person A: I was walking home from work at night when I accidentally stepped on a dead rat. I almost puked myself looking at it. person B: I would cry_comma_ very much! person A: Yea I am usually terrified of rats_comma_ so seeing a dead one is even worse! person B: I would cry and cry for days.
person A: I really do like worms. person B: Worms? yuck! person A: I do not like them cause they are always slimy. person B: But you just said you do like them.
person A: I get paid in a couple of days. I'm going straight to the mall person B: What are you going to buy? person A: Lots of clothes for me and my kids. person B: What store will you go to? person A: Every single one. Its a fat check!
person A: I was so amazed when the magician made my hat dissapear. person B: I had to use a subway once to get to work on time. person A: How did you like it? person B: It was ok_comma_ but while on the train I lost my phone and somebody returned it to me.
person A: On the weekends_comma_ my kids go away and it is just me. person B: Do you enjoy your free time or are you sad? person A: I am sad most of the time when they are gone. person B: I'm sorry to hear that.
person A: I found a nice pair of jeans at the store that fit just right. person B: Cool_comma_ I have a pair of jeans. person A: Everything worked out just fine. person B: When will you wear them?
person A: I studied all week last week in preparation for my midterm_comma_ but when I got the results back_comma_ I was disappointed to see a low mark. person B: Did you get sleepy while studying? person A: I had lots of coffee so I did not. I was very focused on studying. person B: i would have fallen asleep for sure.
person A: I take full care of my grandmother! person B: I live and take care of my grandmother too! person A: What things we have in common! person B: Yea_comma_ I feel that it is worth every second of it! They are the reasons we exist
person A: Hi. I feel very alone_comma_ I haven't dated since I was cheated on... person B: That is understandable. You need to let it happen naturally. Be with your friends and find yourself person A: thank you I appreciate that. I just yearn for that company too you know. person B: I understand. It will happen for you if you keep an open mind and don't rush
person A: I felt really guilty when I got a babysitter for the kids person B: did you not want to leave them with someone else? person A: I hardly ever do. I just never get out and I thought it was the right thing to do person B: it is did you have fun?
person A: I'm going on a vacation to Las Vegas on Friday! person B: Vegas is always a popular destination for vacation! person A: I can't wait to go to the clubs! person B: Clubs are so fun! Any specific ones in mind?
person A: Today I came home to find that my dog ripped all our pillows into shreds! I was so angry that I had to punish my dog. person B: That's terrible! How did you punish your dog? person A: I yelled at her for a bit and put her into the cage for a little bit. person B: Maybe your dog has learned it's lesson.
person A: When I was 22_comma_ I had a surprise birthday party! person B: What happened on it? person A: Everyone showed up at my house with cakes and presents! person B: Wow_comma_ sounds like you have good fiends_comma_ and it was fun.
person A: I am so thankful for my humble life person B: That's good. Some people don't appreciate anything. person A: I know it. Have to appreciate a healthy family though person B: That's a blessing too. I happy that my family is healthy too.
person A: My lights were disconnected the other day. The reason was so embarassing. person B: Oh no! What happened? person A: I was supposed to pay 147 and I only paid 146. Stupid me. person B: That is really ridiculous that they shut it off over just $1 though! person A: Yes. And I had to go all the way down to the office to pay. Couldnt even pay over the phone. And Im goin to have to pay an extra 40 next month. smh
person A: When I think about happiness_comma_ the first thing that comes to mind is the overwhelming sense of bliss when my daughter was born. person B: Aww_comma_ that's a nice story. I'm glad you have that to carry with you. person A: Thanks! What is a joyful moment in your life? person B: I'm thinking of a time that a party was thrown for me as a surprise. All those people getting together was really fun.
person A: I decided to clean out my drawers today and found my old toys from when I was younger. They brought back happy memories. person B: These nostalgic emotions are unique and very pleasant to have. I sometimes rewind them in my mind just to escape from my anxiety person A: That is a good idea. Old memories that you remember tend to be ones you are really fond of. person B: Old memories that are good tend to help me emotionally and mentally. Not those that were distressing
person A: My college friend called me and asked if we could have a double date dinner with my and his partner. I do not know why but my partner refused person B: Did you ask why your partner refused. That is very weird. person A: She just told me that she felt uncomfortable by having a dinner with another couple. That is totally something new that I learned about her person B: That is okay_comma_ at least she was honest with you about her preferences.
person A: How can people eat human flesh? person B: I would guess that if your survival mode you will do whatever you have to. person A: I could never ever do it! person B: I would like to think that I wouldn't but if it were that or die_comma_ I'd eat.
person A: I had to do a presentation for school. I researched the subject and was certain that I had all my facts in order person B: What happened? Did you? person A: I wasn't nervous because I was so sure of myself. person B: That's perfect then_comma_ i'm sure you did a great job@
person A: I remember as a kid when I was mad I would try to break something my parents owned. Looking back_comma_ I feel remorse for what I did. person B: Tell me exactly what that was like? Hopefully it's different now? person A: I would just try to break a household item whenever they punished me. Yes it is different now_comma_ I try to control my temper in non violent ways. person B: I could not even imagine how mad your parents must be. person A: They would be very mad_comma_ but I am sure they have forgiven me by now.
person A: I got a new puppy yesterday! person B: Nice! I bet it is a very cute puppy. person A: It's the most cute_comma_ it's so small person B: That is just adorable! You should take many photos before it grows too big!
person A: I was mortified when my jeans ripped person B: yes i am mortified jeans ripped person A: When did you have that happen? person B: i am working
person A: I bought a lottery ticket and won a prize. I never win so this was unexpected person B: Woah! That is great news. Have you told anyone yet? person A: I could not help myself I told everyone. person B: I don't blame you at all. You just received life changing news.
person A: Everyday I remind myself of how lucky I am to have a pair of supportive parents. person B: You are so right. It can make all the difference. person A: Yes_comma_ good parents are needed in order to successfully raise a child. person B: It is challenging to raise children. Everybody could use a hand. person A: For sure_comma_ extended family can help with that!
person A: It is nice to have a roof over my head person B: I feel the same way. There are so many people who are struggling now. person A: It is sad. I would like to be a part of the change with that person B: It's such a difficult situation that you just don't know where to begin.
person A: I had a job interview. Everything went great and I just knew the job was mine. person B: Great@ So you found out already that you got it or are you just confident? person A: That's just it_comma_ I didn't get it. It went to someone that I'm sure is less qualified. It was quite upsetting. person B: that is upsetting. I am sorry to hear that
person A: My daughter was born in January so the Christmas before she was born I had to spend alone since I was too close to her due date to travel to my family. person B: ok you going to your family person A: Yes you see my family lives across the country from me person B: no
person A: I was a little put off when I was passed over for the promotion person B: That can be upsetting. Did they tell you why? person A: No just the usual responses that don't offer useful feedback person B: Maybe it's time to look for another job.
person A: Another friend of mine followed through what they said they would do. They usually don't. person B: That is impressive. Why did you doubt them? person A: This is not something that is normal for them. But this made me look at them in another way. person B: Is it something you are happy with?
person A: Am waiting for my interview results which I did yesterday. person B: I hate interviews the most. person A: Me too. but we can't skip this process to get job. person B: Sure you can_comma_ work for yourself!
person A: I let my dad borrow 10 dollars! person B: Is there any emergency need for money? person A: Not for me_comma_ but dad always need money and I give to him. person B: It's our responsibility to take care of our parents.
person A: My daughter made the honor roll at school. She worked really hard this semester person B: That is great1 person A: I thought my heart would burst. person B: You must have been so proud!
person A: I love to watch my nieces person B: Kids are amazing. How old are they? person A: They are 6 and 2 person B: Great ages to have lots of fun with.
person A: I won the science fair last year! person B: That is fantastic. What for? person A: A water volcano that errupted when you looked at it too long person B: That is awesome! person A: It truly is!
person A: 5 person B: What does that mean exactly? person A: Sorry! I can't wait to go on vacation person B: I would love a vacation!
person A: Last weekend_comma_ I invited my friend over and we played FIFA on PS4. I won against him with a large score person B: Ps4 is the best system to play on! person A: I know. I felt very superior when beating him on this game with great performance person B: I love beating others.
person A: I hate losing! person B: Can you be more specific about what things you had lost in the past? person A: I lose at everything I do it seems. person B: So you consider yourself a general loser in life?
person A: I watched a news report about the mistreatment of animals. The behavior of these people is something I can't stand person B: I am with you. It is horrendous person A: I hope that the punishment they receive will be a warning for others. person B: I agree with you
person A: I loved going to the diner where I grew up person B: Is it still there? person A: It is not unfortunately person B: It sounds like that experience made a lot of amazing memories for you.
person A: I had to make an out of town trip on a unfamiliar road. I was a little uneasy about it. person B: I can understand that. Were you by yourself? person A: I was not alone. Once I got out of town it was really easy. I don't know what I was so worried about. person B: that is good to hear
person A: We dont have a fence but I know my dog will stay in the yard person B: I wouldn't be so sure of that. Even the best trained dogs can run when given a reason. person A: He is such a good dog though person B: Ha Ha. They all are until they run.
person A: I was switching around the tv channels and came across a show from my childhood. It really brought back some memories. person B: That is nice. What show? person A: It was on one of the channels that shows old shows. I had not seen it in years. person B: That is really cool
person A: I was really scared when I walked to my car after the movie person B: Because of the movie or where you were parked? person A: It was after a horror movie person B: It must have been really good to keep you scared afterwards.
person A: I worked really hard on a project at work and earned a bonus. It made me feel really good about myself person B: That's awesome! what was the project? person A: It was something that the company had been working on for quite awhile. I was the one that came up with the solution. person B: you must be very clever
person A: I think Ive seen every show on Netflix. Im waiting for something really good. person B: I just got Netflix back. What is good? person A: OITNB just got a new season. Ive watched it already. person B: That sounds good. person A: It is. They get lots of awards.
person A: I was really broken up when we had to put our family dog to sleep person B: Oh no. Thats sad. What was wrong? person A: She was really old and getting really ucomfortable person B: Im sorry. That must have been hard_comma_
person A: I went to an musical competition. one such a Musical voice is repeating in my mind from yesterday. person B: I could never ever sing. person A: Me too_comma_ my voice is also didn't match with music. person B: I can barely even talk!
person A: I stole a back of chips from church once. person B: Oh_comma_ What was your age when you've stolen? person A: maybe twelve years of age person B: It's happening all around. If we're repeating the same_comma_ it'll become a bad habit.
person A: I always eat some of the grapes inside the grocery store. I know its stealing. person B: They may consider that shoplifting. It would be terrible to go to jail for grapes. person A: I know right. I buy some. sometimes. person B: I think I would stop doing that. Jail doesn't appeal to me. person A: Doesnt appeal to me either. Ive been.
person A: I ran into a friend that I had not seen in years. We had a lot of catching up to do person B: Cool. Are they still the same? person A: Time changes all of us. But it was fun to think about the old times. person B: Are you gonna get together again?
person A: Gradating high school was the best day of my life. person B: Did you party after? person A: Of course not_comma_ i went straight to sleep! person B: I partied like crazy after graduation.
person A: MY kid loves her new school and she doesnt like anything! person B: Don't be daft! Kids should never watch tv! person A: I said nothing about tv person B: They have tv inside the school do they not? person A: She likes school because she met a bunch of kids that like anime. person B: Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago_comma_ maybe I shall return. person A: Ok. Thank me later
person A: I was a little on the fence about letting my daughter go to a party person B: Why is that? person A: I didn't know the parents well person B: Well that's understandable.
person A: I remember the first day of my first job 17 years ago. person B: What kind of job was it? person A: I worked in the food court at the airport. person B: Oh wow! I have actually worked there too person A: Cool. It was a sweet gig.
person A: I made an Apple pie to take to a dinner but then I ate the whole thing. I didn't bring anything to the dinner. person B: I love apple pie. I feel you. person A: I felt so bad for not bringing anything. person B: You brought yourself. I am a glass half full type of lady lol
person A: MY daughter and I talk about everything. We are close. person B: You are lucky to be able to have that kind of relationship. person A: I hope it lasts she is still a teen. person B: You have a strong foundation. Even if she wavers she will return. person A: She is special. I think she will stay this way.
person A: I know this upcoming electionis going to change the state of our union. person B: We will see. Don't worry so much. person A: I'm not worried. Im optimistic. person B: Good for you. I like a positive attitude. person A: I wish more people were positive. Dont you?
person A: I was trying to explain something to someone and they cut me off and would not listen person B: I hate when that happens person A: It is something that can be hard to deal with. person B: Being courteous isnt that hard. People just dont try
person A: I have my list all ready for the grocery store tomorrow. person B: Yeah? What do you need to buy? person A: Things for the kids lunches. They all like different stuff. person B: How many kids do you have? person A: Three. Four if you count my neice. I help out with her too.
person A: I have the flat to myself today person B: Cool What are you going to do? person A: Some work and some reading. person B: Well thats good if its quiet.
person A: Im not excited about this semester at all. person B: Why and what did happen? person A: Im working now and I dont want to be slammed person B: Oh_comma_ be positive_comma_ try your best. person A: I am afraid I will fail.
person A: I was angry on my mom. person B: Why? person A: She lost the watch which I presented to her for anniversary. person B: Oh well it wasnt on purpose. People lose things.
person A: I am so scared of mice. person B: Really? Why? They're so small. person A: They are fast and sneaky and I think one is in my kitchen person B: Oh no! Have you put traps down? person A: I'm too scared. Im going to call someone to do it.
person A: I'm looking for a new job. person B: Ok. Had any interviews yet? person A: A few. None at Rentokill - so I can't solve your problems :-) person B: Lol. Well good luck. Job searches can be tough. person A: I'm sure I'll get one sooner or later. person B: You will.
person A: My ex boyfriend just won't move on. Its sad person B: Those are the kind you better keep a watch on. You never know what he might do. person A: I don't think he's dangerous. He just always want to talk about the past or getting back together. Im not interested. person B: Don't engage with him he will think that your interested. person A: I have to we have a kid. Just didnt work out.
person A: I was at work and heard gossip about a coworker. I didn't say anything in their defense person B: Is the coworker your friend? person A: We aren't really friends but I don't think what was said is true. person B: You probably shoulf have told them that wasnt a decent thing to do.
person A: My old job was the best. I miss it. person B: why person A: It was fun. I liked my coworkers. And I got good discounts on clothes. person B: ok person A: I dont like shopping in that store anymore now.
person A: I had so many bad dates recently. I just know my next one is gonna be great. person B: I hope it is - do you have any funny experiences from the bad ones? person A: I told a guy I was afraid of zombies and he laughed so hard I just wanted to go home. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. You'll find somebody good soon! person A: I know I will. No where to go but up!
person A: I'm looking forward to the new football season starting! person B: Really? Are you watching training? person A: Yeah - I co-own a team in Spain so I can access video of them preparing. person B: Oh you mean soccer lol person A: Yeah - sorry_comma_ should have explained that. I forget that in America you don't sue the right name :-) person B: I will agree with you there. We use whatever words we want.
person A: I'm moving to New York soon. person B: How exciting for you. person A: I think I can make it there. Its never too lare. person B: There's always hope in a new beginning. person A: I think so too.
person A: I watched a movie that looked really good on the trailer but I didn't like it at all person B: What was the movie? Save me person A: I don't want to say because I feel like everybody should judge for themselves. person B: Well thanks for nothing lol
person A: U despise people who wear Jordans. Ive never had a pair. person B: I've never had a pair either - but I don't despise them. Why do you feel so strongly? person A: I wouldnt spend that much on a pair of shoes_comma_ but I would like to say that I could at least person B: Yeah - I don't see why someone would spend so much either. person A: Its crazy right? person B: Maybe we're just jealous! person A: I definitely am!
person A: My biggest skill is being able to bake bread. person B: Wow. I have never even tried. Seems complicated. person A: It's actually pretty straight forward when you know how. It's a good skill to have as it means you can make something from very cheap ingredients. person B: Maybe I will try one day. person A: You should - there are loads of recipes online and it tastes so much better than store bought person B: What do you make best? person A: I like to make ciabatta - but it's difficult as the dough is very wet and sticky person B: Never even had it before.
person A: Im pretty happy with my new job. person B: congrats person A: Thanks. It doesnt pay much_comma_ but it helps people. person B: ya i am interesting to help for people person A: It rewarding
person A: My daughter is still up asking me for snacks. It is 3 am person B: That's a hard thing to deal with. Do you think she's really hungry? person A: No. She just doesnt want to go to bed_comma_ person B: Maybe her body clock is out of whack. person A: She asked for some butter
person A: There is a concert coming to town and I can hardly wait to see it person B: Whos playing? person A: Pink. She is such an amazing performer. person B: Omg. I love her.
person A: I love kids. I want to give some a home one day. person B: Do you have any of your own? person A: Three. I think I would be a good foster parent too person B: I'm sure you would with all that experience! person A: I know right. All kids deserve a good home.
person A: I was watching the Tour De France cycling race over the last week or two person B: Wow. Was it intersting? person A: Definitely. I was surprised by that Geraint Thomas won. person B: I have no idea who that is. Sorry. person A: No problem - it's not everyone's cup of tea
person A: I can't wait until the football season starts! I am so pumped! person B: Football or soccer? person A: American football is what I am excited for. person B: Whats your favorite team?
person A: I hide my snacks from my kids. person B: Why do you hide snacks from your kids? person A: So I can have them all to myself of course. person B: That does not seem very nice. person A: I buy them snacks. Id like to have something for myself. I do feel bad sometimes
person A: Im still pretty cool with my ex. person B: That's good to hear. person A: We didnt end well but we moved past it. person B: That's good that you can get through and hopefully still care about each other. person A: Its nice. person B: I hope you can find the peace and keep up whatever friendship you may have. person A: Me too. Its workinf out so far person B: That's great. I understand sometimes we might need distance as well. But being cool with the other person is nice to see.
person A: MY neighbors are seriously having a party in the middle of the week. person B: Right now? person A: Right now. person B: Oh man! I feel sorry for you. What time is it where you are - 1am? person A: 3 15 even worse.
person A: I used to be engaged. person B: What happened? person A: It's a long story. Basically_comma_ I moved out without telling her. I was very immature then! person B: Shame on you. person A: We all make mistakes. She has been married 4 times since then. person B: Oh wow. Maybe you dodged a bullet. person A: I think so. Now I travel alone through life! person B: Me too lol
person A: Halloween is my favorite holiday person B: Is it? Do you like dressing up then? Or is it the tricks? person A: Dressing up with my kids. I wish it was every month. person B: You can make it every month! Have fancy dress parties for the kids person A: Why have I never thought og that. Today is now Halloween. person B: Excellent!
person A: I went to Disney World on holiday when I was 12 person B: Did you have fun? person A: IT WAS AMAZING!!! person B: I bet I enjoyed it when I was 30 and pregnant!
person A: I walked to the store today and didnt even have my purse. person B: Did you have any money? person A: I left it home. The guy knows me though. I will bring it to him tomorrow. person B: That's good he is nice like that. person A: I go there several times a week. He knows Im good for it. I was still embarassed though.
person A: I just took a test and I'm nervous if I passed or not. person B: What kind of test? person A: It was a biology test. person B: Biology isnt as easy as I thought either.
person A: I have a job interview today person B: Good luck. Whats the job? person A: It's a contact centre manager job. person B: Cool. Ive done that before.
person A: My sister always owes me money person B: Does she? Do you want me to break her kneecaps for you? person A: Please do. She never pays me back on time. I hate that. person B: Me too. It's not fair. Just message me her address and $1000 and I'll do it :-) person A: Delete these messages lol
person A: I miss having a man at home. person B: Yeah? I'm sorry to hear that. Are you looking for someone else? (Does that sound sleazy_comma_ lol?) person A: I am looking but its not going well. person B: Oh dear. Maybe you don't need a man - I'm one and can confirm that they are messy_comma_ noisy and rude. person A: I know all of those things lol. Just alone every day can get to you person B: It sure can. person A: It will happen eventualy person B: DEfinitely
person A: I was in the supermarket the other day. It was very busy and people were letting their kids run wild causing chaos! person B: I hate that. person A: It was irrational as I know they aren't doing it on purpose - but it made me really angry person B: People should be more considerate though.
person A: My daughter got an F on an exm and hid it from me. person B: Jeesh_comma_ was she not paying attention in class_comma_ or is there some other issue? person A: I have no idea. I dont trust anything she says now. person B: I couldn't imagine my kid going so far as to hide something like that from me. Maybe she was just scared of how you would react. person A: She shouldve been. Im serious about school person B: Well you tend to be a bit overly serious about things_comma_ maybe you should try looking at the issue from her point of view you know? person A: I do but I don't tolerate lying either. I dont lie to her. person B: She is a kid man_comma_ kids mess up. I can't imagine you were a beacon of honesty when you were a kid.
person A: Man you would believe what my family did for me on my birthday! Big bash waiting for me at home after a long day. person B: Thats cool. person A: Yeah_comma_ they got me a cake from that bakery you recommended. Wonder who let them know it was my new favorite place for sweets. person B: Oh. You're welcome lol person A: So it was you! Honestly I shouldn't be surprised but I'm touched my family went so far as to get in contact with you. person B: I read your journal person A: Well that explains how you knew to reach out to my family. person B: Im sldo in your closet
person A: I have the worst mailman. person B: Really? Why is that? person A: He doesnt always vlose the mailbox and the mai goes flying person B: Oh no! How does that make you feel? person A: I hate it
person A: I can't understand why some people earn so much money. person B: I know right person A: Yeah - my old boss used to get more than double my wage_comma_ yet I couldn't see what he brought to the role to deserve that. person B: I know exactly what you mean.
person A: I think Im done with voting. person B: Why are you done with voting? person A: It seems pointless in my neighborhood. person B: You shouldn't give up on your government. person A: They gave up on us first.
person A: I just watched this horror film_comma_ it was so scary! person B: I hate horror films Too many nightmares. person A: I know_comma_ I won't watch anymore of those. person B: Whose idea were those anyway?
person A: You won't believe what I found when I went on my jog yesterday. A fallen baby bird just sitting on the sidewalk! person B: Oh no person A: Right? Luckily the nest wasn't to high up and I managed to get it back before a cat or something got it. person B: That was nice. person A: Well I mean what would you do in that situation? Couldn't just leave it there. person B: Probably Im scared of birds. person A: Wow_comma_ but come on its just a baby. person B: It flies. I am afraid of butterflies. Seriously
person A: I cant believe my friend got engaged before I did. person B: Well its to be expected_comma_ all you do is sit in your house on the weekends. person A: I do not. I dont have a boyfriend either though person B: Well next weekend come out with me and the rest of the group_comma_ bet we could find you a few interested guys. person A: As long as they are rich okay person B: Well lets not aim too high. How about we start with good looking and go from there.