person A: I feel bad about myself person B: Why do you feel bad about yourself? I am sure whatever it is can't be that horrible. person A: I voted on Trump for president and I regret it. person B: Even if you feel you voted for the wrong person_comma_ you shouldn't worry. You will be able to vote for a new person in a couple years! person A: Yes_comma_ but all the bad things Trump is doing now makes me sick
person A: I had a job interview today! I guarantee I will get a call back for the position! person B: Good luck! I have faith on you. person A: Thanks for the well wishes. I know I have it for sure! person B: I am sure you are going to excell
person A: I love the buzz of discovering cash I didn't know I had_comma_ either from hard work or just plain good luck...puts me in a good mood every time person B: I love that as well! Nothing better than unexpected cash! Has this happened to you recently? person A: Yup :) thought a self-employed check was going to be late...but come Monday morning it was all there_comma_ and paid rent for the first time with 100% self-employed profit. person B: Awesome! Congrats to you on that unexpected windfall!
person A: I just moved to a new city for work recently. I don't know anybody here and am just stuck by myself at home. person B: I think you should get out and explore. I'm in a similar situation--moved to South Texas with zero connections/family to jumpstart my business...and I've met some pretty amazing people person A: Yeah_comma_ I guess I should just put myself out there. I hope I feel better if I finally make some friends. person B: You definitely will trust me
person A: I was late to work today because my doctor did not see me until well after an hour after my scheduled appointment time. person B: That happen to me frequently. Did your manager said anything because you are late? person A: No I did not. I will just find a new doctor. person B: It can be annoying person A: My manager was quite understanding.
person A: My manager keep lying about a promotion that he promised. person B: I am sorry to hear that. How long has he been promising you the promotion? person A: About six month now. It is making me angry. person B: I can imaging. He sounds pretty spineless and shady.
person A: In school_comma_ the kids would always bully me and call me names person B: Why did they do tha person A: I do not know_comma_ i was always smarter than the rest so i think they did not like me person B: I am sorry that happened to you person A: I have grown and learned very much from it.
person A: I knew I could count on my brother. He was there for me when I was struggling in life person B: Family is very important. person A: Its the most important to me person B: The same for me_comma_ i try to keep them close.
person A: My daughter is great. person B: Why do you think that? person A: She was just accepted to Harvard. person B: What will be her major?
person A: I trust my wife deeply person B: Do you? You should trust her_comma_ that's what marriage is about! person A: I was engaged to a woman who cheated on me. person B: That's awful_comma_ I'm sorry.
person A: We have had so much rain the past few weeks_comma_ my house ended up flooding. I lost everything! person B: I am really sorry.Do you have house insurance? person A: I do but we don't have flood insurance so not much is covered. person B: Do you have a place to stay for a while?
person A: You ever have those moments when people tell you not to bring certain things? person B: Yes...but in what context person A: Like people told me not to bring a rain tarp for camping. But ends up it started to rain and my tent was fine. person B: Nice that's pretty smart...always go with your instincts
person A: Steve Irwin's death was kind of a shock to me since he was like a childhood hero of mine...that guy gave so much to the world_comma_ it's such a tragedy person B: Yeah....But his daughter is doing pretty well at least almost ending up like him. person A: I haven't seen or heard too much about her...does she even do half the crazy stuff her dad did? person B: Well she is still pretty young and learning to handle animals probably be like her father sooner or later./
person A: Hi friend. I feel very ashamed because I got cheated on. I feel very negative and just depleted of emotion. I trusted them. person B: Well_comma_ that't not your fault at all. It's your scumbag significant other's fault. You shouldn't feel ashamed for the crummy thing he did - you did nothing wrong. person A: Thank you I appreciate that. I just held him to such a high standard and he let me down. A lot. person B: If he's not meeting your standard then it's time to find a new boyfriend - even if that's the hard thing to do. You shouldn't ever lower your standards.
person A: So_comma_ I did a horrible thing last night. I ate 12 buckets of KFC. person B: Oh my gosh no_comma_ are you feeling okay? person A: Oh man_comma_ afterwards I did not feel okay at all. I felt really guilty I ate so much. person B: Are you taking medicine for that? Do you have heartburn or do you feel gluttonous?
person A: I would love to try skydiving. I am so afraid of heigh. person B: I would love that too person A: I need to work on fear first and then I will try it. person B: That wont be too hard
person A: I was scared when my dad had a heart attack. I thought he was going to die person B: Sorry to hear that. Is he better now? person A: He is_comma_ but it was scary then person B: Did the doctors have found what was the issue with his heart?
person A: Recently_comma_ my dad gave me some money to buy e-cig liquid for my vape_comma_ I am very thankful! person B: That's pretty cool. What flavor do you think you are going to get? person A: Well_comma_ I'm thinking something fruity. Maybe berry or watermelon? person B: Berry sounds like it would be very tasty.
person A: So_comma_ I was putting on my cow poke boots the other day and found a snake in my boot! person B: Whoa_comma_ did anything bad happen? person A: Thankfully not. My trusty dog managed to dispose of it rather quickly. Never been so afraid in my life. person B: I'm glad nothing bad happen_comma_ snake venom can really mess you up...
person A: I went to a restaurant last week by myself_comma_ meanwhile everyone else was sitting with at least one other person. person B: How did you feel about that person A: Well I felt a bit lonely to say the least. person B: I know the feeling. Just broke up with my ex-gf 5 months ago. But he/she is out there_comma_ chin up :)
person A: Aiming to have my first amateur fight this year and my first pro fight by next year at the earliest_comma_ fingers crossed person B: Wow good luck_comma_ I'm a big fan of watching MMA myself. person A: Thanks! I actually box..quite different but the nerves and adrenaline rushes are the same lol person B: Oh oops_comma_ my fault for assuming. Definitely an intense experience either way as you said.
person A: I spit in my coffee cup this morning and it had leftover coffee in it too. I can't believe I forgot this and drank it in the afternoon... person B: Ugh_comma_ I did the same thing today! I'm going to have to start making fresh cups in the morning and afternoon. person A: That's a good idea_comma_ and I'm thinking about getting a spitoon. person B: Can't go wrong with a spittoon. And it makes a nice conversation piece when you have visitors over.
person A: I got to work yesterday and my coworkers threw me a party! person B: That's awesome! Was it your birthday? person A: It was! I was so surprised and happy that they remembered it and threw me a party. It was very nice. person B: Your friends care a lot of you and that's always a great feeling! I hope you had fun!
person A: So_comma_ went to the bar last night and woke up missing my underpants. I had no idea what happened to them_comma_ person B: Oh no_comma_ are you okay person A: Yes_comma_ I am okay. I was pretty thankful_comma_ since the bartender returned them to me. Apparently_comma_ I was so drunk that I was wearing them on my head. person B: I hate being that drunk
person A: I felt bad when I lied to my cousin. I mad up an excuse when I missed his wedding person B: Dang_comma_ that's kinda hurtful. Why did you miss the wedding? person A: I was hungover and sick person B: I've had those days before. I would just take it as a lesson and try to control your drinking next time when important events are in the near future.
person A: I had a very important sales pitch to some clients at work today. person B: How did it go? person A: It went extremely well! I prepared for it the entire night before. We managed to get the clients. person B: How long did it take to prepare for?
person A: I went to the park yesterday all by myself_comma_ since my friends ditched me. person B: Aw_comma_ sorry about that! Did you have a pet you could take there with you? person A: No_comma_ I don't have any pets. I was so lonely. Maybe I should think about getting one to take with me. person B: Yeah_comma_ I have a dog and I take it to the park sometimes. It can help you feel less lonely for sure.
person A: I had a 20 dollar bill in my car and I opened my windows. I couldn't find it so I'm thinking it flew out the window... person B: Dang_comma_ that's quite a large amount of money to lose. Hopefully it went to someone who needs it. person A: Yeah_comma_ that's what I was thinking. It was in a neighborhood so hopefully some kid found it and can buy something he always wanted. person B: That would be nice. Maybe he'll go and buy some candy from the candy store.
person A: Hey man_comma_ So i was wondering if you ever felt distrust til you met a friend? person B: I try not to have any friends. person A: Well wasn't until i meet my first friend i knew i could be happy and trust someone. person B: I advice not to trust anyone ever. Stay to yourself and be sad my friend. person A: Well you were the first one i trusted. person B: I do not want to be the first one.
person A: I walked in on my parents making a baby. person B: Well that isn't really pleasant i bet. person A: It was a terrible day for me. person B: Well hope you didn't have flashbacks of it too often. person A: Every day_comma_ i see it in my head.
person A: I bought 5 lottery tickets today. I am positive for the future because I think I will win person B: Best of luck! Have you won in the past? person A: Yes_comma_ so I was thinking maybe I would win again. person B: Wow you're pretty lucky...I can never win those things
person A: I feel protective towards my little cousin_comma_ even though I wasn't actively a part of her childhood. person B: Are you a mother? It could be a maternal thing/instinct. person A: Haha nope I'm a 26-year-old man person B: Oh_comma_ well you could still have protective traits as a male. How old is your cousin?
person A: I felt good and hopeful when my dad helped me get a truck. I just knew he wanted to help person B: That's nice of your dad - it's sometimes hard to get a car on your own. What kind of truck is it? person A: It was a nissan_comma_ it was nice person B: Nissan's are top of the line. I hope you get a lot of use out of it.
person A: My dog finally learned a new trick after months of training! person B: What is the trick person A: I taught her to roll over! I was so impressed with her! person B: That is a good dog then
person A: My dog is getting old and is having trouble walking_comma_ it's tough to see. person B: Aw_comma_ that sucks. Everyone gets old eventually_comma_ how old is she/he? person A: He's 15_comma_ he's small though so I think he's handling it better than the bigger dogs. person B: That's good to hear_comma_ I hope he feels and gets better
person A: I envy people who can eat a lot and not gain weight. It's just not fair. person B: I think those people don't actually eat that much_comma_ it just seems like it though. person A: Maybe_comma_ but my brother eats a lot_comma_ if not more_comma_ than me and he barely gains any weight. person B: If he's taller/bigger than you it would make sense if he doesn't gain any weight
person A: I bought a huge 500 count bag of totino's pizza rolls last night. I managed to eat them all in one sitting. person B: That seems like a lot of pizza rolls_comma_ how do you feel? person A: I felt pretty bad and bloated. I never did that before and I was so ashamed. person B: Hey_comma_ we all pig out at some point
person A: Just finished studying. The peace helped me concentrate but now no one is around to celebrate with. person B: That's too bad. It's nice to have friends to revel in our victories. Why don't you get yourself a beer and relax on the porch? person A: That sounds like a wonderful idea_comma_ I will do that. person B: If you need someone to join in_comma_ just let me know!
person A: Yesterday I failed my physics exam. person B: I am sorry to hear that. Any certain areas you think you could have done better on? person A: Well_comma_ I am really terrible understanding forces_comma_ but I don't think I studied hard enough. I was pretty disappointed with myself. person B: Don't be so hard on yourself. Most people can't even spell physics.
person A: This morning I woke up to find my 120" flat screen tv gone. person B: Oh no what happened person A: I have no idea. Whoever took it must've been a 10 foot muscular giant. The police haven't found anything yet. person B: I am sorry_comma_ I hope you find it
person A: I was sad when my mom died. It happened so randomly person B: That's so sad to hear! How did she pass? If you don't mind me asking. person A: It was a random heart attack person B: That's terrible_comma_ my friend. How are you holding up?
person A: I was expecting rain today because of the weather channel. Sure enough_comma_ it didn't rain. person B: I love it when it rains. person A: Me too_comma_ it's so relaxing. I can't stand boring sunny days.. person B: Sunny days are very hot and i do not like that.
person A: We went camping one weekend and I packed everything. person B: Nice_comma_ I usually forget a thing or two. Did you get everything you needed? person A: I always make sure to get everything needed. person B: I assume you were very prepared!
person A: I feel like I can handle myself in a street fight if I've been sparring at least 2 days a week in the gym. person B: What techniques have you learned so far though? person A: I've dabbled in Jiu Jitsu but most of my sparring is boxing/standup person B: I think you will do pretty well then in a street fight.
person A: So i lost my game boy when i was a kid person B: Go on person A: Well when i lost it my parents told me i won't be getting another one. Luckily one of my family friends got me a new one as a surprise. person B: That's pretty cool. Grew up with the Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance myself
person A: I got back from grocery shopping yesterday and I noticed that my wallet was missing. person B: Wow_comma_ that sucks. Did you try calling the grocery store? person A: I did_comma_ but they didn't have it. Thankfully_comma_ my neighbor returned it to me the next morning. Must've left it on my car! person B: Your neighbor is a good person. I would have...given it back to you haha.
person A: I saw a piece of dried poop in my closet that I had no clue about. My dog sure is sneaky person B: I have a pesky_comma_ sneaky little dog like that too! Did you clean it up? person A: Of course_comma_ I picked it up and sprayed some disinfectant in the area. person B: That's good. Was she guilty when she saw you cleaning it up?
person A: My dog took a fat ole poop on the carpet yesterday. person B: That is disgusting_comma_ my dog does that too but in sneaky places. It's always a surprise lol person A: I was so shocked! She usually doesn't do things like that. I was so disgusted when I had to clean it up. person B: Yeah_comma_ our dogs need to be punished and maybe trained more.
person A: I invited all of my online friends in Fortnite. None of them joined to my surprise. person B: Oh wow. Maybe they were busy doing other things? Did you find anyone else to play with? person A: I think I played solo by myself but it is what it is. person B: Sometimes playing by ourselves is how we get better.
person A: I had to drink and shower in the lake yesterday because I lost my job. person B: What kind of job person A: I was CEO of Google. Now_comma_ I am a nobody. The water from the lake was so gross. person B: I am sorry that happened
person A: I got happy when I knew I was going to six flags. I could hardly wait person B: Six Flags is such a fun park! Are you a fan of roller coasters? person A: I love riding those person B: They are! Cedar Point has some gnarly roller coasters too.
person A: I love every year when I get a vacation and a raise. person B: I love that too! Isn't it great! person A: It truly is_comma_ the extra money helps very much. person B: What are you planning on doing with your vacation time? person A: I want to spend time with the family.
person A: Long time ago on my way to my brother hockey game something bad happened. person B: What happened that day? person A: Well my dad got mad at my brother_comma_ honestly i feel he deserved it_comma_ but he stopped the car and broke the side window of the car. person B: Did any of you get hurt? person A: No just glass everywhere and a little scared.
person A: My turtle that I had for 30 years ran away yesterday. person B: Wow_comma_ that's unfortunate. People don't realize that can happen but it happened to my friend when we were little. person A: Yeah_comma_ I think it's just because I'm so fat that I couldn't chase the little runt. He was so much faster than me. I was so disheartened and out of breath. person B: Sorry to hear that_comma_ recovering from any pet lose is hard.
person A: I have big fear of dogs. I can't explain why person B: Did you get attacked by a big dog when you were little? person A: No but my brother was attacked when he was little. person B: Maybe it was because you saw your brother get attacked by one and you are scared it might happen to you.
person A: I took leftover money from the self-checkout lane at the grocery store. I felt bad afterwards. person B: Did you try to go to the grocery store to give it back? person A: No_comma_ I feel like that would be incriminating myself. Not sure what to do. person B: I understand.
person A: I was sad when my aunt died. It came out of no where person B: Sorry to hear that. How did she pass? person A: She had a heart attack person B: Man_comma_ very sorry to hear that. First your mom_comma_ now your aunt. Sounds like you have very unfortunate relatives.
person A: Today was a nice sunny day. I went to the park to read a book. person B: I do love to read as well person A: It really strengthens the mind! It felt so refreshing reading beneath the trees in the sunshine. person B: That sounds so nice
person A: I was not expecting to win. When I scratched the last bubble in the lottery ticket_comma_ I realized I won 20 bucks!!! person B: Holy moly! Sounds like you are eating well tonight! person A: Haha_comma_ but the bad thing is I bought 20 dollar worth of tickets again and lost it all. person B: Well_comma_ I'm sure you can find a recipe online that uses spent lottery tickets.
person A: Yesterday I got into a scrap with a homeless man over a half eaten sandwich. person B: Are you homeless? person A: No_comma_ but I was terribly hungry_comma_ since I didn't go grocery shopping. I felt so bad. person B: Lol_comma_ I bet that a good looking sandwich then.
person A: I need a tooth pulled and I am scared to go to the dentist. SCARED!@#!@ person B: Oh_comma_ you will probably be just fine don't worry about it too much. person A: I can't stop thinking about it. I am terrified! person B: Dentist aren't people focused on trying to hurt you.
person A: So i do some silly things at time and i feel bad at times. I went to a buffet by myself. person B: Ut oh.. What did you eat? person A: I ate so much food and i was like a pig but i feel it was worth it. The weight gain though wasn't. person B: Don't worry... you only live once!
person A: I always get nervous when I drive. The possibility of getting into a car accident is nerve wrecking. person B: I hate driving_comma_ I avoid it as much as possible. person A: I think it has to do with seeing a lot of car accidents when I was little. person B: Mine was from being in one and just being nervous about having to be in charge of things.
person A: I thanks God for my wife. person B: Thats good to hear. Why do you thank god for her? person A: Because of the person she is. person B: Well thats nice. I thank god for my wife as well
person A: I haven't had a date in 4 years now. My last date was in high school_comma_ I'm so alone... person B: Well there are always bigger fish in the sea trust me. person A: Thank you_comma_ maybe I need to learn to love myself first person B: That is also very important to learn.
person A: When my grandmother died i kind of lost it a little. shut myself into my room for a while. person B: That sucks_comma_ do you feel better now? person A: I do_comma_ But i never thought i would shut myself out that much. person B: Yeah_comma_ isolation can happen when you get super sad. At least you are feeling better now
person A: I didn't have high expectations for this new restaurant in town but my friend and I had dinner there last week and it was better than I thought it would be! person B: That's always a positive in my book_comma_ what kind of food was it? What were your reservations about the restaurant before going? person A: It was seafood and no_comma_ they weren't. Usually the restaurants in that particular building don't last long at all. person B: Is it in a bad part of town or is the building just bad luck or run down?
person A: My coworker told my boss that I came in to work 15 minutes late this morning. I couldn't believe he did that to me! person B: I am sorry_comma_ that sounds bad person A: Yeah_comma_ I could't understand why he would throw me under the bus like that. person B: Maybe it wont happen again
person A: My zipper was down at work all day. I will not live that down person B: Oh my gosh! That must have been so embarrassing! person A: It was_comma_ I am still sad about it person B: Don't worry. I'm sure you will never make that mistake again!
person A: My best friend was sending her daughter on a plane to stay with me for a couple weeks. She told me she couldn't come along because the tickets were too expensive. person B: Aw_comma_ that sucks because money was the issue. Maybe she can take a bus or something? person A: Actually_comma_ when I went to the airport to pickup her daughter_comma_ they both walked out of the gate together! She found a way to get the ticket after all. person B: Yay! I love happy endings
person A: I think I saw someone die today_comma_ I was so frightened. person B: Oh how scary! What happened? person A: I was driving and saw a big accident on the side of the road. As I drove by_comma_ I think I saw a dead person... person B: I am so sorry you had to see that. That is so bad. Did you have to call it in?
person A: My wife up and left me last year person B: Ouch! that stinks man why she do it? person A: No one knows and she will not tell me. person B: That is even worse_comma_ Like why would someone just do that when commited to someone. person A: If I knew i would tell you all about it.
person A: So i wanted a party when i was little for my 7th birthday i think. person B: Parties are some times very loud. person A: Yeah but this one wasn't planned with me involved heck i didn't know it was happening til i opened my front door. person B: If my friends did that I would have a heart attack.
person A: I was let down by the movie. I was expecting much more. person B: What movie are you referring too? person A: The new tomb raider movie_comma_ it was so bad... person B: Oh! Well i haven't seen that yet. was the action at least somewhat decent?
person A: You know when you start something and you don't really see results til years later. person B: Yeah I hate waiting for the results of a long term goal person A: Well i played soccer for 8 years and now just finally scored a goal. person B: Damn_comma_ you suck at soccer. Just kidding_comma_ good job!! lol
person A: I felt bad when I lied to my dad. I just felt bad about getting in trouble person B: Oh no.. what happened? Are you ok? person A: I got in trouble and was afraid to tell him person B: What did you lie to him about?
person A: I am so mad. My dog won't stop barking. person B: I am sorry_comma_ he will stop eventually person A: I mean its making me insane. He barks at every little noise. person B: He will get better
person A: My boyfriend is making me so mad right now. He is on like beer 15 person B: Wow_comma_ why does he need to drink so much? person A: I dont know. He is so dumb when he drinks. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ I've dealt with something like that before and it can be very anger inducing.
person A: I lied to my friend about hanging out with someone she really hates_comma_ I feel bad about it. person B: Did you do anything wrong? person A: No_comma_ but this person spread a nasty rumour about my friend. person B: Oh.. thats horrible. I am so sorry.
person A: I hate being alone at my house_comma_ it's not fulfilling at all. person B: Myself as well_comma_ friends are what make life better. person A: I usually like being by myself but it's taking a toll on my social life now person B: Alone time is important but you will go crazy if you are always alone.
person A: Last year_comma_ late at night someone stole my phone. person B: Was it a smartphone? Maybe you can track it ? person A: It was my flip phone_comma_ it was the only one that I had. person B: Aw_comma_ that sucks. Did you get a new phone? person A: I have not had the money to buy a new one_comma_ so my family has no idea where I am.
person A: I had the worst night last night. I found out my uncle hit my cat with his car. It happened two weeks ago and he never told me! person B: He is a terrible person! Did he even know it was your cat? What took so long... person A: I don't know. I couldn't stop crying. It was just awful person B: I hope you feel better
person A: Seeing expensive cars on the road is always inspiring. I am usually in awe because I know it takes hard work to get those! person B: What kind of cars do you like the best? person A: I like big SUVs like Range Rovers and Jeeps person B: Range Rovers are my favorite too. If you work hard you can get one!
person A: I miss my aunt. I wish she was still here person B: When did she pass away? person A: It was 10 years ago person B: Well have you been living a happy life? She would probably be happy about that.
person A: So i am really happy now that i have a new girlfriend. person B: I am sure she is happy too person A: It's not easy finding someone with the same interest as you. person B: It can be hard_comma_ but its possible
person A: Those dang neighborhood kids keep egging my car! person B: Do you have cameras? person A: I don't but it sucks cleaning my car off! It's gross and smells awful! person B: I know right? It's even more worse when it's hot outside and it cooks to your car so it's harder to clean up
person A: I get very depressed seeing roadkill when driving. Such a sad way to go. person B: Have you seen any recently? It is really sad_comma_ what gets me the most is hearing about black bears being hit. person A: Yes_comma_ I saw one this morning. It was rotting and crows were feeding on it_comma_ so sad... person B: Poor thing_comma_ it's not fair! Drivers need to watch out!
person A: I parked my car and got out. I forgot to put it to park mode so when I got out it was moving on its own for a little bit. I was so ashamed. person B: Well hopefully the car didn't get damaged. person A: No_comma_ it was undamaged. But my ego definitely was because I was so ashamed when others laughed! person B: Well i would just be happy nothing too bad happened at least.
person A: So i got lost outside of my house in the woods one night. person B: That's frightening. Was it dark outsside? person A: Yeah it was like super dark because we live in the woods. person B: That's even worse. I hate being lost in general
person A: My brother_comma_ dumped out all of my cards on the floor. person B: Oh man that stinks. What did you do in response? person A: i cried for a few days afterwards person B: Did he ever apologize?
person A: When I turned 30_comma_ my husband planned a huge surprise party at the beach. It was amazing! person B: I've never had a party like that myself. person A: I'm sure you will one day! person B: No one really likes me enough to do that for me.
person A: I am so happy with myself. Keep remembering 8 years of that journey. person B: What journey? Do tell. person A: Well my journey through the college education system i should of mentioned. But it was a long time of stress and fun atleast. person B: Oh Congratulations... That is a huge accomplishment!
person A: I feel so bad for my husband. He is getting a lung transplant. person B: oof_comma_ that is a long healing process after the surgery. person A: I know.. we have to move to where the hospital is for three months while he recovers... person B: That is tough i bet. I hope he heals well. person A: Thank you..
person A: My father dropped in unexpectedly_comma_ I hadn't seen him in 3 years! person B: That's awesome! Did you guys do anything? person A: We went to my favorite cafe! person B: Nice! I hope you guys did a lot of catching up!
person A: I loaned some money to my friend at work. Turns out he quit a couple days ago and I won't be getting my money back as I have no way of contacting him.. person B: Wow! What a jerk for him to up and leave with no way to contact him. Was it a lot of money? person A: It was a medium amount of money but still_comma_ he did me so dirty. person B: I'm so sorry_comma_ you should see if you can find him on social media!
person A: THe worst thing happened the other day. I went grovery shopping and I thought I was being followed. It scared me so bad! person B: Who was following you?! person A: This big scary guy person B: What did he look like? I would call the cops if they are stalking you.
person A: So i found my old Nintendo 64! person B: Oh man! Does it still work?? person A: Yeah it does! I am so happy it does but one game wasn't working sadly. person B: I would have sat there playing for hours. person A: I did for about 4 then i had to eat something i got distracted.
person A: I am so scared. I just heard a really crazy sounding animal coming from my lake out back of my house. person B: Oh snap! dude get your camera you might have found nessy. person A: Im in Florida.. it could be ANYTHING lol. person B: Probably could be a new species of gator.
person A: So i love feeling great when i walk into exams because i actually studied. person B: I know how that goes. It can be hard to stay on track at the end of the semester. person A: But i do love the fact i destroyed that test like a boss. person B: Congratulations! Studying really pays off!
person A: I took out the trash this morning. The trash bag ripped open and made a mess_comma_ I didn't clean it up. I felt so bad. person B: Jeeze_comma_ I thought that only happened to me. Doesn't it just suck? I don't blame you for not picking it up_comma_ I can imagine how gross it must've been person A: Yeah I felt so bad for the trashman who will have to clean it up person B: It's okay_comma_ most people would do that and not even care_comma_ so the fact that you even have the trashman in your mind shows that you're a good person.