person A: I got $20 worth of Taco Bell. I haven't ate all day. person B: Oh wow! You must've been hungry. person A: Yea_comma_ I am lol. Still haven't ate yet. person B: Will you be able to eat all that?
person A: I had to go to the food bank for some formula today_comma_ because I ran out unexpectedly. I am glad they were able to help me. person B: Some organizations are really life savers. person A: Yeah exactly_comma_ my town is full of wonderful people who are very charitable_comma_ pretty much everyone here volunteers and participates. person B: Not like mine then. So many fronting to donate_comma_ but they're actually stealing.
person A: My dog is getting really old. He's always been there for me_comma_ so I'm going to take care of this little guy as best I can in his last days. person B: I'm sorry to hear that but he is lucky to have you. person A: It's ok. I am lucky to have him as well. person B: Yes you are_comma_ I'm sorry to hear about you losing them.
person A: Have to go to the doctor tomorrow to see if I have strep throat. I hate when they have to swab the back of your mouth to "make sure" that it's strep so they can treat you. Really hoping to avoid that this time around. person B: Sorry to hear that_comma_ the trouble of going to the doctor just to "confirm" its strep throat is the worst. It's like I know I have it_comma_ just help me! person A: Haha_comma_ that's exactly how I feel. And then when they have to swab the back of your throat_comma_ I always gag and they keep having to do it over and over. It's traumatic almost_comma_ and I'm already sick to boot! person B: Hopefully you can avoid that_comma_ the swab to the back of your throat is a gross feeling!
person A: My dog wants to play tug of war with me with this little rope toy she has. But when we played last night_comma_ she got so wild and energetic_comma_ that she started attacking my other dog! Not sure if I should do it again.. person B: Oh no! maybe she needs a break for a wahile person A: I thought so too. Didn't think she'd want to rough-house today. I was just trying to get some work done and she keeps dropping the toy at my feet and whining_comma_ and it makes me feel so guilty to ignore her! But she drew blood last night on my other dog_comma_ so I'm not sure. person B: That's no good. I guess you'll have to find a nicer game.
person A: I went grocery shopping like I usually do today_comma_ but I did something different. person B: Oh_comma_ that's curious... By different_comma_ what do you mean? Did you buy different stuff_comma_ or go to a different store_comma_ or what? person A: I never wanted to be the "grocery list" person_comma_ but I did it today and its the first time in years I didn't forget something. I shouldve beem doing this all along especially with three kids. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ totally. And then you don't end up buying too much or too little_comma_ and you don't waste time trying to remember things. There's also tons of little apps on your phone you can get that can make it really streamlined and convenient. person A: I have so many apps_comma_ but I get frustated with technology easily. I think the list thing might work out after all person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe give it one more try_comma_ and if you continue to like it_comma_ that might be your sign to stick with it. Good luck!
person A: My sister in law lived with us and she was so lazy_comma_ she slept in until five pm everyday on our couch with the curtains drawn and expect us to all just stay in the dark all day. person B: Oh my gosh_comma_ that's so annoying! How did you deal with it? person A: Well eventually I just called up a local post office and asked if they were hiring_comma_ and sent her in to apply and she got a job which got her up. person B: That was a good solution! Smart thinking!
person A: I was so pleased with the service I received from the delivery company when I bought my new stove! person B: Well that's good_comma_ are you enjoying the new stove? person A: I am! The delivery guys were nice enough to connect the cord_comma_ plug it in and even set the clock! person B: Wow how kind.
person A: I borrowed a friend's hammer and broke the head off person B: It is always a bummer when you borrow something and it breaks right away. You feel responsible and have to replace it. person A: Yea_comma_ exactly. Apparently_comma_ he really loves that hammer. person B: Did you end up buying him a new one?
person A: I saw a man yelling at a little boy for no reason. person B: Were they related? person A: I'm not sure but it made me very upset. person B: That's terrible to be yelling at a kid who probably doesn't know any better.
person A: I haven't heard back from my mom yet. Wonder if she's ok person B: I hope she is okay also. person A: She's at Best Buy trying to get her computer fixed. I hope they don't take advantage of her. person B: You should go with her next time so that doesn't happen.
person A: My friend's dog started vomiting a lot. He's at the vet right now. person B: I hope he's okay. I hate when my dog is sick. person A: I hope so_comma_ too. We're waiting to hear back. person B: What is the dog's name? I'll say a puppy prayer for him
person A: Everyone is my neighborhood has a nicer car than me. person B: Must make you feel jealous. person A: Very much so. It's petty but I can't afford a new car. I feel out of pplace lol person B: Maybe they don't even have enough for the cars themselves. person A: That's a good way to look at it. Im not going to strain my pockets trying to fit in
person A: On my way home from work today I had to wait a really long time for the train the ended up being super crowded due to a police investigation somewhere down the line. person B: That is weird. Do you know what happened? person A: Apparently it had to do with an unahtorized person on the tracks person B: That is creepy.
person A: I was shocked when I realized I had a $100 bill in an old pocket person B: Wow that would be a really awesome thing to discover! Did you use it for something fun? person A: Actually I used it to take the kids to a water park person B: That is fun for everyone. Especially if you've been having hot sunny weather.
person A: I am very happy when I spend time with my girlfriend. person B: You guys sound really happy together. person A: We truly are. After a few bad ones I think I am truly in love. person B: That's wonderful. How long have you been together?
person A: i went rock climbing_comma_ and remembered I used to climb with my brother all the time person B: Wow that sounds so scary! person A: Rock climbing is actually not scary unless you're afraid of heights of course. person B: You must be pretty strong to do that.
person A: My friend got me a new phone. person B: Well that's awfully generous of them. person A: It is. I didn't even ask for it_comma_ and it's not a special occasion. person B: Wow are they a very close friend?
person A: I tried to reach out to my estranged mom_comma_ but she insulted me and refused to speak to me. person B: That's awful. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. person A: It's okay_comma_ I'm used to it_comma_ it's been six years since we've seen each other. person B: Guess she's estranged for a reason.
person A: Haven't seen my friends in a while_comma_ we had such a great time at the lake. person B: Nice. When was the last you have seen them? person A: 3 years ago. person B: Why you didn't contact them?
person A: I made a mistake at work but everyone blamed a coworker. I feel so bad about ir. person B: Will you explain it to them? person A: I am too afraid of the consequences and I think it is too late. person B: That's understandable. Hopefully_comma_ you won't make the same mistake next time.
person A: I missed my friend's phone call. Her car broke down. person B: Yikes. Did she have to walk? person A: Yea. She walked to the nearest gas station. person B: Look at the bright side. She got some exercise. We all need more exercise.
person A: I had such a nice time with my aunt going through my uncles things after he passed person B: I'm so sorry to hear that. What did you guys find? person A: He had a lot of letters that he kept and he had old collectors items person B: You two must miss a lot.
person A: I haven't seen my grandma in 5 years. I'm so excited she's coming to visit. person B: Good for you. I loved spending time with my grandma! person A: What's your grandma like? person B: She is the sweetest woman I have ever met
person A: You would not believe this girl! I was at my kid's graduation. Afterwards_comma_ my mom and I went up to congratulate him. I was just about to hug him and one of his ex's pushed me and my mom out of the way_comma_ jumped on him_comma_ and wouldn't let him go for 10 minutes! person B: That sounds crazy! person A: I was so irritated. She was sobbing hysterically. And my poor son just stood there not knowing what to do person B: What happened next? person A: My mom finally went in between them and said "I think you have had long enough. If he wanted you on him he would have asked you to be here. It's his mom's turn"
person A: The new Call of duty is going to be the bomb person B: Nice. Did you pre-order? person A: Sure did. I'm playing on release day and gonna kill it! person B: Sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun. person A: I think so. I think that every year though lol
person A: I was digging my nose thinking I was alone. person B: I know where this is going lol person A: hahah do you now person B: You obviously weren't alone
person A: My dad is coming into town. Haven't seen the guy in 5 years person B: That should be fun. Does he live pretty far away? person A: Yea_comma_ he's some timezones away. person B: That has to be tough
person A: I was not impressed when I realized that I left my badge at home person B: Oh no. Did you need it? person A: It was a little difficult to get into work without it person B: Sometimes we forget stuff. It happens.
person A: I ruined dinner tonight I feel bad. person B: What happened? person A: I forgot to put up the leftovers last night and the food was no good. person B: You could have still eaten it if you were daring. person A: Well I'm not. And I can't afford to be sick and miss work either. person B: Bright side_comma_ it would have been a great excuse to order pizza. person A: That's exactly what I did lol
person A: I've been letting a stranger stay with us this past couple of days person B: A complete stranger? How the heck did that happen? I'm sure you must be confident that it's safe_comma_ if they're staying with you. person A: Seems like they were really down on their luck. I felt really bad for them. person B: So_comma_ are they trying to apply for jobs and stuff? How long do you think you'll let them stay for?
person A: I hate trying to apply for jobs_comma_ putting so much effort into it_comma_ and then not getting any sort of response back. It's like_comma_ yeah_comma_ okay_comma_ I understand if you can't hire me_comma_ but can you at least tell me that you're denying me_comma_ and maybe why_comma_ too? person B: I think we're just another number for them. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm starting to feel that way. How long ago was it that you had to do a job hunt? person B: I'm actually doing one now. Need better pay. I wish us both the best of luck.
person A: I've been waiting for a story to finish_comma_ but the author passed away person B: Oh no! Which author is it? That really stinks when you can't finish a story. An eternal cliff-hanger. person A: Yea_comma_ now I try to read completed works lol. person B: That's a good idea. I know everyone is worried about that when it comes to George RR Martin and game of thrones.
person A: My dad just walked in with a piece of cheesecake only for himself! Cheesecake is my favorite dessert! I really wish I could have gone to Cheesecake Factory with him. person B: Wow. He didn't get you one_comma_ hu? Thanks Dad. person A: Yeah_comma_ it's alright. He's been a little sad lately since he just recently retired_comma_ so I'm glad he's enjoying himself. I won't give him too much crap about it. person B: That's nice of you. I hope he feels better soon.
person A: It warms my heart to have my parents to have such a good relationship with my kids person B: It's great that your kids are having such a great relationship with their grandparents. person A: It really is. Does your family live close to you? person B: Yea_comma_ they do_comma_ but they're getting old. Makes me scared.
person A: My girlfriend is going on vacation out of the country with her friends for 2 weeks person B: That is a long time. What are you going to do? person A: Try not to worry and trust her. person B: That is good. Might be a good time to work on you
person A: My exroommate was horrible! He refused to shower. We were lucky to get 1 shower a week out of him. And he refused to clean up after himself person B: That's insanely gross. person A: He smelled so bad! And before I moved out_comma_ he had dishes with food in them from over a month before person B: He will be single forever. person A: We can only hope so. person B: Tragic lol
person A: MY kids are gonna take care of me when I get older. I just know it person B: That is a great thought! What makes you so sure? person A: I'm just wishing they would. I do a lot for them and I hope they appreciate it lol person B: I completely know the feeling. My kids are teenagers and I threaten them every day that I will move in with them when I am old and grey lol. person A: Lol. I should do that too. And say you still have to do what I say because I will always be the parent lol person B: If only that actually worked_comma_ right? lol person A: I know right
person A: I thought I saw a bat in my kitchen last night person B: Ugh that would freak me out! Did you ever find out if it was a real bat? person A: It was a big moth. I'm just afraid of everything. My daughter just opened the door and let it out lol. She is my hero person B: Oh well that's lucky for you haha my three sons hate bugs! person A: Even my 4 year old wasn't afraid. How embarassing
person A: I was about to go to bed when my mother in law called with the shocking news that my sister in law was pregnant. person B: Why is it so shocking? person A: Because I never expected her to get pregnant so young. person B: Well she is married right? some people say sister in law before its official
person A: My friend is at Chipotle getting me some burritos. person B: That sounds really good. What kind do you like? person A: Their sofritas with extra everything. person B: That sounds great
person A: I am anticipating a really long day tomorrow and it makes me nervous person B: Oh. What's happening tomorrow? person A: It is going to be really busy and hard to get out of work probably person B: I hope you're able to tough it out.
person A: I took a statewide licensing test last week. I had to study really hard for it. But in the end I was rewarded quite well. I got the highest score in the entire state! person B: That is amazing_comma_ did it lower your insurance rates too? person A: No it doesn't affect my insurance rates in any way. person B: That is a bummer_comma_ but congratulations on the highest score_comma_ that is something to be proud of.
person A: I was on a long walk and couldnt get home on time to get to the bathroom. person B: Oh no! That sounds awful. Were you able to stop on the way home? person A: Nope_comma_ not at all unfortunately. person B: Oh goodness! I am so sorry that happened to you!
person A: The first time I spent the weekend at my boyfriend's appointment_comma_ I was greeted by flowers all through the apartment and my dog had treats and toys waiting for him person B: That sounds wonderful. person A: It really was so sweet. He still spoils us rotten. I haven't quite gotten used to it yet lol person B: Does he have a sister? lol person A: lol He does_comma_ in fact!
person A: Saw this guy ate 3 bowls of large pho. person B: Holy cow_comma_ that's impressive. I bet they had to be carried back home. Did they even break a sweat? person A: They ate it like it was nothing. Damn. person B: Haha_comma_ that's so funny. I bet it was even funnier to watch. I can kind of understand it--pho is really popular. I've had it and it's not bad. My girlfriend loves it and has it like once a week_comma_ along with spring rolls.
person A: On the way home on my bike_comma_ I couldn't hold it in any longer and I... went to the bathroom on myself. #2. It was horrible. I had another mile to go before I got back to my house. So much to clean up. I felt so mortified! person B: Oh god_comma_ I've been through that. At least_comma_ a bike is easy to clean? person A: Yeah_comma_ the bike was easy to clean_comma_ for sure. Took like two minutes. Myself on the other hand... Not so much. And the clothes_comma_ I almost wanted to throw them away but the jeans are my favorite_comma_ so I decided against it. They might not be my favorite anymore though... person B: Oh man. Sorry that happened.
person A: It's birthday soon. I want to be a better person. person B: Make that wish when you blow out the candles person A: Yea_comma_ i will! person B: Birthday wishes come true. You will have to work at it still though.
person A: I miss when my toddlers were tiny babies. person B: aw how old are they now? person A: 3 and 4. They don't listen and waste crumbs when they aren't even eating anything. I don't understand it. person B: You definitely need to teach them not to do that. person A: Like I said. They don't listen lol
person A: My neighbor's party is still going on. I need to wake up early tomorrow. person B: What time is it there? person A: Around 9pm. person B: Well they should prbabl shut it down soon. It is only Thursday.
person A: I lie to my boyfriend constantly. person B: Oh no_comma_ how come? person A: I always tell him I'm broke so I don't have to spend my own money. That's bad I know person B: Well_comma_ he sounds like he really loves you. person A: I hope so.
person A: My son just left for the Army. He is going to have an amazing career. person B: He's definitely going to learn a lot. How long will he be away for? person A: This go round it will only be for a few months. But the next time he leaves will be a lot longer. person B: Will you miss him? person A: I already miss him like crazy. But_comma_ I know he was born to do this.
person A: Let my 16 year old brother borrow my car to take his date out. person B: Did he take good care of your car? person A: Yea_comma_ he was very responsible with it. person B: That's great! Not too many 16 year olds are that responsible.
person A: Had to give a presentation for my group at school. Think I did well. person B: That's awesome. Did you get nervous prior? person A: Oh yea_comma_ I'm super nervous in front of a lot of people_comma_ but I prepared a lot. person B: It gets easier as you get older. I'm sure you did great.
person A: Someone in my family snuck $20 out of my wallet without asking me. It had to be one of them_comma_ because it's been here on the counter all day_comma_ and I know I definitely had two $20 bills in there. No one will own up to it... person B: That's sad. If you can't trust your family how can you trust. Are you going to say something? person A: I don't know. Maybe not. It hasn't really happened before_comma_ so I'm not too beat up about it. But I'm a struggling college student_comma_ so every bit counts. It was probably my teenage sister. I'd rather not create a lot of loud drama. person B: I don't know. If you let it go it could happen again and again.
person A: I remember when the Ice Cream Man used to come down my childhood street. person B: Those were the days. I remember buying 25 cents popsicles. person A: It really takes me back to the good old days. person B: yep. Those popsicles are like 1-3 dollars now
person A: You wanna know what takes me back to those days? person B: What is it? am curious. person A: Totinos pizza rolls. I still eat them today person B: Oh yes_comma_ and remember Bagel Bites! person A: Don't get me started. I ate a Toaster Strudel every morning lol person B: Stop making me miss my childhood! person A: Have kids so you can say you're buying those snacks for them. That's what I did lol
person A: I was shocked when I realized I left my door open at night person B: Wide open? Or just unlocked? That's crazy! I guess you got lucky you didn't get robbed or have some animals become new roommates. Hard to believe decades ago people loved to go to bed with their doors unlocked. person A: It was wide open person B: Uh oh! That's scary. I bet you won't let that happen again. Well_comma_ I'm glad everything ended up okay.
person A: I think my brother's children are going to have to be put up for adoption soon. He and his wife just aren't fit for parenting_comma_ as they fight and get drunk all the time. It's a shame_comma_ because I love the two nephews myself_comma_ and I hate the thought of not being able to see them again. But it may be for the best... person B: That is really a shame. Too bad they won't get help for the kids person A: I think they'll be forced to_comma_ eventually. They've already had the department of social services involved_comma_ but they always end up getting the children back. At some point_comma_ reality is really going to set in and they'll lose their children. person B: You would think they would be motivated to keep their kids
person A: Yesterday I was notified that I did not receive a promotion at work. Really sucked. person B: That is so disappointing. Will you stay there? person A: I'm not sure. I'm so depressed that I don't know what to do now. person B: That's too bad. Maybe explore some other options and see how you feel.
person A: My husband always stops at the store on his way home from work. person B: That's really nice! What does he usually get at the store? person A: Mainly groceries_comma_ but he always wanders through the clearance aisles of toys and gadgets and takes forever_comma_ while we just sit and wait on him to eat dinner. person B: Sounds a lot like me. I love going through the toys and gadgets section to see if I can find anything for my kids.
person A: My parents threw a surprise party for me last night. I was so happy! person B: I love a good surprise party. person A: Me too! They are a ton of fun. I was so shocked and I got a bunch of cool gifts. person B: I never get gifts or a party. I need new friends and family
person A: MY ex has a gambling problem. Thats why we broke up person B: That really stinks. What game did she used to play? person A: He play slot machines only. We broke up two years ago and he still hasn't gotten it together. He asked me for help with his car note the other day. I'm no enabler. person B: Yup. Because as soon as you give him a sweet stack of cash_comma_ he's probably going to blow it at the slots. person A: Exactly. He is just doomed.
person A: I am mad at the democrats. person B: Haha_comma_ why? person A: The country needs a border wall with Mexico and the dims keep blocking the resolution person B: I disagree with both Democrats and Republicans.
person A: I am so mad at my cable company! My internet and TV keeps going out and their technicians are incompetent! person B: I am having a similar issue. You shouldn’t have to pay for a service they aren’t providing. person A: Yeah_comma_ but they never credit me anything for the lost service time! It makes me see red! person B: That just isn’t right!
person A: Pretty excited to go shopping person B: Shopping is fun! What do you plan on getting? person A: There is a lot of great sales. We will see person B: Hopefully you will catch those great deals! Sounds exciting!
person A: It felt great to see my son graduate. Like I succeeded as a parent. person B: That;s awesome. high school? person A: Yes. College is the next big step! person B: I bet you are so proud. I cried when my daughter graduated 6th grade lol
person A: My youngest daughter got the last spot in her pre k class. person B: In terms of grades or something else? person A: No they only have room for so many kids and I felt bad because I waited so late. She almost got waitlisted. person B: Oh I see now. Wow that is pretty lucky! person A: Very lucky. I won't make that mistake again
person A: I found out my baby didn't weigh enough so I devoted my time to helping him catch up. person B: That's awesome that you devoted time to care for him! How is he doing? person A: He is weighing enough now luckily_comma_ but he seems a little skinny in some spots to me still. person B: That's great you got him up to a healthy weight! Kudos on you! I'm sure those spots will even out eventually.
person A: I couldn't believe how nice that car was! She did really well getting that new car. person B: Oh that's cool_comma_ having a nice new car always feel so sleek and cool. person A: Yeah and she bought it the day of our trip so we didn't have to worry about driving an older ride. Worked out great. person B: That's good!
person A: There once was a hurricane approaching my area. person B: Ah! That's always such a scary thing_comma_ because there's such a dreaded anticipation that goes along with it_comma_ a whole_comma_ "Will it? Won't it?" kind of game of seeing whether it will head in your direction. I live in the southeast_comma_ so I've dealt with worrying about plenty of them. person A: I am so happy I was ready for it. person B: Yeah_comma_ there's always that fury of activity by everyone to go stock up on gas_comma_ groceries_comma_ and other materials like batteries_comma_ etc. So_comma_ did it ultimately end up hitting you_comma_ or no? person A: No_comma_ just a few trees fell in the front yard. Thank goodness.
person A: My little boy is testing to see if he can get into a prestigious private school. Really hope he gets into it before the school year starts! If he does_comma_ they say kids from these schools are set and will easily get into a good college person B: I really hope he gets accepted! person A: Me too! It would be crazy expensive_comma_ but it's something I want to do for him because I know it will give him such a crazy good foundation for the later stages of life. If I can see him through this_comma_ then I will have half of my job as a father done. person B: You sound like an amazing father. He is so lucky!
person A: I can't wait for the new season of this is us person B: I've never watched it but i've heard it's really good. Maybe I should give it a try person A: It is. It is literally one of the best shows I have ever seen and I 've seen plenty. person B: Really? I will definitely give it a try. My favorite tv show is stranger things person A: You wouldn't believe I got too scared watching the first episode of that show. My daughter still watches it though
person A: I am starting my new job tomorrow. I've never been so nervous in my life. person B: I know the feeling. person A: It's a really high paying one to boot - $3/hour. I just don't want to mess it up! person B: Three dollars?
person A: Four more days and the kids ar back in school!! yay person B: Nice! What do you plan to do with a house empty of kids? person A: Enjoy silence for a while. Then I don't know lol_comma_ but I cant wait! person B: I am glad for you. Sometimes kids can be annoying. person A: 75% of the time
person A: I stayed home from work today because my son was sick person B: Stressful. Was your work understanding? Is he ok? person A: I haven’t called in before so it was no big deal person B: Is he feeling better?
person A: You ever had strawberry shortcake ice cream? person B: Like the creamsicles? person A: Yes that's it. person B: You wouldn't believe. I'm eating one right now. person A: I don't believe you. I used to eat them all the time as a kid person B: Me too. They wer 50 cent on the ice cream truck. person A: The ice cream truck didn come here. My grandmother used to buy boxes of them for us. person B: That's cool. I buy the box of six and don't share with anyone
person A: I think I'm getting new neighbors. person B: Why would you think that? person A: Well_comma_ I know. Some moved in a couch earlier. I just hope they aren't jerks person B: Why would you think they are jerks? person A: Every neighbor I've had in that apartment have been jerks. person B: You must have lived there for a long time. person A: 5 years person B: WOW
person A: Took the trash out yesterday and it burst all over the ground. I was pretty peeved. person B: I am so sorry to hear that. It will get better. person A: Yeah_comma_ it did once I cleaned it up. But it was pretty nasty when I had to do that. Garbage and possums were everywhere! person B: That seems pretty gross_comma_ especially the possums.
person A: I proposed to my girlfriend the other day and she said yes! person B: Nice and congrats! How long have you been together? person A: I am so happy! We have been together for two years. person B: That's really nice. Been thinking about proposing to my girlfriend as well. We've been together for almost the same amount of time. person A: Do it! She will be so grateful!
person A: I went to his 8th grade graduation. Such a handsome boy and I'm glad he's doing good in school. He's going to high school now! person B: I'm sorry who is going in too 8th grade? person A: My nephew! Sorry_comma_ I forgot to mention that. He's growing up so fast :D person B: Oh awesome! Oh my gosh they do. I can't believe mine are in their 20's now! I hate it when they grow up honestly
person A: Well I have worked hard and lost some weight and toned up a bit after a year of not working out. I finally feel good when I go out in public instead of gross person B: Holy cow that's amazing! Good on you! How much weight have you lost? person A: Oh about 70lbs. I got in very bad health and had a bad health issue with pregnancy it's been a battle but after 6 months_comma_ I finally feel like an attractive woman when going outside. Its hard when you don't feel you look good person B: Yeah I can relate. I bet you feel and look amazing! That determination is a quality to behold. Keep working hard!
person A: I got up on stage and completely made a fool of myself person B: Where were you? person A: I was at the community theater person B: Did you forget your lines? person A: I did right off the bat person B: Oh that's terrible.
person A: MY kids go so crazy when they have any sugar. person B: I always hide my sweet whenever I buy any
person A: these people at work are so disrespectful and racist!! I can't wait till i quit! I'm an armed guard and they want me to help customers to find products and i'm not there for that!! person B: Hmmm sounds like an unpleasant job. Maybe they ask you for help because you're the only one around? It doesn't hurt to help those in need. person A: i understand_comma_ but i'm there to make sure everybody is safe. if i start helping customers i might miss a person getting a gun out or something like that person B: That is a fair point. You can't have those that are there to protect us be distracted. This is a key tenant when I'm on watch in the Navy.
person A: I ran a red light yesterday because I didn't think anyone was out on the road at 2AM. But a cop managed to nail me. person B: oh man_comma_ i'm glad you didn't get into an accident though. please be careful next time. did he give you a ticket? person A: I did get a ticket. I was so embarrassed because it was the first time I ever got one. person B: At least he didn't take your driver's license and tow your car
person A: I am upset the Jonas Brothers broke up. person B: They did! That is so terrible! person A: Yes_comma_ I cried for weeks when I found out. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ maybe they will get back together.
person A: My baby walked for the first time just the other day. person B: That is cool_comma_ did you film it? person A: No_comma_ I didn't have my phone with me but I am so delighted it happened! person B: That is awesome_comma_ is this your first kid. person A: Yes_comma_ he is the love of my life!
person A: I get scared when moving to a new neighborhood. person B: That's typically a nerve wracking experience. Did you meet any kind people? person A: Well sometimes I think new people are targets for crazy things. person B: Yeah_comma_ if it is a bad neighborhood I suppose. person A: Yeah. Im weird.
person A: I have a physics test tomorrow that I have been studying for non stop. I feel really good about it. person B: PHysics? I'm glad I never took that class. person A: Yeah_comma_ it's a pretty tough course_comma_ but a lot of studying goes a long way. person B: Are you looking for a career that involves physics?
person A: I am looking forward to graduating next year. person B: What is your degree in? person A: Criminal Justice. person B: Wow_comma_ impressive. What do you want to do? person A: I have no idea. I just want to graduate and make moeny lol
person A: My grandma died last month and now we are sorting through her things. person B: Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. person A: It has been kind of fun going through all of her old family photo albums though. person B: Well that's one nice thing to enjoy. That's sweet.
person A: I was going to have a baby and I wanted to do it without medication. i was not sure if I'd be strong enough but I was optimistic stil person B: I bet you did great! person A: I didn't end up making it haha but I went further then I had in any of my previous pregnancies at least. person B: But that is still okay. Either way you accomplished something difficult!
person A: I can't wait to get out of these work clothes and into my sweats person B: That's the best part of the day person A: Darn right it is person B: The first sip of a beer is pretty nice too lol
person A: MY new neighbors just moved in downstairs. person B: Have you met them yet? person A: No but its late and they are putting pictures or something on the wall. All I hear is the hammer. person B: That might be a bad sign person A: I know
person A: I am so upset. person B: Why? person A: I ordered food from Uber Eats and it neve came. person B: Can't you see the driver on the app? person A: I don't know what happened. It said that it was picked up and then nothing. person B: Did you get a refund? person A: After two hours with customer service. I'm still hungry! person B: Just eat a sandwich.
person A: Im taking my daughter for school clothes person B: How old is she? person A: 13 and she wants to go to thrift stores! person B: Wow that's odd. At least you will save some money. person A: Sure will. I hope she picks cute stuff still person B: What is her style? person A: She like black and red so no style at all lol person B: Lol have fun
person A: I start my new job as a social worker in one week! I'm a little anxious about it because I don't want to mess up_comma_ but also it feels good to finally be able to put my education to use (and make a living_comma_ of course). person B: Wow that will surely be a rewarding career. I am impressed that you want to help others. person A: Thanks! I appreciate that. I was kind of nervous at first that I was choosing the wrong career path_comma_ but I think it will be cool. I'm not too money-obsessed_comma_ so a profession that helps others while not earning a ton of money is okay with me. person B: Yeah I felt bad luckily he forgave me though.
person A: I had an argument and lost my temper. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. We're all human_comma_ and that does happen sometimes. I guess all you can do is do your best to not say or do anything you can't take back. Is everything resolved now? person A: Things with my spouse. person B: Ah_comma_ an argument with your spouse? Those are always tricky. I hope you guys can work through it amicably_comma_ because that's obviously an important relationship.
person A: I still have the first Valentine my daughter ever gave me person B: Wow. How old is she now? person A: She is 13 now person B: how old is the valentine person A: I think she was 4. lol person B: Thats sweet though