{ "en": "whether you need to lose weight or not", "ja": "脳が分ってくれると思いたいところですが" }
{ "en": "i came in this morning to reexamine the bomb's components, and i pieced together some of the strips of packing paper that were used.", "ja": "梱包材として使われてた、新聞紙の切れ端をつなぎ合わせて、ニューヨークタイムズの。" }
{ "en": "back up!", "ja": "下がれ!" }
{ "en": "you get to see wood making an ass of himself at the coliseum.", "ja": "ウッドがコロシアムで、バカなことしたり。" }
{ "en": "it's a very great pleasure to fly around.", "ja": "飛び回ることは非常に大きな快楽です。" }
{ "en": "yeah, but you don't have to tell her", "ja": "彼女に言う必要はない" }
{ "en": "her iq is north of 150.", "ja": "iqは北側で150。" }
{ "en": "there's no way he'd be here...", "ja": "絶対にあるはずなんだが...。" }
{ "en": "i'll expect your report on monday.", "ja": "報告書は月曜までだ。" }
{ "en": "this might be a kind of explanation", "ja": "時として自らの支持と反した" }
{ "en": "because this is not constructivist or montessori or something.", "ja": "これは構成主義でも、モンテッソーリ教育などでもないからです。" }
{ "en": "because you're her mother, aren't you?", "ja": "お母さんだからじゃないすか?" }
{ "en": "ss: so, then aimee makes it to the 1996 paralympics", "ja": "シェリル:、そのあと、エイミーは1996年のパラリンピック代表選手になって" }
{ "en": "that compromises the bee's immune system", "ja": "ミツバチの免疫システムを破壊し、ウイルスを注入します" }
{ "en": "it's a pretty profound statement.", "ja": "これはとても深淵な言葉です。" }
{ "en": "had a very serious character and was a skilled doctor.", "ja": "あなたも、ご存じのとおり、本来、真面目な人格者で。" }
{ "en": "i go to see my uncle.", "ja": "おじに会いに行く。" }
{ "en": "we must consider what will become of colored folk if four million are, in one instant, set free.", "ja": "4万人の黒人が一斉に解放されたら、どうなるでしょう?" }
{ "en": "clinical oncology and palliative care.", "ja": "臨床腫瘍学と苦痛緩和看護。" }
{ "en": "eleanor. please. i need to speak with your son?", "ja": "エレノアは、私はあなたの息子と話をする必要があるしてください。" }
{ "en": "all things flow from the sacred engine.", "ja": "すべては神聖なるエンジンによって、動かされているの。" }
{ "en": "tell your future.", "ja": "あなたの未来は・・・。" }
{ "en": "a mind weapon.", "ja": "精神的武器よ。" }
{ "en": "65 million years ago?!", "ja": "6,500万年以上前の巨大な怪物だ。" }
{ "en": "so where's tracy?", "ja": "トレイシーはどこ?" }
{ "en": "we're not having this discussion in front of my son.", "ja": "息子の前で、そんな話はしないでくれ。" }
{ "en": "it seems that maria was here?", "ja": "マリアかな?" }
{ "en": "he's huge but he's so fast!", "ja": "ああっ!、《こんなにも早く➡" }
{ "en": "in other words, sugayasan was also looking for the homeless shigeta...?", "ja": "つまり、須賀谷さんも、ホームレスの重田を探してた...?" }
{ "en": "hey, you alright?", "ja": "痛え。、おい。、大丈夫か?、おい。" }
{ "en": "thank you for this.", "ja": "彼女は元気だ、ありがとう。" }
{ "en": "they took me in the back room to try to get me high, but i said no.", "ja": "奥の部屋で酔わせようと、しましたが断りました。" }
{ "en": "it's finally the final third.", "ja": "緊張から、ようやく解き放たれました。" }
{ "en": "time for pride is over, patty.", "ja": "プライドを捨てる時だよ。" }
{ "en": "i'm not a leader.", "ja": "俺はリーダーじゃない。" }
{ "en": "not at all.", "ja": "もちろん見るわ。" }
{ "en": "what a normalfag event!", "ja": "な...、何という、リア充イベント" }
{ "en": "hey, kira!", "ja": "おい...、ルキアは、どうなんだ?" }
{ "en": "but, now that haruto is saved", "ja": "だが、ハルトが救われた今" }
{ "en": "and underemployment in a community", "ja": "不安定な労働条件、―" }
{ "en": "and i would tell them stories about my life.", "ja": "自分の生活を交えたりもします。" }
{ "en": "so many murdered.", "ja": "殺害された大勢の人。" }
{ "en": "as a prosecutor though.", "ja": "検事としては、恥ずかしいけどね。" }
{ "en": "no, it's not that.", "ja": "(澪)、服じゃなくて。" }
{ "en": "my grandfather was upset that somebody", "ja": "地元の高校で誰かが刺されて殺されたのを" }
{ "en": "punching a pipeline through the heart", "ja": "パイプラインで" }
{ "en": "he made a fortune, sold his company, and he moves his family down to boca raton.", "ja": "彼は財を成して、自分の会社を売り、家族と一緒にボカ・ラトンに移住した。" }
{ "en": "it's not just me brody.", "ja": "俺だけじゃ無い。" }
{ "en": "as long as you have the courage to take that first step, you'll meet a rival to compete with.", "ja": "一歩踏み出す勇気を持てば、競い合えるライバルに出会えるって。" }
{ "en": "on your left side, you have a snapshot of a neural network of a mouse", "ja": "左はマウスの神経ネットワークの画像です" }
{ "en": "you're brother is a part of kasu high's water polo team, right?", "ja": "入試から半年もたって➡?" }
{ "en": "you think too highly of her.", "ja": "天空好高啊。" }
{ "en": "wake up, rebekah.", "ja": "目を覚ませ、レベッカ。" }
{ "en": "like what?", "ja": "何、それ?" }
{ "en": "i have a bad feeling about this.", "ja": "もう、大笑いって感じですよね。" }
{ "en": "don't lie to me!", "ja": "俺を認めろよ" }
{ "en": "who'd like to see you.", "ja": "≪社長、お客様、お連れしました。" }
{ "en": "despite demands from europe and the united states to withdraw, the regions of south ossetia and abkhazia remain occupied by russian forces.", "ja": "ヨーロッパと米国の、撤退要求にもかかわらず、南オセチアとアブハジア地方は、ロシア軍に占領され続けている。" }
{ "en": "that guy borrowed money with no collateral but it doesn't mean he can't pay with interest.", "ja": "あの人さ、担保なしで金借りといて、利子も払ってくれないのよ。" }
{ "en": "even threw in bottle service to seal the deal.", "ja": "契約を結ぶ為に、ボトルサービスさえ付けた。" }
{ "en": "we have to take delia with us.", "ja": "デリアを連れて行かないと。" }
{ "en": "earl's just my coworker, and, uh, he's a great guy.", "ja": "僕の協力者で優秀な奴です。" }
{ "en": "that's me.", "ja": "はい、そうですが。" }
{ "en": "she wants us to look for her husband who left home and she can't contact anymore.", "ja": "家を出たまま連絡が取れない、ご主人を捜してほしいそうです。" }
{ "en": "why he can only read awabi.", "ja": "なんで、アワビだけ読めるんだ...。" }
{ "en": "ladies minds often can't cope with further education.", "ja": "女性の精神が、高等教育に。" }
{ "en": "what was i to you?", "ja": "もしかして、ノゾキしてやがったのか?" }
{ "en": "who made working there a little like working in heaven.", "ja": "彼女のせいで、仕事が天国に思えた。" }
{ "en": "is there even such a thing?", "ja": "そんな物あり得るかね?" }
{ "en": "searched that morgue for 45 minutes.", "ja": "45分、遺体安置所を捜した。" }
{ "en": "look terukun, this is your mother.", "ja": "輝君、ほら、ママでしゅよ~。" }
{ "en": "they sprayed you, right?", "ja": "スプレーまみれにされたこと、あったでしょ?" }
{ "en": "it's also, economically, enormously wasteful.", "ja": "大変不経済でもあります。" }
{ "en": "do you want to, kogure?", "ja": "せんどう?" }
{ "en": "i've now got five stranded people and no way off this rock, this is where i need to be.", "ja": "5人の立ち往生する人を捕まえたわ、岩をどけられないから、ここにいたほうがいいわ。" }
{ "en": "he may prove to be a key witness in this trial.", "ja": "真相解明のためにも。" }
{ "en": "hey. where's the rest of the team?", "ja": "ヘイ、他のメンバーはどこ?" }
{ "en": "let's go.", "ja": "だから、プラグを抜こう。" }
{ "en": "i'm just telling you that these are balanced people who do unthinkable work.", "ja": "彼らは上手くバランスをとって、Dirty、Jobsをしていると言いたいんだ。" }
{ "en": "or overuse, of energyconsuming devices.", "ja": "制限していたのです。" }
{ "en": "i'm a good person. i made a mistake.", "ja": "僕は善良な人間だが、間違いをおかした。" }
{ "en": "okay. that one...", "ja": "よーっし今度は..." }
{ "en": "once i've unpacked, given this place a lick of paint, you know, it will...", "ja": "片付けて、ペンキを塗れば・・・、ダメよ、パパ…" }
{ "en": "we have to move, harold.", "ja": "私達は移動しないと、ハロルド。" }
{ "en": "shut up. and quit pushing!", "ja": "うるさい、押すなって" }
{ "en": "irresistible.", "ja": "モッテモテ。" }
{ "en": "these are the spirits of dead miners, and your husband, that you murdered, was a miner!", "ja": "こいつらは死んだ鉱夫の魂だ、あなたが殺害した夫も、鉱夫でした!" }
{ "en": "we've got to split them up or else.", "ja": "バラにして一匹ずつたたむきゃ、手がないが。" }
{ "en": "it was made by a certain company.", "ja": "かつて、ある企業によって開発された。" }
{ "en": "nelson, i need you to get back to d.c. stay on top of the stolen credit cards and crack that ransomware.", "ja": "ネルソン、dcに戻って、盗まれたカードの、ランサムウェアを壊すのよ。" }
{ "en": "moon prism power makeup!", "ja": "ムーン、クライシス、メイクアップ!" }
{ "en": "eddie, put it down.", "ja": "下ろして。" }
{ "en": "and here are some tiles growing from it.", "ja": "ここが成長したタイルの部分で。" }
{ "en": "thank you for calling por", "ja": "あ、ボク、つぎますんで!、いえ、ボクがつぎます!" }
{ "en": "some of them just making crap", "ja": "ガラクタばかり作っている作業員が" }
{ "en": "it was a setup. sarah and i were set up. the whole thing was staged.", "ja": "これは罠だった、サラと私への、すべて演技だったんだ。" }
{ "en": "one of us at least will have to marry very well.", "ja": "誰かが金持ちと結婚しないと。" }
{ "en": "well done. i have to say it was a bit of a rush feeling like a...", "ja": "ちょっとした気分だったよ..." }
{ "en": "we don't have to do anything if you don't want to.", "ja": "ヤりたくないなら、別に何もしなくていいのよ。" }
{ "en": "but, is something wrong?", "ja": "何か間違っていますか?" }