person A: I can't until next summer! This past summer was such a happy moment in my life! person B: What do you do in the summer? person A: I got to see a lot of my favorite movies I've been waiting for and a lot of great concerts! I am anticipating next summer and cant wait! person B: I love going to concerts.
person A: I am afraid of death. person B: Who isn't? I am scared of death because I don't know what will happen afterwards. I fear the unknown. person A: I hope I go to heaven. person B: Me too.
person A: I am really looking forward to fall already person B: I am also_comma_ I love football. person A: Yes! and tailgating! person B: I only watch football on Sundays.
person A: I am ready for prom. person B: Prom sounds exciting. Do you have a date? person A: Yes_comma_ my girlfriend. person B: Nice! That sounds so fun. Are you taking her to dinner first?
person A: I listened to some old music I used to listen to recently. It literally made me feel like I was reliving the past! person B: Music can do that to you sometimes. I listen to mine regularly. person A: You know how they say sound and smell are the senses that are used to remember memories the most? That is so true. person B: I would agree with that 100%
person A: A lot of people have no concept of personal space anymore. person B: I know right. If you invade my personal space_comma_ prepare for backlash. person A: especially at the checkout line at a store. person B: I hate that so much_comma_ people need to learn manners.
person A: I had to fart in a meeting room and it ended up being really loud.... and there was a lul in the conversation so everyone heard it person B: Oh my gosh! I would be mortified! Did your face turn red? person A: Yep person B: Wow! That had to be so embarrassing! I would probably quit my job! person A: Everyone laughed it off... I guess I'll live.
person A: I like collecting survival items in case of an emergency! I will be ready for any disaster or zombie Apocalypse that comes my way! person B: What all do you have stored so far? person A: Water_comma_ flashlights_comma_ food_comma_ weapons_comma_ solar panels_comma_ and on and on! Nothing will take me by surprise! person B: Do you also have a go-bag?
person A: I hate it when I see people get bullied. It makes me so furious! person B: Yes_comma_ I do not like that either. person A: Are you a bully! person B: Never_comma_ I am a nice guy.
person A: I do not like being bothered when I am working. person B: Me too_comma_ it throws my frequency off. person A: I try to shut my door but people still knock on it. person B: I think noise reduction headphones would be perfect for you_comma_ try Bose or something.
person A: I've done a lot of extra work this summer. person B: What kind of work did you do? person A: Mostly around the house stuff_comma_ that gets let go the rest of the year. person B: I guess you got a lot accomplished then. Do you work a regular job too?
person A: School is about to start. Summer is over. person B: Bummer. I enjoyed summer so much. person A: Happens every year. person B: But at least Christmas is around the corner. I love Christmas just as much as the summer! person A: Halloween first though
person A: I'm optimistic about my finances. I've been trying hard to pay back the debt on my credit card. person B: You can do it person A: Thank you. I'm trying to take baby steps and make slow progress. person B: I'm working on my debt too.
person A: I went to go visit my sister in Vegas last month. person B: That would be a great time. What did you do? person A: We went to lots of cool shows. Leading up to the trip I was counting down the days and planning itinerary. person B: I bet. I would be too
person A: I was really proud of my sister when she graduated person B: I bet you were. That is a great accomplishment! person A: It is. I am pretty happy for her. person B: Are you you guys going to celebrate?
person A: I got a nice letter in the mail today_comma_ when's the last time you got an actual letter? person B: Like years. I use emails a lot but I don't feel the need to use actual paper letters. It's 2018! person A: It was a good feeling_comma_ brought back a lot of old memories. person B: I know right. That kind of stuff is very nostalgic
person A: Seeing people in great physical shape makes me so inspired. Also_comma_ lowkey envious! person B: It seems like an almost unachievable goal_comma_ especially at my age. person A: How old are you? It's never to late to exercise? person B: 50_comma_ yeah_comma_ but It's just not the same.
person A: My friend just bought a beautiful sports car person B: That sounds fun. What kind? person A: Miata. I have wanted one of those for a very long time. person B: Those are really cool looking
person A: I let my daughter babysit my youngest daughter for the first time person B: That must have been nerve-wracking? person A: I actually felt pretty good about it. They were only a phone call away and I din't go far. She did well person B: Sounds like you have a very responsible young lady growing up.
person A: I just sit at home all day alone. person B: Me too_comma_ I feel you bro. It's ok at least make sure you are being productive. person A: I do. But I don't have any friends out here. person B: Try joining clubs or finding hobbies? Or you can always make friends on online video games! person A: I have plenty of online friends. I didn't count them lol
person A: My dog loves to hide whenever she has to poop or pee. So I always find hidden treasures around my apartment and boy is it gross! person B: Sounds gross lol person A: It's always a surprise haha. I call the poop le shrimp because it curves like a shrimp scallop scampi. Oh baby! person B: Omg. You should take your dog to an obedience school.
person A: I really enjoyed my high school reunion person B: Those are always so much fun. Catching up with old friends. person A: It was really fun. I hadn't seen most of them since high school person B: Thats great. I have one coming up. I hope it turns out as good as your went.
person A: My friend got promoted at work last week but I was not. We started at the same time so it makes it kind of hard to be happy for him. person B: That is disappointing. Is there other things you can apply for? person A: I really like here. I just wish it was me that was promoted. Ill have to try harder. person B: Any other promotions where you are currently person A: Not right now.
person A: My just graduated from high school in the spring. person B: Congrats! You must be excited to start your career. person A: Yes I am! It was a long and tough road_comma_ but it's finally over! person B: I'm glad you stayed the course. There are a lot of big opportunities in store for you.
person A: I am ready for the Frozen Four. person B: What is that? person A: It is the Final Four but for college hockey. person B: Oh right. I havnt heard of it. Are you playing?
person A: I was a little nervous about driving on my tire person B: Oh no what happened? Everything ok? person A: It keeps getting low and I have had to fill it every day. person B: Maybe you can bring it to the tire place. Maybe they can patch it real quick.
person A: So I got a new table the other day. I just stubbed my toe on it running across the room. It really hurt. person B: Oh no I hate that feeling. Is it better now? person A: Yea its fine. I just really aggravting since I am not used to that table being there. I was trying to turn an alarm off and I was running too fast. person B: That is no good
person A: I purchased a new truck today. person B: Wow great_comma_ are you happy with your purchase? person A: Yes. its the first new vehicle i've ever purchased too. person B: Congratulation! i hope you enjoy it. person A: I will thanks! person B: Was it a good deal? person A: It was a fair price. and its 4 wheel drive. person B: Excellent that it was a great value
person A: The other day I was watching the news but not paying much attention_comma_when I heard a familiar voice_comma_ and when I checked it turn out to be my neighbor_comma_ that was being interviewed. person B: That's cool_comma_ what was the interview about? person A: It was about he though about some new policy. person B: Local or national?\ person A: It was local_comma_ but still it was quiet the coincidence since I don't usually thatch the news on TV.
person A: I am so relieved to be working from home full time now person B: are you making good money though ? person A: It is better paying than anywhere in town for this position person B: well in that case way to go
person A: i finally felt comfie taking my shirt off at the beach_comma_ i lost my beergut person B: That is great. Well done! person A: it was hard work person B: I know that for sure. I am working that myself.
person A: My aunt just call to tall me that she will be visiting next week. person B: I hope you guys enjoy your visit! Are you guys really close? person A: We were but I haven't seen here for years. person B: Aww_comma_ I bet you miss her a lot. Well it's good you get to see her soon! person A: Yes I am looking forward to se her again and spending some time together.
person A: I was packing for a move to a new city and I stumbled upon my old diary. Brought back so many memories. person B: You must have felt nostalgic of the old days. person A: Absolutely. I was sitting down reading through it and just enjoying the memories. Made me a little sad to move away. person B: I understand it is usually hard moving to a new city leaving some many people and placed behind
person A: I was more than ready for my first day in my new position person B: What position was that? person A: It was a supervisory position person B: Oh wow_comma_ I bet you were ready for that. Were you already working there?
person A: I think work is finally starting to pay off for me the way it should. person B: That is great! I bet it feels good. person A: Yes_comma_ it's much better than not making it. person B: It sure is and it gives you something to be proud of.
person A: I just found out that I got the job I have been hoping for! person B: Great_comma_ when will you start? person A: I start training in 2 weeks. I just graduated college in the spring and this was my dream job. person B: Fantastic_comma_ keep your spirits up and the sky's the limit.
person A: My son just won a math competition in his school! person B: That’s great! I bet he is ecstatic! person A: Yes he is! And of course I am too_comma_ he is a very good_comma_ smart and kind little guy. person B: That is definitely something to you to be proud of! person A: Yes I;m very proud of him indeed_comma_ and he makes me feel like I must have done things right too.
person A: I was so happy to have my nephew spend the weekend with me person B: That sounds great! How old is he? person A: He is 11 person B: Nice_comma_ Did you do any fun activities together?
person A: I've been somewhat uneasy about money lately. person B: have you thought about investing person A: Some_comma_ but I've got a lot in the market already. person B: hopefully you will see great returns this year
person A: I am having surgery in two weeks. First time. person B: I hope everything goes well friend. person A: Me too. It's supposed to be short and safe but I'm still scared. person B: Don't worry once they administer the anesthesia you shouldn't feel a thing. person A: That;s the scary part. I want to wake up after.
person A: I took the garbage to the dump a couple of days ago. one of the bags broke and spilled all over the bed of my truck. person B: thats awful_comma_ did it clean up easily? person A: it's left some grease in my truck bed_comma_ but other than that it was okay. person B: well that's good to hear
person A: I just found the sweetest restaurant. person B: That's great! I hope you enjoyed the food.. person A: IT was great. It a tiny new restaurant in my neighborhood. I don't think any one knows its open yet. person B: Keep it that way. If too many people find out it might ruin the experience. person A: I know. Its my little secret.
person A: I really liked being able to coach my daughters softball team person B: Nice_comma_ softball is fun. I used to play baseball but always had fun playing softball in gym class person A: I did too. It is cool to work with the kids too person B: Yeah it's rewarding teaching kids and helping them learn how to become functioning human beings. I have a 2 year old nephew who's nuts and asks questions all the time
person A: I had a phone interview for the job and after going through a ton prior to landing that job I was happy to be able to get the job. It was interesting because the job involved using an app on my phone as part of it to complete my work every day. person B: That’s interesting. What did you have to do? person A: I took pictures of merchandise around the store to make sure the tags were applied properly and that the product was in good shape_comma_ etc. They just used to use paper and do things manually before the company produced the app for this. person B: That sounds cool! person A: Yeah I enjoy it. Thanks.
person A: I've just recently got my pilot's license! I can't wait to hit the skies! person B: That's amazing. I have only been on a few planes in my life. person A: Have you ever flown one? A totally different experience_comma_ it's so freeing! person B: I have not and will not ever.
person A: I dialed the wrong number today. person B: Uh oh_comma_ did you apologize to the person after they answered or did you just hang up? person A: I meant to call my boyfriend and I called my ex. I got his voicemail though. person B: Oh wow! That's even worse than dialing a stranger. At least he didn't pick up! person A: Hopefully he won't call back and then I won't have to explain anything.
person A: My friend just bought a brand new car for cheap! person B: That is something I need too. How did they get new so cheap? person A: He used a new car buying service and he raves about it. person B: That sounds awesome
person A: I am pretty thankful to live close to my sister person B: It is very important to stay close to family. person A: It really is. Our kids can play together often too. person B: That is wonderful to hear. When times are tough_comma_ family is all you have in this world.
person A: I'm glad to have a lot of work to keep me busy person B: You don't get any free time? person A: Not much_comma_ I can't afford free time. person B: OH. I know what you mean.
person A: I met my daughter;s teacher tody. person B: Did you like them okay? person A: I do. I think she got the best one. She is only in Kindergarten . person B: I'm sure she'll have a fun year. person A: I hope so. She was upset because she couldnt stay at school today.
person A: I love spaghetti so much. person B: I do too. I have a fantastic recipe person A: My grandmother had a great recipe. I think of her every time I have it now. person B: That is really nice! person A: I'm going to teach my kids to make it too so they can remember her.
person A: I was pretty disappointed when I found out I was passed over for a job person B: OH that sucks. person A: I know. I really thought it was in the bag. person B: Do you think the other person deserved it at all.
person A: MY new job starts next week. person B: Awesome! What will you be doing? person A: Im transferring to another store and becoming a supervisor. Im nervous cause of the position and its all new people. person B: That is awesome. They chose you for a reason. You will do great! person A: I hope so. No one like the boss lol
person A: I was pretty upset when my friend lost her husband. person B: That's sad. person A: It is. The hospital was negligent. person B: That's really bad. What is she going to do about it>
person A: I bought so much junk food yesterday. person B: Have you eaten it all yet ? person A: No. I have wanted to eat it all day though. I have a bit of will power. Not much/ person B: Well_comma_ you've done well so far then . person A: I don't know how long I will last.
person A: I had a big scare a few days ago. person B: What happened? person A: I ran into a snake in the yard. person B: I would have peed my pants.
person A: I am not a very good cook and everyone knows it. person B: I am sure you are good at many other things though. person A: Well at parties and pot lucks I am asked to bring the wine and punch. Never a real dish person B: That’s ok. If you would like to learn start simple person A: I have tried. I mess up everything. I think I may try bartending.
person A: was very sad to hear of my friends passing person B: I'm sorry for your loss. That sa to hear. person A: Thank you. He was a really good man. person B: It must be really tough. It will get better.
person A: I just lost another bet to my sister. person B: Oh yea? What was the bet? person A: That my mom never worked at McDonalds when she was younger. person B: Everyone's got that low minimum wage job at one point in their life sometimes. person A: She told me she had never worked in a restaurant when I wa little. I think they duped me.
person A: I'm so sleepy but have so much work to do. person B: Take a power nap. person A: I think I'll do that soon. person B: They really do recharger you.
person A: My daughter just ruined a carton of eggs. person B: That’s no good. How did she do that? person A: Looking in her phone while getting something from the fridge. I hate that phone person B: That explains it! person A: It's always the phone.
person A: I felt bad that I couldn’t be there for my friend when she went to court person B: Did everything go okay? person A: Yes it went well. Thank you person B: Your friend probably understands if you couldnt make it.
person A: I let one rip during dinner just now. person B: lol c'mon man_comma_ show some class. person A: It just came out. I excused myself though. person B: I understand_comma_ sometimes you just gotta "let a bomb drop".
person A: I havent seen my cat for days person B: Did it escape your house? person A: Yes. I think someone took her. Im so worried. person B: Have you put out signs? contacted the animal shelter? person A: We dont have a shelter. I think she is just gone.
person A: I can't believe I was the only one to think to bring Smores supplies on our camping trip! person B: Smores are a must when camping. person A: They are! How could everyone else not think about them? person B: I don't know. They probably brought their cell phones
person A: I was walking down the street the other day and I found 20$ just sitting there on the ground! I was so happy! person B: i have never been so lucky. person A: That has only happened to me once before_comma_ but then it was a 5$ bill person B: I've found a couple of dollars and lighters in the washing machine. Thats about it lol
person A: I order a burger today with no onions. I am allergic. person B: Allergic to onions? I have never heard of anyone with that allergy. Must be tough person A: Not if I don'te eat them. There were so many onions on that burger. person B: I hate onions_comma_ I just don't like the texture of them
person A: My brother built a fence all by himself. Saved himself some money from having to hire people person B: I would love to do that. Did it cost him much? person A: Yea. The parts cost him a lot though. Each would panel was at least $5. person B: Well he sure did save a lot in labor costs.
person A: I once put our fishbowl in the window so our beta could get some sun while we were gone all day. person B: Hoping the beta was okay. person A: IT froze to death in the window. I felt bad. person B: Oh wow. A fish freezing in the sun? Or was it winter and sunny? person A: It was winter. I was so dumb back then.
person A: Got home and everything looks like it got a fresh paint. person B: Did it? person A: Yep. Luckily_comma_ they're neutral colors. person B: Like beige and brown?
person A: I thought it was really cool when my friend offered to buy me a car if he won the lottery person B: That would be nice_comma_ but it's highly unlikely. person A: I know. The though was cool though. person B: It sure was.
person A: My daughter is working on a school project without having all the information on it. person B: That sounds familiar. Is there someone she can get it from? person A: She's working on that now. person B: That’s a relief.
person A: I yelled at my mom_comma_ because I was sleepy. I feel so bad. person B: What did you yell at her for? person A: Told her to leave me alone_comma_ when she needed me to open something for her. person B: Oh_comma_ that is sad_comma_ I hope she knows mistakes happen!
person A: I cannot wait for the new super smash bros for the nintendo switch person B: Mario is such a classic. Haven't played smash since gamecube I think. person A: That was a great one_comma_ I was addicted to Brawl as a kid person B: Which character is your favorite? person A: Probably Snake I think
person A: I found my friend's senior ring that she left behind before going to college. I miss her. person B: Why don't ou call her? person A: I don't want to bother her. person B: Well send it to her with a note to say you miss her. She can call you if she has time.
person A: I voted today and can't wait to hear the results. person B: Oh. Who did you vote for? person A: Well_comma_ we have a councilwoman who has been arrested for drunk and disorderly several times and she wins the election every year. person B: Wow. What does she do that peole would vote for her every year? person A: I have no idea. She was recorder this last time so I want to see if she still has her seat.
person A: I considered becoming a vegan_comma_ but I'm not so sure if it'll work out. person B: I have never tried and never will lol person A: I like the idea of it_comma_ for moral reasons_comma_ but I can't imagine I'd like any of the food. person B: That's what I think. Plus I'd miss bacon too much.
person A: My four year old drew a picture of me today. person B: You must be his role model! That's awesome. person A: It was the first time she got all of the body parts in the right area and the right amount of them. Last week I had 8 ears lol person B: That's just funny! Well I'm glad to hear she's learning and improving! Good to start them young. person A: She is starting school next week. I know she will enjoy it.
person A: I'm getting a shipment from my mom. I'm so excited! person B: What's inside? person A: Not sure. That's why I'm excited! person B: Why did she send you a shipment anyways?
person A: I get sentimental about my family_comma_ they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them person B: Appreciate them while they are with you and try not to worry. person A: I know_comma_ it is sad to think one will eventually be wihtout the other... person B: It's unfortunately. If only we can all go together and not leave anyone behind.
person A: I went to pick up my kid_comma_ and saw him helping a pregnant lady carry her stuff. person B: Well you seem to have done a great job parenting! person A: Well yea_comma_ that and I think he's a good kid on his own. person B: That is awesome_comma_ that is hard to come by
person A: Sometimes I look through old family pictures and get nostalgic about holidays. person B: Do you guys still spend the holidays together? person A: Since most of my grandparents died_comma_ we do not. person B: Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. person A: Thanks. It's just the issues with getting older I guess.
person A: I think I threw away the safety deposit key. it's worth $500 to replace it. person B: Oh no! Is what you have in there worth more than 500? person A: No. It's the cost of the bank replacing the box_comma_ locks and all. person B: I know but if there is nothing valuable in there just forget about it.
person A: My son is being bullied in school day after day. I've gone in and had so many meetings with the principal but it keeps happening. I. Am. Fed. Up. person B: I hate bullying. You should talk to the kiids parents. person A: They have been in the meetings with us and say it isn't their kids fault. person B: Beat the kids up. That's what I would do.
person A: I saw the students registering today. person B: For college? person A: Elementary. They didn't look to happy. I jhope they had a good summer_comma_ cause its over now lol person B: There's still another month of summer left where I am. person A: The kids start on Monday so summer break is pretty much over
person A: I get sentimental about my family_comma_ they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them person B: I feel the same way. Everyone isn't as fortunate to have family. person A: That is true_comma_ many people take it for granted person B: I learned a long time ago how important family is and now I have my own. person A: That is awesome to hear_comma_ appreciate them for what they are! person B: Exactly
person A: I Can;t believe my favorite show is ending. person B: What show is that? person A: Game of Thrones. I have been a fan since day 1 person B: I did not know it was ending_comma_ sorry to hear that! person A: 1 last seson. I know its going to be good.
person A: I've been working hard to meet my work goals this summer. person B: What are your goals? person A: It was to earn a certain amount of money. person B: Ah I see. It's always nice to have a goal to work towards.
person A: There were 6 kittens in front of my doorstep this morning. person B: Are you keeping them? person A: Yep. Let's see how it goes. If not_comma_ I could always find a good home for them. person B: That's a lot to take in.
person A: I was disappointed with the new Mario Tennis game_comma_ it did not live up to my expectations person B: Oh. How was it different to the previous ones? person A: It was more robust_comma_ but not enough of an improvement person B: Yea. Didn't warrant a new version_comma_ hu?
person A: I was looking forward to hanging out with my friends but looks like I'm stuck at work person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ why are you working extra? person A: Someone called out sick. person B: Ah_comma_ I know that all too well_comma_ best of luck
person A: Going on vacation this weekend. I can't wait! person B: Where are you headed? person A: Hawaii. I've never been. person B: Me neither_comma_ sounds like fun!
person A: I was proud of my friend when he was the high school valedictorian_comma_ he did a great job! person B: That's an incredible achievement. He must've worked really hard. person A: He did_comma_ I did not know he was that smart though person B: sometimes it's the one who keep it on the downlow who are the smartest.
person A: I tried spincah alfredo for the first time the other day. person B: how did you like it? person A: I loved it. I had never even had spinach before. person B: I'm not a big fan of spinach myself. person A: It was delicious. I've been looking for a good recipe for myself.
person A: A major health win for me_comma_ I quit smoking a few weeks ago after 30 years. person B: Wow. I have been trying. How did you do it? person A: Willpower and a strong desire to get healthy. person B: That's great. I'll get there one day. I wanna see my great grandkids
person A: I cannot wait for the new super smash bros for the nintendo switch person B: I didn't know they were recreating that game! When does it come out? person A: It comes out in december! person B: I'll need to keep a look out for it!
person A: I have a day off tomorrow after 3 straight weeks of work and my throat is starting to bother me! Figures! person B: That is terrible_comma_ I hope you feel better! person A: Thanks_comma_ hopefully it's just a false alarm. person B: Yeah_comma_ I hope so!
person A: The adoption people called me about the dog we applied for. Think we're getting him! person B: What dog breed is it? person A: It's a jack russell! person B: Oh wow_comma_ that is an energetic dog_comma_ good luck!
person A: I am jealous of my coworker_comma_ he is super smart and younger than me person B: It sucks_comma_ but sometimes you just can't compare yourself to other people. person A: I guess so_comma_ I am proud of him_comma_ he is very likeable_comma_ but still person B: Yea_comma_ I get you. It's hard not to feel bad when someone seems to have it easier.
person A: My friend just went through a break up. Think some good movies and food are in order person B: That's tough_comma_ it's good he has a friend like you to help him out though. person A: Yea_comma_ it happens. He's been there for me too. person B: It's good you have a close friend to count on too if needed.