person A: School starts soon. I just spoke with my daughters teacher. person B: What grade is she in_comma_ and how did it go!? person A: Pre-K. She is excited for school. Turns out the teacher already knows her. person B: Thats awesome! wow congrats mom... I bet you are super excited. person A: I am. Probably more than her!
person A: I cant wait for the NFL season to start person B: Do you have a favorite team? person A: whatever team is winning!!! person B: Nice. I grew up as a Redskin fan and hate the cowboys person A: needless to say im a lifelong eagles fan since last year! person B: How do you feel about New England?
person A: I think a lot about all the little birds in my neighborhood_comma_ I always try to make sure I feed them and any critter that comes along. person B: i love all the cardinals in the woods behind my house person A: Aren't they the prettiest? I am an HSP and I just can't stand to see anything so innocent suffer. person B: i dont want them to suffer either
person A: that dang storm last week upset me person B: why did it upset you? person A: cause it ruined my plans person B: What kind of plans did you have going on?
person A: My boyfriend went crazy. He stole my rent money person B: I hope you called the cops on him. person A: i did. I am going to move before I am evicted. I don't want him to know where I live person B: Good because he's no good for you. You deserve better. person A: I know. He screwed up/
person A: I am hoping to win the lottery today and quit my job! person B: I would love that too lol! What would you do if you won? person A: fly to the bahamas! person B: Be careful with flying over the ocean! It's a bit scary
person A: I live alone now and It is hard sometimes but it's good as well. person B: its a gift and a curse as they say person A: As is much of life but it's better to live alone right now and not be abused. I guess I'll take lonely over abuse person B: thats very true
person A: My friend just got engaged to her girlfriend. person B: That's great! How exciting! person A: Is it? I can't even get a boyfriend! person B: Yeah I know what you mean. It probably feels like you're losing a friend. person A: Now they are all going to be married.
person A: My daughter left for vacation with her friend. person B: Wow! Where did they go? person A: They went to Coco beach. It is so quiet and boring here without her. person B: Aw. You miss her. That's sweet. My daughter won't leave the house so I can miss her lol
person A: Im glad i'll be able to leave from work on time today person B: thats great_comma_ are you usually not able to? person A: work just starts to stack towards the end of the day person B: i understand how that goes
person A: I was mad when I didnt get paid my entire check person B: I would be mad too. What happened? person A: a payroll error person B: How long before you get what is owed to you?
person A: Im being evaluated at work soon. person B: for your job or mental health? person A: my job. It might not go well. I missed a lot of work lately. person B: hope it turns out well for you person A: Me too. I want a raise.
person A: I think I'm going to be single forever. person B: Don't say that. There is somebody for every single person on this earth. person A: Where is my person? person B: Don't force it. They usually come around when your not looking. person A: I am just tired of looking now.
person A: I saw someone using a trashcan as a drum set on the street yesterday. I was inspired because they were so efficient with what they had! person B: thats cool.. take any pics? person A: Nah_comma_ but I stayed a listened for a while. I was just super impressed person B: thats cool
person A: i was ready for that test yesterday person B: Nice_comma_ did you ace it person A: it was a drug test_comma_ but yea! person B: I hope you weren't smoking any weed
person A: I was very taken aback when my neighbor told me he still had his dogs. person B: What exactly do you mean? Did you expect them to be taken away from him? person A: He is mentally ill for the past few months..He never seemed to be before and he was VERY close to his dogs and said he needed them..He has been outside all day and NO dogs- person B: Oh dear_comma_ I hope everything works out. person A: I know right? I have to call AC and hope they care. I am worried he is harming them..Why aren't they ever outside with him? Not even for a second?
person A: I asked my friend to get stuff for a party_comma_ I knew he'd pull through though. person B: What kind of party? person A: It was a birthday party for someone else. person B: A close friend? What kind of decorations did he get?
person A: Sometimes I forget to feed my pets. I feel so bad about that it afterwards person B: set an alarm on your phone person A: That's a good idea person B: thanks
person A: I cant wait for saturday to get here! person B: What happens on saturday? person A: gonna get druuuuuunk person B: Lol_comma_ nice
person A: Sometimes I'll forget to feed my dog. I can't help but feel bad about it... person B: That's not good at all person A: Yeah I feel super guilty person B: Can't you just leave food out? Or set an alarm on your phone?
person A: I can't afford to go to the salon. person B: That sucks person A: My friends hair always look better when we go out. I do my own hair. person B: Save up some money for the salon then person A: I think I'm going to get new friends. My hair looks fine theirs just looks better. Id rather spend that money on something else.
person A: I am thankful for my neighbors person B: why what was the reason person A: dog got out and they let us know person B: oh that good to hear. nice human beings
person A: Hi friend_comma_ do you like candies? person B: yes i do person A: Me too! I am very sad today_comma_ wanna guess why? person B: cause you ran out of candles? person A: Yes that is true and then I tried to buy more but the store let me down..
person A: I felt bad for not taking a gift to a party i went to yesterday person B: Was it a birthday party? person A: yes person B: You probably should feel really bad. Was it a kid's birthday?
person A: I was super surprised when there was a cute skunk in our yard last night! person B: Cute? Oh my word person A: SO SO SO CUTE! They are sweet and just adorable. I had to run out half dressed though to grab my dog- Thank goodness it was dark and late person B: I have never seen a skunk outside before. I'm glad too person A: I have seen many- They are fine as long as you don't bother them_comma_ they are so freaking cute :) They waddle too person B: Like penguns? that might be cute to see.
person A: Fall semester is about to start and I am so ready. person B: It's nice to see someone who loves school! What are you studying? person A: Criminology. I actually don't love it. lol. I just want to get it over with. person B: Lol! Oh my goodness. So you are going to be a police officer or a lawyer? person A: No. I just want to work in the courthouse and be nosey and hear peoples cases.
person A: I was scared when I went home alone the other day person B: Oh I am sorry to hear that. Are you normally frightened to go home alone? person A: yes person B: Do you have an alarm system. My wife and I have one_comma_ and it automatically texts me if I am away from home and the alarm goes off.
person A: My wife is so caring I feel blessed to have her as a wife person B: That is amazing. It is so nice to have someone to share your life with. How long have y'all been together? person A: 25 years. We attended the same kindargerteen and we have been together as friends first since then person B: Wow! I have been married for a little over 2 years. What is the secret to a long lasting marriage? person A: Friendship!
person A: I never thought I would miss high school. person B: Oh I have felt that way before. When did you graduate? person A: 2002. I just didnt have to pay bills back then. I don't like it anymore lol person B: I can totally understand that. I was so excited to get out into the 'real' world. I did one enlistment in the military after high school_comma_ and now I am in college. Rude awakening after high school! person A: I know right.
person A: my girlfriend left me alone that hurts me more and lonley person B: I hear you! What happened? person A: yeah we were broked up for a small fight person B: That's not good. I hope you both can communicate about it in a respectful way. person A: yeah we can communicate each other
person A: I am a bit afraid to call AC on my neighbor as I don't want him to retaliate. person B: why any strange things do you found on your neighbour person A: He hasn't let his dogs out in a week. I think he is starving them or hurting them_comma_ I have to help them. person B: yeah you taken good descision because the dog bite most dangerous one you must help them
person A: Hi friend_comma_ Do you like driving in fast cars? person B: yeah its great exprerience i loves to drive fast person A: Yea me too_comma_ and I just bought a car that was surprising to me! person B: wow amazing feels great person A: Do you ever watch racing on the tv?
person A: I start a new job on Monday! I am as ready as I could be to hit the ground running! person B: wow congrats person A: Thanks! It took a lot of planning and work to get to this point! person B: yeah all the best fo
person A: Our home was broken into. person B: oh its really bad to hear person A: Yes_comma_ it was a very scary experience. person B: why what happaned? person A: Our home was broken into while we were at work.
person A: I am so clumsy! person B: Oh that's okay! I am as well. Sometimes I trip for no reason whatsoever. person A: Me too_comma_ I fell in front of a large group the other day on nothing but air. person B: That happens to me often. I also trip walking up the stairs quite often. It can be quite embarrassing!
person A: I love my job! person B: Me too_comma_ its the only place I get to get away from my wife's constant nagging. person A: Oh no I hate to hear that! person B: It's no problem. My work comfort's me just like yours does.
person A: I am so happy with my life right now! person B: That's great! It is so important to be content in life. person A: I agree! I think it is so important to do what makes you happy! person B: What do you do for a living? Does that contribute to your happiness? person A: I work with children!
person A: I am applying to grad school. person B: Oh wow! Congratulations! I also recently applied for grad school to study Computer Science (seriously). What are you wanting to study? person A: I'm going to study School Psychology! person B: That is very cool! I don't know about you_comma_ but I have been stressed out about the whole process.
person A: I love my job. I get to you tell students that they can't take certain classes at the school I work at. person B: That's great that you love your job_comma_ that is really important! person A: I do. There's just something about telling a student you can't do what you want to do with your education_comma_ and you have to do it my way. person B: That is a powerful type of position. person A: Makes you feel god-like sometimes.
person A: My family and I are going on our first cruise next year! person B: That sounds exciting! Where are you going? person A: We are going to Cozumel! person B: I've had a lot of friends go there. What are your specific plans while you're away?
person A: My dog is walking a bit slower these days_comma_ he's 15. person B: what breed is he? person A: He's a miniature pinscher_comma_ very small. person B: thats cute_comma_ i bet hes a great dog
person A: I tried a new Mexican restaurant person B: I love Mexican food! How was it? person A: It was great!. I had fajitas person B: That sounds so good. person A: They were so good. I had chicken and shrimp
person A: I am going on vacation next week. I had been stressing out trying to find someone to watch my dog. person B: That is great. I love dogs. Do you have any family person A: Yes. My sister stepped up and said she would watch him for me! Now I can be excited about my trip! person B: Yay! That is great. Where are you going for vacation?
person A: I just purchased my first home. person B: Wow! That's exciting! Was it what you were looking for? person A: It was! It is the perfect place on the outside of town. person B: That's great. Congrats on your home purchase! person A: Thank you!
person A: I was super nervous about getting on my flight to Peru last week. person B: That is scary! I've never flown before_comma_ the only time I have ever been on a plane was when I went skydiving. person A: Wow! Talk about scary! I love to travel_comma_ but I hate flying so much. person B: I also enjoy traveling!
person A: Hi. I was driving down the road and seen a man beating a dog. person B: did you intervene? person A: Yes I pulled over and it was too late. The dog was bleeding bad. person B: that is awful person A: I know it was too late... The guy ran off.
person A: My brother likes ordering Hawaiian pizza (with ham and pineapple). I can't even watch him eat it. It makes me gag. person B: That does not sound good to me_comma_ either. I cannot stand pineapple! person A: I like it by itself_comma_ but not on pizza. That's so gross! person B: I think it is too acidic for me.
person A: I enjoy my job. I get to look after many patients every day. person B: It sounds like you have a fulfilling job. That's great person A: I really do_comma_ I love caring for these people! person B: It's so refreshing to hear someone who really loves what they do.
person A: I just had to pass all of my classes to graduate. person B: congratulations! person A: Thank you! I didn't know if I was going to be able to. person B: i am really happy for you
person A: A friend just published her own book. I don't know how she does it! person B: That's awesome! What is the name of the book? person A: I honestly can't remember right now (don't tell her I said that)_comma_ but I know she worked on it for a long time. person B: That's great. I produce audio and I have an album coming out by the end of the summer! Tell her to keep it up!
person A: I am trying to prepare for my grad school interview. person B: Oh wow! That must be quite nerve-wracking_comma_ although I am sure that you will do great! What are you planning to study? person A: Thank you_comma_ I am going for Psychology (counseling.) person B: Oh wow! Do you want to work in schools?
person A: I was in one of those rent to buy furniture stores the other day and of course I got hounded by a salesman. He was pitching me some unrealistic sounding deal on a kitchen table that I totally didn't believe. It was so hard to get him to leave me alone.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5632,2,apprehensive,I was in one of those rent to buy furniture stores the other day and of course I got hounded by a salesman. He was pitching me some unrealistic sounding deal on a kitchen table that I totally didn't believe. It was so hard to get him to leave me alone. ,422,I hate it when salespeople do that. Did you buy something or leave?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5632,3,apprehensive,I was in one of those rent to buy furniture stores the other day and of course I got hounded by a salesman. He was pitching me some unrealistic sounding deal on a kitchen table that I totally didn't believe. It was so hard to get him to leave me alone. ,227,I pretended to get a phone call and then left. They wont walk up to you if your on the phone lol,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5632,4,apprehensive,I was in one of those rent to buy furniture stores the other day and of course I got hounded by a salesman. He was pitching me some unrealistic sounding deal on a kitchen table that I totally didn't believe. It was so hard to get him to leave me alone. ,422,ha That's a good strategy.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5633,1,angry,I put my yogurt in the fridge at work and someone else ate it. I was not happy about that.,422,I brought my lunch to work the other day and put it in the fridge like I always do. Guess what one of my dumb coworkers did.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5633,2,angry,I put my yogurt in the fridge at work and someone else ate it. I was not happy about that.,227,Probably ate it or threw it away!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5633,3,angry,I put my yogurt in the fridge at work and someone else ate it. I was not happy about that.,422,Someone ate part of my lunch. Can you believe that? It made me so mad!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2816_conv:5633,4,angry,I put my yogurt in the fridge at work and someone else ate it. I was not happy about that.,227,Yeah I can!! You ought to put some laxatives in it for next time and see how much they like it then!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2817_conv:5634,1,prepared,While applying to grad school I had all of my paperwork ready.,123,I finally got all my paperwork for grad school ready.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2817_conv:5634,2,prepared,While applying to grad school I had all of my paperwork ready.,135,Oh that must be relieving. College in general can be pretty stressful!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2817_conv:5634,3,prepared,While applying to grad school I had all of my paperwork ready.,123,Yes_comma_ It sure can be! I will be happy when I am done all together.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2817_conv:5634,4,prepared,While applying to grad school I had all of my paperwork ready.,135,I completely understand_comma_ I'm 6 months away from my Associate's degree! Good luck,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2817_conv:5634,5,prepared,While applying to grad school I had all of my paperwork ready.,123,Awesome! Good luck to you!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5636,1,proud,My daughter just got the lead role in her school play! I can't believe it. She makes me so happy!,277,My daughter just got the lead role in her school play! I can't believe it. She makes me so happy!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5636,2,proud,My daughter just got the lead role in her school play! I can't believe it. She makes me so happy!,227,Thats awesome! You guys will remember that forever. Make sure to catch it on video so you can show her when shes all grown up!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5636,3,proud,My daughter just got the lead role in her school play! I can't believe it. She makes me so happy!,277,We will definitely video it! She really know how to make us feel lucky to be her parents!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5636,4,proud,My daughter just got the lead role in her school play! I can't believe it. She makes me so happy!,227,Yes! Its the best feeling ever isn't it? ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5637,1,confident,My son is learning his ABC's. He can go to C now and count to 3 so I think he will do well learning the rest of it. Im proud of him. ,227,My son is learning his ABC's. He can go to C now and count to 3 so I think he will do well learning the rest of it. Im proud of him,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5637,2,confident,My son is learning his ABC's. He can go to C now and count to 3 so I think he will do well learning the rest of it. Im proud of him. ,277,That is great! There is no better feeling than the one you get when your kid makes you proud and happy!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5637,3,confident,My son is learning his ABC's. He can go to C now and count to 3 so I think he will do well learning the rest of it. Im proud of him. ,227,Yes! Hes so smart_comma_ he's 2 1/2,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2818_conv:5637,4,confident,My son is learning his ABC's. He can go to C now and count to 3 so I think he will do well learning the rest of it. Im proud of him. ,277,Wow! He is ahead of the other kids his age! No wonder why you are so proud!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:2819_conv:5638,1,angry,My sister ate my food I wanted all day,421,My sister ate my food that I wanted all day.,4|4|5_4|5|5, hit:2819_conv:5638,2,angry,My sister ate my food I wanted all day,126,What food was it,4|4|5_4|5|5, hit:2819_conv:5638,3,angry,My sister ate my food I wanted all day,421,Mexican,4|4|5_4|5|5,<UNIGRAM> hit:2819_conv:5638,4,angry,My sister ate my food I wanted all day,126,I do like that as well,4|4|5_4|5|5, hit:2819_conv:5638,5,angry,My sister ate my food I wanted all day,421,I know right. Especially fajitas ,4|4|5_4|5|5, hit:2819_conv:5639,1,lonely,I was lonely for a week with I broke up with my ex. I was not expecting that,126,I was lonely for a bit after my girlfriend and I broke up. It was not something I was expecting,4|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2819_conv:5639,2,lonely,I was lonely for a week with I broke up with my ex. I was not expecting that,421,Break ups normally have that affect ,4|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2819_conv:5639,3,lonely,I was lonely for a week with I broke up with my ex. I was not expecting that,126,Yeah I know that now for sure,4|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2819_conv:5639,4,lonely,I was lonely for a week with I broke up with my ex. I was not expecting that,421,yes. It is not easy at all. It will get better. one day at time ,4|5|5_4|4|5, hit:2820_conv:5640,1,grateful,I really appreciated my aunt paying for some of my college. It was a nice gesture,126,I was thankful when my aunt paid my college debt. It was a great gesture,4|5|4_4|4|4, hit:2820_conv:5640,2,grateful,I really appreciated my aunt paying for some of my college. It was a nice gesture,322,Wow_comma_ that is very nice of her!,4|5|4_4|4|4, hit:2820_conv:5640,3,grateful,I really appreciated my aunt paying for some of my college. It was a nice gesture,126,Yeah I was really surprised,4|5|4_4|4|4, hit:2820_conv:5640,4,grateful,I really appreciated my aunt paying for some of my college. It was a nice gesture,322,It's great that your aunt cares about you so much.,4|5|4_4|4|4, hit:2820_conv:5641,1,annoyed,I went to Walmart to buy groceries and waited in line for 20 minutes. It really bugged me.,322,I went to Walmart to buy groceries and had to wait 20 minutes in line.,4|4|4_4|5|4, hit:2820_conv:5641,2,annoyed,I went to Walmart to buy groceries and waited in line for 20 minutes. It really bugged me.,126,They are always busy,4|4|4_4|5|4, hit:2820_conv:5641,3,annoyed,I went to Walmart to buy groceries and waited in line for 20 minutes. It really bugged me.,322,It really bugged me it took so long.,4|4|4_4|5|4, hit:2820_conv:5641,4,annoyed,I went to Walmart to buy groceries and waited in line for 20 minutes. It really bugged me.,126,I do hate to wait as well,4|4|4_4|5|4, hit:2821_conv:5642,1,lonely,My dog injured herself on her tongue and had to go in for surgery and my child went to his grandparents house that day so it was weird having the house so quiet. It was almost an eerie feeling. ,227,My dog injured herself on her tongue and had to go in for surgery and my child went to his grandparents house that day so it was weird having the house so quiet. It was almost an eerie feeling.
person A: It is eerie_comma_ isn't it. You must have felt quite strange. Hope your poor doggie is ok! person B: Yes she recovered well. Yes it was strange. I was jumping at every sound because I knew I was the only living thing in the house.. or was I? person A: That must've been terrifying for you. It's amazing how we can hear every little thing around us when we're alone!
person A: I felt very good about a math test. I had studied for it all week. person B: That's great! You must feel so accomplished! What math class are you taking? person A: It was just a simple algebra test_comma_ but I wanted to do well person B: I can understand that! Math has never been my strongest subject.
person A: I was surprised when my aunt got me a computer for school. It was very nice of her person B: that is great! family is the best person A: Yeah_comma_ I was grateful for sure person B: i can imagine
person A: I knew my dad was going to take care of me when I got the flu. He just wanted me to get better person B: That was so nice of him. He sounds very caring. person A: He was a very good parent for sure person B: You are very lucky!
person A: I only have one semester left of college and the classes are going to be very difficult. person B: I am sure you will get used to them person A: Yes I will. I can't wait to see final grades. I have no doubt I will be able to keep my 4.0 gpa average. person B: That is a challenge_comma_ but thats not a bad thing
person A: My friend's dog died person B: Oh man I am so sorry. Had she had the dog for a long time? person A: She had him for over five years person B: That is so sad. My dog had congestive heart failure and died so I know how sad that can be person A: I am sorry for your loss. She is taking it hard
person A: I felt bad when I missed my friends wedding. I just did not have time to make it person B: Although you felt bad_comma_ I am sure your friend would understand. person A: He did eventually thankfully person B: That is good. Everyone gets busy sometimes.
person A: My friends want me to go scuba diving with them. person B: That does sound fun person A: I don't really want to go because I worry about sharks and other creatures. person B: I am sure there will be none of those there
person A: I felt alone when my dad passed away. I just felt I had no one to turn to person B: I am so sorry to hear that. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is always difficult but feeling alone in the grief must be so much worse. I hope that you are feeling less alone now. person A: I am_comma_ it took awhile but I got through it person B: I am sure that it did. Were you very close with your father?
person A: Im so proud of myself. I started a new job today! person B: Oh YAY congrats! You should be proud of yourself_comma_ that's a good accomplishment person A: I know. I had my last job 5 years so it was hard to make myself quit and try something new. person B: Yeah_comma_ people get comfortable even if they don't like it. It's sometimes good to try something new.
person A: 4 person B: I did not understand the number 4 person A: Sorry_comma_ I meant I was excited when I got to go visit a potential college. It was somewhere I wanted to go person B: Well ... I hope you like it and above all that you study something amazing
person A: I felt bad when I lied to my dad about where I was the night before. I was not sure he would understand person B: It's something we've all done_comma_ dont feel bad. Would he have gotten mad? person A: I am not sure_comma_ I guess I was worried he would be person B: If you dont mind me asking_comma_ where was it that you pretended to be? person A: At a friends house_comma_ I was with a girl though person B: Ya we've all been there lol. Just be careful and all that_comma_ you'll be fine.
person A: I am so piss-of at Trump right now person B: Oh wow_comma_ what aspect of his presidency is bothering you? person A: The whole collusion with Russia and the fact that he keeps underminding the FBI person B: I can understand why that upsets you. Are you a Hillary Clinton supporter?
person A: I just had a huge test in my Law class today. I won't know how I did until next week. person B: Did you study hard for it? person A: I did and I am pretty sure that I aced it! person B: That's awesome! Are you going to celebrate now or wait until the grades come in?
person A: I get a good feeling of the past when I hear a certain song. It makes me think of the past which was fun person B: Mer to person A: Its a nice feeling person B: yes_comma_ it it's.It's like a time machine.
person A: I am very sad these days.On a deep funk. person B: I am sorry_comma_ what are you sad about person A: My grandma died 5 weeks ago. I am still sad. person B: I have been there. I guess just remember the good times
person A: I knew I was going to get into a school that I wanted. I just worked hard for it to happen person B: That's awesome! Congratulations! Are you in college? person A: No it was awhile back_comma_ but its a good memory person B: That is a wonderful memory. What school did you attend?
person A: I can't wait till next week. School starts on Monday. person B: That's great! Are you in school or teaching? person A: Both actually. Im a teacher but I am taking a class on the side too. person B: That's awesome! I am currently in college myself. I actually just finished two summer courses today. Not going to lie though_comma_ I could use a bit of a break before the fall semester begins.
person A: I am waiting to hear back on how well I did on my college entrance exams. person B: Oh wow! I am sure that you did great! Did you just finish high school? person A: No but going back to school late. person B: I can relate to that. I went into the military after high school_comma_ and I am currently in college. It was a bit overwhelming getting back into the state of mind required for school_comma_ but it is all worth it! What school are you hoping to attend?
person A: I was sad when I had to give away my dog. The place I was going to did not allow animals person B: It's hard to make this decision ... I'm sorry ... What's your pet's name? person A: Omar was his name person B: Omar sure will have some new owners who will love it
person A: I miss my grand parents so much. person B: Why don't you see them anymore? person A: Yes.They are both deceased.We used to go to their ranch every other weekend when I was a kid. person B: Aww_comma_ the best thing you can do is keep them alive through your memories.
person A: I am so happy these days. person B: Why are you happy person A: I just got the promotion of my life at work. person B: Oh wow_comma_ are you excited
person A: I could not wait for the first day of college. I was just ready for it person B: I remember that feeling myself back on my first day of college person A: Yeah_comma_ Its a nice feeling to have person B: The first years is the best
person A: So i finally fully own my car now! person B: Congratulations! That is exciting person A: so many years of budgeting i even had to sell one of my computers once. person B: but it's over now :) what kind of car? person A: Honda Pilot 2014 still runs like a dream luckily. person B: that's a good car
person A: I hugged a random woman at the store today... person B: I bet that was pretty awkward. person A: very. I guess she is a twin I never knew person B: Did the woman say anything to you? person A: she laughed and said wrong person
person A: I feel kinda bad. I took something that didn't belong to me person B: Oh no what did you take? person A: I took 20 bucks out of my boyfriends wallet. LOL. person B: Did you tell him about it at least?
person A: I got a wonderful surprise the other day. person B: I love surprises. What was it? person A: My husband picked out a few different shirts and told me to pick one of them and be ready by noon. He took me on the most wonderful date. person B: Nice! Where did he take you? person A: He took me to a very nice steakhouse.
person A: In order try to get a friend to break up with her jerk boyfriend_comma_ I sent him fake texts that looked like they were from another woman. person B: Oh wow! Did it work? person A: No_comma_ and it made her feel horrible because she thought that she wasn't enough for him. In the end_comma_ it wasn't worth it. person B: I bet you felt really bad. Did you end up telling her the truth? person A: No_comma_ I just stopped and let the whole thing fade away.
person A: My grandma was very sick and unable to get around very easily. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anyone who's there to help her? person A: No_comma_ so I decided to go stay with her so that I could take care of her until she was better. person B: That was nice of you. My parents did the same with my grandparents. She's very fortunate to have you.
person A: I was upset when I picked up my drunk friend. He was just being a pain person B: I am sorry to hear; drunk people can make a situation quite difficult to deal with. Have you been friends for long? person A: We have_comma_ I got over it_comma_ but at the time it was painful person B: I can understand that. You sound like a good friend.
person A: So i found out my dad was cheating on my mom for 3 years. person B: Oh no_comma_ I am so sorry to hear that. Does your mom know? person A: Yeah she is the one that told me. Apparently she managed to make him break it off finally. person B: I am so sorry that your family is going through this horrible time. Is your dad unwilling to end the affair?
person A: I was nervous when I had to go to jury duty. I just did not want to go person B: I can understand your apprehension. Have you ever served on jury duty before? person A: No_comma_ I had no idea what to expect person B: I have never served on jury duty either. The closest thing that I have experienced was serving as a guard during a military court martial.
person A: My daughter is the best.I am so proud of her. person B: What did she accomplish? person A: She just got accepted in Harvard. person B: WOW... that is a biggie!
person A: You know... I have never cheated on my husband_comma_ or anyone else for that matter. person B: Good for you.You are a person with morals. person A: Thank you. Can't say it never crossed my mind but I behave! person B: We all have thinking that sometimes_comma_ but acting is the wrong thing to do.
person A: It's tough seeing my dog get old and have trouble walking now. person B: Oh mine too_comma_ he is 12 and lost eye sight person A: It's unfortunate_comma_ mine just turned 15. person B: Wow_comma_ 15 cant do nothing but love them
person A: One time I got picked over for a job_comma_ it was a real bummer. person B: were you qualified ? person A: Yeah_comma_ in fact I felt a bit overqualified for the job. And the person who it was eventually given to did not have the same or even equal quality qualifications. person B: its all apart of life sometimes person A: Too true. Have you ever been in a similar situation?
person A: my sister won a small loterry and she gifted me 500 bucks person B: That was really lucky! And also very nice of your sister. What'd you do with the case? person A: i just used it to trim some trees in my backyard that was long overdue person B: That's really great. Are the trees really tall where you live?
person A: So i was told yesterday while i've been away my pet turtle had died. :( person B: That's terrible! Did he at least live a good life? person A: He did live for 12 years but apparently i wasn't told til now and he died 2 weeks ago. person B: Oh man! Be sure to give em a proper sendoff.
person A: I always feel so bad when I see my other friends with new clothes. I wish I could have clothes that weren't purchased at a thrift store... person B: I don't think having designer brand is all that great. person A: It's not. I'm just tired of feeling like everyone looks so much cooler than me. person B: Why does being cool matter though? Wouldn't you rather just be yourself?
person A: So when i went to New York for business i had this kid behind me on the plane. person B: Oh yeah.. what happened? person A: Kid half way through the flight started to kick on my seat. person B: That is the worst.. I've had that happen to me before!
person A: My friend just got a brand new house.. and I feel like a loser because I am still in an apartment. person B: It is nice to have your own place. Think about just being able to do whatever you want. You can just punch your walls if you want. person A: I can't though I live in a 1 bedroom apartment. Cries... person B: It's ok just think about it this way. You don't have to pay property taxes or even be worried about your lawn.
person A: I had real fear when a tornado was close to where I was living. I thought I could due person B: do you live in the midwest person A: I live in the southeast. person B: do you have an emergency shelter in your basement ?
person A: my neighbor has this big old dog that keeps pooping huge poops on my driveway person B: I hate that_comma_ did you ask them to stop person A: the owners don't care_comma_ they said yes they will keep the dog inside but never do person B: That isnt good_comma_ sorry
person A: My daughter is going to be a senior in high school this year. I am so excited for her. person B: That's fantastic! Senior year can be such a fun experience! I hope that she enjoys it. Is she going to take a senior trip? person A: I don't know if her class will take one. We are going on a cruise for the first time during Spring Break with my whole family. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her. person B: That sounds exciting! I went on my first cruise in March; we had a blast!
person A: So man i had my friend john come back to town. He's looking for a house and last i check he didn't have a job. but apparently he got a job and runs a business now. person B: Oh wow_comma_ he must be proud of himself! person A: I am really surprised but overall impressed really. person B: That is some feat_comma_ I wish I could do that!
person A: So i am really mad right now. Brother took my car without asking and i have to go to work. person B: That would really upset me! How are you going to get to work? person A: I dunno all my friends are busy and no one is even answering the phone at work. person B: Can you take an uber? person A: Uber doesn't work around my area sadly.
person A: I was nervous last night during a storm. I hate when it rains hard person B: It can be scary_comma_ my sister's in-laws' house got struck by lightning recently. person A: Oh wow_comma_ was everyone okay person B: I think so_comma_ not sure how the house is.
person A: I had to get my foot checked out at the doctor recently_comma_ always makes me nervous. person B: I am sure you will be okay person A: Fortunately I was_comma_ they thought it was infected_comma_ but it wasn't. person B: I am glad it wasnt