person A: I did a little bit but my mom is pretty cool. I can appreciate it now_comma_ I felt ready for anything_comma_ you know? person B: Well that is good she prepared you_comma_ most parents just avoid the topic.
person A: I have been posted to the middle east for work_comma_ i'm a little bit edgy about what the place will be like person B: I've heard it's quite dangerous_comma_ are you scared? person A: Yes kind of because I will be away from my family for 6 month in a place where they have different belief system about everything person B: I bet it's going to be hard to fit in culturally_comma_ are you religious?
person A: Can't believe I finally finished high school_comma_ didn't think I'd make it. person B: Yea somethings are just worth trying to see how they'd go. You made it through welldone person A: It took a lot of effort_comma_ I put a lot of credit on my science teacher for pushing me through. person B: Yes teachers do alot and they deserve credit
person A: I went into the living room there was a big party waiting for me for my birthday. I was beyond elated. person B: Wow that's so fun_comma_ you're lucky to have many people who care about you. person A: I know I'm beyond blessed! person B: I hope you had fun. person A: I had a grand time and there was ice cream cake.
person A: My husband's grandma came to stay with us when we had our third baby and she took great care of us_comma_ made us a lot of food and bought us some new kitchen tools. person B: That is so thoughtful! person A: Yeah it made us so comfortable_comma_ and it was so helpful. person B: I can only imagine with the stress of a new baby.
person A: I had a bad experience where my jacket was stolen. person B: What kind of jacket did they steal from you? person A: My favorite outdoor one person B: Sorry to hear that_comma_ did you eventually get it back or no? person A: I don't think I will
person A: I was playing in the kitchen and accidentally broke my moms vase. person B: you shouldn't' have been playing in the kitchen person A: I know I feel so badly about it. person B: You should
person A: I just booked a place for a week at the beach later this month. I can't wait! person B: That's great. It's been a hot summer. I hope you have fun. person A: Thanks! We haven't been to the beach for a few years_comma_ and my son is about to be a senior so we don't have many family vacations left. person B: Everybody likes beach trips. person A: It's true_comma_ the beach is always relaxing and good family time.
person A: I have had so many health issues this year. It is been crucial to find the silver linings person B: Finding things to be grateful for have saved my sanity person A: On the one hand_comma_ I could see how you would feel that way_comma_ but on the other hand it was a really responsible thing you did. Do you get out often to the batting cage with your kids?
person A: I am a very optimistic person. Everyday I wake up expecting the best! person B: What is your favorite part about each day? person A: Honestly_comma_ when I get out of work lol but waking up is pretty nice too. How about you? person B: Oh I don't know. Probably happy hour. person A: LOL that's a good choice. Alcohol is the solution as they say
person A: My wife has been paying more attention on our son since childbirth. It's not fair_comma_ I feel left out person B: that is her maternal instinct person A: oh well_comma_ i feel like she has a new boyfriend_comma_ is that normal? person B: no i dont think it is
person A: I was caught taking something that was not mine I feel so bad about this person B: Oh no that is terrible. What did you take? person A: I took my dad's rolex person B: Oh boy_comma_ were you just trying to borrow it? I bet he was real disappointed. person A: I feel bad because he died the next day and I just realized that he left it for me as an inheritance
person A: I took my little boy to the zoo last month. It was fun_comma_ but he soaked his diaper three times! person B: Wow the zoo sounds like an amazing time. Lol the diaper thing happens. person A: Luckily_comma_ I brought a full package of diapers with me. So we both got to have fun! person B: Whew good thing for those back up diapers. Glad you guys had fun.
person A: I received a full ride scholarship to my dream school. I was so happy. person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds amazing. I would have died and gone to heaven if I had gotten one. person A: I cried_comma_ jumped_comma_ and screamed all at the same time. person B: I cried_comma_ jumped_comma_ and screamed... when I got my first student loan bill! Congrats on the good work though! person A: Thank you hard work definitely pays off.
person A: I have read alot so I know I won't fail the exam I am going for person B: what subject is it in? person A: Chemistry person B: i hope you perform well on your exam
person A: I had forgotten to start dinner_comma_ even though my husband has asked me to while he was at work_comma_ and so when he got home we had no food_comma_ and I felt bad. person B: Well_comma_ he could bring something home. Don't feel bad. person A: Yes but he asked me to start the food so he could finish cooking it_comma_ but I forgot even though I said I would. person B: Don't feel too guilty. You can have that for dinner tomorrow night. Get pizza tonight.
person A: Today I helped a friend of mie who is going through a rough time. Her husband has left her and he drained the bank account. person B: Oh my gosh_comma_ how horrible! I hope she will be okay. person A: I think she will_comma_ we got coffee and I'm treating her to a spa day. person B: You are a nice friend_comma_ she's lucky to have you.
person A: I was at the store_comma_ and I saw someone cut in front of someone else in line which made me really upset. person B: Dang. That is annoying person A: Yeah it made me kind of ticked off frankly_comma_ but I didn't say anything. person B: You must have informed them abou this
person A: I found some old toys from when I was a kid person B: I bet that was really cool! Did you play with them for a little? You're never to old to play with toys person A: I did get one working again actually. person B: Thats awesome! Old toys are the best toys person A: its an old planetarium thing that you put in a dark room and it projects stars on the wall (constillations and such)
person A: I get to fly up and see my girlfriend in a few weeks! person B: That's great. How long have you been apart for? person A: Just about two months. However as sappy as it sounds_comma_ more than a day without seeing her feels like forever. person B: Do you have some fun activities planned?
person A: I went skydiving a couple months ago and seriously had to trust that the guy going with me knew what he was doing. person B: oh wow! I've always wanted to do that. You're quite brave person A: Thanks! I don't know how brave I am but I trusted the tandem diver. person B: It's good to have someone with you who knows what they're doing_comma_ though. That certainly helps!
person A: I had a big presentation that I was very nervous about_comma_ but I practiced ahead of time and nailed it! person B: That is awesome! Why were you nervous? person A: It was in front of a lot of important higher-ups so I didn't want to make myself look bad. Luckily they turned out to be really nice individuals! person B: I am so happy everything went well for you.
person A: One morning my cat was screaming and I found out she pooped on the bed person B: Wow. That is a sight to wake up to. What did you do? person A: I had to pick her up and wash her and then clean up the mess. It was really annoying. person B: I can imagine. I would be burning that sheet set
person A: So this weekend I went to the hall bathroom and I snake was there! I nearly passed out person B: Oh my god! Did it try to bite you? person A: No. It was a little garden snake. But not something I was expecting to see at midnight on my bathroom floor. person B: That must have been a shock. I hope you took it outside after that.
person A: I felt I was ready for the task after all the research I had done on the individuals I would be meeting with. person B: What kind of task was it? person A: The task was the job interview. person B: and well how did it go after all your research? person A: The job interview went very well as I received an offer for the position shortly after the experience. person B: Fantastic. Congratulations! person A: Thank you_comma_ was there a situation where you felted very ready for?
person A: I got an extra day off this week that I wasn't expecting! person B: I bet you're so happy! I would be! person A: I really am. I love days off_comma_ but I suppose everyone does too lol person B: who doesn't :) what are you planning to do?
person A: My ex husband passed away last year. person B: Omg I am so sorry to hear that. :( Are you feeling at peace at all now? person A: Yes_comma_ but I really did take it hard. We knew each other for 30 years. person B: That is a long time so I am sure its been very hard. Im really sorry but I hope soon you can find peace.
person A: My boss talked down to me the other day_comma_ it made me so upset! person B: That's terrible and frustrating because you can't really do anything about it. person A: So true so true you cant... unless you quit lol person B: HAHA_comma_ best to find another job first. At least employment is looking pretty good these days. person A: I know so tempting tho when they treat you so badly to just drop the mic ( walk out! :p )
person A: So_comma_ just a few weeks back we had our summer vacation_comma_ which consisted of 14 hours of driving with 4 boys aged 9-15. Needless to say_comma_ I'm glad that drive is over. person B: Oh man_comma_ that sounds awful. I thought the 7 hour drives we did with 3 of us were awful. person A: Yeah_comma_ add another one in and double the time and you'll have our trip. The youngest has ADHD too_comma_ so that always keeps it interesting. person B: That's rough. I feel for you! But_comma_ as you said it's over so life goes on :} person A: Yeah_comma_ I still wake up with cold sweats after nightmares about hearing_comma_ "Are we there yet"_comma_ over and over again.
person A: My friend likes to learn new things sometimes_comma_ and he recently learne to juggle several items at once! person B: That's pretty amazing. I have tried juggling 3 small objects before and felt like it was impossible. person A: Same here. I have no idea how he does it...but it's quite amazing to see. I'm somewhat envious person B: I can understand that. After my failed attempt_comma_ my oldest son_comma_ then 13_comma_ came in the room juggling successfully a few minutes later. He watched a youtube video and learned in about 15 minutes...
person A: My partner is away getting treatment and therapy and it's hard. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. What do they get treatment for? person A: Oh he just has a lot of trauma from childhood and he takes a lot out on me so he has to get help in order for anything to continue between us. person B: I'm sure that's really tough. I hope he appreciates all that you're doing for him_comma_ and I'm sure it'll work out :) person A: Thank you! You are so sweet! I hope so too.
person A: There was no traffic on the way to work today! person B: That's nice_comma_ must have saved you a lot of time. person A: It did person B: It's election day here_comma_ that may be the cause of it. person A: It's not here. I'm not sure why traffic was so low. Maybe there was a wreck up the road in the other direction.
person A: Well_comma_ my daughters have a day off from school due to our state elections. person B: I wish I got that many days off. The good old days of childhood. person A: Yeah_comma_ it's nice for them. I like it when they're home. person B: Wait until summer comes_comma_ you'll be ready for them to go back to school after a month.
person A: I am super happy to be getting a new perfume today and a mostly full bottle. person B: oh i love perfume_comma_ whats it smell like? person A: It's more of a manly smell. It's Jimmy choo or tresor not sure which. but you know when you are poor it is hard to afford much_comma_ so I am happy I can afford a nice perfume for once person B: Oh for sure and its honestly insane to spend too much on a perfume! Call me cheap lol
person A: I am staying very positive that this year even if it is coming close to an end I will find a better job! person B: Great attitude! Yes whatever you put your mind too and work hard at_comma_ will happen! person A: Yes it will and thank you for the encouragement! :) person B: You're so welcome! Good luck and I hope it's a great place with a good paycheck!
person A: I was very happy when we got to see a concert involving my brother. I was nice seeing him up there person B: It's always good to see family! What concert was it? person A: It was a local show with a band he was in at the time person B: Oh cool! What kind of music does he play?
person A: Well I recently rescued another abused dog and I feel so protective towards her. She is so docile and she was so starved. I just want to keep her safe. person B: I am so happy for you and the dog person A: Thanks! She is finally not so hungry after a week of eating a few times a day! Poor thing person B: I am sure she will be okay
person A: This past year_comma_ i failed my Calculus class twice. I am lost and don't know how to pass this class person B: Have you asked the teacher for any sort of help? person A: I asked indeed. She just tells me to study hard and that is it. What should i do person B: I think you should try to find different ways to go about the problem. I'm not great at math either but I think you could find some online forums willing to help you.
person A: My credit card is ridiculous. I'm so embarrassed and upset with myself that I let it get this bad. person B: Are spending too much on unnecessary things? person A: I was_comma_ I haven't used my card in awhile but the big number is still there. person B: Do you have any concrete financial plan on full repayment of your debts?
person A: I was happy when my dad got to retire. He worked hard for it person B: Congrats to your father! At what age did he get to finally relax!? person A: He was in his mid 60s person B: Good for him! He sounds like an awesome guy.
person A: I really think I am going to get the preapproval from the bank for my new home purchase... person B: That is nice. Are you excited person A: Like you would not believe! I am so happy for it_comma_ and feeling positive. person B: It should be a easy process
person A: I am starting off at a new school next month. person B: Oh great! Is it a college and what are you studying? person A: No. It's highschool. I don't know anyone. I am pretty nervous. person B: Oh man! I bet you are! Just remember to be confident in yourself and you'll do fine! Don't let trolls to you either
person A: I went off of my keto for a two days and I feel a bit bad about it- I ate a bag of cheetos over two days. They were organic anyhow person B: Oh I know how that feels. You can start over tomorrow though. person A: For sure! Well today I am starting and back on fasting. I feel so good when I do the two meals and fasting but you know- sometimes all of sudden you just want a bad food! person B: I hate those cravings. I need to start doing better too.
person A: I'll be going swimming this weekend. person B: That's awesome! I love swimming. Are you going to the pool or the beach? person A: It's a pool in a nearby state park. person B: I love going to the pool. I hope you have a great time!
person A: Someone stole my lawn mower person B: OH no. I really dislike theives. person A: I felt really bad person B: Do you have insurance? person A: No I don't have for the mower person B: You should think about that for all of your stuff got situations like this.
person A: My daughter is leaving me. person B: Leaving you? why? person A: She is starting school. Im going to be all alone. person B: OK now I understand person A: She is too young to leave the state_comma_ but she is an adult.
person A: Well I had to go to the store yesterday but I was all muddy. It made me quite anxious. I didn't have a choice as my power went out and I didn't have much clean. person B: we are too hard on ourselves! we really shouldnt care what others think but i would have felt the same person A: I usually do not but boy I hate it when my clothes are not clean and I'm not clean. I try not to let it get to me..but I just feel gross! lol person B: im the same! give people a look when they look at you maybe some crazy eyes! lol person A: Crazy eyes won't work here as I am in the ghetto- most everyone is really crazy lol
person A: I spilled water all over myself at school and it looked like a peed on myself! ugh person B: Oh geez! That would suck! I hope it wasn't a cold day? Could you drive home and get new clothes? person A: luckily no because im in florida but ugh i felt so dumb! person B: Oh I have numbness in my hands so I am always spilling things so don't feel too bad! I understand though. As you can see- I don't like having stuff on my clothes either lol person A: I know and hear I told you not to worry about what people think but here I am worrying! ohhh the struggle