person A: Well our police don't show up here for even gunshots or rapes but they are so corrupt they had a "blight" squad come ticket our nice car for being parked on my own lawn..that I take care of. person B: That's some great police workforce your town has. (sarcasm) person A: I know. It's very corrupt here. We have houses all across from us that are falling apart and broken in too by druggies with grass 5ft tall- but they just wanted to have our car to resell thats why. It made me so angry as if our NICE car parked on my nice lawn is a blight :/ It's my lawn. person B: Wow_comma_ What state is this in? person A: Michigan
person A: I've been practicing speaking in front of people for 4 months now. I think I'm ready for open mic night. person B: That is awesome! What are you going to do? person A: I'm going to tell some jokes and hopefully don't freeze up. I'm pretty shy in front of people! person B: That is very brave. I a sure you will do great!
person A: It makes me think of the good old days when I was a kid when I listen to the music in my aunts car person B: What does? Were you in a car ride with your aunt? person A: Yes_comma_ she plays 80's music and I grew up in the 80's person B: Oh you're an 80s kids_comma_ hu? What do you feel about the music nowadays?
person A: I snooped through my friend's phone and read some questionable text. person B: Is it something that commits you a lot? person A: No. She's been kinda off lately. person B: ahh ... then you have to support it
person A: Was supposed to hang out with my friend after work but turns out she has to work late person B: That really sucks person A: Yea_comma_ it does. Don't know if we'll ever to hang out. person B: I always hate when work gets in the way of having friends. It's always one way or the other. If it's not your schedule it's theirs
person A: I was really impressed when my boss won an award for his leadership person B: Cool. Did he thank the "little people"? person A: Yes he certainly did. person B: That's good. Sometimes bosses think they do it all by themselves.
person A: My daughter has become so responsible over the summer. person B: That is great. you must be so proud person A: I really am. I used to have to tell her things over and over_comma_ but she has gotten everything ready for school and it doesnt start for 1.5 weeks. person B: That is really impressive considering summer is really tough to learn that! person A: She is gonna be something great. I just know it. Its really amazing because she is 13 and they are tough.
person A: Got a call that I won the weekend trip to New York. I've never been! person B: Great_comma_ are you taking anyone with you? person A: Yea_comma_ I'm taking my mom. person B: That should be a very fun trip for you.
person A: I ran into a snake in the yard the other day. person B: Oh god. How big was it? person A: Only about three feet long_comma_ but it did startle me. person B: Man_comma_ that's scary. Is it out now?
person A: Got to the hotel where I booked my room_comma_ and it turns out they gave my room to someone else! person B: What?! You should ask them for a free upgrade_comma_ because that's not cool. person A: They pretty much acted like I'm out of luck. person B: That's awful. Try asking for the manager next time.
person A: I am so excited to get away for a bit person B: Getting away is definitely needed sometimes. person A: It sure is. I can't wait to bask in the sun and relax on the water. person B: Are you vacationing somewhere nearby or somewhere else?
person A: I missed the sale on a laptop I've been wanting for work. person B: That is disappointing. What kind of laptop is it? person A: I'm not very techy_comma_ but it would be great for work. The one I'm using now is super slow. person B: I know how that is. Good luck with your search!
person A: I have been able to save up money lately and it makes me feel very relieved. person B: I know. Sometimes it's hard to have some left over after bills. What are you saving for? person A: unexpected things. Yes I need to have many funds. One for car_comma_ vet expenses_comma_ expenses in case anyone loses a job etc. I am glad I can finally save some. person B: Yea_comma_ it is a lot of expenses people don't prepare for soemtimes. person A: Can't always afford too! I am glad I can for once.
person A: I went to my old workplace. A lot of my coworkers were still there. I miss them sometimes person B: Why did you leave? person A: I had to leave for more money_comma_ but I really did love it there. person B: It's rare to find a place where everyone gets along. I hope your new job is still nice?
person A: Do you ever feel like everyone has nicer things than you do? person B: Yea_comma_ but I try not to compare. It'll just make me feel bad. What about you? person A: MY car is trash and it seems like someone around here get a new car every month. person B: Wow. How does one get a new car every month. Must be loaded. person A: Well_comma_ I'm definitely no. MY car barely starts when I try to crank it.
person A: After 40k in credit card bills and a mortgage_comma_ I finally paid it all off person B: That's great. True freedom! person A: Absolutely_comma_ it feels like so much weight has been lifted off. person B: I will get there one day.
person A: I got a new job. There's so much debt I want to clear off person B: Is it a well paying one? person A: It pays for the bills. Not much left for savings though_comma_ but it's soemthing. person B: stabilize things first_comma_ then save regularly.
person A: I've gotten a good deal of work done today. person B: That's awesome. You must feel really relieved. person A: I do feel a lot better when I work well. person B: Do you tend to have a lot of work?
person A: After trying to lose weight for years_comma_ I finally got to goal weight person B: Woo hoo! Thats awesome. Losing weight can be so hard! person A: It is. Stopped doing those fad diets and just went slow and steady. person B: Thats the way to do it! keto has helped me a lot. Yes a lifestyle change versus a diet.
person A: Well the other week when I was low on funds and needed my energy drinks_comma_ I found out my mom had stocked up a bunch for me! person B: Wow_comma_ go mom! Is she always such a sweetheart? person A: yes she is incredibly giving and always knows what everyone needs person B: I hope you guys let her know how appreciated she is! person A: We do!!!
person A: I just grounded my son for a very long time! person B: Yikes! What did he do to deserve that kind of punishment? person A: He got in trouble for shoplifting at the mall! person B: Oh man! You're right for punishing him. Theft is very bad!
person A: I never liked exercising_comma_ but I've finally got to exercising for a good month straight person B: That's great! I've been meaning to_comma_ but haven't had the time. person A: Yea_comma_ me too. I just had to make time and feel a lot better for it. person B: Have you lost any weight over ht epast month?
person A: I found 6 puppies on my doorstep. person B: WOW! I just found one dog and I thought that is rough. Are you fostering them now? person A: Yea_comma_ I think I'm their daddy now. person B: Wonderful! Rescues will help you with contracts and getting them fixed if you need help. Fix those babies up :) Thanks for keeping them safe!
person A: I have a friend down south who rescues so many animals everywhere she goes without any help. She uses all her own money and the police and AC aren't even nice to her. She goes through so much adversity and sees so much abuse- yet she keeps going with a good attitude person B: She sounds like a wonderful person. People who try to help defenseless animals are really special. person A: She is! I don't know how she keeps such a good attitude. She sees so much abuse and the AC doesn't even care. She holds dying animals. She is truly a good person! She is so nice to everyone. person B: She sounds wonderful. I'd definitely want to be friends with someone like that.
person A: I let out a loud fart while eating lunch with my coworkers moments ago. person B: That is hilarious! Was it embarrassing or funny at the time? person A: It was embarassing for me but probably funny for them. person B: I can understand that
person A: After the first team meeting under new management I felt very sure that i can depend on my team person B: That's great. Sometimes co-workers can be hit or miss. When you get good ones_comma_ it's awesome. person A: It actually really helps to do team building exercises and group outings person B: Is that something your work arranges?
person A: My son just refuses to use the potty! person B: How old is he? person A: 3.5 My girls were much easier. I can't belive he won't even try. person B: Have you tried rewarding him when he does? person A: I try to but he won't even try. He throws a fit and falls out. It is really annoying.
person A: Working from home now gives me the chance to be with my daughter more. person B: It is great to have more time with the kids. person A: no more 9 to 5 for me! person B: MY first work from home was stressful I had to send the kids to daycare. Not anymore!
person A: I accidentally streamed anime through a meeting. My boss wants to have a talk. person B: Uhoh. Was it work appropriate? person A: It had girls with big boobs but well_comma_ I think I can explain myself. person B: Oh no. When will you have to talk to your boss?
person A: My friend works_comma_ goes to school full-time and takes care of his sick mom. person B: Wow. I bet he is tired all the time. I drink coffee all day for energy person A: He is tired all the time_comma_ but he tries to keep his goal in mind. person B: Yeah_comma_ it's very important to finish school so you don't have to work three jobs just to survive.
person A: Ugh. Saw a little turtle in the middle of the road and he got ran over by the time I turned around and went back. So sad. person B: Oh no! That's so sad. person A: I don't know why they keep going across roads like that. They are so tiny sometimes cars don't see them. person B: I don't think they know where they're going. Probably just trying to get home. person A: They are heartbreaking. I just save them when I can.
person A: My boss wants me to babysit his daughter. person B: Oh I used to love babysitting... depending on the child haha. How do you feel about it? person A: I think it might cross some professional boundary_comma_ but I can't say no. person B: I understand where you're coming from. I would probably feel the same way in your shoes.
person A: I used to work from home before it's not as sweet as this gig. person B: Oh? What's your new gig? person A: It's working from home_comma_ but on my own time. person B: That does sound pretty good. I mean_comma_ working from home is great_comma_ but doing it on your own time is way better. person A: MY kids get to stay home and I make my own schedule. Can't beat that!
person A: I was singing to some old school Britney Spears. Didn't know my coworkers were still around. person B: Lol. That's funny. Better hope you dont end up on YouTube. person A: They pretended not to notice_comma_ but we all know what's up. person B: You will be the talk of the break room.
person A: I am still single and all of my friends are married or engaged. person B: Being single isn't all that bad. Are you looking for someone? person A: I am. It never goes past the first date though. I attract weirdos lol person B: Better to be single than be with weirdos. person A: Or maybe I'm destined to marry one of them.
person A: My friend left her cactus under my care. It's been with her for 5 years. It's kinda dead now I think. person B: How can you tell if a cactus is dead? person A: It's wrinkly now. person B: I've never seen that before
person A: I am headed to the goodwill later to drop off some donations person B: that's very kind. Many people wouldn't go out of their way to do that. person A: It's the least I can do. My kids grow out of their clothes before they can tear them up and they get bored with toys quickly so why not? person B: We need more people like you. The world would be a better place. person A: I know. It doesn't even take much.
person A: I had some Big Macs and Taco Bell gorditas. They were delicious person B: That sounds like a good lunch! I love Taco Bell person A: It was! Thank god I don't gain that much weight. person B: That is definitely good_comma_ I am not that fortunate!
person A: My friend lost her job. I've been buying her groceries trying to help out. person B: That's pretty nice of you. Has she had any interviews? person A: Some but they haven't panned out unfortunately. She's so stressed. person B: I know the feeling. It can be hard getting back out there.
person A: People in my apartments can be so disgusting. It gets on my nerves. person B: Why? What do they do? person A: MY apartment is near the dumpster and sometimes the just throw the trash near it and not in it. person B: People can be so lazy and inconsiderate of others. person A: I know. I've reported it and they sent out mailers but it hasn't changed.
person A: There's a restaurant I go to often with my family. After all these years_comma_ they're closing down. person B: That will be sad. Are you going to get to go again before then? person A: You know what? That's a great idea. We should go one last time. person B: Take lots of pictures_comma_ so you can remember it!
person A: I took a test last week that I had studied very hard for. I know I got most of the answers right_comma_ but I got a failing grade. person B: Must've been a really difficult exam. Will there be other exams to balance it out? person A: The person sitting next to me copied my answers_comma_ so the teacher failed both of us. person B: I guess the teacher wasn't going to listen to you? That sucks.
person A: Heading to the buffet after completing a ton of work person B: That sounds great! Any particular cuisine in mind? person A: Definitely Chinese but they've got some American fare_comma_ too. person B: Oh I love those. They always have great selections and the desserts aren't bad either.
person A: I just got a new appointment and I start tomorrow. I'm very nervous. person B: I hope it goes well! person A: Me too! I go through so much preparation just for the first day only. I want to make sure I do everything right! person B: try to get some rest beforehand. person A: I certainly will_comma_ but knowing me that might be easier said than done.
person A: This girl just left her Iphone with me. She doesn't even know me person B: Woah_comma_ did she say she was coming back? She's awfully trusting. person A: Yea_comma_ she's coming back. I'm not gonna do anything with it_comma_ but someone else could easily just walk off with it. person B: Totally_comma_ and I bet most people would walk off with it. I have no faith in humanity.
person A: Its meet the teacher day at the school. I always get nervous doing this. person B: Are you the parent or the teacher? I get nervous meeting anyone new person A: Im the parent. I always feel like I don't belong around other parents because they are always much older. person B: I felt like that when my kids were younger. Doesn't feel like that now they're teenagers. It'll be ok just act natural person A: I'm gonna try my best.
person A: My friend fell during a race_comma_ and everyone in the race stopped to help her. person B: That was nice. IDid they have to start it over? person A: Yea_comma_ it's been rescheduled. person B: Did she hurt herself?
person A: Everything is falling into place for me. person B: That's great to hear. What's going on? person A: My job is good. Kids are doing great in school_comma_ and I'm saving for a down payment on a house. person B: That sounds really great. Happy for ya. person A: Thanks. All I need now is a man lol
person A: Just paid off the house last month. It's so nice not having to worry about mortgages. person B: Wow. That's a great accomplishment. I hope to buy a house soon. person A: Make sure you don't buy more house than you can afford. My parents made that mistake. person B: I don't stretch myself too thin. I know I'm far from rich.
person A: I missed work to go to court the other day. person B: Oh no_comma_ that sucks. What happened at court? person A: Continuance. For the 5th time. I so tired of it. person B: Jesus. That's terrible. I hope you get a breather from that. person A: Me too. He needs to grow up.
person A: Someone hit a coworker's car in the parking lot_comma_ and everyone came together to chip in for the deductible. person B: That was so nice of them to do such a thing. person A: It is. I wasn't expecting everyone to come together for one another. This is such a great place to work at. person B: I bet it is. When things like that happen it makes you really value where you work. Makes it enjoyable.
person A: I remember a time when I actually had my entire family together for the holidays. It was really nice person B: Do you guys not get together often anymore? person A: We have five kids and his mother. Other than the kids I don't have much family. Our oldest kids are in college. Hard to meet up now. person B: You all can still spend time together separately even if you can't all be together. Have to make it work.
person A: I think my life is going pretty decent compared to the past. person B: That's great to hear! If you don't mind me asking_comma_ what happened? person A: Nothing bad in a long time is all. I am so used to bad news. Things are just working out. person B: Still_comma_ that's still great. You better knock on some wood though_comma_ just in case. Don't jinx it! person A: Your'e right!
person A: I finally got to go to the bathroom after holding it for 3 hours. Work is crazy busy sometimes. person B: I know the feeling. At least you made it. person A: It was such a relief. I was afraid I'd pee my pants or something. person B: Three hours though. I don't think I would've made it.
person A: My neighbors are the worst. person B: Oh no. what happened? person A: They have guests constantly and are always slamming doors. It's terrible. person B: If only people were more considerate of others. It's not just them in the world. person A: I know right. I would never act like that.
person A: I spend a lot of time looking at my kds baby photos. person B: Are they grown up now? They grow up so fast. person A: three_comma_ four and thirteen. And they are all terrible lol jk person B: hahaha I bet there are. person A: I hope they grow out of it soon. I'm glad school is starting.
person A: I haven't gone camping in years that I don't remember what it's like anymore. Finally getting a chance to go again person B: Cool. I've never been camping. person A: It's very relaxing but might not be for everyone of course. person B: I would be afraid of animals and bugs I think.
person A: Sounds great. I haven't been anywhere this year and probably won't . Had a lot of expenses lately. person B: That happens sometimes. Maybe next year. person A: I hope. How has your summer been so far? person B: I took my kids to the beach and now every time we leave the house they ask if that's where we are going. person A: How adorable. I wish I lived a couple miles away from one. person B: Well it's 9 hours away so we probably won't go until next year either lol person A: That is the same amount for me right now. Not good.
person A: I once left my wallet on a bench outside of the airport. person B: Did you get lucky and some kind person turn it in person A: I didn't. I was planning to buy my first car the next day and had my down payment in there too. $2000. True story person B: That is horrible. Just think it could have been worse. You could have wrecked and totaled a car or a house burnt. Lots of things are worse. person A: It took a while to save the money again_comma_ but I lived through it. person B: Glad for you. A girl I know was walking to her house and a car hit her and killed her. So it's just money and can be replaced person A: That's terrible. We should all count our blessings. person B: Yes_comma_ we are here for just a short time
person A: I found a snake a few days ago while walking in the yard. person B: OMG. I would have been so scared. person A: It startled me quite a bit. person B: Did it get away or bite you? person A: i killed it person B: With what?
person A: I always bring beer to parties person B: Well_comma_ you're popular then at least. person A: funny thing is_comma_ at family functions I buy cheap beer. I get the good stuff for my friends. person B: that actually makes sense to me. person A: Makes sense to me too. That's why I do it. lol
person A: I put lipstick on before going into the grocery store the other day and when I got back in my car_comma_ I looked in the rear view mirror and my teeth were that bright red color. It looked horrible. person B: Did you notice any funny glances from anyone? person A: It would have been more of a shocked look I think. It looked like blood. lol person B: Did you taste anything funny from the lipstick? person A: no. unfortunately not. I plan on using the 24 hour lasting stuff next time.
person A: I'm doing so well right now. I think I'm going to start dating again. person B: That sounds great! Did you just get out of a rough relationship? person A: Two years ago when I broke up with my ex he took everything with him and I had to start over. I feel great now though. person B: Oh gosh_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. Hang in there_comma_ there's a lot of great guys out there. person A: I'm gonna grab one of them soon lol
person A: I think there is a mouse in my kitchen. I keep hearing squeaking noises at night. person B: probably_comma_ time to get the traps and get rid of it. person A: I'm too afraid to go in there. Luckily I have a door to the kitchen. Otherwise I'd just leave the apartment. person B: going to have to do somebody to help you. person A: Yep. I told the landlord but he is so slow.
person A: 5 person B: huh? person A: nothing...nevermind. work has been slow lately. person B: That happens sometimes. Is it like that this time of year? person A: yes_comma_ my work is seasonal. person B: will it pick up soon?
person A: I have been really bad at work lately. Just plain lazy. person B: Why have you been lazy? person A: Trying to get school things together. I've just been tired. And the work is so repetitive. person B: What kind of work is it? person A: Data entry. Type type type type type. And its all numbers. geez
person A: School starts next week and I am all ready to go! person B: Oh nice! Are you taking any cool classes? person A: Just the generals for now but I have all my supplies. I even have my clothes for the first day picked out! person B: How exciting! The first day of school is always so fun.
person A: MY friend texted to come over the othe day and I lied and said I wasn't home. person B: Hope they don't find out. Were you just tired or something else? person A: She wanted to bring her kids too and I just wasn't feeling it. I feel terrible. I like her kids person B: Well_comma_ next time try telling her the truth_comma_ like _comma_ I am too tired right now_comma_ can we do it another day. and that way you won't feel bad. person A: Yeah. That's what I should have done. person B: I'm sure she would understand if she is a good friend. person A: She is. I'm going to invite her over tomorrow and cook. person B: I bet it will be a good dinner_comma_ since there is some guilt involved. lol
person A: Finally got some yard work done last weekend. The grass was getting out of control and if it's too high_comma_ you can't hardly cut it. person B: That's true. I'm glad I live in an apartment. person A: I would like to concrete three quarters of the yard. person B: Lol. I think that's more hard work_comma_ but you'd only have to do it once lol person A: Just spray it off. Oh well_comma_ it has it's advantages I guess.
person A: My friend just bought my dream car. I have never been so envious in my life! person B: What's the model/make person A: Buick Enclave. I wanted that SUV for years. person B: Dang that is a pretty slick close are you to buying one person A: NEgative years. Its expensive and I'm working on a home first
person A: Don't you hate it when your broke friends complain about being broke...then drop $100 at the club like nothing? It's the dumbest thing ever person B: I really hate that! person A: Then go to work and post on Facebook about how much they hate their get your life together buddy haha person B: Some people are so petty.
person A: 5 years in my apartment and I have always gotten terrible neighbors. person B: Does that still happen? I can was a relief to go on vacation and get away from them. person A: That's the crazy thing. I just got new neighbors last week and they are a dream. Quiet_comma_ respectful_comma_ no kids. I love them person B: That's great. I went to Europe for a while and came back to the more of the same stomping around above my head. It was a dream to get away. person A: I once had neighbors move out while I was on vacation. Came back and it was like "2nd vacation" ol
person A: I had been planning a trip to Europe for months and finally got all my tickets and hostel reservations. It was such a rush to realize it was actually going to happen. person B: Wow. That's exciting! person A: Now I feel bad bringing it up when you've had such annoying neighbors. person B: Its not that bad. I'll get to Europe one day lol
person A: Time passes on for us anyhow_comma_ and now my kids are in 5th and 8th grade. person B: I dread that it will go so quickly! person A: It does_comma_ but you never stop worrying about them. I'm waiting for them to get home now. person B: What do you do during the day?
person A: At the time there was a friend that told me that i couldn't jump over him_comma_ then i jumped over him. person B: What were you standing on? Just the ground? person A: Yes_comma_ I was wearing my new shoes. My Yeezys were on fleek. person B: Are those by Kanye West? Not hip with the lingo. person A: Yes they do happen to be designed by Kanye. They fund the rich life style of the Wests and pay their water bill. person B: I have heard water is expensive in California. Well _comma_ they are worth it if you can jump straight up five or six feet. person A: Oh wow no he was five years old and he was laying down on the ground. I could of jumped it barefooted. person B: I might be able to do that_comma_ not sure.
person A: Started cutting my grass the other day and my pull cord fell off and got chewed up under the mower person B: Oof that sucks. Sorry about that. I dont like cutting my grass so my front door is covered in pink papers from city citations. oof person A: That might cost you a pretty penny. Luckily it left just enough cord so I could tie another piece on to that piece and I can still start it now. person B: Nothing like redneck engineering. Did you use Flex tape. person A: No_comma_ had enough to tie another cord to what wasn't chewed up. luckily person B: Oh darn I really like those infomercials_comma_ wanted to know how the stuff worked. person A: that stuff cost about 25 dollars_comma_ so I doubt I will be trying that out anytime soon person B: Actually it costs 15 dollars where I'm located.
person A: I love watching young Mike Tyson videos...watching him brutally manhandle his opponents then send them straight to the canvas face first...never gets old person B: you like it a lot_comma_ now what does it do? person A: ...what are you talking about person B: of Mike Tyson
person A: I had a dentist appointment today and they made me wait over 45 minutes person B: I hate when that happens_comma_ and they tell you to come early too. person A: I don't think I will be going back_comma_ going to find another dentist. person B: Seems fair_comma_ they don't value your time it seems like.
person A: I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party_comma_ I knew he'd come through though. person B: It is always nice to be able to rely on friends when you need them most. person A: Yes I agree_comma_ we've been friends for a long time so I had faith in him. person B: I hope the party turned out to be a great success because of his help.
person A: I was so stressed the other day... person B: How come? person A: I had to put my dog down at the VETS office. person B: Oh no_comma_ I couldn't imagine! I'm so sorry!
person A: Do you ever see kids playing and get taken back to your childhood? That happens all the time for me. person B: Yeah and how easy life was? i wish we could atleast have 1 day a year like that but to actually feel as free as them! person A: What a great idea! Who do we write letters to to get that to happen? person B: Idk ourselves maybe? lol :D
person A: I cant not believe my family did what they did for me ! person B: Do you mind talking about it specifically? person A: Of course_comma_ they bought a car for me... still in shock person B: haha well that's a pleasant surprise...what kind of car
person A: When I hear the song "Walking In Memphis" I'm whisked back to vivid memories of watching "Sesame Street" with my mom in our Hong Kong apartment_comma_ fun picnics on the beach_comma_ and stuffed animals in my room...guessing they must have played that song a lot back then person B: That is such a beautiful memory to have. I love that we forever have moments like this... How cool Hong Kong! person A: Thanks :) I had a pretty happy bout you_comma_ do you have a song that triggers memories? person B: I do actually quite a few mainly old country songs like daddys hands is a big one super oldie! :)
person A: I know I shouldnt be scared this young of death but I am. person B: Do you have a past traumatic experience? person A: My mom and dad both died from health issues when they were not very old. person B: Sorry to hear that. I'm positive you'll be smart about your lifestyle choices though
person A: Back in elementary school I got the lead role in a play_comma_ "The Selfish Giant" based off Oscar Wilde's short novel...I was really nervous and timid at first...but knocked em dead 2 nights in a row_comma_ had parents and teachers crying and applauding it was pretty hilarious person B: Some things like that you wont ever forget thats pretty rad person A: Yeah you're right about that person B: you should do it again just for the heck of it
person A: I never feel more at peace than laying at my bed in the morning. person B: Sometimes I feel the same as you ... but I get up and move on person A: It's not bad to lay around all day if you want. person B: That's right ... I wish I could do that ... disconnect
person A: So the other day I was walking barefoot right? Can you guess what happened next!? person B: Did you stub your toe? person A: I wish... i totally stepped right in a fresh pile of dog... person B: Oh no! That's even worse! Did you puke a little? I would've thrown up!
person A: This woman approached me on Facebook Messenger about how she is seeing my boyfriend behind my back. They work together which is how they know each other. I approached my boyfriend about this but I believe him. person B: What did he say? person A: That he didn't do anything like that. person B: Always good to trust your spouse_comma_ but I would be on the fence a bit and have my eye out too.
person A: I feel mad when I hear about my friend's situation with his 2 daughters. He's a single dad who works 10 hour shifts 6 days a week and the ex-wife collects the child support cash to pamper her new boyfriend person B: That is pretty bad situation he is in. I feel little mad myself too. person A: It's ridiculous_comma_ and what's worse he's a good sport and jokes about it....but I told him to find a lawyer and tell CPS person B: Yeah i would say the same to him too man.
person A: I played Ice Hockey when i was younger and i wasn't that great at first. person B: When did you start getting better person A: My first goal ever after 5 years ended up being in my last season of playing. So it took me long but i am was happy in the end. person B: That's pretty cool
person A: My brother has been really sick. I'm taking him to his doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully after that I can find something to cheer him up. person B: How old is he? I really hope its nothing serious :/ person A: 18_comma_ so he's too young and I'm hoping the same. But if it is_comma_ I will be there for him. person B: wow that really is TOO young! Lets hope its nothing serious. He will get thru it regardless.
person A: Guess what tomorrow is? person B: What is it? person A: VACATION DAYYYYYYYYYY YESSSSSS Can you tell I am ready for it or what? person B: I can tell! Are you doing anything special for it?
person A: I had to go to the doctor recently to get something checked_comma_ always makes me worried going there. person B: Are you going to be okay person A: Yes fortunately it wasn't a serious condition in the end. person B: I am glad you are okay
person A: I was mad when my brother got in trouble for no reason. My parents punished him for the wrong reasons person B: That doesn't seem fair_comma_ I hope they changed their ways eventually. person A: They did_comma_ it was too late though person B: That's unfortunate_comma_ I wonder if he's forgiven them?
person A: Do you want to know something incredible? My daughter is! person B: thats so sweet i bet she is how old is she? person A: She's 10 and made it through first through fifth grade with all As on every one of her report cards! person B: omg i cant wait to see what that feels like as a parent congrats!
person A: I am having a day let me tell you.. not in a good way either. person B: Oh no_comma_ please tell me what's going on! Can I help? person A: Not really but maybe just by listening to be complain! LOL - i lost my wallet and my keys in the store today person B: That's the worst_comma_ I'm sure it was an annoyance!
person A: man_comma_ when i moved out of my parents place it was such a happy feeling. person B: Nice I can relate. How old were you when you moved out person A: I was 20 at the time when i moved out. But all that freedom was just a great feeling. person B: That's cool. I was 17 when I first moved out. Now I'm 26_comma_ fully self-employed and hang out with whoever I want to. But I had to have a lot of faith in myself
person A: Though I've got a long ways to go I'm waking up everyday with gratitude in living life how I want_comma_ answering to nobody. It's pretty awesome person B: That is pretty great! I like it when you can wake up and not care about stuff. person A: Yup got fired from my last job about 5 months ago...but instead of panicking I just buckled down and focused all my energy on making money everyday. And for the first time paid rent with 100% self-employed profit so pretty happy bout that person B: That is pretty awesome! I wish i could do stuff like that.
person A: I was happy when my dad got me a truck. It was a nice surprise person B: Did he get it for you for a specific reason or just because? person A: I was turning 18 and needed it for school person B: That's so kind of him! What a dad!
person A: I'm starting my new job soon and I'm looking forward to the better hours and pay. person B: I am sure you will love it person A: I hope so_comma_ but hey_comma_ even if I don't? I'm not working overnights anymore so I will learn to love it! person B: I am sure you will_comma_ good luck