person A: My coworker did an amazing presentation recently. They did a good job. person B: That's great! What was it about? person A: The presentation was about a new client that we just recently got. It was quite interesting. person B: I'm glad you really enjoyed it!
person A: Never regretted it one bit _comma_amidst the spate of marital problems these days person B: Good for you. Don't live with regrets. Learn from mistakes and move on. person A: Sure_comma_ I call it synchronizing.... person B: That's a weird term to use
person A: It's certainly not something I would want to live through again. I try to fly as little as possible these days person B: Why? Did something bad happen to you? person A: Well yes_comma_ to the whole plane actually. There was trouble with one engine but fortunately we managed to land safely person B: Well_comma_ I'm glad no one was hurt at least. :) person A: Yeah_comma_ there was a lot of relief going round I can tell you!
person A: I am so thankful I got a new job making more money. person B: That's cool! Has it been a good transition? person A: I start today.. but I am just glad I have a way to help pay the bills .. I was worried I wouldn't find a good job. person B: It can be stressful sometimes. I am glad to hear you found something good.
person A: My parents have been married for many years. I cannot wait to help them celebrate their anniversary this year! person B: Thats sweet. How long have they been married? person A: For over 30 years! That is a long time. person B: Yes it is.. thats great that their love has lasted so long. person A: Yes_comma_ I really want to celebrate that milestone with them.
person A: I confident in my children's abilities because I taught them well person B: That's good! You should always encourage your children's talents and let them grow person A: yes_comma_ thank you. Do you have kids of your own? person B: I do not. I am still pretty young so I'd like to wait a few more years. I don't think I'm quite ready
person A: I went to a newly opened candy store near me for the first time. It brought back waves of childhood memories person B: Oh that's good. You will make some good money while having a good time remembering childhood person A: Well_comma_ I don't own it :) But_comma_ it did remind me of when I was a kid and my friends and I would go to a candy shop every week person B: oh ok I understand
person A: I farted in front of my relatives during christmas dinner person B: LOL. Sorry. Was it embarrassing or did you laugh it off? person A: It was really embarrassing_comma_ especially since my hot cousin was there. person B: Oh my. But why do you care if they're your cousin..
person A: Hi_comma_ a robber held me at gun point yesterday person B: Really? Please tell me more person A: I was so scared_comma_ he demanded I give him my phone and wallet. person B: So what did you do ?
person A: The exams will certify me in my profession person B: That is quite interesting. You must be proud of yourself! person A: I am happy about my career person B: I am glad you are. A good career is essential to live a healthy life.
person A: I just finished doing all my laundry and packing for my trip. Finally.. ready to go! person B: Congrats! Where are you going? person A: I am going on a cruise to the Bahamas. Ive been getting ready all day. person B: OH I'm so jealous! Have lots of fun!
person A: I went camping the other week_comma_ and it was so nice to not worry about everything like I normally do person B: Oh I love camping. Was it relaxing? Sometimes camping can be work. person A: It was very relaxing. Camping can be work_comma_ but once you set things up it should be effortless. I really needed it person B: Im glad.. it seems like we both are getting the vacations we need!
person A: Life has been kind to me. I am grateful person B: That's great to here. Anything good happen recently? person A: I have a good job and a family that loves me person B: Sounds like you are doing great. Those are among the best things in life.
person A: I feel good and ready for this semester. person B: You did super well I guess person A: Yes_comma_ I planned a lot and got all my things in order. person B: your parents must be really proud of you
person A: I stubbed my toe this morning. person B: Oh no! I hope your toe is feeling better! person A: yea i was quited ticked off tho. person B: Luckily it will heal soon and you can feel back to normal.
person A: My nephew gave me the sweetest homemade gift of a painting he made for my birthday! person B: Thats so sweet. person A: Yes_comma_ he really likes to paint now so he made sure to use all of his favorite colors. person B: thats super nice_comma_ thanks for sharing.
person A: I was robbed at a fast food place years ago. person B: Oh no! Was it traumatic? person A: Yes_comma_ they even pistol whipped the manager. person B: That's nuts! I would have been so scared person A: I was_comma_ then they locked us in the freezer and left.
person A: I had my baby cousin over the other day. He's so cute but he's oh so fragile looking. I had to be very careful. person B: The little ones always feel so fragile_comma_ what did you do? person A: I kept him in his little rocker for the most part_comma_ but I picked him up with a soft towel when I needed to. person B: Little ones love rockers or swings_comma_ did you have a good time watching your cousin?
person A: Hi_comma_ my son did not get A grade in his math class. person B: What grade did he get? He doesn't have to get an A in everything. person A: he got C+. We are Asian so its a big deal. I kicked him out of the house. person B: That's quite harsh for getting one bad grade. You should encourage him to do well without being so rash.
person A: Man_comma_ I am having issues with financials at college just because I couldn't get a 34 on my ACT. person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ You can take it again though and try to get a better grade! person A: Well it was a freshman scholarship so I can't get it anymore. I was really upset. person B: Oh_comma_ that is not good. You should have done better!
person A: I am feeling horrible.. I cheated on my husband last week. person B: Well_comma_ good thing is you realized your mistakes person A: Indeed. But now I feel so bad.. I feel like I need to tell him. person B: You should get your mind ready for the worst if he does not take it too well
person A: I am pleased with my children's score at school person B: Thats always a good thing. Did you give them a fun reward? person A: I bought them new cloths and we are all going to Disney World this weekend person B: Thats so cool.. I live in Orlando.. I'll wave to you guys!
person A: I saw a dude drop his phone the other day but he kicked it up into the air and caught it. person B: Wow! That is really impressive! person A: Yea i was shocked. person B: Luckily the phone didn't fall and crack the glass! Those phone covers aren't the best.
person A: I made a sweet birthday cake for my nephew_comma_ and I was ready with all the ingredients laid out for me. person B: I bet he was stoked. person A: Yes_comma_ he loved the buttercream frosting. It always tastes better when it is homemade and fresh. person B: yea i 100% agree with that.
person A: Hi_comma_ I have a very important exam tomorrow. person B: Oh wow_comma_ what subject is it on? person A: For math. I cant help but feel something bad is going to happen person B: Well I hope you do good either way.
person A: I was so upset when I didn't get to go on this one trip with my friends. person B: That is sad_comma_ Why were you not able to go? person A: They only had a certain number of slots so I just was the last one to barely not get to. person B: Oh maybe next time!
person A: My wife just confessed that she cheated_comma_ im irritated at her behaviour. Totally dissapointed person B: I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope you both can find a way to work things out with each other. person A: There is no fixing buddy_comma_ in my religion once a woman cheats she is not desirable anymore person B: Oh_comma_ that's too bad. Well then I hope you can find happiness again in the future. Good luck to you!
person A: I took some of my friends food the other day. person B: That was nice of you. What type of food did you bring? person A: no i took some of his_comma_ i felt bad afterwards tho so i gave him a free meal. person B: I see. That was nice of you to repay your friend with the meal.
person A: I couldn't sleep after seeing the most scary movie in the theater! Such a crazy film. person B: Oh that sucks sounds like a good movie tho. person A: Yeah_comma_ it had a good plot but the graphics these days are getting so realistic! person B: yea the cgi in movies is stellar. person A: Yes! You really cannot tell sometimes what is real or CGI effects.
person A: Hi_comma_ I have no friends at my new job person B: Oh no. Don't say that! I start a new job today! person A: You'll be alright_comma_ make sure to talk to your coworkers or you'll feel lonely like me! person B: Why don't you talk to yours? Im so sorry!
person A: My boyfriend has really been getting on my nerves! He never throws anything in the trash and my whole place is a mess. person B: That is disgusting! You must talk to him about this! person A: I have.. it doesn't work. He is just so lazy! person B: Incredible_comma_ kick him out of the house!
person A: My car broke down yesterday and the mechanics say it might be the transmission :( person B: Oh no! Sorry to hear that. How are you planning to get it fixed? person A: Well_comma_ I'd have to dip into savings to finance a new car...but that's rough right now when I'm moving apartments person B: Ah_comma_ I see. Well I hope you figure it out soon. You need a way to get around town!
person A: I had never been to a music festival before_comma_ so I was super excited. I was going to get to see my favorite bands_comma_ and I was taking a road trip to get there with all of my best friends. person B: That sounds fun! I've never been myself_comma_ but I've always wanted to person A: Oh really? You should definitely consider it! person B: I shall :) I need to make myself get out more. It would be good for me
person A: I was doing some shopping in a thrift store recently and came across a toy similar to one I had when I was a kid. It really made me remember my childhood. person B: Maybe you should buy it for keep sake person A: I thought about it but I'd really have no use for it now. person B: oh ok_comma_ I understand
person A: I caught my wife red handed cheating on me I feel so bad person B: Oh that's got to be very tough! I'm sorry to hear that. How did you respond? person A: I couldn't move my body. I fainted because she had introduced the guy to me as her cousin person B: That would be pretty shocking overall! I hope you're able to move on from this somehow.
person A: I was going through some old photos of my childhood. person B: oh really find anything cool? person A: Yes and I started getting really emotional because of it. person B: yea all of the nostalgia can do that.
person A: my first year of college i didnt have much contact with people which got old quick. person B: You must felt really lonely because you need friends in college person A: yep it really did get quite lonesome at times. person B: I bet it can. I had no friends in college either.
person A: I am so happy. I start my new job today! person B: Congrats. I hope you'll like what you're doing person A: Thank you! I do. I am a teacher. I can't wait! person B: That's like the toughest job out there.
person A: Last year as a freshman in college I thought I was gonna fail my calculus final so hard. person B: Uh oh! So what happened? Did you end up passing it? person A: Yeah I did really well_comma_ though I knew I would do well once I studied a ton. person B: That's great. Good for you_comma_ bud.
person A: I stepped off the plane and the heat_comma_ humidity_comma_ and foreign smells hit me like a garbage truck. I was in another world. person B: Where did you land in then? India or something? person A: Wow_comma_ what a great guess! Haha. Thailand_comma_ actually. person B: Aw well that seems like it would be a great time! I hear the beaches are beautiful.
person A: I can't face my wife_comma_ I had a child out of my one night stand person B: Oh my goodness! Why did you do that? person A: I was so stupid_comma_ now I know better person B: You should tell your wife to clear your guilt. person A: I am too embarrassed maybe I will talk to my pastor so he can accompany me
person A: Some guy just married my childhood crush! person B: oh my god!. I hope he loves her as much as you do person A: I hope so_comma_ I am just so envious of him right now! person B: Did she know that you crushed on him?
person A: One time in freshman year I got invited to this really shady sounding party. person B: Oh that sounds kind of worrisome. person A: Yeah_comma_ we went to check it out even though we were hesitant and it turned out great though. A lot of fun. person B: well thats a relief.
person A: my brother finished high school last year. person B: Did he? Where do you both go to school? person A: it was cool to see us both go off to college. person B: I bet it was_comma_ college is such a great time.
person A: I was forced into covering for my coworker who was supposed to give a large speech to a packed auditorium. I had no time to prepare for it and really no idea what I was doing. I still had to somehow make my way throught the speech! person B: Wow that sounds pretty stressful. How do you think you did? person A: I feel all right about it. I tried my best and did somehow make my way through the speech. But I know it really wasn't very polished at all. person B: As long as you did your best_comma_ I say have no regrets. You made the most of a bad situation.
person A: I'm feeling pretty good after my performance review at work. person B: That's great! I'm happy for you. Will you be getting a raise? person A: Thank you. Yes_comma_ I am hoping so. I did better than I had expected going into it from the initial response. Here's hoping. person B: I'll cross my fingers alongside you. It sounds like you deserve it!
person A: SO I was at the mall the other day and saw my ex person B: Oh that must have been awkward. Did you two talk to each other? person A: No we made eye contact. For some reason I started getting emotional and went home to cry. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you don't dwell on it too much and can be happy in the future.
person A: Hi_comma_ my wife took me paragliding yesterday! person B: Wow_comma_ where did you do that? person A: At the beach_comma_ I was really scared at first but it was actually exciting! person B: That's awesome! I really want to go paragliding someday.
person A: I felt really bad about what I did when me and my brother got new phone cases. person B: Oh my_comma_ what did you do? person A: Nothing too bad_comma_ just that one was basically scuffed up and almost broken but I took the one that wasn't and that just made me feel bad. person B: Its okay_comma_ hopefully it was not too expensive1
person A: i can't wait to know if my wife is going to have a boy or a girl child person B: That's a very exciting time in life. Do you have any preference for gender? person A: I want a girl_comma_ girls are closer to fathers than sons ..hahaha person B: I've heard that as well. I'm male I know I was much closer to my mom.
person A: My son is starting college this fall. The application process was very long and stressful. He studied really hard and did great on his SATs. He actually ended up getting accepted at Harvard! person B: That's great_comma_ congratulations person A: Thank you very much! I'm really amazed at his work! person B: He will turn out to be a great man
person A: I took the money that my parents have been looking for_comma_ I feel bad person B: Oof i know how that can feel. person A: i feel very guilty i would have to confess to them person B: yea that would help clear you concision
person A: I had no roommate my first year of freshman year of college which got quite old person B: ok how did you manage the situation? person A: it was hard since i didnt have many friends at the time_comma_ got quite lonesome person B: I think you should have talked to the hostel management to help you out on this as well
person A: I walked home through the park last night. There was a homless man there who smelled absoltuely horrible. It seemed like he hadn't cleaned himself off at all in months! person B: That has got to be hard on the poor guy. Did you offer any help? person A: Well he was asleep at the time so I didn't want to disturb him. person B: I see. Well he's probably still there. person A: Most likely. I like the someone else's problem approach. I'm sure someone knows about his situation.
person A: Hi_comma_ I was cleaning the dishes and lost my wife's wedding ring. person B: Oh wow! That's horrible! Did it fall down the drain? person A: Yes_comma_ and I feel so bad about it. I cant look my wife in the eye anymore person B: Well hopefully she should be able to forgive you. It was an accident.
person A: I wanted to spend some time with a friend last weekend but everyone that I tried to get in touch with was busy. That was very upsetting for me. person B: They're not very good friends then. You should confront them about this. person A: Maybe I will. I figured they were just all truly busy. person B: Could be_comma_ hopefully the wont dismiss you like that in the future!
person A: someone cut me off in traffic this morning. person B: Oh my_comma_ I hate when that happens. It makes me so angry. person A: yea i got so frustrated. person B: I would be too_comma_ some people shouldnt be driving.
person A: I let my friend borrow my car yesterday and I regret it now. person B: oh yea why is that? person A: Because he crashed it and totaled it! I am so angry with him person B: oh wow thats so stupid of him.
person A: I had to take a licensing test last week for my new job. I spent hours studying for it and felt like nobody could be more prepared. person B: That is great_comma_ did you get the license? person A: Well I don't get the results back until Friday. But I feel like I did great! person B: Well hopefully you ace it!
person A: I have worked all week to prepare for the meeting and feel I will do great! person B: That sounds great! What's your meeting about? person A: Its about the investment trends in our company person B: That sounds really interesting. Hopefully you'll get rewarded for your great performance!
person A: I had a friend who was getting married last month. Unfortunatley my job forced me to work on his wedding night. Now I don't know if he likes me anymore. person B: Oh that sucks but i think he should understand the situation. person A: I hope so. He was really annoyed with me at the time. person B: thats unfair of him.
person A: I got crashed into this morning by another car who was texting while driving which was horrible person B: Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Were you hurrt? person A: i had a sprain in my neck but my car was ruined. i was really mad. person B: Hopefully insurance will be able to cover the car at least.
person A: Hi_comma_ I am elated that my dad bought me Porsche Macan. person B: Oh wow that is an awesome car. person A: I agree_comma_ I was jumping up and down because I was so excited. person B: i can imagine you would_comma_ its an awesome situation.
person A: I cut someone off in traffic this morning_comma_ made me feel a bit bad. person B: You shouldnt feel bad. It happens to all of us at some point. person A: yea but still makes me feel bad for doing it. person B: Its okay_comma_ it was just an accident.
person A: Seeing that my wife bought a white color when I asked her to buy green disgust me person B: I would be really frustrated with that as well. Did you exchange the colors? person A: She promised to go and do that since she realizes how i feel person B: Well it sounds like she's listening to you at least. person A: I think she still loves me regardless that's why
person A: I recently won a performance award at my job. That made me so happy! person B: Congratulations. You have done well person A: Thank you very much. person B: I wish I can attend a party for this if there is
person A: I'd been having computer problems for quite a while. Finally I decided to take my computer into a shop. I was shocked at how quickly and fast the tech fixed the computer and had it working like new. person B: I agree_comma_ these shop mechanics can be extremely knowledgeable when it comes to computers. person A: Yeah sometimes they really are. A lot of my past experiences have been negative though. person B: yea but at least now you have found a good_comma_ trustworthy place.
person A: I was having dinner yesterday and just stopped for a moment to thank the Lord. person B: Well that sounds like a good thing to do. person A: I agree_comma_ I just felt so grateful to have food on my table. person B: Well I'm happy for you as well that your needs are being meet.
person A: I had a friend who was really driving me crazy last night. He was constantly calling me trying to get me to help with a project that he's working on. Unfortunatley I really don't know anything about his project so anything I could do was very limitied. person B: He should be understanding of that and not keep on. That's just frustrating for everyone involved person A: I wish he was more understanding. But sometimes he seems to miss some obvious facts. person B: Sounds very immature if you ask me
person A: Someone crashed into my parked car yesterday. person B: Omg!_comma_ does the place have camera? at least so that the police can track down the person person A: hopefully_comma_ i was so mad. person B: If you have insurance I think you will be fine
person A: I am scared that I might not have enough money for food next month person B: oh that sucks_comma_ i know how that feels_comma_ its why i got an extra job online person A: Thanks that might be an option. person B: Yea it was scary but im happy its not bad anymore.
person A: The latest models of cars are sophisticated person B: I agree. Do you have a new car? person A: Not yet_comma_though I'm a car enthusiasts person B: Oh cool. I love visiting car shows myself.
person A: I visitied New York last weekend. The trip there made me remember other trips there that I took with my parents when I was a kid. person B: OK let me in on it person A: Well there's no real secret. We traveled to New York fairly often and it just brought back a flood of good memories. person B: So what was the experience like ?
person A: I feel so bad for having a drunken one night stand. person B: Why does that make you feel bad? You're allowed to have fun sometimes. person A: Because I am married. person B: Oh that would be tough. Have you told your partner?
person A: I applied for a new job yesterday. It seems like a great fit for me! It pays so much better and is so much more stable than my current job. I think I have a great chance at getting it! person B: You must be quite hopeful to get this new job then! I hope you do as well. person A: Yes I really am. I would be very upset if it doesn't work out. person B: I agree_comma_ but stay positive. There is nothing you can do now.
person A: My mom stayed with me for a few days last week. She was very helpful around the house taking care of all of my needs. person B: I hope I will still be helping my kids when they are grown up. I like to feel they will always need me. person A: I think they will. Kids usually never outgrow their parents deep down. person B: Yes_comma_ but they can be a bit of a challenge when they are growing up!
person A: Now I am getting older_comma_ I realise there are things that I miss doing_comma_ like playing tennis or football. Maybe I should start again. person B: You should definitley pick them up again. Don't let age stop you! person A: Can you imagine a 60 year old on a skateboard! person B: lol well as long as you're fairly active and fit it shouldn't be too big of a problem. person A: I agree_comma_ i still feel young so why not. Maybe I'll start with a gentle game of tennis!
person A: My stepfather has been in the hospital this week and I haven't called him. I feel kind of ashamed and awkward about it. person B: Why_comma_ did you hesitate in the first place? person A: To be honest_comma_ I don't really like him. It hasn't been a very good marriage with my mom. person B: I see than_comma_ I could tell you that you should just overcome yourself and do it_comma_ but its you own personal business... person A: Thanks_comma_ I probably will call. I do feel embarrassed because I know it is the right thing to do.
person A: Hi_comma_ I accidentally had an affair with my wife's coworker. person B: Wow that sounds rough! Have you told your wife about it? person A: No actually_comma_ I can't even look her in the eyes anymore. I feel so bad about it. person B: I could imagine. I hope you're able to work through this somehow.
person A: I had planned to get my wife flowers for her birthday but I completly forgot. I feel very upset about having forgotten and think she'll hate me. person B: Is there still time to get one? You can if you hurry! person A: Well it was a few days ago. I'd still be late. person B: Hmm I think you should make it up to her somehow. Take her to an expensive dinner.
person A: I had so much belief in people that I gave my car to someone and he drove it and never came back with it person B: Oh my goodness. Who is that guy? person A: someone I met at a religious gathering_comma_ so much for trusting! person B: What an impostor.
person A: This is an important time for our family because our son is applying for colleges this year. We're all nervous! person B: It's a great stage in your life_comma_ what is he majoring in? person A: Most likely he will study finance. His grades are good but not the best_comma_ so we just don't know what to expect. person B: Well I wish luck to both of you. person A: Thank you! All he can do now is hope for the best!
person A: I am very sure about getting to my kid's school before 1am for the parent teacher's meeting person B: Is there anything that could spoil that? person A: my car is not in the best of shape and if i take it to the repair shop I wont meet up_comma_ so what I did is I left home very early person B: Seems like you took all the precautions_comma_ the rest is not up to you.
person A: My coworker was given a great work assignment this morning. It seems like she did nothing to even deserve it. I wish I could get such great assignments! person B: I hate when that happens. Things always seem to go that way. person A: I know it's really frustrating. I don't know what I should do at all. person B: All you can do is just keep doing the best job you can and hopefully someone will notice someday.
person A: I love by myself and it gets so boring. Its just me and my dog. person B: Your dog doesn't keep you good company? person A: And that should have said LIVE lol. She does.. but its not the same as having other people to talk to. person B: I guess so but it should be able to alleviate a lot of that loneliness.
person A: I am so happy.. my sister just had a baby! person B: Congrats. Boy or girl? person A: a Baby girl.. shes so stinking cute! person B: I'm having a boy soon. 3 months or so
person A: My friend went to the hospital last week because of a heart attack! person B: sorry to hear that. I hope he is okay now person A: He's recovering. But I'm really nervous about the after effects. person B: he will be okay as long he got the tratment
person A: My birthday is next week and its the only thing I can think about. person B: Well_comma_ early happy birthday. What will you do to celebrate? person A: i will go out for dinner with my friends. I am really looking forward to it! person B: Thats great. Enjoy your day.
person A: My son is getting ready to go off to college and I find myself so happy and sad at the same time. I'm just remembering all the wonderful times we had with him growing up. It went so quickly! person B: Well you knew that you would have to let go one day_comma_ didn't you? person A: Yes_comma_ I have always known that_comma_ and I know it's a great thing. But it's hard not to feel emotional about it. Life is about to really change. person B: We have only one option when it comes to change_comma_ embrace it!
person A: My best friend just got a new car. Here I am driving the same car for 10 years. person B: I feel you. I need a new one asap. POS falling apart. Cost me lots for a repair recently person A: I know how that is trust me. Why can she get a new one and not me.. UGH! person B: They're not cheap let me tell ya
person A: I've bought a lottery ticket every week for years. This week shockingly I bought the winning ticket! person B: That's great_comma_ how much did you win? person A: Thank you. $50. Of course they take so much out in taxes person B: Still more than you started with. For that ticket anyway. LOL. Congrats.
person A: Took my daughter to the Animal Kingdom for the first time_comma_ I think I was more excited than she was. person B: Oh that sounds like so much fun! I love animals! person A: Me too. But she didn't seem to care. She loved the Dinosaur ride. It's a rough one. person B: Hopefully she'll get more interested when she gets a bit older. person A: I believe she will_comma_ she loves her cats.
person A: I agreed to watch my neighbor's cat last week while she was on vacation. Unfortunatley I forgot to do that. person B: What happened to the cat?? person A: The cat didn't make it unfortunatley. person B: My condolences to the owner.
person A: I bought a brand new car the other day. I parked it in front of my house. Then some neighborhood punks came by and keyed it the first day! person B: That is so aggravating! I am sorry to hear this happened to you! person A: It is. Of course fixing it is so expensive. I don't know what to do! person B: Call the police! I hope you nab these guys and put them in jail!
person A: Hi_comma_ the workers at my firm have not been performing their tasks to the required standard. person B: That sounds horrible. Are you trying to motivate them? person A: Yes but it is making me livid that they are not listening to my instructions! person B: I can understand the feeling. I always feel ignored.
person A: I'm so tired. I was awake for hours last night. person B: Oh_comma_ sorry to hear that. I was under a lot of stress. What happened to you? person A: Our dog was baking and I couldn't see what he was all upset about. He never bark like that. person B: Oh no_comma_ sorry hope it wasn't a snake. My hound dog is alwayd barking. person A: What was stressful for you? person B: Yah_comma_ lost my job and trying to find a new one.
person A: As I opened _comma_it was a friend I had lost contact with for about 20 years person B: Oh my_comma_ that is along time. Did you feel nostalgic? person A: Who wouldn't? He just showed up like a ghost from the blues.. Lol! person B: I see_comma_ you should rekindle your friendship.
person A: I woke up with a pimple on my face and brother won't stop teasing me about it! person B: I know that feeling! Maturity I suppose person A: Perhaps so_comma_ but I wish he would just be quiet and stop pestering me. person B: Its that feeling you have to live with for now.. Lol!
person A: I am feeling like I have not been the best roommate lately. person B: Why_comma_ what did you do_comma_ to feel like that? person A: I feel like I let my roommate down by breaking some of our house rules_comma_ and I feel bad for it. person B: Are you planning to make up for it?
person A: I recently got a care package from my sister who lives overseas. She didn't tell me that she was sending it. But it really delighted me. person B: You are so lucky to have such caring sister person A: Thank you. I agree. She really is great most of the time. person B: I hope you can reciprocate by sending her a birthday message when it's time for it so she knows you care for her