person A: You know_comma_ I find it difficult to respond to certain situations. Like when my friend's dog died_comma_ I just didn't know what to say to him. person B: Yeah_comma_ been there done that. You want to comfort them but you don't know what to do/say person A: Yea_comma_ exactly. What's worse is that it really affected him_comma_ the dog was like a brother to him. Weeks turned into months and you could tell it was still eating away at him. I wish life could be easier. person B: I hope he feels better and you could be there for him too! person A: Thanks for hearing me out! You have a great day and a great life!
person A: I laughed at this lady who fell over in the grocery store today. I'm so disappointed in myself for doing that. person B: Oh poor lady. I know how it is though. Sometimes our initial reaction is to laugh even when not appropriate. person A: That's true_comma_ maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. person B: At least you recognize that it may not have been appropriate.
person A: After my grandma died_comma_ we had so much stuff of hers to sort through. person B: I can imagine. Was she a hoarder of some type? person A: It was actually kind of fun going through her old photo albums. person B: Did you see anything interesting?
person A: I went to a new restaurant last weekend! The waiter really went above and beyond with their service! person B: Did you tip him well for doing such a good job? person A: I absolutely did. He deserved every penny of it for the great job he did. person B: It is not often that you get good service at a restaurant.
person A: Today was pretty stressful at work but now its time to unwind with some binge watching of Netflix. person B: I enjoy doing that after a hard day at work as well. I hope it relaxes you! person A: I just finished one series and about to start another....the mind and body are relaxed for sure now. person B: Now I am in the mood for Netflix! Enjoy the new series now that you are relaxed!
person A: The other day_comma_ I was putting my groceries in my car and a friend that I hadn't seen in a while called my name. person B: Did you punch him in the nose? person A: NO - LOL!! I introduced him to my daughter but called him by the wrong name!!! Oh my goodness!! He corrected me and I felt about 2 inches tall! person B: This is why i got rid of all of my friends.
person A: My sister graduated college last week. person B: Ah - that's a big accomplishment!!! Did you get her a great present? person A: No_comma_ I punched her right in the nose like we do here! It's a tradition. person B: HAHA! That is the best tradition I've ever heard of!
person A: I am a little nervous. I am starting a new job on Friday person B: Oh man_comma_ I know the nerves can be rough_comma_ but I'm sure you're excited as well. But yea_comma_ throwing yourself into a group of new people can be rough. person A: I know. I was at the last place 5 years. So its been awhile since I was the new person. person B: Oh wow. Well_comma_ I really hope you enjoy the new job! I have a feeling you'll do just fine.
person A: Man_comma_ don't you hate when you have a test coming up and you procrastinate studying? person B: Yes.. I have a test coming up and I should be studying right now! LOL person A: Hahaha_comma_ well_comma_ this is a pretty good use of your time as well though! But yea_comma_ it's so much easier when you study ahead of time. I don't know why I don't do it more often_comma_ lol. person B: They say some of the smartest people are procrastinators. person A: To be honest_comma_ I believe it. But maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel smart. Thanks for hearing me out_comma_ and I wish you luck on your test!
person A: So i was exploring some abandon buildings one day. person B: Did you find anything interesting inside any of the buildings? person A: Nah but something i feel found me. Started hearing banging on the walls and crawling in the other rooms. person B: Oh man_comma_ I would have freaked out! What did you do?
person A: My son got chosen to be on a TV show about comedy! person B: That is pretty great! what show is it? person A: It's called Right This Minute. It's a show about viral internet comedy. person B: Haven't heard of it but since your son's going to be on it i will watch it.
person A: My son came home on his 19th birthday and was really drunk. person B: As someone who was once a 19 year old man_comma_ don't be too shocked. person A: It was really bad though. He kept trying to take off down the road walking. I was afraid he was going to go to jail. person B: Yikes he's one of the zombie drunks. That's unfortunate. Drinking might not be for him. person A: I hope he learned his lesson. He doesn't remember anything from the night. person B: Most do. I know a guy that kind of gets blackout drunk like that. His brother does too. Now neither of them drink hard liquor (well they haven't for ages now)
person A: I had an old pocket knife returned to me that's ~15 years old. My cousin had it person B: That's really cool. I know how much my husbands pocket knives mean to him. person A: It was pretty random. I saw it and it looked just like a pocket knife I used to have and lost. I asked him where he got it. He said he found it in an old coat from ages ago and had no clue where it was from. person B: That's really interesting. I know my husband is bad about leaving his laying around and forgetting where they are. When he finds them again it is such a surprise. person A: Yeah it is. The old kershaws have a year marked on them (this one was 2001). I've moved on to other things but_comma_ I still have a soft spot for a good pocket knife
person A: I had to get something checked out at the doctor recently_comma_ always makes me nervous. person B: What was it? person A: It was something that looked like an infection on my foot_comma_ but it actually wasn't. person B: So everything is okay then? That's good news!
person A: My dog was my best friend_comma_ now he's gone and I feel isolated. person B: Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you thinking about getting another one? person A: No_comma_ I couldn't do that. person B: Oh I understand. They say time heals all wounds_comma_ I hope it does in your case as well.
person A: I am nervous.. I have to go to court for the first time. person B: Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. I have been to court before; it isn't as scary as it seems. person A: What if I say the wrong thing... Or trip and fall. person B: That won't happen. Even if it does_comma_ the judge may have a good laugh and cut you some slack.
person A: I miss my gradma so much person B: I am guessing she is not with us anymore? person A: Yes_comma_ she dies 10 months ago and I still have not recover form that loss person B: I know the feeling i had my grandmother gone for 5 years now still miss her.
person A: So when i was a teenage my father took my game console away. person B: Did he tell you the reason? person A: My grades but i ended up going into his room and taking it back. I bought that myself with my own money. person B: If you live under his roof then you should obey him. person A: Yeah but it's my property he knows not to take what he never spent a cent on.
person A: I hate having to wake up early for appointments. My biggest fear is that I will oversleep and miss it person B: I understand_comma_ I have trouble waking up early too. person A: I wish I was an early riser but it's not for me. person B: Me too_comma_ I just have to set a bunch of alarms and try my best.
person A: I had to get my foot checked out at the doctor_comma_ always makes me scared going there. person B: Were you worried it could be something very serious? person A: Yes_comma_ turns out it wasn't anything major though. person B: That's good to hear. I'm sure you feel very relieved now.
person A: So dude i was at my parents the other day and found something really old of mine. person B: What was that? person A: My old baby box with all the old childish stuff i owned. person B: A bunch of toys and stuff?
person A: I got contacted about a new job this afternoon person B: That is pretty good news! What kind of job is it for? person A: Another IT job. The real question is_comma_ is the money there. person B: Everyone needs a IT guy though so probably. person A: You never know. Some places try to lowball pretty hard. IT is a unique job. If everything works_comma_ people wonder why they pay you. If nothing works_comma_ people also wonder why they pay you.
person A: I just can't understand how some people can be so nasty. I go a little overboard washing my hands_comma_ but I know some people who don't wash theirs at all! person B: I see people walk out of the bathroom all the time without washing their hands. So gross. person A: Gah_comma_ that's terrible. The worse I know is my cousin. One time that dude had a toe infection_comma_ he was rubbing his toe with his fingers_comma_ and all of a sudden he sticks his fingers DEEP into his mouth_comma_ I don't know why_comma_ and then he proceeds to open the fridge with the same hand. How do you NOT wash them in that situation!? person B: That is really disgusting. I don't think I would ever eat at his house. person A: You're telling me. I get real anxious about germs when I'm around him_comma_ lol. person B: Yeah_comma_ no doubt!
person A: I failed my English exam today miserably. The worst in class. person B: I'm sure you aren't the worst in the class_comma_ don't say that! person A: My grade sure did reflect it. person B: There's always next time_comma_ you just need to study harder!
person A: I guarantee you have never heard a thing more vile. My best friend's husband cheated on her with his sister in law! person B: That is awful. I hope she has friends and family she can lean on during this tough time. person A: She does but I imagine it's going to be very hard for her. person B: I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I feel so bad for her.
person A: Someone hit my car while it was parked the other day. He even parked next to my car. person B: That's unlucky_comma_ did you ever exchange information? person A: The guy tried to ignore me as he got into his car. Called the cops and they forced him too._comma_ person B: Well I hope it all works out in the end somehow.
person A: I was shopping for groceries the other day and saw someone in a dog costume_comma_ pretty unexpected. person B: What kind of dog was the costume or did it look weird? person A: I think it was supposed to be a golden retriever_comma_ but it looked weird. person B: Well were they trying to sell something maybe?
person A: My aunt can juggle 6 items person B: That is so cool. What kinda stuff does she juggle? person A: Mostly jobs and children. person B: hahaha funny. person A: I did not mean to be? I wanted to tell you about how amazing she is.
person A: I was so embarrassed. I farted while I was out on a date. person B: Oh_comma_ lord. Did the other person die? person A: No they lived. We both did. I just pretended nothing happened. person B: Man_comma_ i would have left and walked out right away.
person A: My son always thinks of me when I need it the most. He's super intuitive. person B: That has to make you feel so good deep inside. person A: It does_comma_ he had no idea I was running short on money but he stopped by my house with dinner! person B: Wow_comma_ that is thoughtful. Thoughtfulness will help him go a long way in life.
person A: I learned today that my friends wife had an affair with his brother. I'm beyond flabbergasted. person B: Wow! How can someone do that to someone with someone so close? person A: I don't know. I thought I knew who she was_comma_ obviously I don't. person B: That's such a shame. And shame on his brother_comma_ too!
person A: So i was watching a movie with our other friend the other night. person B: What did you watch/? person A: Finding Nemo but it was more what happened during the movie. Heard this loud bang sound. It spooked us good. person B: So what was it? You are making me scared.
person A: I am so scared! LOL. I think I just heard a ghost coming from the other room here. person B: Oh man that is pretty scary. person A: I kid you not. My one dog keeps barking at nothing but acting like he can see something. person B: You should probably see a priest then.
person A: I purchased a new router and it was DOA when it got to me today :( person B: I hate when that happens. Makes you want to leave things for the mailman. person A: The package wasn't too beat up person B: I hope they can take it back for you. person A: They have a good return policy. Just annoying as hell.
person A: I am jealous of my best friend. She just had a baby. person B: Are you baby crazy? Let me guess.. 30-ish? person A: No.. actually I am older. Too old to have a baby :( person B: That sucks. Missed opportunity or biological problems?
person A: Guess what I get to do tomorrow!!! person B: Whatever it is_comma_ you seem excited. What is it? person A: I'm going on vacation! I haven't been on one in years! person B: Vacations are sooooo nice!!! I hope you have an amazing one@!
person A: We were stuck in traffic for over an hour due to a wreck the other day. person B: That's really annoying for you but I hope everyone involved is okay. person A: Yes_comma_ it wasn't a bad wreck. But this buffoon thought he was more important than anyone else_comma_ and flew up beside us in the emergency lane.! person B: I cannot stand people who do that! Don't they know they could be blocking someone from getting the medical attention they need? person A: Well_comma_ I think he got what he deserved. About 10 seconds later_comma_ the police flew up that same emergency lane!
person A: Everyone has already left the office. It's oddly quiet. person B: Why are you there all alone? person A: I have to wait for something to come in. Not sure how long it's gonna be. person B: I hope you aren't too lonely!
person A: I cannot believe that my own son would steal from me!!!! person B: Oh no. Why did he steal? person A: I have no idea but I thought I raised him better than this! $600 gone! person B: Sometimes they have a reason_comma_ and it doesn't make him a bad person depending on the reason.
person A: After a long day at work_comma_ I was surprised to find my daughter had cooked the family dinner. person B: That was so nice of her. I'm sure that you really appreciated her for doing that. person A: It was very delicious and even more appreciated that's for sure. person B: Maybe you have a budding chef on your hands.
person A: I was watching old videos of my nieces and nephew when they were little. It really took me back.". person B: A bit of nostalgia_comma_ huh? It is always wonderful to look back on old family memories. person A: That is so true. It can really take you right back to the moment. person B: The times we share with family should always be cherished.
person A: I guess I'm not as liked as I thought I am. person B: Oh no_comma_ what happened if you don't mind me asking. person A: No one rsvped to my birthday party_comma_ I'm pretty bummed. person B: Oh man_comma_ that sucks. You can enjoy the day on your own! Forget them then.
person A: My daughter told me I should be expecting a shipment soon. I don't know what it could be! person B: Oh_comma_ I love surprises like that! How exciting! person A: Yea. She won't tell me what it is. I hope she didn't spend too much money though. person B: I hope not either but it's sweet!
person A: The new addition to our family was just born this weekend. person B: You must be thrilled. What did you have? person A: It's a girl! I'm so excited but also kind of scared of parenting! person B: Is this your first?
person A: When my girls were younger and playing softball sometimes I couldn't make it to all of their games. person B: Oh no_comma_ I know that must make you feel bad_comma_ but you can't always be there. person A: Yeah it was hard to have to miss some. Luckily though I did have family that went so they weren't unwatched. person B: That's good. How many girls do you have?
person A: I was hoping to join my family for dinner but seems like I'm stuck at work person B: That sucks. Maybe they can wait just a bit longer for you? person A: No_comma_ I wouldn't want them to. It's 8pm now. I just wish work was more considerate of my time. person B: We always need to make time for our families. They are the most important thing in this world.
person A: I just finished the first season of Mind hunter on Netflix. I almost wet my pants. person B: Wow. Must be a really good show. What's it about? person A: Serial Killer and FBI profiling. Its intense. person B: I love thrillers. I watched Killing Eve.
person A: I was supposed to be off work 3 hours ago. I'm still here person B: Are you working while you are at work? person A: hahaha yea. Might as well do something instead of sitting around waiting on this shipment. person B: Smart man smart man.
person A: I feel so guilty. I cheated on my husband. person B: Oh no_comma_ what happened to cause the cheating? person A: I just lost control. I feel horrible for doing it. But it just had to be done. person B: Have you guys talked about it? Or is he still upset?
person A: My children have started a new year at school. person B: How many do you have? Are they excited? person A: There are two girls_comma_ they are ready to go_comma_ I'm the one that's nervous. person B: What is making you so nervous?
person A: I told my kids that there were no sweets when there were person B: had they been eating too many? person A: No. I just wanted it for myself. person B: oh_comma_ that's a cute one.
person A: Before I was dating to my wife she was going to a conference without me and I was afraid she was going to fall for someone else. Needless to say I went to the conference. person B: What will you do if you can't be with your wife all the time? person A: I'm fine now I completely trust her since we're married_comma_ but she was going a church singles conference without me. person B: Oh that makes a lot of sense now then.
person A: I forgot to bring my towel and had to run naked out of the common shower area to the locker rooms. person B: Ohhh no! There was no one there to offer you a towel? person A: Nope. Unfortunately_comma_ I was the last one out. person B: Was it crowded?
person A: My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1559_conv:3118,2,surprised,My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.,1,How many kids would that be now?,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1559_conv:3118,3,surprised,My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.,226,That makes 3 girls. They keep me on my toes.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1559_conv:3118,4,surprised,My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.,1,hahaha I bet they do! ,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1559_conv:3119,1,afraid,My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.,1,My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1559_conv:3119,2,afraid,My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.,226,Do you have another way of contacting them?,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1559_conv:3119,3,afraid,My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.,1,I asked their roommates but they don't know anything.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1559_conv:3119,4,afraid,My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.,226,You must be worried sick. The roommates sound suspicious.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1560_conv:3120,1,grateful,I got a $1_comma_000 scholarship for tuition. Doesn't cover everything_comma_ but it's something.,1,I got a $1_comma_000 scholarship for tuition. Doesn't cover everything_comma_ but it's something.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3120,2,grateful,I got a $1_comma_000 scholarship for tuition. Doesn't cover everything_comma_ but it's something.,296,Wow! Thats amazing. What are you going to school for?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3120,3,grateful,I got a $1_comma_000 scholarship for tuition. Doesn't cover everything_comma_ but it's something.,1,I'm in marketing. I find what influences people interesting.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3120,4,grateful,I got a $1_comma_000 scholarship for tuition. Doesn't cover everything_comma_ but it's something.,296,Oh that's great. Marketing is very lucrative!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3121,1,hopeful,i am feeling hopeful about my future after coming back to work and starting my business back up,296,I recently started work again and I am also picking back up my business. It is making me feel happy about the future,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3121,2,hopeful,i am feeling hopeful about my future after coming back to work and starting my business back up,1,I hope everything works out. That all sounds very promising!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3121,3,hopeful,i am feeling hopeful about my future after coming back to work and starting my business back up,296,Thank you! yes it is. It's been a really terrible year with lots of deaths so it's a miracle I am even here.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3121,4,hopeful,i am feeling hopeful about my future after coming back to work and starting my business back up,1,Oh no_comma_ I wish people didn't have to go through the bad stuff. At least_comma_ they make you appreciate the good times more.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1560_conv:3121,5,hopeful,i am feeling hopeful about my future after coming back to work and starting my business back up,296,yes they do! Thank you,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1561_conv:3123,1,terrified,I was outside when lightning struck a tree that was close to me.,226,I was outside when lightning struck a tree that was close to me.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1561_conv:3123,2,terrified,I was outside when lightning struck a tree that was close to me.,60,That must have been scary. ,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1561_conv:3123,3,terrified,I was outside when lightning struck a tree that was close to me.,226,I thought I was a goner.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1561_conv:3123,4,terrified,I was outside when lightning struck a tree that was close to me.,60,When you hear thunder do you hide now?,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,1,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,27,I went to register my youngest daughter for school today.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,2,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,60,Was it stressful? ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,3,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,27,It maybe would have been if anyone was at the school. I really don't want her to go there but the private school had too long of a waiting list for this year.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,4,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,60,They school was locked up? I can't imagine. My first born is due in December and i'm all ready stressed about school. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,5,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,27,It was open and they just left flyers. I don't even know who my childs teacher is. The public schools here are trash.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,6,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,60,Wow_comma_ that sounds like where I went. Have you considered a charter school?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,7,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,27,I'm going to get her in the private school my oldest went to. It will be fine she is only ine pre k now.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1562_conv:3125,8,surprised,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,60,I would be scared. They are so impressionable at that age.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3126,1,prepared,We have some bad storms headed our way. I have cleared out a safe place in the basement and also packed a tote of food_comma_ water_comma_ medications and other emergency supplies to keep down there just in case.,243,We have some very bad storms headed our way this evening_comma_ possible tornadoes too.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3126,2,prepared,We have some bad storms headed our way. I have cleared out a safe place in the basement and also packed a tote of food_comma_ water_comma_ medications and other emergency supplies to keep down there just in case.,226,Please be prepared ahead of time. I know that situation can be scary so it's best to be ready.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3126,3,prepared,We have some bad storms headed our way. I have cleared out a safe place in the basement and also packed a tote of food_comma_ water_comma_ medications and other emergency supplies to keep down there just in case.,243,I have cleared a safe spot in the basement and also taken down a tote full of food_comma_ water_comma_ and other emergency supplies.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3126,4,prepared,We have some bad storms headed our way. I have cleared out a safe place in the basement and also packed a tote of food_comma_ water_comma_ medications and other emergency supplies to keep down there just in case.,226,Keep alert and be safe.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3127,1,grateful,I was at the store and did not have enough money to pay for my items. The person behind be paid for my groceries..,226,I was at the store and did not have enough money to pay for my items. The person behind be paid for my groceries,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3127,2,grateful,I was at the store and did not have enough money to pay for my items. The person behind be paid for my groceries..,243,Oh wow! That is wonderful! I bet you were so grateful.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3127,3,grateful,I was at the store and did not have enough money to pay for my items. The person behind be paid for my groceries..,226,I couldn't believe that someone would do that for me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1563_conv:3127,4,grateful,I was at the store and did not have enough money to pay for my items. The person behind be paid for my groceries..,243,That was so nice. Maybe someday you will be able to pay it forward.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1564_conv:3129,1,anxious,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,296,Well I rescued another dog the other day and thankfully she is very calm and sweet but I was so worried when I saw her as I already have more then enough animals.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1564_conv:3129,2,anxious,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,60,That's so awesome. Is she little or big?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1564_conv:3129,3,anxious,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,296,She is in between. Just a pocket pit. She was so starved and abused and maybe pregnant. I had to help her. Even though it makes me worried- I am over the city limit.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1564_conv:3129,4,anxious,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,60,But she needs you. It's similar to mine. My found my pit eating out of the dumpster. What did you name her?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1564_conv:3129,5,anxious,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,296,I know. And rescues never help me. So many are not nice anyway to people. I will make sure she is ok. Her name is sweetie. She is so docile and scared of everything. Most docile terrier ever.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1564_conv:3129,6,anxious,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,60,That's sad I'm sure she will come around soon.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3130,1,caring,I love seeing all of the kids excited about school. They are so sweet.,27,I love seeing all the kids excited about school starting again.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3130,2,caring,I love seeing all of the kids excited about school. They are so sweet.,226,It is always such an exciting time for them. So many new things to discover.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3130,3,caring,I love seeing all of the kids excited about school. They are so sweet.,27,Especially the elementary kids. I want them to love school forever. That's a pipe dream.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3130,4,caring,I love seeing all of the kids excited about school. They are so sweet.,226,If they get a really good teacher it can instill a love of learning that will stay with them.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3130,5,caring,I love seeing all of the kids excited about school. They are so sweet.,27,MY daughter had a teacher like that in pre k. We send her a card every year. She is in tehe 8th grade now!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3131,1,afraid,We had a bad storm and the power was out for hours during the night.,226,We had a bad storm and the power was out for hours during the night,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3131,2,afraid,We had a bad storm and the power was out for hours during the night.,27,It just started storming here. I hope we don't lose power.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3131,3,afraid,We had a bad storm and the power was out for hours during the night.,226,Storms are so unpredictable. It's best to be prepared when you know they are coming.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1565_conv:3131,4,afraid,We had a bad storm and the power was out for hours during the night.,27,I keep saying we will get some flashlights_comma_ the ones only phone are only good if the phone is charged.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3132,1,nostalgic,Checked out my old yearbook. It was so much easier making friends back then.,1,Checked out my old yearbook. It was so much easier making friends back then.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3132,2,nostalgic,Checked out my old yearbook. It was so much easier making friends back then.,296,Yes typically kids are nicer and more open. Adults have so many secrets and issues :),5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3132,3,nostalgic,Checked out my old yearbook. It was so much easier making friends back then.,1,Yea_comma_ I guess that happens with time. Wish it wasn't so though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3132,4,nostalgic,Checked out my old yearbook. It was so much easier making friends back then.,296,I here you! But it's better to make a good friend then many that aren't that good. Maybe try church or meetups?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3133,1,afraid,When I used to live in a hotel I was afraid all the time of being found out with all my pets,296,Well I used to live in a hotel down south and I was scared all the time. I had too many pets and scared I would be found out a lot and kicked out. It was like living while hiding things from the nazis. I'd never live that way again.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3133,2,afraid,When I used to live in a hotel I was afraid all the time of being found out with all my pets,1,Oh no_comma_ how many pets do you have?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3133,3,afraid,When I used to live in a hotel I was afraid all the time of being found out with all my pets,296,Too many! lol- I had more at the time- but they only wanted you to have 2- they don't like pets down there very much. I rescue- so lots! :),5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3133,4,afraid,When I used to live in a hotel I was afraid all the time of being found out with all my pets,1,That's incredible. I love animals and those who help them!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1566_conv:3133,5,afraid,When I used to live in a hotel I was afraid all the time of being found out with all my pets,296,:) It's hard work! Thats why I work from home but worth it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3134,1,excited,Going on a date with my crush this weekend. I'm kinda nervous!,1,Going on a date with my crush this weekend. I'm kinda nervous!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3134,2,excited,Going on a date with my crush this weekend. I'm kinda nervous!,226,Those butterflies are good for you. It will keep things interesting.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3134,3,excited,Going on a date with my crush this weekend. I'm kinda nervous!,1,Butterflies are great. It means I like her_comma_ but I just hope I don't make a doofus of myself.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3134,4,excited,Going on a date with my crush this weekend. I'm kinda nervous!,226,Don't be afraid to be yourself. She will love it if you do.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3135,1,sad,My nieces pet guinea pig died yesterday.,226,My nieces pet guinea pig died yesterday,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3135,2,sad,My nieces pet guinea pig died yesterday.,1,Oh no_comma_ the poor little thing. Your nieces must be devastated.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3135,3,sad,My nieces pet guinea pig died yesterday.,226,She was upset. But I feel for the one left behind. They were sisters.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1567_conv:3135,4,sad,My nieces pet guinea pig died yesterday.,1,Oh no_comma_ that happened to my dogs. One died before the other_comma_ and the other was so depressed_comma_ she quickly followed.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,1,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,296,We have our water pipes being redone in our corrupt city for the third or fourth time. They blocked my street and the mailman still isn't delivering and the garbage was not picked up. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,2,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,60,Yikes that sounds like a pain. I would dump my trash in front of city hall.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,3,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,296,Thats true lol. I could do that. But they'd likely harm me- One of those corrupt cities where they don't care about crime and rapes but care about the little dumb things,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,4,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,60,Time to make your town facebook famous or something. Shame them into fixing things. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,5,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,296,Oh it's flint_comma_ MI- they are very famous for being corrupt. Nothing I can do but save up to move out :),5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,6,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,60,I was robbed in Flint. I grew up just down the road from Fenton. You need to move. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1568_conv:3136,7,surprised,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,296,Wow! yes- it was good for a time but it is SO corrupt here and bills so high- I thought it was cheap no- Yes I am saving to move and working on a business too! outta here soon- it's so dangerous and it IS the ghetto.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3138,1,impressed,We're behind on a work project_comma_ but our boss told us not to worry about it and go home for the day.,1,We're behind on a work project_comma_ but our boss told us not to worry about it and go home for the day.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3138,2,impressed,We're behind on a work project_comma_ but our boss told us not to worry about it and go home for the day.,220,Wow_comma_ I wonder why he was being so generous,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3138,3,impressed,We're behind on a work project_comma_ but our boss told us not to worry about it and go home for the day.,1,We think he's a great guy. I hope work doesn't change him.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3138,4,impressed,We're behind on a work project_comma_ but our boss told us not to worry about it and go home for the day.,220,I hope not either!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3139,1,guilty,I asked my friend for a loan but I used the money for a different reason.,220,I told my friend I needed to borrow money for some car repairs but I used it for something else completely. I feel bad about it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3139,2,guilty,I asked my friend for a loan but I used the money for a different reason.,1,Oh no. What did you use it on?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3139,3,guilty,I asked my friend for a loan but I used the money for a different reason.,220,I don't even want to say_comma_ I'm so ashamed.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1569_conv:3139,4,guilty,I asked my friend for a loan but I used the money for a different reason.,1,Oh I'm so sorry. Hopefully_comma_ you've learned and won't do it again_comma_ yea?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,1,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,27,MY nest will be empty soon. I don't know what I'm going to do.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,2,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,60,New hobby. Maybe surfing or hiking.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,3,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,27,I'm too old for that. I think I'll buy a bunch of jugsaw puzzles.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,4,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,60,Your never to old. I thought my father to surf at 67 years old. Your die sitting in front of a puzzle. How about Yoga or painting class? ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,5,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,27,Yoga? oh lord. Painting sounds fun though,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,6,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,60,Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1570_conv:3140,7,lonely,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,27,I think I'll look into it. Seriously.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3142,1,grateful,Fruits have been so expensive lately_comma_ so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!,1,Fruits have been so expensive lately_comma_ so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3142,2,grateful,Fruits have been so expensive lately_comma_ so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!,294,That is so incredibly nice of them. It is nice to have good neighbors...and good pears!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3142,3,grateful,Fruits have been so expensive lately_comma_ so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!,1,They are great people. They had so many that instead of throwing them out_comma_ they took the time to collect them and share it with us!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3142,4,grateful,Fruits have been so expensive lately_comma_ so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!,294,Wow_comma_ I wish I had neighbors like that. I'm stuck going to the store and paying $2.99 a pound on them. You're right_comma_ it is expensive.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3143,1,content,I am really happy with how things are going at work right now.,294,I'm really happy with how things are going at work right now. I just got a raise_comma_ and a promotion.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3143,2,content,I am really happy with how things are going at work right now.,1,That's great! I hope things continue to go well for ya.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3143,3,content,I am really happy with how things are going at work right now.,294,I hope so too. Things don't normally go this well so I'm enjoying while it lasts.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1571_conv:3143,4,content,I am really happy with how things are going at work right now.,1,ah always gotta prepare for those unexpected rainy days.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3144,1,guilty,I had plans with my friend to go to dinner_comma_ but I chose to stay at work to make more money.,1,I had plans with my friend to go to dinner_comma_ but I chose to stay at work to make more money,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3144,2,guilty,I had plans with my friend to go to dinner_comma_ but I chose to stay at work to make more money.,226,Were you able to reschedule with your friend?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3144,3,guilty,I had plans with my friend to go to dinner_comma_ but I chose to stay at work to make more money.,1,No. She's not taking my calls currently.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3144,4,guilty,I had plans with my friend to go to dinner_comma_ but I chose to stay at work to make more money.,226,Maybe you can make it up to them.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3145,1,sentimental,My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone,226,My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3145,2,sentimental,My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone,1,Oh no. Being home alone can be good though. Finally everything to yourself!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3145,3,sentimental,My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone,226,You would think but I really missed them.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1572_conv:3145,4,sentimental,My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone,1,I feel ya. How long will they be gone for?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1573_conv:3147,1,sad,My mom had to put our family dog to sleep the other day. He was very old and sick. We got her when I was in 1st grade.,243,My mom had to put our family dog to sleep last week.,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:1573_conv:3147,2,sad,My mom had to put our family dog to sleep the other day. He was very old and sick. We got her when I was in 1st grade.,66,Oh_comma_ that is so tough. I am sorry. Are you all right?,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:1573_conv:3147,3,sad,My mom had to put our family dog to sleep the other day. He was very old and sick. We got her when I was in 1st grade.,243,It's so hard because we have had her since I was in 1st grade. She was so old and sick.,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:1573_conv:3147,4,sad,My mom had to put our family dog to sleep the other day. He was very old and sick. We got her when I was in 1st grade.,66,That's where you really do have to make the decision for the animal_comma_ not us -- that doesn't make it easier when it happens. Do you have other pets?,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:1574_conv:3148,1,anticipating,Ready to go on my vacation!,220,I'm leaving for vacation soon! I'm so pumped! It can't come soon enough!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3148,2,anticipating,Ready to go on my vacation!,1,Yes! Vacation. Where ya headed?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3148,3,anticipating,Ready to go on my vacation!,220,Disney World_comma_ I've never been!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3148,4,anticipating,Ready to go on my vacation!,1,Oh you'll have lots of fun!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3149,1,annoyed,I wish I was born wealthy. I have to give up spending time with my family to get more hours at work in.,1,I wish I was born wealthy. I have to give up spending time with my family to get more hours at work in.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3149,2,annoyed,I wish I was born wealthy. I have to give up spending time with my family to get more hours at work in.,220,I'm sorry_comma_ that's life for most of us_comma_ though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3149,3,annoyed,I wish I was born wealthy. I have to give up spending time with my family to get more hours at work in.,1,Yes_comma_ it definitely is. Gotta work with what ya got.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1574_conv:3149,4,annoyed,I wish I was born wealthy. I have to give up spending time with my family to get more hours at work in.,220,Maybe you'll hit the lottery one day!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3150,1,lonely,My friends left on a trip_comma_ but I couldn't go with them because I have so many projects to work on.,1,My friends left on a trip_comma_ but I couldn't go with them because I have so many projects to work on.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3150,2,lonely,My friends left on a trip_comma_ but I couldn't go with them because I have so many projects to work on.,226,That had to be disappointing. Will you be able to go at another time?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3150,3,lonely,My friends left on a trip_comma_ but I couldn't go with them because I have so many projects to work on.,1,Yea definitely. I hope we get another time sooner than later.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3150,4,lonely,My friends left on a trip_comma_ but I couldn't go with them because I have so many projects to work on.,226,At least you have something to look forward to.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3151,1,embarrassed,I was crossing a wet road and slipped. I fell with a thud right on my rear end.,226,I was crossing a wet road and slipped. I fell with a thud right on my rear end,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3151,2,embarrassed,I was crossing a wet road and slipped. I fell with a thud right on my rear end.,1,Oh no. How is your butt now?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3151,3,embarrassed,I was crossing a wet road and slipped. I fell with a thud right on my rear end.,226,Very funny. All I could do is sit there and laugh.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1575_conv:3151,4,embarrassed,I was crossing a wet road and slipped. I fell with a thud right on my rear end.,1,hahaha I hope you recover soon.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3152,1,nostalgic,I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's and how old we were lol. Made me remember good times as a teen,296,I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's the other day and how old we were lol. But it reminded me of fun times as a teen,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3152,2,nostalgic,I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's and how old we were lol. Made me remember good times as a teen,1,90s were good time. What is your favorite memory?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3152,3,nostalgic,I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's and how old we were lol. Made me remember good times as a teen,296,I am not sure I can pick on favorite but I loved how there were no bills lol and it was just freedom to be creative and listen to music all night and hang out with friends talking until the late hours :),5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3152,4,nostalgic,I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's and how old we were lol. Made me remember good times as a teen,1,Oh yea. No bills is definitely great. You can still do all those things y'know.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3153,1,trusting,My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy.,1,My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3153,2,trusting,My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy.,296,Aw! Well I hope you can help him?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3153,3,trusting,My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy.,1,Yep. We are getting along so far. Looks like he misses his mommy though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1576_conv:3153,4,trusting,My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy.,296,Oh I bet! Are you just babysitting?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3154,1,proud,After all these years as a single mom_comma_ my kid is now a successful researcher. He's pretty happy in life.,1,After all these years as a single mom_comma_ my kid is now a successful researcher. He's pretty happy in life.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3154,2,proud,After all these years as a single mom_comma_ my kid is now a successful researcher. He's pretty happy in life.,273,That's got to be a pretty good feeling_comma_ to see our kids succeed and hopefully do better than us. I'm happy for you! What does he research?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3154,3,proud,After all these years as a single mom_comma_ my kid is now a successful researcher. He's pretty happy in life.,1,He's working on Parkinson actually. He has such a great heart.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3154,4,proud,After all these years as a single mom_comma_ my kid is now a successful researcher. He's pretty happy in life.,273,Parkinson's disease? That's pretty noble. Imagine if he were to be the one to help cause a breakthrough on curing it... How crazy would that be. Would add a nice legacy to your family.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3155,1,annoyed,Someone ate the last piece of pizza this afternoon_comma_ when I was away all day and looking forward to eating it. I hate living with family during the summer_comma_ because my siblings eat and take things that aren't theirs!,273,Someone ate the last piece of pizza this afternoon_comma_ when I was away all day and looking forward to eating it. I hate living with family during the summer_comma_ because my siblings eat and take things that aren't theirs!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3155,2,annoyed,Someone ate the last piece of pizza this afternoon_comma_ when I was away all day and looking forward to eating it. I hate living with family during the summer_comma_ because my siblings eat and take things that aren't theirs!,1,Oh man_comma_ siblings are such hit or miss sometimes. Some get really good ones and some get_comma_ well_comma_ yours. Sorry to say.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3155,3,annoyed,Someone ate the last piece of pizza this afternoon_comma_ when I was away all day and looking forward to eating it. I hate living with family during the summer_comma_ because my siblings eat and take things that aren't theirs!,273,If I'm being honest_comma_ they're not all bad. The older one helps me with a lot of things. And the younger ones can be funny. But yeah_comma_ sometimes they just.. .get to me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1577_conv:3155,4,annoyed,Someone ate the last piece of pizza this afternoon_comma_ when I was away all day and looking forward to eating it. I hate living with family during the summer_comma_ because my siblings eat and take things that aren't theirs!,1,Everyone has their faults I guess. I'm glad you don't focus on their faults.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1578_conv:3156,1,hopeful,My favorite team has a new Quarterback. Maybe this will be a better season for them.,226,My favorite team has a new Quarterback. Maybe this will be a better season for them,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1578_conv:3156,2,hopeful,My favorite team has a new Quarterback. Maybe this will be a better season for them.,274,Who is your favorite team?,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1578_conv:3156,3,hopeful,My favorite team has a new Quarterback. Maybe this will be a better season for them.,226,I like college football. I root for Arkansas.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1578_conv:3156,4,hopeful,My favorite team has a new Quarterback. Maybe this will be a better season for them.,274,Who is the quarterback now,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:1578_conv:3157,1,lonely,After being at work all day_comma_ I am now home relaxing with no one around. There is no one to share my day with.,274,After a long hard day at work_comma_ I came home to an empty house.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1578_conv:3157,2,lonely,After being at work all day_comma_ I am now home relaxing with no one around. There is no one to share my day with.,226,Is that a good thing or a bad thing?,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1578_conv:3157,3,lonely,After being at work all day_comma_ I am now home relaxing with no one around. There is no one to share my day with.,274,Bad as there is no one to share my thoughts and relieve stress with.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1578_conv:3157,4,lonely,After being at work all day_comma_ I am now home relaxing with no one around. There is no one to share my day with.,226,Are there any social groups you can join to have some company?,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:1579_conv:3158,1,annoyed,I am very annoyed with my mail person. He writes on my mail and never delivers it and lies.,296,I have an older mailman...around 40 and he is the kind here and he constantly writes on my mail and doesn't deliver it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1579_conv:3158,2,annoyed,I am very annoyed with my mail person. He writes on my mail and never delivers it and lies.,60,Is he bad at his job or hitting on you?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:1579_conv:3158,3,annoyed,I am very annoyed with my mail person. He writes on my mail and never delivers it and lies.,296,He thinks he is the king*. He is very bad. My mailbox is on the outside of my fence but he writes dogs" on it..won't deliver it and also he throws my packages to wreck them. Post office thinks he is great and won't do anything about it.
person A: Make him Facebook famous. The Viral terrible mail man. person B: I know! I just got cameras for that except I never have packages delivered here anymore because of him. person A: Send you self a empty package or something.
person A: I was so scared today! I was taking out the garbage and a huge raccoon jumped out at me from behind the trash can! person B: Wow. Raccoon digging through the trash_comma_ hu? person A: Yes! He almost gave me a heart attack! I ran screaming back into the house! person B: Are you usually afraid of raccoons or just surprised?
person A: I was going to have dinner with my family_comma_ but we're on the highway to New York it seems. person B: Was this an unplanned trip? person A: Well_comma_ it's unplanned for me_comma_ but I think they definitely planned this. person B: Well_comma_ I'm sorry that this was sprung upon you_comma_ but I hope you have a safe trip!
person A: Who does my neighbor think he is hitting on my wife at the block party?? person B: Wow. That's a pretty low thing to do. person A: It is_comma_ I hope he steps on a nail! What a jerk!!! person B: Oh just a nail? You are a nice person.
person A: We are behind on a work project_comma_ but we came in this morning and it seems like one of our coworkers finished it all by himself over night. person B: Wow! What a champ for doing that. You guys owe him! person A: Yes_comma_ we do. He's a terrific guy. He said since he's single_comma_ he wanted us to be with our families. person B: Get that man a wife!
person A: It took so much time to finish the tree house_comma_ but we're finally done person B: You must be so relieved that its done. person A: Yea_comma_ the kids seem pretty happy with it. person B: They are going to have so much fun with it.
person A: My daughter took it upon herself to make extra money mowing yards. person B: That's a really adult move on her part. person A: She is growing up and showing so much initiative. person B: She's showing she's responsible. I think she'll be just fine growing up.
person A: We submitted our proposal for the new project and hope we get it. It would be such a high profile project that would get us a lot of new clients if successful. person B: I wish you the best of luck on your proposal and the possibility of it becoming a reality. person A: Thank you so much! I hope so_comma_ too. person B: What kind of project may I ask?
person A: I just recently took the LSAT and did well. I hope to be starting law school in the spirng. person B: I hope you did well and congratulations on Law School! person A: Thank you! I hope to get into Syracuse. person B: Law is a pretty tough career. You must've worked hard_comma_ and I'm sure that will pay off.
person A: I'm going to be away from my girlfriend for a year_comma_ but she should know that she can trust me. person B: Sometimes it is very hard and the jealousy can come out. I hope you have a really strong relationship though. person A: Thank you. It will definitely test our relationship and hopefully_comma_ we come through it. person B: I have seen many relationships be destroyed because of time and space. Good luck to you all.
person A: My husband is so amazing. I can trust him totally. person B: That's so great to hear. Relationships can be hit or miss sometimes. Sounds like you got a good one. person A: I used to be a really jealous person and was always picking a fight thinking something was up. I have learned after 21 years how to deal with my problem. person B: Over 2 decades. That's a long time. person A: Yes_comma_ it has been tough at times_comma_ but we have made it through. We now have 6 kids and 7 grandkids between the 2 of us.
person A: We decided not to hire a roofer and do this thing on our own person B: That sounds cool. So you are fixing it yourself? person A: Yep. We are. Hopefully_comma_ Youtube pulls through. person B: Best of luck with that. Hopefully you will do fine and save a ton of cash.
person A: I am feeling down tonight. I am broke until next week. person B: Oh no_comma_ do you at least have food? person A: Yeah. I have some raman. Thats all anyone really needs right? person B: Ramen is delicious! I eat them even when I'm not worrying about money.
person A: I'm going to an amusement park tomorrow for the first time and I can hardly wait! person B: Whoa awesome! Really you've never been? Which one are you going too? person A: Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. I have been studying up on what to do once I get there and it all looks amazing. I don't know what to do first! person B: Whoa! Make sure to bring money for food or bring frozen drinks. And lots of sunscreen and comfy shoes!
person A: I am happy I have a home without a landlord and can do what I want_comma_ like rescue animals. person B: I'm glad you can do what you're passionate about. What kinds of animals do you rescue? person A: Any kind that needs help and happens to fall on my doorstep. I even feed all the wild critters I can :) person B: That sounds so fun. I hope I can do that some day_comma_ too!
person A: My family is visitng extended family in Canada. There's no one to come home to. Feels weird. person B: I can imagine. Take this time to do something for yourself. person A: Yea. Think I'm finally gonna watch some horrors that my family are too afraid to watch. person B: There you go. Sounds like fun.
person A: I got caught by a train and it made me late for work person B: Caught by a train? Do you mean it was late? person A: Maybe I should have said stopped by a train. Ha Ha. person B: hahah I was kind of concerned but didn't want to ask. Glad that is the case then.
person A: I got irritated when my brother got in trouble at school. He knew better person B: What did he do? person A: He cheated a little person B: How do you cheat a little. Either you cheat or you don't.
person A: I just finished watching a series on netflix and now I am afraid to go outside alone in the dark. person B: what show was it ? person A: documentary on serial killers person B: i loved the ed gein documentary
person A: i felt bad when i forgot the day of my brothers birthday person B: Oh no thats terrible. Did you make it up to him? person A: i got him a present last minute person B: That is thoughtful! person A: hes the baby of the family _comma_ i felt really bad
person A: im so happy today. I just passed a really important test. person B: congratulations. You worked really hard and deserved that pass! person A: Yeah I did actually. I studied for three days non stop. person B: That's an amazing feat. Studying is kind of a chore for me.
person A: Just adopted a dog. We're gonna pick the little guy up this weekend. person B: Awww.. what kinda dog is it? person A: It's a jack russell terrier! person B: that is so cute. I had one of those.
person A: I felt bad when I skipped work when I was not sick. I just lied about it person B: Oh_comma_ were you just tired that day? person A: I was hungover person B: lol it happens. Had a good night?
person A: My wife is at the doctor's_comma_ and I think we might be getting good news about a new addition to our little family. person B: Congratulations on the kid person A: Oh we don't know yet! I hope it's not just a tummy ache she's having. person B: I am sure she will be fin
person A: I had food_comma_ water_comma_ and a place to sleep today. I am so thankful. person B: I get that so many people in the world are so much worse off then us. I think it's easy to forget that. person A: I agree. I try to not take anything for granted and appreciate life more. person B: I wish I could be more like you.
person A: I have a court date next week and I don't know what's going to happen. I really want custody of my kids. person B: Oh no! I really hope it goes well for you! That must be so stressful! person A: It really is. The 'opposition' really hates me so she is trying to keep from them. person B: I'm sorry. That is a really tough situation. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.
person A: My friend recently renovated her kitchen and I was so envious because I've been dreaming about remodeling my own for years. person B: I'm sure you'll be able to do yours soon. And maybe you can get some good ideas from hers! person A: That's true! I never looked at it that way! person B: And when you do yours it will be that much newer than hers ;)
person A: I am hoping to become an English teacher but I am waiting on test results to come back. person B: I bet you are very eager to find out_comma_ good luck! person A: Thank you. I am very eager and anxious to see how well I did. person B: Was the test hard?
person A: I bought everything I needed for the camping trip. I was not going to forget anything at all person B: Double check your list. Camping is always wonderful but hard to come back for something you forgot. person A: I agree. One time I forgot bug spray and it was awful. person B: Did you make a list?
person A: I haven't watched a horror in so long_comma_ but my friend wants to watch one person B: Me either. I don't want too though_comma_lol. Are you scared? person A: I'm terrified lol_comma_ but I don't want to tell her no. person B: Oh man. Well I used to cuddle a dog when I would get scared. Find a dog
person A: Well I find a new organic lip stick brand and found it for a good price and I am really happy to get it in the mail and try it! person B: Oh nice. What color is it? person A: It is a mauve. Lipstick queen! I can't always afford much so it's always nice when I can afford lipstick lol! especially a healthy kind. person B: Interesting to see how muave works. That's a shade of purple_comma_ isn't it?
person A: So_comma_ I'm dog-sitting for my neighbor right now while she's out of town_comma_ and one of them isn't acting right. They're not eating_comma_ and they seem all morose. I think I might have to take it to the vet... person B: Oh no. I hope they're okay. How long until your neighbor gets home? person A: Not for another week! And the worst part is I know I have to tell her_comma_ but how do I tell her without her freaking out_comma_ you know? I don't want her to think it was my fault. person B: I hope everything turns out okay. person A: Thanks_comma_ I really appreciate that! We'll see how it goes. It's only been two days. Hopefully it's nothing.
person A: Someone broke into my car last night. person B: Man_comma_ that's horrible luck. Did you forget to lock it_comma_ or did they just bust in? person A: It was locked. They broke the window and stole all my change and my son's birthday present that was in the trunk. person B: Are you kidding me? The nerve of some people. How desperate do you have to be... Well_comma_ I hope you can at least replace the present so your son isn't too sad. And at least they didn't try to bust into your home and harm you.
person A: I can't believe I found a 20 dollar bill outside my house. It was not expected at all. person B: That's pretty lucky_comma_ did you spend it? person A: Nope_comma_ it's still in my wallet. I like to keep in the same small pocket that has a four-leafed clover because I think it was such a lucky find! person B: Well if you do choose to spend it make sure you do it wisely!
person A: I went for a walk yesterday and stepped in some dog poop_comma_ gross. person B: Lol! The real question is...was the poop fresh or old? I hate that shit_comma_ no pun intended person A: It was fresh I think_comma_ I was wearing flip-flops too. person B: Ewww_comma_ did you clean it off?
person A: I got a new job_comma_ but I'm going to finish this last project with my current job before leaving. person B: I wish I had a expedition person A: An expedition? Do you mean a trip or car? person B: Why do you think that?
person A: This one is acting weird. person B: I agree with you there. Let's just finish this one. person A: Well I hope things work out for you anyway lol person B: I hope they do for you as well. Thank you! person A: No problem!
person A: I finished my kids birthday candy tonight after they went to bed. I know there going to be mad in the morning and I feel bad about it. person B: That's funny. I'd tell them the tooth fairy stole it. person A: Hahahaha. That's pretty good. The problem is this candy is very special. One of their friends sent it over from Europe_comma_ so I can't just run down to 7-11 to buy some more. person B: You better come up with something.
person A: I spilled my coffee on my keyboard and now it's sticky. I am so furious! person B: Oh man! Will you need a new keyboard now? person A: I mean_comma_ it still works. But all the buttons are sticky and double clicking. I'm so mad at myself... person B: Oh don't worry_comma_ accidents happen!
person A: I am very hopeful and excited about moving away from a very rough city and moving to a farm. person B: Yes!!! I hate the city and prefer the rural areas. Are you going to get farm animals? person A: yes! I would love to rescue farm animals. I already have one in the bathtub! lol! Our duck- He'd like a farm too person B: I agree_comma_ I love farms because it feels so natural.
person A: I took my finals exam last week. I am optimistic about the results but we shall see. person B: At this point all you can do is hope for the best. Hopefully if you worked hard it will turn out good. person A: Yes I agree_comma_ I studied hard for it. It will make or break me. person B: Don't stress over it. You can't change anything at this point.
person A: I was at a retail store and was ignored by the cashier who was checking me out. person B: That's always rough_comma_ maybe she didn't hear you? person A: No_comma_ she was just incompetent. person B: Well she was just rude then. Not your fault at all.
person A: My kid came home with straight A's! person B: OMG that is wonderful!!! I bet you are really proud! person A: I am very proud. She is such a great kid. I just wanted her to do her best. Doesn't really matter she gets straight A's or not. person B: You say that but it sure is nice!
person A: My power went out over three or four times today. I lost count. person B: Oh wow. Is it raining or something over there? person A: No they are doing work in the neighborhood. Im glad I had my old hurricane supplies_comma_ batteries_comma_ etc. I couldn't see anything. person B: How long is the work gonna take? I hope you don't get any weird power outages.
person A: MY take out order today was terrible. person B: That sucks. What did you order? person A: McDonalds. I shouldve expected it. They don't get your order right in person. person B: Yea_comma_ Mcdonald's can be so hit or miss sometimes. person A: IT's either really good. Or terrible
person A: I worked on this project for so long_comma_ but it turns out my job doesn't even want it done anymore. person B: Thats sucks person A: it does. I feel like it was a waste of my time_comma_ but at least I got paid for the hours. person B: Well. Maybe youll get a promotion. person A: Man_comma_ that would be awesome! person B: It would.