person A: I got onions on my burger I order today and I hate onions person B: Why did you ask for onions then? person A: Obviously I didn't ask for them person B: Oh I was confused. person A: I specifically asked for no onions person B: Well did you get your money back? person A: I got a new burger but my apetite was ruined by then
person A: I've been feeling down since my pet died. person B: Im sorry to hear that. person A: Thank you. I hope I feel better soon. person B: It will get better. I know that is a tough thing.
person A: MY new neighbors have a nice car. person B: Oh yeah? What kind of car? person A: An infiniti. My old volvo is the worst on the block person B: Hey at least it is still a car_comma_ don't feel bad. person A: I just haate that everyone is doing better than me. Im petty
person A: I was shy when starting a new school. I did not know anyine person B: Oh I know what you mean! Its so weird because for that first month or so you like dont even fit in.. person A: Yeah_comma_ I felt like that for awhile person B: I hope you eventually made friends! I know how much it stinks to feel left out of everything
person A: My street almost flooded very bad up to my garage because of the heavy rain today. I have things in my garage that I wouldnt want to get wet and didnt even think it could flood. person B: I do hate flooding as well person A: Yeah expecially when its unexpected_comma_ like my house is about a foot above the level of the street but the storm drains go to a river which also floods so the drains dont work_comma_ I actually thing water from the river comes back through the drains! person B: Thank goodness nothing flooded then
person A: I used to be the skinny one in my friend group. person B: What happened? person A: They lost weight and I gained some lol person B: You can lose weight too. person A: If I could I wouldnt be having this conversation person B: Have you tried? person A: Yes but I am failing miserably
person A: MY daughter painted me a picture the other day person B: Did you love it? That was sweet person A: It looked like something from a museum. I was really proud. person B: Maybe she should take some art courses. person A: Maybe she doesnt need to lol person B: Maybe not lol
person A: I am worried that my neighbor is starving his dogs. person B: That's no good. Are you going to report him to the police? person A: The police don't even care if people shoot eachother here. All I can do is call AC but they are corrupt too. I don't know what to do besides call AC and hope they care. He hasn't let them outside in days and he has a bad mental illness. person B: Yeah_comma_ mentally ill people shouldn't even be allowed to have dogs. There should be a screening process.
person A: Last night I ate 12 buckets of KFC. Feels bad man. person B: Oh my lord! How are you still alive? person A: I am really not sure. I have an iron stomach built to digest pounds upon pounds of KFC. Although I did feel guilty of my gluttony. person B: Be careful! You can puncture your stomach like that and not make it. It happens to those with bulemia all the time. Stay safe!
person A: I was a little nervous for placement testing person B: How do you think you did once you took the test? person A: I am not sure. I was sweating I was so nervous person B: I am sure you knocked that test out of the park - sweat or not.
person A: My birthday is tomorrow and I am so stoked! I can't sleep because I am so hyped. person B: Awesome! Happy Birthday. What are you going to do? person A: I am going to the bowling alley with some friends and family! person B: That sounds like a great plan!
person A: Its been almost a year since my granny passed. I miss her so much person B: I'm sorry. I bet you you miss her. That is so hard. person A: We had a party for her birthday last month. It was lie she was there. We played her favorite music person B: That sounds like a really good idea to do.
person A: I have been working really hard in school lately. person B: That's a good thing. person A: Yes. I have a test coming up and I am sure I will ace it! person B: That's really good. What class is it? person A: 5 person B: 5? person A: Sorry about that. I hit some wrong keys. It is a psychology class. person B: Psychology made me sleepy lol
person A: I miss living in the city. person B: Did you move to the country? person A: Not really. Further outside of the city though. The neighborhood was getting rough. person B: Well you have to be safe person A: Plus I have kids person B: Then you definitely have to be dafe person A: I think you mean safe person B: Of course lol
person A: Im glad I still have my parents around person B: Some people are less fortunate person A: That's true. I still get to be a baby sometimes. person B: Well you should cherish them and let them know how you feel. person A: I do. Every day
person A: I felt alone when my friends were gone for the summer. I felt like I had no one to hang with person B: oh no_comma_ what did you do person A: I found some hobbies and eventually got through it person B: wow you are a brave soul
person A: I was hopeful when the raptors got khawi leonard person B: They might win the east person A: i hope so! person B: They should be pretty good
person A: I felt contentment when my brother was going to get married. I just felt glad for him person B: Congrats for your brother! When is the wedding? person A: Its coming up in the fall person B: Fall is a wonderful time to have it. Are you going to be the best man?
person A: I lied to my friend that I was busy last Friday night_comma_ but really all I wanted to do was stay home. person B: Staying in is good sometimes person A: I really enjoy it. Most of the time I just want to Netflix and chill. person B: Netflix is always nice
person A: I am going to meet up with a special friend I haven't seen for years person B: Well that's nice. What are you going to do? person A: We are meeting for breakfast on Saturday person B: That's pretty cool. I don't see my friends much since I moved.
person A: I always donate my old things person B: That is commendable. I try to person A: I think its better to give some things instead of selling them. person B: I absolutely agree person A: I just sent some uniforms up to my kids old school. I would hate for some kids to not have uniforms.
person A: i was happy when Lebron signed with the lakers,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4888,2,joyful,i was happy when Lebron signed with the lakers,390,Oh yeah! So was I. That was so awesome! ,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4888,3,joyful,i was happy when Lebron signed with the lakers,238,yea i hope they take down the warriors,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4888,4,joyful,i was happy when Lebron signed with the lakers,390,Woo hoo! That would be so awesome! ,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4889,1,anxious,I was on my way to the eye doctor yesterday and thought I left on time. I wound up being 15 minutes late despite frantically driving like a madman. ,390,I get so frantic when I am late for appointments. I had an eye doctor appointment and was 15 minutes late. ,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4889,2,anxious,I was on my way to the eye doctor yesterday and thought I left on time. I wound up being 15 minutes late despite frantically driving like a madman. ,238,what ended up happening,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4889,3,anxious,I was on my way to the eye doctor yesterday and thought I left on time. I wound up being 15 minutes late despite frantically driving like a madman. ,390,I thought the eye doctor was going to be upset_comma_ but they were fine with it. ,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2444_conv:4889,4,anxious,I was on my way to the eye doctor yesterday and thought I left on time. I wound up being 15 minutes late despite frantically driving like a madman. ,238,oh thats cool,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4890,1,faithful,I have always shopped at the stores who give me good customer service.,27,Good customer service is important to me.,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4890,2,faithful,I have always shopped at the stores who give me good customer service.,209,It's important to me too_comma_ since I work in customer service. ,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4890,3,faithful,I have always shopped at the stores who give me good customer service.,27,I have always stayed loyal to stores who have great customer service. I can't spend my money somewhere where I am treated poorly,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4890,4,faithful,I have always shopped at the stores who give me good customer service.,209,I know. The customer is always right! Or so they teach us.,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4890,5,faithful,I have always shopped at the stores who give me good customer service.,27,To an extent. You just don't have to be rude when people just want help,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4891,1,prepared,I have an interview for my potential job tomorrow. Been practicing in front of a mirror all day.,209,I have an interview for my potential job tomorrow and have been practicing in front of the mirror all day.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4891,2,prepared,I have an interview for my potential job tomorrow. Been practicing in front of a mirror all day.,27,I hope you get the job. Just don't be nervous . It shoes.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4891,3,prepared,I have an interview for my potential job tomorrow. Been practicing in front of a mirror all day.,209,I feel quite prepared. Hopefully all this practicing pays off.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2445_conv:4891,4,prepared,I have an interview for my potential job tomorrow. Been practicing in front of a mirror all day.,27,Good luck. ,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4892,1,terrified,I went skydiving the other day and was so scared to hop out of the plane. It was a chilling experience.,209,I went skydiving the other day and was so frightened to take the leap out of the plane.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4892,2,terrified,I went skydiving the other day and was so scared to hop out of the plane. It was a chilling experience.,269,I feel you_comma_ that feeling is the worse.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4892,3,terrified,I went skydiving the other day and was so scared to hop out of the plane. It was a chilling experience.,209,It was indeed. I took the jump and was screaming the whole way down.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4892,4,terrified,I went skydiving the other day and was so scared to hop out of the plane. It was a chilling experience.,269,It's like that feeling when you hit a bump on the road but 100x worse!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4893,1,jealous,Whenever I see a very expensive car on the road_comma_ I get so envious! One day...,269,Whenever I see a very expensive car on the road_comma_ I get so envious! One day...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4893,2,jealous,Whenever I see a very expensive car on the road_comma_ I get so envious! One day...,209,I do too. What is your ultimate dream car?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4893,3,jealous,Whenever I see a very expensive car on the road_comma_ I get so envious! One day...,269,I love Porsches!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2446_conv:4893,4,jealous,Whenever I see a very expensive car on the road_comma_ I get so envious! One day...,209,Porches are pretty nice. Not nice as Ford sedans_comma_ though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4894,1,prepared,I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!,269,I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4894,2,prepared,I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!,209,Sounds pretty neat! Where are you going to hike?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4894,3,prepared,I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!,269,A local trail about 5 mi from us. Last time I went_comma_ I forgot so many things. I am more than prepared this time!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4894,4,prepared,I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!,209,That's good to hear. Just don't forget that bug spray!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4895,1,guilty,I ate 24 burritos at Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.,209,So_comma_ I have a dark confession to make. I ate 24 burritos from Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4895,2,guilty,I ate 24 burritos at Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.,269,I hate overeating especially when I'm on a diet. I feel so guilty about it all the time.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4895,3,guilty,I ate 24 burritos at Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.,209,I know_comma_ felt the same thing yesterday. They had to lift me to my car because I couldn't move at all.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2447_conv:4895,4,guilty,I ate 24 burritos at Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.,269,24 burritos_comma_ my god. You are a eating terminator!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4896,1,guilty,I managed to bag 50 squirrels when I was hunting yesterday. Kinda felt bad for the little critters.,209,I managed to bag 50 squirrels the other day when I was hunting. I felt marginally bad.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4896,2,guilty,I managed to bag 50 squirrels when I was hunting yesterday. Kinda felt bad for the little critters.,269,Are you going to eat them?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4896,3,guilty,I managed to bag 50 squirrels when I was hunting yesterday. Kinda felt bad for the little critters.,209,Of course! I am going to make a 25 pound squirrel pot pie and submit it to the country fair. I am also planning on making an exquisite fur coat to sell on etsy. I hope some hillbilly will buy it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4896,4,guilty,I managed to bag 50 squirrels when I was hunting yesterday. Kinda felt bad for the little critters.,269,Hillbillies love that stuff! They love roadkill hahaha,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4897,1,disgusted,I stepped in dried dog poop today on my way to my car. It was so nasty!,269,I stepped in dried dog poop today on my way to my car. It was so nasty!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4897,2,disgusted,I stepped in dried dog poop today on my way to my car. It was so nasty!,209,Dang_comma_ that is some nasty stuff. Did you take your shoe and shove it in the face of your sworn enemies?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4897,3,disgusted,I stepped in dried dog poop today on my way to my car. It was so nasty!,269,Haha_comma_ maybe next time,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2448_conv:4897,4,disgusted,I stepped in dried dog poop today on my way to my car. It was so nasty!,209,I guess you shouldn't clean the poop off your shoe then. Save it for when the time comes.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4898,1,impressed,My son spoke his first word yesterday. I was so proud.,209,My son spoke his first word yesterday. I was so impressed and proud.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4898,2,impressed,My son spoke his first word yesterday. I was so proud.,269,Congrats! How old is your son?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4898,3,impressed,My son spoke his first word yesterday. I was so proud.,209,He turns 1 this month! He is growing up so fast.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4898,4,impressed,My son spoke his first word yesterday. I was so proud.,269,What was his first word?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4899,1,excited,I can't wait to get paid on Saturday! I worked overtime 4 times this weekend and my check should be fat!,269,I can't wait to get paid on Saturday! I worked overtime 4 times this weekend and my check should be fat!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4899,2,excited,I can't wait to get paid on Saturday! I worked overtime 4 times this weekend and my check should be fat!,209,Dang_comma_ those are some long hours_comma_ my friend. Do you work in a Nike sweatshop? I hear they have some primo health benefits.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4899,3,excited,I can't wait to get paid on Saturday! I worked overtime 4 times this weekend and my check should be fat!,269,Yes I get great health benefits but I also love money!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2449_conv:4899,4,excited,I can't wait to get paid on Saturday! I worked overtime 4 times this weekend and my check should be fat!,209,I love money too. Are you planning on spending it on anything once you get those fat stacks?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4900,1,prepared,I felt ready when I went to work,238,I felt ready when I went to work,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4900,2,prepared,I felt ready when I went to work,9,Work is always so boring for me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4900,3,prepared,I felt ready when I went to work,238,thats why when you got your stuff in order you can knock it out,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4900,4,prepared,I felt ready when I went to work,9,Work is always miserable for me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4901,1,grateful,I was really glad I got to keep my computer when I moved.,9,I was really happen I got to keep my computer when i moved.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4901,2,grateful,I was really glad I got to keep my computer when I moved.,238,why is that,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4901,3,grateful,I was really glad I got to keep my computer when I moved.,9,I did not think my girlfriend would let me take it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2450_conv:4901,4,grateful,I was really glad I got to keep my computer when I moved.,238,dont let her control you!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4902,1,grateful,I love that my extended family likes to keep everyone together,267,I love that my extended family likes to keep everyone together,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4902,2,grateful,I love that my extended family likes to keep everyone together,389,Yes that is awesome! I bet it makes for good times!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4902,3,grateful,I love that my extended family likes to keep everyone together,267,It really does. They always plan the best activities,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4902,4,grateful,I love that my extended family likes to keep everyone together,389,Are the children having fun with each other?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4903,1,guilty,Said something mean to someone on facebook,389,I was under the influence and facebooking LOL. Not something that should go together but I was kinda mean to an ex coworker when she asked me to write a letter of recommendation for her,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4903,2,guilty,Said something mean to someone on facebook,267,oh wow. Haha Did you talk to them and make it right?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4903,3,guilty,Said something mean to someone on facebook,389,Yeah I sure did. felt bad the next day after I had seen the conversation. I then wrote that letter she wanted.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2451_conv:4903,4,guilty,Said something mean to someone on facebook,267,That is great of you,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4904,1,furious,I was upset when I didnt win the lottery!,238,I was upset when i didnt win the lottery!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4904,2,furious,I was upset when I didnt win the lottery!,269,That sucks_comma_ I hope you win next time!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4904,3,furious,I was upset when I didnt win the lottery!,238,#metoo,5|5|5_5|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2452_conv:4904,4,furious,I was upset when I didnt win the lottery!,269,Just don't get too addicted and turn into a degenerate gambler!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4905,1,anxious,Public speaking makes me so nervous! I get very sweaty and start to shake uncontrollably...,269,Public speaking makes me so nervous! I get very sweaty and start to shake uncontrollably...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4905,2,anxious,Public speaking makes me so nervous! I get very sweaty and start to shake uncontrollably...,238,I hear ya.. practice makes perfect tho!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4905,3,anxious,Public speaking makes me so nervous! I get very sweaty and start to shake uncontrollably...,269,I'm trying to improve with self help books and online courses,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2452_conv:4905,4,anxious,Public speaking makes me so nervous! I get very sweaty and start to shake uncontrollably...,238,good luck with that_comma_ i hope it works out!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4906,1,prepared,My wedding is tomorrow and I've been practicing my vows. Feel so ready for this day!,209,My wedding is tomorrow and I've been going over my vows over and over. Never felt so ready!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4906,2,prepared,My wedding is tomorrow and I've been practicing my vows. Feel so ready for this day!,27,Congratulations,5|5|5_5|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2453_conv:4906,3,prepared,My wedding is tomorrow and I've been practicing my vows. Feel so ready for this day!,209,Thanks man. Feels like I've been preparing for this day my whole life.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4906,4,prepared,My wedding is tomorrow and I've been practicing my vows. Feel so ready for this day!,27,How long you been together?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4907,1,anxious,I can't wait to find a new show to bing on,27,I ove binge watching tv shows,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4907,2,anxious,I can't wait to find a new show to bing on,209,Me too. What kind of tv shows?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4907,3,anxious,I can't wait to find a new show to bing on,27,I love dramas. They leave you with a cliffhanger but you can watch the next show immediately lol,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4907,4,anxious,I can't wait to find a new show to bing on,209,Yeah_comma_ seems like all tv shows are like that. My favorite is the Teletubbies.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2453_conv:4907,5,anxious,I can't wait to find a new show to bing on,27,Does that still come on?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4908,1,grateful,I am so thankful for simple things like clean water_comma_ some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!,269,I am so thankful for simple things like clean water_comma_ some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4908,2,grateful,I am so thankful for simple things like clean water_comma_ some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!,52,tell me about it! It's good that you appreciate these things,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4908,3,grateful,I am so thankful for simple things like clean water_comma_ some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!,269,I feel so grateful. I usually take the simple things in life for granted...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4908,4,grateful,I am so thankful for simple things like clean water_comma_ some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!,52,It's hard not to! We get used to all the nice things we have,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4909,1,ashamed,I gained so much weight ,52,i gained so much weight and i look so horrible... it's embarrasing,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4909,2,ashamed,I gained so much weight ,269,I know that feeling! Eating is so addicting...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4909,3,ashamed,I gained so much weight ,52,yes_comma_ and i also stress eat. i can't control it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2454_conv:4909,4,ashamed,I gained so much weight ,269,Me too_comma_ you are not alone. It's a very common problem,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4910,1,grateful,I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood,267,I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4910,2,grateful,I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood,238,how long have you been there?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4910,3,grateful,I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood,267,3 years. Costs more than I can afford but my kids are safe,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4910,4,grateful,I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood,238,thats what matters,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4911,1,faithful,I believe the lakers will crush the warriors!,238,I believe the lakers will crush the warriors!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4911,2,faithful,I believe the lakers will crush the warriors!,267,You really think so? ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4911,3,faithful,I believe the lakers will crush the warriors!,238,no but i hope so!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2455_conv:4911,4,faithful,I believe the lakers will crush the warriors!,267,I do too honestly,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2456_conv:4913,1,grateful,I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?,269,I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2456_conv:4913,2,grateful,I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?,221,I couldn't. I would love to be able to walk to work_comma_ but it's just too far.,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2456_conv:4913,3,grateful,I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?,269,Me too_comma_ everything is so far nowadays. I am so grateful!,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2456_conv:4913,4,grateful,I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?,221,If we had a better public transportation system where I live_comma_ I'd probably choose that over cars.,5|5|5_3|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4914,1,surprised,My son used the potty all by himself today,27,MY son went to the potty all by himself today.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4914,2,surprised,My son used the potty all by himself today,238,oh thats awesome_comma_,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4914,3,surprised,My son used the potty all by himself today,27,I ws surprised because he is so stubborn,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4914,4,surprised,My son used the potty all by himself today,238,thats usually when it happens,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4914,5,surprised,My son used the potty all by himself today,27,I wonder how he will do tomorrow,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4915,1,excited,I am happy that the NFL season is starting!,238,I am happy that the NFL season is starting!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4915,2,excited,I am happy that the NFL season is starting!,27,I only watch when guys are around. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4915,3,excited,I am happy that the NFL season is starting!,238,oh thats cool,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2457_conv:4915,4,excited,I am happy that the NFL season is starting!,27,And beer.. There has to be beer.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4916,1,sentimental,Had to leave my dog with a sitter for a couple days,389,I had to attend a funeral and left my dog with a sitter. When I came home 2 days later he was so happy to see me! It warmed my heart ;),5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4916,2,sentimental,Had to leave my dog with a sitter for a couple days,262,Dogs are loyal like that.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4916,3,sentimental,Had to leave my dog with a sitter for a couple days,389,I loved it. He is so sweet. Do you have any dogs?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4916,4,sentimental,Had to leave my dog with a sitter for a couple days,262,I did when I was a kid. Her name was Terror. she was nice though,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,1,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,262,It is so loney out here. My closest neighbor is two miles away,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,2,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,389,Hey that makes for peaceful living doesn't it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,3,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,262,Its lonely and I always think I'm going to be murdered and end up on 20/20,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,4,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,389,Wow. WHY? LOL. That's crazy,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,5,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,262,I watch those shows too much,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,6,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,389,haha. Murder documentaries are my favorite too.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2458_conv:4917,7,lonely,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,262,They are too good to not watch.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4918,1,content,I don't have a car anymore but I'm ok with that. I'm perfectly fine with my bike because everything I need is very close to me,269,I don't have a car anymore but I'm ok with that. I'm perfectly fine with my bike because everything I need is very close to me,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4918,2,content,I don't have a car anymore but I'm ok with that. I'm perfectly fine with my bike because everything I need is very close to me,277,That is a great place to be. Sometimes less is more. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4918,3,content,I don't have a car anymore but I'm ok with that. I'm perfectly fine with my bike because everything I need is very close to me,269,I agree. I am perfectly content with having to ride a bike at the moment.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4918,4,content,I don't have a car anymore but I'm ok with that. I'm perfectly fine with my bike because everything I need is very close to me,277,That is an awesome outlook on life. It is important to be content with what you have.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4919,1,faithful,I have always and will always be true to my loved ones. I would never jeopardize their trust.,277,I have always and will always be true to my loved ones. I would never jeopardize their trust.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4919,2,faithful,I have always and will always be true to my loved ones. I would never jeopardize their trust.,269,You sound like a very faithful and loyal person!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4919,3,faithful,I have always and will always be true to my loved ones. I would never jeopardize their trust.,277,I strive to be that kind of person. It is quite important to me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2459_conv:4919,4,faithful,I have always and will always be true to my loved ones. I would never jeopardize their trust.,269,Those are some great qualities to have_comma_ that's for sure.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2460_conv:4921,1,content,Feeling lucky to not have plans,267,Feeling lucky to not have plans,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2460_conv:4921,2,content,Feeling lucky to not have plans,221,I like not having plans too. I enjoy just relaxing sometimes.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2460_conv:4921,3,content,Feeling lucky to not have plans,267,You got that right,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2460_conv:4921,4,content,Feeling lucky to not have plans,221,I had plans today_comma_ but they got canceled. I wasn't too upset haha,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2461_conv:4922,1,devastated,My dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I'm really worried what this will mean for his health going forward. He's in his mid-60's and I want him to live as long as possible_comma_ but this obviously gets in the way of that.,273,My dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I'm really worried what this will mean for his health going forward. He's in his mid-60's and I want him to live as long as possible_comma_ but this obviously gets in the way of that.,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:2461_conv:4922,2,devastated,My dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I'm really worried what this will mean for his health going forward. He's in his mid-60's and I want him to live as long as possible_comma_ but this obviously gets in the way of that.,269,My dad has diabetes too but he was born with it. I heard veggies help a lot.,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:2461_conv:4922,3,devastated,My dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I'm really worried what this will mean for his health going forward. He's in his mid-60's and I want him to live as long as possible_comma_ but this obviously gets in the way of that.,273,Yeah_comma_ my dad has never been a veggies guy. Always sneaking too many desserts. He had a stroke earlier on in his life_comma_ too_comma_ which has always hampered him_comma_ and I think the medications for his heart condition led to the development of the diabetes. I feel sad for him.,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:2461_conv:4922,4,devastated,My dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I'm really worried what this will mean for his health going forward. He's in his mid-60's and I want him to live as long as possible_comma_ but this obviously gets in the way of that.,269,Sounds like a very stressful time for you. I hope everything turns out well and wish you the best of luck,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:2461_conv:4923,1,annoyed,There has been a fly in my room that won't stop landing on my face. I am about to lose it...,269,There has been a fly in my room that won't stop landing on my face. I am about to lose it...,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2461_conv:4923,2,annoyed,There has been a fly in my room that won't stop landing on my face. I am about to lose it...,273,That's one of those things that never gets old to complain about_comma_ because it's one of life's time-tested annoyances. And what's worse is you open the door or window for them_comma_ and they still refuse to leave...,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2461_conv:4923,3,annoyed,There has been a fly in my room that won't stop landing on my face. I am about to lose it...,269,I know!!! It's like the fly loves to annoy me lol,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2461_conv:4923,4,annoyed,There has been a fly in my room that won't stop landing on my face. I am about to lose it...,273,And you never have a fly-swatter when you need one. Like_comma_ who keeps one of those around? Although I always have flip-flops because I live near the coast_comma_ so that makes a decent fly-swatter.,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2462_conv:4924,1,disgusted,So_comma_ I was eating dinner and my dad kept laughing during it_comma_ and I wondered why. Turns out he accidentally dropped the plate of meat on the ground outside after grilling it_comma_ but decided to serve it to us anyway!,273,So_comma_ I was eating dinner and my dad kept laughing during it_comma_ and I wondered why. Turns out he accidentally dropped the plate of meat on the ground outside after grilling it_comma_ but decided to serve it to us anyway!,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2462_conv:4924,2,disgusted,So_comma_ I was eating dinner and my dad kept laughing during it_comma_ and I wondered why. Turns out he accidentally dropped the plate of meat on the ground outside after grilling it_comma_ but decided to serve it to us anyway!,27,That is hilarious,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2462_conv:4924,3,disgusted,So_comma_ I was eating dinner and my dad kept laughing during it_comma_ and I wondered why. Turns out he accidentally dropped the plate of meat on the ground outside after grilling it_comma_ but decided to serve it to us anyway!,273,Not to me it wasn't! I felt like something was off about the taste_comma_ too_comma_ like there was little grains of dirt or gravel or rock or something. And now I feel gross thinking about what else it could have touched_comma_ since our dogs poop in that yard.,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2462_conv:4924,4,disgusted,So_comma_ I was eating dinner and my dad kept laughing during it_comma_ and I wondered why. Turns out he accidentally dropped the plate of meat on the ground outside after grilling it_comma_ but decided to serve it to us anyway!,27,OH no. Im sorry I laughed then.,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2462_conv:4925,1,guilty,I ate all of the ice cream before my kids could even have any.,27,I ate all of the ice cream last night.,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2462_conv:4925,2,guilty,I ate all of the ice cream before my kids could even have any.,273,All of it! Dang.. I bet someone wasn't happy about that. Unless you live alone_comma_ in which case_comma_ no big deal. Did you just feel like eating it_comma_ or were you feeling sad about something?,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2462_conv:4925,3,guilty,I ate all of the ice cream before my kids could even have any.,27,I don't know. I do feel bad though because my kids didn't get any. Now I have to buy more,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2462_conv:4925,4,guilty,I ate all of the ice cream before my kids could even have any.,273,Ah_comma_ the kids. Well_comma_ maybe that's a good excuse for them to skip the sugar for a few days. I'm sure you'll make it up to them anyhow.,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2462_conv:4925,5,guilty,I ate all of the ice cream before my kids could even have any.,27,They don't need any sugar anyways,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2463_conv:4926,1,confident,I am going to get a new car this year. I just know it,262,Im geting a new car this year.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4926,2,confident,I am going to get a new car this year. I just know it,269,Nice_comma_ what type of car?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4926,3,confident,I am going to get a new car this year. I just know it,262,I don't know. I don't have any money yet either. I jus know I am determined to get one before the year is over,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4926,4,confident,I am going to get a new car this year. I just know it,269,Nice_comma_ it all starts with determination first. I believe in you man!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4926,5,confident,I am going to get a new car this year. I just know it,262,See that's it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4927,1,sad,My mom has been very depressed lately with her work lately. They randomly changed her schedule and she is having a hard time adapting.,269,My mom has been very depressed lately with her work lately. They randomly changed her schedule and she is having a hard time adapting.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4927,2,sad,My mom has been very depressed lately with her work lately. They randomly changed her schedule and she is having a hard time adapting.,262,that sucks,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4927,3,sad,My mom has been very depressed lately with her work lately. They randomly changed her schedule and she is having a hard time adapting.,269,Yeah_comma_ she's not getting any younger too.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2463_conv:4927,4,sad,My mom has been very depressed lately with her work lately. They randomly changed her schedule and she is having a hard time adapting.,262,Tell her its okay,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2464_conv:4928,1,devastated,I can't believe they didn't open our pool the entire summer. My kids were so hurt.,27,WE didn't swim all summer!,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2464_conv:4928,2,devastated,I can't believe they didn't open our pool the entire summer. My kids were so hurt.,221,That sucks! Why not?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2464_conv:4928,3,devastated,I can't believe they didn't open our pool the entire summer. My kids were so hurt.,27,They never opened our pool.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2464_conv:4928,4,devastated,I can't believe they didn't open our pool the entire summer. My kids were so hurt.,221,Dang. It's so hot_comma_ swimming seems to be the only way to beat the heat.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2464_conv:4928,5,devastated,I can't believe they didn't open our pool the entire summer. My kids were so hurt.,27,I know and my kids really wanted to,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4930,1,nostalgic,I love watching old movies I've seen a long time ago. I notice things I didn't pick up on when I was young. It was like reliving the past.,269,I love watching old movies I've seen a long time ago. I notice things I didn't pick up on when I was young. It was like reliving the past.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4930,2,nostalgic,I love watching old movies I've seen a long time ago. I notice things I didn't pick up on when I was young. It was like reliving the past.,262,Me too. I do it all the time,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4930,3,nostalgic,I love watching old movies I've seen a long time ago. I notice things I didn't pick up on when I was young. It was like reliving the past.,269,It was a very nostalgic for sure.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4930,4,nostalgic,I love watching old movies I've seen a long time ago. I notice things I didn't pick up on when I was young. It was like reliving the past.,262,Im like that with food too,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4931,1,disgusted,My neighbors have trash all over their yard. I hate that,262,My neigbors are terrible,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4931,2,disgusted,My neighbors have trash all over their yard. I hate that,269,What's wrong with them?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4931,3,disgusted,My neighbors have trash all over their yard. I hate that,262,They leave trash everywhere and so do their guests.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4931,4,disgusted,My neighbors have trash all over their yard. I hate that,269,That is so gross_comma_ tell them to clean up after themselves?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2465_conv:4931,5,disgusted,My neighbors have trash all over their yard. I hate that,262,I don't want to start a fight though,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2466_conv:4932,1,apprehensive,I'm not sure I like my new job',27,I work in retail_comma_ but the otems arent that hot and the staff is rude.,5|5|5_2|2|5, hit:2466_conv:4932,2,apprehensive,I'm not sure I like my new job',209,That really sucks man. Why don't you get a new job?,5|5|5_2|2|5, hit:2466_conv:4932,3,apprehensive,I'm not sure I like my new job',27,I am. I dread going there tomorrow,5|5|5_2|2|5, hit:2466_conv:4932,4,apprehensive,I'm not sure I like my new job',209,Oh wow. What kind of job did you pick up?,5|5|5_2|2|5, hit:2466_conv:4933,1,proud,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so happy and impressed.,209,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so proud.,2|2|5_5|5|5, hit:2466_conv:4933,2,proud,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so happy and impressed.,27,that;s terrible,2|2|5_5|5|5, hit:2466_conv:4933,3,proud,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so happy and impressed.,209,What? No it isn't. It's good that she is learning how to talk.,2|2|5_5|5|5, hit:2466_conv:4933,4,proud,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so happy and impressed.,27,I think the chat is messing up. I saw something about someone being in the hospital sorry. First words are awesome,2|2|5_5|5|5, hit:2467_conv:4934,1,trusting,I left my friend my house key while we went on vacation.,262,My best friend is awesome.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2467_conv:4934,2,trusting,I left my friend my house key while we went on vacation.,221,So is mine! What makes yours awesome?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2467_conv:4934,3,trusting,I left my friend my house key while we went on vacation.,262,I gave her my key while I was on vacation. I don't have any plants but she made sure no one broke into my house lol,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2467_conv:4934,4,trusting,I left my friend my house key while we went on vacation.,221,Haha that is awesome.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2467_conv:4934,5,trusting,I left my friend my house key while we went on vacation.,262,Told ya,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2468_conv:4936,1,terrified,I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!,269,I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2468_conv:4936,2,terrified,I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!,126,I do not like those movies because of that,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2468_conv:4936,3,terrified,I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!,269,Yeah_comma_ I don't know what I was thinking.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2468_conv:4936,4,terrified,I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!,126,I guess try and forget about it,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2468_conv:4937,1,disappointed,I was really let down when my aunt did not make my graduation. I really wanted her to be there,126,I was let down when my aunt missed my graduation. I really wanted her tehre,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2468_conv:4937,2,disappointed,I was really let down when my aunt did not make my graduation. I really wanted her to be there,269,Why was she not there?,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2468_conv:4937,3,disappointed,I was really let down when my aunt did not make my graduation. I really wanted her to be there,126,She lived far away,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2468_conv:4937,4,disappointed,I was really let down when my aunt did not make my graduation. I really wanted her to be there,269,I guess that's understandable then. I doubt it was personal.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2469_conv:4938,1,surprised,I got a visit from my uncle I wasn't expecting,267,I got a visit from my uncle I wasn't expecting,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2469_conv:4938,2,surprised,I got a visit from my uncle I wasn't expecting,45,Well_comma_ I guess that might have been a nice surprise?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2469_conv:4938,3,surprised,I got a visit from my uncle I wasn't expecting,267,it really was,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2469_conv:4938,4,surprised,I got a visit from my uncle I wasn't expecting,45,That's great! Did you catch up or go do fun things together_comma_ perhaps both?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4940,1,proud,I was happy when my shift was over,238,I was happy when my shift was over,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4940,2,proud,I was happy when my shift was over,267,I can undersatnd that. Big plans or just relax?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4940,3,proud,I was happy when my shift was over,238,just big plans to get hoMEEEEE!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4940,4,proud,I was happy when my shift was over,267,sounds great,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4941,1,joyful,I start camp this weekend!,267,I start camp this weekend,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4941,2,joyful,I start camp this weekend!,238,band camp? you know what happens at band camp.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4941,3,joyful,I start camp this weekend!,267,I am going to be a camp counselor,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2470_conv:4941,4,joyful,I start camp this weekend!,238,thats what im talking about!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2471_conv:4942,1,prepared,I am so ready for the camping trip this coming weekend. I made a list of what I need and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything.,269,I am so ready for the camping trip this coming weekend. I made a list of what I need and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2471_conv:4942,2,prepared,I am so ready for the camping trip this coming weekend. I made a list of what I need and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything.,327,where are you going camping?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2471_conv:4942,3,prepared,I am so ready for the camping trip this coming weekend. I made a list of what I need and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything.,269,The Great Smokey Mountains National Park_comma_ it's like 15 minutes from where I live. I am so prepared for it_comma_ it should be fun!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2471_conv:4942,4,prepared,I am so ready for the camping trip this coming weekend. I made a list of what I need and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything.,327,it must be nice to live in such a beautiful place,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2472_conv:4944,1,jealous,I was envious when a friend got a car I wanted. It just made me mad,126,I was very envious when my friend got a new car that I wanted. It was just maddening,3|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2472_conv:4944,2,jealous,I was envious when a friend got a car I wanted. It just made me mad,238,what kinda car?,3|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2472_conv:4944,3,jealous,I was envious when a friend got a car I wanted. It just made me mad,126,It was a 4runner,3|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2472_conv:4944,4,jealous,I was envious when a friend got a car I wanted. It just made me mad,238,thats cool,3|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2472_conv:4945,1,surprised,i was irked when the lakers got Lebron,238,i was irked when the lakers got Lebron,5|5|5_3|2|3, hit:2472_conv:4945,2,surprised,i was irked when the lakers got Lebron,126,They wont win anything,5|5|5_3|2|3, hit:2472_conv:4945,3,surprised,i was irked when the lakers got Lebron,238,they will when curry brakes his ankles,5|5|5_3|2|3, hit:2472_conv:4945,4,surprised,i was irked when the lakers got Lebron,126,They have 4 other stars,5|5|5_3|2|3, hit:2473_conv:4946,1,trusting,I know my neighbor will return my lawnmower in it's normal condition.,20,I am sure my neighbor will return my lawnmower in it's original condition.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4946,2,trusting,I know my neighbor will return my lawnmower in it's normal condition.,27,Let's hope so.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4946,3,trusting,I know my neighbor will return my lawnmower in it's normal condition.,20,I have faith he will. He is a good person.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4946,4,trusting,I know my neighbor will return my lawnmower in it's normal condition.,27,Well that's good. I wouldnt trust my neighbor with my ice cube tray,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4947,1,guilty,I dont want anyone to live near me. I want my building to be like my house.,27,I don't like anyone in my apartment unit.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4947,2,guilty,I dont want anyone to live near me. I want my building to be like my house.,20,Not even friends or faimly?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4947,3,guilty,I dont want anyone to live near me. I want my building to be like my house.,27,My family doesn't live here. My neighbors are terrible and I wish I lived in this unit alone.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4947,4,guilty,I dont want anyone to live near me. I want my building to be like my house.,20,Do you not like your room mate?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2473_conv:4947,5,guilty,I dont want anyone to live near me. I want my building to be like my house.,27,I don't have one. I know its bad but I just want this building to myself.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4948,1,guilty,Yesterday when I went to work I forgot to let my dog back inside. He ended up running away and we didn't find him until the next morning.,243,I forgot to let my dog back inside yesterday before I went to work.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4948,2,guilty,Yesterday when I went to work I forgot to let my dog back inside. He ended up running away and we didn't find him until the next morning.,238,oh yea did he run away?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4948,3,guilty,Yesterday when I went to work I forgot to let my dog back inside. He ended up running away and we didn't find him until the next morning.,243,Yes he did and we did not find him until the next morning. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4948,4,guilty,Yesterday when I went to work I forgot to let my dog back inside. He ended up running away and we didn't find him until the next morning.,238,oh thats good,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4949,1,excited,I was happy to see Lebron leave leave the cavs,238,I was happy to see Lebron leave leave the cavs,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4949,2,excited,I was happy to see Lebron leave leave the cavs,243,Why is that? Do you like him or do you like the Cavs?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4949,3,excited,I was happy to see Lebron leave leave the cavs,238,i hate the cavs and dan gilbert!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2474_conv:4949,4,excited,I was happy to see Lebron leave leave the cavs,243,Okay then now I understand why you are happy.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4950,1,grateful,I can't believe that I have such kind parents,267,I can't believe that I have such kind parents,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4950,2,grateful,I can't believe that I have such kind parents,296,That is a great thing! What do they do?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4950,3,grateful,I can't believe that I have such kind parents,267,They are always there for me and my kids,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4950,4,grateful,I can't believe that I have such kind parents,296,You are so lucky. Treasure them! Forgive easily :),5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4951,1,sad,I was sad at how mad I got at my mom when she threw my vitamins away,296,I also have a great parent. However I got a bit too mad at her when she threw away a lot of moneys worth of special vitamins accidentally.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4951,2,sad,I was sad at how mad I got at my mom when she threw my vitamins away,267,oh no that is not cool,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4951,3,sad,I was sad at how mad I got at my mom when she threw my vitamins away,296,No. I am poor so it's a big deal. However she did it absent minded-ly as they were in a big package. Still- I shouldn't have gotten so mad,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2475_conv:4951,4,sad,I was sad at how mad I got at my mom when she threw my vitamins away,267,I commend you for admitting your fault in it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4952,1,ashamed,I was saddened when my dad got arrested. I just felt shame,126,I was saddened when my dad got in trouble. It just gave me some shame,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4952,2,ashamed,I was saddened when my dad got arrested. I just felt shame,269,What did he do if you don't mind me asking?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4952,3,ashamed,I was saddened when my dad got arrested. I just felt shame,126,He got a dwi,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4952,4,ashamed,I was saddened when my dad got arrested. I just felt shame,269,Was it his first offense?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4953,1,guilty,I ran a blatant red light today. I felt so bad about it afterwards because someone could have gotten seriously hurt.,269,I ran a blatant red light today. I felt so bad about it afterwards because someone could have gotten seriously hurt.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4953,2,guilty,I ran a blatant red light today. I felt so bad about it afterwards because someone could have gotten seriously hurt.,126,Its okay_comma_ you can learn from it,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4953,3,guilty,I ran a blatant red light today. I felt so bad about it afterwards because someone could have gotten seriously hurt.,269,I'm trying not to beat myself over it but I can't stop feeling so guilty over it. ,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2476_conv:4953,4,guilty,I ran a blatant red light today. I felt so bad about it afterwards because someone could have gotten seriously hurt.,126,You will feel better tomorrow,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4954,1,surprised,My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!,269,My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4954,2,surprised,My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!,277,That sounds great! You must have felt amazing! Was it your birthday?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4954,3,surprised,My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!,269,No but I got a promotion at my job recently and I did post about it on social media. The promotion and the party was definitely a surprise.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4954,4,surprised,My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!,277,Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4955,1,guilty,Yesterday I did something at work that I am not too proud of. I went in my coworkers desk and took some supplies. Now_comma_ it is eating me up inside..,277,Yesterday I did something at work that I am not too proud of. I went in my coworkers desk and took some supplies. Now_comma_ it is eating me up inside.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4955,2,guilty,Yesterday I did something at work that I am not too proud of. I went in my coworkers desk and took some supplies. Now_comma_ it is eating me up inside..,269,I bet you felt guilty about it afterwards. Just let them know you needed it really bad at the moment and maybe return it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4955,3,guilty,Yesterday I did something at work that I am not too proud of. I went in my coworkers desk and took some supplies. Now_comma_ it is eating me up inside..,277,Yeah_comma_ it probably is best to just confess. I don't know if I could deal with it otherwise.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2477_conv:4955,4,guilty,Yesterday I did something at work that I am not too proud of. I went in my coworkers desk and took some supplies. Now_comma_ it is eating me up inside..,269,Yes! You will feel so much better afterwards,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2478_conv:4956,1,disappointed,I was supposed to go to my son's graduation from AIT. My parents said I could ride with them. But I couldn't bring my service dog,388,I was going to go to my son's AIT graduation with my parents. And then they said I could go but I couldn't take my service dog.,4|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2478_conv:4956,2,disappointed,I was supposed to go to my son's graduation from AIT. My parents said I could ride with them. But I couldn't bring my service dog,27,That's not fair,4|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2478_conv:4956,3,disappointed,I was supposed to go to my son's graduation from AIT. My parents said I could ride with them. But I couldn't bring my service dog,388,Not at all. They don't believe I have the disabilities nor do I need a service dog,4|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2478_conv:4956,4,disappointed,I was supposed to go to my son's graduation from AIT. My parents said I could ride with them. But I couldn't bring my service dog,27,That's not their choice though.,4|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2478_conv:4956,5,disappointed,I was supposed to go to my son's graduation from AIT. My parents said I could ride with them. But I couldn't bring my service dog,388,It's not my choice either. I love my service dog but honestly I wish I had him as a pet and didn't need him as a service dog,4|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2478_conv:4957,1,disappointed,MY sister got fired and just refuses to look for a job. ,27,MY sister was recently fired.,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2478_conv:4957,2,disappointed,MY sister got fired and just refuses to look for a job. ,388,Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2478_conv:4957,3,disappointed,MY sister got fired and just refuses to look for a job. ,27,What's worse is she refuses to look for work now,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2478_conv:4957,4,disappointed,MY sister got fired and just refuses to look for a job. ,388,That's not good. Why is she refusing?,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2478_conv:4957,5,disappointed,MY sister got fired and just refuses to look for a job. ,27,Just being lazy I guess. Im not going to support her.,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2479_conv:4958,1,nostalgic,I am listening to some music I loved 5 years ago. I feel like traveled back in time_comma_ I miss the old days...,269,I am listening to some music I loved 5 years ago. I feel like traveled back in time_comma_ I miss the old days...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4958,2,nostalgic,I am listening to some music I loved 5 years ago. I feel like traveled back in time_comma_ I miss the old days...,389,That always makes me feel nostalgic too. What kind of music is it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4958,3,nostalgic,I am listening to some music I loved 5 years ago. I feel like traveled back in time_comma_ I miss the old days...,269,Electronic Dance Music,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4958,4,nostalgic,I am listening to some music I loved 5 years ago. I feel like traveled back in time_comma_ I miss the old days...,389,Cool. What kind of memories does it remind you of back in the day?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4959,1,caring,Just the other day went to a funeral,389,Had to attend a funeral of a family member in another state. I haven't seen some of my family in a couple years or more. It was nice getting to see them again.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4959,2,caring,Just the other day went to a funeral,269,It was nice seeing them dead right? Just kidding_comma_ I know you meant other people at the funeral haha,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4959,3,caring,Just the other day went to a funeral,389,haha yeah. I didn't really know the deceased that well but my closer family asked me to be a pallbearer. It was about a 5 hour drive to get there so it wasn't bad. Haven't seen those people in forever.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4959,4,caring,Just the other day went to a funeral,269,What is a pallbearer??,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2479_conv:4959,5,caring,Just the other day went to a funeral,389,The people that carry the casket,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4960,1,jealous,My brother got a new computer.,9,My brother got a brand new computer!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4960,2,jealous,My brother got a new computer.,388,That's awesome! What kind?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4960,3,jealous,My brother got a new computer.,9,It's not awesome_comma_ because I did not get one.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4960,4,jealous,My brother got a new computer.,388,Oh. I am very sorry to hear that. Did your parents buy it for him?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4961,1,excited,My son won a contest. As part of him winning we got to go to an NFL game,388,My son won a contest and we got to go to an NFL game,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4961,2,excited,My son won a contest. As part of him winning we got to go to an NFL game,9,that actually sounds pretty amazing.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4961,3,excited,My son won a contest. As part of him winning we got to go to an NFL game,388,It was awesome! Our tickets were on the 50 yard line right by the tv people,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2480_conv:4961,4,excited,My son won a contest. As part of him winning we got to go to an NFL game,9,I hope one day to have great seats like that.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2481_conv:4962,1,disappointed,I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down_comma_ again.,269,I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down_comma_ again.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2481_conv:4962,2,disappointed,I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down_comma_ again.,126,Its okay_comma_ you can learn from it,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2481_conv:4962,3,disappointed,I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down_comma_ again.,269,I am so disappointed in myself. I can never do anything right!,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2481_conv:4962,4,disappointed,I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down_comma_ again.,126,Dont be so hard on yourseld,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2481_conv:4962,5,disappointed,I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down_comma_ again.,269,What is ziplining?,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2481_conv:4963,1,excited,I was so happy when we were going to a new movie I wanted to see. I had waited all summer,126,I was happy when we were going to a new movie last weekend. I had waited all summer for it,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2481_conv:4963,2,excited,I was so happy when we were going to a new movie I wanted to see. I had waited all summer,269,What movie was it?,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2481_conv:4963,3,excited,I was so happy when we were going to a new movie I wanted to see. I had waited all summer,126,Thew new mission impossible,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2482_conv:4965,1,terrified,I am pretty worried about being home alone,267,I am pretty worried about being home alone,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2482_conv:4965,2,terrified,I am pretty worried about being home alone,391,are you living alone in general or do you get anxious when you are alone?,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2482_conv:4965,3,terrified,I am pretty worried about being home alone,267,I am living alone with my kids but they will just be gone for the weekend,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2482_conv:4965,4,terrified,I am pretty worried about being home alone,391,aww_comma_ sorry to hear that. Dont worry_comma_ everything will be fine soon.,5|5|5_4|3|4, hit:2483_conv:4966,1,sad,My two dogs got into a fight with each other_comma_ and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies_comma_ so it kind of bothers me that they did that.,273,My two dogs got into a fight with each other_comma_ and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies_comma_ so it kind of bothers me that they did that,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2483_conv:4966,2,sad,My two dogs got into a fight with each other_comma_ and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies_comma_ so it kind of bothers me that they did that.,243,That is too bad. Are they getting along now.,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2483_conv:4966,3,sad,My two dogs got into a fight with each other_comma_ and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies_comma_ so it kind of bothers me that they did that.,273,Not quite. They're not aggressive with one another_comma_ but they still haven't completely gotten back to the point where they're acting normal. I guess it's just a matter of time. They've been together four years_comma_ and that was the worst fight yet.,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2483_conv:4966,4,sad,My two dogs got into a fight with each other_comma_ and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies_comma_ so it kind of bothers me that they did that.,243,Are they okay now?,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2483_conv:4966,5,sad,My two dogs got into a fight with each other_comma_ and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies_comma_ so it kind of bothers me that they did that.,273,Yeah_comma_ they're fine. Thanks for asking!,3|3|3_5|5|5, hit:2483_conv:4967,1,guilty,I went to the store the other day and left without paying for some candy.,243,I went to the store the other day and made a mistake.,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2483_conv:4967,2,guilty,I went to the store the other day and left without paying for some candy.,273,The sounds like it might be bad... What was the mistake? Maybe you're overthinking it!,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2483_conv:4967,3,guilty,I went to the store the other day and left without paying for some candy.,243,I left with some candy that I forgot to pay for.,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2483_conv:4967,4,guilty,I went to the store the other day and left without paying for some candy.,273,Oh_comma_ that? That's big deal. Everyone has done that at least once. You're definitely overthinking it. People make mistakes. What kind of candy bar was it?,5|5|5_3|3|3, hit:2484_conv:4968,1,lonely,Here I am_comma_ another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?,269,Here I am_comma_ another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4968,2,lonely,Here I am_comma_ another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?,9,I often dream of ending my own life because of being alone.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4968,3,lonely,Here I am_comma_ another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?,269,Yeah_comma_ I get those thoughts sometimes too but I feel like doing that would be so selfish. We need to think of our family and friends and how much they care about us,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4968,4,lonely,Here I am_comma_ another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?,9,I often times wish I didn't have any family and friends_comma_ would make things easier.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4969,1,hopeful,I pray that the sun rises for another day for me.,9,I pray that the sun rises for another day for me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4969,2,hopeful,I pray that the sun rises for another day for me.,269,Stay positive and hopeful! What's wrong ?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4969,3,hopeful,I pray that the sun rises for another day for me.,9,I gave everything I had to my relationship with another human_comma_ and in the end I was just thrown away. I can only pray it'll get better.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2484_conv:4969,4,hopeful,I pray that the sun rises for another day for me.,269,I know that feeling of getting used. I hope we both find solice,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2485_conv:4970,1,afraid,I had to get medical tests done. And then I had to wait for the dr to call back with results,388,I had to get some medical tests done. Waiting for the results killed me.,2|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2485_conv:4970,2,afraid,I had to get medical tests done. And then I had to wait for the dr to call back with results,269,Do you think you did good?,2|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2485_conv:4970,3,afraid,I had to get medical tests done. And then I had to wait for the dr to call back with results,388,Well... the tests showed I had cancer so...,2|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2485_conv:4970,4,afraid,I had to get medical tests done. And then I had to wait for the dr to call back with results,269,Well that escalated quickyl,2|2|3_5|5|5, hit:2485_conv:4971,1,annoyed,I can't seem to keep any weight off. My friends can keep whatever they want and not gain anything! I am so frustrated...,269,I can't seem to keep any weight off. My friends can keep whatever they want and not gain anything! I am so frustrated...,5|5|5_2|2|3, hit:2485_conv:4971,2,annoyed,I can't seem to keep any weight off. My friends can keep whatever they want and not gain anything! I am so frustrated...,388,I am sorry to hear that. Do you know the reason why?,5|5|5_2|2|3, hit:2485_conv:4971,3,annoyed,I can't seem to keep any weight off. My friends can keep whatever they want and not gain anything! I am so frustrated...,269,I think it has something to do with my metabolism. Not really sure to be honest.,5|5|5_2|2|3, hit:2485_conv:4971,4,annoyed,I can't seem to keep any weight off. My friends can keep whatever they want and not gain anything! I am so frustrated...,388,Perhaps talking to your doctor would be a good idea?,5|5|5_2|2|3, hit:2486_conv:4972,1,caring,I get to babysit for my niece this weekend,267,I get to babysit for my niece this weekend,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2486_conv:4972,2,caring,I get to babysit for my niece this weekend,228,That sounds like so much fun? How old is she?,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2486_conv:4972,3,caring,I get to babysit for my niece this weekend,267,She is 7 months old,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2486_conv:4972,4,caring,I get to babysit for my niece this weekend,228,Awe! They are so cute at that age. I have a granddaughter that is 6 month old.,5|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2486_conv:4973,1,furious, My son used to be so stubborn about getting up in the morning and gong to school. It would make me so angry. It was always a huge fight. I'm so glad he has grown out of that..,228,My son used to give me such a hard time in the morning when he had to get up for school.,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2486_conv:4973,2,furious, My son used to be so stubborn about getting up in the morning and gong to school. It would make me so angry. It was always a huge fight. I'm so glad he has grown out of that..,267,I experience that too. It is frustrating,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2486_conv:4973,3,furious, My son used to be so stubborn about getting up in the morning and gong to school. It would make me so angry. It was always a huge fight. I'm so glad he has grown out of that..,228,Thank goodness since he has gotten older he has grown out of that. ,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2486_conv:4973,4,furious, My son used to be so stubborn about getting up in the morning and gong to school. It would make me so angry. It was always a huge fight. I'm so glad he has grown out of that..,267,That is good to hear,4|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4974,1,content,Sometimes I hate my life because of certain circumstances but I've learned to be happy with what I have. I just need to be more grateful I think,269,Sometimes I hate my life because of certain circumstances but I've learned to be happy with what I have. I just need to be more grateful I think,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4974,2,content,Sometimes I hate my life because of certain circumstances but I've learned to be happy with what I have. I just need to be more grateful I think,126,You do just need to accept it,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4974,3,content,Sometimes I hate my life because of certain circumstances but I've learned to be happy with what I have. I just need to be more grateful I think,269,Yeah_comma_ I've been learning to be content with what I have and who I am.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4974,4,content,Sometimes I hate my life because of certain circumstances but I've learned to be happy with what I have. I just need to be more grateful I think,126,Be glad of who you are as well,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4975,1,surprised,I was so excited in a unexpected way when my brother came to my graduation. I did not expect him,126,I was excited in a surprising way when my brother came to my graduation. I was not expecting him there,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4975,2,surprised,I was so excited in a unexpected way when my brother came to my graduation. I did not expect him,269,That's cool. How long has it been?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4975,3,surprised,I was so excited in a unexpected way when my brother came to my graduation. I did not expect him,126,It was a decade ago,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2487_conv:4975,4,surprised,I was so excited in a unexpected way when my brother came to my graduation. I did not expect him,269,Wow_comma_ that's a long time ago,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4976,1,faithful,One of my best friend's friend was telling me rumors about my best friend. I didn't believe them and stuck up for my best friend.,388,One of my best friend's other friends was talking bad about her to me.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4976,2,faithful,One of my best friend's friend was telling me rumors about my best friend. I didn't believe them and stuck up for my best friend.,389,Aww that's awful. How did you handle it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4976,3,faithful,One of my best friend's friend was telling me rumors about my best friend. I didn't believe them and stuck up for my best friend.,388,I told the girl that she was wrong about what she was saying about my best friend. And then told my best friend what happened.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4976,4,faithful,One of my best friend's friend was telling me rumors about my best friend. I didn't believe them and stuck up for my best friend.,389,Yikes. Sorry you had to go through that. How did your best friend take it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4976,5,faithful,One of my best friend's friend was telling me rumors about my best friend. I didn't believe them and stuck up for my best friend.,388,She was grateful I told her and confronted the other girl.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4977,1,content,Sitting on the beach in Panama City,389,Have you ever just sat on the beach for a whole day? It's so relaxing.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4977,2,content,Sitting on the beach in Panama City,388,I used to live right by the beach. You just described my daily life.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4977,3,content,Sitting on the beach in Panama City,389,Aww! So lucky! A couple years ago I had to drive 9 hours just to get to the beach LOL. Worth it though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2488_conv:4977,4,content,Sitting on the beach in Panama City,388,I definitely miss it! And you are totally right. It is worth that drive.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4978,1,caring,I get to snuggle all day with my little boy tomorrow,267,I get to snuggle all day with my little boy tomorrow,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4978,2,caring,I get to snuggle all day with my little boy tomorrow,388,Aww I miss my kids being little and having snuggle parties!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4978,3,caring,I get to snuggle all day with my little boy tomorrow,267,He had a fever at school this afternoon so they won't let him go even though he is feeling better,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4978,4,caring,I get to snuggle all day with my little boy tomorrow,388,I am glad he is feeling better!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4979,1,nostalgic,My 20th class reunion was last year. It was nice to catch up with everyone,388,I had my 20th class reunion last year,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4979,2,nostalgic,My 20th class reunion was last year. It was nice to catch up with everyone,267,that sounds exciting. Did a lot of people show?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4979,3,nostalgic,My 20th class reunion was last year. It was nice to catch up with everyone,388,Yeah. About half of our class. It was nice to catch up with everyone,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2489_conv:4979,4,nostalgic,My 20th class reunion was last year. It was nice to catch up with everyone,267,Awesome. I bet that was fun,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2490_conv:4980,1,confident,I am very convinced that I have severe trust issues. It's really hurting my relationships with other people.,269,I am very convinced that I have severe trust issues. It's really hurting my relationships with other people.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2490_conv:4980,2,confident,I am very convinced that I have severe trust issues. It's really hurting my relationships with other people.,45,I'm sorry! I can relate to that to some level_comma_ as I often feel leery of other's intentions as well. Any reason why?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2490_conv:4980,3,confident,I am very convinced that I have severe trust issues. It's really hurting my relationships with other people.,269,I am confident that it's because of my past relationships. Hopefully_comma_ I can learn to trust people more someday,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2490_conv:4980,4,confident,I am very convinced that I have severe trust issues. It's really hurting my relationships with other people.,45,Yes_comma_ it will take some time and being with a person that is worth your trust_comma_ but it can happen. Best of luck!,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:2491_conv:4982,1,grateful,I had food_comma_ water_comma_ and a place to sleep last night. I need to be more thankful for stuff like that that I take for granted...,269,I had food_comma_ water_comma_ and a place to sleep last night. I need to be more thankful for stuff like that that I take for granted...,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2491_conv:4982,2,grateful,I had food_comma_ water_comma_ and a place to sleep last night. I need to be more thankful for stuff like that that I take for granted...,126,Its nice to appreciate things like that,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2491_conv:4982,3,grateful,I had food_comma_ water_comma_ and a place to sleep last night. I need to be more thankful for stuff like that that I take for granted...,269,Some people don't have the necessities and when I feel so down I try to be more grateful,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2491_conv:4982,4,grateful,I had food_comma_ water_comma_ and a place to sleep last night. I need to be more thankful for stuff like that that I take for granted...,126,Its always nice to be grateful in life,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2491_conv:4983,1,furious,I was so mad when my mom wanted divorce my dad. He did not deserve that,126,I was mad when my mom wanted to get a divorce. My dad did so much for her,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2491_conv:4983,2,furious,I was so mad when my mom wanted divorce my dad. He did not deserve that,269,Wow_comma_ she is so selfish,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2491_conv:4983,3,furious,I was so mad when my mom wanted divorce my dad. He did not deserve that,126,She was and I am not sure why she wanted to do that,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2491_conv:4983,4,furious,I was so mad when my mom wanted divorce my dad. He did not deserve that,269,Try to convince her to change her mind!!,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4984,1,hopeful,hoping the lakers crush the warriors!,238,hoping the lakers crush the warriors!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4984,2,hopeful,hoping the lakers crush the warriors!,389,LOL I'm not a fan of NBA that much but I do know I don't like Golden State,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4984,3,hopeful,hoping the lakers crush the warriors!,238,i like you already,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4984,4,hopeful,hoping the lakers crush the warriors!,389,Until I tell you I'm a UK fan? LOL,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4985,1,sad,Had to attend a funeral 2 days ago,389,I had to drive 5 hours the other day to attend a funeral of a cousin of mine. It was a sad day. Got to see family though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4985,2,sad,Had to attend a funeral 2 days ago,238,oh im sorry to here that. always good to see family,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4985,3,sad,Had to attend a funeral 2 days ago,389,Yeah. Seems like they're dropping like flies up there. Won't have much family left in illinois if this keeps happening,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2492_conv:4985,4,sad,Had to attend a funeral 2 days ago,238,hopefully things get better for you,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4986,1,nostalgic,I remember when my mom made me a birthday cake. That takes me back.,322,I remember back when my mom made me a birthday cake.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4986,2,nostalgic,I remember when my mom made me a birthday cake. That takes me back.,388,That's so nice of her! What flavor was it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4986,3,nostalgic,I remember when my mom made me a birthday cake. That takes me back.,322,It was a German chocolate cake. It really takes me back.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4986,4,nostalgic,I remember when my mom made me a birthday cake. That takes me back.,388,Is that your favorite kind of cake?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4987,1,disgusted,My ex roommate wouldn't clean. He would only take 1 shower a week as well.,388,My ex roommate was so nasty. He refused to clean and only showered once a week,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4987,2,disgusted,My ex roommate wouldn't clean. He would only take 1 shower a week as well.,322,That is so disgusting! What did you do?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4987,3,disgusted,My ex roommate wouldn't clean. He would only take 1 shower a week as well.,388,I refused to clean up after him. And I made sure I was there as little as possible. He smelled so bad_comma_',5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2493_conv:4987,4,disgusted,My ex roommate wouldn't clean. He would only take 1 shower a week as well.,322,That must have been a terrible situation.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2494_conv:4988,1,sad,I was very sad when my grandma passed away. It was very random,126,I was sad when my grandma passed away. It was so random,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2494_conv:4988,2,sad,I was very sad when my grandma passed away. It was very random,269,How old was she?,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2494_conv:4988,3,sad,I was very sad when my grandma passed away. It was very random,126,She was in her 60s,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2494_conv:4988,4,sad,I was very sad when my grandma passed away. It was very random,269,Wow_comma_ that's pretty young for an elder. She is in a better place now,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2494_conv:4989,1,impressed,Some random guy at the gas station asked me if I wanted to see a ninja flip so I thought it can't hurt to see what he was talking about for a few seconds. He did the most insane flip I have ever seen in my life!,269,Some random guy at the gas station asked me if I wanted to see a ninja flip so I thought it can't hurt to see what he was talking about for a few seconds. He did the most insane flip I have ever seen in my life!,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2494_conv:4989,2,impressed,Some random guy at the gas station asked me if I wanted to see a ninja flip so I thought it can't hurt to see what he was talking about for a few seconds. He did the most insane flip I have ever seen in my life!,126,That is very random but very cool,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2494_conv:4989,3,impressed,Some random guy at the gas station asked me if I wanted to see a ninja flip so I thought it can't hurt to see what he was talking about for a few seconds. He did the most insane flip I have ever seen in my life!,269,Yeah I know. It takes a lot to impress me so I was pretty moved haha,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2494_conv:4989,4,impressed,Some random guy at the gas station asked me if I wanted to see a ninja flip so I thought it can't hurt to see what he was talking about for a few seconds. He did the most insane flip I have ever seen in my life!,126,I bet it was fun to see that,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2495_conv:4990,1,hopeful,I'm still single. I am optimistic that I will find the one for me soon...,269,I'm still single. I am optimistic that I will find the one for me soon...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4990,2,hopeful,I'm still single. I am optimistic that I will find the one for me soon...,267,I am too. I don't go out much so maybe you should make sure you do that,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4990,3,hopeful,I'm still single. I am optimistic that I will find the one for me soon...,269,Me too_comma_ I'm trying to do that,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4990,4,hopeful,I'm still single. I am optimistic that I will find the one for me soon...,267,Make a point to do it even if you don't think you want to. you will never regret it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4991,1,surprised,I didnt expect to see my cousin at the wedding,267,Make a point to do that even if you don’t feel like it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4991,2,surprised,I didnt expect to see my cousin at the wedding,269,It's hard to do it when your mind is playing tricks with you,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4991,3,surprised,I didnt expect to see my cousin at the wedding,267,I can totally relate,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2495_conv:4991,4,surprised,I didnt expect to see my cousin at the wedding,269,I just hate rejection and it's so awful. Like why do I even try,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4992,1,sad,My pet dog_comma_ Gabe_comma_ passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.,277,My pet dog_comma_ Gabe_comma_ passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4992,2,sad,My pet dog_comma_ Gabe_comma_ passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.,238,oh im sorry to hear that. what happened?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4992,3,sad,My pet dog_comma_ Gabe_comma_ passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.,277,He had a type of canine cancer and had to be put to sleep. He really was my best friend.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4992,4,sad,My pet dog_comma_ Gabe_comma_ passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.,238,oh that stinks...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4993,1,disappointed,I was sad when I didnt win the lottery,238,I was sad when I didnt win the lottery,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4993,2,disappointed,I was sad when I didnt win the lottery,277,I'm sorry. I hope you didn't get your hopes up too much. The odds of winning are really low!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4993,3,disappointed,I was sad when I didnt win the lottery,238,but i still had a chance!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2496_conv:4993,4,disappointed,I was sad when I didnt win the lottery,277,Very true. Somebody has to win!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4994,1,guilty,I cheated on a test in school. I was never caught,388,When I was in school I cheated on a test.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4994,2,guilty,I cheated on a test in school. I was never caught,269,Who hasn't cheated on a test at school? You'll be fine_comma_ don't feel so guilty.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4994,3,guilty,I cheated on a test in school. I was never caught,388,That's the only time I have ever cheated on anything.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4994,4,guilty,I cheated on a test in school. I was never caught,269,Why do I not believe you haha,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4995,1,jealous,I saw a pretty well-built person at a restaurant today. If only that was me!!,269,I saw a pretty well-built person at a restaurant today. If only that was me!!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4995,2,jealous,I saw a pretty well-built person at a restaurant today. If only that was me!!,388,I am sure you look fine! You can get built if you want to!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4995,3,jealous,I saw a pretty well-built person at a restaurant today. If only that was me!!,269,Thank you for the kind words. I need to get motivated and hit the gym again,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2497_conv:4995,4,jealous,I saw a pretty well-built person at a restaurant today. If only that was me!!,388,You can do it! I have faith in you!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4996,1,ashamed,I didn't follow through on my diet plan and ate too much. I am feeling very let down,269,I didn't follow through on my diet plan and ate too much. I am feeling very let down,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4996,2,ashamed,I didn't follow through on my diet plan and ate too much. I am feeling very let down,9,Diets always such honestly.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4996,3,ashamed,I didn't follow through on my diet plan and ate too much. I am feeling very let down,269,It's hard to stay disciplined sometimes with all the temptations around us,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4996,4,ashamed,I didn't follow through on my diet plan and ate too much. I am feeling very let down,9,I say just let it go and eat what you want bro. it's just weight.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4997,1,disappointed,My girlfriend let me.,9,My girlfriend left me after a long time being together.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4997,2,disappointed,My girlfriend let me.,269,That sucks_comma_ I hope you find someone else,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4997,3,disappointed,My girlfriend let me.,9,I dont want to ever find anyone else after that. People are trash.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2498_conv:4997,4,disappointed,My girlfriend let me.,269,I feel you_comma_ it's hard to trust people again,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4998,1,annoyed,My upstairs neighbors don't watch their kids. The kids are rambunctious and loud.,388,My upstairs neighbor kids are so rambunctious and loud.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4998,2,annoyed,My upstairs neighbors don't watch their kids. The kids are rambunctious and loud.,296,Oh yes_comma_ kids can be a lot! apartments should always have kids on the bottom.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4998,3,annoyed,My upstairs neighbors don't watch their kids. The kids are rambunctious and loud.,388,I completely agree! The parents don't watch the kids and let them do whatever they want. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4998,4,annoyed,My upstairs neighbors don't watch their kids. The kids are rambunctious and loud.,296,I don't know why some people have kids!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4999,1,impressed,I am super impressed how nice the bag boys are at my grocery store. One young man helped a senior guy today run his food stamp card,296,I was at the grocery store today and a very young bag boy helped an older man run his food card. He was having such a hard time.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4999,2,impressed,I am super impressed how nice the bag boys are at my grocery store. One young man helped a senior guy today run his food stamp card,388,That was so nice of him! That's not common to hear about young people,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4999,3,impressed,I am super impressed how nice the bag boys are at my grocery store. One young man helped a senior guy today run his food stamp card,296,Not in my neighborhood especially. The old guy took awhile. I didn't mind. He can't help it! It was nice to see people helping eachother to do things.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2499_conv:4999,4,impressed,I am super impressed how nice the bag boys are at my grocery store. One young man helped a senior guy today run his food stamp card,388,The world needs more people willing to help others.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5000,1,annoyed,I was upset when one of my employees submitted his two weeks notice yesterday,238,I was upset when one of my employees submitted his two weeks notice yesterday,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5000,2,annoyed,I was upset when one of my employees submitted his two weeks notice yesterday,269,What happened?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5000,3,annoyed,I was upset when one of my employees submitted his two weeks notice yesterday,238,too many outside distractions.. trying to run a church while working at his real job,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5000,4,annoyed,I was upset when one of my employees submitted his two weeks notice yesterday,269,Ah_comma_ gotcha. I hope it works out for him and you,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5001,1,joyful,Listening to feel good music makes me feel so good. I don't about you but music can really cure a lot of negative emotions,269,Listening to feel good music makes me feel so good. I don't about you but music can really cure a lot of negative emotions,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5001,2,joyful,Listening to feel good music makes me feel so good. I don't about you but music can really cure a lot of negative emotions,238,yes_comma_ who do you like?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5001,3,joyful,Listening to feel good music makes me feel so good. I don't about you but music can really cure a lot of negative emotions,269,A lot of EDM. Music hippies listen to haha,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2500_conv:5001,4,joyful,Listening to feel good music makes me feel so good. I don't about you but music can really cure a lot of negative emotions,238,thats cool,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2501_conv:5002,1,prepared,I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorroe,267,I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorrow,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2501_conv:5002,2,prepared,I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorroe,296,What is your meeting about?,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2501_conv:5002,3,prepared,I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorroe,267,A team meeting and I am presenting,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2501_conv:5002,4,prepared,I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorroe,296,Oh wow! How nerve wrecking!,5|5|5_4|5|4, hit:2501_conv:5003,1,excited,I am very excited to work everyday. I have a job I love right now and it makes decent money.,296,I am very excited to work everyday.,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2501_conv:5003,2,excited,I am very excited to work everyday. I have a job I love right now and it makes decent money.,267,Are you? What do you do?,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2501_conv:5003,3,excited,I am very excited to work everyday. I have a job I love right now and it makes decent money.,296,I work from home. It is very interesting and it pays decent. No boss! Thats the best part.,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2501_conv:5003,4,excited,I am very excited to work everyday. I have a job I love right now and it makes decent money.,267,I hear that!,4|5|4_5|5|5, hit:2502_conv:5004,1,faithful,My ex husband was a soldier. He deployed a lot and I never cheated.,388,My exhusband was a soldier who was gone a lot. It got lonely.,4.|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2502_conv:5004,2,faithful,My ex husband was a soldier. He deployed a lot and I never cheated.,322,I can feel your pain.,4.|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2502_conv:5004,3,faithful,My ex husband was a soldier. He deployed a lot and I never cheated.,388,Unlike a lot of military wives_comma_ I didn't cheat though.,4.|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2502_conv:5004,4,faithful,My ex husband was a soldier. He deployed a lot and I never cheated.,322,That is very good of you to stay faithful.,4.|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2502_conv:5005,1,lonely,I am single and wish I had a girlfriend. I hate being by myself.,322,I am single and wish I had a girlfriend.,5|5|5_4.|4|5, hit:2502_conv:5005,2,lonely,I am single and wish I had a girlfriend. I hate being by myself.,388,I'm sorry to hear that. I am sure you will get one soon.,5|5|5_4.|4|5, hit:2502_conv:5005,3,lonely,I am single and wish I had a girlfriend. I hate being by myself.,322,I just hate to be by myself.,5|5|5_4.|4|5, hit:2502_conv:5005,4,lonely,I am single and wish I had a girlfriend. I hate being by myself.,388,I understand although everyone needs some alone time too.,5|5|5_4.|4|5, hit:2503_conv:5006,1,terrified,i was scared when my dog got loose,238, i was scared when my dog got loose,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5006,2,terrified,i was scared when my dog got loose,10,That is really scary_comma_ did you find them?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5006,3,terrified,i was scared when my dog got loose,238,yes he came back later in the day all dazed and confused,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5006,4,terrified,i was scared when my dog got loose,10,That is a relief_comma_ that is one of my biggest fears,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5007,1,angry, I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much_comma_ I had a nightlight for a long time,10,I got angry at my brother one time when he ruined a football game score that I had recorded,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5007,2,angry, I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much_comma_ I had a nightlight for a long time,238,why did he do that,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5007,3,angry, I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much_comma_ I had a nightlight for a long time,10,Because he was sad at the result I suppose,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2503_conv:5007,4,angry, I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much_comma_ I had a nightlight for a long time,238,that sucks,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5008,1,surprised,It's always a shock finding dried poop hidden away in my apartment. My dog is so sneaky!!!,269,It's always a shock finding dried poop hidden away in my apartment. My dog is so sneaky!!!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5008,2,surprised,It's always a shock finding dried poop hidden away in my apartment. My dog is so sneaky!!!,238,how big is he?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5008,3,surprised,It's always a shock finding dried poop hidden away in my apartment. My dog is so sneaky!!!,269,Not too big but you should see the size of the poop. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5008,4,surprised,It's always a shock finding dried poop hidden away in my apartment. My dog is so sneaky!!!,238,i can imagine,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5009,1,devastated,I was shocked when the Lakers got lebron,238,I was shocked when the Lakers got lebron,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5009,2,devastated,I was shocked when the Lakers got lebron,269,I don't watch basketball. Is that bad?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5009,3,devastated,I was shocked when the Lakers got lebron,238,nah .. just couldnt believe it,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2504_conv:5009,4,devastated,I was shocked when the Lakers got lebron,269,Was he supposed to sign with another team?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5010,1,furious,My exhusband cheated on me. He left me for his best friend's wife on my birthday.,388,My exhusband left me for his best friend's wife on my birthday.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5010,2,furious,My exhusband cheated on me. He left me for his best friend's wife on my birthday.,267,That is awful! You deserve so much better,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5010,3,furious,My exhusband cheated on me. He left me for his best friend's wife on my birthday.,388,Thank you for your kind words. It was really hard to deal with at the time.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5010,4,furious,My exhusband cheated on me. He left me for his best friend's wife on my birthday.,267,I know. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5011,1,surprised, Icouldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant,267,I couldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5011,2,surprised, Icouldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant,388,Congratulations! Are you excited?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5011,3,surprised, Icouldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant,267,I am@ It will be their first child!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2505_conv:5011,4,surprised, Icouldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant,388,I love being an aunt! I get to spoil other people's kids!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5012,1,faithful,I was scared when that spider ran across my bed,238,I was scared when that spider ran across my bed,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5012,2,faithful,I was scared when that spider ran across my bed,269,How big was the spider?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5012,3,faithful,I was scared when that spider ran across my bed,238,about trey fitty,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5012,4,faithful,I was scared when that spider ran across my bed,269,Lol,5|5|5_5|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2506_conv:5013,1,jealous,I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring,269,I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5013,2,jealous,I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring,238,whats the plan to get into one of those cars?!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5013,3,jealous,I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring,269,Make more money!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2506_conv:5013,4,jealous,I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring,238,you got the right idea,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5014,1,disgusted,I saw a man blow his nose into his t-shirt. It was really gross.,322,I saw a man blow his nose into his shirt.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5014,2,disgusted,I saw a man blow his nose into his t-shirt. It was really gross.,269,Ew_comma_ why not a napkin,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5014,3,disgusted,I saw a man blow his nose into his t-shirt. It was really gross.,322,It was so gross. I think he was homeless.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5014,4,disgusted,I saw a man blow his nose into his t-shirt. It was really gross.,269,Times are tough,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5015,1,devastated,I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful ,269,I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5015,2,devastated,I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful ,322,I am sorry to hear that. Will he be okay?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5015,3,devastated,I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful ,269,I hope so,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2507_conv:5015,4,devastated,I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful ,322,I'm confident everything will be fine.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2508_conv:5016,1,lonely,Sometimes I feel all alone,238,Sometimes I feel all alone,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2508_conv:5016,2,lonely,Sometimes I feel all alone,278,I am sorry to hear that_comma_ that's terrible.,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2508_conv:5016,3,lonely,Sometimes I feel all alone,238,its all good .. i still have my imaginary friend,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2508_conv:5016,4,lonely,Sometimes I feel all alone,278,I'd gladly be your friend if you want.,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:2509_conv:5018,1,embarrassed,I tripped on a puddle of water at a restaurant this morning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw it and laughed.,269,I tripped on a puddle of water at a restaurant this morning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw it and laughed.,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:2509_conv:5018,2,embarrassed,I tripped on a puddle of water at a restaurant this morning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw it and laughed.,388,Oh no! I am sure you were embarrassed. ,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:2509_conv:5018,3,embarrassed,I tripped on a puddle of water at a restaurant this morning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw it and laughed.,269,For sure. I hate it when others laugh at me,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:2509_conv:5018,4,embarrassed,I tripped on a puddle of water at a restaurant this morning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw it and laughed.,388,That's not very nice of them at all. Are you ok?,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:2509_conv:5019,1,sad,When I got sick_comma_ I had to move away from the place I consider my home. I had to leave everyone behind,388,I got sick and had to move away from everyone I loved so I could come stay with family.,3|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2509_conv:5019,2,sad,When I got sick_comma_ I had to move away from the place I consider my home. I had to leave everyone behind,269,What happened?,3|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2509_conv:5019,3,sad,When I got sick_comma_ I had to move away from the place I consider my home. I had to leave everyone behind,388,I was diagnosed with cancer and needed help with my kids during treatments.,3|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2509_conv:5019,4,sad,When I got sick_comma_ I had to move away from the place I consider my home. I had to leave everyone behind,269,Try smoking weed? It's a lot better than chemotherapy,3|4|5_5|5|5, hit:2510_conv:5020,1,anticipating,I cant wait for the new NFL season to start,238,I cant wait for the new NFL season to start,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2510_conv:5020,2,anticipating,I cant wait for the new NFL season to start,296,When does it start?,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2510_conv:5020,3,anticipating,I cant wait for the new NFL season to start,238,last night,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2510_conv:5020,4,anticipating,I cant wait for the new NFL season to start,296,Oh wow! I thought it didn't start until fall. What do you do during football season thats special?,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2510_conv:5021,1,impressed,I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.,296,I have a friend who is kind to everyone_comma_ even when they are being derps,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2510_conv:5021,2,impressed,I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.,238,that sounds like a good friend,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2510_conv:5021,3,impressed,I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.,296,It compels me to be a better person and try to be kinder to everyone for sure,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2510_conv:5021,4,impressed,I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.,238,thats good,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2511_conv:5022,1,nostalgic,I remember when a hamburger was just a dollar. Those were the good old days.,322,I remember when a hamburger was only a dollar.,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2511_conv:5022,2,nostalgic,I remember when a hamburger was just a dollar. Those were the good old days.,269,Inflation sucks,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2511_conv:5022,3,nostalgic,I remember when a hamburger was just a dollar. Those were the good old days.,322,Yeah_comma_ those were the good old days.,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2511_conv:5022,4,nostalgic,I remember when a hamburger was just a dollar. Those were the good old days.,269,Hopefully we don't turn out like Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic,3|3|4_5|5|5, hit:2511_conv:5023,1,grateful,I saw a homeless person today. I instantly felt so thankful for what I had in life and where I was.,269,I saw a homeless person today. I instantly felt so thankful for what I had in life and where I was.,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2511_conv:5023,2,grateful,I saw a homeless person today. I instantly felt so thankful for what I had in life and where I was.,322,That is a very healthy way to think.,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2511_conv:5023,3,grateful,I saw a homeless person today. I instantly felt so thankful for what I had in life and where I was.,269,Thank you.,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2511_conv:5023,4,grateful,I saw a homeless person today. I instantly felt so thankful for what I had in life and where I was.,322,We all need to appreciate the good things in life.,5|5|5_3|3|4, hit:2512_conv:5024,1,disgusted,I don't really like hearing about my friends sex life. it really grosses me out,296,I have a friend who overshares. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5024,2,disgusted,I don't really like hearing about my friends sex life. it really grosses me out,388,That can be hard sometimes. Have you talked to them about it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5024,3,disgusted,I don't really like hearing about my friends sex life. it really grosses me out,296,Well_comma_ I love honesty and everything but I think someones sex life is private and I don't want to know about it in that context.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5024,4,disgusted,I don't really like hearing about my friends sex life. it really grosses me out,388,I would try and be honest with them about it and tell them it makes you uncomfortable. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5025,1,grateful,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,388,My best friend took me in when I escaped an abusive situation.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5025,2,grateful,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,296,Thats great! So many do not have a safe place to go when they leave,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5025,3,grateful,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,388,I agree. It makes it hard for a lot to leave.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5025,4,grateful,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,296,I have been there. I didn't have anywhere to go. I am glad you got out!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5025,5,grateful,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,388,I am glad you got out too! Hugs!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2512_conv:5025,6,grateful,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,296,Hugs!,5|5|5_5|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2513_conv:5026,1,proud,I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.,269,I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2513_conv:5026,2,proud,I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.,238,thats awesome,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2513_conv:5026,3,proud,I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.,269,Just gotta keep doing the right things,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2513_conv:5026,4,proud,I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.,238,thats all you can do to get where you want to go,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2513_conv:5027,1,hopeful,im hoping to win the lottery tomorrow!,238,im hoping to win the lottery tomorrow!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2513_conv:5027,2,hopeful,im hoping to win the lottery tomorrow!,269,Good luck!!!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2513_conv:5027,3,hopeful,im hoping to win the lottery tomorrow!,238,thanks!,5|5|5_5|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2513_conv:5027,4,hopeful,im hoping to win the lottery tomorrow!,269,I hope you win!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5028,1,afraid,I almost got into a car accident today. It was so close...,269,I almost got into a car accident today. It was so close...,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5028,2,afraid,I almost got into a car accident today. It was so close...,238,oh no_comma_ you ok?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5028,3,afraid,I almost got into a car accident today. It was so close...,269,Yeah but it could have been bad,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5028,4,afraid,I almost got into a car accident today. It was so close...,238,well at least you are ok!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5029,1,trusting,I trust my family way more than i should!,238,I trust my family way more than i should!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5029,2,trusting,I trust my family way more than i should!,269,Why_comma_ what happened?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5029,3,trusting,I trust my family way more than i should!,238,BIL didnt feed the dogs like he was supposed to while we were on vacation!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2514_conv:5029,4,trusting,I trust my family way more than i should!,269,Are the dogs ok??,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2515_conv:5030,1,proud,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once.,296,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once. He never has picked up anything to work on himself..BY himself before.,2|2|2_5|5|5, hit:2515_conv:5030,2,proud,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once.,4,That is great news.,2|2|2_5|5|5, hit:2515_conv:5030,3,proud,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once.,296,Yes_comma_ it's about time. It's hard to deal with people if they won't help themselves.,2|2|2_5|5|5, hit:2515_conv:5030,4,proud,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once.,4,Did you tell him you are proud?,2|2|2_5|5|5, hit:2515_conv:5030,5,proud,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once.,296,Yes!,2|2|2_5|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2515_conv:5031,1,disappointed,I am not happy that he didn't go to jail.,4,I am not happy that he didn't go to jail.,5|5|5_2|2|2, hit:2515_conv:5031,2,disappointed,I am not happy that he didn't go to jail.,296,What happened?,5|5|5_2|2|2, hit:2515_conv:5031,3,disappointed,I am not happy that he didn't go to jail.,4,He was drunk driving and killed her_comma_ but didn't go to jail.,5|5|5_2|2|2, hit:2515_conv:5031,4,disappointed,I am not happy that he didn't go to jail.,296,Who killed who?,5|5|5_2|2|2, hit:2516_conv:5032,1,grateful,I saw an old man using a food stamp card and having such a hard time. I am grateful I am able to afford food.,296,I saw an old man using a food stamp card and having such a hard time. I am grateful I am able to afford food.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2516_conv:5032,2,grateful,I saw an old man using a food stamp card and having such a hard time. I am grateful I am able to afford food.,45,Yes_comma_ me too! That's very sad. We do have much to be grateful for!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2516_conv:5032,3,grateful,I saw an old man using a food stamp card and having such a hard time. I am grateful I am able to afford food.,296,Yes I remember being there. I am working hard to never be there again.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2516_conv:5032,4,grateful,I saw an old man using a food stamp card and having such a hard time. I am grateful I am able to afford food.,45,Yes_comma_ that's all we can do. Keep trying to do better in life_comma_ and help others.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5034,1,prepared,Last year_comma_ a tornado approached our house. I was ready for it though.,322,A year ago_comma_ a tornado approached our house.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5034,2,prepared,Last year_comma_ a tornado approached our house. I was ready for it though.,269,I bet you were afraid. Was everything fine?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5034,3,prepared,Last year_comma_ a tornado approached our house. I was ready for it though.,322,Yeah_comma_ I was ready for it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5034,4,prepared,Last year_comma_ a tornado approached our house. I was ready for it though.,269,Nice_comma_ I bet you were very prepared.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5035,1,afraid,I was scared when I heard a weird screeching noise outside. I thought someone was trying to break in.,269,I was scared when I heard a weird screeching noise outside. I thought someone was trying to break in.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5035,2,afraid,I was scared when I heard a weird screeching noise outside. I thought someone was trying to break in.,322,Oh goodness_comma_ what was it?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5035,3,afraid,I was scared when I heard a weird screeching noise outside. I thought someone was trying to break in.,269,Not exactly sure but I think it was a tree branch rubbing up against the window,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2517_conv:5035,4,afraid,I was scared when I heard a weird screeching noise outside. I thought someone was trying to break in.,322,I'm glad it wasn't something serious.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2518_conv:5036,1,devastated,I couldnt believe i didnt win the lottery yesterday!,238,I couldnt believe i didnt win the lottery yesterday!"
person A: I would be far more surprised if you did. person B: thats cold. person A: That's just stastics.
person A: I was in shock when I saw a car accident on the highway. person B: was everyone ok? person A: I don't think so. They had a lot of ambulances blocking the wreck to cover it from view. person B: oh no
person A: I ate at a restaurant this morning and the Sriracha bottle looked like it was 1000 years old. person B: In a cool antique way or a disgusting way? person A: Disgusting_comma_ that cap was so crusty it was unbelievable. I don't know why they don't replace them montly ugh person B: That is so gross. Did you complain to them?
person A: I have lived in the same area my whole life and worked the same job for 10 years. person B: Is it getting boring? person A: Not at all. I am perfectly happy and in no need of change. person B: What do you do? person A: I work at a bank in a small town.
person A: I am very irritated when people reach around me to get items at the store. person B: thats the worst! person A: I know right? Like say "excuse me" or something..Don't just get in my space. person B: yea thats rude
person A: I saw a car yesterday that I wanted so bad! person B: Ooo! What kind was it? person A: a tesla person B: Oh! Great choice for the environment. Are you going to save up?
person A: My boyfriend left town a couple days ago and he won't be back for over a week. person B: what are you gonna do? partyyyyy? person A: I don't know what to do. It's so quiet here and nothing to do. person B: that sucks
person A: sometimes I feel all alone! person B: I know what you mean. That's no fun. person A: yea... boring sometimes person B: Do you have any hobbies or do you like to read?
person A: We are wanting to buy a bigger vehicle soon. It will be great to have more room for our family. person B: I'm sure it will be helpful person A: It will be amazing. We are so excited to be able to go on a vacation and only have to take one vehicle. person B: Bigger vehicles are so convenient for stuff like that!
person A: I remember when Obama was president. Time really flies. person B: Yes_comma_ it seems like that was just a couple of months ago. person A: Yeah it was a long time ago but it seems like yesterday person B: Before we know it we will be voting for president again.
person A: I feel bad I cheated on my diet. person B: That is a horrible feeling I know_comma_ but you can start over again the next day. person A: Yes but I keep on cheating. person B: Don't be too hard on yourself. Allow yourself to indulge every so often.
person A: My kids went on vacation with my parents for the week. person B: Where did they go? person A: They went to Mystic_comma_ CT. I feel so lost and bored without them here. person B: What did you do while they are gone?
person A: I am scared of the police. person B: Aww. Why? Did something happen? person A: I once was beaten by a police officer. person B: Yikes. How are you today?
person A: We sent off our brazilian foreign exchange student last year. In line at the airport she gave me her necklace to keep. person B: That was nice of her. person A: Yeah we had a fun year. I miss her :( person B: Do you stay in touch? person A: Yeah we talk on the whatsapp messenger every day or so
person A: I can't wait until this weekend! Saturday can't come any slower person B: Weekdays always seem to pass so slowly_comma_ but weekends fly by not even noticing them person A: I agree. person B: Do you have any plans for this upcoming weekend?
person A: I met a girl in college and we had a date yesterday. It went very good and I am very positive about out future relationship person B: Nice! Do you see yourself marrying her? person A: For now i am only considering taking it to the long-term commitment. After that who knows. Maybe i will get engaged to her person B: I hope everything turns out good for you two!
person A: The Dallas Cowboys won a bunch of games last year! person B: That's cool. I don't watch too much. Are you a fan? person A: I am a fan_comma_ I try to watch as much as I can. person B: Are the cowboys your favorite team? I prefer watching college.
person A: I watched a horror movie last night. person B: Wich one?? My favorite was the shining person A: I nearly cried_comma_ I was so scared. It was The Ring. person B: Yes_comma_ that one is very scary
person A: I am very hopeful about the USA economy person B: I am too_comma_ things are going great. person A: Yes_comma_ despite Trump in the presidency person B: I'm glad you're being enthusiastic.
person A: I feel shame for lying to the police. person B: What did you lie about? person A: I lied about where my friend was. person B: I assume you were trying to be a good friend and protect them?
person A: I went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant with my husband the other night. person B: What did you eat? person A: Nothing because I lost my appetite after attempting to use the restrooms and then realizing how dirty_comma_ smelly_comma_ and gross they were. We had to leave after that. person B: Where did you go after you left?
person A: I have been wanting a new suv and a few months ago my daughter went and bought exactly what I had been wanting. person B: Nice_comma_ what SUV? person A: I have been wanting a traverse. We need more room for our family. It has made me want one even more since then. person B: I need to google that. Is it a big SUV?
person A: I been waiting a while for the official release date for a new video game. There's been a lot of rumors but nothing set in stone. person B: My sons are always talking about the new video games coming out. What game are you waiting on? person A: Insurgency Sandstorm person B: I have never heard of that game. I bet it will be fun though.
person A: It felt great to see my girlfriend finish her painting. person B: What kind of paintings does she do? person A: She does goth style painting of people. person B: Wow_comma_ does she sell them anywhere?
person A: My friend was worried he wouldn't be liked because of his weight. person B: That's not a reason to dislike someone. person A: But so many do unfortunately! I felt so sad for him. person B: Yeah I do to. Does he plan on losing weight?
person A: I pray America will be great again. person B: You like Donald Trump? person A: I love him_comma_ best president ever. person B: Me too_comma_ he's so real. He loves what I love. MMA_comma_ poker_comma_ guns_comma_ WWE_comma_ hahahah
person A: Driving gets me so nervous sometimes. At any moment_comma_ I know I can be involved in a deadly crash... person B: Yes_comma_ but do you drive safe? person A: Yes but sometimes you can't do anything about a drunk driver smashing right into you person B: True but the odd's are slim.
person A: I live alone and I feel lonely a lot! It has it's perks but a lot of down sides too person B: I'm sorry that you feel lonely. person A: Thanks! I don't like it a lot but it's better then living with abuse right person B: Absolutely_comma_ never be a victim.
person A: My birthday is coming up next week. person B: happy birthday! What year is it? person A: I am turning 25. I can't wait! person B: Time flies fast! Make sure to do what you love and be with who you love
person A: I am throwing a surprise party for my sister next week. person B: Oh I bet she will love that. How old is she? person A: She is turning 40. I cannot wait to see how she reacts! person B: Don't let the secret slip!
person A: I am so happy I just got a new promotion! person B: That's great! Congrats! person A: Thank you! I have been waiting for this for awhile. person B: I am sure it was well-deserved.
person A: My dog passed away last month. person B: Oh man I am so sorry! I have lost many this year too. I hope he had a long life person A: I am so sad thinking about it. He was only 2 years old. person B: Oh man! What happened?
person A: Well police never show up in my neighborhood. Never. Even with gunshots going on for hours and we are a small city. person B: I sorry that you have to deal with that. person A: Thanks! Me too- I am moving soon. It's the wild wild west here! They even drive bad and hit kids all the time. Police are too busy being corrupt to show up. person B: Yeah_comma_ you need to get of there quickly.
person A: I try not to go outside when it's dark. person B: Why? Previous bad experienec? person A: Just so many things could happen in the dark. person B: True. It's always good to go outside with a friend. And don't forget your towel!
person A: I sat home alone on my birthday last year and no one same by to see me person B: I wish that was not the case_comma_ I would have came. person A: That's so thoughtful of you to say! Made my day brighter! person B: I hope you have much brighter days moving forward.
person A: I let my daughter take my credit card to the mall today for school clothes shopping. person B: Oh wow! I would have been scared to let mine do such a thing. person A: I have faith that she did not spend more than I told her she could. person B: That's good to hear. She must have a lot of your trust_comma_ sounds like a bright young lady!
person A: My children are both fast asleep and I am the only one up around my neighborhood at this hour. person B: Is that relaxing to you or lonely? person A: It is both in a way_comma_ more so the second than anything. person B: Try to enjoy the quiet but not get down. person A: I am not used to the quiet! My children have extreme strong lungs. Enough to cause me migraines all day haha every day almost.
person A: I took the bar exam last month. person B: How did it go? person A: I am sure I did well on it. person B: Well congratulations!
person A: I am worried about how I will pay rent on time this month. person B: I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ did you lose your job? person A: Yes I did _comma_ and now I work from home full time. person B: I hope things work out for you.
person A: I was surprised when I thought I bought 5 packages of gluten free cookies today on clearance...and they weren't! person B: Didn't you check your bought items more thoroughly before putting them in a bag person A: Um...They were in a gluten free SLOT- So yeah I DO check however this is a brand that I thought only had gluten free and since it also said "gluten free" on the tag..I thought they were! $11 down the drain. person B: Seems some irresponsible employee of theirs mis-categorized the items when putting them in those shelves
person A: Me and my close friend had somewhat fierce argument about Donald Trump policies yesterday. And now he is not responding to my calls person B: Thats too bad. I hope everyone remained respectful. Seems like everyone is being kind of childish about politics lately and getting mean fast instead of keeping it decent. person A: True. I hope our friendship won't be affected much by these nonsense politics person B: I am seeing a lot of nastiness. Yes_comma_ just remember everyone can agree to disagree and be ok. I hope everything is ok!
person A: I've got a beach vacation coming up and I can't wait! person B: How exciting! I am jealous! person A: Leaving on my birthday next month and going down to Panama City Florida! Why don't you come with me??? person B: That sounds very fun. I might have to take you up on that offer. I have a good friend that just moved there.
person A: My kids have been begging me to let them stay home alone without a babysitter while I work. They are old enough now I guess. person B: Do you trust them to be home alone? I bet you're scared_comma_ huh? person A: I am nervous_comma_ but I am going to give it a try. I am pretty confident in their abilities for handling emergencies. person B: That's good. You're a good parent! Good luck with everything!
person A: I am on vacation and I know my girlfriend will get us to the hotel safely. person B: I hope you guys are always safe! person A: Thank you! She is a really good driver. person B: I wish I was a good driver!
person A: We are going to disney world for christmas! person B: That sounds fun! person A: We sure do hope so_comma_ it'll be nice to be somewhere so magical. person B: I bet place that is so big you can't go through it all in one day
person A: I took a test last week and failed miserably. person B: That's no good. Did you study? person A: I did study but I am frustrated by my performance. person B: I understand that. That just means you have to excel at the rest of your assignments so you have a chance to average it out!
person A: Went to a funeral of one of my family members two days ago. person B: That is so sad. I am sorry. person A: It's okay. funerals are always a sad time but we all get through it person B: That's a very nice way to think of it.
person A: I start my new job next week person B: Oh how exciting! What is it? person A: It's at a law firm. I am very nervous and not sure what to expect. person B: Awesome! I'm sure you will do amazingly. Keep your head up! Fake it til you make it LOL
person A: I found my baby's unbmilical cord stump in an old box and it reminded me of when he was little and ne w. person B: Aww_comma_ that is so sweet. person A: It made me feel so many memories_comma_ haha_comma_ it's always fun to feel that. person B: You are lucky to still have that.
person A: My best friend recently bought a new Porsche. person B: Wow have you gone for a ride in it? person A: Yes_comma_ it's amazing. I'm really envious of him. person B: That's so cool_comma_ maybe one day you can save enough for you rown.
person A: My roommate just moved out of our dorm. person B: Oh is the new extra space a good thing? person A: Maybe_comma_ but I have never lived alone before. It is very quiet and weird. person B: I can imagine that being a bit lonely.
person A: I used to get bad scary dreams that kept me awake. person B: I know how that feels. It is horrible! person A: It is the worst_comma_ I'm so glad it went away. person B: That is good to hear that it doesn't happen anymore.
person A: I went to Mcdonald's and they completely messed up my order. person B: sorry to hear that. What happened person A: I was so upset they forgot my Mcnuggets. person B: sorry_comma_ i hope they apologized for that
person A: I wanted to buy the Nintendo Switch from the store but they were sold out. person B: sorry about that_comma_ did you try checking on another store? person A: They were sold out everywhere. I was so angry about it. person B: am sorry_comma_ maybe you should wait until they are restocked
person A: My friend lied to me and I was so upset I yelled at her. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ did everything get resolved? person A: Eventually but I was sure mad at first. person B: I'm glad everything worked out.
person A: I proposed to my girlfriend last week and she said no. person B: Oh my gosh_comma_ seriously??? person A: I can't believe how hurt I am about it. person B: I am so sorry ab out that I hope things get better soon
person A: My room mate keeps bugging me to take the trash out but it's his turn. person B: That is so annoying. Maybe you'd have to get a chart to keep track. person A: Yeah I didn't think I would be rooming with an adult 12 year old though. person B: That is too bad. I am sorry you have to deal with that.
person A: My son just graduated from college. person B: Congratulations! You must be so proud. person A: I am! And he was able to get hires on right away at his dream job! person B: Wow it sounds like he has life all planned out.
person A: I am really looking forward to the upcoming NBA season. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ do you love basketball a lot? person A: Yes_comma_ I can't wait! person B: Well I hope you enjoy it!
person A: I was feeling so bad after fighting with my spouse and realizing it was actually my fault. person B: Did everything turn out okay? person A: Yeah it was but I just felt embarrassed at the time. person B: We all have our moments.
person A: My car broke down on my way to work yesterday. person B: That's horrible. Must have been annoying_comma_ huh? person A: It was_comma_ but luckily my mom was able to come give me a ride. She even dealt with getting my car into the shop for me. person B: Wow_comma_ that's very fortunate. Mothers are great.
person A: I am feeling very good right now. person B: That's great! What's going on? person A: I was in a bad mood earlier_comma_ but my friend came by and cheered me up. person B: That's nice that you have a friend like that.
person A: I already have 6 kids_comma_ getting pregnant again is so alarming :( person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds like a very busy household. How are you able to manage them all? person A: I hire a nanny_comma_ I am anti abortion but now that it has happened again_comma_ I am afraid I just have to do something that I wouldn't like person B: A nanny is a good idea. Would you consider using contraceptives?
person A: My friends and I watched a horror movie and I kept trying to hide my face away from the screen because it was too scary! person B: If you don't like such movies you should have told him at the beginning so he choose a non scary one person A: That is true_comma_ we never usually watch scary movies so it was worth trying once. person B: It's ok though at least now you know that scary movies are not your kind of movies
person A: I stubbed my toe last night and it really made me lose my temper. person B: Ouch! I know that hurts_comma_ been there too. Does it feel better now? person A: It does but darn it hurts like so much for a moment! person B: Yes_comma_ it makes you want to say more than darn_comma_ that's for sure!
person A: I decided to go to the movies on my own. I saw the latest art film and had the theater all to myself. person B: Why did you go to the movies by yourself? person A: I didn't have anyone to go with during the afternoon_comma_ and I really wanted to check the film out. person B: That is great being so independent. person A: Yeah_comma_ it's similar to eating at a restaurant by yourself. It can feel a bit sad though.
person A: I bought a lottery ticket earlier. person B: Ooh_comma_ did you pick your own numbers? person A: Yes_comma_ and I am sure it's the winning ticket. person B: That's awesome! I hope you win!
person A: I was following this sad story about a missing kid just trying to be optimistic that they'd find them. person B: was it a young kid? sad nonetheless person A: It was_comma_ but they found them luckily. person B: Oh that's great! I tend to follow some missing children stories closely but I hate when there's a sad outcome
person A: I got a new car and it's great on gas mileage person B: Ooh how fun you must have many adventures planned. person A: Yes I do_comma_ first one will be in two weeks person B: Well I hope it is super awesome!
person A: I'm feeling really on edge still. person B: I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ do you know any way to help yourself calm down? person A: Yes_comma_ I am trying to think happy thoughts. It seems to be helping a little... person B: Well you could also try praying!
person A: My son learned to spell his name all by himself which wowed me. person B: Wow that's fantastic! person A: I know he is too smart_comma_ I love him person B: You are very lucky to have such a smart boy!
person A: I had all my stuff moved from my old apartment to my new one_comma_ but the truck got into a wreck. person B: Holy heck are you okay? Was it like_comma_ a fender bender or a full on collision? person A: Full on. The person in front decided that slamming on their breaks at 70 MPH was a good idea. person B: Freaking idiots on the road. Is your insurance going to be able to cover the damage?
person A: My idiot manager decided that I could handle working a seven day shift_comma_ and like half my days are double shifts. person B: Oh that sucks! I can barely do 5 without needing a break person A: Honestly its starting to feel like they have it out for me. I want to leave but there isn't anywhere else to work around here. person B: That's quite unfortunate. I feel for you as I used to live in a small town where jobs were scarce. It's rough when there is no competition person A: Guess I will just have to grin and bear it.
person A: I wish I can stay just one more day i'm so unhappy that I will be leaving today person B: Where are you going? person A: I have to go back to my rountine work_comma_ I am so sad about it_comma_ I wish the holiday can continue and for the first time I found love during a holiday person B: Oh that's never fun. I hate that too.
person A: My last semester of school is coming to an end. person B: That is so cool you are moving into the job market. Yay! person A: I can't wait to get my final grades because I know I did great! person B: I trust you did well too
person A: I couldn't stop thinking about estranged family I was missing one day. person B: How does it make you feel when you think about them? person A: I feel so depressed and I miss them a ton. person B: Aww I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can regain contact with them someday. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.
person A: I am feeling a bit down in the dumps. person B: Why is that? person A: I don't have anyone to hang out with where I live now. person B: Oh maybe you should try joining achurch.
person A: I remember when kids would play out in the neighborhood. person B: those were the good times_comma_ now kids just want to be on their phones person A: Yep_comma_ those were the days. person B: I used to love riding my bike around the block