person A: I had to pay a late fee on my car taxes because I procrastinated in paying them on time. I always put off important things because I feel too scared to do them for some reason. Not sure why I keep making the same mistakes person B: Me too. I miss payments sometimes because I forget about them and I'm lazy. person A: Well_comma_ I hate seeing my money go away_comma_ too. So I put it off_comma_ thinking it will help things_comma_ especially when I'm so down to the wire on my money. But then I just end up making it worse for myself. person B: That's my exact situation too.
person A: I missed the payment for my utility bill but I'm optimistic about the situation. Hopefully they don't cut my electr person B: Ah_comma_ so you're in the same boat as me? I can understand how that goes. Electricity is so necessary nowadays_comma_ too. person A: I agree_comma_ I love the internet which requires electricity. I need to get priorities straight! person B: I'm with you. Sometimes responsibilities get too overwhelming and you feel like you have to hide from them. At some point though_comma_ I'm sure you and I will improve.
person A: I quit smoking maybe twice a month. I want to quit for forever. person B: Smoking is pretty bad for everyone. person A: I know. I can't make it a whole day though. person B: You have to try_comma_ it could change your life. person A: I keep trying. I might need to try medication.
person A: My dogs are my entire world. person B: I like dogs person A: My dogs keep me sane. person B: How many do you have?
person A: Kind of scared to file for my financial aid this year. Not sure if it will cover all my expenses for the semester. If it doesn't_comma_ I don't know how I'll make ends meet and attend school. person B: Can you get another job? person A: I wish. That was my first thought_comma_ but I just can't make it work_comma_ time-wise. I major in social work_comma_ and an internship is mandatory_comma_ and that's a part-time job in itself. person B: Can you take out a loan? person A: I really don't want to. But I might have to. I'm scared of going into even more debt_comma_ since I already have student loans. We'll see what my options are after I talk to my family.
person A: I am wishing the Yankees will win the World Series. person B: Yankees fan_comma_ huh? I should pit you against my brother. He loves the Red Sox. I bet you guys would argue for a while. person A: Yes_comma_ I do not like the Red Sox. person B: Haha_comma_ he'd probably say the same thing to you. He's been a fan of them for about 20 years. What about you? How long have you followed them?
person A: I lost a friend to throat cancer last year. person B: That sucks_comma_ how old were they? person A: 34. It was really sad. She had 4 children. person B: Wow_comma_ how old are the kids? person A: 5-14
person A: I know that Trump will win reeelction. person B: IT;s sad but I think so too. person A: Sad? I am so happy_comma_ I love him. person B: Congratulations. We don't share the same sentiment.
person A: My brother just got a new job_comma_ and he and his family are moving into a bigger house in a nicer city. Kind of wish I had his success right now_comma_ but I'm struggling to remain proud of him too. I don't want to make it all about me. person B: Have you asked him how he feels about that entire situation? person A: He's excited_comma_ of course. But I'm sure he's nervous_comma_ too. I watched him during the job search process--it took a while. So I know he's relieved_comma_ which I'm happy about_comma_ too. person B: Life is a scary place_comma_ anything could happen at any time.
person A: Every single thanksgiving_comma_ I eat alone. person B: Really? That's one of the saddest things I've heard in a while. I'm sorry to hear that. What happened to your family_comma_ if you don't mind me asking? person A: They all died when i was much younger. person B: I am terribly sorry to hear that. You've got to be really resilient to deal with that. Maybe you could volunteer at a soup kitchen during Thanksgiving so you could have a chance to be around others?
person A: My little sister caught off a chunk of my hair when I was sleeping last night. She did it because I came up with a fun but mean nickname for her the day before. But that was way over the line! person B: Did you do anything after she did it? person A: No_comma_ because I didn't want to escalate it further. My parents punished her_comma_ but I felt like she got off lightly. All she got was being grounded for a week and her phone taken away for that same time period. Oh well. person B: I have never had siblings_comma_ so not sure what to tell ya.
person A: I do not like being around bats. person B: Why's that? Did you specifically have a bad experience with them_comma_ or just assume they're terrible no matter what? person A: Yes_comma_ once when I was trapped in a cave. person B: Trapped in a cave? I couldn't handle that. I'm claustrophobic. I'd freak out in a second. How long were you trapped for?
person A: Someone spray-painted my car last night_comma_ wrote some curse word. I have no idea why_comma_ since i have no enemies. I don't understand how people can treat others like that. person B: Some people are just cruel. person A: Yeah_comma_ there's no making sense of it. But now I have to go out of my budget to fix this mistake when it shouldn't have been my problem in the first place. And I have no one to take my anger out on or to get justice from. I didn't even bother calling the police. person B: You should have called the police. If they were just vandals they probably did it to someone else to.
person A: MY son always tries to unlock my ipad while I'm sleep. Now it has to be reset person B: That's annoying. Kids these days are really attached to electronics_comma_ just how it goes. I know it's hard to cut them off_comma_ but have you tried managing his electronics time more closely? person A: He's three and he has his on that's why I keep mines locked. I am so mad at him. person B: I would be_comma_ too. At that age_comma_ they don't understand why they can't have it. It's like talking to a brick wall. I hope it gets easier for you as he gets older. person A: ME too. I'm gonna have to hide it now.
person A: I was nervous when I was trying to drive where I wasn't familiar person B: Did you practice first in a parking lot? person A: No_comma_ I was used to driving_comma_ just going somewhere I had not before person B: Did you use GPS?
person A: I am so mad Hillary Clinton didn't go to jail. person B: I can understand that. I feel like Trump should have gone to jail a long time ago person A: No_comma_ he never breaks the law just takes advantage of it. person B: I totally agree with you
person A: I pray every night North Korea doesn't bomb us. person B: I think they are just empty threats but you never know. person A: I hope your right. person B: You and me both.
person A: I moved away from the city. I never see my friends anymore. It gets lonely out here. person B: Why don't you move back? person A: It's better for my kids and its so expensive. person B: Can you make new friends where you are now? person A: The people out here aren't that friendly. I can't win.
person A: I forgot to order my daughters textbooks. person B: Oh no! How many days left until she starts school? person A: She starts on the 13th. She wont get the books until the 17th. I'm s bad mom lol person B: Wow_comma_ that's some really slow shipping times. Maybe you will get lucky and they will come in the mail sooner. person A: I waited so late some were on back order. I couldn't afford the other ones. I explained to the school though. I'm just embarrassed
person A: I wish I had more money like Bill Gates. person B: I am totally with you person A: Maybe I can start the next Microsoft. person B: I am sure you could
person A: I am really impressed that I am still able to teach my dog things at his age person B: How old is he? person A: He is 14! person B: Wow_comma_ you can teach an old dog new tricks.
person A: I am so happy school is back. person B: Indeed. It would be fun to see your friends again and be around them person A: Yes_comma_ but I am a teacher. person B: I think being with children is a joy that not everybody can understand
person A: Last week_comma_ I had my credit card application approved with American Express. I now can think of getting a new smartphone person B: How much is the phone? person A: I was thinking of getting Samsung S9 which costs around $700 and thought of paying with my Amex credit card person B: Will you be able to pay that off quick thou?
person A: I lost my dog last year_comma_ I cried so hard. person B: Oh no. Did it ever come back? person A: No_comma_ I assume he died. person B: That sucks. MY sisters dog used to roam the neighborhood a lot and one day he didn't come back either. His name was Oreo. I told my daughter he got married.
person A: Im so happy I gt to take my kids on two trip this summer since I started working. person B: Where did you go? person A: Gatlinburg and Panama City Beach_comma_ Then I took an adult trip to New Orleans. Great summer. person B: I love New Orleans. person A: It was a lot of fun. Smelled funny though lol
person A: I wish my grandma was still alive. person B: Awwww i can relate to that. I am so sorry. person A: Yes_comma_ she died of lung cancer. person B: I am very sorry to hear that
person A: I was terrified when I heard a knock at my door late at night person B: Who was it? person A: It was my neighbor letting me know I left the garage open person B: That was nice of them.
person A: I am ready for winter_comma_ I bought a coat. person B: I'm not too fond of winter_comma_ but what kind of coat did you buy? person A: I bought a big furry one. person B: Awesome_comma_ I bet it's comfy! How cold does it get where you live?
person A: I'm eagerly awaiting my son going to kindergarten. person B: When does he start? person A: In about three weeks from now. I almost don't know how to feel about it_comma_ though. person B: I am sure he will have fun. person A: I hope so! I'm a little worried that he will cry at first.
person A: After my divorce I have no one. person B: You may have more than you know but sometimes meeting new people will give you the fresh start you need person A: Where do I go to meet them? person B: Neighbors_comma_ co-workers. Try and get involved in local sports or comunity groups. How about volunteering. That is a good way to meet people that are positive
person A: I was ecstatic when my kids came home yesterday person B: Where did they come from? person A: They were on vacation with their father person B: Where did they go?
person A: I hate taking the subway_comma_ I am afraid I will get robbed. person B: I'm not particularly a fan of subways either_comma_ but why are you so scared of being robbed? person A: Cause it seems to happen every day. person B: I think the overall chances of that are pretty low. Though I do understand your fear.
person A: I was really annoyed when my boss was not being treated well person B: So I take it you get along well with your boss? person A: I do. He is really encouraging person B: That's great to hear_comma_ often times we here of people who hate their bosses!
person A: I recently broke my favorite coffee mug that my grandmother gave me before she passed away. person B: That really is disappointing. Can you fix it? person A: No_comma_ it's completely shattered. I'm pretty upset. person B: I am so sorry to hear that person A: Thanks. I guess I need to just cherish her memory and try not to put too much emotion into material things.
person A: When I was jogging two days ago_comma_ I fell flat on my face after tripping over my feet. Someone saw me and I felt so stupid. I turned around_comma_ looked at them_comma_ and said_comma_ "You didn't see that_comma_" and then just kept on jogging. person B: Did you hurt yourself? person A: I have some scrapes on my hands where I landed. But mostly it was just my pride that was injured. I hope I never see that person around the neighborhood again... person B: I am sure they have fallen before_comma_ no big deal. person A: Probably. And you're right_comma_ yeah_comma_ I'm overthinking it. But I keep replaying it over and over in my head! I'm sure after another day or two it'll be gone.
person A: I cry every time I think of my grandmother. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think that is? Is it a painful or happy memory? person A: I am just sad she isn't alive anymore. person B: I can understand that. That does sound like a difficult thing to deal with. Hopefully you have a lot of nice memories you can look back on to remember her by.
person A: I just stubbed my toe a few minutes ago. Why does that have to even be a thing? Something so small on your body can cause you such great pain_comma_ and all you can do is just hop around like a moron. person B: It is these delicate balance of our natural body that makes us to be diligent for survival person A: That's actually a really interesting way to frame it. We try hard to survive because we know how fragile we are as a species. If we weren't so fragile_comma_ we'd take it for granted. Interesting perspective! person B: Indeed. Nature is very interesting and complex to interpret. Survival is the only mechanism that drive us to have certain physical features
person A: I felt very special and appreciated when my supervisor praised my work in front of other team members during our weekly meeting person B: I bet that was a nice surprise! That's pretty cool. What was it for_comma_ if you don't mind me asking? person A: We develop enterprise software solutions for business per client request_comma_ and i was able to create a very efficient algorithm person B: That's really cool... And also way above my head! But seriously_comma_ that sounds like smart_comma_ hard work. You should be proud. I'm glad you got that "moment in the sun."
person A: I saw someone eat a five pound burger during some crazy challenge earlier today. It was a girl_comma_ too! Sometimes people do some wild things to completely turn around your expectations of them. person B: Wow_comma_ that's amazing! Shows that we can't judge a book by it's cover. We automatically think it would take a large man to do something like that! person A: Yeah_comma_ no joke. And she seemed fine afterwards_comma_ too. Like walking around normal_comma_ no pain. This girl had to be like 115_comma_ tops. Really funny. person B: I would have been unable to move for the rest of the day!
person A: Two of my best friends moved away recently not far apart from one another. Left me feeling a bit empty. person B: Dang_comma_ that's rough. Like a double-dose of sadness. My girlfriend and I are long distance_comma_ so I know how that goes. Is there any way you can still keep in touch with them? person A: Oh yeah_comma_ knowing that they left for positive reasons and having social media to keep in contact helps a lot. person B: Yeah_comma_ she and I don't use social media_comma_ but I can imagine that'd be really helpful in your case. Well_comma_ I'm glad you at least have that. And maybe it will open up the possibility for you to meet new people_comma_ too. person A: How come you guys don't use social media? I guess I kind of get it_comma_ but I feel in your case it could be a huge positive! person B: Well_comma_ we don't like unnecessary attention_comma_ and we don't like talking about ourselves. We just like skyping between each other_comma_ and that's it. And talking on the phone_comma_ of course. person A: Well that's good. Skype is actually even better than having to deal with all the extra nastiness of social media.
person A: I was really embarrassed when I forgot my speech person B: Was it for school? person A: It was for work person B: Did you get fired due to it?
person A: I moved to a new city and have no friends. person B: That is a little daunting. Have you considered joining some groups with like-minded individuals? person A: Yes but I do not know where to go. person B: Check with your community center
person A: My sister just had a baby two days ago! It's been pretty hectic_comma_ and while I'm not looking forward to having to help with diapers_comma_ I'm proud of her and happy that she's healthy. person B: Aww! How sweet! I can imagine the first few days are crazy. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm just going to try to be as helpful as I can. But I also can only stand so much. Newborns are hard. I haven't had my own yet. What about you? Do you have any kids? person B: I do not have any kids. Honestly too scared for child birth haha
person A: My wife and I have been together for about 14 years now and I feel we still have a great relationship. person B: Aw_comma_ that is fantastic! How did yall meet? person A: We met through a mutual friend when we were pretty young. I believe I was around 15 years old. person B: Wow_comma_ you guys meet pretty early on. That's nice that you pretty much grew together as you became adults.
person A: I can't wait for my birthday person B: Hopefully a happy birthday is going to be in order soon! person A: I will definitely make sure of that! person B: Happy early birthday then. Drink up!
person A: A while back_comma_ we got a new guy at our office_comma_ and of course he always picks my counter to sit at. person B: Oh really! Any ideas why? person A: I don't know_comma_ but I even have pictures of my cat and some Funko Pops at that desk_comma_ and the one next to me is never used. person B: Maybe they like you? person A: No way_comma_ he already has two wives (seriously)_comma_ and he's definitely not into guys.
person A: I love doing surveys and making money. person B: Yes_comma_ they can be fun I guess. person A: Sometimes I have a hard time finding work to do or finding someone to work with. It can drive me crazy. person B: Yes that could be very annoying.
person A: I saw a kitten get run over by a car. person B: That is so sad. Did the kitten die? I hope not. person A: I am not sure as I could not stop because of all the traffic. person B: Oh_comma_ I hope it was ok. I understand you not being able to stop.
person A: The ONE time I had my security camera off_comma_ someone stole my lawn mower! person B: No joke? That's terrible. Why was the security camera off? And seriously_comma_ who steals a lawn mower? What bums. person A: I use these new wireless cameras that need to be taken down and charged every so often. I should have charged it while I was home! person B: Oh_comma_ that makes sense. I had no idea_comma_ since I've never used them. That sounds really inconvenient. Maybe they were waiting for the perfect moment to strike... What chumps. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm really pissed. I guess I should be mad at myself too_comma_ it doesn't make sense to charge it when you need it!
person A: One time I was speeding_comma_ and another person was too. A cop pulled out behind me and luckily zoomed past me to chase after the other speeder. I felt like someone was looking down on me that day since I didn't get a ticket. person B: Oh wow_comma_ what luck! I bet you slowed down after that! person A: Yeah_comma_ immediately. But my luck ran out like a week later_comma_ because then I got ticketed for speeding in some lame speed trap. Karma_comma_ I guess. Ever since then I've played it pretty safe and used it as a learning lesson. person B: Well that's good that you use this as a reason to stop speeding. Some people never learn!
person A: This Spring Break we decided to Ski Resort in Colorado with my college friends. It was truly special and full of exciting experiences person B: I love Colorado. person A: It was my first time skiing in my entire life. I realized how much there are things that I should try doing person B: Did you have fun?
person A: I can not believe the summer is almost over. person B: It is. Now we have to deal with rains and snows. So much to go for the next summer person A: Yes_comma_ and winter is close. person B: I think climate change will only exacerbate the freezing temperatures during winter season
person A: I feel bad I didn't go to work today. person B: Why did you decide not to go? person A: I wanted to go to the Yankee game. person B: Did you make it to the game at least?
person A: I am so hopeful for a bright future person B: What is the big end goal? person A: To be a happy and fulfilled person person B: I think you can do it.
person A: Hi friend_comma_ I'm pretty upset right now. person B: That's not good. What's wrong? person A: Well my neighbor's dog just had puppies. All of the dogs are really malnourished. It's infuriating to see this happening and not knowing what to do. person B: Oh man_comma_ that would make me angry! Is there anyone you can call and report them anonymously? person A: I think so but the animal shelter will kill them. person B: Maybe you can sneak over and steal them?
person A: I gave my dog a new food he had never tried before and he ended up puking all over my house. person B: oh no that would make me feel guilty!!! Is he okay? person A: He's perfectly find_comma_ but man was it gross! person B: is he allergic to that type of food? If not you need to transition him slowly! But that's funny lol person A: I'm really not sure_comma_ but he's definitely not having it anymore! Almost made me puke when I saw his puke all over the house!
person A: I felt really guilty when I had to leave my dog home alone for the first time person B: Who did you leave him with? person A: He was by himself while I was at work person B: Did he destroy the house?
person A: I am honored I get to visit China next year. person B: That sounds great. What do you get to visit for? person A: I am going for a student exchange program. person B: That sounds like a great experience!
person A: I was shocked the US didn't qualify for the World Cup. person B: I was too! What do you think caused it?! person A: They did not have a good coach. person B: I agree with you. Having a good coach is crucial for team success.
person A: I'm a little saddened to hear my state came last in education. person B: What state is that? person A: Won't surprise you_comma_ but it's Louisiana. person B: That does surprise me actually. person A: Well people often make jokes about people from the south not being very bright! I guess the jokes aren't too far from the truth.
person A: Yesterday_comma_ i passed by a library which me and my ex-partner used to visit frequently when in college. I felt like I truly missed those times person B: I'm sorry to hear that. It always sucks missing the good old days. person A: Indeed. Nostalgia is one of the factors that drives my anxiety and depression to a certain degree person B: I can kind of see where you're coming from. I personally try to avoid too much nostalgia. Others seem to love it.
person A: A friend of mine lost 200 pounds in one year. It was amazing to witness! person B: That is incredible. What a determination and dedication he must have put for achieving such a result person A: Oh yes! He never lost motivation through the entire process. person B: I wish I had that level of willpower to even lose a couple of pounds from my hanging waist fat person A: It's really not as hard as it seems. All you have to do is cut your calories down a bit_comma_ you don't even need to change the foods you eat!
person A: I visited New York last weekend_comma_ I was amazed. person B: Wow_comma_ I have never been! What all did you see? person A: I saw Times Square. It was awesome. person B: Oh cool. What was you favorite thing at the square?
person A: I wish I can get the part I want person B: A part in what? person A: The community play person B: What play is it?
person A: I cried all night_comma_ my brother is going back to Iraq. person B: That is rough news. How long? person A: A year_comma_ I can't even visit. person B: That is hard. I am so sorry
person A: I went over to my friends house to look at her new puppies. There were five and they were the size of my palm. I was so so happy and excited to see them_comma_ I was full of glee. person B: What kind of puppies? person A: they were mutts but they kind of look like labs_comma_ mixed with rottweillers! person B: Why don't you buy one from your friend? person A: I think I will ask my landlord. It would be so fun!!!!
person A: I am ok making average money in my life. person B: oddly enough so am I. I just want to be comfortable. How do you feel about that? person A: As long as I can pay my bills I am happy. person B: That's very good_comma_ do you feel content at the moment?
person A: I was wearing a white jacket because I was going to a presentation and it got really dirty. person B: Did you spill something on it? person A: I fell down some stairs and there were scuff marks all over it. person B: Did you hurt yourself?
person A: I am ready for my camping trip next weekend. person B: Are you excited about it? person A: Yes_comma_ I am going with my best friend. person B: I hope you have a great time!
person A: I failed Introduction to Statistics class that I took as a summer class. I can't understand how i cannot even pass an introductory classes person B: Maybe you should take a different class. person A: The class is my part of required classes to take in order to graduate_comma_ not even an elective that I can just skip and never worry about person B: You will have to study harder then.
person A: I can not wait till Christmas. person B: Especially getting gifts from family. What a special holiday this is person A: Yes. I always go to my gradnpa's house. person B: How weird it may seem_comma_ but my mom still gives me children's book as a gift for each Christmas
person A: Hi friend_comma_ I ate a peanut butter sandwich today and it reminded me of my late grandmother. person B: Awww that is sad but happy al at the same time! person A: yeah it just reminds me of good and simpler times you know? person B: I hear that. You hang in there
person A: I am worried I won't wake up to my alarm person B: does that usually happen often? person A: It has happened a couple times this month. Darn iphone person B: haha yeah it happens to me too. I bet you're frustrated about that. Have you tried different apps?
person A: I feel so much better when i complete the goals I set for myself. person B: I know what you mean. It is always a reason to be proud. person A: Do you set goals for yourself? If so_comma_ what are your common goals? person B: I just set short term goals along the way. person A: What has been your most recent goal?
person A: My husband had to go out of town for work. person B: What does he do for work? person A: He builds computers. He will be gone for 2 months! I don't know what to do. person B: Well you could always pick up a new hobby! What is something you've always wanted to learn?
person A: I am so ready for the midterm elections. person B: Me too person A: I hope the Republicans win. person B: Oh_comma_ man. Why is that?
person A: I really love my wife. person B: That is wonderful to hear person A: Yes_comma_ we have been married only one year. But I have loved every minute of it. person B: Don't ever forget why!
person A: I am so ready for my interview tomorrow person B: What time is it at? person A: It is at 10am person B: Make sure you get there early.
person A: Hey man. I get really nervous with my girlfriend dude. person B: Why is that? person A: She texts me all the time that we need to "talk" and I'm like concerned you know person B: Have you spoke to her? person A: yeah and it's never something big lol
person A: I am so ready for September. person B: Oh yeah me too man_comma_ you like the fall? person A: I love the fall_comma_ my favorite season. person B: Yeah me too it's very comfortable. What else do you think about it?
person A: I have never cheated on my wife. person B: Why do you think that is? person A: Cause I love her. person B: I love my dog_comma_ i still cheat on it.
person A: I won the lottery when I was 18 years old. person B: How much did you win? person A: I won about 82_comma_000 but I ended up splitting it with someone else. person B: Do you have any of it left?
person A: I can not wait for the leaves to change color and the temperature to change. person B: Yes_comma_ I prefer the fall also. person A: What's your favorite thing about fall? person B: That football starts. person A: I love football too. Do you have a favorite team? College or NFL?
person A: I can not believe my friend died last week. person B: I'm sorry about your loss. How are you doing? person A: I am ok_comma_ I wish I could of stopped it. person B: What exactly happened?
person A: I am sure that I will get a raise. person B: That's great! What makes you so confident? person A: I know my boss likes my work. person B: Well that awesome to hear! I hope you do get it soon!
person A: I can't wait to try out my new gold club! person B: Gold club where? person A: Oh_comma_ I meant to say golf_comma_ sorry! That makes more sense now_comma_ huh? person B: How many holes does it have?
person A: My brother calls me all the time_comma_ so annoying. person B: Oh no! What does he do that is so annoying? person A: He just calls and talks about nothing. person B: It is nice that he wants to stay connected I guess
person A: I am so excited to go to the water park person B: Who are you going with? person A: I am taking my 3 kids person B: Nice_comma_ have they been before?
person A: When I found out a was finally having a little girl_comma_ I was thrilled! person B: you were? Was your pregnancy planned person A: Yes_comma_ it was planned. I had 2 boys before her. Third times a charm! lol person B: hahah oh man finally that is so good! Congratulations on your children
person A: Well I actually haven't gotten my period in two months.. person B: Oh no! Have you bought a test yet? Were you trying? person A: I bought a test today at dollar tree because I am struggling. I am not. An accident. person B: Thats scary! I hope that you aren't pregnant then!! person A: yeah the situation was unexpected but maybe I got a false positive... person B: I hope so
person A: I wish everyone would get along. person B: What is the disagreement about? person A: Just in general_comma_ people need to get along. person B: I agree. What do you think will help people get along?
person A: Have you ever had a pet run away? person B: Yes when I was little. person A: My dog ran away today. What kind of pet did you have as a kid? person B: I also had a dog_comma_ did you find your dog? person A: Unfortunately_comma_ I did not. What do you think I should do?
person A: I cried for a week when I found out my had a miscarriage. person B: That is terrible_comma_ i would cry as well. person A: Yea_comma_ I do not know if we will ever have kids now. person B: you can always adopt_comma_ thats what we did!
person A: My dad bought me my first car a few weeks ago! person B: What kind? person A: The one i asked for_comma_ and it's red! person B: Nice_comma_ was model is it? person A: It's a Fusion_comma_ best of the best.
person A: Last week my friend I have not seen in a couple years surprised me at my doorstep. It was awesome seeing them again. person B: Oh_comma_ wow! That's awesome that your friend unexpectedly surprised you. person A: Yea I was totally not expecting it. I was so happy to see them in person. person B: I bet that was really heartwarming. I'm glad you had that experience.
person A: hey friend_comma_ I am so tired and sleepy. person B: Tell me about it. I got like 3 hours last night person A: dude same_comma_ my girlfriend just loves to talk and talk and doesn't let me sleep. It is exhausting_comma_ I can't rest. person B: Hey! Girlfriends just need an ear some time.
person A: I have never been able to chug a beer. I guess girls arent supposed to anyway person B: you can do whatever you want!! You like beer? person A: I love beer. Just can't chug. I can only do half lol person B: oh okay I see lol chugging reminds me of high school person A: I'll keep practicing
person A: I am so thankful for my time with my grandma person B: What do you do with her? person A: We like to sit and talk about everything person B: Is she still alive?
person A: I know I will get an A on my test. person B: Yes you will with that attitude person A: I study each night and take practice tests. person B: That is the key isnt it?
person A: The day my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life person B: Congratulations! You and your family must be delighted to have a new member! person A: We are_comma_ it is for sure a change! person B: I am sure that you will be a great parent. You clearly show that you already love your new born daughter.