person A: My dog died_comma_ I feel so lonely person B: I'm really sorry to hear that. How long did you have it for? person A: It been 2 days now :( person B: That's really tough right now. I hope you're doing something fun to keep yourself occupied.
person A: I have been attacked last week by robber with a knife. I am still terrible afraid of getting out alone. person B: I really hope you are alright. Did they catch him? person A: No_comma_ the police didn't catch him. person B: Do you at least remember how he looks?
person A: My sister is really sick right now with a fever. I've been taking care of her day and night for the last week. person B: Are't you afraid to catch the fever? person A: Not really. I tend to be rather healthy and not get sick even if others around me are sick. person B: Good for you_comma_ I hope your sister gets well too.
person A: I was so confident and then three people stepped up and I knew we had the title. person B: What do you mean they stepped up but you still had the title. Wouldn't they be the ones with that? person A: They placed in events that they weren't even suppose to qualify in_comma_ to get us more points. person B: Oh cool. Well I'm happy for you guys
person A: I accidentally yelled at an elderly person becuase I thought they were being mean to me when they were trying to help me while I was driving. person B: oh what were they doing to you person A: He was making gestures as I was driving past and I thought he was telling me to slow down. I wasn't going that fast and it distracted me so I got upset. Turns out_comma_ he was trying to tell me of severe weather in the area. person B: oh _comma_ elderly people are little tough to understand person A: He was a very nice man in the end and I apologized profusely. person B: yeah thats very nice to apologize to elderly people
person A: In the fall_comma_ i had a week off and I didn't make any plans because I was pretty broke. My oldest and best childhood friend flew in from where they live in Europe to spend the week with me- they didn't tell me they were coming. It was wonderful! person B: oh wow.. where did you all go? person A: The best part was just seeing each other- it has been five years. We didn't really do much_comma_ all our time was spent chatting. person B: that was so great of your friend person A: It really was. I don't know how she managed to keep it a secret!
person A: "I was shocked when I didnt win the lottery!" person B: Aww_comma_ I'm sorry. It sure would solve a lot of problems_comma_ wouldn't it? person A: yea and i could whatever i want when i win person B: What's the first thing you would do if you won a few million?
person A: Hello_comma_ I brought dishonor on my family by not getting A in my math class person B: oh wow_comma_ you should have known better person A: I know_comma_ I am so ashamed of myself. I should have studied harder... person B: try harder next time and im sure you will do better!
person A: I was so happy last week when it was fridaaay! person B: i agree_comma_ I love Fridays_comma_ Did you have any plans? person A: to get chocolate wasted! person B: Sounds like a great plan. Also a great way to get diabetes!
person A: All of my friends are taking summer vacations. I've stayed home and have nothing to do because nobody I know is around. person B: why arent you taking a vacation with them? person A: I didn't have money or time to plan anything. person B: perhaps you could invite someone over to your place and watch a cool movie with them over a pizza?
person A: I forgot to do anything for my best friend's birthday this year. I've known him for a long time but it just completly slipped my mind this year. person B: Really? person A: Yeah it wasn't a good thing. person B: What happened? person A: Well nothing really. I guess I'm just losing my memory. He didn't seem upset at me or anything though.
person A: 5 person B: 5 what? person A: 5 hundred thousand dollars person B: I would like that much money! person A: But the business did not go well as planned person B: What business?
person A: When I was at my sweet sixteen birthday party_comma_ my crush asked another girl out. I felt terrible. person B: Did you have a back up plan? person A: Well_comma_ we still had the party. I didn't like another guy. I just felt bad. person B: Well_comma_ now you that such is life_comma_ it makes plans for you.
person A: I was mad when I woke up and it was only Tuesday! person B: I agree_comma_ I dislike Tuesdays because they are so far from Friday! person A: thats why i was mad! person B: I would have been too. You should have just slept all day!
person A: Yesterday I heard a loud sound coming from my kitchen person B: was it a bear? person A: No it was a kangaroo. I had to punch him to get rid of him. person B: nice_comma_ did you beat him up? person A: Yes_comma_ I did an upper-cut across his jaw. He ran away like a sissy.
person A: My kids got me started watching the show America's Got Talent. It's really quite amazing how many talented people are out there! person B: Oh yes. I love that show I can relate to real life families. person A: Same here! Have you seen the one guy with the family of adopted boys? What an amazing person_comma_ and a great talent! person B: Yes_comma_ I saw him. Very blessed and talented man.
person A: My parents decided to send me to a new school out of the area person B: a better school? person A: They thought it was a better school_comma_ and it probably was_comma_ but I didn't feel like it was at the time person B: oh that stinks person A: I remember after the first day wondering if I would ever have any friends there
person A: I was happy when i woke up and it was friday! person B: what are you looking forward to? person A: being at home without having to do anything! person B: That's a great feeling_comma_ I agree! I rarely get a day where I just stay home
person A: And that resulted to an agruement person B: what did? person A: I was trying to settle a score him and his girl friend_comma_ then I mentioned her qualities while trying to convince him person B: oh no! was the argument bad? are you still friends
person A: I've put in like 10hts of studies daily person B: I can not even imagine one hour! person A: Yeah _comma_that's working hard playing less I suppis person B: I like to be lazy as much as I can.
person A: I lost my job yesterday. person B: Sorry about that.I know how it feels_comma_especially with the family concerns person A: yes_comma_ i just want to be able to feed my kids. person B: Please never stay idle _comma_fix yourself anywhere_comma_ I mean somewhere
person A: My appartment was robbed last week. The police called me to tell me that theyprobably found some of the objects that have been robbed. I hope it is true. person B: Oh wow that is terrible I hope you recover everything that was taken from you person A: Some of the objects have sentimental value for me more than anything else. person B: I completely understand I have had my car broken into a few times and had objects that held value and were sentimental to me as well
person A: Hi_comma_ I have a really essential certificate exam tomorrow. person B: Good luck! Have you studied for it? Do you feel prepared? person A: Yes_comma_ I think so. but I just can't stop thinking that something bad will happen. I am worried! person B: Don't be paranoid. That just upsets you. Try to think positivley.
person A: Yesterday I walked through the park to get some fresh air. I saw a mother beating up her kid in the park. I can't believe that some people really will do that. person B: That sounds aggravating. Did you say anything to her? person A: No I had no idea what to say at the time. And worried that she might turn on me. person B: Thats okay_comma_ you should call the police next time.
person A: I was mad when it was only tuesday! person B: Yeah_comma_ Tuesday is just the beginning of the week and more to go. Is that why? person A: cause its not FRIDAYYYYYYY! as oprah would say person B: So true
person A: I feel very proud to be able to make that importante change at work and I think that my boss will do something for me. Maybe it will be a raise in my salary. person B: It always feels exciting to do something big at work. It always feels good to feel like you are making progress in your career. person A: Yes_comma_ and my collegues and friend are very happy too. They see me as a new leader in the group. person B: Also_comma_ maybe this is something you can put on your resume and it will look good in the future. person A: Sure I will do that. But I really enjoy working at that place and I wish to stay there many years.
person A: I entered a writing contest_comma_ but I didn't final in it. I was disappointed about that. person B: Sorry about that. You should try again and stay confident. The most important is to try. person A: That's how I feel. Every time one thing doesn't get accepted_comma_ I submit something else. person B: Good. Stay focus and you will have success. We always learn something in our good and bad experiences.
person A: I entered a contest to win a free vacation to Puerto Rico last month. Much to my shock I actually won it! I will be taking that trip at the end of this month! person B: Congratulations. Are you going by yourself? person A: No I'm taking my girlfriend with me. I can't wait! person B: Have fun you two!
person A: I was eating one of those ferrero rocher candies once. A worm was inside it. It was so gross!! person B: Eww_comma_ that must have so disgusting. You should report this to the FDA. person A: haha. Nah I just threw it away. It almost made me sick. It was my fault though since it was a little expired person B: Oh I see_comma_ try and avoid expired food next time! person A: Haha you got it :D
person A: Hi there_comma_ my lovely wife is leaving town next week. person B: Oh? Where is she going? person A: She is going on a work trip for 2 months. I am upset at this. person B: Aww man! That is a long time to be without your wife. I bet you're going to miss her :(
person A: I was shocked to see my dog missing the other day! person B: Oh_comma_ no I hope you found him and he is ok. person A: yea he came back a few days later! person B: Do you know where he went
person A: My kids are always not listening it drives me so crazy person B: time to lay the smack down person A: Would you believe that doesn't work they still don't listen person B: yea i can believe it.. but it makes you feel better!
person A: In the airplane_comma_ last week_comma_ I was borred by someone knocking repeatedly and aggressively on the toilet door. person B: what...? you were in the toilet? and they were trying to get in? whut? i am so confused_comma_ why would they do that? person A: Yes_comma_ I was in the toilet. She was wanted to get in. person B: that is really weird_comma_ I would be so stunned if that was happening to me_comma_ and its not like theres only one toilet on a plane usually so wtf. was she still there when you got out?
person A: Hi_comma_ i have made no new friends in my new class person B: Oh I'm sorry. Have you tried to talk to people? person A: I have but they do not like me. I sit alone at lunch every day because of this. person B: You can try again to reach out to people. Otherwise_comma_ remember that it is only temporary... soon you will be in a different class with more opportunities to make friends.
person A: I was looking for to my birthday party. It was the first big one I'd had in years. person B: Nice_comma_ it is always to good to celebrate your birthday in a fancy way every few years! person A: I think birthdays are a lot of fun and should be celebrated no matter how old you are. We went to a nice restaurant. person B: That is quite interesting. I hope your day went very well!
person A: Hi_comma_ I was having dinner yesterday and just stopped for a moment to thank the Lord. person B: That is gracious of you. I haven't done that in awhile. person A: You should do it more often_comma_ I was thankful to have food on the table! person B: I agree
person A: I thought he would not pay back after a long time person B: Had you lent someone some money? person A: Yes I did person B: What made you doubtful that you would get paid back? person A: He failed to pay back when he promised he would person B: Oh_comma_ I see -- but did he ever pay you back?
person A: There was not a lot of decent paying work in my area person B: Really? person A: Yes it's a rural area with not a lot of opportunities person B: what kind of jobs? person A: There are some retail jobs_comma_ hotel jobs_comma_ health care_comma_ education_comma_ but not a lot of industry
person A: Its been a fantasy since I was a kid person B: oh what was was that fantacy person A: To be in Disney land _comma_and see my favorite cartoon characters person B: its been everyone's fantasy . what is your favorite Disney character
person A: There always seems to be bad news on TV these days. person B: Who even watches TV this days? person A: good point! I mean on the internet_comma_ papers etc. There never seems to be good news. It worries me. person B: Because history is not made_comma_ it is written. person A: Well if we carry on_comma_ the world will not cope with so many people polluting the place.
person A: I went on my first rollercoaster ride about a month ago person B: Neat_comma_ did you like it/ person A: Not at first! It was soooo scary!! person B: Yeah_comma_ my first one was too. I can't stand if they stay upside down too long. person A: I know right??!! I'll go again though! person B: Fun person A: How interesting! Tell me more!!!
person A: My husband has been home working_comma_ so the house needs to be quiet. The kids are home from summer break. My dad has been nice enough to take them out and keep them busy so we can work. person B: That's really great that you have someone to take them out of the house and help out! person A: He has been so wonderful. They are having fun and I don't feel guilty. person B: Becoming a parent is funny_comma_ I used to so look forward to summers. Now_comma_ even though its nice to have time with them it adds new challenges.
person A: After months of DIY projects I spent the two days before my wedding getting everything ready. We made all of the bouquets and flower arrangements_comma_ my mother an I made all of the food_comma_ and we got the reception space ready the day before the wedding. It was a lot but I felt really prepared. person B: That is wonderful to have a personal touch for your wedding. It makes it all the more special. person A: Everything went over really well_comma_ except I put the song I walked down the aisle to on a CD and the stereo we had didn't take CD's! Thank goodness for smart phones_comma_ my cousin downloaded the song and had an aux cord so it worked out. person B: That's great that you had a backup plan for that. It sounds like it was great and I bet everyone was very impressed! person A: Everyone seemed to have a really good time. I think the best part was the food. It was a winter wedding so we had chicken and biscuits and scalloped potatoes and ham.
person A: I ordered a really nice new car and I am just waiting for it to be delivered. I can't wait! person B: oh happy for you buddy person A: thanks_comma_ I had to save up for ages person B: how much did it cost?
person A: I am jealous of a co worker that got a promotion and not me. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ how does that make you feel? person A: I feel bad person B: Well_comma_ you can always try to get a promotion next time!
person A: Did you know today is my birthday? person B: No_comma_ Congratulation. Do you have something planned today? person A: I did not. I came home and was greeted by a large group of people and balloons person B: That is nice. person A: I've never had that happen before. How would that make you feel if that happened to you?
person A: applied for a job recently and put loads of effort into polishing my CV. I really wanted the job because the salary was really good. I felt like the interview went really well but obviously not because I didn't get offered the position. person B: oh what really went wrong person A: I think I came across as too confident person B: yeah its problematic in such kind of job interviews
person A: He did not meet up to his project dealines person B: Are you talking about a co-worker of yours? person A: A co-worker is my blood brother. I am is line manager person B: Did you have a conversation about not meeting deadlines? person A: Yes we did person B: How did it go?
person A: I have seen her work with children and she does very well. person B: Ok person A: It's a source of satisfaction_comma_ I must say person B: Really? person A: Yes_comma_ at least it makes me think we did something right as parents!
person A: Once when I was in high school_comma_ I unexpectedly received an award. It was for the work I did for the school year book. person B: What exactly did you do for the school year book? person A: I was an editor_comma_ so I designed and wrote up the pages that were in my section. person B: That is wonderful. I use to love English classes in college.
person A: When the family gets together from different parts of the country person B: Its great when family get together. Do you do that on special occasions only? person A: Yeah! That's the period when every one seem less busy person B: Exactly. You must feel very happy when that happens.
person A: I think I'm a hermit but most times feel sad that I don't have a social life. person B: I understand person A: I'm not sure how to snap out of it. I at times like my own space but being alone makes me feel depressed. person B: Then you need to take a break
person A: A fried asked me to make a song intro for an upcoming show person B: Nice_comma_ is that within your skill set? person A: Yeah I've learned it over the years. It's for an upcoming mma show. He liked it and is going to use it! person B: That's fantastic. person A: Thank you! I'm going to the show so I can see how it sounds with the crowd going.
person A: I like to be ready before a long trip. person B: Yeah I agree. Do you have a long trip coming up? person A: Yes_comma_ I'm going to Wyoming on vacation. person B: Awesome! Is your family going with you? person A: Yes_comma_ we are all going . person B: That sounds like fun! I hope you enjoy your trip!!! Be safe!
person A: When I woke up this morning I just couldnt believe that work had gave me a large bonus! person B: oh cool_comma_ how much did you get? person A: 150! It was crazy. I was not expecting it. person B: sweet! so you planning to invest it into something or celebrate?
person A: My boss lied to me. Im so upset about it. person B: oh no.. what did he do? person A: He promised he would fix my paycheck_comma_ he always does after he makes a mistake then he never fixes it. person B: he seems like a terrible guy
person A: I lost my temper the other day with my child when she threw food at me_comma_ and I felt like I was too mean! person B: well_comma_ we all have that moment in our days.. dont worry person A: I know_comma_ but still feels bad each time even if you just raise your voice a little and then see their little face all upset. ugh parenthood is hard! person B: true.. but it is for their own good only_comma_ discipline would help them moving forward
person A: I let my friend move into my house_comma_ I own 2 properties and figured she could live there for free because she is having a hard time in life. person B: thats is really nice of you as a friend person A: I know I have to believe she wont ruin the house_comma_ or her children. person B: she wont_comma_ good deeds arent punished
person A: I found a wallet in the subway. Instead of bringing it to an agent_comma_ I took it with me. I feel bad about it. person B: You can still turn it in! Just drop it off to the police or the people in charge at the subway. person A: Yes_comma_ I can do that but I already spent the money. person B: I would feel bad to but save up some cash put it back and bring it back. you got this.
person A: My dad used to take us every year on vacation to Virginia Beach. It always made be extremely happy! person B: That is nice. You don't go anymore in family? person A: No unfortunately not because he has passed away_comma_ but one of these summers I am going to take my family there on a vacation! Start a new tradition. :) person B: Sorry to hear that. It is good a idea.
person A: Its so hard being alone when you are used to having your family around. person B: very true.. do you live alone now? person A: No with my wife_comma_ and daughter but every year they go to Peru to visit her family for a few weeks and it sucks being by yourself! person B: i feel you.. but look on the bright side_comma_ it makes the moments being together far more special
person A: So funny story_comma_ not funny - careless of me_comma_ but still somewhat maybe funny? I forgot to put a diaper on my toddler when she went into the clubhouse pool................... person B: oh damn.. it is kind of funny yes person A: You can only guess what happened from there_comma_ she dropped it like its hot right in her swimsuit and everyone seen me running with her to go back home ha ha person B: lol.. i guess that would be a cool story to tell you child when she grows up huh?
person A: I have a toothache today but no time to get to the dentist. person B: I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any meds that could help relieve the pain? person A: I took some but they didn't do a thing. Of course_comma_ just what I need! person B: Maybe you should rethink going to the dentist if you're in so much pain.
person A: I finished season 2 of Luther on Netflix last night. person B: Oh_comma_ how did you like it? person A: Loved it. Each episode gives me nightmares. Great show! person B: I'll have to check it out_comma_ thanks for the rec! I've been meaning to add more things to my "must watch" list.
person A: I walked upon a snake in my backyard a couple of days ago. person B: oh wow I really hate snakes_comma_ I would've freaked out! What did you do? person A: I killed it with a hoe. person B: you sure are brave! I would've ran.
person A: i was shocked when i saw my dog missing the other day person B: Were you able to find it? person A: yea he came back later the in the day own his own person B: glad it worked out.
person A: I've been hearing some strange sounds around the house at night lately. person B: hrmmm wonder if its a ghost or a rodent? person A: I don't know_comma_ but I can't find it. person B: oh wow.. that is strange
person A: Every year my brother tries to top me on christmas with gifts and luxury because he has a super good job! It drives me nuts. person B: lol_comma_ you are so lucky to have such a sweet brother. what do you buy him in return? person A: Oh pffft he doesnt do it for me_comma_ for my parents lol. He always tries to out do me every year. person B: haha.. thats hilarious_comma_ i thought he was spoiling you! person A: I wish_comma_ he does get me cool stuff but none the less im still hating on him because my parents minds are always blown! >.<
person A: i was crushed when i saw my dog had gotten out person B: Oh no_comma_ have you found him yet? person A: no... hopefully he returns soon! person B: I really hope so that sucks. Put out some dog food_comma_ some water_comma_ maybe one of his favorite toys.
person A: I was so scared_comma_ but felt so sure of myself to make the long drive across the USA! person B: wow thats a nice little drive! person A: Oh yes it was it took me 6 days_comma_ but it was so much fun and I knew I could do it. person B: oh wow i would think it would take longer
person A: I couldnt believe i got a bonus at work!. person B: awesome! how much did you get? person A: $800 and 16 hours comp time! person B: thats too good.. congrats!
person A: Something is under my bed and keeps me up at night! person B: What!? My god sounds like a horror movie. You better move. person A: I think I need to! My whole bed starts shaking around and I promise you_comma_ I'm not dreaming! person B: I would have moved that same night_comma_ and probably changed my identity thats terrifying!
person A: I woke up extra early just to make sure I made it to work on time for my new job. person B: Did you get there on time? I do the same thing_comma_ I like to be prepared for any traffic that could pop up. person A: I did yes_comma_ I felt very ready for the first day. You never know about traffic thats right! especially in the city. person B: Something always comes up whenever you need to be somewhere! That's how life works!
person A: i was upset when I wasnt able to leave work early person B: oh i see.. did you have any programs planned? person A: yea i had some things in the works person B: sorry to hear that buddy
person A: Someone cut me off in traffic the other day_comma_ and they were going pretty fast too. person B: oh no_comma_ were you hurt? person A: No fortunately I just had to slam on the breaks_comma_ very annoying though. person B: true that_comma_ stay safe!
person A: I cant wait until after work today I get to go pick up my new car.! person B: Oh_comma_ what kind is it? person A: Its a jeep_comma_ I love jeeps. 2018 compass person B: I've never owned a jeep_comma_ are they nice?
person A: I've not been around too many people lately. person B: Why not? Whats going on? person A: Nothing_comma_ just haven't felt like getting out lately. person B: Happens to the best of us we are only human. Dont take it in a bad way im sure its been real nice being alone.
person A: The other night I got woke up from a noise I heard outside. I was so scared. person B: oh damn.. what was it? person A: It was some guys fighting_comma_ but women were screaming and my god it was intense. person B: i hope the cops took care of it
person A: Someone cut me off in traffic the other day. person B: Oh god_comma_ how so what happened? person A: Well we were just driving on the highway and he cut into my lane with just barely enough room. person B: Sounds like florida ugh
person A: I swear traffic is the worst in this city. I was almost in a car accident on the interstate going 80 MPH the other ady with my baby in the car. person B: Wow you too! It's crazy how many bad drivers there are. person A: I know for real she was literally right beside me_comma_ didnt even look once and just swerved right into my lane - luckily there was no one beside me because i had to swerve to avoid her hitting me it was intense. person B: Well I'm glad you weren't hurt.
person A: My friend asked to move into my home that I am selling and live there for free until she can find a place. person B: Yikes_comma_ that's a tough place to be in. She's very forward for asking something like that too. person A: I know shes a pretty close friend_comma_ but its still scary the thought of letting someone move in. They say dont deal with friends or family when it comes to business. person B: They do and you never know what could happen_comma_ let's say you guys get into a fight and then she trashes your house! Not a good outcome!
person A: I blew my budget a little this year and had some financial emergencies so I won't be able to go on a vacation this summer afterall_comma_ it's no fun. person B: That sucks! I cant save money at all I always overspend even just for groceries. I hope you can save up atleast al ittle money and take like a "daycation" ! person A: That's a good idea_comma_ I didn't think about that at all! There are a few cheap things around my city I've been meaning to check out_comma_ this is a good excuse for it! person B: Im always living on a budget so even if you could atleast treat yourself for a day_comma_ or 1 night then do it! You deserve it I am sure you are working hard.
person A: Hi! how are you? I'm getting ready to go on a vacation and am really excited! person B: Cool! Where are you going? person A: I'm going to China! person B: That's pretty awesome. I have never been that far! person A: Yeah I really like to take tourist vacations rather than relaxation vacations_comma_ how far have you been? person B: Mexico. I went to cozumel once
person A: I spent weeks seraching for a new tv online person B: Sometimes it can be hard to find the right one at the right price_comma_ did you find one? person A: I ended up with a samsung. Its an upgrade from the samsung I had before but I think I picked the right one person B: That is awesome_comma_ I'm glad you were able to find one. How big is the TV? person A: 55"
person A: I just mesmerized with the kid's performance. person B: yeah that kid were more lovely and attractive. i was love kids person A: She sung a song. person B: oh thats nice
person A: I was very impressed to find out that my partner did not receive any tickets or citations within two years of driving person B: Same as me! Everyone is always shocked to know that person A: It is impossible for me to maintain such a record. At least one or two i receive a year person B: Well_comma_ truth be told I've never gotten one ever which is even more rare. But good on your partner_comma_ really. That's hard to do!
person A: My roomate is leaving at the end of the month to move up north person B: Are you going to have any other roommate or you will be living alone? person A: I'll be by myself_comma_ so I need to find another roomate. I'm not really sure about the best way to do that though. I had enough randoms in college person B: Maybe you can post an ad on Craigslist. That way many will see and be interested
person A: I had picked out some school shoes for my daughter the other day and was waiting for my check to hit the bank so that I could order them. person B: Did the check end up hitting in time? person A: IT did_comma_ but when I got back to the website both pairs were sold out. I was so upset. person B: I would be too. ugh that sucks! person A: She really wanted them too. Now I have to find something else and school is about to start.
person A: I dropped my wallet at the store and lost all of my money and id. person B: Oh no. That has happened to me before. person A: yeah it super sucks because now i have to get my id and social back and all of that! person B: That is a long tedious process too. You have to have one thing to get the other and they make you run around and get more things. ugh
person A: MY mother has so many televisions at her house person B: How many does she have? person A: 6 person B: That is a lot wow_comma_ she must really love watching tv atleast it gives her something to do tho! person A: She even has one in the kitchen. I only have one tv in my entire apartment!
person A: I cant wait for the next 2 weeks. My house is going to be sold_comma_ and my wife is starting her new job! ahhhh person B: That's great. You both must be excited person A: We are really I am just so ready for it my god i cant even wait!! person B: Are you moving to a better home?
person A: I had to give a speech one time in school and I was very nervous for it. person B: That can be nerve wrecking. How did you do? person A: I was nervous the whole time. But I managed to get through it. I'm sure everyone could tell. person B: What kind of grade did you get?
person A: My friend got a promotion at the casino in town. person B: That's great. Do you visit the casino often? person A: Not really I don't like losing money. The job is transferring her to Vegas though. She is moving soon person B: Yeah I don't have the best luck in casinos either. person A: I am going to miss her. She is my best friend for 10 years
person A: I let my dog out late last night and a skunk was there. I got scared when I spotted her/him trying to scurry away! person B: Oh dear! Did you get sprayed? That would frighten me too_comma_ especially at night. person A: No. I think skunks are the cutest things. I just didn't expect one to be brave and come in my yard! My dog is older and deaf and not usually let out so late- I got her in and mrs skunk got away thank goodness- I wanted to give her some fruit though person B: Well that's a relief! I'm glad neither of you got sprayed.
person A: I finally got cable in my apartment after 5 years. well_comma_ satellite person B: wow nice person A: I'm not supposed to have it in the front yard though. I couldnt get a signal in the back. I might get in trouble but I did it anyway. person B: oh its unfair and really hurts person A: what's that? person B: iam gonna end chant now
person A: I had the taco Bell breakfast this morning person B: Oh wow! how was that? I have never had Taco Bell breakfast. person A: It was terrible and expensive. person B: Oh really? I can understand. I usually regret eating Taco Bell. Especially after the digestive process. person A: I haven't had their tacos in years. I don't know why I went lol
person A: I took a huge risk and moved from 1 state to another without a job. I really wanted change in my life. person B: Oh wow! That is a bold move! Which state did you move to/from? person A: I know for real_comma_ it took me 3 years just to do it but I had positive vibes. NY to FL! ( running from the cold! ) person B: That is awesome. I have considered moving from Missouri down to either Lower Alabama or Florida. person A: Do it! Its so worth it. :)
person A: It impressed me to see Lebron to go the lakers person B: That's incredible! I would have never expected him to leave Cleveland. person A: yea i hope it works out for him person B: Yeah we will see_comma_ are you a big basketball fan?
person A: I fell down the stairs yesterday I was okay person B: oh my god!!! what happend??? person A: I just missed a step. It wasnt bad. My neighbor ran out to see if I was okay. I was mostly embarrased person B: now are you ok? person A: yes I am fine. I will just walk slower lol
person A: I am so proud of myself for winning a medal at the track meet we had last year. person B: Congratulations. I never payed any sports. person A: I enjoyed them because I like competition. person B: Did you win a lot?