person A: I dropped my favorite perfume and it broke into a million little pieces person B: Oh no_comma_ that's terrible. Can it be replaced? person A: Fortunately yes_comma_ it just sucks because it was brand new person B: What kind was it?
person A: My grandma went out of her way to print out and send me some old pics. person B: That's sweet of her! You should put them all together in a nice photo album. person A: I am planning on it_comma_ but yes she's so kind_comma_ I am lucky. person B: That is very kind. I'm honestly doubt that my grandma even knows what a printer is.
person A: I hate when a restaurant claims to never have received your online order. And they do not offer to fix the situation! person B: sorry to hear that. Sometimes there can be a technical problem person A: Yeah_comma_ it can be frustrating when the workers there just shrug their shoulders and offer nothing in return. person B: sorry about that_comma_ seems their customer service is not welcoming person A: I wish customer service was better these days. It is a declining service.
person A: I am very irritated at how my junior colleague never listens to instructions person B: Some people think they know all the answers. It's sad as they usually don't grow as much as people person A: If he does not behave himself_comma_ I am afraid I would have to write a query so that he is removed person B: I hope he does_comma_ for his sake. But I imagine he will come around
person A: I loaned my friend a good bit of money_comma_ but he does not seem to be in any rush to pay me back person B: If you report him to his wife_comma_ the shame will make him pay you back person A: He doesn't have one (go figure) so that won't work. I just wish I had considered it more beforehand person B: Then talk to someone that he respects maybe they will talk senses into his "head"
person A: When I was in high school_comma_ a few classmates and I cheated on a math test. I regret that too this day. person B: It's a chance to turn a new leaf by getting a high score even without cheating person A: That is true! I have vowed to never cheat_comma_ or help any cheat on anything as it is highly unethical. person B: That's good. The first step towards turning new is to resolve and take action.
person A: I am ready to testify in court against those wicked people that steal in the office everytime person B: Good for you! Stealing from anyone is a really bad offence. person A: I have proof and they don't know I instructed the security team to record any strange thing and I have it all in camera person B: Having proof is awesome_comma_ otherwise it would make your case a hard one to prove.
person A: Today someone at work at my lunch without permission person B: Wow_comma_ I would have been upset! How did you react? person A: I was very upset person B: Are they going to pay you back for it? person A: I never found out who it was unfortunately
person A: You ever get all A's back in highschool? I remember the first time I did_comma_ the looks on my parents faces. person B: Wow_comma_ you must have done lots of reading then? i dont get As all the time person A: Yeah_comma_ it was a lot of hardwork but it was worth it to blow away my teachers and family. person B: thats great. They now have confidence in you
person A: Did I ever tell you about the last day I got to spend with my grandmother? person B: No. I hope it was a pleasant day for you and not sad person A: It was_comma_ how peaceful she seemed really made me think. Am I going to be that calm when my time comes? person B: If you know where you're going then you should be person A: Heh_comma_ thats fair enough I suppose. Still makes you think I guess.
person A: My friends threw me a surprise birthday party last year! person B: That is very nice person A: It was! I was shocked and I felt very loved. person B: Did they brought any special gift?
person A: I broked something at home and everyonw blamed my brother. I didn't say anything. I feel bad about it. person B: That is terrible! Why did you blame him? person A: I didn't but everyone else did. I should tell the truth. person B: I'm glad you understand that now.
person A: One time_comma_ I was in the elevator with a couple people inside and I accidentally let out a fart. I could not wait to get out of there! person B: Oh lol_comma_ I'm sure it was embarrassing but it's happened to most_comma_ so understandable. person A: I know it that is a common scenario_comma_ but I could not stop thinking about that for the rest of the day! person B: I'm sure_comma_ I'd be the same way too!
person A: I am feeling very stoked right now. person B: Are you stoked about something good? person A: Yes I am. I will finally get to take my vacation next week. person B: That's great! Where are you headed for your vacation? person A: I will be heading to Hong Kong and Macau for a week. person B: Do you have anything you want to see there?
person A: I will always stay with my husband no matter what_comma_ be faithful because I vowed during marriage to be person B: I feel the same as long as I am treated with respect person A: Well_comma_ as a religious woman I feel it's non contestable_comma_ you pray for your partner even if he about to err person B: That is interesting
person A: When I order something online_comma_ I feel so impatient waiting to receive it person B: I have felt like that as well :) person A: I wish it was instant! lol person B: I think the reason is because we want to know if they would fit or not or if we made a mistake or not_comma_ that's how it is when it's not bought from a physical store
person A: My kid just completed his last year of high school_comma_ valedictorian and all! person B: Wow. You must be very proud person A: Extremely. He's been accepted to all kinds of colleges. Really had to work hard all four years! person B: I wonder if he was self motivated person A: I think so. He always strives to be the best_comma_ like his mother.
person A: My family went on a vacation without me because I had to study for final exams. I have to stay home by myself which feels a bit like I am living in exile. person B: Awh_comma_ that really bites. It's the worst when it feels like everyone is having fun without you. person A: Yea it really is. They seem like they are having a lot of fun_comma_ but I am doing what is best for me. person B: That's right! It will all pay off for you in a few years.
person A: I have a long trip to Florida coming up. Don't really like car rides. person B: What is it about them that you don't like so much? person A: Just hate sitting that long. Traffic jams give me anxiety. Bad expierence when I was a kiddo. person B: Ah yes_comma_ I know that feeling. Sitting in traffic is a major drag. I find that music or podcasts help it go by quicker person A: That might be a great idea. I do like listening to Bill Burr's podcast! He cracks me up. Thank you :D
person A: I am a bit freaked out at the moment. person B: Aww! Tell me about it will you? person A: My girlfriend showed me a very scary YouTube video last night and I can't stop thinking about how scary it was. person B: You should go to There's nothing there but cute and nice things to look at. It will ease your soul.
person A: I was checking out today at the grocery store and one of my items busted. It went everywhere and the cashier was so rude about it person B: That's very unfortunate. That cashier needs to find a job they actually like doing. person A: I was not a happy camper. She told me I could go and get the replacement item. person B: They're supposed to either do that for you or get someone else to
person A: I accidentally ran into a glass wall at work. D'oh :( person B: Are you ok? person A: I am. Just bruised pride is all_comma_ thankfully. It was not the best feeling having everyone stare at you person B: I understand. It is difficult to have everyone staring at you
person A: I am back to work tomorrow. I am happy to go back to work after a good vacation. person B: That's great! I don't know too many people who look forward to that. You must love your job person A: Yes_comma_ I love my job and my coworkers. I found it challenging. person B: Great! I wish I loved my job and work environment as much as you do
person A: My dog is 6 years old. He's my little boy. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. person B: I feel the same about my dog. They really are like family members. person A: lol. I know right? What are we gonna do when we lose them? person B: I will just think they are happily watching down over us and try to go on one day at a time. person A: That's a good way to think. I love that.
person A: I have a feeling of great accomplishment at the moment. person B: Oh really?! Tell me about it I'm excited to hear! person A: I studied very hard for my Korean language test and I passed it yesterday! person B: Oh that is freaking awesome! Congrats! How are you going to treat yourself??
person A: A good friend of mine organized an unexpected birthday celebration for me_comma_ it was very sweet of her to do that for me. person B: You must be a very special person to her. Is she single? person A: She is actually in a long term relationship. She is a considerate person though_comma_ which is cool. person B: Too bad_comma_ oh well_comma_ if things turn around in her status_comma_ you have someone in her that you can consider person A: It's good to have true friendships_comma_ always nice to depend on others when you need them.
person A: I am very uncertain if the fuel will be enough to drive me to the next station before I can buy person B: Oh no! I hope you can make it! person A: If it goes off. I might have to walk for 1 hour to the station person B: Whoa_comma_ that's quite a walk! I hope that doesn't happen. Do you have anyone to call for help? person A: There is no one to call because I am a visitor in this town
person A: I really thought the Doctor knew what he was talking about. After all he is a Doctor. person B: Oh no_comma_ what happened? person A: He was wrong about everything. I had believed him. person B: Who can blame you? We are taught to trust professionals.
person A: I am so sure that I will be able to buy my dream car in 2 months person B: Why's that? person A: I have worked so hard and I saved a large chunk of the money person B: Oh excellent. What is your dream car? person A: Oh it's actually an SUV_comma_ Chevrolet Suburban person B: Are you buying it outright? person A: Yes I am and I am so happy about it :) person B: What color are you shooting for?
person A: I finally saved up enough to build my very first PC after waiting several months for it! person B: That is a great accomplishment! person A: Indeed. I've been wanting to do it since I was a little kid. Of course_comma_ I have more money to spend now than I did back then person B: Congratulations_comma_ I'm sure it will be a good PC.
person A: I remember when my mom used to make Thanksgiving dinner. person B: Good memories I take it? I loved not having to make it myself person A: It meant so much to me. person B: Aw_comma_ well that's good that it did. I'm sure she wanted it to be!
person A: I felt bad for firing her person B: Was she a bad employee? person A: No she wasn't person B: Then what caused you to fire her? person A: She came to work late but I didn't acre to listen to her reason
person A: My family felt me alone for vacation at home. It was boring being alone. person B: sorry about that_comma_ you could have called a friend person A: Yes_comma_ I didn't think about that. I will do that next time. person B: yah_comma_ or get a comedy or get to watch a movie
person A: I remember being so happy when I was a child during Christmas. I loved opening presents with family and sharing that experience with them. person B: Yeah I remember those days too! What was your favorite gift from a family member? person A: I remember getting a Barbie doll that was the special holiday edition one. It was pretty rare and hard to find_comma_ but my grandma found it! person B: Go Grandma! What an awesome gift. I bet you were stoked! :D person A: Oh yes! I was smiling from ear to ear! I hugged my grandma so tight that day. person B: Excellent! Those thoughts are beautiful. Have a good day :)
person A: Got my suitcase packed. So ready to go! person B: How exciting! Do you know what your destination will be? person A: Yep! Going to panama city in florida. Taking a week off work! person B: Nice! It will be a good time to relax and enjoy the beach and nightlife! person A: Exactly! I can't wait!!! I hope you have a wonderful day :D
person A: I have a lot of anticipation in me right now. I will finally be able to get a new phone after all these years. person B: Oh_comma_ I know that feeling! I only just got my first decent smartphone this past year! person A: It feels so good to update/upgrade_comma_ doesn't it? I feel like I have been out of the loop for too long. person B: It's definitely different than what I was used to. It's crazy how fast technology upgrades. Sometimes I feel like a caveman.
person A: My friend just got a new girlfriend and I have no idea how he does it. It takes me months to find one_comma_ and it only takes him less than a week to find a good one! person B: I am sure you will find a great girl soon! person A: I hope so! I've been trying_comma_ but life tends to get in the way of course. person B: Just be patient and everything will fall into place.
person A: I am going to have back surgery next month. person B: Oh no! I hope it goes well as I've heard those can be tricky procedures person A: Thanks! I have faith that it be successful. person B: You'll be fine! Having hope is the best you can do
person A: I haven't been able to see Mission Impossible_comma_ I was supposed to go a few days ago. person B: Really? It is a fine movie person A: I've heard! My girlfriend made other plans instead of going with me to see it. person B: Ok. I understand person A: I'm glad we can talk like this. It sucks when she does this to me.
person A: A guy held a knife toward me person B: Oh my god. What did you do? person A: I defended meself person B: That's great_comma_ I hope you weren't hurt!
person A: My friend borrowed a book from me_comma_ but he went and lost it! It was one of my favorites too person B: Oh that's terrible. Did he say how he lost it? person A: Yea_comma_ he accidentally left it out in the rain. So of course it's no good anymore person B: Do you remember the title? Maybe you can get another copy.
person A: I saw an uncle I hadn't seen in awhile the other day person B: How was that for you? Are you close? person A: Not really. Made me remember old times when he used to live down here with us. He moved away. It was good to see him person B: I'll bet. It's always nice to see someone who can bring back good memories. person A: Yeah I know. It was good times. We drank beer and reminisced about old times!
person A: I am sad that I didn't drive my mother to the airport person B: Why? Was it because you didn't take those last few moments to spend time with her? Sometimes we have so much going on_comma_ we don't have time to do it all! person A: I had an emergency at work. I am a doctor and it was a life and death situation :( but now I regret because I could have assigned someone else and driven my mother because that was her life visit person B: Oh_comma_ no_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. You had no idea that would be the last visit_comma_ but I can understand how you would feel that way. I have no doubt she understood why you didn't though.
person A: My boyfriend's birthday is coming up and I want to plan a surprise party for him! person B: Ooh_comma_ that's cool! What did you have in mind? person A: I think I'll get everyone to wait at a restaurant and I'll tell him we're going to dinner and all his friends will be there! person B: That's a good idea. What restaurant were you thinkin?
person A: I'm starting a new job in September! person B: That's awesome. What kind of job? person A: It's a plant manager job so I hope I get along with everyone. I'm somewhat scared that I wont person B: You'll do great! That's right up your alley.
person A: I went into the ladies room at the store today. It was so gross. person B: I've never been in one_comma_ but I always assumed they were cleaner! person A: Not at all! Someone left a dirty diaper in the sink! person B: Ew_comma_ that's gross. Some people have no sense of decency.
person A: I am pretty happy today I would say. person B: Oh really? What's the good news? person A: I have been pining for a promotion at my workplace and I finally got it this afternoon! person B: That's great! What finally convinved the boss? person A: I think it was my streak of not making any mistakes over the last few months if nothing else haha. person B: It's good to get noticed for that. most of the time you only get attenton for messing up!
person A: I've had my eye on a new laptop for ages_comma_ but I could never afford it until now! person B: What model or brand of laptop were you considering? person A: ASUS. I've had a good luck streak with them that I hope will continue person B: Nice! So you've had a good experience with that brand?
person A: I am really looking forward to my special dinner with my partner! Our ten year anniversary is coming up! person B: That's fantastic! Congratulations! Is it at a restaurant or home prepared? person A: I made reservations at a restaurant with a beautiful view of the city. Very romantic and fancy! person B: That sounds awesome_comma_ honestly. I hope you enjoy it! person A: Thank you! It's nice to celebrate those milestones with your loved ones when you can.
person A: My favorite horse_comma_ Gracie_comma_ died the other day person B: Aww that's too bad. What was the cause? person A: Old age. I've had her since I was a child_comma_ so it's hard to take person B: That's pretty rough. Were her last years happy_comma_ at least?
person A: How can I work so hard and not get a raise meanwhile others colleagues are. I am so jealous what do I do? person B: I'm sorry you feel that way. If you feel that you do good_comma_ honest work_comma_ you should demand better pay! person A: My boss is just being mean because I have better qualifications than him. He often tells me it's not the qualification that counts but experience :( person B: If it's a personal matter_comma_ I would definitely take the issue over to human resources. It's better to stand up for yourself. person A: Ok_comma_ thanks for your advise_comma_ I will definitely do that
person A: My son recently won a swim meet and got first place for butterfly stroke person B: How long has he been a swimmer? person A: 3 years! It took a lot of training for him to get to this point! I'm so proud! person B: As you should be. I wish I liked to swim.
person A: My mom left me over night with some of her friends when I was 8 years old. I cried myself to sleep. It wasn't until later in life I realized she could have been possibly cheating on my dad. person B: Oh my gosh_comma_ that's such a heavy thing to think about. Did you ask her or confront her? person A: Yes_comma_ but she denies it. person B: Well_comma_ I hope they've figured it out together during this time. person A: They stayed together 39 years and then my dad passed.
person A: My mom decided to give me a precious family heirloom this past Christmas. It was quite unexpected! person B: That sounds like a wonderful surprise. Was it something that you had seen before? person A: Yes_comma_ I actually had seen my grandmother with it before. It is a beautiful jeweled ring. person B: Are you going to wear it or put it up for safe keeping? person A: I think I would be too nervous to wear it_comma_ so I will store it away for now.
person A: I had to renew my drivers license by taking a test. I really wanted to be ready for it. person B: Those tests can be stressful. How did you do? person A: I studied hard and was ready. Passed with flying colors. person B: Awesome! Congratulations! It is always nice to accomplish something like that.
person A: My pet hamster was eaten by a pit bull. person B: Sorry to hear that. How that happened? person A: My hamster got loose in the yard and my neighbors dog ate it. I can't handle this sadness. person B: I understand. Those thing happened from time to time.
person A: My sister was a little bit depressed_comma_ so I bought her gift to cheer her up. person B: That's so nice! What did you get her? person A: I bought a hotel stay for a weekend near the beach. I think that could help her. person B: Wow_comma_ that is really thoughtful.
person A: After dating my girlfriend for 3 years she still won't accept my marriage proposal_comma_ I am so angry with her person B: Ouch that's rough. Maybe she just isn't ready. person A: I think she is secretly cheating on me :( person B: Do you have any proof? If so you should bring it up to her. person A: She has been quite demanding lately_comma_ she wants to eat out in the most expensive resturants_comma_ she wants the most expensive cloths and jewelleris
person A: I am worried about having enough money for rent. person B: oh you mean not having enough to pay your rent? person A: Yeah I don't have many days left to get $100. person B: I am sure there is a special friend that can help you with that amount and when you have you can repay them back
person A: I lost my favorite watch the other day. person B: Oh no! Are you thinking about buying another one? person A: Unfortunatly_comma_ yes. But that one had a lot of meaning to me as it was my father's. It hurts to not have it anymore person B: The meaningfulness is definitely something you can never replace. I hope that it shows up_comma_ and if not_comma_ I hope this watch brings meaning to your life in new ways.
person A: Last year my mother took me grocery shopping for my birthday person B: Wow_comma_ that's... odd. Was it for a cake? person A: haha no. I'm 35 years old. I couldn't think of anything I wanted. So she bought my groceries. At this age I apprecite that kind of thing. person B: Hahaha Sorry I just assumed you were 5 years old or something. Yeah getting practical gifts is more appealing as one gets older. person A: Exactly! Was a wonderful surprise person B: What kind of things did you get? person A: Oh just stuff for my freezer and a lot of snacks. Milk_comma_ eggs_comma_ etc. A bunch of meat. Some toiletries. That stuff lasted me a few weeks! person B: These days that is a great gift_comma_ am I right?
person A: I lost a game of DoTA today! I can't believe it_comma_ it wasn't even my fault. person B: If it wasn't your fault_comma_ then what caused you to lose? person A: My stupid teammates all left the game. I was doing really well but couldn't win by myself. person B: Multiplayer games can be fun_comma_ but that's certainly a downfall to them!
person A: Once I went into a store only to realize that I had on two different shoes. person B: Oh my. How did that happen? person A: I was in a hurry and they did look similar. However it was obvious. person B: I see. Well it's an honest mistake. I've done different socks before
person A: My dog was dying of old age person B: You will be fine_comma_ just get a new one person A: Thanks but I won't. person B: I understand how you feel_comma_ I used to have one like that_comma_ when It passed away_comma_ I got a puppy of the same exact breed and gave it the same name. with a few month_comma_ It looked like the one that passed away so It helped me to forget
person A: I am shocked at how fast my hair is growing these days person B: Really? did you use marijuana ? person A: maybe that's the reason person B: Did you?
person A: In a few days I need to go to a company presentation and make a big speech! person B: Wow_comma_ I bet that's exciting_comma_ but also makes you a bit nervous. Congratulations though_comma_ I'm sure you are proud to do it! person A: I am! But_comma_ yes_comma_ you are right. I am extremely nervous about it. What if I mess up! person B: Well_comma_ I would probably feel the same way_comma_ but I'm sure you will be great. If they didn't have confidence in your abilities_comma_ they wouldn't have chosen you to do it!
person A: I ordered for a pizza_comma_she brought a hambugger_comma_i declined it _comma_she just yelled at me angrily person B: Oh no! I hope you were able to get over the disagreement. person A: Sure! It was uncalled for_comma_and unprofessional person B: Customer service is very important_comma_ and it seems like that place needs to work on that.
person A: I had my recent eye exam_comma_ and it went very well. person B: What's wrong with your sight? person A: I thought that maybe I needed new eyeglasses_comma_ but it turns out that everything was fine and I can see well. person B: That's good _comma_a speed recovery I must say.I commend the opticians person A: Yes_comma_ I felt good about my eye doctor's abilities to find anything that could be wrong.
person A: I am not so sure how I feel about buying a used car. person B: Well_comma_ if the milleage is not too much and the car is clean go for it person A: Yeah I just don't know enough about cars. person B: I think in situations like this_comma_ you can take someone that knows about cars along
person A: My wife just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I am going to be a proud father person B: Congratulations! That is such a big step in life. person A: yes it is :) person B: What is his name? person A: Obama
person A: I feel a bit down in the dumps now. person B: What's got you feeling down? person A: My computer suddenly stopped working yesterday_comma_ and I can't figure out why. person B: How inconvenient! Are you going to take it to a technician? person A: Yes_comma_ I think that is my logical next step to get it fixed. I hope they can fix it.
person A: This lady behind me in Target was driving me insane. I can't believe it. person B: What was she doing? person A: She was on her bluetooth screaming to the person she was talking to. So rude. person B: There is a lot of that type of behavior now. It's like people have lost their minds.
person A: I got take out and when I got home I had an extra dessert. I was quite pleased person B: That's awesome. What did you end up getting? person A: I wasn't expecting it but was glad to see it. I have quite the sweet tooth for chocolate cake. person B: I love chocolate cake! You'll have to save me some.
person A: All of my friends moved out of state after college_comma_ so I'm really the only one left person B: That can be sad_comma_ but luckily you can plan to visit them in the future. person A: I do! But_comma_ for now_comma_ I do miss them and it makes me feel sad that they aren't around in person. Social media does help_comma_ though person B: Yes_comma_ using social media really helps us connect with friends and family so much better.
person A: Ugh_comma_ it is so frustrating when you pay extra for express delivery and the shipping company messed up! person B: Oh yea_comma_ I've had it happen a few times. It's even worse when they "lose the package" for a while person A: Yes! That's why I have to stay on top of the package tracking because you never know when something could go wrong. person B: I don't blame you. I try to keep tabs on them because I don't trust they will be delivered in time. I also set up a camera to catch deliveries that don't deliver :} person A: That's a smart idea! Hopefully I don't encounter issues like this again in the future.
person A: I got my promotion_comma_ I am more than happy today person B: Congratulations! I'm sure it's well deserved! person A: Yes It is. I am super excited :) person B: How are you going to celebrate? person A: A small party with my family. You are also invited :)
person A: This is ridiculous. I have to take my car to the shop again. person B: I hate having car troubles! What is it this time? person A: Some jerk rear ended me and now I need body work done. The clown didn't even have insurance! Its insane what people get away with. person B: My sister is recently going through the exact same thing. It was frustrating for her for a while_comma_ but things are looking up for her! I'm sure they will for you as well.
person A: I am feeling warm with good memories. person B: Of what? person A: I watched a film the other night that reminded me of all the good times I had with my family when I was younger. person B: Nice reminiscent
person A: We had talked on phone a night before person B: Oh yeah? What about? person A: The news of the demise of a bossom friend I mean person B: Oh no_comma_ that is sad news indeed. I am sorry to hear that.
person A: I wish my friend didn't cancel on me last minute_comma_ I was really hoping she could go with me to that special concert. person B: That's a shame. Is there someone else who can go with you? I'm available. LOL person A: Thanks for the offer! Yeah_comma_ she just unexpectedly told me that she had a work obligation to attend instead. person B: I'm sure she really wanted to go. Sometimes we have to make choices we don't like. My offer still stands. person A: That's true. Thanks for reminding me about that.
person A: 5 person B: What was your experience like? person A: Looking through my picture albums really makes me relive so many memories. person B: I love looking at old photos_comma_ both happy and sad moments. person A: I know right. It can go either way. One minute your laughing then crying then both.
person A: I once saw a ghost in my living room! person B: Me too! What did yours look like? person A: It looked like a cloudy mist. I was so terrified! person B: Wow_comma_ that must've been really spoooky.
person A: I was told to wait for a call person B: hi person A: I waited till i got a call person B: not for the time
person A: I feel very good about myself now. person B: I'm happy to hear that person A: Thanks. I think it was a long time coming_comma_ so I am happy with the outcome. person B: You must've worked hard to get there
person A: I am angry because I didn't get served when it was my turn person B: What were you expected to be served? person A: chicken breast and some fries person B: So how did you handle it? person A: I left and went to the next eatry
person A: It was least expected though! person B: Why is that? and what was person A: Was promoted barely a months of joining my new company person B: Congratulations. You must have the gods smiling on you
person A: My nephew just had his birthday party_comma_ and I loved seeing how happy he gets when he opens his gifts. person B: Happy birthday to him! What did he get? person A: He got some awesome gifts like LEGO sets and color books. He really is creative! person B: I bet_comma_ those sound like awesome presents! person A: It's just so cool to see how happy children can be in their pure moments.
person A: In the past year_comma_ I was caught cheating on my wife. person B: That's awful. Did you have to cheat? person A: No_comma_ I just felt very remorseful about it. person B: I hope she has forgiven you then
person A: I was feeling really sick earlier today. I thought I was going to die. person B: Oh_comma_ no! I hope you are feeling better! Did you go to the doctor to see why? person A: I didn't need to! My girlfriend made me soup and took care of me all day. She's so sweet. person B: That was very sweet and thoughtful too. Glad you're better!
person A: I am proud to have helped the company grow to what it is today. It's time for me to retire after 20 years of decicated service person B: Wow_comma_ that's a long time! Kudos to you. It's hard for me to imagine being in one place for that long person A: Thanks_comma_ the pay and conditions were just right that's why I stayed person B: Yea_comma_ benefits and pay seem to be the common motivators. I'm glad it worked out so well for you!
person A: Speaking of_comma_ I start a new job tomorrow and I can't sleep. It makes me nervous person B: You will be alright_comma_ it's always like that person A: Yes_comma_ and I hate it. I wish I could just turn that off sometimes. person B: Think about the positive aspects of this_comma_ you are moving forward
person A: I feel pretty bad about some things I have done. person B: Really? What sort of things have you done that make you feel that way? person A: I drank a bit too much the other night and accidentally destroyed some things. person B: That sucks_comma_ hopefully nothing you can't replace. I'd suggest getting some help if your drinking has become distructive.
person A: Last night was terrible! I heard a huge noise and was so scared I almost pooped my pants. person B: Why? What happened? person A: I thought someone was breaking in my house! But it was only my cats being crazy. person B: I see. lol. I hate cats_comma_ sorry
person A: Why won't I get angry at you for not passing your exams person B: OK _comma_why would you in the first place? person A: Because I have spent 40000USD so far on your tuition and living expenses person B: Well _comma_you played hard! But did you work hard? person A: Young man_comma_ don't patronize me. I work for the money not you!
person A: 3 person B: That's ok person A: Not just that _comma_but my important documents that's worth a fortune person B: Tell me all about it
person A: I feel very good about my relationship with my partner. My partner values my opinion about things. person B: ok_comma_ so sweet person A: It makes me feel confident that I can truly confide in them about anything without them judging me. person B: your confident to very best of luck person A: Thanks. It's nice to have important relationships in your life. person B: yes_comma_ my patner is very important relationship.
person A: I am feeling very spooked at the moment. person B: Sorry about that_comma_ what is wrong person A: Nothing serious_comma_ but I watched a horror film last night and it was very scary. person B: sorry_comma_ those horror movies can scare you to death.
person A: Hey! The weekend is coming up :D person B: Are you high young man? It's just wednesday..hahaha person A: It is not hump day! I was just going to tell you I hope you have a great weeked :) You got any big plans? person B: Oh ok_comma_ I understand. Well_comma_ I have this girl that I have been wanting to date. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend this weekend person A: Oh that's awesome! Good luck! I'm sure she'll say yes!
person A: t's not unexpected that you are the best person B: This is true. I have often been told that I am the best. person A: I am not suprised because I paid for top quality education person B: Where do you go to school?
person A: I witnessed a man eat an entire 3 foot burrito the other day. person B: Whoa! What was in that burrito? person A: It was filled with only refried beans and guacamole. It was the grossest thing I have seen. person B: Wow_comma_ that's a food challenge type of thing! Did they get anything out of it?