person A: My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend! Why would he do that?? person B: He is a jerk. person A: He is worse than a jerk_comma_ that's for sure. person B: Don't forgive him or your friend. Find new people
person A: I have wanted every career out there. You name it person B: Why have you wanted every career instead of focusing on just one? person A: I can never make up my mind on anything. I just want a good job now. Those days are gone. person B: I think you could still find one if you wanted too. person A: I am in school_comma_ but I have changed my major three times already. We
person A: My co workers keeps getting rated as number 1 at work_comma_ but I know hes doing the work dirty to get such a rating. person B: That sucks. Have you investigated her person A: I turned him in and they didnt do anything because they dont care. It helps them generate money as well. person B: Sucks_comma_ I've had to work under scumbag managment before
person A: I hit my goal weight of 180lbs person B: Thats awesome! What have you been doing to reach it? person A: Say no to booze_comma_ stop eating garbage_comma_ meal prep. person B: ugh sounds like work...... but you did it! person A: It wasn't bad at all. and making all your own food saves money.
person A: I felt nervous before I rode on an airplane for the first time person B: I'm 50 and haven't rode one since I was 2. person A: YOu should try it. It reall was fun person B: Don't have anywhere I need to go.
person A: I'm looking forward to next year when my finances get better. person B: I can relate to that. person A: I hope it's a big improvement for us both. person B: That will be nice. Having a side gig really helps a lot as long as it doesnt take too much time
person A: I was floored when I found out I won an award at work person B: Nice! What was it for? person A: It was for most improved! person B: Awesome! What do you do at your job?
person A: I'm very self conscious about being an ex con person B: I'm sorry to hear that. person A: Thank You_comma_ the worst part is that I was wrongfully convicted. person B: I'm sure you will be vindicated. person A: no_comma_ I've already done my time.
person A: I accidentally called my girlfriend my ex-girlfriend's name. person B: whoops_comma_ lots of people have done that. what'd she say? person A: I was ashamed. She yelled curse words at me. person B: hopefully you were able to work it out...if the future don't tell girlfriends about exes.
person A: I was pretty confident that I was going to place in the top ten of the marathon person B: And did you? person A: I did. I actually cacme in 3rd! person B: Great job!
person A: I don't think I ever want to go on a cruise. I always hear about entire ships breaking out with sickness and it sounds awful. person B: That does sound awful! The thought of being out in the middle of the ocean makes me nervous person A: Yeah_comma_ too many scary things can go wrong! person B: I agree. Don't let it stop from taking a nice getaway though
person A: My neighbor keeps parking in my parking spot! person B: That sounds really annoying! You should confront him and request he stop. person A: I have asked him a few times_comma_ but he obviously doesnt care. person B: That would make me really angry. Call a tow truck to teach him a lesson.
person A: The other day I backed out of a parking spot and tapped a parked car. It left a dent bit I left without notifying the owner. It was not an action I am proud of. person B: Why didnt you want to notify or leave some sort of little note on the car? person A: I didn't want to take responsibility_comma_ which I know is wrong. person B: happens sometimes just dont know what to do in those moments. person A: Yeah_comma_ I feel horrible and small for doing that and not fessing up.
person A: A time I felt lonely was when I joined a video game lobby. There was not a single person in it and I felt alone... person B: That seems like it'd be strange. person A: Yeah_comma_ it was weird. When I joined it said 3/25 people but when I got in it_comma_ there was no one. person B: well_comma_ you could always have left.
person A: My two daughters are musicians. person B: Do they play any instruments? person A: violin and piano person B: That's cool_comma_ can they sing too?
person A: I forgot my wallet the other day_comma_ and of course didnt remember it until I was about to pay at the cashiers line! person B: I hate when that happens_comma_ did you have to put all your stuff back? person A: Yup_comma_ and have everyone behind me annoyed with me and all of that fun adult stuff!! person B: Well it happens to everyone at least once probably_comma_ so no worries.
person A: Someone cut me off in traffic the other day. person B: happens all the time in the city i live in_comma_ people are rude! person A: Definitely_comma_ I didn't lay on the horn though_comma_ that just makes it worse. person B: yup! no reason to stoop to their level. you did right
person A: I ate a restaurant this morning and had soup. Their Sriracha bottle looked like it was 1000 years old and I wanted to vomit. person B: I hope you didn't use any. person A: Not from that bottle at least. person B: Was the soup good at least?
person A: I feel bad I lied to my friend. person B: What did you say? person A: I told him I couldn't hang out cause I was sick_comma_ but it was a lie. person B: What did you do instead?
person A: I walked home one day after work and saw that my window had been smashed out. person B: That would freak me out. What was it form? person A: Some guy climbed through and stole a bunch of stuff from my living room but that was it. person B: Oh Wow! Did he get caught? person A: Yeah he ended up getting caught but they never found a lot of my stuff.
person A: I was a little on edge when I dropped my daughter off at a movie with her friend alone for the first time person B: What were you on edge about? person A: SHe had never gone to a movie without a parent person B: What movie did she see?
person A: I've been feeling down a lot lately. person B: Sorry to hear that. What's wrong? person A: Finances mostly stressing me out. person B: I know that feeling_comma_ it will get better. Just gotta stay positive
person A: I used the bathroom at a grocery store and had to poop really bad. I commenced pooping and starting humming a song and didn't realize there was a person 2 stalls down from me. person B: Ha_comma_ that sounds comical. person A: Yeah_comma_ it was very embarrassing. I swear to god_comma_ I thought I was the only one there! person B: You could just think that maybe you were alone.
person A: I lied to my mother so I didn't have to take her to the doctor's by saying I had an appointment of my own. I think that was pretty crappy of me. person B: That was pretty crappy. What did you do instead. person A: Nothing_comma_ I didn't feel like going. person B: that's really crappy. You're racking up the bad karma.
person A: I have a co-worker who's totally incompetent that makes more money than I do. person B: That's got to be frustrating for you. person A: Incredibly so. person B: Have you tried asking for a raise yourself? person A: No raises here. You basically get what you're hired on at.
person A: You know being a parent is so hard_comma_ but I feel so lucky to have my children especially in stressful times... person B: I have felt that way sometimes too person A: when you need them the most they are there_comma_ i hope they always keep that same attitude as they get older. person B: I am trying to teach that to my children. They are stubborn
person A: I just found a wasp nest out side of my apartment. person B: What are you going to do about it? person A: I told the landlord. They are so slow about things. I have to use the back door. I am afraid of wasps person B: Get some hot shots raid spray it shoots like 20 to 30 feet in the air! I sprayed all the way from the ground to the top of my roof. Spray and run. lol! person A: I wish I had the guts to do that. They will try to come in my house for revenge if I did.
person A: I woke up today and took a warm hot shower. I was so thankful for warm water_comma_ let alone being able to shower. person B: It is great to appreciate the things that we often take for granted person A: I know_comma_ I try to be a lot more grateful everyday because you never know when you might lose it all. person B: That is true. It makes some of our trivial problems seem so insignificant
person A: I was terrified when I heard strange noises outside that seemed really close person B: That's never good. What was it? person A: My neighbor was working on his car loudly person B: At least it wasn't a stranger trying to break in!
person A: I heard a buzzing in my apartment this morning. I swear to god_comma_ it was the biggest wasp I had ever seen in my life. I was so frightened! person B: Oh jeez!! Noooo... I hate them. They are evil and so mean. They literally come right at you for no reason. person A: Yes_comma_ I hate wasps. I can handle bees but wasps? Nope. person B: I cant handle any type of insect. I had a giant black one fly into my apartment today when I opened the door so I feel you.
person A: I am going to disney land in a month! I think I might be more happy than my daughter... person B: Haha_comma_ is she going with you? person A: I considered leaving her home so I could really enjoy the full experience myself_comma_ but I guess since shes only 2 I have to bring her with me. person B: Definitely take her with you! She will love it as much as you
person A: I was not happy when I didn't win the award. person B: What was the award? person A: It was for math student of the year. person B: Dang_comma_ that sucks. Did you get 2nd place?
person A: I am so thankful for the sun. It gives us sunlight for food_comma_ warmth_comma_ and so much more person B: I like to tan in the sun. person A: You gotta be careful_comma_ you might skin cancer if you do it too much. person B: Yes_comma_ I always use sun screen.
person A: I literally had the worst day every yesterday at work_comma_ but when I came home my entire night was made perfect! Guess what I had waiting for me? person B: No idea_comma_ what was it? person A: A spotless clean home_comma_ and HOT dinner on the table. Its priceless to get hot food when you are a mom. lol person B: I love having a clean home and warm food! No better feeling. Did your husband do this for u?
person A: I can't wait for the new Venom movie to come out! I'm a big fan of Tom Hardy! person B: Never heard of it but you better believe i will be googling. person A: It's gonna be so good. Evil spiderman!!! person B: deff jumping on the internet now to read into it i do like spiderman!
person A: I was mortified when my pants ripped while getting out of my car person B: Oh no_comma_ what did you do ? person A: I luckily had a sweatshirt I could put around my waist but I had to be really careful! person B: how long did you have to stay that way.
person A: I've been thinking back to my childhood lately. person B: What prompted that? person A: I'm like that much of the time. person B: I can understand that. Reflecting on different times
person A: I have been single for quite some time now_comma_ but I know its not over for me person B: Me too. We just need to keep at it and not give up. person A: Yep. I am determined to get married before I die lol person B: I'm not even looking for anything serious like marriage_comma_ just a friend that I can relate to romantically. person A: What's wrong with marriage? I'm not trying to jump obviously but I think it would be nice.
person A: I watched the first Spiderman with Tobey Mcguire yesterday. Such a flashback to the past. person B: I used to have the DVD but I sold all of the to upgrade to Bluray. I havent seen that in forever person A: Me too_comma_ last time I saw it I was a little kid. It was very nostalgic person B: The ;ast spiderman movie was really good. Did you see it?
person A: I was really excited when Friday came person B: What's going on on Friday? person A: I was headed to vacation at the end of the workday person B: Oh awesome! I love taking vacations. Where are you going?
person A: I ordered a lot of food from a restaurant with coupons yesterday. When I got the food_comma_ they didn't even ask for the coupons! I did not expect it. person B: What! You still got your discount tho right? So you get to use them over again!? person A: Yes_comma_ I got the discounts but I think they forgot to ask for the coupons. I get to save it for another time haha. person B: thats righty! you better go buy a lotto ticket because you are deff lucky
person A: A few weeks ago it was the anniversary of my mothers death and it never gets any easier. person B: That sucks_comma_ I love my mom so much I can't imagine her being dead... person A: I am sure you already do but just spoil her a lot and always let her know you care! I wish I had more time to do all of those things for her. person B: I will def do that_comma_ I need to be more grateful for while she is alive. Thank you for that
person A: My family is always there for me when I've needed them. person B: That's what family is for! person A: of course_comma_ that's my wife and children. my parents suck. person B: Why do you hate your parents? person A: they've lied to me since the day I was born_comma_ they stole from me_comma_ they framed me for crimes they committed_comma_ they stood by and let me go to prison for what they did.
person A: I need to get a job with real benefits soon_comma_ I'm very optimistic for the future. person B: great_comma_ I hope it works out for you. person A: Thank you. I'm still figuring everything out person B: what's your preferred field?
person A: My two daughters make me happy in my life. person B: Yes_comma_ kids are a blessing. person A: I've never experienced anything as nice. person B: Enjoy it because they grow up so fast.
person A: I finally thought my dog how to sit and give me her paw. I felt very accomplished and happy! person B: That is so cool! How old is your dog? person A: Like 7 months or something? She's still a puppy but she never listens so when she finally learned something_comma_ I was so excited!! person B: That is exciting!
person A: I was really touched to watch my daughter program person B: Wow_comma_ she is talented. Is programming difficult/? person A: She was in a program for choir. She did great person B: Oh_comma_ I thought you meant like computer programming. You must be so proud
person A: My friend just got her license_comma_ and we live in a busy city but I think shes going to be okay driving. person B: Driving in the city is challenging_comma_ I hope she does ok! person A: Especially in ours the drivers are terrible here no one uses the signal light! Thanks! person B: There's also a lot of one ways in the city too. She's going to get used to it_comma_ it should be fine
person A: I lost a lot of my muscle mass because I lost motivation and stopped lifting weights. I used to be a decent size in the past so that gives me assurance that I can get back to being big like before. person B: I hear it is harder the second time around to get into shape but you sound motivated! person A: Maybe but from what I heard_comma_ you still have the muscle memory in your fibers to get big so it should be easier. person B: Really? Thats good to know because I had no idea. I wish you a lot of luck in regaining your muscles back!
person A: My dad bought me my first car_comma_ and I wont ever forget how happy I was. person B: I know that feeling but I crashed my car my dad bought for me like 1 year later. But that feeling of happiness was awesome! person A: Yeah for sure I wont forget it! Sounds like you have an experience to remember too! person B: A bad and good experience haha. Drive safely unlike me
person A: I got everything I need for a quality work session this morning. My coffee_comma_ a hot shower_comma_ and some food/water. Should be an efficient day! person B: Sounds like an amazing day honestly... i hope tomorrow goes the same for you. person A: Thank you. Do you have a morning ritual like me also? person B: Oh yeah and I hate to admit it but if it doesnt go as planned I do let it ruin my day.
person A: I got startled the other day while walking in my yard. person B: What did you get started doing? person A: No_comma_ a snake in the yard. person B: Oh no! I would be too
person A: I was pretty shaken up when my son didn't get home on time and I couldn't reach him person B: how old is he? person A: He is 17 and is usually on time person B: I hope he was okay.
person A: I peed in the sink because the bathrooms were full and i really had to go person B: You have to do what you have to do. Did anyone walk out and see you? lol person A: no they couldnt the way the kitchen sink was situated. but i did not want to hold it in too much longer person B: atleast they didnt see you!
person A: I decided to finally step it up_comma_ and work on my fitness routine to achieve results. person B: wow i am impressed person A: I am with myself_comma_ and sure I am going to follow through! person B: what are your long term goals /
person A: I submitted a form to receive notifications for my banking app. I don't know why but the waiting got me feeling antsy.." person B: It's always a pain waiting to hear back from a bank. I always think something's gonna go wrong. person A: I know right. The anticipation is killing me person B: I'm sure everything will work out fine :)
person A: I am ready for my bar exam. person B: Is that to become a bartender? person A: No_comma_ to be a lawyer/ person B: Are you nervous?
person A: A little random but when I was a kid I wanted the new Hulk movie that came out. I went to the store and I picked out the DVD and begged my mom to buy it. She did and I went home to play it on the TV. Turns out I bought the old 1980's version and I was so disappointed! person B: Was it good? person A: Hell no! It was terrible and I was so embarrassed at picking the old version instead of the new one. person B: Did you return the movie?
person A: My friends went out last night without me_comma_ and didnt even bother to ask me if I wanted to join them. person B: Wow_comma_ they don't sound like good friends to me. person A: Yeah it made me feel really bad especially since im new to the area. person B: You should give them the cold shoulder next time you see them. That's what I would do.
person A: I am felling so chill right now since I have most of my bills paid person B: Nice! I bet you feel like a weight was lifted off your shoulders! person A: It really is. My side gig reaally helps me out person B: What is your side gig if you don't mind me asking?
person A: I can't wait for the new Insurgency Sandstorm video game to come out on Steam. It was supposed to come out this summer but no news yet. person B: There is a lot of buzz for that is there? person A: Yes_comma_ it was announced to come out this summer but summers over and nothing yet. I'm still hopeful it should come out this year. person B: THat sounds cool. What format do you play that on?
person A: I am upset the baseball game got canceled. person B: I don't watch a lot of baseball but was it an important game? person A: Yes_comma_ it was to see who made the playoffs. person B: Well_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe they will reschedule it for a later date?
person A: I don't have a car anymore but I am satisfied without having one. I don't drive a lot anyway and everything I need is in walking distance. person B: I do not have a car either. person A: I guess for some places it's really mandatory but I honestly didn't need one to begin with. person B: I will never buy a car again.
person A: I finally have a closing date on my home_comma_ and i cant wait! person B: i know that feeling_comma_ congraz person A: thank you! yes its a great feeling. i love it person B: your first home ?
person A: my friend was speeding because he wanted to show off his new car to me person B: Sounds like it was worth the ticket_comma_ what kind of caR? person A: The new Audi R8 it was used 2015 person B: deff worth it!
person A: I owe my friend a pretty big amount of money. I was supposed to pay this week but they said they will give me another month. Did not expect that at all. person B: I bet you're relieved! Good friends are like that though_comma_ especially if they know you're struggling. person A: I know_comma_ I am so surprised they gave me another month. I am thankful for his understanding. person B: Maybe when you pay him back_comma_ you can get him a little something extra to show your appreciation.
person A: Back when I was in the Navy_comma_ I hated studying for promotion tests_comma_ so you can imagine my reaction when I got selected. person B: Oh no haha_comma_ were you prepared for it? person A: I must have been_comma_ because I always was promoted the first time I was eligible! person B: Nice_comma_ good job! person A: Thanks. I should give a little credit to all the people who mentored me.
person A: I hate it when you have to wait for the results of creating a new bank account. The waiting is killing me! person B: Waiting always kills me! How much longer do you have to wait? person A: No idea_comma_ I'm checking my email everyday waiting for the results. person B: I am sending you good vibes and luck!
person A: I remember one night I was hanging out with friends_comma_ and got a phone call that the ambulance was at my parents home. person B: What happened?!? person A: I found out he had a stroke due to the heat ( also his breathing problems COPD ) person B: Oh no_comma_ that's never good. Is he doing fine now/ person A: He actually passed away - his body went into a medical coma and we had to pull the ventilator.
person A: I felt bad when I had to drop my son off for daycare the first time person B: its a part of life you know person A: It really is. Tougher for parents sometimes I think person B: i remeber that day
person A: was proud of my child_comma_ she got all a's in school this year person B: that is outstanding! person A: hope she continues it into this year person B: Right. Hopefully that will motivate her to keep up the good work!
person A: I lied to one of my friends_comma_ and I feel bad about it. I just dont know how to tell her the truth. person B: Just tell her? She will be grateful for the honesty. person A: Ugh... shes literally about to get married and her boyfriend has been cheating on her. I am scared to even bring it up. person B: Dang_comma_ that's rough. I wouldn't know what to do either. It's like you choose to be a good friend and destroy their marriage or let her get married so she's happy. Goodl uck
person A: I found a biggest spider in my shower this morning. I never knew I could shriek like that.. person B: Did you jump out or did you brave the war and kill it!? person A: I killed it but it took a lot of courage and hesitation haha person B: Im sure!!! I had a gecko come in my house today and it was adorable yet i was still super scared to touch it.
person A: Public speeches always get me. It makes me very nervous and I just can't do them. person B: I feel the same way. I have social anxiety so standing in front of a crowd is pretty terrifying. person A: I will start speaking gibberish and sweat bad. Not only that but my face turns so red!!! person B: Oh man! Just stay confident! You have to keep the negative thoughts in the back of your mind.
person A: I was playing baseball and failed to catch the ball_comma_ which smacked me right in my mouth and broke one of my teeth! I just wanted to run and hide! person B: Yikes_comma_ I hope you have insurance. person A: I do_comma_ but it can't pay for my emotional scarring! I felt like an idiot. I don't know if I can go to the next game now. person B: Don't worry man_comma_ you'll be fine. Everyone makes mistakes
person A: I don't have a car anymore but I'm perfectly fine with a bike now. Everything I need is pretty close to my house. person B: Thats good everything is so close. It really helps out a lot and walking is good for you! person A: I agree! I need to start being more active anymore so there's that. person B: You and I both!
person A: I didnt cheat on my diet even tho I was tempted at a party yesterday... person B: Resist the temptation! person A: I am I am! Its so hard but I am. person B: Food is the worst too because all that junk food is all around us.
person A: I was really excited to see all my daughter's hard work pay off at the recital person B: I love those moments where you get to see all the hard work get payed off! How did she do? person A: She did really well_comma_ It was so special to see person B: I bet you are so proud of her!
person A: I procrastinated and didn't do the dishes for a couple days now. I think fungus started to grow on some of the old food_comma_ so nasty! person B: Oh no! I bet you regretted that fast! person A: I had to hold my nose shut while doing the dishes. person B: That sounds bad. It was probably harder to get off too
person A: I've been single for some time now. It really sucks... person B: How long are we talking about ? person A: A couple years_comma_ I think it's mainly my fault though for not putting myself out there. person B: Sounds like you know what to do.
person A: I've been a bit down lately. person B: What's wrong? person A: Work has been really slow this summer. person B: It should be getting better now that summer is over. Good luck
person A: My brother asked me if I was the one who took his sunglasses. I did take his glasses but I told him no and now I feel bad. person B: It's hard to admit when we are wrong. DO you think you will fess up? person A: I mean I planned on just returning it where it was but the guilt is still there. person B: I understand that
person A: I hope I will be able to afford a vacation during Christmas break for my kids person B: I believe in you! Where are you planning on going? person A: I was just going to look up what deals they had going on closer to that time and depending on how much money I save person B: I was thinking a cruise sounds perfect for you and your kids!
person A: My mother needed help moving out of her house and I ignored her call while at a party. I feel so bad because there is no way she and my dad would be able to move the giant furniture.. person B: Have you called her back since then? person A: I called her back but she told me in an angry way that they already moved everything and my help was not needed anymore. I feel so ashamed. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ sometimes people_comma_ even family can be difficult. you can't be all things to all people. give yourself a break on this.
person A: I'm always trusting of my wife and daughters. person B: You guys sound like a strong family! person A: We are pretty much_comma_ but we've had to be as the rest of our family on both sides sucks. person B: Sorry to hear that_comma_ maybe one day you entire family can get along
person A: Driving always scares me. I've seen some pretty bad car accidents with fatal injuries on the internet and it always crosses my mind while driving. person B: I feel the same way. I don't trust people are paying attention person A: Drunk drivers are the worst too person B: That is my biggest fear too
person A: I was shocked when I wsa told my boss was let go person B: What happened? person A: The wouldn't tell us but I thought it was terrible person B: I hope it was a mistake?
person A: I did not expect France to win the World Cup. It's been a while but I still can't believe it considering a lot better teams made it to the semi play offs. person B: That was crazy! I agree person A: I need to start playing soccer again_comma_ I don't know why I stopped. person B: Soccer is a fun sport to play. It would be good for you to do something you love also
person A: I was really upse when I found out my co-worker was fired person B: Was it their fault? person A: Kind of. They maxxed out on the amount of points they had from lates and absences person B: Been there_comma_ done that lol.
person A: I am thankful for my dog. Whenever I am lonely_comma_ she comforts me and I feel happy again! person B: What type of dog is she? person A: She is a Spanish Bichon Frise. Her breed of dogs won 1st place at the World Dog Show this year! Take that other dogs! person B: Haven't heard of that one before.
person A: My parents have been a big letdown in my life. person B: What happened? person A: my mother framed me for a crime she committed. person B: Whoa_comma_ that sucks. You need to get away from them asap.
person A: I finally got to see my favorite baseball time team play in person. It was a dream come true. person B: I've only been to a couple of minor leagure games in the city. person A: This was major league. It could not have been a better experience than it was. person B: That's pretty cool.
person A: I just had crab legs for lunch. person B: I have never had any. Is it similar to eating crawfish? person A: It is totally different. I feel bad because I ate so man with so much butter. I'm supposed to be on a diet :( person B: Sometimes you just have to indulge and then do better next time. person A: I will do better next week. I'm already doomed for this one lol
person A: I always feel bad whenever I cheat on my diet. It's so hard to disciplined with all the temptations around me. person B: I am with you right now! However tracking carbs accurately in an app has been a gamechanger this week person A: Yes! I need to start doing that! person B: You will be so shocked at how well it works I promise. You don't want to go over.
person A: I was so happy I got to see my cousins when they came in town person B: That's awesome! How old is your cousins? person A: 34 and 27 person B: I hope you guys have a lot of fun! I think I'm going to meet my cousin in New Jersey on the 9th? It's so nice seeing famiy members after a long time.
person A: I lost my wallet at a store that I frequent near my home. person B: Oh no. Did you get it back? person A: I didn't. I can't believe no one returned it. Now I have to replace verything person B: That's such a shame. It really makes you lose your trust in people. person A: I know. I have return 5 wallets before. I can't even count how many phones.
person A: Last year I got to see one of my favorite singers in concert. I had seen him before but I was really looking forward to this time because I was taking my children,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2257_conv:4515,2,excited,Last year I got to see one of my favorite singers in concert. I had seen him before but I was really looking forward to this time because I was taking my children.,262,I did the sae thing this year I took my daughter to see my favorite band. Who was the singer?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2257_conv:4515,3,excited,Last year I got to see one of my favorite singers in concert. I had seen him before but I was really looking forward to this time because I was taking my children.,226,Bryan Adams. He has been one of my favorites for years. Who did you see?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2257_conv:4515,4,excited,Last year I got to see one of my favorite singers in concert. I had seen him before but I was really looking forward to this time because I was taking my children.,262,We saw Incubus. She had a good time.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4516,1,annoyed,when my wife didnt clean the house ,11,I had the worst and busiest day at work yesterday_comma_ and when I came home my house was a mess because my wife decided she didnt want to do anything that day. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4516,2,annoyed,when my wife didnt clean the house ,269,Maybe she was tired or something. Don't make her feel bad_comma_ just encourage her!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4516,3,annoyed,when my wife didnt clean the house ,11,I know its so hard though after you have had such a crap day_comma_ and then you come home to that. I wasnt hard on her just a little moody about it! ugh ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4516,4,annoyed,when my wife didnt clean the house ,269,I know that feeling. It's part of being human though and I hope you guys worked it out!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4517,1,confident,I am assured I will do very well on my exams tomorrow. I have prepared very well all night.,269,I am assured I will do very well on my exams tomorrow. I have prepared very well all night.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4517,2,confident,I am assured I will do very well on my exams tomorrow. I have prepared very well all night.,11,I bet you will! You seem prepared. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4517,3,confident,I am assured I will do very well on my exams tomorrow. I have prepared very well all night.,269,Thank you. Wish me luck!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2258_conv:4517,4,confident,I am assured I will do very well on my exams tomorrow. I have prepared very well all night.,11,Good luck! ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2259_conv:4518,1,hopeful, I'm looking forward to next year.,225,I wish it was next year already.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2259_conv:4518,2,hopeful, I'm looking forward to next year.,267,WHat are you anticipating for next year?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2259_conv:4518,3,hopeful, I'm looking forward to next year.,225,My finances are going to improve significantly.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2259_conv:4518,4,hopeful, I'm looking forward to next year.,267,That is awesome to hear. So relieving isn't it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2259_conv:4519,1,confident,I was pretty sure I was going to get a good grade on my paper,267,I was pretty sure I was going to get a good grade on my paper,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2259_conv:4519,2,confident,I was pretty sure I was going to get a good grade on my paper,225,was" pretty sure ?
person A: I got a good grade but I ended up failing the class person B: I'm sorry to hear that.
person A: Whenever I see homeless people_comma_ I am so thankful for where I am in life. That could easily have been me_comma_ they just got the bad roll of the die. person B: It's such a terrible situation. You just never know what circumstances have brought someone to where they are. person A: I know_comma_ it makes me feel so grateful for the things I have and my circumstances. person B: I know what you mean.
person A: I was overcharged at the grocery store but did not realize it until I got home. person B: That suck's_comma_ have you tried calling the bank to let them know about the mistake? person A: The bank can't help. I had to go back to the store. It's such a hassle but I want my money. person B: Did you get your money back?