person A: I cant stop thinking about my grandmother. She passed away recently and it hurts to think about. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I lost mine recently also. person A: Im sure it will get better with time. I used to see her everyday for lunch. I miss those times. person B: That must be hard.
person A: I get sentimental thinking about the old days when I used to go play outside all the time with neighbors_comma_ those were such great days person B: I know what you mean. It's not safe to send your kids out now. person A: That is true_comma_ but I just miss being a kid as well I guess person B: I have to take my kids to parks outside of our neighborhood.
person A: School is about to start back. I think I'm gonna miss having my kids at home person B: I know that feeling_comma_ that is no fun_comma_ but at least they are learning! person A: Yep. I will be alone at home_comma_ but if I get them all on good schedules I will find a part time job. person B: That is good_comma_ that is a nice way to make a bit of extra money! person A: Nothing wrong with extra money.
person A: I was sad when my grandmother passed away_comma_ that was not a good time in my life person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you spend a lot of time with her? person A: I did_comma_ we were very close_comma_ it really hit me hard person B: That's terrible. I hope she's at least at peace now.
person A: I get nostalgic about the old Pokemon games_comma_ I loved playing them as a kid person B: I never really got into pokemon. person A: No? May be too late now since you are older_comma_ but back then it was my life haha person B: I tried to do the mobile game but I didn't get it lol
person A: I got lucky and hit on a lotto scratcher. person B: Oh really? How much did you win? person A: A cool $100. I needed it too. person B: Hey that is nothing to sneeze at_comma_ I would take that in a heartbeat person A: And its was on a $1 ticket too.
person A: I get sentimental about my family sometimes_comma_ I just really love them a lot person B: Really? Have you got a large family? person A: Our immediate familyis just 5 people person B: But you are all very close knit then?
person A: Speaking of family_comma_ I love reading to my little neice. person B: That must be fun_comma_ it is so cute watching kids try to read books for some reason person A: Yeah - I think it's because you know that they will learn to do it within a couple of years but whilst they are learning they are trying to discover it for themselves. person B: Yeah_comma_ kids are just so adorable_comma_ watching them learn in front of your eyes is an awesome privelege
person A: I just graduated college and I couldnt be happier. It was a huge accomplishment. Neither of my parents went to college. person B: That's awesome. What was your major. person A: Finance. I feel so accomplished. I am ready for whatever comes next in life. It feels good to work hard and for it to finally pay off. person B: You'll do great. Your parents must really b proud.
person A: MY daughter just used tape to stick a bunch of photos on her wall person B: Oh no. That may ruin the walls. person A: I know! I told her I need to approve of all decorations. I am so mad. person B: Hopefully she learns her lesson. person A: I don't know. She is 13. She may never learn anything again because she thinks she knows everything already lol
person A: Stephen Kings new show has a new episode tonight. person B: What is it called? I may tune in! person A: It's called Castle Rock. It is really creepy. It comes on HULU person B: Oh_comma_ I have hulu_comma_ I need to look into that! person A: IT's cool. You'll like it
person A: I am hopeful I will get a better paying job soon_comma_ I could really use the money person B: What is you job now? person A: I do IT but only part time person B: Oh. Well keep looking. You will find something soon.
person A: Was driving my sister to her friend's house today and the car almost hydroplaned because the streets were wet. Cannot believe I didn't crash into the car in the other lane person B: That is really scary. Hydroplaning is something you can really do nothing about person A: Yeah_comma_ I know they teach you to steer in the other direction and to lay off the gas and all_comma_ but still when it all happens in an instant_comma_ it's easy for you to just forget how to even function properly person B: It happens really quickly. You forget everything then.
person A: I am excited about my next semester at school. person B: Oh_comma_ you're starting up again soon_comma_ too? Me too. I'm excited and a little bit unexcited. Will be good to have a schedule_comma_ but worried about being able to do school and earn money to pay rent. What are you majoring in? person A: I'm majoring in Psychology and Criminology. I have gotten the hang of the work/school/mom balance so I think it's going to go great person B: Hey_comma_ that's pretty cool! I'm majoring in social work. Those both are close alternatives to social work that I gave some thought to. Sometimes I think I should have done criminology_comma_ but oh well. I hope you enjoy your semester. person A: You too!
person A: I used to be afraid of the dark. I had a nightlight until i was 13 person B: have you grown out of it ? person A: In a sense I have_comma_ I am still not a big fan but I do not use a light anymore person B: well thats a good start
person A: just once was i late with my payment and they charged me 39 bucks_comma_ i hate visa person B: That is obnoxious_comma_ I would switch just to stick it to them person A: they would not even do a courtesy waive person B: that is terrible_comma_ that is not a good way to keep people
person A: I am trusting of my girlfriend of almost 3 years_comma_ sheis very special to me person B: Glad for you. I have broken up with mine after 3 years of being together person A: That is sad to hear_comma_ why did things end? person B: It was her who initiated the first move for us to split our ways. She said she was not feeling happy with me
person A: I once saw my partner talking to her male colleague in a coffee shop. To be honest_comma_ i kind felt mad because of being jealous person B: I would be more than jealous_comma_ but maybe I am not super sane about that kind of thing person A: I think i should go easy on her as I am right now. She does not deserve such treatment from me person B: That is probably true_comma_ but the stories we hear do not help
person A: I was devestated when I lost my grandmother_comma_ we were very close person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Did she pass away recently? person A: Not super recently_comma_ but a few years ago_comma_ but it still hurts person B: Yeah. It is difficult when you lose someone you're close to.
person A: I had a wonderful holiday to Disney World when I was about 12. person B: that is a perfect time to go_comma_ that is when I went as well person A: Yeah - it felt really magical. person B: It sure did_comma_ it was the best vacation I have ever been on
person A: I was afraid when my dad used to scare me and my brothers person B: Was he just playing tricks on you_comma_ to get you to laugh? Or was he being malicious about it? person A: No he was just playing tricks I suppose_comma_ but still person B: Yeah_comma_ sometimes dads forget how young kids are and just do what they think is funny. My dad wasn't the best either at understanding how fragile kids can be. But he was still a good da
person A: Wasn't able to register for one of the classes I need to be on track to graduate in my last year of college. Have to contact the school and see if they'll be able to make an exception and squeeze me into a full class_comma_ or I don't know what I'll do. person B: That is scary_comma_ I was in that position before_comma_ I do not know why they make it so difficult person A: Truthfully_comma_ it was my fault. I should have registered for that class sooner. I thought I would be able to skip it_comma_ but I realized I wouldn't. It was my mistake. person B: Still_comma_ school is about making mistakes and learning from them
person A: I am ashamed that i used to be scared of the dark_comma_ I always had a nightlight person B: Nothing wrong with that_comma_ it's the unknown that scares us all. person A: I get that_comma_ I still felt bad at the time person B: I'd try not to be too down on myself over it.
person A: My daughters started back to school today. person B: My daughters started back to school today. person A: is that a good thing or a bad thing? person B: It's good_comma_ but I'm a little nervous for them. I know they'll be fine.
person A: I am grateful for my family_comma_ they mean a lot to me even if they are not perfect by any stretch person B: i agree on all terms_comma_ without family we dont mean much in the world person A: That is for sure_comma_ it really rings true person B: of course
person A: i should stop paying them_comma_ they do not prepare my lawn right for me person B: That is not cool_comma_ I would cancel immediately person A: they come and spend 15 minutes and leave person B: Oh_comma_ yeah you should definitely cancel in that case
person A: My son was in an away soccer tournament when his cleats broke! I had an extra pair in the trunk though. person B: That's lucky! Did he get hurt from his shoes breaking mid game? person A: No but they wouldn't let him off the field because it wasn't time to sub! He kept falling! person B: Oh no! I hope it didn't effect his team too much.
person A: I get nostalgic thinking about Pokemon when I was younger_comma_ I had so much fun with that game person B: that is pretty normal_comma_ so do i person A: It was so fun_comma_ I wish I could go back to those days person B: those days will not ever come again_comma_ we have to live with it
person A: i wish he could make it_comma_ i was just there alone with no one to enjoy the basketball game with person B: who are we talking about? person A: it was me _comma_ went to a game alone . got tix for my friend but he could not make it person B: Oh_comma_ I am sorry to hear that!
person A: Hi_comma_ I got angry in the supermarket on saturday person B: Why is that? person A: It was very very busy and a woman had her young child (toddler age)pushing a trolley that was holding everyone up person B: That is no fun_comma_ leave the kids at home for stuff like that!
person A: I am anticipating the new super smash bros game coming out soon person B: Yeah - is it a reboot of the old version from years ago? person A: It is actually an ultimate version_comma_ it has everything from the old games person B: Oh cool - I haven't played all of them_comma_ but did playthe first one.
person A: I am excited for the new super smash bors game coming out soon person B: I'm not familiar with that_comma_ tell me more. person A: It is a fighting game with nintendo characters like Mario_comma_ Zelda and Pokemon characters person B: That sounds like fun_comma_ which game platform?
person A: My daughters are talented musicians. I'm very proud of them. person B: That is awesome_comma_ I am very much the opposite_comma_ hat is a great skill! person A: I think so too. one is a violinist and the other a pianist. person B: Wow those are not easy to learn either_comma_ good job raising them!
person A: I am faithful to my girlfriend all the time_comma_ I wish that was not so rare person B: oh_comma_ what happened? person A: Nothing for me_comma_ but other people are not faithful person B: oh that's bad. I feel sorry for you.
person A: I think small things make me worried person B: Small things like what? person A: Back in school_comma_ I studied a lot for an important exam. But_comma_ still I was very much worried about my test results. person B: Ah_comma_ well for some people_comma_ that is a very big thing!
person A: Last year I had to pay $300 for my daughter's 7th grade books. They are under $100 this year. person B: that sure is a lot of savings person A: I know. I was quite surprise. She can also use some books from last year. person B: did you check ebay ? its cheaper tehre person A: I have a site that I use if the school bookstore is high. I love to save money.
person A: i got a smaller tv but i wanted the bigger one which my wife did not get me person B: How small is small? person A: 42 inches person B: That's not bad. I want a 75 inch but I'm settling at 55 for now lol
person A: I usually give money to the bell ringers around xmas time but i did not give them any last year person B: Why is that? person A: i was just so broke this year person B: Oh_comma_ well i hope the tides turn for you soon!
person A: I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the nintendo switch soon person B: when is the release date person A: It comes out in December I beleive person B: just in time for the holidays_comma_ nintendo is smart
person A: yesterday I gave an important presentation to my colleagues. person B: How did it go? person A: It went really well! thanks for asking! I am very much optimistic about the results! person B: Congrats! I bet that feels great!
person A: My son just had a track meet that he has been working so hard practicing for. He was so nervous. person B: oh_comma_ tell him not to feel nervous. He worked very hard indeed. person A: He did so well! He got first place! person B: Oh that's great! good for you him!
person A: I've been upset at the way my daughters' school has changed this year. person B: Oh no_comma_ what happened? person A: they've changed the way we pick up the kids in the afternoon to where it is much more confusing. person B: That's not good. Maybe they are trying to protect them better_comma_ but haven't figured out a good plan
person A: i pooped my pants at disneyworld_comma_ no one suspected me but it was stinking the rides up person B: Wow that is not cool_comma_ why not tell your parents? person A: i am the parent person B: Ah okay_comma_ well that makes a big difference
person A: I am very excited to play the new pokemon game coming out for the nintendo switch soon person B: i am excited for you person A: I am too_comma_ it is a really fun game_comma_ I cannot wait to see what else they do for it person B: will you be playing it a lot ?
person A: I am so happy that I can stay home with my children. They are so smart and respectful. person B: that is great_comma_ that is a dream come true for a lot of people! person A: I actually get sad when summer is over and they have to go to school. person B: I understand that_comma_ it can leave a large void_comma_ my mom used to be like that too person A: I;m very happy that they do so well though. I will let go one day. Just not now lol
person A: I was devestated when my grandmother passed away_comma_ i was unsure what to do with myself for a long time after person B: It can be hard. I went through that myself. person A: It certainly can be_comma_ I wish life was not like that_comma_ but there is no fixing it now person B: We have to deal with it and try to move on.
person A: I cannot wait for the new Pokemon game to come out soon! person B: How good. I think you like it a lot person A: I really do_comma_ it was an important game to me as a kid person B: to me likewise I find it a super fun game
person A: I really care about my brothers_comma_ our bond is closer than most I feel like person B: thats what the love and family bond i think person A: Yeah_comma_ it is very special to a lot of people_comma_ blood is thicker than water person B: accepting .. but not in my case.. you are lucky i guess
person A: it s every ones right to get notified.. is it not right person B: Notified of what? person A: about the who actually need it admiration..? person B: Ah_comma_ that makes sense person A: have you ever felt so..
person A: My job can annoy me sometimes_comma_ people always have issues person B: That's always a bad thing about having to work with others. What kind of issues do they have? person A: Just issues with technology person B: The worst kind. I bet they think they know what they need to do and get really annoyed when you try to help.
person A: i felt guilty person B: about what? person A: yes meet to person B: I am sorry? I do not understand person A: ya mee too i said
person A: i really like my brothers_comma_ they mean a lot to me even if it is frowned upon to express it person B: no iam here dude person A: Yeah_comma_ I get it_comma_ they are very important to me though person B: yeah me tooo. then how was your day today?
person A: about today's work person B: Okay_comma_ I'm feeling nostalgic about my childhood. person A: ya mee too i like my brother person B: it was a long time ago_comma_ but I still remember it well. person A: ya i too still i remember my childhood
person A: My childhood was mostly in the 1970s person B: ok thank you bye person A: You going somewhere ? person B: 4 person A: 5 person B: 4
person A: I was having a bad day yesterday_comma_ but my friends were there to help cheer me up. It's nice to know I can rely on people when I need to person B: Friends help us in difficult times_comma_ thank God we have them person A: Yes_comma_ no one can do things all on their own. That's for sure person B: I hope you overcome that situation with the help of your friends
person A: The other day_comma_ there was a movie I wanted to see. I invited a friend to go with me_comma_ but they decided they didn't want to come because they were going with another friend. person B: That really sucks... did you tell them how that made you feel? person A: No...I guess I should have. I guess I really think they should have went with me too_comma_ or invited me to go with them. person B: I would tell them.. and if it happens a 2nd time then they arent very good friends to have! :/
person A: I am so proud of my wife_comma_ she was very nervous today but still went to her interview. person B: Oh wow! That's great. Did she say how it went? person A: Yeah she actually ended up getting hired even tho she was about to pass out lol person B: Hired the same day though...she must have done really well_comma_ despite being nervous!
person A: This semester is going to go great. I can feel it! person B: Sounds like hard work has been paying off for you. person A: I finally got my work and school life balance and I'm prepared so I hope so person B: That is always a good feeling. I love when I am on top of things. person A: I'm gonna get dean's list. I just know it.
person A: So last week for my birthday two of my friends flew down and I was not aware of it. It really meant a lot because I just moved to a new city. person B: That's awesome. person A: I couldnt believe it when they called me from the airport asking where my new place was. I thought they were playing a mean prank. I was shocked and so happy to see them. person B: I bet that warmed your heart. My old friends won't even drive across the city for me. We always meet downtown.
person A: I have a dentist appointment next week. I hate going to the dentist. I don't want to go. person B: I went through that for like 5 years. Ended up finally going and they've made a lot of advances in comfort since I last went before that. person A: I have a tooth that has been bothering me and I've already put this off for so long. person B: Yeah_comma_ you should definitely bite the bullet (metaphorically). It'll only get worse from here if you don't do anything_comma_ and it probably won't be as bad as you worry.
person A: I'm very proud of my daughters. person B: Thats great! How many do you have? person A: I have two_comma_ ages 10 and 13. They are musicians. person B: Wonderful! What kind of instruments do they play? person A: piano_comma_ and violin
person A: I had a bad surgery and I could not go home and take care of my animals and my mom did it all for me everyday. person B: Are you better now? person A: Yes_comma_ it was 7 months ago but it was a long road. I am glad I had someone to help in an emergency. person B: That's so nice to have someone to depend on.
person A: McDonalds never gets my order right. person B: That is so annoying. Do you check the bag before arriving home at least? person A: I do and I always have to go inside. It's so annoying. I hate that my kids love their nuggets. person B: Its the worst. I would complain to management. You cant be the only one it happens to. person A: I did. It wasn't a sastifying conversation either.
person A: I had a great interview yesterday. Im really nervous and cant stop thinking about it. I hope they get back to me soon. person B: I hope so too! Waiting for the call back is so nerver wrecking. person A: I keep pacing around. Maybe I will go to the gym to calm my nerves. person B: Take your mind off of it and before you know it_comma_ you'll be filling out new hire paperwork!
person A: I pray that I will beat my disease. person B: The strength remains us the prayer_comma_ it helps us to get ahead person A: Luckily_comma_ I have some of the best doctors. person B: Well ... God is in the hands of your doctors
person A: I like to prepare before a long trip. person B: Are you going to go out alone or with the family? vacation? person A: It'll be a family vacation_comma_ to a cabin. person B: Well_comma_ I hope you have a lot of fun in contact with nature
person A: We let our tabby/calico mix cat_comma_ Callie_comma_ go outside during the day because she enjoyed being outdoors and also to get away from our other cat who persisted on bullying and tormenting her. One afternoon when she was out I happened to walk outside just in time to see a stray pit bull chase and grab her and shake her around like a rag doll until she died. person B: Oh my god. That is horrifying. person A: Yes_comma_ it was so heartbreaking. I had to call my husband who came home from work so we could bury her in the back yard. He was heartbroken_comma_ too_comma_ because he and Callie had a special bond. person B: I rescue animals_comma_ it's best not to let cats wander outside. So many bad things could happen. person A: We definitely learned our lesson_comma_ but the silver lining is that she didn't appear to suffer. Looked like the dog broke her neck and she probably died instantly. And at least she was doing what made her happy right up until the last. That's great you rescue animals. Do you foster them and find homes for them? person B: yes! That can happen around any bigger dog. We had a foster dog do it. It is horrible! So sorry for your loss. I have lost many this past year. Accidents happen. person A: It's always sad but there is little you can do other than keep them indoors where they are miserable. I'm sure I'm not the only one to suffer this kind of loss. person B: You are not! I let my cats outside but supervised. Yes it's hard if they love it. You can get a special cat fence :)
person A: I share a birthday with my cousin and sometimes as a kid I would get envious when we would get different presents of the same gift. We would get different colors and for some reason I would always want the same as her person B: I can understand that. Was there a reason one color was chosen for her and another for you? person A: No idea. But you know when you're kids- she would get different barbies too and I was always envious. Seems trivial now but as a kid- I hated it person B: Sounds like you wanted to be the same as your cousin and not set apart. It may seem trivial now_comma_ but I know it wasn't trivial to you at the time.
person A: My partner is away at therapy and getting help staying somewhere else so it's hard but its' for the best person B: It must be hard being apart. Just know he will return a better person most likely. person A: It is very hard. I live alone now so it makes it hard especially at night. I keep hoping so! As he has so many deep rooted issues. person B: He will need your support when he gets back. Just stay strong and know its for the best.
person A: I worked really hard at studying for the SAT. I just got my scores back and I scored really high. It made my parents happy. person B: Wonderful! Congratulations! What are you going in too college for? person A: Im going to study Finance. It just goes to show that if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything. person B: You sure can! Hard work is required to get something of value.
person A: My cat died last week. I feel so lost without her. person B: :( I am so sorry to hear that... how old was she? person A: She was 23 years old. I got her when I was 5. person B: She lived a long life for a cat but its never long enough for us who they leave behind. I hope you feel better soon...
person A: I really hope my daughter doesnt get bullied in school.. its so bad now.. person B: It really is bad everywhere and the bullying policies don't help. person A: It really is scary being a parent and seeing how kids are to one another. person B: Yes it is. It makes me want to homeschool.
person A: My friend lost her job but won $5_comma_000 from a scratch-off ticket. person B: Wow! had she ever won before? person A: Nope! It brought so much relief to her. person B: Sometimes those things happen just when we need them. It would be nice if they happened for extra money too! lol
person A: I know I can succeed in my business if I work my butt off every night after work. person B: You definitely can! What are your plans? person A: I sell stuff online and I let too much get in the way before but I am working hard at it every night. You have to work hard if you want anything. person B: That's true. I wish you the best of luck!
person A: My daughters are musicians_comma_ the youngest a pianist_comma_ and the oldest a violinist. person B: I congratulate you on your children .... That says a lot about you as a father o mother person A: I'm the father_comma_ and thank you. It has been hard work_comma_ but what a payoff. person B: We need good parents_comma_ that will make the world more human
person A: So I had huge plans to go away for the summer but that has changed. I failed one of my final exams and I now have to take the course over this summer. I cant believe I let that happen. person B: Mistakes happen but it's good you are learning from it. We all make mistakes person A: The worst part is that my friends are all still going so I will have a very lonely summer. person B: Maybe it will be just what you need though. Time to really concentrate and learn and grow within yourself as an individual :) Maybe you will have a nice romance too
person A: I recently rescued a dog and she was so starved and abused I am not sure if she is pregnant or simply is having a hard time after eating plastic. person B: That is very kind of you. You should take it to the vet for a check up. person A: I am going too soon. I have to save up for her ultrasound. I have rescued for years but this was unexpected and I don't have 100's laying around. She is not an emergency right now but it simply makes me angry she was used for breeding- starved almost to death and then left to get hit by a car- And so young- pregnant before- person B: I takes a special kind of person to do what you are doing. Im sure that dog is already much happier in your care.
person A: Borrowed my friend's car_comma_ and someone rammed her the door in the parking lot. person B: Oh no... yikes have you told your friend yet? person A: Oh yea. I'm paying her deductible for it. person B: well thats good of you! too bad it happened :/ but glad shes not upset
person A: I am feeling in such a good mood this week. Finally! person B: That's nice to hear! What's going on? person A: My house is going to possibly get signed tonight around 7pm_comma_ and I found a better job. :D person B: Wow. Those are 2 fantastic news!
person A: I am so thankful for my wife_comma_ and child. I honestly dont know what I would do without them. person B: Sounds like you have a wonderful family. Some people take it for granted. person A: They really do.. maybe because they have never had to have it rough. We deff learn from the worst events in our life. person B: I've had those experiences as well. My family is also very precious to me.
person A: My friend's eyes keep hurting at night. She's been to the doctor_comma_ but they can't find anything wrong with her person B: The weirdest thing... it sucks when you dont know whats causing it. Has she been to an eye doctor or just a general dr? person A: She's just been to her doctor. I'll see if she can see a specialist. person B: sounds like a good idea i hope her pain goes away asap!
person A: i really want to lose weight_comma_ i'm sure i can do it person B: You can. It will take some persistence. How's it going so far? person A: well i've been struggling because I gained too much when my wife was pregnant but i lost 10 lbs so far person B: Oh that's like the reverse pregnancy. When the husband gains the weight! person A: it's called "sympathy weight" lol
person A: My little boy won the spelling bee! person B: wow! that's so amazing. I bet you are so proud of him person A: I am. It was so nice to see him so happy! person B: I bet! What a bright young man you raised!
person A: My parents are getting old and I'm worried about them. person B: Oh no. Have you made plans on what you're going to do to take care of them? person A: Well_comma_ there's not much I can do. My Mom's already in the nursing home_comma_ and my Dad's married (with me as the outsider) person B: It sounds like a tough situation. I feel for ya.
person A: Visited my grandma_comma_ and she is still as loving as can be. Her cooking is wonderful person B: Does she live far away from you? person A: Yea. She lives on the other side of the country. person B: How often do you get to see her?
person A: My girlfriend is working in another country for 2 years. I'm afraid of the people she'll meet_comma_ but I trust her. person B: how interesting. What country she is at now? person A: She's in England. I'll be visiting her though whenever I get the chance. person B: I think England is a pretty safe country. That will be so much fun when you go there
person A: That promotion I was telling you about at work_comma_ well I did not get it. The worst part is that my friend did. Its hard for me to be happy for him. person B: Oh man. I am sorry. Your time will come. That is a very hard situation! One of those hard ones in life. person A: I just cant stop thinking why him and not me. I received very positive feedback from my bosses. I just dont understand. person B: Maybe you should ask your boss? Maybe he is more charasmatic. That happens sometimes. I am sorry. I've been there!
person A: I love the goats of Anarchy owner. She gave up a lucrative career on wallstreet to save goats and now other animals that would otherwise be pts or used for meat. She dedicates everything to help them. person B: That is so generous. Sounds like she has found her calling in life. person A: She has! She does have hard days when some don't make it. I understand that but she is a saint. if we all helped a cause like this- whether animals or people- much less suffering would happen. person B: I hope she is getting the donations she needs to keep doing this. person A: She does sometimes. She dedicates her life too it. She definitely should get a show to continue to help animals who need a lot of medical care
person A: I was impressed with my friend when she finally left her ex,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:1412_conv:2824,2,impressed,I was impressed with my friend when she finally left her ex. ,296,Was he abusive?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:1412_conv:2824,3,impressed,I was impressed with my friend when she finally left her ex. ,267,Yes he was very abusive.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:1412_conv:2824,4,impressed,I was impressed with my friend when she finally left her ex. ,296,That's too bad. Hopefully he gets better and wakes up now that she left.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:1412_conv:2825,1,terrified,I rescued a dog in the woods. Was scary!,296,I once lived in a hotel and was already overfull with animals and I heard a dog barking panicked in the woods one night. She was tied up in over 100 degree weather- no water_comma_ filthy_comma_ way overbred and starved.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1412_conv:2825,2,terrified,I rescued a dog in the woods. Was scary!,267,That is despicable. What did you do?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1412_conv:2825,3,terrified,I rescued a dog in the woods. Was scary!,296,I was terrified for a moment as it was back in the woods where some sketchy people hang out at night and live- but I grabbed her from that rope and I hid her for a few days until I found a rescue. I was threatened too- Her owner" was out DRINKING instead of feeding or watering her- She was so starved and could've died in the heat. Even though I was scared there was no way I was giving her back.
person A: I agree with that. That animal is probably very lucky because of you.
person A: My daughter walked the other day for her first time! person B: It has already taken its first steps towards independence_comma_ that is something big person A: yes it is really person B: is achieved at a steady pace ... it fills us with hope and happiness
person A: Went to the rec center today after work_comma_ and it was closed. They didn't announce it or anything person B: Thats a bummer. What do you do there? person A: I play volleyball with some friends. Gotta get that exercise in after work. person B: Oh nice! Good for you. Maybe go for a run?
person A: I felt incredibly angry when my mom..who does everything for everyone and with a nice heart was gossiped about by my aunt until none of the family was nice to her person B: Wow. What gripe does your aunt have with your mom? person A: She just likes to talk bad about people behind their back. She just isn't very nice. She's one of those. person B: Those kinds of people usually have the worse self-esteem.
person A: I finally got promoted at work after 3 years! person B: Woohoo! That is amazing. hope it came with some great benefits. person A: Would have been nice to get additional benefits but just the money boost! person B: Hey sometimes thats even better. More financial stability is great.
person A: So last time I was at my parents I decided to drive through my old neighborhood growing up. The field we used to play sports was still there. I cant stop thinking about how much fun we had there. person B: Must have been really nostalgic. Did you think about going to play on that field again? person A: I did. but it was cold out so I just drove by. I wonder if some of my old friends parents still live around there. That was a good time. Being young and playing with friends. person B: Childhood seems to be a great time for most_comma_ but then we wanted to grow up too fast.
person A: Hi! I've been losing weight recently and it's helped with my anxiety. person B: I bet you feel great too. person A: I definitely do. It's amazing. person B: That is awesome. Congrats!
person A: My tooth has been hurting for over a month and keeps getting worse. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Tooth pain is something awful to have to deal with. person A: Yes and I do not want to go to the dentist. I hate the dentist. person B: Going isn't fun_comma_ but unfortunately it's necessary some times. I hope you feel better soon.
person A: I was by all of my cats sides when a few passed away this past year giving palliative care when they were so sick. I didn't give up on them until they were ready to go person B: you did the right thing... do you foster them or are they yours since kittens? person A: A few were seniors..others..too young but had been with me for a few years. It's been a rough year but I will always take care of them even when it's hard for me- They deserve it. person B: really kind of you!
person A: Im still upset really about what happened_comma_ but I should just get over it. person B: What happened? person A: I found out my wife cheated on me recently. person B: Oh my god. You shouldn't just get over it- it is not right. Betrayal is something no one should do to another.
person A: My friend got into her first choice school with a full ride scholarship! person B: Wow! It's always nice when life works out well_comma_ especially if the person deserves it. person A: Yea. She actually bounce from foster family to foster family. Didn't have the greatest support growing up. person B: That is hard! I am glad she sees her worth and is going to get more education.