person A: We're going to Thailand for the summer. Pretty sure I know the language enough to guide us. person B: Nice! Where did you learn Thai? person A: I'm self taught actually. An hour everyday for a year now. person B: That's impressive. I bet you are more than prepared for this trip then!
person A: I made a list of everything I needed for my college dorm. Hopefully I am ready and didn't forget anything. person B: You're moving into the dorms soon_comma_ hu? Are you excited? person A: Yes_comma_ I am excited. I don't know what to expect honestly. person B: What's your major?
person A: I was shocked when my dad got me a new car. I had no idea person B: That is cool! Was it a gift for any certain occasion? person A: I was starting my senior year_comma_ so it was for that I guess person B: I bet you were so happy! That's so awesome!
person A: My husband had been putting in so many extra hours at work and working so hard on projects for his boss. person B: I am sure it will be worth it in the end person A: Yes it was!! He finally got a promotion! We are so thrilled! person B: I bet he was proud too
person A: I am very angry at the person who bred_comma_ starved and then abandoned (or maybe she broke free) the dog I have. person B: Animal abuse disgusts me. I don't what would drive someone to do that... person A: I don't either! They would have to be something very wrong as I couldn't imagine hurting an innocent! person B: If I had a chance to rescue an animal_comma_ I would totally do it.
person A: I made a list of what to bring to the waterpark. Hopefully_comma_ I am ready and didn't forget anything. person B: Did you get sunscreen and a waterproof belly bag and a hat? person A: Yep! I forgot sunscreen last time and the sunburns were awful...not again this time! person B: Oh no! Yes it's the number one thing to not forget. I hope you all have fun!
person A: My neighbor brought home her baby and it was her first child. person B: Wow_comma_ how exciting. I bet it looks like a fat little old man. person A: Fat little old lady. I tried to help her even though she had been mean and accused me of hitting her car when I didn't person B: I would hit it out of spit now person A: Lol. She moved away. She thought I wanted her jobless boyfriend. No thanks person B: Must have thought you wanted some of his sweet unemployment check person A: Lol. He didn't even have that.
person A: I was recently rewarded at work for my loyalty and dedication to the company. person B: That's what I'm talking about! That sounds so nice. I'm a little jealous. Sounds like you deserve it_comma_ though. person A: I was thankful that they recognized my contributions for all these years. person B: That's always nice to hear. Better that then hearing someone else getting the spotlight and recognition just because they're in a higher position. I hope that keeps happening for you.
person A: So_comma_ my computer monitor just died_comma_ and I was stressing about having to buy another one. But somehow my brother pulled out his toolkit and fixed it. I have no idea how people can be so handy! person B: He sounds so computer-savy. How will you repay him? person A: I don't know... That's why I was worried about the monitor--I don't have a lot of money to begin with. So_comma_ I have to think of something free but thoughtful person B: Dinner might be a welcomed surprise.
person A: Summer is almost over. I can't take it! person B: Me too!! I love summer weather and vibes so much person A: The fall weather is nice_comma_ but there is so much more free time in summer. I miss it every time it leaves person B: I know_comma_ the free time is the best. You can do whatever you want_comma_ whenever! person A: now school is about to start. I just want to die.
person A: I littered out my car window today_comma_ I am so remorseful... person B: OH no. Shame of you! person A: I'm sorry Earth!! I usually don't litter but it was so convenient at the time. I feel terrible person B: Just don't do again and I'll keep your secret.
person A: I was confident my brother was going to finish college. He was doing so well in his major person B: What happened? person A: He aced a few tests and just seemed to be doing well person B: Nice! What is his major?
person A: I bought a very difficult puzzle from my local hobby store_comma_ spent hours on building it only to drop it when I was about to put it in a frame. I was so dumbfounded person B: I am sure you will get it person A: Thank you. I will be more careful next time_comma_ that is for sure. person B: I do believe you
person A: I was sickened when my friend got fired. They did not like that she was gay apparently person B: Whoa whoa whoa_comma_ that still happens in this day and age? How did they even get away with that? person A: A rural county got away with it for a week_comma_ then it went bad for them person B: Well_comma_ good. I hope they got a lot of negative press. That stuff shouldn't fly these days.
person A: My friend bought a winning lottery ticket for $2_comma_500 yesterday. Kind of annoyed since I know he's just going to blow it all on alcohol. I'd prefer if I could have it so I could use it to pay my rent. person B: That is way too much money to blow for sure person A: Yeah_comma_ he goes through money fast because his parents spot him for cash no matter what. I get that it's their money_comma_ they can do whatever_comma_ and that I should be able to support myself. But it's hard to see people be so careless when I'm struggling over here. person B: I feel bad for the parents then
person A: My car was damaged in the parking lot and the other driver took off without leaving me a note. person B: That is horrible! Were their any cameras? person A: No and its a brand new car. The cop said I was at fault since I was illegally parked. person B: Oh man. That's too bad. Still not fair.
person A: My husband is out of town and my friends talked me into going to a scary movie with them the other night. person B: Sounds like so much fun. What did you see? person A: I don't remember the name_comma_ but I have not been able to sleep since then. I hate being home alone! person B: It must have been really scary movie then. Try leaving the tv on to help.
person A: My mother is sick in the hospital. I am optimistic she will make it through person B: That sad. I hope she is okay. person A: Thank you_comma_ I am trying to see a positive out of this. person B: It will be fine. Make sure you spend time with her and let her know that it will be okay. It can be helpful/
person A: I went to a new pizza place downtown. They have one of those wood fire ovens. person B: That sounds delicious! What type of pizza did you order? person A: I didn't order anything a mouse ran out of the kitchen and scared me to death. person B: Lol! Maybe the rat is the chef? The restaurant's secret is a rat in the hat! person A: I didn't think that movie was cute at all. I don't want a rat making my pizza lol
person A: Whenever I see a happy couple_comma_ I get so envious.. person B: Aww_comma_ that's sad. Do you have a bad relationship or not have one? person A: I've been single for a while now :( person B: That can get really lonely but it's good to find yourself so you are really ready when the right one comes along.
person A: MY sister used to live in the apartment next door to me. She was my only friend in the complex. person B: I feel you_comma_ my brother is my roommate and my friend too :) person A: Now I keep getting random neighbors who get evicted after two months. person B: That sucks_comma_ why did she move out? person A: Her husband lost his job and they couldnt afford it.
person A: Whenever I see a happy couple_comma_ I get so envious... person B: I know exactly what you mean. I've been single 2 years now. person A: I mean_comma_ I'm not ugly but it's been hard. person B: I think I'm a little rusty in that department myself.
person A: My cousin is coming to town for a week and has to stay with us. I am not looking forward to it. person B: Why aren't you looking forward to it? person A: She is no fun to be around. All she does is get drunk and act really crazy. person B: That's unfortunate. A week is a long time.
person A: I had my first real Italian restaurant experience today. person B: That sounds like a lot of fun! I mean I haven't even really gone anywhere higher than Olive Garden myself_comma_ so I'm jealous. Did you go with anyone special? person A: I took my daughter. It was really good. Olive Garden is good but this place was great. person B: That's really sweet! I bet that was a nice scene. Was it a special occasion_comma_ or did you guys just want to enjoy yourselves just for the heck of it person A: Just doing something nice before school starts.
person A: Found out that I apparently filed my taxes wrong a few months ago_comma_ and now they want me to make up for what I should have paid_comma_ plus interest. I should have paid more attention or asked for help from someone I guess person B: Thant sucks. I always use turbo tax. person A: Yeah_comma_ so does my mom. But that costs money. I was trying to be frugal and just used a free service. But I do a lot of self-employed work and I guess I didn't correctly account for all of the funds I earned over the past year. person B: Maybethey will let you do a payment plan? person A: Yeah_comma_ they will. It's still extra money that I don't have. Oh well_comma_ my fault_comma_ have to pay the consequences. person B: Well I bet you'll do better next time. I hate paying extra for anything.
person A: I can't believe I won 50 bucks on the lottery ticket I just bought. Did not expect it. person B: Oh wow! That's awesome! What will you buy? person A: I was thinking about upgrading the graphics card on my computer person B: That's a good idea. It's extra money so do what you want!
person A: My father in law is coming to visit for a whole week and staying at our house! person B: That's awesome! How long has it been since you've seen him? person A: Not long enough! I am totally dreading it. He does not like me and he is so rude. person B: Oh_comma_ that sucks then. I hope you guys get along and squash beef?
person A: I feel like vomiting when I walk into a public restroom and it smells like manure. Some people haven't had a gram of fiber in their life person B: I am sorry_comma_ that sounds gross person A: I know right? What's worse is when people pee all over the rim or ground person B: I hate that smell
person A: I was glad my dad showed me how to change a tire when I was young. It came in handy down the line person B: Nice! Thinking about it...I'm 22 and still don't know how to change a tire hahah person A: You can learn eventually person B: I should learn how to do it_comma_ it seems pretty basic?
person A: I was proud of my brother when he finished school. He worked so hard at it person B: Nice_comma_ tell him congrats. What did he major in? person A: It was English person B: He should become an English teacher1
person A: I can't believe I actually lost that much weight. It's only been 2 months person B: How much did you lose person A: 20 lbs but I've got more to go. I am serious about this person B: I am sure you will make it
person A: My ex is the worst. person B: Why? person A: He posted my number on facebook. person B: Why would he do that?? person A: He is immature and upset because I'm done.
person A: I can't believe how big my dog has gotten. 7 months ago_comma_ she was a small_comma_ clueless puppy but now she is a big one! person B: What is her name? person A: Pinky because she has pink spots all over her nose and paws! person B: That;s cute. I love the cute names people give their pets.
person A: I ate an entire pepperoni pizza yesterday. That is not a part of my diet. person B: Don't feel guilty. We all slip sometimes. person A: That was a big slip. I don't even know why I ordered it. I was the only one home. person B: Ha Ha. Just try to do better next time. person A: I don't know if I can. I love food!
person A: I made an elaborate dinner for my Moms birthday to show my appreciation for her person B: What was the menu? person A: I wanted to show my feelings for her with the food. I think I was able to do it by making all of her favorites. person B: I bet she loved it!
person A: My brother is in the hospital and is very sick. I am very scared person B: What's wrong? person A: He has had heart problems his whole life_comma_ I hope he will make it through person B: I hope so too. I'm sorry that he is going through that.
person A: MY daughter is always glued to her phone. person B: A lot of kids these days are addicted to technology. Does she listen to you often? person A: 50% of the time. It's annoying because I tell her something and thirty minutes later she asks what I said. person B: That sucks. How old is she because if she is young she may grow out of it person A: 13. I'm doomed lol
person A: I gave a pretty big loan to my mother in law. Today_comma_ she paid it back and I didn't expect her to. She is very hones person B: That's great. Sometimes family isn't good with loans. person A: Yeah_comma_ I honestly didn't expect her to pay it back. My level of trust with her has rose for sure person B: Was it pretty far down before?
person A: I just saw the trailer for Black Ops 4 and preordered it immediately! person B: Wow_comma_ they are still making them? Only ones I enjoyed was MW1_comma_ MW2_comma_ and BO1. person A: Yep I get it every year. Thw last one was WWII and it was pretty good. person B: I actually did buy that one on Steam but it barely has any players :( person A: I have no idea what Steam is. I have an XB1
person A: I could not wait to go to my aunts house. She was going to make my favorite dish person B: What is your favorite dish? person A: A nice seafood gumbo person B: I've heard of that dish before. I need to try it sometime_comma_ can I come?!
person A: I haven't been in a relationship for a while now. I am so alone.. person B: I bet you find someone soon person A: Thanks_comma_ but it's so discouraging seeing happy couples everywhere person B: I have been there too_comma_ it will get better
person A: My daughter made a nice dinner tonight and she is only 13 person B: Sounds like she's going to be on "Master Chef" in a couple of years. What did she make? person A: It was just a black bean dip that I make sometimes_comma_ but I never let her in the kitchen alone. Im too afraid. person B: That's wise - it's irresponsible to let kids meander in the kitchen alone. Too many sharp objects. person A: I was afraid of her using the stove too. But It was really good. No leftovers.
person A: I had a physics exam last week. Never felt so good going into one before. person B: Thats sounds promising. person A: I did pretty well on it! All my studying seemed to pay off. person B: Sometimes people think they don't need to study_comma_ but it really is helpful even if you think you know the material
person A: My mom takes care of me so much. I feel like she is Mother Teresa! person B: Aww_comma_ that's sweet of her! You're lucky to have her_comma_ not all moms are good. person A: I agree. I am so thankful person B: That's good_comma_ I'm sure she enjoys seeing you happy and taken care of.
person A: I don't have a laundry washer or dryer in my apartment. So my mom comes by every week and picks up my smelly clothes. I am very thankful for her. person B: That's pretty sweet of her. Some people would find it annoying that their parents still want to baby them_comma_ but I say you shouldn't take it for granted. They just want to be in your life. person A: I agree. She is very helpful person B: Well_comma_ let her know here and there how much you appreciate it. Sometimes we forget that even though we think and feel certain things_comma_ it's not always obvious to the other person. They need some verbal confirmation of appreciation!
person A: I definitely over-ate today. I'm not overweight_comma_ but I do want to lose like five pounds. I also want to have positive eating habits. But eating vegetables is so uninteresting to me... person B: Eating vegetables is disgusting to me so I just blend it all in a smoothie. You should try that person A: Yeah_comma_ I hear of people doing that. And that's a useful tip. But I think you lose some nutrition that way_comma_ right? Besides_comma_ I'm too lazy to do it. person B: Honestly_comma_ I have no idea. But it beats eating vegetables 1 by 1 because that takes forever
person A: I ate way too much today. I feel like I let myself down. person B: I hate that feeling. Hopefully you will feel better about it tomorrow. person A: It really sucks because I promised myself on Sunday that I would eat more healthy and less. But I already broke that promise_comma_ I am ashamed. person B: You can always start again tomorrow.
person A: I hate storms so much. We are supposed to be getting bad storms tonight. person B: Well at least after the storm_comma_ there will be some sunshine! person A: But until then I don't think I will be getting any sleep. person B: That's where earmuffs or plugs come in handy my friend
person A: I couldn't believe it when a rock bounced off the car in front of me and cracked my windshield. I am so frustrated at the moment. person B: That is horrible luck! At least you weren't hurt. Some insurance companies cover that as well_comma_ so you should check. person A: That's a good idea_comma_ I will do that first thing tomorrow morning. person B: Hopefully that little mishap doesn't cot you anuthing!
person A: I can't wait! I am going on a vacation to Rome_comma_ Italy in a couple weeks! person B: Oooo_comma_ that sounds fun. Will you visit that giant place where gladiators fought? person A: I will be visiting all of the old historic Roman sites! I am a huge history buff and have wanted to visit there for the longest time! person B: Well_comma_ now I know where I want to visit too. Great idea!
person A: I can't wait for the new evil Spiderman movie called Venom. It's going to be sick!!! person B: Hey_comma_ I just saw that trailer! I'm kind of excited for it too since I loved him as a kid. But I felt like the trailer had a few dumb lines it_comma_ even though I love Tom Hardy. person A: I love Tom Hardy too! First Bane_comma_ now evil Spiderman! Can't wait person B: You're right_comma_ he was pretty good as Bane. Glad to see someone else is a fan and is looking forward to it.I see it getting a lot of negativity.
person A: Just relaxing here with a cold Dr. Pepper after a long day of work and a hot shower. It doesn't get much better than feeling the air conditioner breeze flowing on your clean body_comma_ feeling accomplished. person B: I agree_comma_ I love that feeling. What do you do for work? person A: I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times_comma_ but it's rewarding to see your vision come together_comma_ especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done. person B: Nice_comma_ I bet it sucks when it's blazing hot outside.
person A: I posted a party on social media this morning. Not single soul showed up and I am alone...again person B: Who did you invite? person A: I didn't invite anyone in particular but it was a message to everyone on my followers list. person B: Where was the party?
person A: Black Ops 4 comes out in October person B: October? I thought most Call of Duty games come out in November? person A: I know right. October 12th. I just pre ordered it. Im sad because its still so far away. person B: It will be October as soon as you know it_comma_ trust me. Hopefully they release a beta so we can play it earlier. person A: The beta is next moth august so maybe I'kk see you there.
person A: Stephen Kings new show is so scary. person B: I have not seen it yet_comma_ tell me abnout it person A: It about a man that they found locked in a cage in prison and he may be the devil. person B: That sounds insane honestly. person A: It is. And its scary lol
person A: Last christmas i got a car! person B: Wow.Really? What kind? person A: Its a red one! My uncle bought it for me! person B: What's your uncle's number? lol person A: Ughh_comma_ 1900uncleray. He is the best. person B: Cool. Say hi to your new Auntie!
person A: You ever revisit a place and wonder_comma_ since you hadn't been there in so long_comma_ where the time went? person B: Happens a lot to me actually_comma_ it's sometimes enough to make me sad. person A: Yeah_comma_ I agree. I was visiting my parents_comma_ in my old neighborhood where I grew up_comma_ and I went back to the public basketball court the neighborhood. Just makes me wish I could be a kid again. person B: Yeah_comma_ I get like that. I sometimes drive somewhere just to get the feeling I used to have there. Crazy how life goes.
person A: The new movie I just saw was not great. I expected so much more. person B: I'm sorry you were dissappointed. It is hard to spend so much money on a dud movie. Was the popcorn good at least? person A: It's ok. I bought tickets during matinee hours so it wasn't too bad. Yes_comma_ the popcorn was good as always. person B: It's always good to save money_comma_ but still_comma_ it stinks. They should have to make them good for the prices they charge.
person A: My wife just bought me a car for our anniversary_comma_ and I am so happy she did. person B: Wow_comma_ she is a keeper. What car is it? person A: A new SUV I've had my eye on. I really wasn't expecting it_comma_ but she said 30 years is a big anniversary. person B: Congratulations on the strong marriage and car!
person A: A girl I asked out just rejected me. Feels bad man. person B: I know you will be great in the end. person A: Thanks_comma_ it was so weird because she showed signs of interest. But she gave me the Nope. person B: People do that sometimes_comma_ and it is really sad.
person A: Christmas eve is the worst day for me every year. person B: Why? What happens on Christmas eve for you? person A: I just want it to be christmas so badly then. person B: Ohhh_comma_ duh! I should have seen that coming lol
person A: I got a speeding ticket today on my way back from work. I did not believe it so I tried to argue with the cop_comma_ still got the the ticket. person B: That's too bad. Are you thinking about going to court for it? person A: Yes_comma_ I will try to fight it in court. That was just wrong to ticket me for going 32 in a 30 plus I was going down a hill. person B: Yeah_comma_ that's a load of whack. I hope you win your case and show those pigs who's boss.
person A: My co-worker managed to grab the promotion that I was gunning for all year long. person B: Well that's disappointing. Have you been working there longer then your co-worker? person A: I have - I was so jealous. Well_comma_ maybe if I work hard over the next year I'll manage to get it. person B: I believe in you!!
person A: It makes me sad that there is only one season left of game of thrones. They could have made 2 person B: My friends and family always talk about that show_comma_ is it good? person A: IT si the best show every created! person B: I heard it's really graphic and a lot of sex scenes. I will watch it...for educational purposes. person A: Lol. The nudity and things are few and far between now. It used to be a lot though lol
person A: I found an old playlist on my phone today. It was like reliving a moment in my life. person B: Ive been there person A: It was very nostalgic person B: Just imagine if you found a mix tape on an actual cassette
person A: Yesterday_comma_ I saw a dead possum in the road on my way home from work. person B: Are you sure it wasn't palying dead? person A: Oh_comma_ no I'm sure he was dead. Made me think of all the times I had to nab up all that sweet_comma_ savory roadkill a few years back to fill up my empty stomach. Times were tough. person B: Eww_comma_ what the heck! I guess you really were at a bad place at the time.
person A: I've been studying for my test this Friday. I think I am ready for it. person B: I'm sure you will knock it out of the park. What is it on? person A: Economics_comma_ it's my favorite subject so I'm very passionate about it! person B: That's neat - I like economics as well. Why are you so gung-ho about it?
person A: I kept raising my hand in class in my lecture the other day and the teacher wouldn't pick on me. person B: Why? person A: I'm not sure. Maybe it was because I usually answer all the question. I felt quite peeved. person B: Oh_comma_ then don't feel bad? I think the teacher is trying to get everyone else involved.
person A: It makes me depressed seeing homeless people. I wish I could help them but I am going through tough times too. person B: You can always give them some money once you get yourself back on your feet. Just keep your head up - things will get better. person A: Thank you. I always try to give them a few coins here and there. Maybe even a few bucks. person B: If I ever meet you_comma_ I will toss a few bucks your way. We all have to help each other out in this tough world.
person A: I got a brand new computer last month! person B: Cool! What did you get? person A: It's something brand new_comma_ and it works very fast. person B: Well good for you!
person A: I Think my husband is cheating but I'm scared to investigate. person B: Investigate that right now! You need to know person A: What if it true and I murder him in his sleep? person B: I would not do that_comma_ just get a divorce and take half of all. person A: I'll think about it.
person A: I have a math test tomorrow and it is the biggest one of the semester. person B: wow. I hope you have studied hard so you will do well. person A: I've been studying all night. It's going to be a real doozy. I am quite nervous! person B: Well as long as you have studied hard you should do well. Just relax knowing you have prepared yourself.
person A: When I was a child I was in a destructive tornado. person B: Oh my goodness! Did you get hurt? person A: No luckily my family was safe. Two girls down the street got killed. person B: That's so sad. Did your house get damaged?
person A: I hate it when I get ignored. It makes me feel less human and I get very mad! person B: Yeah_comma_ that bothers me to. Don't sweat it too much though. Just consider it their loss and move on. person A: I try to tell myself there are other people out there that care about what I have to say person B: There are. The people who ignore you are not worth your time or effort.
person A: I really like this girl at my job_comma_ but I am sort of nervous to ask her out. I am not very confident when it comes to those types of social situations. person B: You got this bro_comma_ just be confident. I believe in you person A: Yeah_comma_ I need to just hype myself up and get it over with. My coworkers already tell me that she asks about me. person B: She likes you! If she asks/talks about you then you have a much better chance too.
person A: My cousin got accepted into Med school and I am very envious! I wish it was me... person B: That is so great! Are you in the process of applying now? I'm sure you will get in eventually. person A: Yes_comma_ I applied but have been rejected as always. Maybe I need to try a new career field. person B: Perhaps. Or you just need to keep trying. Don't give up on your dreams so easily!
person A: So_comma_ I found this new recipe for mayonnaise lasagna. I'm making it tomorrow for all my fellow workers in the Nike sweatshop. person B: That sounds interesting_comma_ is it hard to make? person A: Oh_comma_ very. But I am sure it will make a tasty meal for all my starving comrades. Even throwing a rat I found in the alley in there. Should be scrumptious! person B: Did you really just say that hahaha. You are crazy
person A: Tomorrow I am going to a Nascar race with my family. I can't wait to see all the hillbillies and neckbeards throwing down in the bleachers. person B: That sounds like fun. But I don't think Hillbilly is a very nice way to describe people. person A: Eh_comma_ if you live on a hill and your name is Bill_comma_ I think that would qualify you as a hillbilly. person B: Funny_comma_ but true. Have you ever been to the races before?
person A: My friends planned a surprise party for my birthday. person B: Exciting! Did you get any neat gifts? person A: Yes. I got quite a few items I collect. They know me very well. person B: It's always good to have friends that know your likes. What is in your collection?
person A: I went out and bought a lottery ticket last thursday. person B: That's always fun. Did you win any money? person A: Of course I did not_comma_ I will always try. person B: Oh darn. Better luck next time.
person A: My friend just died last week. I went over to her house to help sort her stuff. person B: That is terrible_comma_ are you okay? person A: Yeah. It was actually nice to look through all her old photo albums from our fun times together. person B: I feel super bad about that_comma_ i wish the best for you.
person A: I used to be pretty buff a couple years back. That gives me inspiration that I can get back to that shape again. person B: I believe in you_comma_ man. I'm a bit rotund myself_comma_ but I started hitting the gym this past week. person A: We got this! We just need to be disciplined and eat healthy! person B: Yeah! By the end of the year_comma_ we'll be lifting Ford F 150's!
person A: So_comma_ I've been practicing holding my breath for a few months now. person B: For what? Are you a diver or something? person A: Nope. Just a regular Joe-Schmo that wants to break a world record. Never felt so prepared. person B: Oh_comma_ well good luck. Have you heard of Wim Hof? He's like a world record breath holder and he does it in freezing temperatures too.
person A: There is a thunderstorm going on right now_comma_ and my neighbors dogs that I'm dog-sitting keep barking every time it thunders! They're really starting to get on my nerves. Not sure how much longer I can stand it. person B: My dog does that too. I think it's the loud noises that scare them. person A: Yeah_comma_ I get that. You just figure they'd realize after the 17th boom of thunder that they'd think_comma_ "Okay_comma_ maybe it's not something to worry about." Oh well_comma_ I'm probably just expecting too much from them. person B: Lol_comma_ if only we can understand dogs and listen to what they are saying. That would be hilarious.
person A: I forgot to feed my dog this morning. She was acting very aggressive and I didn't know what was wrong at first then it hit me. I knew it was my fault on why she was so rowdy! person B: Haha. These dogs that I'm dog-sitting wouldn't let that happen. They wake me up at 6:30AM every morning to feed them. But hey_comma_ we make mistakes. Maybe you had a busy day today. person A: I felt so guilty afterwards and I know she hated me for it. person B: Ah_comma_ hate's a strong word. They're smarter than we give them credit for. They know you always feed them. At the end of the day_comma_ I doubt she could have a much better owner
person A: I picked up this aardvark on the black market. Named him Arthur. He pooped all over my carpet yesterday. person B: What is a aardvark? person A: It's an exotic animal that lives in the rain forests of South America. I was so annoyed because he made quite a mess. Probably explains why rain forests are so fertile. person B: I thought so. The name alone sounds so exotic_comma_ were you mad that you had to clean pooop?
person A: I have to go to court soon for a drunk driving incident and I am so scared. What if I have to go to jail? person B: You usually don't get that much jail time for drunk driving if it is your first incident. It shouldn't be so bad_comma_ but hopefully it will make you more cautious in the future. person A: It's my 2nd offense so I am terrified. I think I'm looking at a month or two in jail. person B: Oh wow. I really hope that you get the help you need. I can relate though...I used to be reckless like that a couple years back. Just have to be responsible and arrange an uber or some other form of transportation.
person A: My mother is litltle sick lately. So I bought her an unexpected gift. person B: Oh_comma_ I am so sorry to hear that. Did you get her something nice? person A: Yes_comma_ I bought her ipad. She was happy that I thought of buying her something. person B: That was very thoughtful_comma_ something to keep her entertained when she wasn't feeling well. Is she doing better?
person A: So_comma_ I took a big ole dookey in the bathroom at work today. Forgot to flush the toilet on the way out. person B: That's gross. person A: You're telling me. I felt really bad whoever had to use it next. I really blew that thing up. Shouldn't have had Taco Bell last night! person B: Thanks for that information.
person A: MY family got together and built my grandma a gazebo for her birthday. person B: That's so nice! Did she like your craftsmanship? person A: I did a little painting. I don't build things. person B: It was still a nice gesture. I would love my children to build be a big ole gazebo. person A: Treat them well and they will.
person A: I interviewed at my job for a promotion. I knew I was the top candidate. person B: Nice! Did you manage to snag the promotion? person A: Yes I did. But I knew I would.I am the top worker. person B: It's good to work hard for that dough. What's your new billet entail?
person A: Yesterday_comma_ I forgot to flush the toilet at work. The look of disgust on my co-worker's face who just walked out was priceless. person B: Oh my goodness! I bet that was embarrassing. But it happens. person A: Oh_comma_ it was mega embarrassing! My co-workers wouldn't stop talking about it. I'm sure they're never going to let me live it down. person B: eventually they will forget. They will probably do something even more embarrassing then the joke will be on them. haha.
person A: My brother last month got a brand new computer. person B: That is nice. What kind of computer did he get? person A: Something that is super fast_comma_ I really wish I would have gotten one. person B: I wish I had a better computer. Why do they have to cost so much?
person A: We just go through selling my grandmothers house last month. person B: How did that experience go? person A: It went well_comma_ but I am gonna miss that farm house. We have a lot of memories of that ole place. person B: I'm very glad_comma_ and I understand how the memories are.
person A: My internet service provider cut my internet last week. I was shocked because I didn't miss the payment so I knew it had to be an error. person B: I would too. What had happened? person A: I think it was an error on their part or the payment delayed. I even paid earlier than the due date because this has happened in the past. Maybe it's time to switch companies. person B: Yes. Did they admit fault?
person A: I was afraid when my kids were out of town without me person B: How old are your kids? person A: They are 13 and 10 person B: Are you worried they are going to be abducted or something?
person A: I was very interested in a girl that lives near me. I can't seem to muster the courage to talk to her so I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps. Hopefully_comma_ one day I can let my mind stop racing and just go for it. person B: What can you lose? person A: Probably nothing but it's still hard to go through with it. I need to man up... person B: You do. I mean it can only go one of two ways. And if it goes one way_comma_ you can try again with another girl.
person A: MY kids just won't go to sleep at night. person B: Do they have insomnia? person A: They going to have sore bottoms soon. I can't stand it. person B: Well they will have insomnia and sore bottoms haha person A: They will wish they got more sleep when they are older. Just like me now.
person A: I remember being really upset when we had to move away from my very first best friend when I was 10" person B: That happened to me too when I was in elementary school. I lost all my friends and had to make new ones_comma_ which sucks. person A: It is really tough at that age too person B: I agree.
person A: I spent more time than usual grooming my dog. She was so appreciative and you could see how much she loved it! person B: I bet she felt really special! person A: For sure_comma_ but she knew something was up because I never spend more than 30 minutes grooming her lol. She was like "what is your evil plan master" person B: I can relate to that!